The radial distribution functions of water and ice from 220 to 673 K ...

The radial distribution functions of water and ice from 220 to 673 K ...

The radial distribution functions of water and ice from 220 to 673 K ...


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Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137www.elsevier.nl/locate/chemphys<strong>The</strong> <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>ice</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>220</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>673</strong> K <strong>and</strong> at pressures up <strong>to</strong> 400 MPaA.K. Soper *ISIS Department, Rutherford Apple<strong>to</strong>n Labora<strong>to</strong>ry, Chil<strong>to</strong>n, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UKReceived 13 June 2000AbstractNeutron di€raction data for <strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>ice</strong> in the form <strong>of</strong> OO, OH <strong>and</strong> HH partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs now exist over atemperature range <strong>220</strong>±<strong>673</strong> K, <strong>and</strong> at pressures up <strong>to</strong> 400 MPa. In order for these data <strong>to</strong> be useful for comparingwith di€erent computer simulations <strong>and</strong> theories <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong>, it is ®rst necessary <strong>to</strong> Fourier transform them <strong>to</strong> the correspondingsite±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>. <strong>The</strong> process <strong>of</strong> doing this is not straightforward because <strong>of</strong> the inherentsystematic uncertainties in the data, which arise primarily in the case <strong>of</strong> neutron scattering, <strong>from</strong> the inelasticityor recoil e€ects that can dis<strong>to</strong>rt the experimental data. In this paper, it is shown that the empirical potential structurere®nement procedure, which attempts <strong>to</strong> ®t a three-dimensional ensemble <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> molecules <strong>to</strong> all three partialstructure fac<strong>to</strong>rs simultaneously, leads <strong>to</strong> improved reliability in the extracted <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>. <strong>The</strong>re arestill some uncertainties, primarily associated with the hardness <strong>of</strong> the repulsive core <strong>of</strong> the intermolecular potential,which current data are not precise enough <strong>to</strong> resolve. <strong>The</strong> derived empirical potentials show some variability associatedwith particular experiments. General trends can be discerned however which indicate polarisation e€ects may be signi®cantwhen e€ective intermolecular potentials are used over a wide temperature <strong>and</strong> density range. Ó 2000 ElsevierScience B.V. All rights reserved.1. IntroductionIt is generally recognised that obtaining a reliableset <strong>of</strong> <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> for <strong>water</strong>has <strong>to</strong> be an essential prerequisite in any attempt<strong>to</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> the properties <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong> aqueoussystems at the a<strong>to</strong>mic level. <strong>The</strong> reasons for thisare several. Firstly, reliable <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong> are one <strong>of</strong> the crucial yardsticks againstwhich any computer simulation or theory <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong>must be tested. Very few published computersimulations <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> exist which do not at some* Tel.: +44-1235-445543; fax: +44-1235-445642.E-mail address: a.k.soper@rl.ac.uk (A.K. Soper).point make a comparison with some form <strong>of</strong> diffractionexperiment. Secondly, when attempting <strong>to</strong>underst<strong>and</strong> the e€ect <strong>of</strong> dissolved substances on<strong>water</strong> it is essential <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> compare thestructure <strong>of</strong> the modi®ed solvent in the presence <strong>of</strong>the solute with that <strong>of</strong> the pure solvent. Thiscomparison is an important indication <strong>of</strong> how thesolute±solute interaction may be modi®ed whendissolved in <strong>water</strong>. Thirdly, the thermodynamicstate dependence <strong>of</strong> the structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> is, atleast in principle, an indispensable guide <strong>to</strong> thenon-pairwise-additive terms in the intera<strong>to</strong>micpotential. Finally, the pronounced hydrogenbonding between <strong>water</strong> molecules, combined withthe particular molecular geometry <strong>of</strong> the <strong>water</strong>molecule, gives rise <strong>to</strong> quite distinct forms for the0301-0104/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S0301-0104(00)00179-8

122 A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137OO, OH <strong>and</strong> HH <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> [1],in a way which is not reproduced by other molecularsystems. See for example, equivalent diffractionwork on the hydrogen halides [2±4],hydrogen sulphide [5], <strong>and</strong> ammonia [6]. <strong>The</strong>structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> is therefore fundamentally importantfor characterising the nature <strong>of</strong> the hydrogenbond at the a<strong>to</strong>mic level.Since the early 1980s, it has been shown that itis possible <strong>to</strong> extract the partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rsfor <strong>water</strong> using the technique <strong>of</strong> hydrogen/deuteriumsubstitution in combination with neutrondi€raction [7,8]. This is because the hydrogen a<strong>to</strong>mhas a marked di€erence in neutron scatteringlength compared <strong>to</strong> deuterium, <strong>and</strong> because theneutron is scattered directly <strong>from</strong> the nucleus.Thus, by making di€raction measurements onheavy <strong>water</strong>, light <strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong> at least one mixture<strong>of</strong> these two liquids, the corresponding nucleus±nucleus partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs can be extractedby inverting the scattering matrix corresponding <strong>to</strong>each di€raction dataset [1]. <strong>The</strong> fundamental assumptionbehind the neutron experiment is thatthe structures <strong>of</strong> heavy <strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong> light <strong>water</strong> areiso<strong>to</strong>pe independent, whereas earlier quantumcomputer simulations [9] <strong>and</strong> now X-ray data [10]indicate that the two liquids may well be slightlydi€erent in structure. If this is the case, then itshould be noted that this does not au<strong>to</strong>maticallyrule out the possibility <strong>of</strong> doing iso<strong>to</strong>pe substitutionon <strong>water</strong>. <strong>The</strong>re is so far no indication that thetwo liquids are di€erent in structure by more thana few percent in the <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>,<strong>and</strong> it was shown previously that an iso<strong>to</strong>pe substitutionexperiment in that case would measurethe average structure <strong>of</strong> the two liquids [1]. Inpract<strong>ice</strong>, the uncertainties in the neutron experimentare typically likely <strong>to</strong> be signi®cantly greaterthan the di€erence in structure due <strong>to</strong> quantume€ects, so the di€erences between the two liquidsare usually ignored. However, the possibility <strong>of</strong>these di€erences being present, <strong>and</strong> in particularbecoming more apparent at low temperature mustalways be borne in mind when considering neutrondi€raction experiments on <strong>water</strong>.<strong>The</strong> neutron data can in principle be supplementedby X-ray di€raction data, which, particularlywith modern synchrotron sources, can beextracted with signi®cantly better statistical precisionthan the neutron data. Analysis <strong>of</strong> the X-raydata is also non-trivial, however, since it requiresknowledge <strong>of</strong> the electron form fac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> themolecule, which due <strong>to</strong> the highly polarised nature<strong>of</strong> the <strong>water</strong> molecule in the liquid, is not known <strong>to</strong>any accuracy. In addition, the X-ray experiment isprimarily sensitive <strong>to</strong> the O±O structure fac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong>so can give little direct information on the hydrogenbonding in <strong>water</strong>. This information can beobtained only by inference in the X-ray experiment,by analysing the behaviour <strong>of</strong> the secondpeak in the OO <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> function withchanges in pressure <strong>and</strong> temperature [11].By far, the greatest controversy in experimentaldeterminations <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> structure arises <strong>from</strong> theprocess <strong>of</strong> converting the measured di€ractiondata <strong>to</strong> site±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>. <strong>The</strong>conventional pract<strong>ice</strong> <strong>of</strong> performing a simpleFourier transform on the data is prone <strong>to</strong> introducingserious truncation <strong>and</strong> systematic errorsin<strong>to</strong> the resulting <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>, <strong>and</strong>this has led <strong>to</strong> statements about <strong>water</strong> structureabove the critical point [12] being made whichwere subsequently shown <strong>to</strong> be controversial[13,14]. Pusztai has recently attempted <strong>to</strong> extractthe <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> <strong>from</strong> di€ractiondata by ®tting the <strong>to</strong>tal scattering patterns instead<strong>of</strong> the partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs [15] using a reverseMonte Carlo (RMC) procedure. His results so fardiverge signi®cantly <strong>from</strong> other attempts usingFourier transform methods on both the extractedpartial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs [1,7], <strong>and</strong> on the <strong>to</strong>talscattering patterns [16±18]. <strong>The</strong>y also disagree withother recent attempts using Monte Carlo simulationprocedures [19,20].<strong>The</strong>re are two primary sources <strong>of</strong> error in thedi€raction data on <strong>water</strong>. Firstly, especially withneutrons, <strong>and</strong> also with X-rays if energy analysis isused <strong>to</strong> remove the Comp<strong>to</strong>n scattering, the datacan only be obtained with ®nite statistical uncertainty.In general, the statistical uncertainty isworse at large values <strong>of</strong> the wave vec<strong>to</strong>r transfer,Q, which has the e€ect <strong>of</strong> making it dicult <strong>to</strong>determine at precisely which value <strong>of</strong> Q thestructural oscillations disappear. In addition forthe OH <strong>and</strong> HH structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs, the di€ractionpattern has oscillations due <strong>to</strong> the intramolecular

