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class 1 set for enthralling season - Class-1.com

class 1 set for enthralling season - Class-1.com


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NEW TEAMS, NEW PILOTS AND DRIVER LINE-UPS AND FOUR NEW VENUES IN 2007CLASS 1 REVS UP FOR 2007page 2NEWS... YOUNG GUNS GO FOR ITpage 4ATHENS, A CLASSICAL CITY TALEpage 6TEAM INFORMATIONpage 8PARTNERS ADD PRECISION, PACE,STYLE AND STABILITYpage 11EVENT DETAILSpage 12CLASS 1 SETFOR ENTHRALLING SEASONAthens’ beautiful south coast suburb of Palaio Faliroplays host to the opening round of the WPPA<strong>Class</strong> 1 World Powerboat Championship, signallingthe start of what promises to be an <strong>enthralling</strong> <strong>season</strong>of top-flight competition and entertainment.New teams, new pilots and driver line-ups and fournew venues in 2007 emphasise the growing interestin the world’s leading powerboat championship, andwith new technical rulings and a revised <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong>the EDOX Pole Position, the competition will be closerthan ever – and picking a winner almost impossible.Eleven boats will line up in the Bay of Palaio Faliroon Sunday, 10 June <strong>for</strong> the 21-lap, 96.63NmGreek Grand Prix, an event described by Mr DionisisXatzidakis, the Mayor of Palaio Faliro as “aunique and spectacular show and the most importantmarine sport’s event ever to have takenplace in the city”.page 1

June 2007 n. 1CLASS 1 REVS UPIf the last two <strong>season</strong>s have seen nerve-tingling,edge-of-the-seat climaxes to the <strong>Class</strong> 1 WorldPowerboat Championship – in 2007, <strong>Class</strong> 1 looks<strong>set</strong> <strong>for</strong> one of its strongest <strong>season</strong>s to date; acompetitive fleet with new teams, pilots and lineups,three new venues: Athens (Greece), Constanta(Romania) and El Alamein (Egypt), plus the return ofOslo (Norway) along with Arendal (Norway), Doha(Qatar) and Dubai (UAE) making up an impressivecalendar, and a raft of new marketing initiativesadding to the mix <strong>for</strong> what promises to be a year toenthral and captivate.Eleven boats line up <strong>for</strong> the <strong>season</strong>-opener in PalaioFaliro-Athens, Greece on Sunday, 10 June; five areproven race-winners, seven have won a pole positionand eight have also grabbed podium finishes.And with new technical rulings and a new <strong>for</strong>mat tothe EDOX Pole Position, all of which are designed tomake the racing and competition closer, the outcomeof the Greek Grand Prix, let alone the 2007 titlerace, is impossible to predict.If a favourite or winner is hard to pick, the teamto beat is not. Spirit of Norway has over the lastfive <strong>season</strong>s made the title their own, but know thatthey will face a fierce onslaught from their rivals, allof whom are desperate to end their reign. Gjelstenand Curtis, who, with 30 wins together from 74starts, seem happy with their <strong>set</strong>-up, hint at havingmade one or two ‘adjustments’ but stay with theirtrusty V12 engine package, and both will look at thelist of new pairings with great interest.Victory 77, who has pushed Spirit to the brink <strong>for</strong>the last two years, start with newcomer Arif Saif AlZafeen taking over the wheel from Mohammed Alpage 2

