NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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12 FREQUENCY AND TIME MEASUREMENT217l/)WWO::;:Ec:lW 0Ow oU-w00::0::U­WU­COO5z100~10­...~ ...'\~"'-""~""" "'~"" ,\""'.'-\".'\ .~' ....\' :'" \'.\::..1;-1------'10-:-----=>"'--,-!100T (IN UNITS OF DATA SPACING)FIG.12-15 Number <strong>of</strong>degrees <strong>of</strong>freedom as a function <strong>of</strong>averaging time for the case <strong>of</strong> 101phase measurements: The heavy broken line is for r<strong>and</strong>om-walk frequency noise, the lightbroken line is for flicker frequency noise, the dotted line is for white frequency noise. the heavysolid line is for flicker phase noise, <strong>and</strong> the light solid line is for white phase noise,An expression for each individual variance is obtained by adding two jointvariances <strong>and</strong> subtracting the third:Uf = !(ut + ui - a]k)'uf = !(O}k + u~ - a!k), (12-44)uf = t(U7k + Urk - 0'5)·This method works best if the three devices are comparable in performance.Caution must be exercised since Eqs. (12-44) may give a negative sampleAllan variance despite the fact that the true Allan variance is positive definite,This is possible because the confidence interval <strong>of</strong> the estimate is sufficientlylarge to include negative variances. Such a result is an indication that theconfidence intervals <strong>of</strong> the sample Allan variances are too large <strong>and</strong> thatmore data is required.12,2 DIRECT DIGITAL MEASUREMEJ\T12.2.1 Time-Interval MeasurementsA common technique for measuring the phase difference between oscillatorshaving nearly equal nominal frequencies is the use <strong>of</strong> direct timeintervalmeasurements. In this section <strong>and</strong> those that follow, the symbols Vta<strong>and</strong> Vl0 are used to indicate the nominal values <strong>of</strong> \'1 <strong>and</strong> v 2 , respectively. Inthe simplest form <strong>of</strong> this technique, a time-interval counter is started on someIN-87

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