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 123interferences which proceed <strong>to</strong> large Q. Measuringthese oscillations precisely is an essential prerequisite<strong>to</strong> determine the intramolecular structure.Thus, ®nite counting statistics give rise <strong>to</strong> an effectivetruncation <strong>of</strong> the di€raction data, resultingin a loss <strong>of</strong> resolution in real space.<strong>The</strong> second main source <strong>of</strong> error comes <strong>from</strong>the need <strong>to</strong> estimate the single a<strong>to</strong>m scattering forneutrons or the single electron (Comp<strong>to</strong>n) scatteringfor X-rays. This scattering does not containuseful information on the relative arrangement <strong>of</strong>a<strong>to</strong>ms or electrons, but it does constitute a significantpart <strong>of</strong> the di€raction pattern. It is the singlea<strong>to</strong>m or single electron scattering about which theuseful interference signal oscillates. <strong>The</strong>refore, anyerror in estimating this single particle scatteringcan give rise <strong>to</strong> potentially signi®cant errors inestimating the interference signal. In both X-rays<strong>and</strong> neutron scattering, the single a<strong>to</strong>m or electronscattering is subject <strong>to</strong> substantial recoil dis<strong>to</strong>rtionby the scattering radiation <strong>and</strong> attempts <strong>to</strong> estimatethis e€ect invariably prove <strong>to</strong> be approximateat best. <strong>The</strong> main features <strong>of</strong> the recoil or Comp<strong>to</strong>ndis<strong>to</strong>rtion however is that it is additive <strong>to</strong> the<strong>to</strong>tal scattering pattern, <strong>and</strong> that it is unlikely <strong>to</strong>have the kind <strong>of</strong> oscilla<strong>to</strong>ry structure seen in theinterference signal. <strong>The</strong>refore, it has <strong>to</strong> be regardedas a form <strong>of</strong> (generally unknown) background on<strong>to</strong>p <strong>of</strong> which the true oscilla<strong>to</strong>ry structure is added.A third aspect, relevant particularly <strong>to</strong> theneutron experiment, is that the nuclear recoil dis<strong>to</strong>rtionis neutron energy dependent, rather than Qdependent. If the neutron measurements are madeusing an energy dispersive technique as at a pulsedneutron source such as ISIS, the same Q values arescanned over a range <strong>of</strong> di€erent neutron incidentenergies using neutron detec<strong>to</strong>rs at di€erent scatteringangles. This means that the recoil dis<strong>to</strong>rtions,which are substantial for neutrons scatteredby light hydrogen, will <strong>to</strong> some extent be blurredwhen the di€erent detec<strong>to</strong>r arrays are combined ata given Q value, whereas the genuine interferencesignal will be ampli®ed in the combination.For all these reasons therefore, there is considerablescope <strong>to</strong> develop a practical process forextracting the <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> <strong>from</strong>experimental di€raction data on <strong>water</strong>. It will beessential that the nature <strong>and</strong> source <strong>of</strong> the errors beunders<strong>to</strong>od <strong>and</strong> taken in<strong>to</strong> account. A premise <strong>of</strong>this paper <strong>and</strong> much <strong>of</strong> the work that has precededit is that there are errors in the data. If however weare careful enough in the way we set up ourstructure re®nement process, we should be able <strong>to</strong>prevent much <strong>of</strong> that error being carried through<strong>to</strong> the calculated <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>.<strong>The</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> this paper therefore is devoted <strong>to</strong> theapplication <strong>of</strong> a particular computer simulationtechnique, called empirical potential structure re-®nement (EPSR), <strong>to</strong> the process <strong>of</strong> estimating the<strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong>. <strong>The</strong> methodhas been applied <strong>to</strong> all the available neutron dataon <strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>ice</strong>, <strong>from</strong> <strong>220</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>673</strong> K, some <strong>of</strong>which have not hither<strong>to</strong> been published, <strong>and</strong> theresults <strong>of</strong> this analysis are given here. <strong>The</strong> di€ractiondata used here have been derived entirely<strong>from</strong> neutron di€raction experiments, <strong>and</strong> unlessotherwise noted, were obtained on the small angleneutron di€rac<strong>to</strong>meter for amorphous <strong>and</strong> liquidsamples (SANDALS) at ISIS.2. Empirical potential structure re®nement<strong>The</strong> object <strong>of</strong> this procedure is <strong>to</strong> set up a modelensemble <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> molecules whose partial structurefac<strong>to</strong>rs agree as close as possible with thoseobtained <strong>from</strong> di€raction data [20]. This process isclosely analogous <strong>to</strong> what has been done withcrystallographic data for many years. Since thesystem is disordered, the only practical way <strong>to</strong>model the structure is via a computer simulation.In the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong>, the primary constraints on the<strong>distribution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> molecules is that they musthave the correct density, the correct intramoleculargeometry, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> course the modelled <strong>distribution</strong>must reproduce the di€raction measurements asclose as practical. EPSR is a technique forachieving that goal.2.1. Setting up the interaction potential<strong>The</strong> potential in the EPSR method [20] consists<strong>of</strong> three principal terms. An intramolecularharmonic potential is used <strong>to</strong> de®ne <strong>and</strong> maintainthe molecular geometry. A reference intermolecularpotential provides the starting point for the