June 2007 n. 1Marri to team up with Jean-Marc Sanchez. Qatar 95,who grabbed their first win and finished third in thetitle race last <strong>season</strong> have also made a switch, withLuca Nicolini taking over as throttleman to join Al-Sulaiti.And whilst Spirit’s arch-rivals Qatar 96 maintaintheir line-up of Sheikh Hassan Al-Thani alongside MatteoNicolini, they have switched from the V8 back tothe SKEMA V12.Jotun, who also grabbed their first win in 2006 andenjoyed their best <strong>season</strong> to date finishing fourth,maintain the all-Norwegian pairing of Tandberg andZaborowski, but switch back to the MTI and stay withthe Mercury <strong>Class</strong> 1 V8, and are tipped by several leadingteams as the ones to watch out <strong>for</strong>. Chris Parsonagetakes on his fourth partner in as many <strong>season</strong>s,with the 2005 <strong>Class</strong> 1 World Champion, Bard Eker,stepping into the drivers’ seat in Negotiator with Parsonageopting to run Sterling V8s.Montavoci and Cirilli, another outfit to go well last<strong>season</strong> taking their first Pole Position win and two podiums,remain unchanged in Foresti&Suardi, as doesVictory 7, with Nadir Bin Hendi and Ahmed Al-Suwaidilining up <strong>for</strong> their second <strong>season</strong> together; Nicola Giorgistill to name his driver in SeveneleveN, but confirmshe will start the <strong>season</strong> in the Cougar.FOR 2007… 20Two new teams entered this year sees an all-Italianline-up with Maurizio Ceschin returning to racing alongside<strong>Class</strong> 1 debutant, Enrico Ceriale in Overwaveand 19 year-old Tom Barry-Cotter becoming the youngestcompetitor in <strong>Class</strong> 1 <strong>for</strong> over a decade, teamingup with Norwegian Pal Virik Nilsen in Spirit of Norwayto <strong>for</strong>m this <strong>season</strong>’s youngest partnership.WELCOME NOTEOn behalf of IOTA, the teams and competitors I would like to welcome you all to Palaio Faliro-Athens <strong>for</strong>the Greek Grand Prix, the opening round of the 2007 WPPA <strong>Class</strong> 1 World Powerboat Championship and toextend sincere thanks to the City of Athens, the Mayor of Palaio Faliro, Mr Dionisis Xatzidakis, the nationaland local authorities and the organisers <strong>for</strong> their tireless ef<strong>for</strong>ts in preparing <strong>for</strong> the event. It is also a greatprivilege <strong>for</strong> all involved with <strong>Class</strong> 1 to be racing in Greece <strong>for</strong> the first time.Sheikh Hassan bin Jabor Al-ThaniChairmanInternational Offshore Team Associationpage 3

June 2007 n. 101YOUNG GUNS GO FOR IT…Nineteen year-old Tom Barry-Cotter will become the youngest competitor to step into a <strong>Class</strong> 1 cockpit <strong>for</strong> over a decadewhen he makes his international driving debut alongside Norwegian Pal Virik Nilsen in the Greek Grand Prix in Palaio Faliro-Athens.The young Australian, son of <strong>for</strong>mer <strong>Class</strong> 1 racer and Grand Prix winner, Bill Barry-Cotter, made his <strong>Class</strong> 1 racing debut inthe Australian Powerboat series in 2006 alongside his father, winning two races and grabbing two podiums to finish secondoverall in the championship and this <strong>season</strong> notched up his third race win. “I have been given an exceptional opportunity toenable me to make my debut in <strong>Class</strong> 1 internationally as part of the Spirit of Norway team and I am extremely grateful to manypeople, in particular Bjorn Gjelsten,” said Tom.The new outfit, which will run under the Spirit of Norway flag but be run as a separately managed team, is the initiative of Bjorn RuneGjelsten in partnership with Barry-Cotter. “We have two young and talented racers, but do not expect overnight success from them. Theyhave to learn to race and work with each other, but we do expect them to be competitive.”The youngest pairing in <strong>Class</strong> 1 will run as Spirit of Norway 20, in a Michael Peters-designed Tencara hull, the <strong>for</strong>mer championshipwinningboat of Gjelsten and Curtis, with Mercury <strong>Class</strong> 1, 9.1litre V8s. “This <strong>season</strong> will be very interesting <strong>for</strong> me and my new teamand I am very happy to join the very professional Spirit of Norway Team and also excited to take the throttleman job,” said Pal VirikNilsen.02 03RETURN OF A CHARISMATIC CHAMPION…Norwegian, Bard Eker, the 2005 <strong>Class</strong> 1 World Championand one of the sport’s most charismatic individuals,returns to racing after a year’s absence topartner Chris Parsonage in Negotiator. Eker madehis <strong>Class</strong> 1 debut in 2004 in Hydroliftt, making hismark after spectacularly parking the boat on thebreakwater of Palm Island in Dubai during practice.In 2005, Eker switched camps to team up with Steve Curtisin Spirit of Norway, winning their first race together inPlymouth and grabbing three further wins to snatch thetitle from Victory 77 by the narrowest of margins, as wellas taking the Pole Position Championship.BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING – AND RACINGLuca Nicolini will be keeping a close eye on his younger brother, Matteo, in Qatar 96 - and his hands firmly onthe throttles as he steps in to partner Abdullah Al-Sulaiti in Qatar 95.04EDOX POLE POSITIONPole Position has a new look <strong>for</strong> 2007 as well as a new sponsor, the established Swiss watch manufacturer,EDOX. Split into two sessions – getting it right in the first session will be crucial. All boats will start the first 40minute session and have three laps to <strong>set</strong> their best time – with the five fastest going through to the secondsession. Those that didn’t make it will line up in positions 6 to 11. The top five will then have 25 minutes andtwo laps to determine who lines up in pole position and from 1 to 5.05 VICTORY NEWCOMER…05Arif Saif Al Zafeen is the newest addition to the Dubai-basedVictory Team, stepping into the driver’sseat of <strong>for</strong>mer <strong>Class</strong> 1 World and Middle East Champion,Mohammed Al Marri, to partner the experiencedJean-Marc Sanchez.Having made his competitive debut almost 15 yearsago in wooden powerboats, Arif comes to Victory withan impressive track record, competing in the UAEFormula 2000 Circuit Racing Championship, winningthe title in 97/98 and 98/99; in recent <strong>season</strong>s hehas competed in the President’s Cup Formula 2000Championship.02Sanchez, who has narrowly missed out on the title<strong>for</strong> the last two <strong>season</strong>s, is confident that the partnershipwill flourish. “We have put in a lot of testingtogether and it has gone very well,” he said. “Buttesting and racing are very different and we will needthat first race to really get to understand each other-- but from that point onwards, I am confident wewill go well.”page 4

