PRAXIS to CASA Transition - Anderson University

PRAXIS to CASA Transition - Anderson University

PRAXIS to CASA Transition - Anderson University


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General Program InformationNovember 2013WHAT TESTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE INDIANACORE ASSESSMENTS FOR EDUCATOR LICEN-SURE?The Indiana CORE Assessments for Educa<strong>to</strong>r Licensure programincludes a test of basic skills (Core Academic SkillsAssessment), four developmental (pedagogy) area assessments,and more than fifty content area assessments.Core Academic Skills Assessment (<strong>CASA</strong>). EffectiveAugust 31, 2013, the <strong>CASA</strong> replaced Praxis I as one meansfor satisfying entrance requirements at Indiana educa<strong>to</strong>rpreparation programs. <strong>CASA</strong> includes three subtests:<strong>CASA</strong>—Reading (40 multiple-choice questions)<strong>CASA</strong>—Mathematics (40 multiple-choice questions)<strong>CASA</strong>—Writing (42 multiple-choice questions and1 writing assignment)Complete information about the <strong>CASA</strong> is available on theIndiana program website at www.in.nesinc.com.Developmental (Pedagogy) Area Assessments.Four assessments, based on the Indiana School SettingDevelopmental Standards, have been developed:Early Childhood Education (P–3)Elementary Education (K–6)Secondary Education (5–12)P–12 EducationThese tests will be available for administration beginningon February 10, 2014. Registration will open inDecember 2013.Content Area Assessments. Over fifty assessments,based on the Indiana Educa<strong>to</strong>r Standards, have been developed<strong>to</strong> replace Praxis II. These tests will be available foradministration beginning on February 10, 2014, with registrationopening in December 2013:BusinessCareer and Technical Education—AgricultureCareer and Technical Education—Business andInformation TechnologyCareer and Technical Education—Family andConsumer SciencesCareer and Technical Education—MarketingEarly Childhood GeneralistSubtest 1: Reading and English Language ArtsSubtest 2: MathematicsSubtest 3: Science, Health, and Physical EducationSubtest 4: Social Studies and Fine ArtsElementary Education GeneralistSubtest 1: Reading and English Language ArtsSubtest 2: MathematicsSubtest 3: Science, Health, and Physical EducationSubtest 4: Social Studies and Fine ArtsEngineering and Technology EducationEnglish LearnersExceptional Needs—Blind or Low VisionExceptional Needs—Deaf or Hard of HearingExceptional Needs—Intense InterventionExceptional Needs—Mild InterventionExceptional Needs—Mild Intervention: ReadingInstructionFine Arts—General MusicFine Arts—Instrumental MusicFine Arts—Vocal MusicFine Arts—Theatre ArtsFine Arts—Visual ArtsHigh AbilityJournalismMathematicsMiddle School English Language ArtsMiddle School MathematicsMiddle School ScienceMiddle School Social StudiesReading(Continued on next page)How Can I Get More InformationAbout the Program?Information about the Indiana CORE Assessments for Educa<strong>to</strong>rLicensure program is available on the program website(www.in.nesinc.com). The website provides comprehensiveinformation about all tests included in the program aswell as policies and procedures related <strong>to</strong> test registration,administration, and scoring and reporting. It also includespreparation materials that are available for each test.Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004Pearson and its logo are trademarks, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).

Content Area Assessments (cont.)School Administra<strong>to</strong>r—Building LevelSchool Administra<strong>to</strong>r—District LevelSchool LibrarianScience—ChemistryScience—Earth/Space ScienceScience—Life ScienceScience—Physical ScienceScience—PhysicsSocial Studies—EconomicsSocial Studies—Geographical PerspectivesSocial Studies—Government and CitizenshipSocial Studies—His<strong>to</strong>rical PerspectivesSocial Studies—PsychologySocial Studies—SociologyWorld Languages—Chinese (Mandarin)World Languages—FrenchWorld Languages—GermanWorld Languages—JapaneseWorld Languages—LatinWorld Languages—SpanishRegistration InformationHOW CAN I REGISTER FOR THE INDIANACORE ASSESSMENTS FOR EDUCATORLICENSURE TESTS?Visit the Indiana program website (www.in.nesinc.com) forcomplete instructions <strong>to</strong> register online. Registration for theCore Academic Skills Assessment (<strong>CASA</strong>) is currently available.Registration for the licensure tests will begin in earlyDecember 2013.HOW DO I REQUEST ALTERNATIVE TESTINGARRANGEMENTS?Alternative testing arrangements that are reasonable in thecontext of a licensure test are available for candidates whoare not able <strong>to</strong> take the test under standard conditions. Candidatesare required <strong>to</strong> provide appropriate documentation.Information on requesting alternative testing arrangementsis available on the program website.WHEN & WHERE ARE THE TESTS OFFERED?Core Academic Skills Assessment. The <strong>CASA</strong> subtests areavailable year round by appointment at Indiana educa<strong>to</strong>rpreparation programs and Ivy Tech campuses. You cansearch for available appointments and test centers nearyou when you register and schedule your appointment athttp://casa.starttest.com. A list of centers is also availableon the program website, www.in.nesinc.com.Developmental (Pedagogy) and Content Area Assessments.Most tests are available year round by appointmentat Pearson test centers throughout Indiana and nationwide.School Administra<strong>to</strong>r—Building Level and School Administra<strong>to</strong>r—DistrictLevel assessments are available during twoweekwindows scheduled every other month.World Languages—Chinese (Mandarin), French, German,Japanese, Latin, and Spanish—will be available on selectdates throughout the year.WHAT KIND OF ID DO I NEED IN ORDER TOBE ADMITTED TO TAKE A TEST?You will need one piece of current, government-issued identificationprinted in English, in the name in which you areregistered, bearing your pho<strong>to</strong>graph and signature. Acceptableforms of identification include the following:Driver’s license with pho<strong>to</strong>graph and signaturePassport with pho<strong>to</strong>graph and signatureState identification with pho<strong>to</strong>graph and signature(provided by the Bureau of Mo<strong>to</strong>r Vehicles for individualswho do not have a driver’s license)National identification with pho<strong>to</strong>graph andsignatureMilitary identification with pho<strong>to</strong>graph andsignatureAlien Registration Card (green card, permanentresident visa)For complete information about acceptable forms ofidentification, visit the ID Policy page on the Indiana programwebsite.Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004