124 A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137simulation <strong>to</strong> get the molecules in<strong>to</strong> a realistic region<strong>of</strong> con®gurational space. A perturbation,called the empirical potential, is then added <strong>to</strong> thereference potential <strong>to</strong> drive the simulation as closeas possible <strong>to</strong> the experimental data.A large number <strong>of</strong> computer simulations <strong>of</strong><strong>water</strong> are <strong>of</strong> course available in the literature <strong>and</strong>will not be referenced here in any detail. <strong>The</strong> majority<strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> simulations are performed with<strong>water</strong> molecules in which the a<strong>to</strong>ms are preciselylocalised with respect <strong>to</strong> the molecular axes, buteven when the molecules are not rigid, the simulationsalmost invariably treat the intramolecularmotion using classical mechanics. This immediatelyruns in<strong>to</strong> a problem when attempting <strong>to</strong>compare with di€raction data, since the intramolecularstructure <strong>of</strong> molecules in the real liquid isdominated by quantum mechanical zero-pointdisorder which has no classical analogue, <strong>and</strong>certainly must be included in any simulation whichis <strong>to</strong> be compared directly with the di€ractiondata.<strong>The</strong> starting point <strong>of</strong> the EPSR simulationtherefore is <strong>to</strong> build an ensemble <strong>of</strong> moleculeswhose internal structure reproduces that whichcan be obtained <strong>from</strong> the di€raction experiment.Essentially, each intramolecular distance is characterisedby an average distance, d ab , <strong>and</strong> a width,w ab , <strong>and</strong> the intramolecular structure is establishedby assuming the a<strong>to</strong>ms in each molecule interactvia a harmonic potential. <strong>The</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal (dimensionless)intramolecular energy <strong>of</strong> the system is representedbyU intra ˆ C X iX …r aibi d ab † 2; …1†ab6ˆaw 2 abwhere r aibi is the actual separation <strong>of</strong> the a<strong>to</strong>ms a, bin molecule i, w 2 ab ˆ 1= pM a M b , M a is the mass <strong>of</strong>a<strong>to</strong>m a in a<strong>to</strong>mic mass units, <strong>and</strong> C is a constantdetermined <strong>from</strong> the di€raction data. All the simulationsreported here used C ˆ 40 A 2 , determinedby comparing the simulated structurefac<strong>to</strong>rs with the measurements at large Q. <strong>The</strong>same value <strong>of</strong> C was used for all temperatures,since the zero-point disorder was not anticipated<strong>to</strong> be strongly temperature dependent, <strong>and</strong> therewas little evidence for a temperature dependence inthe data. <strong>The</strong> intramolecular distances used wered OH ˆ 0:976 A <strong>and</strong> d HH ˆ 1:550 A, which valueswere determined <strong>to</strong> give the best ®t <strong>to</strong> the data.Again no signi®cant temperature dependence onthese intramolecular distances was found. It mustbe emphasised that the inclusion <strong>of</strong> non-localiseda<strong>to</strong>ms within the molecule does not constitute adegree <strong>of</strong> polarisability in<strong>to</strong> the model: as describedbelow intramolecular a<strong>to</strong>m moves aremade without reference <strong>to</strong> the intermolecular potentialenergy function. <strong>The</strong> intramolecular potentialis used here only as a dev<strong>ice</strong> <strong>to</strong> mimic themeasured average molecular geometry. It does notcontribute <strong>to</strong> the overall system Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian.When sampled with an exponential function (seeSection 2.2) it reproduces the correct temperatureindependentGaussian disorder expected <strong>of</strong> zeropointmotion.<strong>The</strong> intermolecular reference potential is typicallybased on an intermolecular potential for<strong>water</strong> drawn <strong>from</strong> the literature. In principle, thispotential can be as complicated as desired, butmost <strong>of</strong> the simulations reported here used thesame Lennard-Jones <strong>and</strong> charge parameters as thesimple point charge extended (SPC/E) potential[21]. A few <strong>of</strong> the present simulations have used amodi®ed version <strong>of</strong> this, as described below. Thispotential was derived for rigid molecules <strong>and</strong> sowill not necessarily be appropriate <strong>to</strong> the kind <strong>of</strong>disordered molecules used in EPSR simulations.Nonetheless it gave a reasonable description <strong>of</strong> thelocal order in <strong>water</strong> (Figs. 1±3) <strong>and</strong> so was a usefulpoint <strong>from</strong> which <strong>to</strong> start the structure re®nement.<strong>The</strong> intermolecular reference potential energy isgiven by an expression <strong>of</strong> the form8U inter ˆ 1 XX

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 125Fig. 1. Computer simulation <strong>of</strong> the OO, OH <strong>and</strong> HH partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> at 298 K <strong>and</strong> 1 bar, using the SPC/E (a) <strong>and</strong>SPC10 (b) parameterisation <strong>of</strong> the reference potential as described in the text. <strong>The</strong> lines show the simulated structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs, while thecircles show the residual di€erence between neutron di€raction data <strong>and</strong> the simulated structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs. Signi®cant oscillations can beseen in these residuals, although the SPC10 simulation appears <strong>to</strong> give smaller residual oscillations than the SPC/E parameterisation.Note that all the structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs in this paper are shown as per a<strong>to</strong>m. Thus, they are three times greater in amplitude than if they wereshown per molecule.q O ˆ0:8476e, <strong>and</strong> q H ˆ‡0:4238e. For a few <strong>of</strong>the simulations (labelled SPC10), the parameters<strong>of</strong> the reference potential were set <strong>to</strong> n ˆ 10,r OO ˆ 3:42 A, q O ˆ1:0e, <strong>and</strong> q H ˆ‡0:5e.<strong>The</strong> perturbation <strong>to</strong> the reference potential,U epi , is determined for each partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rby taking the di€erence between experimentalstructure fac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> simulated structure fac<strong>to</strong>r.<strong>The</strong> di€erence is Fourier transformed <strong>to</strong> r-space,using the minimum noise method [22] <strong>to</strong> ensure aminimum <strong>of</strong> truncation e€ects are transferred <strong>to</strong>the perturbation in r-space. Provided the perturbationat each iteration is not <strong>to</strong>o large, this differencein r-space is equivalent <strong>to</strong> the di€erencebetween the potential <strong>of</strong> mean force for the experiment<strong>and</strong> that for the simulation. Having ®rstequilibrated the simulation with the reference potentialalone, the simulation is then run again usingthe reference potential plus perturbationpotential until a new equilibrium is reached. <strong>The</strong>process is repeated iteratively, accumulating theperturbations <strong>to</strong> form the empirical potential, untilsuch time as no further improvement in the ®t <strong>to</strong>the data can be achieved. Because the re®nement issimultaneously ®tting all the available data at thesame time, it is less likely <strong>to</strong> introduce e€ects in the<strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> related <strong>to</strong> truncation,counting statistics <strong>and</strong> systematic errors in thedata.All intermolecular potentials, both reference<strong>and</strong> empirical, were truncated at half the box dimensionwith a function <strong>of</strong> the form T …r† ˆ1= ‰ 1 ‡ expf20… r=r c 1†gŠ,withr c ˆ 0:35D, whereD is the box dimension <strong>and</strong> r is the intera<strong>to</strong>micseparation. This truncation function ensures thatthe intermolecular potential is essentially zero

