NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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7. PHASE NOISE AND AM NOISE MEASUREMENTS 287V. ConclusionThe fundamentals <strong>and</strong> techniques for measurement <strong>of</strong> phase noise havebeen set forth for two basic systems. The two-oscillator technique providesthe capability for measuring high-performance cw sources. The systemsensitivity is superior to the single-oscillator technique for measuring phasenoise very close to the carrier.High-stability sources such as those used in frequency st<strong>and</strong>ards applicationscan be measured without using phase-locked loops. However, mostmicrowave sources exhibit frequency instability that requires phase-lockedloops to maintain the necessary quadrature conditions. The characteristics<strong>of</strong> the phase-locked loops must be evaluated to obtain the source phasenoise characteristics. Also. in principle, one must have three sources at thesame frequency to characterize a given source. If three sources are not available,one must assume that either one source is superior in performance orthat they have equal phase noise contributions.The single-oscillator technique employing the delay line as an FM discriminatorhas adequate sensitivity for measuring most microwave sources.The economic advantages <strong>of</strong> using this system include the fact that onlyone source is required, phase-locked loops are not required, system configurationis relatively inexpensive, <strong>and</strong> the system is inherently insensitive tooscillator frequency drift.The single-oscillator technique using the delay-line discriminator canbe adapted to measure the phase noise <strong>of</strong> pulsed sources. Pulsed sourceshave been measured at 94 GHz by F. Labaar at TRW. Redondo Beach,California.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSOur inItial preparations for developing a phase noise measurement capability were the result<strong>of</strong> discussions WIth Dr. 10rg Raue <strong>of</strong> TRW. Our first phase noise development effort wasassisting in the evaluauon <strong>of</strong> phase noise measurement systems designed <strong>and</strong> developed byBill Hook <strong>of</strong> TRW (Hook, 1973). The efforts <strong>of</strong> Don Leavill <strong>of</strong>TRW were vital in initiating themeasurement program.We are very grateful to Dr. Donald Halford <strong>of</strong> the National Bureau <strong>of</strong>St<strong>and</strong>ards in Boulder,Colorado, for his interest, consuhauons, <strong>and</strong> valuable suggestions during the development <strong>of</strong>the phase noise measurement systems at TRW.We appreciate the measurement cross-checks perfonned by C. Reynolds. 1. Oliverio. <strong>and</strong>H. Cole <strong>of</strong> the Hewlett-Packard Company. Dr. 1. Robert Ashley <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Colorado.ColoradO Springs, <strong>and</strong> G. Rast <strong>of</strong> the U.S. Army Missile Comm<strong>and</strong>, Redstone Arsenal,Huntsville, Alabama.REFERENCESAllen. D. W. ([966). Proc.IEEE54. 221-230.Ashley. 1. R.. Searles, C. B.. <strong>and</strong> Palka. F. M. (1968). IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.MlT-I6(9),753-760.TN-238

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