June 2007 n. 10409060708JOTUN SWITCH06Following their most successful <strong>season</strong> to datein 2006, taking their first win at home in Arendal,Norwegians Jorn Tandberg and Christian Zaborowskihave switched hulls, opting to run the MTIrather than the Tencara.06 THE TEAM TO BEAT…07 NEW ALL-ITALIAN TEAM09Spirit of Norway is looking to extend their title winrun and take their sixth world crown in as manyyears and seventh overall. And <strong>for</strong> the teams hopingto end the run, the news is not good. Gjelstenand Curtis are in confident mood and in a boatGjelsten describes as the best yet, with the coolNorwegian looking to improve further. “Racing isboth mentally and physically tough, but my motivationis good and this year I feel more confident.Last year my per<strong>for</strong>mance was acceptable, not brilliant,and I made a few mistakes. I am looking to getback to and try to better my <strong>for</strong>m of 2003/4.”Maurizio Ceschin returns to <strong>Class</strong> 1 action after athree year absence with an all-Italian line-up andnew driver, Enrico Ceriale making his <strong>Class</strong> 1 debut.The duo will run a CUV/Overwave hull powered bytwin Lamborghini/Overwave, 8.2litre V12s.Ceschin made his powerboat debut in 1990 and hascompeted in a variety of <strong>class</strong>es, including Formula2 and Endurance, making his <strong>Class</strong> 1 debut in 1998with Giorgioffshore. Newcomer Ceriale moves up to<strong>Class</strong> 1 from spells in Aquabike, F1 and Endurance,and is a <strong>for</strong>mer rally driver.QATAR HEDGE THEIR BETSCAN THEY DELIVER?2007 will be the <strong>season</strong> that Sheikh Hassan’s QatarTeam will look to deliver the promise they haveshown over the last two <strong>season</strong>s in their quest tolift the world title. They have shown they havethe pace, but reliability has proved their Achilles’heel as they opted to develop the V8. To counterthis, the team lines up in Athens with split enginepreferences, with Al-Thani and Nicolini inQatar 96 reverting to run the Skema V12 andQatar 95 staying with the Mercury <strong>Class</strong> 1 V8.page 5

June 2007 n. 1ATA CLASSICAL CITYFor the first time in its short history, the <strong>Class</strong> 1 WorldPowerboat Championship visits Athens, a city richin heritage and one of the oldest in the world, witha recorded history of at least 3,000 years and widelyreferred to as the cradle of Western Civilisation and the birthplaceof democracy.Named after the goddess Athena, Athens is the capital ofGreece and offers visitors a magical mix of ancient and modern,and today is a bustling and cosmopolitan metropolis andthe centre of economic, business, political and cultural life inGreece as well as being one of the most visited capital citiesin Europe.Ancient Athens was a powerful city-state, a centre of the artsand learning and its <strong>class</strong>ical heritage is still evident in the citytoday, represented by a number of ancient monuments, thepage 6

