Indian National Digital Library - INFLIBNET Centre
Indian National Digital Library - INFLIBNET Centre
Indian National Digital Library - INFLIBNET Centre
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The UGC-INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> ConsortiumInvites universities and research institutions to join hands with the UGC-fundeduniversities in India through the University Consortium and research Network to: become an information rich educational institute promote and advance teaching and learning facilitate improved productivity and quality of research.The UGC-INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium enables access to electronic information resources at highly discounted rates ofsubscription facilitates convenience of desktop access to high-quality e-resources to yourstudents and researchers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year facilitates better management of information resources in electronic environmentand saves you from the hassles of print resources and their management.Come, be a member . . .UGC-INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> ConsortiumInformation and <strong>Library</strong> Network <strong>Centre</strong>
BackgroundThe UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium was formally launched on the concludingday of UGC’s Golden Jubilee celebrations by his Excellency the President of India, Dr. AP J Abdul Kalam at Vigyan Bhawan on 28th December 2003 by dedicating a bouquet ofe-journals to the academic community in universities. With globalization of education andcompetitive research the demand for the journals has increased over the years. Due toscarcity of funds, libraries have been forced to discontinue the scholarly journals. Inorder to provide current literature to academic community in universities, the UGC hasinitiated the UGC-INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium. The Consortium enables accessto a large number of scholarly journals from reputed publishers, aggregators and societypublications to universities. Under the consortium, more than 5,000 full-text scholarlyelectronic journals from 23 publishers across the globe can be accessed. TheConsortium provides current as well as archival access to core and peer-reviewedjournals in different disciplines. The programme has been implemented in differentphases. So far 157 universities out of 171 <strong>Indian</strong> universities, which come under thepurview of UGC, have been provided access to these journals and will gradually beextended to affiliated colleges as well. The resources being subscribed by theConsortium covers subject areas such as arts, humanities, social sciences, physical andchemical sciences, life sciences, computer sciences, mathematics and statistics, etc.The programme is funded by the UGC for universities under its purview and monitoredby the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> (Information and <strong>Library</strong> Network) <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad.How Consortium Operates?The <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> (Information and <strong>Library</strong> Network) <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad operates theConsortium under the general guidance of a <strong>National</strong> Steering Committee consisting ofmembers from amongst beneficiary universities and other experts under theChairmanship of Prof. Ajit Kembavi of IUCCA. A <strong>National</strong> Review Committee has beenset-up under the Chairmanship of Shri Sukhdeo Thorat, Chairman, UGC with an overallresponsibility for making policies, monitoring the progress and coordinating with UGC forpromoting its activities.The Consortium Headquarters manages subscription to electronic resources for alluniversities that comes under the purview of the UGC. The Consortium is now openingup to all other universities and educational institutions in the country and invites themjoin the Consortium and obtain maximum benefits it offers through highly discountedsubscription rates and better terms of agreement with the publishers. Join theConsortium to be a member of its expanding family and get the benefit equitablyavailable to all its members.Subscription rates of electronic resources offered through the Consortium is given onpage 14. Universities and other educational institutions may select one or moreelectronic resources that they wish to subscribe through the Consortium. All electronicresources being subscribed are available from the publisher’s Website.Who is Eligible to Join?Membership of the consortium is open to all private or Government-funded universitiesand educational institutions for one or more electronic resources. The new members arerequired to sign an MoU with the Consortium as well as with the publishers of electronicresources that they wish to subscribe. The Consortium charges an annual fee of Rs.3
5,000.00 (Five thousand) only. Please note that the membership is required to be paidonly if you are subscribing to one or more resources. There is no benefit for payingmembership alone without subscribing to e-resource(s) through the Consortium.Why Should You Join?The Consortium offers the best possible price advantage ranging from 22% to 95%(Average > 80% +) through its pricing agreements with publishers as well as terms ofagreement for various electronic resources. Moreover, the consortium also providestechnical help and arranges for in-house training for optimal use of subscribed e-resources.It will also be an endeavour of the Consortium to identify other electronic resources ofrelevance to educational institutions, and enable their access at best possiblesubscription prices and license terms. The Consortium will constantly be monitoringinternational developments in this area and liaise with agencies like ICOLC to bring bestpossible consortium-based solutions to its members.How to Join?Fill in the Application Form given at the end of this brochure. Select the resources ofyour choice. Pick up the rates (prorated or for full year) as applicable. Send the form dulyfilled in along with demand draft in favour of "Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>" payable atAhmedabad. Mail the form along with draft to the Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>.How Electronic Resources would be Accessible?Electronic resources will be made accessible on IP addresses of subscribing universitiesdirectly from the publisher’s web site. Subscribing universities would require static IPaddresses for getting access to e-resources. As such users do not require “Login ID andPassword” to access resources available to his / her university, instead, the resourcesare accessible to them anywhere on their Campus network. The Consortium maintains awebsite ( Users are encouraged to use the Consortiumwebsites for correct URLs.Electronic Resources available through the UGC-INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong>ConsortiumAmerican Institute of Physics ( in 1931, the American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a not-for-profit membershipcorporation created for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of theknowledge of physics and its application to human welfare. It is the mission of theInstitute to serve the sciences of physics and astronomy by serving its membersocieties, by serving individual scientists, and by serving students and the generalpublic. Member of UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium can access 10 full-textjournals from AIP.4
