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1For your safety1 For your safetyThe SB735, condensing gas boiler, has been developedand built employing the latest technologies and safetyregulations.Ease of operation was given particularly high priority.Please observe the safety and operator’s instructions toensure optimum safe, economical and environmentallyfriendlyutilisation of your system.1.1 Correct useThe SB735 condensing gas-fired boiler was designedfor heating domestic hot water and, for example, thecentral heating of multi-occupancy buildings, as well aspublic and commercial buildings.1.3 Please observe these safetyinstructionsIncorrect operation of SB 735 boilers may lead tomaterial losses.• Only operate the boiler as intended and when it is inperfect condition.• Let a heating contractor install and maintain yourheating system.• Let your local heating contractor train you properly inthe use of this system.• Please read these operating instructions carefully.DANGER TO LIFE1.2 Notes structureTwo levels of danger are identified and signified bysymbols:WARNING!CAUTION!DANGER TO LIFEIdentifies possible dangers emanatingfrom a product, which might lead to seriousinjury or death, if appropriate care is nottaken.DANGER OF INJURY/SYSTEM DAMAGEPoints to a potentially dangeroussituation, which might lead to medium orslight injuries or to material losses.USER NOTEUser tips for the optimum utilisation andsetting of the equipment plus usefulinformation.WARNING!through the explosion of volatile gases.There is a risk of explosion if you can smellgas.• Keep open flames away. Do notsmoke. Do not use lighters.• Avoid sparks!Do not operate electrical switches, incl.telephone, plugs or door-bells.• Close the main gas shut-off valve.• Open windows and doors.• Warn all occupants, but do not usedoorbells.• Leave the building.• Call your gas supplier and your localheating engineer from outside thebuilding.• If necessary, notify police or fireservices.• Immediately leave the danger zone ifyou hear gas streaming out.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.de4Operating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/2003
For your safety 11.3.1 Location 1.3.2 Working on the heating systemDanger to lifeDanger to lifethrough poisoning.through the explosion of volatile gases.WARNING!Insufficient ventilation can lead todangerous flue gas leaks.• Ensure that the ventilation and exhaustair openings are neither restricted norclosed.• The boiler must not be operated, unlessyou immediately remedy the fault.WARNING!• Ensure that the installation, the gas andflue gas connections, the initial startup,the power connection, maintenanceand repair work are only carried out bycompetent specialists.• Ensure that work on parts of the gasinstallation are only carried out by alicensed specialist.WARNING!CAUTION!Risk of firethrough flammable material or liquids.• Never store flammable materials orliquids in the immediate vicinity of theheat generator.Boiler damagethrough contaminated combustion air.• Never use chlorinated cleaning agentsor halogenated hydrocarbons (as, forexample, contained in spray cans,solvents or cleaning agents, paints andadhesives).CAUTION!System damagethrough inadequate cleaning andmaintenance.• Have your system inspected, cleanedand maintained annually by a specialistcontractor.• We recommend you enter into acontract covering an annual inspectionand maintenance on a "as-requiredbasis".• Avoid frequent very dustyatmospheres.• Never hang laundry to dry in the boilerroom.System damagethrough frost.CAUTION!• Ensure that the boiler room is alwaysfree from frost.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.deOperating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/20035
- Page 2 and 3: PreambleTo these instructionsThis d
- Page 6 and 7: 2Product description2 Product descr
- Page 8 and 9: 3Using correct fill and make-up wat
- Page 10 and 11: 5System shutdown5 System shutdownTh
- Page 12 and 13: 7System maintenance7 System mainten
- Page 14 and 15: 7System maintenanceSystems are gene
- Page 16: Heating Contractor:PRODUCTS MANUFAC
For your safety 11.3.1 Location 1.3.2 Working on the heating systemDanger to lifeDanger to lifethrough poisoning.through the explosion of volatile gases.WARNING!Insufficient ventilation can lead todangerous flue gas leaks.• Ensure that the ventilation and exhaustair openings are neither restricted norclosed.• The boiler must not be operated, unlessyou immediately remedy the fault.WARNING!• Ensure that the installation, the gas andflue gas connections, the initial startup,the power connection, maintenanceand repair work are only carried out bycompetent specialists.• Ensure that work on parts of the gasinstallation are only carried out by alicensed specialist.WARNING!CAUTION!Risk of firethrough flammable material or liquids.• Never store flammable materials orliquids in the immediate vicinity of theheat generator.Boiler damagethrough contaminated combustion air.• Never use chlorinated cleaning agentsor halogenated hydrocarbons (as, forexample, contained in spray cans,solvents or cleaning agents, paints andadhesives).CAUTION!System damagethrough inadequate cleaning andmaintenance.• Have your system inspected, cleanedand maintained annually by a specialistcontractor.• We recommend you enter into acontract covering an annual inspectionand maintenance on a "as-requiredbasis".• Avoid frequent very dustyatmospheres.• Never hang laundry to dry in the boilerroom.System damagethrough frost.CAUTION!• Ensure that the boiler room is alwaysfree from frost.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. <strong>Buderus</strong> Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.deOperating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/20035