NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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is determi ned by the measurement system.If thetime difference or the time fluctuations areavailable then the frequency or the fractionalfrequency fl uctuations may be ca 1cu latt!tl frOli oneperiod <strong>of</strong> sampl ing to the next over ttle datalength as indiciated in figure 4.1. Supposefurther there are M values <strong>of</strong> the fractionalfrequency Yi'these data.Now there are many ways to analyzeHistorically, people have typicallyused the st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation equation shown infigure 4.1, a td d (t),s . ev.where y is the averagefractional frequency over the data set <strong>and</strong> issubtracted from each value <strong>of</strong> Yj before squaring,summing <strong>and</strong> dividing by the number <strong>of</strong> values minusone, (M-1), <strong>and</strong> taki ng the square root to get thest<strong>and</strong>ard deviation.At NBS, we have studied whathappens to the st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation when the dataset may be characteri zed by power 1aw spectrawhich are more dispersive than classical whitenoise frequency fluctuations.In otne'T' words, ifthe fluctuations are characterized by flickernoise or any other non-white-noise frequencydeviations, what ha~pensto the st<strong>and</strong>ard deviationfor that data set? One can show that the st<strong>and</strong>arddeviation is a function <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> datapoints in the set; it is also a function <strong>of</strong> thedead time <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> the measurement system b<strong>and</strong>width.For example, using flicker noise frequency modulationas a model, as the number <strong>of</strong> data pointsincreases, the st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation monotonicallyincreases without limit. Some statistical measureshave been deve loped whi ch do not depend upon thedata length <strong>and</strong> which are readily usable forcharacterizing the r<strong>and</strong>om fluctuations in precisionoscillators. An IEEE subcommittee on frequencystability hasrecommended what has come to beknown as the "A11 an vari ance" taken from the set<strong>of</strong> useful variances developed, <strong>and</strong> an experimentalestimation <strong>of</strong> the square root <strong>of</strong> the Allan varianceis shown as the bo~tom right equation infi gure 4.1. Thi 5 equation is very easy to imp 1ementexperimentally as one simply need add up thesquares <strong>of</strong> the differences between adjacent values<strong>of</strong> Yi' divide by the number <strong>of</strong> them <strong>and</strong> by two, <strong>and</strong>'take the square root. One then has the quantitywhich the IEEE subcommittee has recommended for

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