Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 8-9 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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9.18 ð ôí ôñéí ðëçãí ôïýôùí ðåêôÜíèçóáí ô ôñßôïí ôí íèñþðùí, ê ôïðõñò êá ôï êáðíï êá ôï èåßïõ ôï êðïñåõïìÝíïõ ê ôí óôïìÜôùí áôí. 9.19 ãñîïõóßá ôí ððùí í ô óôüìáôé áôí óôéí êá í ôáò ïñáò áôí, á ãñ ïñá áôíìïéáé öåóéí, ÷ïõóáé êåöáëÜò êá í áôáò äéêïóéí.9.18 From these three plagues the third part of humanity was killed, from the fire and thesmoke and the sulphur that is going forth out of their mouths. 9.19 For the authority of thehorses is in their mouths, and in their tails; for their tails--like serpents–having heads, and withthem they injure.9.20 Êá ï ëïéðï ôí íèñþðùí, ï ïê ðåêôÜíèçóáí í ôáò ðëçãáò ôáýôáéò, ïäìåôåíüçóáí ê ôí ñãùí ôí ÷åéñí áôí, íá ì ðñïóêõíÞóïõóéí ô äáéìüíéá êá ô åäùëáô ÷ñõó êá ô ñãõñ êá ô ÷áëê êá ô ëßèéíá êá ô îýëéíá, ïôå âëÝðåéí äýíáíôáé ïôåêïýåéí ïôå ðåñéðáôåí, 9.21 êá ï ìåôåíüçóáí ê ôí öüíùí áôí ïôå ê ôí öáñìÜêùíáôí ïôå ê ôò ðïñíåßáò áôí ïôå ê ôí êëåììÜôùí áôí.9.20 And the rest of the people, those who were not killed with these plagues, did not turnaround from the works of their hands, so that they will not worship the demons, and the idols–thegolden ones and the silver ones, and the bronze ones, and the stone ones, and the woodenones--which are neither able to see, nor to hear, nor to walk around. 9.21 And they did not turnaround from their murders, nor from their magical arts, nor from their sexual immorality, nor fromtheir thefts!<strong>Revelation</strong> 8-9, English Translation with Footnotes:850 8518.1 And when he opened the seal, the seventh one, there came a silence in the850The conjunction ôáí, hotan, “when,” is read by Alexandrinus, Ephraemi Rescriptus,Minuscules 1006, 1611, 1841 and a few other Greek manuscripts. It is changed to the synonymousword o`,te, hote, a temporal adverb meaning “when,” or “now,” by Sinaiticus and the“Majority Text.”851As we came to the close of our study of chapter 6, the question was raised, "Butwhere is the seventh seal?" <strong>In</strong>stead of reading concerning the opening of the seventh seal,we have had an interlude, consisting of the two visions contained in chapter 7. But now, inchapter 8, we return to a continuation of the opening of the seals in chapter 6--the time hascome for the seventh seal to be opened.We agree with Newport in his view that the seven trumpets are the content of theseventh seal (p. 201). Similarly, when we come to the time for the blasting of the seventhtrumpet at the close of chapter 9, we will find another interlude composed of chapters 10through 15, at the close of which the pouring out of the seven golden bowls of wrath isintroduced, all of which are described in chapter 16.Aune refers to Bornkamm’s observation that “since the scroll cannot be opened until allseven seals have been broken, 6:1 - 7:17 cannot be part of the contents of the scroll; rather it403(continued...)

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