June 2007 n. 1Hosting such an important event as a <strong>Class</strong> 1World Powerboat Championship Grand Prix is areal challenge <strong>for</strong> me and my associates.We are extremely satisfi ed and glad that you trustour city and we promise an event equal to themagnitude of the sport.We hope it will be a weekend to remember andone that will give great satisfaction, even to themost demanding who enjoy fun and powerboatracing.We are looking <strong>for</strong>ward to welcoming you in ourcity,Dionisis XatzidakisThe Mayor of Palaio FaliroHENSTALE OF THE ANCIENT AND THE MODERNmost famous of all being the Parthenon, standing tall and proud on the Acropolis,an epic landmark of western civilisation and the Panathinaiko (Kallimarmaron)Stadium, home of the fi rst recorded Olympic Games, which was renovatedin 1894 to host the modern Games of the 1st Olympiad held in 1896.Today Athens has a new and vibrant look and feel, inspired by the 2004 OlympicGames, with improved infrastructure and social amenities, but still successfullySPONSORmanages to combine the modern look with the traditional, creating afascinating mix that thrills every visitor.And <strong>for</strong> pure relaxation, it is Athens’ beautiful south coast suburb ofPalaio Faliro that provides the solution, an area famous <strong>for</strong> its sun-kissedbeaches, cafes and bars and exclusive multi-million marina developmentsthat are home to the world’s largest gathering of mega-yachts.page 7

June 2007 n. 1Is <strong>set</strong> to be the most competitive <strong>for</strong> many a <strong>season</strong>, withteams and competitors from Australia, England, France,Italy, Norway, Qatar, Spain and the UAE in eleven boatscompeting in eight races across Scandinavia, southernEurope and the Middle East - and the prospect of aspectacular <strong>season</strong>’s racing is fuelled by new teams, aclutch of talented new driver’s making their <strong>Class</strong> 1 debutsand new driver line-ups.7 VictoryTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Managing Director:Team Manager:VICTORY TEAM (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)7 VictoryAhmed Al Suwaidi (D) UAE / Nadir Bin Hendi (T) UAEGovernment of DubaiKhalfan HaribGianfranco VenturelliTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 12.67mBeam: 3.75mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines:Builder:Boat Construction:Victory V12VictoryComposites8 Foresti & SuardiTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Team Manager:VENETA MARINA – DUEMME BROKER (Italy)8 Foresti & SuardiDomenico Cirilli (D) Spain / Giampaolo Montavoci (T) ItalyGiampaolo Montavoci – Domenico CirilliGiampaolo MontavociTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 13.02mBeam: 3.60mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines: Lamborghini-SCAM 8.2litre, V12Builder:VictoryBoat Construction: Carbon Kevlar Composites10 Spirit of NorwayTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Team Manager:SPIRIT OF NORWAY RACING (Norway)10 Spirit of NorwayBjorn Rune Gjelsten (D) Norway / Steve Curtis MBE (T) EnglandBjorn Rune GjelstenGro Helgesen/Rolf ArnestadTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 12.64mBeam: 3.74mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines: Lamborghini-SKEMA 8.2litre, V12Builder:VictoryBoat Construction: Compositespage 8

June 2007 n. 111 OverwaveTeam:Boat:Pilots:OVERWAVE RACING (Italy)11 OverwaveEnrico Ceriale (D) Italy / Maurizio Ceschin (T) ItalyTeam Owner/ Manager: Maurzio Ceschin (Italy)Technical specifications:Overall Length: 13mBeam: 3.5mRacing Weight: 5000kgsEngines: Lamborghini-OVERWAVE 8.2 litre, V12Builder:CUV-OVERWAVEBoat Construction: Aluminium18 SeveneleveNTeam:Boat:Pilots:GIORGIOFFSHORE (Italy)18 SeveneleveNTomaso Polli (D) Italy / Nicola Giorgi (T) ItalyTeam Owner/ Manager: Gianni GiorgiTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 14.30mBeam: 3.65mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines: Lamborghini-SKEMA 8.2litre, V12Builder:CougarBoat Construction: Composites20 Spirit of NorwayTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Team Manager:SPIRIT OF NORWAY RACING (Norway)20 Spirit of NorwayTom Barry-Cotter (D) Australia / Pal Virik Nilsen (T) NorwayBjorn Rune Gjelsten - Bill Barry-CotterAnn-Marie CookTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 13.35mBeam: 3.57mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines: Mercury <strong>Class</strong> 1, 9.1litre V8Builder:TencaraBoat Construction: Composites50 NegotiatorTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Team Manager:CHRIS PARSONAGE RACING (England)50 NegotiatorBard Eker (D) Norway / Chris Parsonage (T) EnglandChris ParsonageBen ShearnTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 13.44mBeam: 3.69mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines: Sterling V8 SuperchargedBuilder:VictoryBoat Construction: Carbon Fibre Compositespage 9