126 A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137Fig. 2. Site±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> for the simulationsshown in Fig. 1. Note that the second peak in the OO g(r)is not well reproduced by the SPC/E simulation.beyond half the box dimension. No correction wasmade for longer range forces in order that thesimulation would proceed as quickly as possible,<strong>and</strong> because there was little information in thedi€raction data on interactions greater than thisdistance. It is also generally believed [23] that longrange corrections have little e€ect on the <strong>radial</strong><strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong>.2.2. Running the simulationAll the simulations were performed with 550<strong>water</strong> molecules in a cubic box. <strong>The</strong> densities,temperatures <strong>and</strong> box sizes used in the simulationsare given in Table 1. <strong>The</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard minimum imageconvention was applied <strong>to</strong> calculate energies <strong>and</strong><strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>. A<strong>to</strong>mic <strong>and</strong> molecularmoves are accepted or rejected on the basis <strong>of</strong>the conventional Metropolis Monte Carlo method[24].<strong>The</strong>re are three di€erent kinds <strong>of</strong> moves withinthe EPSR simulation, namely individual a<strong>to</strong>mmoves where a<strong>to</strong>ms are moved relative <strong>to</strong> oneanother within the molecule, molecular rotations<strong>and</strong> molecular translations, the latter two kinds <strong>of</strong>move being whole molecule moves. For morecomplicated molecules other moves can be envisaged,such as rotations <strong>of</strong> particular headgroups,or moves which keep the intramolecular distancesthe same but which change the symmetry <strong>of</strong> themolecule (e.g. left-h<strong>and</strong>ed <strong>to</strong> right-h<strong>and</strong>ed, etc.),but these are not relevant <strong>to</strong> the <strong>water</strong> simulationsdescribed here.For the intramolecular moves, only the changein the intramolecular potential energy, DU intra ,isused <strong>to</strong> accept or reject the move. Thus, theprobability <strong>of</strong> acceptance <strong>of</strong> an intramolecularmove within the Monte Carlo scheme is based onthe value <strong>of</strong> exp‰ DU intra Š, i.e. there is no thermalfac<strong>to</strong>r in this sampling, in order <strong>to</strong> simulate zeropointdisorder which is temperature independent<strong>to</strong> ®rst approximation. If the data warranted atemperature dependence <strong>to</strong> this function (for example,in the event that intramolecular vibrationalfrequencies are altered radically by the changes intemperature <strong>and</strong> pressure) then this could be includedin the value <strong>of</strong> C in Eq. (1). In fact, nosigni®cant temperature dependence has been observedin the present di€raction data.For whole molecule moves, the usual Boltzmannthermal fac<strong>to</strong>r is used outside the intermolecularpotential energies. In principle, wholemolecule moves should not involve the relativemovement <strong>of</strong> a<strong>to</strong>ms within the molecule. However,computing round-o€ errors can accumulate over anumber <strong>of</strong> such moves, so the intramolecular potentialis included when calculating the <strong>to</strong>tal energychange. Thus, the probability <strong>of</strong> acceptance<strong>of</strong> awhole molecule move is based on the value <strong>of</strong>exp DU intra ‡ 1=k B T DU ref ‡ DU emp , wherefor whole molecule moves DU intra is normally expected<strong>to</strong> make only a small contribution <strong>to</strong> the<strong>to</strong>tal energy di€erence before <strong>and</strong> after the move.Since the intramolecular moves involve disorderingindividual molecules without reference <strong>to</strong> thesurrounding molecules there are typically 50 wholemolecule moves for each intramolecular move. Inthis way, the zero-point disorder <strong>of</strong> the moleculesis simulated, while maintaining a realistic localmolecular order.

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 127Fig. 3. EPSR <strong>of</strong> the OO, OH <strong>and</strong> HH partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs for <strong>water</strong> at 298 K, 1 bar, using the SPC/E reference potential. <strong>The</strong>graph on the left corresponds <strong>to</strong> pulsed neutron time-<strong>of</strong>-¯ight di€raction data (a) [18], whereas that on the right corresponds the earlierreac<strong>to</strong>r neutron di€raction data (b) [1].One feature <strong>of</strong> EPSR simulation which is different<strong>from</strong> conventional simulation procedures isthat the con®gurational energy <strong>and</strong> pressure <strong>of</strong> thesimulation can be arbitrary. This is because theintermolecular potential energy function is beingmodi®ed in a piecewise fashion without reference<strong>to</strong> the expected energy <strong>and</strong> pressure. With perfectdata extending over a wide Q range, one mighthope that the EPSR procedure would arrive atenergies <strong>and</strong> pressures which were close <strong>to</strong> theirmeasured values. With the imperfect data that areactually available this is never the case, althoughthe intermolecular con®gurational energy valuesobtained in the present instance, as reported inTable 1, are at least <strong>of</strong> the correct sign <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> thecorrect order <strong>of</strong> magnitude. Equally, the pressuresobtained in the EPSR simulations (not shownhere) were typically within 200 MPa <strong>of</strong> the expectedpressure.In fact, a lower limit <strong>of</strong> ±100 kJ mol 1 wasplaced on the con®gurational energy <strong>to</strong> prevent theempirical potential becoming excessively large ornegative. In pract<strong>ice</strong>, this limit was only breachedin the simulation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ice</strong> data. In the event thatthe limit <strong>of</strong> ±100 kJ mol 1 was exceeded the empiricalpotential was reduced in amplitude, withoutchanging its shape, by a proportionate fac<strong>to</strong>r, inorder <strong>to</strong> raise the energy <strong>of</strong> the simulation abovethis threshold.<strong>The</strong> partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>and</strong> site±site <strong>radial</strong><strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> derived <strong>from</strong> running thesimulation with the intramolecular <strong>and</strong> referenceintermolecular potentials alone (i.e. no empiricalpotential re®nement) at T ˆ 298 K are shown inFigs. 1±3, comparing them with the correspondingdatasets. It can be seen that they give a sensiblerepresentation <strong>of</strong> the short range structure thoughsome details in the partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs areclearly incorrect. Given that the data may contain,as discussed above, some form <strong>of</strong> slowly varying,additive, systematic error, it is important <strong>to</strong> inspectthe residual, that is the di€erence between data <strong>and</strong>

