Notice of Preparation - Placer County Government - State of California

Notice of Preparation - Placer County Government - State of California

Notice of Preparation - Placer County Government - State of California


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Initial Study & Checklist continuedV. CULTURAL RESOURCES – Would the project:Environmental Issue1. Substantially cause adverse change in the significance <strong>of</strong> ahistorical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines, Section15064.5? (PLN)2. Substantially cause adverse change in the significance <strong>of</strong> aunique archaeological resource pursuant to CEQA Guidelines,Section 15064.5? (PLN)3. Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontologicalresource or site or unique geologic feature? (PLN)PotentiallySignificantImpactLess ThanSignificantwithMitigationMeasuresLess ThanSignificantImpactXXXNoImpact4. Have the potential to cause a physical change, which wouldaffect unique ethnic cultural values? (PLN)X5. Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potentialimpact area? (PLN)X6. Disturb any human remains, including these interred outside<strong>of</strong> formal cemeteries? (PLN)XDiscussion- All Items:The supplemental material submitted by the applicant contains a report from Susan Lindstrom, Ph.D., ArcheologicalConsultant which indicates that there is a low likelihood to discover cultural resources on the subject property. Nomitigation measures are required.VI. GEOLOGY & SOILS – Would the project:Environmental Issue1. Expose people or structures to unstable earth conditions orchanges in geologic substructures? (ESD)2. Result in significant disruptions, displacements, compactionor overcrowding <strong>of</strong> the soil? (ESD)3. Result in substantial change in topography or ground surfacerelief features? (ESD)4. Result in the destruction, covering or modification <strong>of</strong> anyunique geologic or physical features? (ESD)5. Result in any significant increase in wind or water erosion <strong>of</strong>soils, either on or <strong>of</strong>f the site? (ESD)6. Result in changes in deposition or erosion or changes insiltation which may modify the channel <strong>of</strong> a river, stream, orlake? (ESD)7. Result in exposure <strong>of</strong> people or property to geologic andgeomorphological (i.e. Avalanches) hazards such asearthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similarhazards? (ESD)8. Be located on a geological unit or soil that is unstable, or thatwould become unstable as a result <strong>of</strong> the project, andpotentially result in on or <strong>of</strong>f-site landslide, lateral spreading,subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse? (ESD)PotentiallySignificantImpactLess ThanSignificantwithMitigationMeasuresLess ThanSignificantImpactNoImpactPLN=Planning, ESD=Engineering & Surveying Department, EHS=Environmental Health Services, APCD=Air Pollution Control District 7 <strong>of</strong> 21XXXXXXXX

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