NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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NJ:",--0~.8~..(/)-110-1:20-130-140m -150-0cc -160-170-180Phase Noise at X B<strong>and</strong>2 3 4 567Lng Fourier Frequency (Hz)--_ .. ­.. -~.--4 5 6 7 aI-Dg Fourier Frequency (Hz).. - .8 9Fig. 16 Phase noise measurement on a pair <strong>of</strong> 10.6GHz sources using the new NBS measurement technique.a::I"0 0£:tJjc:.2 -513~00c:0:;:;~.0~0-103Calibration CorrectionFig. 17 Correction factor applied to the measurementdata made to obtain the results <strong>of</strong> Fig. 16.ACknowled~ement~The authors are grateful to many colleagues,especially David W. Allan, James C. Bergquist, AndreaDeMarchi, David J. Glaze, James E. Gray, David A.Howe, John P. Lowe, Samuel R. Stein <strong>and</strong> Charles Stonefor many fruitful discussions on this topic <strong>and</strong> theCalibration Coordination Group for the funding toimprove the accuracy <strong>and</strong> b<strong>and</strong>width <strong>of</strong> phase noisemetrology.References1. J. A. Barnes, A. R. Chi, L. S. Cutler, D. J.Healey, D. B. Leeson, T. E. McGunigal, J. A. Mullen,Jr., W. L. Smith R. L. Sydnor, R. F. C. Vessot, G. M.Winkler, <strong>Characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> Frequency Stability,Proc. IEEE Trans. on I &M 22, 105-120 (1971).3. D.W. Allan, H. Hellwig, P. Kartasch<strong>of</strong>f, J.Vanier, J. Vig, G.M.R. Winkler, <strong>and</strong> N.F. Yannoni,St<strong>and</strong>ard Terminology for Fundamental Frequency <strong>and</strong>Time Metrology, to be published in the Proe. <strong>of</strong> the42nd Symposium on Frequency Control, Baltimore. MD.June 1-4, 1988.4. F. L. Walls, <strong>and</strong> S. R. Stein, AccurateMeasurements <strong>of</strong> Spectral Density <strong>of</strong> Phase Noise inDevices, Proc. <strong>of</strong> 31st SFC, 335-343, (1977).(National <strong>Technical</strong> Information Service, SillsBuilding, 5825 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA22161).5. F. L. Walls, S. R. Stein, J. E. Gray, <strong>and</strong> D. J.Glaze, Design Considerations in State-<strong>of</strong>-the-ArtSignal Processing <strong>and</strong> Phase Noise MeasurementSystems, Proc. 30th Ann. SFC, 269-274 (1976).(National <strong>Technical</strong> Information Service, SillsBuilding, 5285 Port Royal Road. Springfield, VA22161).6. R. L.. Barger, M. S. Soren. <strong>and</strong> J. L. Hall,Frequency Stabilization <strong>of</strong> a cw Dye Laser, Appl.Phys. Lett. 22. 573 (1973).7. F. L. Walls <strong>and</strong> A. E. Wainwright, Measurement <strong>of</strong>the Short-Term Stability <strong>of</strong> Quartz Crystal Resonators<strong>and</strong> the Implications for Crystal Oscillator Design<strong>and</strong> Applications, IEEE Trans. on I & M~, 15-20(1975).8. A. S. Risley, J. H. Shoaf, <strong>and</strong> J. R. Ashley,Frequency Stabilization <strong>of</strong> X-B<strong>and</strong> Sources for Use inFrequency Synthesis into the Infrared, IEEE Trans. onI & M, n, 187-195 (1974).9. J. R. Ashley, T. A. Barley, <strong>and</strong> G. J. Rast, TheMeasurement <strong>of</strong> Noise in Microwave Transmitters, IEEETrans. on Microwave Theory <strong>and</strong> Techniques, SpecialIssue on Low Noise Technology, (1977).10. A. L. Lance. ~. D. Seal, F. G. Mendoza, <strong>and</strong> N. W.Hudson, Automating Phase Noise Measurements in theFrequency Domain, Proc. 31st Ann. Symp. On Freq.Control, 347-358 (1977).11. A. L. Lance <strong>and</strong> W. D. Seal, Phase Noise <strong>and</strong> AMNoise Measurements in the Frequency Domain atMillimeter Wave Frequencies, from Infrared <strong>and</strong>Millimeter Waves, Ken Bucton Ed., Academic Press, NY1985.12. F. L. Walls <strong>and</strong> A. DeMarchi, RF Spectrum <strong>of</strong> aSignal After Frequency Multiplication Measurement <strong>and</strong>Comparison with a Simple Calculation, IEEE Trans. onI & M~, 210-217 (1975).13. F.L. Walls, A New Phase Modulator for Wideb<strong>and</strong>Phase Noise Measurement Systems, to be submiCted toIEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics <strong>and</strong>Frequency Concrol.2. J. H. Shoaf, D. Halford, <strong>and</strong> A. S. Risley,Frequency Stability Specifications <strong>and</strong> Measurement,NBS <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Note</strong> 632, (1973). Document availablefrom US Government printing <strong>of</strong>fice. Order SD at#CI3.46:632.441TN-13B

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