Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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8.10 Êá ôñßôïò ããåëïò óÜëðéóåí êá ðåóåí ê ôï ïñáíï óôñ ìÝãáò êáéüìåíïòò ëáìðÜò êá ðåóåí ð ô ôñßôïí ôí ðïôáìí êá ð ôò ðçãò ôí äÜôùí, 8.11 êá ôíïìá ôï óôÝñïò ëÝãåôáé Áøéíèïò, êá ãÝíåôï ô ôñßôïí ôí äÜôùí åò øéíèïí êá ðïëëïôí íèñþðùí ðÝèáíïí ê ôí äÜôùí ôé ðéêñÜíèçóáí.8.10 And the third messenger / angel gave a blast. And it fell out of the heaven--a greatstar, burning like a lamp; and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the springs of thewaters. 8.11 And the name of the star is called "The Worm-Wood," and the third part of thewaters became worm-wood, and many of the people were dying because of the waters, becausethey were made bitter.8.12 Êá ôÝôáñôïò ããåëïò óÜëðéóåí êá ðëÞãç ô ôñßôïí ôï ëßïõ êá ô ôñßôïí ôòóåëÞíçò êá ô ôñßôïí ôí óôÝñùí, íá óêïôéóè ô ôñßôïí áôí êá ìÝñá ì öÜí ô ôñßôïíáôò êá íî ìïßùò.8.12 And the fourth messenger / angel gave a blast. And the third part of the sun wasstruck, and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars, so that the third of them mightbe darkened, and the third part of the day they should not shine, and the night in the same way.8.13 Êá åäïí, êá êïõóá íò åôï ðåôïìÝíïõ í ìåóïõñáíÞìáôé ëÝãïíôïò öùíìåãÜë, Ïá ïá ïá ôïò êáôïéêïíôáò ð ôò ãò ê ôí ëïéðí öùíí ôò óÜëðéããïò ôíôñéí ããÝëùí ôí ìåëëüíôùí óáëðßæåéí.8.13 And I saw, and I heard one eagle flying in heaven’s midst, saying with a great voice,“Woe, woe, woe--those who dwell upon the earth–because of the remaining voices of the trumpetof the three messengers / angels that are about to give a blast!”9.1 Êá ðÝìðôïò ããåëïò óÜëðéóåí êá åäïí óôÝñá ê ôï ïñáíï ðåðôùêüôá åòôí ãí, êá äüèç áô êëåò ôï öñÝáôïò ôò âýóóïõ 9.2 êá íïéîåí ô öñÝáñ ôòâýóóïõ, êá íÝâç êáðíò ê ôï öñÝáôïò ò êáðíò êáìßíïõ ìåãÜëçò, êá óêïôþèç ëéïòêá ñ ê ôï êáðíï ôï öñÝáôïò.9.1 And the fifth messenger / angel gave a blast. And I saw a star having fallen out of theheaven into the earth; and the key of the pit of the abyss was given to it. 9.2 And it opened thepit of the abyss, and smoke went up from the pit, like smoke of a great oven, and the sun wasdarkened and the air by the smoke from the pit.9.3 êá ê ôï êáðíï îëèïí êñßäåò åò ôí ãí, êá äüèç áôáò îïõóßá ò ÷ïõóéíîïõóßáí ï óêïñðßïé ôò ãò. 9.4 êá ññÝèç áôáò íá ì äéêÞóïõóéí ôí ÷üñôïí ôò ãò ïäðí ÷ëùñí ïä ðí äÝíäñïí, å ì ôïò íèñþðïõò ïôéíåò ïê ÷ïõóé ôí óöñáãäá ôïèåï ð ôí ìåôþðùí. 9.5 êá äüèç áôïò íá ì ðïêôåßíùóéí áôïýò, ëë íá âáóáíéóèÞóïíôáéìíáò ðÝíôå, êá âáóáíéóìò áôí ò âáóáíéóìò óêïñðßïõ ôáí ðáßó íèñùðïí.9.6 êá í ôáò ìÝñáéò êåßíáéò æçôÞóïõóéí ï íèñùðïé ôí èÜíáôïí êá ï ì åñÞóïõóéíáôüí, êá ðéèõìÞóïõóéí ðïèáíåí êá öåýãåé èÜíáôïò ð áôí.9.3 And out of the smoke came out grasshoppers into the earth, and authority was givento them, like the scorpions of the earth have authority. 9.4 And it was said to them that they willnot injure the grass of the earth, nor any green (growth), nor any tree--only the people who do nothave the seal of God upon their foreheads. 9.5 And it was given to them that they should not kill401

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