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 129methods. In addition, the systematic errors in areac<strong>to</strong>r experiment are quite di€erent <strong>to</strong> those in atime-<strong>of</strong>-¯ight experiment [7] <strong>and</strong> so this comparisonwill help <strong>to</strong> establish the likely accuracy <strong>of</strong> theresults.Two <strong>of</strong> the datasets, the one at 298 K <strong>and</strong> 210MPa, <strong>and</strong> the data on <strong>ice</strong> at <strong>220</strong> K, have not beenpublished before, though the former were referred<strong>to</strong> in a previous publication [25]. <strong>The</strong> samplecontainer used for pressurised <strong>water</strong> is the same asthat described previously for superheated <strong>water</strong>[27].Ice presents a signi®cant challenge for theanalysis in the manner prescribed here, since it isimportant <strong>to</strong> have di€raction data on an absolutescale <strong>of</strong> di€erential scattering cross-section. <strong>The</strong>traditional method <strong>of</strong> using a powdered crystal isnot appropriate for this since it makes determination<strong>of</strong> the relative scattering cross-section forthe di€erent iso<strong>to</strong>pes <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> unreliable. On theother h<strong>and</strong>, simply freezing liquid <strong>water</strong> in a containeris also not suitable on its own since thatmethod invariably leads <strong>to</strong> a high degree <strong>of</strong> preferredorientation in the sample, making a validpowder average impossible. <strong>The</strong> method adoptedhere <strong>to</strong> circumvent these problems was <strong>to</strong> freezethe <strong>water</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>220</strong> K, make the di€raction measurements,then thaw the sample. This cycle wasrepeated several times. After combining the data<strong>from</strong> all elements <strong>of</strong> the large detec<strong>to</strong>r array onSANDALS <strong>and</strong> <strong>from</strong> all freeze-thaw cycles, theresult was e€ectively a powder average. <strong>The</strong> containerin this case was a 1 mm thick slit in a 3 mmthick slab <strong>of</strong> zirconium±titanium alloy.In all cases, the data analysis proceeded usingthe ATLAS data analysis suite [28], <strong>and</strong> the subsequentanalysis <strong>of</strong> di€erential cross-section <strong>to</strong>HH, OH <strong>and</strong> OO partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs used thepolynomial method for subtracting the single a<strong>to</strong>mscattering [29]. <strong>The</strong>se data were then ®t directlywith a series <strong>of</strong> EPSR simulations under the conditionsgiven in Table 1. Figs. 3±5 show ®ts <strong>to</strong>some <strong>of</strong> the di€raction data at 298, 573 <strong>and</strong> <strong>673</strong> K,whereas Figs. 6±9 show the derived OO, OH <strong>and</strong>HH <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> for all the statesstudied. Figs. 10±12 show the OO, OH <strong>and</strong> HHempirical potentials for the same states. Fig. 13shows the ®ts <strong>to</strong> the <strong>ice</strong> data, whereas Fig. 14shows the corresponding <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>.For this <strong>ice</strong> simulation, the starting pointwas an ensemble <strong>of</strong> molecules in the liquid state<strong>and</strong> there was only slight evidence that this simulationhad started <strong>to</strong> form a crystalline structure,even after a lengthy simulation run, as discussedbelow.Numerical tabulations <strong>of</strong> all these estimated<strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> can be found at thewebsite http://www.isis.rl.ac.uk/disordered.4. Results4.1. <strong>The</strong> reference potentials aloneFigs. 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 demonstrate that either <strong>of</strong> thechosen reference potentials produced a qualitative®t <strong>to</strong> the data, but disagreed in the detail. <strong>The</strong>SPC10 potential was used in an attempt <strong>to</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tenthe repulsive core <strong>of</strong> the SPC/E potential. <strong>The</strong>re issome evidence <strong>from</strong> the residual in the OO partialstructure fac<strong>to</strong>r that the core is <strong>to</strong>o hard in theLennard-Jones term <strong>of</strong> this potential, making the®rst peak in the OO <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> undulyhigh <strong>and</strong> sharp. Changing the hardness <strong>of</strong> the core,meant that both the charges <strong>and</strong> the core diameterneeded <strong>to</strong> be re-estimated <strong>to</strong> give the closest representation<strong>of</strong> the data. In the event howeverchanging the hardness <strong>of</strong> the core potential <strong>from</strong> a12th order power <strong>to</strong> 10th does not seem <strong>to</strong> a€ectthis peak height unduly.<strong>The</strong> con®gurational energy <strong>of</strong> the SPC10 potentialwas lower than that for the SPC/E parameters,but since con®gurational energies are notaccurate in any <strong>of</strong> the present simulations this wasnot felt <strong>to</strong> be a serious de®ciency. In general, the®ts with SPC10 on its own are equivalent <strong>to</strong> thosewith the SPC/E parameters, although the SPC10potential appears <strong>to</strong> capture the second peak in theOO <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> better than for SPC/E whenthe molecules are disordered. This is no doubt aconsequence <strong>of</strong> the fact that the SPC/E potentialwas originally parameterised with localised a<strong>to</strong>ms,<strong>and</strong> with slightly longer OH bonds than have beenused here. It seems that once the a<strong>to</strong>ms are delocalised,larger point charges are needed <strong>to</strong> compensatefor the loss <strong>of</strong> intramolecular order.

130 A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137Fig. 4. EPSR ®ts <strong>to</strong> two datasets for <strong>water</strong> at 573 K, both at the same a<strong>to</strong>mic number density <strong>of</strong> 0.072 a<strong>to</strong>ms per A 3 <strong>and</strong> pressure <strong>of</strong>100 bar, which were measured at di€erent times. <strong>The</strong>se are given in Table 1 as 573a (a), <strong>and</strong> 573b (b). A considerable degree <strong>of</strong>similarity exists between the two datasets, albeit with some small di€erences.Clearly, therefore, there is still scope for improvements<strong>to</strong> e€ective potential models such asthe SPC/E model. Inclusion <strong>of</strong> a representation <strong>of</strong>intramolecular zero-point disorder will certainlybe needed if a better ®t <strong>to</strong> di€raction data is <strong>to</strong> beachieved.4.2. Cold <strong>and</strong> ambient <strong>water</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> for cold <strong>water</strong>under pressure can be compared with those <strong>of</strong>ambient <strong>water</strong>. As has been discussed elsewhere[11,26], the primary e€ect <strong>of</strong> increasing <strong>water</strong>pressure is <strong>to</strong> modify the second <strong>water</strong> shell arounda central <strong>water</strong> molecule, pulling it inwards, whilechanges <strong>to</strong> the ®rst shell are relatively small. Whenthis shell is pulled in it appears that it involvesbreaking the hydrogen-bonded network, allowingthe H bonds that remain <strong>to</strong> become more linear.This is seen <strong>from</strong> the fact that the OO distanceactually appears <strong>to</strong> increase slightly on increasingthe pressure, whereas the OH intermolecular distancebecomes smaller <strong>and</strong> better de®ned. If thehydrogen bonds were simply being bent by theapplication <strong>of</strong> pressure then the opposite <strong>to</strong> thesetendencies would be expected.Also <strong>of</strong> interest in the ambient <strong>water</strong> data is thenew analysis <strong>of</strong> the old reac<strong>to</strong>r neutron datacompared <strong>to</strong> the same analysis <strong>of</strong> the more recentpulsed neutron data. <strong>The</strong> pulsed data were measured<strong>to</strong> much larger Q values than the reac<strong>to</strong>rdata. <strong>The</strong> residuals for the two datasets are different,in fact, the residuals for the reac<strong>to</strong>r data aregenerally larger than for the time-<strong>of</strong>-¯ight data.Nonetheless, the resulting <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong> <strong>from</strong> the two datasets are surprisinglyclose. This helps <strong>to</strong> establish the extent <strong>of</strong> systemat<strong>ice</strong>€ects in these experiments. <strong>The</strong>y are obviouslynon-trivial, particularly for the reac<strong>to</strong>rexperiment, but the computer simulation approach

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 131Fig. 5. EPSR ®ts <strong>to</strong> two datasets for <strong>water</strong> at <strong>673</strong> K, at a<strong>to</strong>mic number densities <strong>of</strong> 0.066 a<strong>to</strong>ms per A 3 (<strong>673</strong>b (a)) <strong>and</strong> 0.073 a<strong>to</strong>msper A 3 (<strong>673</strong>c (b)), which were measured at di€erent times.<strong>to</strong> estimate the <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> serves<strong>to</strong> prevent the worst artifacts in the data beingtransferred <strong>to</strong> the calculated <strong>functions</strong>.4.3. Superheated <strong>and</strong> supercritical <strong>water</strong>As the temperature is raised above the normalboiling point, the <strong>water</strong> network becomes progressivelymore disordered, so that by 573 K it haslargely disappeared, <strong>and</strong> the hydrogen bond itselfis considerably weakened. This can be seen <strong>from</strong>the disappearance <strong>of</strong> the 4.5 A peak in the OOfunction, <strong>and</strong> the weakening <strong>of</strong> the ®rst intermolecularpeaks in the HH <strong>and</strong> OH <strong>functions</strong>. By <strong>673</strong>K the OH peak has weakened <strong>to</strong> the point <strong>of</strong> becominga shoulder rather than a distinct peak, <strong>and</strong>in an earlier publication, we claimed this implied acomplete breakdown <strong>of</strong> the hydrogen bond underthese conditions [12]. Although the revised analysis<strong>of</strong> the supercritical data, both here <strong>and</strong> previously[18], gives more intensity <strong>to</strong> this peak than wasoriginally indicated [12], it still shows up as ashoulder rather than the distinct peak that othersimulations have indicated [30]. In fact, an angularde®nition for the hydrogen bond indicates that thelevel <strong>of</strong> hydrogen bonding between molecules hasdropped <strong>to</strong> about 20% <strong>of</strong> its level in ambient <strong>water</strong>[31]. Other di€raction estimates indicate that adistinct OH peak may still be present [32] in supercritical<strong>water</strong>, but given the nature <strong>of</strong> possibletruncation <strong>and</strong> systematic e€ects a ®nal resolution<strong>of</strong> this matter remains elusive at present. Certainly,it is fair <strong>to</strong> claim that once the temperature is takenabove the critical point, the hydrogen bonding in<strong>water</strong> becomes considerably depleted <strong>and</strong> this depletionis not fully reproduced by existing e€ective<strong>water</strong> potentials. Simulations using the Car±Parinelloapproach apparently give better agreementwith the experiment than those with e€ective intermolecularpotentials [33].Two <strong>of</strong> the runs at 573 K, namely 573a <strong>and</strong>573b, were measured at the same thermodynamic