June 2007 n. 177 VictoryTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Managing Director:Team Manager:VICTORY TEAM (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)77 VictoryArif Saif Al Zafeen (D) UAE / Jean-Marc Sanchez (T) FranceGovernment of DubaiKhalfan HaribGianfranco VenturelliTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 12.67mBeam: 3.75mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines:Builder:Boat Construction:Victory V12VictoryComposites90 JotunTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Team Manager:UGLAND OFFSHORE RACING (Norway)90 JotunChristian Zaborowski (D) Norway / Jorn Tandberg (T) NorwayAndreas Ove Ugland, Jorn Tandberg, Per Carsten MichelsenPer Carsten MichelsenTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 12.25mBeam: 3.47mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines: Mercury <strong>Class</strong> 1, 9.1litre V8Builder:Marine Technology IncBoat Construction: Composites95 QatarTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Managing Director:Team Manager:QATAR TEAM (Qatar)95 QatarAbdulla Al-Sulaiti (D) Qatar / Luca Nicolini (T) ItalyQatar Marine Sports Federation (QMSF)HE Sheikh Hassan bin Jabor Al-ThaniMatteo NicoliniTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 12.67mBeam: 3.75mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines: Mercury <strong>Class</strong> 1, 9.1litre V8Builder:VictoryBoat Construction: Composites96 QatarTeam:Boat:Pilots:Team Owner:Managing Director:Team Manager:QATAR TEAM (Qatar)96 QatarHE Sheikh Hassan bin Jabor Al Thani (D) Qatar / Matteo Nicolini (T) ItalyQatar Marine Sports Federation (QMSF)HE Sheikh Hassan bin Jabor Al-ThaniMatteo NicoliniTechnical specifications:Overall Length: 12.67mBeam: 3.75mRacing Weight: 4800kgsEngines:Builder:Boat Construction:Skema V12VictoryCompositespage 10

June 2007 n. 1GREEK GRAND PRIX, PALAIO FALIROATHENS 8-10 JUNE 2007Round 1 of the WPPA CLASS 1 WORLD POWERBOAT CHAMPIONSHIPRound 1 of the WPPA CLASS 1 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPTIMETABLEFriday, 8 June10.00 - 15.00 Fuel available10.00 - 12.00 Administration/Registration (admin office)10.00 - 15.00 Technical Scrutineering12.00 Team Managers’ Briefing (admin office)12.00 - 19.00 Cranage available15.30 - 17.30 Official Practice (on racecourse)19.00 Boat Parade20.00 Drivers’ Briefing – Floisvos Marina21.00 Official Welcome Reception – Flisvos MarinaSaturday, 9 June10.00 - 19.00 Cranage available10.00 - 21.00 Fuel available12.00 - 13.30 Official Practice (on racecourse incl. long lap)16.00 – 17.30 EDOX POLE POSITION21.00 Gala DinnerSunday, 10 June10.00 - 18.00 Cranage available12.00 - 13.00 Official Practice (on racecourse incl. long lap)16.00 All boats must be launched in wet pits16:50 Pits Close17.00 GREEK GRAND PRIX(followed by podium presentation)RACE MAPGREECE / Athens8-10 JuneNORWAY / Arendal20-22 JulyNORWAY / Oslo10-12 AugustROMANIA / Constanta31 August-2 SeptemberEYGPT / El Alamein18-20 OctoberQATAR / Doha8-10 NovemberU.A.E. / Dubai29 November-1 DecemberU.A.E. / Dubai6-8 DecemberNEXT RACEARENDAL, NORWAY 20-22 JULYTIMINGFOR INFORMATION CONTACT:Nigel Quilter tel:+44(0)1252 713223 / mob:+44(0)7785 325346q@<strong>class</strong>-<strong>1.com</strong> / q@q4media.com / www.<strong>class</strong>-<strong>1.com</strong>page 12

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