Chapter 2: Ratio, Rate, and Percent - Nelson Education

Chapter 2: Ratio, Rate, and Percent - Nelson Education

Chapter 2: Ratio, Rate, and Percent - Nelson Education


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<strong>Chapter</strong> 2 Planning Chart: <strong>Ratio</strong>, <strong>Rate</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Percent</strong>Cross-Curricular Competency: Cooperates with others. The <strong>Chapter</strong> Task requires students to work together to collect information.Broad Area of Learning: Personal <strong>and</strong> Career Planning. Lesson 4 <strong>and</strong> the Math in Action feature provide contexts for discussing possible careers <strong>and</strong> how mathematics is involvedin those careers.Content QEP Concepts QEP Processes Addressing Concepts <strong>and</strong> ProcessesGetting Started: MakingNumber Comparisons,pp. 38–39Assessment OpportunityLesson 1: Exploring <strong>Ratio</strong>Relationships, pp. 40–41Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, propertiesArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> ratesGeometry: Geometric Figures <strong>and</strong> SpatialSense• Congruent <strong>and</strong> similar figuresArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graphLesson 2: Solving <strong>Ratio</strong>Problems, pp. 42–45Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> proportionality coefficientArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Recognizing <strong>and</strong> using equivalent waysof writing numbers:• Equivalent fractions• Simplification <strong>and</strong> reductionArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Solving a proportional situationIn the lesson, the term “scale factor” is used for whatthe QEP refers to as “the factor of change”.Lesson A: Recognizing aProportional SituationArithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> rate• <strong>Ratio</strong>s <strong>and</strong> equivalent rates• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> ratesArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graph• Solving a proportional situationNew LessonStudent ResourceTeacher Resource4 <strong>Nelson</strong> Mathematics Secondary Year One, Cycle One Copyright © 2009 by <strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Ltd.

Content QEP Concepts QEP Processes Addressing Concepts <strong>and</strong> ProcessesLesson 3: Solving <strong>Rate</strong>Problems, pp. 46–49Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> rate• <strong>Ratio</strong>s <strong>and</strong> equivalent rates• Unit rate• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> ratesArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Recognizing <strong>and</strong> using equivalent waysof writing numbers:• Equivalent fractions• Simplification <strong>and</strong> reduction• Switching from one way of writingnumbers to another or from one type ofrepresentation to anotherArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graph• Solving a proportional situationLesson 4: Communicatingabout <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Rate</strong>Problems, pp. 50–52Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> rate• <strong>Ratio</strong>s <strong>and</strong> equivalent rates• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> ratesArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Recognizing <strong>and</strong> using equivalent waysof writing numbers:• Equivalent fractions• Simplification <strong>and</strong> reductionArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graph• Solving a proportional situationCurious Math: Food<strong>Ratio</strong>s, p. 53Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> rate• <strong>Ratio</strong>s <strong>and</strong> equivalent rates• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> ratesArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Recognizing <strong>and</strong> using equivalent waysof writing numbers:• Equivalent fractions• Simplification <strong>and</strong> reductionArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graph• Solving a proportional situationOptionalMid-<strong>Chapter</strong> Review:pp. 54–55Assessment OpportunityLesson 5: <strong>Ratio</strong>s as<strong>Percent</strong>s, pp. 56–59Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> rate• <strong>Ratio</strong>s <strong>and</strong> equivalent rates• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> proportionality coefficientArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Recognizing <strong>and</strong> using equivalent waysof writing numbers:• Equivalent fractions• Simplification <strong>and</strong> reduction• Switching from one way of writingnumbers to another or from one type ofrepresentation to anotherArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graph• Solving a proportional situationCopyright © 2009 by <strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Ltd.Teacher’s Resource Supplement Planning Charts5