132 A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137Fig. 6. Site±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> for <strong>water</strong> at 298K, 1 bar, as derived <strong>from</strong> the two simulations used in Fig. 3.<strong>The</strong> simulations <strong>of</strong> the reac<strong>to</strong>r data (Fig. 3(b)) are shown asdashed lines. It can be seen that although the systematic <strong>and</strong>truncation errors are di€erent for the two datasets, the resulting<strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> are closely similar.state point but separated in time by more than oneyear. Small di€erences between the re®nements <strong>of</strong>these datasets are visible (Fig. 5), <strong>and</strong> thesetranslate <strong>to</strong> di€erences in the estimated <strong>radial</strong><strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> (Figs. 7±9). <strong>The</strong>se di€erencesare an indication <strong>of</strong> the likely uncertaintiesin the extracted <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>. Forsuperheated <strong>water</strong> systematic di€erences <strong>from</strong> onerun <strong>to</strong> the next appear <strong>to</strong> have an e€ect at the 10%level in the estimated <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>at short distances, <strong>and</strong> these di€erences almostcertainly account for the reported discrepanciesbetween di€erent datasets. It will be seen that thediscrepancies occur not only on peak amplitudes,but also on peak positions. <strong>The</strong> problem <strong>of</strong>transferred systematic error is particularly acutefor superheated <strong>water</strong>, because it is possible <strong>to</strong>have only a relatively small amount <strong>of</strong> sample inFig. 7. Oxygen±oxygen, site±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>for <strong>water</strong> for the 17 state runs given in Table 1. Each curve isshifted by unity above its predecessor, except for run 573bwhich is shown as a dashed line on <strong>to</strong>p <strong>of</strong> run 573a, becausethese two datasets were taken at di€erent times but at the samethermodynamic state point. <strong>The</strong> comparison helps <strong>to</strong> establishthe overall reliability <strong>of</strong> the reconstructions.the beam (about 20% <strong>of</strong> that for the ambient data),while at the same time the inelasticity dis<strong>to</strong>rtionsare enhanced by the increased temperature.In spite <strong>of</strong> these reservations, some generaltrends are seen in the <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong><strong>of</strong> Figs. 7±9. In particular, a general movement <strong>of</strong>the OO peak <strong>to</strong> larger distances is seen as thetemperature is raised <strong>and</strong> the density lowered. <strong>The</strong>same peak also becomes broader <strong>and</strong> less wellde®ned. At the same time, the ®rst OH intermolecularpeak broadens out <strong>and</strong> also moves <strong>to</strong> largerdistances on average, as does <strong>to</strong> a lesser extent the®rst intermolecular HH peak. However, for thesecond peak in the OH <strong>and</strong> HH <strong>functions</strong> thereappears <strong>to</strong> be little movement with thermodynamicstate point.

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 133Fig. 8. Same as in Fig. 7, but for the OH <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong>.4.4. Empirical potentials, 268±<strong>673</strong> KFigs. 10±12 show the empirical potentials obtained<strong>from</strong> the structure re®nements <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong>.<strong>The</strong>se are the overall perturbations that have <strong>to</strong> beadded <strong>to</strong> the SPC/E parameterisation <strong>of</strong> the referencepotential <strong>to</strong> reproduce the <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong> shown in Figs. 7±9. Considerablevariation between the di€erent potentials is apparent,particularly in the OO <strong>and</strong> OH potentials.In particular, it may be discerned that the potentialsderived <strong>from</strong> data measured in the same batch<strong>of</strong> experiments tend <strong>to</strong> have similar features whichare <strong>of</strong>ten signi®cantly di€erent <strong>from</strong> those derived<strong>from</strong> another batch <strong>of</strong> experiments. <strong>The</strong> runs thatcan be grouped in<strong>to</strong> batches <strong>of</strong> data taken within afew days <strong>of</strong> each other are [268a,268b,268c];[423a,423b,573f]; [573b,573c,573d,573e]; [573a,<strong>673</strong>b]; <strong>and</strong> [<strong>673</strong>a,<strong>673</strong>c,<strong>673</strong>d]. By comparison, theseparation between the batches <strong>of</strong> runs is <strong>of</strong>tenseveral months or even a few years in some cases.Fig. 9. Same as in Fig. 7, but for the HH <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong>.It is clear therefore that considerable uncertaintyremains about the true nature <strong>of</strong> the empiricalpotential for <strong>water</strong>. <strong>The</strong> OO empirical potential isperhaps the most uncertain <strong>of</strong> the three. This nodoubt re¯ects the general diculty in obtaining areliable OO partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>r for <strong>water</strong>,particularly under conditions <strong>of</strong> high pressure <strong>and</strong>temperature. It should be borne in mind howeverthat the amplitudes <strong>of</strong> these empirical potentialsare typically an order <strong>of</strong> magnitude or moresmaller than the corresponding Coulomb potentials,so they do represent relatively small perturbations<strong>to</strong> the overall intermolecular potential.Perhaps, it is not overly surprising therefore thatthey have a high degree <strong>of</strong> uncertainty.It is possible however <strong>to</strong> make a few commentsabout some general trends that can be discerned inthese ®gures. At temperatures up <strong>to</strong> 423 K, the OHempirical potential is generally attractive (positivegradient) at the normal hydrogen bond distancearound 1.9 A. At <strong>673</strong> K, it tends <strong>to</strong> be repulsive

