evaluation of general food distribution in northern uganda: gulu ...

evaluation of general food distribution in northern uganda: gulu ...

evaluation of general food distribution in northern uganda: gulu ...


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Annex 6: Evaluation Tool/Question GuideNRC objectives andTOR objectivesRelevance andAppropriatenessTo contribute to household <strong>food</strong> security andma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the m<strong>in</strong>imum nutritional and dietarystandards through <strong>food</strong> assistance to peopleaffected by displacementTo what extent has NRC <strong>food</strong> assistance contributedto susta<strong>in</strong> nutritional and dietary standards <strong>of</strong> IDPs -<strong>in</strong> response to their needs and demands and contextTo protect lives by provid<strong>in</strong>ghumanitarian <strong>food</strong> assistance to meetthe net <strong>food</strong> gapTO what extent have beneficiariesdemands and needs been addressed <strong>in</strong>terms <strong>of</strong> meet<strong>in</strong>g their net <strong>food</strong> gap?To safeguard fundamental rights to <strong>food</strong> forIDPs <strong>in</strong>cl. Women, children, EVIsHow have beneficiaries been engaged <strong>in</strong> projectdevelopment and implementation – <strong>in</strong> order toensure everybody’s right to <strong>food</strong>?CoverageIs NRC’s approach to HOUSEHOLDS <strong>food</strong>assistance <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with populations concerns?Is the FFL project <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with NRC’s <strong>distribution</strong>policy? (do no harm, tim<strong>in</strong>g, participation, culturalsensitivity, gender sensitivity, quality)NRC’s capacity (staff<strong>in</strong>g and resources) to distributethe appropriate responseHow does NRC’s structure and organisationa l set upassist <strong>in</strong> provid<strong>in</strong>g relevant and appropriateassistanceIn view <strong>of</strong> the vast geographical context – how hasNRC’s efforts contributed to the total coverage andoutreach to people affected by displacementWhich standards have been followed tomeet the net <strong>food</strong> gap – have they beenappropriate?Is the FFL project the best solution toensure that the net <strong>food</strong> gap is met <strong>in</strong> thecurrent IDP situation?Participation <strong>of</strong> women <strong>in</strong> <strong>food</strong> managementcommittees, capacity build<strong>in</strong>g, tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g etc?How has NRC <strong>in</strong> its design and implementationclearly spelled out its concern and address <strong>of</strong>issues regard<strong>in</strong>g women, children and EVIsNRC’s capacity (staff<strong>in</strong>g and resources ) todistribute the appropriate response to selectedtarget groupsTo what extent has NRC’s gender policy beenadhered to <strong>in</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> the project?What percentage do women, children and EVIsmake up <strong>of</strong> the total target group and the extent towhich their needs have been addressed.EfficiencyHas NRC adjusted its focus, scope and coverage atdifferent stages <strong>of</strong> the project?NRC’s experience and capacity (material, human,f<strong>in</strong>ancial) to distribute <strong>in</strong> the right place at the righttimeDeliveries, pipel<strong>in</strong>e and local procurement – how hasit worked?Has the net <strong>food</strong> gap been met <strong>in</strong> the timeand with the resources available to NRCdur<strong>in</strong>g the project period?If not – why?How were the target groups def<strong>in</strong>ed and selectedHow would you describe NRC’s capacity (material,human, f<strong>in</strong>ancial) to address the conditions <strong>of</strong>women, children a nd EVIs <strong>in</strong> the right place at theright timeLessons learned?Timel<strong>in</strong>ess?Effectiveness How has NRC def<strong>in</strong>ed objectives and activities for Has the net <strong>food</strong> gap been met? What are the concrete achievements and1

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