Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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8.12 And the fourth messenger / angel gave a blast. And the third part of the sun wasstruck, and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars, so that the third of them might908be darkened, and the third part of the day they should not shine, and the night in the sameway. 909907(...continued)Swete comments that this vision is “The reverse of the miracle at Marah (Exodus15:23). Wormwood water is more than once in the Prophets a symbol of suffering, e.g.Jeremiah 9:15; 23:15; compare 4 Esdras 5:9 [‘salt waters shall be found in the sweet’]...Wormwood mixed with water does not kill, but in the Apocalyptic vision the waters are notmixed with wormwood but changed into it...So the rivers and fountains converted into wormwoodare destructive of human life.” (Pp. 112-13)Hough's spiritual interpretation holds that: “[People] who try to live without God find thevery sources of ongoing life contaminated. When they have turned to wickedness they havetampered with something much more profound and powerful than they have known.” (P. 429)“Rivers and springs have had much to do with the life and the welfare of [humanity]. Andthese, says the man of Patmos, are subject to the reign of God.” (P. 430)Should we not agree with Hough here, in terms of "poisoning the springs of life,” whichis exactly what moral and political evil does to humanity?908The phrase ìÝñá ì öÜí ô ôñßôïí áôò, he hemera me phane to triton autes,literally, “the day not should it shine the third (part) of it,” is read by Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus,Minuscules 1006, 1611, 1841, 1854, 2053, 2329, some other Greek manuscripts, the OldLatin manuscript gig and the Syriac tradition. It is changed to read ô ôñßôïí áôò ì öÜí ìÝñá, literally “the third (part) of it should not shine the day,” by Uncial Manuscript 046, Minuscule2351 and the Majority Text (K). The Majority Text (A) changes the aorist subjunctiveverb öÜí, phane to the present subjunctive form fai,nh|, phaine. The change in word-order,and the different tense of the verb, do not change the meaning of <strong>Revelation</strong>; but these variantsdo show the freedom felt by later copyists and translators to make just such minorchanges in the original text being copied / translated.Aune comments that “The author apparently thinks of the lighted heavenly bodies liketorches, which burn out after a certain length of time, or an eclipse, in which the light of thesun or the moon is suddenly, if temporarily, obscured.” (P. 522)For a biblical background, see Amos 8:9, “On that day, says YHWH God, I will makethe sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight.” “That day” is the day ofYHWH, on which “the end” has come upon YHWH’s people Israel (see 8:2 in both Hebrewand Greek).909The preceding divine judgments upon the land, the ocean-water and the sources offresh water, are followed in this fourth trumpet by divine judgments upon the heavenly bodies,effecting them in such a way as to be detrimental to humanity. Once again the description has(continued...)423

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