134 A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137Fig. 10. Oxygen±oxygen empirical potentials derived <strong>from</strong> theEPSR simulation <strong>of</strong> the 17 datasets <strong>of</strong> Table 1 for <strong>water</strong>, usingthe SPC/E parameterisation <strong>of</strong> the reference potential. <strong>The</strong>potentials are shown in ®ve b<strong>and</strong>s corresponding <strong>to</strong> the 5temperature b<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Table 1, namely 268 K (three pressures),298 K (two pressures), 423 K (two pressures), 573 K (®vepressures, six experiments), <strong>and</strong> <strong>673</strong> K (four pressures). Forclarity, each b<strong>and</strong> is shifted upwards by 20 kJ mol 1 <strong>from</strong> thepreceding b<strong>and</strong>. Within each b<strong>and</strong>, each pressure is separated<strong>from</strong> its neighbour by 10 kJ mol 1 with the highest pressure atthe bot<strong>to</strong>m <strong>of</strong> each b<strong>and</strong>. <strong>The</strong> curve labelling corresponds <strong>to</strong>that used in the table. As with the <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>,the potential for run 573b is shown as a dashed line overlappingthat for run 573a because these two runs corresponded <strong>to</strong> thesame thermodynamic state point.Fig. 11. Same as in Fig. 10, but for the OH empirical potentials.(negative gradient) at this distance range, while at573 K itÕs slope is not well de®ned. Although thereis greater variability, the OO empirical potentialshows a similar trend at the near neighbour distance,2.8 A. Meanwhile the HH potential showsno obvious variation, being generally slightly repulsiveat the near-neighbour intermolecular distance.<strong>The</strong>re is therefore some evidence here thatpolarisation e€ects are important in the <strong>water</strong>potential. At lower temperatures <strong>and</strong> higher densities,the OH attraction tends <strong>to</strong> be stronger thanthat given by the charge model, resulting in aslightly attractive empirical potential. At highertemperatures <strong>and</strong> lower densities, where the degree<strong>of</strong> polarisation is reduced, the OH potential becomesmildly repulsive compared <strong>to</strong> the ®xedcharge model. It will be interesting <strong>to</strong> see whetherthese general trends can help <strong>to</strong> establish a usefulmodel for the e€ects <strong>of</strong> polarisation in the intermolecular<strong>water</strong> potential.In addition, the fact that the OO potential tendsbe attractive at short distances <strong>and</strong> at lower temperatures<strong>and</strong> densities suggests that the assumedrepulsive core potential is <strong>to</strong>o hard under theseconditions, <strong>and</strong> a s<strong>of</strong>ter core is required. Alternatively,this could equally be regarded as anotherindication <strong>of</strong> polarisation e€ects: a larger chargeon the hydrogen a<strong>to</strong>ms will lead <strong>to</strong> a strongerhydrogen-bond than for the reference potential onits own, pulling the molecules slightly closer <strong>to</strong>gether.

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 135Fig. 12. Same as in Fig. 10, but for the HH empirical potentials.Fig. 13. EPSR ®ts <strong>to</strong> the OO, OH <strong>and</strong> HH partial structurefac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> <strong>ice</strong> Ih at <strong>220</strong> K, 1 bar. <strong>The</strong> lines show the measureddata, while the circles are the EPSR ®ts.4.5. Fits <strong>to</strong> the <strong>ice</strong> data<strong>The</strong> ®ts <strong>to</strong> the <strong>ice</strong> data are shown in Fig. 13,with the corresponding <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>in Fig. 14. Obviously, the crystalline nature<strong>of</strong> <strong>ice</strong> means that a complete representation <strong>of</strong> thedi€raction data cannot be achieved with the EPSRmethod in its present form. <strong>The</strong>re is some evidencethat the simulated ensemble <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> molecules hasstarted <strong>to</strong> crystallise, as seen by the sharpness <strong>of</strong>the peaks in Q space. But clearly the true longrange order <strong>of</strong> <strong>ice</strong> is not correctly represented here.This is a subject for a more detailed discussionelsewhere, but it is important <strong>to</strong> emphasise that infact the short range structure out <strong>to</strong> about r ˆ 5 Ais accurately represented by the EPSR <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong>. Fourier transform <strong>of</strong> the residualsshown in Fig. 14 reveals little missingstructure in any <strong>of</strong> the three site±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong> out <strong>to</strong> this distance range. <strong>The</strong>fact that the method does not reproduce the sharpBragg peaks is a consequence <strong>of</strong> the smallness <strong>of</strong>the box used. A box <strong>of</strong> dimension at least ®vetimes bigger than the present one would be neededif a more accurate representation <strong>of</strong> the Braggpeaks were <strong>to</strong> be achieved. At this point, such alarge simulation has not been attempted. A keyquestion <strong>of</strong> course would be <strong>to</strong> see whether itwould crystallise in<strong>to</strong> the correct structure for <strong>ice</strong>Ih.What is clear <strong>from</strong> this simulation is that signi®cantshort range disorder is prevalent in <strong>ice</strong> at<strong>220</strong> K: this can be seen <strong>from</strong> the signi®cant width<strong>of</strong> the ®rst intermolecular peaks in both the HH(2.2 A) <strong>and</strong> OH (1.7 A) peaks. Also, after the ®rstpeak in the OO <strong>distribution</strong> there is non-zero intensitynear 3.4 A indicating some residual interstitiala<strong>to</strong>ms in the latt<strong>ice</strong>. (<strong>The</strong> density in thisregion would go <strong>to</strong> zero if the latt<strong>ice</strong> were perfect.)<strong>The</strong> use <strong>of</strong> partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs in this casedemonstrates that direct crystallographic methodsmay miss some <strong>of</strong> the local detail in the latt<strong>ice</strong>.

136 A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137Fig. 14. Site±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> (±±) <strong>from</strong> theEPSR simulations <strong>of</strong> Fig. 13. <strong>The</strong> dashed lines show the Fouriertransform <strong>of</strong> the di€erence between di€raction data <strong>and</strong> EPSR®t. <strong>The</strong>y indicate that most <strong>of</strong> the intermolecular structure inthe region 2±5 A has been captured by the EPSR simulation,although the longer range structural oscillations are <strong>to</strong>o weakcompared <strong>to</strong> what would be required <strong>to</strong> reproduce the observedBragg peaks.5. DiscussionAccording <strong>to</strong> the results presented here, ourearlier calculation <strong>of</strong> the OH <strong>and</strong> OO <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong><strong>functions</strong> in ambient <strong>water</strong> [1] appeared<strong>to</strong> overestimate the sharpness <strong>and</strong> height <strong>of</strong> the®rst intermolecular peak in each <strong>of</strong> these <strong>functions</strong>.This is because a Gaussian function was used <strong>to</strong>represent each <strong>of</strong> these peaks, the height <strong>and</strong> width<strong>of</strong> which was adjusted <strong>to</strong> give the best ®t <strong>to</strong> thedata, which extended <strong>to</strong> a maximum Q <strong>of</strong> about 10A 1 . <strong>The</strong> more recent time-<strong>of</strong>-¯ight di€ractiondata extend <strong>to</strong> 40 A 1 <strong>and</strong> were ®t <strong>to</strong> 20 A 1 in thepresent simulations. <strong>The</strong> smallness <strong>of</strong> the Q range<strong>of</strong> the reac<strong>to</strong>r data appears <strong>to</strong> introduce a signi®cantlimitation on the accuracy <strong>to</strong> which peakheights can be estimated. However, the discrepanciesbetween the present estimates <strong>and</strong> the earlierpublished results does give an indication <strong>of</strong> theuncertainty in the height <strong>and</strong> width <strong>of</strong> these peaks.It emphasises again the diculty <strong>of</strong> comparing acomputer simulation <strong>from</strong> a ®nite box <strong>of</strong> moleculesin real space with experimental di€ractiondata in reciprocal space. <strong>The</strong> two activities domeasure formally distinct quantities, <strong>and</strong> anystatements <strong>to</strong> the e€ect that one simulation ®ts thedata better or worse than another simulation canbe really only be sustained if the comparison isdone in experimental reciprocal space.<strong>The</strong> present simulations demonstrate that it ispossible <strong>to</strong> make this comparison for liquid <strong>water</strong>provided the simulation box is large enough. <strong>The</strong>method fails in the event the correlations becominglonger ranged than the size <strong>of</strong> the box used in thesimulation. This was seen here in the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>ice</strong>,<strong>and</strong> would probably occur for amorphous solid<strong>water</strong> if partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>r data were available.However, even when long range order exists,the short range order in the material can still apparentlybe represented in these cases.One remaining question <strong>to</strong> be discussed concernsthe likelihood <strong>of</strong> improving the quality <strong>of</strong> thedata <strong>to</strong> resolve the remaining discrepancies. Thiswill require di€raction data with a statistical precisionat least 3±6 times better than is currentlyavailable at high Q values, requiring a 10- <strong>to</strong> 30-fold increase in source intensity. In principle, X-rays should be able <strong>to</strong> obtain better statistics thanneutrons. However, the realities <strong>of</strong> needing <strong>to</strong> estimateor measure the Comp<strong>to</strong>n scattering, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>know the electron form fac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> very good accuracy,has so far precluded any serious attempt <strong>to</strong>improve the quality <strong>of</strong> the data at large Q. In anycase, X-rays will measure the OO structure fac<strong>to</strong>r<strong>to</strong> good accuracy, but yield little information onthe OH <strong>and</strong> HH <strong>functions</strong>. A new neutron source<strong>and</strong> associated instrumentation with the necessary¯ux advantage will not be available for 5±10 years.In this situation, the present estimates, using thecomputer simulation approach <strong>to</strong> reduce the contribution<strong>of</strong> artifacts in the data, are probably thebest estimates <strong>of</strong> the <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> available at the present time.<strong>The</strong> EPSR method also appears <strong>to</strong> be able discernsome general trends in the intermolecular

