SGA Constitution PDF Download - New River Community College

SGA Constitution PDF Download - New River Community College

SGA Constitution PDF Download - New River Community College


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SECTION II: LEGISLATIVE BRANCHA. The Senate shall not allow a member of the Executive Council to holdmore than one office simultaneously.B. The Senate shall not allow a member of the Executive Council to holdoffice if his/her cumulative and/or semester grade point average dropsbelow the required minimum.C. The Senate shall adopt resolutions by a majority vote of the quorum. Aquorum shall consist of 50 percent plus one of its voting membership.D. To maintain, as a student of <strong>New</strong> <strong>River</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>, a minimumcumulative and semester grade point average of 2.25.E. May not hold another executive office of other school organizations orclubs in the college.SECTION III: COMBINED DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE BRANCHESA. All elected members of the Student Government Association shallassemble weekly. All meetings of the Student Government Association shallbe open to any member of the student body, except in cases which a closedmeeting is deemed necessary by both branches.B. Issues will be determined by a majority of vote, which will be noted in themeeting minutes. Elected members only will have voting rights and can alsoexercise the option to abstain from voting. In case of a tie in the vote, a revoteby secret ballot will take place. If a tie remains, the issue will be tableduntil a resolution can be found.C. Members will initial Student Government Association folders or sign-insheets located in the <strong>SGA</strong> Office daily. Deviation from this schedule must beapproved by the Activities Counselor.D. Attend all meetings as part of committee assignments.E. Attend all Student Government Association sponsored activities.F. Assist in duties delegated by the Activities Counselor.SECTION IV: ELECTIONSA. Qualifications of the Executive Council (president, vice president,secretary, treasurer)1. Each candidate for these offices must have attended <strong>New</strong> <strong>River</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> for at least two terms prior to the election andmust plan to attend the following academic year.2. Each candidate must have and maintain a 2.5 cumulative/semestergrade point average.3. Each candidate must carry and maintain twelve (12) credit hoursper semester.4. Each candidate for office must present a petition signed by twentyfive(25) members of the student body which requests that the personbe allowed to seek election.B. Qualifications of the Legislative Branch (Senators)1. Each candidate for Senator must have attended <strong>New</strong> <strong>River</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> for at least one term prior to the election andmust plan to attend the following academic year.2. Each candidate must have and maintain a 2.25cumulative/semester grade point average.3. Each candidate must carry and maintain twelve (12) credit hoursper semester. An individual may run for Senator position and carryless than twelve (12) hours if the following conditions apply:a. previously served on the Executive or Legislative Branch ofthe Student Government Association.b. is in good standing with Student Government.

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