NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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<strong>and</strong> eq (1.1) we get2m>(t) = ~T(t) = 2m>0Rearranging, we have2m>(t) - 2m>0 = ~(t)or"It) - "0 =~+ ~(t)(8.5Jspectral density <strong>of</strong> frequency fluctuations isdenoted by S (f) <strong>and</strong> is obtained by passing theysignal from an oscillator through an ideal FMdetector <strong>and</strong> performing spectral analysis on theresultant output voltage. S (f) has dimensions <strong>of</strong>y(fractional frequency)llHz or Hzal. Differentiation<strong>of</strong> ~(t) corresponds to multiplication by -!"0in terms <strong>of</strong> spectral densities. With further calculation,one can derive thatThe quantity u(t) -va can be more convenientlydenoted as 6v(t). a change in frequency at time t.Equation (8.5) tells us that if.we differentiateth.e phase f1uctuatlons ~(t) <strong>and</strong> divide by 2n, wewill have calculated the frequencyOU (t) .fluctuationRather than specify; ng a frequency f1 uctuationin terms <strong>of</strong> shift in frequency, it ;suseful to denote O\1'(t) ....ith respect to the nominalfrequency ~O- The quantity ~ is called theV<strong>of</strong>ractional freguency fluctuation"'· at time t <strong>and</strong>;s signified by the variable y(t), We have(8.6)The fractional frequency fluctuation yet) isa dimensionless quantity.Wtu!O ta1!(;ng about frequencystabil ity, its approoriateness becomesclearer if weconsider the following example.Suppose in two oscillators 6,,(t) is consistentlyequal to + 1 Hz <strong>and</strong> we have sampled this value formany times t. Are the two oscillators equal intheir ability to producefrequencies?their desired outputNot if one oscillator is .operatingat 10 Hz <strong>and</strong> the other at 10 MHz.In one case Ith@ average value <strong>of</strong> t~e fractional frequencyfluctuation is 1110, <strong>and</strong> in the second case is1/10,000,000 or 1 x 10- 7 . The 10 MHz oscillatoris then lIore precise.If frequencies are multipliedor divided IJsingfractional stability is not changed.ideal electronics, theIn ttle frequency domain. we can measure the.spectrum <strong>of</strong> frequency fluctuations yet). The~~ Some international recommendations replaceUfractional ll by " norma 11zed u •(8.7)We ~ill address ourselves primarily to S~(f). thatis, the spectral density <strong>of</strong> phase fluctuations.For no; se-measurement purposes, Slj)( f) can bemeasured with a straightforward, easily duplicatedequipment set-up.Whether one measures phase orfrequency spectral densities is <strong>of</strong> minor importancesince they bear a direct relationship. It isimportant, however, to make the distinction <strong>and</strong> touse eq (8.7) if ~ecessary.8ft 1 The Loose Phase-locked loopSection 1, 1.1, C described a method afme-asuring phase fluctuations between two phaselock.edoscillators. How we win detail the procedurefor measuring S~(f),Suppose: we have a noisy oscillator. We wishto measure the oscjllator's phase fluctuationsrelative to nominal phase. One can do this byphaselocldng another oscillator (called the referenceoscillator) to themixing the two oscillator signals 90~test oscillat.or <strong>and</strong>out <strong>of</strong> phase(phase quadrature). Th; s ; $ shown schematicallyin figure 8.9.The two oscillators are at thesame frequency in long term as guaranteed by theph.s.-loc~ loop (PLL). A low-pass filter (t<strong>of</strong>i1ter ttle R.F. sum component) is used after themixer since the difference (baseb<strong>and</strong>) signal isthe one <strong>of</strong> interest.By holding the two signalsat a relative phase difference <strong>of</strong> 90~.short-termphase fluctuations between the test <strong>and</strong> referenceoscillators will appear as V"oltage fluctuationsout <strong>of</strong> ~he mi~er.21TN-34

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