WHAT ARE THE FEES TO TAKE THE TESTS?Core Academic Skills Assessment: $38.00 per subtest. <strong>CASA</strong>test centers may charge additional fees.Core Academic Skills Assessment—ReadingCore Academic Skills Assessment—WritingCore Academic Skills Assessment—MathematicsDevelopmental (Pedagogy) and Content Area Tests:$114.00 per test (except as noted below):Fine Arts—Music fields: $57.00 per testFine Arts—General MusicFine Arts—Instrumental MusicFine Arts—Vocal MusicEarly Childhood Generalist: $45.00 per subtest/$145.00 iffour tests are taken in one test sessionSubtest 1: Reading and English Language ArtsSubtest 2: MathematicsSubtest 3: Science, Health, and Physical EducationSubtest 4: Social Studies and Fine ArtsElementary Education Generalist: $45.00 per subtest/$145.00if four tests are taken in one test sessionSubtest 1: Reading and English Language ArtsSubtest 2: MathematicsSubtest 3: Science, Health, and Physical EducationSubtest 4: Social Studies and Fine ArtsExceptional Needs—Mild Intervention: Reading Instruction:$45.00Social Studies fields: $80.00 per testSocial Studies—EconomicsSocial Studies—Geographical PerspectivesSocial Studies—Government and CitizenshipSocial Studies—His<strong>to</strong>rical PerspectivesSocial Studies—PsychologySocial Studies—SociologyHOW MUCH TIME IS ALLOWED FOR EACHTEST?Testing time varies depending upon the test field. You canfind the testing time for each test on the program website(www.in.nesinc.com). Examinees are given an additional 15minutes in which <strong>to</strong> complete a nondisclosure agreementand tu<strong>to</strong>rial prior <strong>to</strong> testing.Scoring & ReportingInformationWHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY SCORES?If your test includes only multiple-choice questions, you willreceive your test scores within 10 business days after youtest.If your test includes both multiple-choice questions andconstructed-response assignments, you will receive yourtest scores within 20 business days after you test.WHAT IS THE MINIMUM PASSING SCORE?Scores are reported <strong>to</strong> candidates as scaled scores thatrange from 100 <strong>to</strong> 300. The minimum passing score for eachtest is a scaled score of 220. Passing scores were establishedby the Indiana State Board of Education based on recommendationsfrom Indiana educa<strong>to</strong>rs.WHO RECEIVES MY SCORES?Your scores are provided <strong>to</strong> you, the Indiana Department ofEducation (IDOE), and the educa<strong>to</strong>r preparation program(s)that you selected during test registration.Preparing <strong>to</strong> Take the TestsWHAT PREPARATION MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE?Preparation materials are available on the programwebsite, including:Assessment Blueprint – Describes the content includedon each test and is available at no costStudy Guide – Includes general test informationand sample questions for each test. A study guidefor <strong>CASA</strong> is currently available; study guides for thedevelopmental (pedagogy) and content area assessmentswill be available beginning in early December2013. There is no cost for the study guides.Practice Test – Full-length, computer-based practicetests that simulate the actual test administration willbe available for purchase for select test fields. Practicetests are 100% aligned with the test, include thesame number of items as the operational test, andallow candidates <strong>to</strong> practice taking the test at theirconvenience. Once candidates complete the practicetest, they are provided with feedback on their performance.A practice test for <strong>CASA</strong> is currently available.Practice tests for select developmental (pedagogy)and content area assessments will be available inearly December 2013.Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004

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