NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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TIME AND FREQUENCY535cient <strong>and</strong> x(t) <strong>and</strong> yet) have the same meaning asin the preceding sections. The notations x' <strong>and</strong> y Irefer to an oscillator with drift.It can then be shown that we haveD~a)(T) = '1'2.'1 E [d~_,J"" sm:bl(-lT/T)+ 2:b1 S if) df t = n (49)0" (2'lTf) 2<strong>and</strong>~1.. Sin:bl('lTfT)D(a)(T) = 2 210 S if) df t> n (50)• 0" (2'lTf) 2If one applies (49) to the case <strong>of</strong> an oscillatorwithout drift, one can easily show that the followingequations are satisfied:<strong>and</strong>(51)0;('1") = (l/2T2)D~2)(T) (52)This is indeed not surprising because apart frommore or less complicated mathematical formalismthe definitions <strong>of</strong> the considered variances <strong>and</strong>structure functions are closely related, as has beenemphasized here.Relations between sample variance <strong>and</strong> structurefunctions have been given by Lindsey <strong>and</strong> Chie[1976], whereas the relation between structurefunctions <strong>and</strong> several different approaches <strong>of</strong> frequencystability characterization has been analyzedby Rutman [1917, 1978].For the generally accepted noise model definedby (7) the 'I' dependence <strong>of</strong> higher-orde.r structurefunctions is the same as the two-sample variance,as shown in Table 4 [Lindsey <strong>and</strong> Chie, 1978b].As stated above, structure functions <strong>of</strong> order nallow one to consider spectral densities which varyasr at the origin with a ~ -2(n - I). For instance,for n = 3 it is possible to characterize frequencyfluctuations <strong>of</strong> an oscillator with a power spectraldensity <strong>of</strong> fractional frequency fluctuations givenby S)f) = ~~_-4 hJo. This oscillator exhibitsstationary third-order increments <strong>of</strong> phase fluctuations.In the presence <strong>of</strong> a frequency drift describedby a polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree I - I, structure functions<strong>of</strong> degree 11 < I are meaningless: their computationyields a time-dependent result. For n = I the lthstructure function shows a long-term 'I' dependenceproportional to 2J T . This dependence disappears forn > t. Although a power spectral density <strong>of</strong> theformj-(2J-I) would also give the structure functionsa variation <strong>of</strong> the form '1'2/, this variation does notdepend on n, provided that the function is meaningful.It is then possible, at least in principle, toidentify frequency drifts <strong>and</strong> to specify their order.This is illustrated in Figure 23 according to Lindsey<strong>and</strong> Chie (l978b]. However, there are not yetexperimental pro<strong>of</strong>s that such a characterizationis achievable in practice.10. POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY OF STABLEFREQUENCY SOURCESThe power emitted by a source <strong>of</strong> time-dependentvoltage vet) given by (I) is S)v)dvin the frequencyrange [v, v + dv], where S)v) is the power spectraldensity <strong>of</strong> the source. The dimensions <strong>of</strong> Sv(v) areV 2 Hz-I. The main interest <strong>of</strong> power spectraldensity, in frequency metrology, is related to highorderfrequency multiplication. We will only introducethe subject by giving the relations betweenSv(v) <strong>and</strong> S'f{f) <strong>and</strong> stating present problems inthe field.TABLE 4.Structure functions <strong>of</strong> orders 1,2, 3, <strong>and</strong> 4 for fraclional phase fluctualions <strong>of</strong> commonly encounlered noise processesfor 2Trf. T :> IS,,(f)5 ~h i-;- lid.2Tr 2 >J.TrI 3 5 35II.! - h, In (Trf.T) -2 h,m frrf.T) -;- h, In (Trf. T) -h,In(Trf.T)2Tr 2 2Tr Tr 2Tr 2-}lI o T hoT IOheT411_,T 2 1n2 20.7 "_,T 1From Lillds~ <strong>and</strong> Cllie (l978bI4_Tr 1 11T'3 -2TN-I8S

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