Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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932The dative feminine plural pronoun, áôáò, autais, “to them” (i.e., the locusts, a feminineplural noun), is read by Alexandrinus, Uncial Manuscript 0207 and the Majority Text. It isreplaced by the masculine plural dative pronoun auvtoi/j, autois, “to them,” by Sinaiticus, UncialManuscript 046, Minuscule 2329 and a few other Greek manuscripts. Evidently there wasdisagreement among the Greek copyists as to the gender of the locusts! The variant readingdoes not change the meaning of <strong>Revelation</strong>.On this matter of authority (evxousi,a, eksousia) that is given and exercised, see <strong>Revelation</strong>2:26; 6:8; 9:3, 3, 10, 19; 11:6, 6; 12:10; 13:2, 4, 5, 7, 12; 14:18; 16:9; 17:12, 13; 18:1;20:6 and 22:14. According to the <strong>Bible</strong>, absolute authority belongs to God alone; but Goddisplays His authority in various ways. God gives authority to the forces of destruction; eventhe most evil force receives its power to act from God--certainly not apart from God's power.Werner Foerster states that: “Power ‘is given’ to Satan. For the final mystery is not thepower of evil itself. It is the fact that the power of evil, which is radically hostile to God, may beexercised as such and yet be encompassed by the divine overruling...Even the rule of Antichristdoes not take place apart from the will of God.” (Theological Dictionary of the NewTestament II, pp. 567-68) What do you think? Do you agree with Foerster?Aune comments that “There is a repeated effort to compare these demonic locusts withscorpions (see 9:5, 10)...What [their ‘authority’] obviously means [is] the ‘respect’ and the leewaypeople and animals give to scorpions because they fear their venomous sting, which isextremely painful and sometimes lethal. The ‘authority’ scorpions have, then, is the inherentability to intimidate and tyrannize and, in the case of demonic locusts, to terrorize. Accordingto 2 Chronicles 7:13, it is God Who has the power to command locusts to devour the land.”(P. 527)933We may well ask ourselves, "From where does the sting of a scorpion (or of a bee, orhornet, or rattlesnake, or ‘death’) come?" The only answer acceptable to the believer in oneGod ("Radical Monotheism") is that the scorpion receives its sting (or, "authority," or "power")from its Creator, from God!We have held (see the footnotes on <strong>Revelation</strong> 6:4 and 8) that the Roman persecutorswere given their authority to take the lives of confessing Christians by God, and that bothdeath and the underworld receive their authority from the same divine source. This is John’sway of saying that tragedy and evil are painful realities which the people of God must face inhistory; but at the same time, they can know these are not the ultimate powers--the absoluteauthority belongs to God alone, and these evil forces that hurt and destroy are only "allowed"to exist for a little while, and then will be overthrown or withdrawn by their Creator, when theirpurpose has been served.The danger of scorpions is mentioned a number of times in biblical literature as anexpression for extreme pain and suffering: see Deuteronomy 8:15; 1 Kings 12:11, 14; 2Chronicles 10:11, 14; Ezekiel 2:6; Luke 10:19; 11:12, and <strong>Revelation</strong> 9:3 (here) and 10.437

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