NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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522 LESAGE AND AUDOIN01., 1971J:S,I']'P(/)Ii> (I)x(1) =-- <strong>and</strong> y(/) =-- (6)2'11"11 02'11"v owhere x(t) <strong>and</strong> y(/) are the fractional phase <strong>and</strong>frequency fluctuations, respectively. The quantityx(t) represents the fluctuation in the time definedby the generator considered as a clock.At first, we will make the following assumptions:I. The quantities x(!) <strong>and</strong> y(!) are r<strong>and</strong>om functions<strong>of</strong> time with zero mean values, which impliesthat systematic trends are removed [Barnes el 01.,1971 J . They might be due to ageing or to imperfectdecoupling from environmental changes such astemperature, pressure, acceleration, or voltage.<strong>Characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> drifts will be considered insection 8.2. The statistical properties <strong>of</strong> the stable frequencygenerators are described by a model whichis stationary <strong>of</strong> order 2. This point has been fullydiscussed in the literature [Barnes et 01., 1971;Boileau <strong>and</strong> Picinbono, 1976; Barnes, 1976]. Thisassumption allows one to derive useful results <strong>and</strong>to define simple data processing for the characterization<strong>of</strong> frequency stability.Actual experimental practice shows that, besideslong-term frequency drifts, the frequency <strong>of</strong> ahigh-quality frequency source can be perturbed bya superposition <strong>of</strong> independent noise processes,which can be adequately represented by r<strong>and</strong>omfluctuations having the following 'one-sided powerspectral density <strong>of</strong> fractional frequency fluctuations:Sy (f) = 2:2 11..1'" (7)Q--2Sy (f) is depicted in Figure I. Its dimensions areHz-I. Lower values <strong>of</strong> (I( may be present in thespectral density <strong>of</strong> frequency fluctuations. Theyhave not been clearly identified yet because <strong>of</strong>experimental difflculties related to very long termdata acquisition <strong>and</strong> to control <strong>of</strong> experimentalconditions for long times. Moreover, the relatednoise processes may be difficult to distinguish fromsystematic drifts.Finite duration <strong>of</strong> measurements introduces alow-frequency cut<strong>of</strong>f which prevents one fromobtaining in{ormation at Fourier frequencies smaller«.. -1Fig. I. Asymptotic log-log plot os Sy(f) for commonly encounterednoise processes.than 1/9, approximately, where 9 is the total duration<strong>of</strong> the measurement [Cutler <strong>and</strong> Searle, 1966].Alternatively, this made it possible to invok.e physicalarguments to remove some possible mathematicaldifficulties related to the divergence <strong>of</strong> S" (f)as/- 0 for (I( < U.Furthermore, high pass fI1tering is always presentin the measuring instruments or in the frequencygenerator to be characterized. It insures convergenceconditions at the higher-frequency side <strong>of</strong>the power spectra for a > O.The spectral density <strong>of</strong> fractional phase fluctuationsis also <strong>of</strong>ten considered. From (6), one canwrite, at least formally,The dimensions <strong>of</strong> S,,{f) are S2 Hz-I. Similarly,the spectral density <strong>of</strong> phase fluctuations ",(t) issuch asIt is expressed in (rad)2 Hz-I.The quantity 2(f) [Halford et al., 1973] issometimes considered to characterize phase fluctuations.If phase fluctuations at frequencies >/are small compared with I rad, one has, .(8)(9).Y(f) = }S..(f) (10)where S (f) is the spectral density <strong>of</strong> phase fluctuations<strong>of</strong>..the frequency generator considered.. Thedefmition <strong>of</strong> 2{f) implies a connection with theradio frequency spectrum, <strong>and</strong> its use is not recommended.Since the class <strong>of</strong> noise processes for which y(l)is stationary is broader than that for which theIN-I72

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