Content QEP Concepts QEP Processes Addressing Concepts <strong>and</strong> ProcessesMental Math: Multiplyingby Tenths <strong>and</strong> Hundredth,p. 59Lesson 6: Solving <strong>Percent</strong>Problems, pp. 60–63Lesson 7: DecimalMultiplication, pp. 64–67Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• <strong>Ratio</strong> <strong>and</strong> rate• <strong>Ratio</strong>s <strong>and</strong> equivalent rates• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> ratesArithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Operations InvolvingNumbers Written in Decimal <strong>and</strong>Fractional Notation• Mental computation: the fouroperations, especially with numberswritten in decimal notation, usingequivalent ways of writing numbers<strong>and</strong> the properties of operationsArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Recognizing <strong>and</strong> using equivalent waysof writing numbers:• Equivalent fractions• Simplification <strong>and</strong> reduction• Switching from one way of writingnumbers to another or from one type ofrepresentation to anotherArithmetic: Operations InvolvingNumbers Written in Decimal <strong>and</strong>Fractional Notation• Written computation: the fouroperations involving numbers that areeasy to work with (including largenumbers) <strong>and</strong> sequences of simpleoperations performed in the properorder (numbers written in decimalnotation), using equivalent ways ofwriting numbers <strong>and</strong> the properties ofoperations• Use of a calculator: operations <strong>and</strong>sequences of operations performed inthe proper orderArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graph• Solving a proportional situationArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Using a variety of representations(e.g. numerical, graphic)• Switching from one way of writingnumbers to another or from one typeof representation to anotherArithmetic: Operations InvolvingNumbers Written in Decimal <strong>and</strong>Fractional Notation• Estimating <strong>and</strong> rounding numbers indifferent situations• Approximating the result of anoperation• Written computation: the fouroperations involving numbers that areeasy to work with (including largenumbers) <strong>and</strong> sequences of simpleoperations performed in the properorder (numbers written in decimalnotation), using equivalent ways ofwriting numbers <strong>and</strong> the properties ofoperations6 <strong>Nelson</strong> Mathematics Secondary Year One, Cycle One Copyright © 2009 by <strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Ltd.

Content QEP Concepts QEP Processes Addressing Concepts <strong>and</strong> ProcessesLesson 8: DecimalDivision, pp. 68–71Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Using a variety of representations(e.g. numerical, graphic)• Switching from one way of writingnumbers to another or from one typeof representation to anotherArithmetic: Operations InvolvingNumbers Written in Decimal <strong>and</strong>Fractional Notation• Estimating <strong>and</strong> rounding numbers indifferent situations• Approximating the result of anoperation• Written computation: the fouroperations involving numbers that areeasy to work with (including largenumbers) <strong>and</strong> sequences of simpleoperations performed in the properorder (numbers written in decimalnotation), using equivalent ways ofwriting numbers <strong>and</strong> the properties ofoperationsMath Game: WastepaperBasketball, p. 72Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Switching from one way of writingnumbers to another or from one typeof representation to anotherArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graphOptional<strong>Chapter</strong> Self-Test: p. 73Self-Assessment Opportunity<strong>Chapter</strong> Review:pp. 74–75Assessment Opportunity<strong>Chapter</strong> Task: BallBounce-ability, p. 76Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Underst<strong>and</strong>ingProportionality• Proportion• Equality of ratios <strong>and</strong> ratesArithmetic: Different Ways of Writing <strong>and</strong>Representing Numbers• Switching from one way of writingnumbers to another or from one type ofrepresentation to anotherArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Comparison of ratios <strong>and</strong> rates• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graphAssessment OpportunityMath in Action: RockB<strong>and</strong> Manager, pp. 77–78Arithmetic: Number Sense With Regardto Decimal <strong>and</strong> Fractional Notation <strong>and</strong>Operation Sense• Reading, writing, variousrepresentations, patterns, properties• Fractional, decimal <strong>and</strong> exponential(integral exponent) notation;percentage, square rootArithmetic: Working With a ProportionalSituation• Recognizing a proportional situation byreferring to the context, a table ofvalues or a graph• Solving a proportional situationOptionalCopyright © 2009 by <strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Ltd.Teacher’s Resource Supplement Planning Charts7

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