A.K. Soper / Chemical Physics 258 (2000) 121±137 137<strong>water</strong> potential with temperature <strong>and</strong> density. Onthe basis <strong>of</strong> the evidence in Figs. 10±12, it appearsthat polarisation e€ects on the intermolecularpotential may be signi®cant for determining thelocal structure at short distances. Simple pointcharge models <strong>of</strong> <strong>water</strong> are obviously good over arange <strong>of</strong> state conditions, but it is likely that anaccurate potential will have <strong>to</strong> include a manybodydependence, such as a polarisability term.6. Conclusion<strong>The</strong> method <strong>of</strong> EPSR has been used here <strong>to</strong>estimate the site±site <strong>radial</strong> <strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong>for <strong>water</strong> for a series <strong>of</strong> thermodynamic statepoints ranging <strong>from</strong> <strong>ice</strong> at <strong>220</strong> K <strong>to</strong> supercritical<strong>water</strong> at <strong>673</strong> K, <strong>and</strong> including pressures up <strong>to</strong> 400MPa. <strong>The</strong> inputs <strong>to</strong> this structure re®nement arethe measured HH, OH <strong>and</strong> OO partial structurefac<strong>to</strong>rs as obtained in neutron di€raction experimentsusing hydrogen/deuterium iso<strong>to</strong>pe substitution.Comparison <strong>of</strong> structure re®nements ondi€erent datasets measured at di€erent times butunder the same thermodynamic states gives anindication <strong>of</strong> the likely uncertainties in the <strong>radial</strong><strong>distribution</strong> <strong>functions</strong> obtained <strong>from</strong> di€ractionexperiments. Using this method <strong>of</strong> analysis, which®ts all three partial structure fac<strong>to</strong>rs simultaneously,the estimated <strong>functions</strong> appear more robustthan earlier estimates. Likely improvementsin the data can be considered, but qualitativechanges <strong>to</strong> the intensity <strong>of</strong> current neutron <strong>and</strong> X-ray sources will be needed before the remainingcontroversies can be resolved.References[1] A.K. Soper, M.G. Phillips, Chem. Phys. 107 (1986) 47.[2] C. Andreani, M. Nardone, F.P. Ricci, A.K. Soper, Phys.Rev. A 46 (1992) 4709.[3] C. Andreani, F. Menzinger, M.A. Ricci, A.K. Soper, J.Dreyer, Phys. Rev. B 49 (1994) 3811.[4] C. Andreani, M.A. Ricci, A.K. Soper, J. Chem. Phys. 107(1997) 214.[5] G. San<strong>to</strong>li, F. Bruni, F.P. Ricci, M.A. Ricci, A.K. Soper,Mol. Phys. 97 (1999) 777.[6] M.A. Ricci, M. Nardone, F.P. Ricci, C. Andreani, A.K.Soper, J. Chem. Phys. 102 (1995) 7650.[7] A.K. Soper, R.N. Silver, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 471.[8] A.K. Soper, Physica 136B (1986) 322.[9] R.A. Kuharski, P.J. Rossky, J. Chem. Phys. 82 (1985)5164.[10] J.H. Root, P.A. Egelsta€, A. Hime, Chem. Phys. 109(1986) 437.[11] A.V. Okhulkov, Yu.N. Damianets, Yu.E. Gorbaty, J.Chem. Phys. 100 (1994) 1578.[12] P. Pos<strong>to</strong>rino, R.H. Tromp, M.A. Ricci, A.K. Soper, G.W.Neilson, Nature 366 (1993) 668.[13] A. Chialvo, P.T. Cummings, J. Chem. Phys. 101 (1994)4466.[14] G. Lo‚er, H. Schreiber, O. Steinhauser, Ber. Bunsen-Ges.Phys. Chem. 98 (1994) 1575.[15] L. Pusztai, Phys. Rev. B 60 (1999) 11851.[16] M.-C. Bellisent-Funel, Hydrogen Bonded Liquids, in: J.C.Dore, J. Teixeira (Eds.), NATO ASI Ser C 329 (1991)117.[17] M.-C. Bellisent-Funel, R. Sridi-Dorrez, L. Bosio, J. Chem.Phys. 104 (1996) 1.[18] A.K. Soper, F. Bruni, M.A. Ricci, J. Chem. Phys. 106(1997) 247.[19] P. Jedlovsky, I. Bako, G. Palinkas, T. Radnai, A.K. Soper,J. Chem. Phys. 105 (1996) 245.[20] A.K. Soper, Chem. Phys. 202 (1996) 295.[21] H.J.C. Berendsen, J.R. Grigera, T.P. Straatsma, J. Phys.Chem. 91 (1987) 6269.[22] A.K. Soper, C. Andreani, M. Nardone, Phys. Rev. E 47(1993) 2598.[23] I. Nezbeda, J. Kolafa, Mol. Phys. 97 (1999) 1105.[24] M.P. Allen, D.J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation <strong>of</strong>Liquids, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989.[25] R. Leberman, A.K. Soper, Nature 378 (1995) 364.[26] A.K. Soper, M.A. Ricci, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000)2881.[27] P. Pos<strong>to</strong>rino, M.A. Ricci, A.K. Soper, J. Chem. Phys. 101(1994) 4123.[28] ATLAS-Analysis <strong>of</strong> Time-<strong>of</strong>-Flight Di€raction Data <strong>from</strong>Liquid <strong>and</strong> Amorphous Samples, in: A.K. Soper, W.S.Howells, A.C. Hannon (Eds.), Rutherford Apple<strong>to</strong>n Labora<strong>to</strong>ryReport RAL-89-046, 1989.[29] A.K. Soper, A. Luzar, J. Chem. Phys. 97 (1992) 1320.[30] A.G. Kalinichev, J.D. Bass, J. Phys. Chem. 101 (1997)9720 <strong>and</strong> references therein.[31] A.K. Soper, Farad. Disc. 103 (1996) 41.[32] T. Tassaing, M.-C. Bellisent-Funel, B. Guillot, Y. Guissani,Europhys. Lett. 42 (1998) 265.[33] E.S. Fois, M. Sprik, M. Parinello, Chem. Phys. Lett. 223(1994) 411.

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