evaluation of general food distribution in northern uganda: gulu ...

evaluation of general food distribution in northern uganda: gulu ...

evaluation of general food distribution in northern uganda: gulu ...


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Typical Menu:BREAKFAST:• Millet porridge prepared with tamar<strong>in</strong>d to make it a bit sour. ( Mostly for men after digg<strong>in</strong>g hard <strong>in</strong> thegardens and vitality)• Sour milk or yoghurt mixed with mashed sweet potatoes ( mostly for kids and the ir mothers).• Tea with milk, boiled cassava and simsim/groundnuts paste (peanut butter).• Pawpaw, mangoes and shea nuts ( Odur Yaa)• Cake <strong>of</strong> boiled peas ( Lapena) mixed with simsim paste and served the size <strong>of</strong> a tennis ball (a ll timefavourite for children ).• Fried white ants.• Left Over ( millet bread and sauce normally from previous even<strong>in</strong>g ma<strong>in</strong>ly for kids or those leav<strong>in</strong>g homeat dawn to go the farms)MAIN MEAL:• Millet bread or sweet potatoes or maize meal or rice ( collectively called Kwon) accompanied by t hefollow<strong>in</strong>g sauces ( collectively called Dek).• Malakwang or Boo vegetables• Lapena (peas) or beans• Dry or smoked meat, game or fish.• Chicken or Gu<strong>in</strong>ea fowl• All the above served <strong>in</strong> a Sim Sim or groundnut sauce• Fresh meat or game or chicken or fish fried an d boiled Irish potatoes added.SNACKS: (Normally eaten between meals)• Fruits• Dry or fried groundnuts.• Simsim paste mixed with honey• White ants paste mixed with honey or shea butter ( eaten with millet bread )• Boiled cassava with simsim or groundnuts paste .• Cakes <strong>of</strong> boiled peas mixed with simsim paste• Fried grasshoppers or white ants.4

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