American Physical Society (APS)( in 1899, the American Physical Society (APS) is committed to providing highqualityservice and products to its members and the scientific community. All users mayfreely browse the table of contents for the current and previous issues, the publishedabstracts, and an advance listing of accepted papers scheduled for upcoming issues.The PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive) search engine (which indexes all APSjournal material published from 1893 to present) is now freely available to all users.Access to the full text of articles and other online journals features restricted to membersonly. Members of UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium can access 10 full text journalsof APS.Annual Reviews( Reviews provides researchers, professors, and scientific professionals with adefinitive academic resource in 32 scientific disciplines within the biomedical, physical,and social sciences. Annual Reviews saves time by synthesizing the vast amount ofprimary research literature and identifying the principal contributions. Editorialcommittees comprised of the most distinguished scholars in the discipline select alltopics for review, and the articles are written by authors who are recognized experts inthe field. Reviews publications are and have been among the most highly cited inscientific literature. All Annual Reviews series are ranked within the top ten publicationsfor their respective disciplines. Access is made available to 31 full text journals andarchival access is provided up to 10 years back issues.Cambridge University Press( University Press (CUP) is the oldest, largest and most prestigious printer andpublisher in the world. The CUP is publishing since 1584 continuously in subject areaslike humanities, social studies, archaeology and anthropology, nutrition, religion,biomedical sciences, law, physical sciences, medical sciences, etc. The CUP currentlypublishes over 220 peer-reviewed academic journals for the global market. A user canaccess its 194 journals through the UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium from theyear 1997 onwards.5
Emerald Publishing (LIS Journals)( publishes the world's widest range of management and library & informationservices journals, as well as a strong specialist range of engineering, applied scienceand technology journals. Emerald Librarianship and Information Studies offers a uniquecollection of 29 journals dedicated to the theme of librarianship and information studies.UGCInfonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> consortium members can access 29 journals of Emerald.Institute of Physics( of Physics, popularly known as IoP is a well-known dedicated resource of highquality information in physical sciences. The Institute has a world-wide membership andis a major international player in: scientific publishing and electronic dissemination ofphysics; setting professional standards for physicists and awarding professionalqualifications; promoting physics through scientific conferences, education and sciencepolicy advice. This electronic database comprises of journals on various topics like bioinspiration,biometrics, biomedical materials, astronomy, astrophysics, chemical physicsand theoretical physics. The archive facilitates the researchers to access:49 journals (including 7 in open access, from Vol.1 issue.1 onwards)Over 1000 volume years of journalsOver 125,000 articlesOver 1.5 million papers of scientific research papersJ-STOR( is a not-for-profit organization with a dual mission to create and maintain atrusted archive of important scholarly journals and to provide access to these journals aswidely as possible. JSTOR offers both multidisciplinary and discipline-specificcollections. JSTOR is not a current issues database. Because of JSTOR's archivalmission, there is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently publishedjournal issue and the back issues available in JSTOR. JSTOR have a collection of 1046journals aggregated from 459 publishers. Number of titles and publishers joining Jstor isgrowing gradually. UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium members have got access to1046 full text e-journals from Vol.1 issue 1- onwards up to last three to five years gapdepending on the original publisher rights.6
MathSciNet( electronic version of Mathematical Abstracts is the most important component ofMathSciNet. Mathematical Reviews is a reviewing journal of international mathematicsliterature. The MathSciNet contains signed reviews and bibliographic data from the firstissue in January 1940 to the present. Journals, conference proceedings and books ofmathematical research are also covered. Items listed in the annual indexes ofMathematical Reviews, but not given an individual review, are also included.MathSciNet contains over 2 million items and over 700,000 direct links to originalarticles. Over 80,000 new items are added each year, most of them classified accordingto the Mathematics Subject Classification. Reference lists are collected and matchedinternally from over 300 journals, and citation data for journals, authors, articles andreviews is provided. This web of citations allows users to track the history and influenceof research publications in the mathematical sciences.Nature Journal( weekly periodicity, Nature is an international journal publishing original,groundbreaking research spanning all of the scientific disciplines, as articles, letters toNature and brief Communications. Each issue also includes extensive secondarycomment, including reviews, news, new features, essays, news and views, bookreviews, correspondence, commentary and opinion. Nature has the highest ImpactFactor of all multidisciplinary journals, and has achieved an increase of 2.5 since 2002.Nature has also received acclaim for having the highest number of citations per paperover the last decade (1992-2002) of all multidisciplinary journals. Members of theConsortium will have full-text un-limited simultaneous access for Nature Weekly from1997 onwards.Oxford University Press( a major international publisher of academic and research journals, Oxford UniversityPress (OUP) publishes well over 200 journals, many in partnership with the world’sleading prestigious learned societies. OUP collections cover life sciences, mathematics& physical sciences, medicine, social sciences, humanities, and law and include some ofthe most authoritative journals in their fields. Members of the UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong>Consortium can access 202 journals from Oxford University Press.7
Portland Press( Press Limited is the wholly owned publishing subsidiary of the BiochemicalSociety. It is a not-for-profit publisher of journals and books in the cellular and molecularlife sciences. Members of the UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium can access 8peer-viewed journals of Portland Press.Royal Society of Chemistry( Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is a professional body for chemists and thelearned society for chemistry. RSC Publishing is a not-for-profit publisher wholly ownedby the Royal Society of Chemistry. It is one of the most prominent and influential,independent scientific organisations in Britain. Through its 45,000 members, includingacademics, teachers and industrialists, the RSC promotes the interests of chemists andthe benefits of chemical science. The publishing activity dates back to 1841 and today itpublish a wide range of journals, magazines, databases and books. The archival accessis made available for 23 full-text journals with 6 databases from 1997- onwards to themembers of the UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium.SciFinder Scholar (Chemical Abstract Service)( provides online access to published research in the journal and patent literature–virtually everything relevant to chemistry plus a wealth of information in the life sciencesand a wide range of other scientific disciplines back to the beginning of the 20th century.Since 1907, CAS has indexed and summarized chemistry-related articles from morethan 40,000 scientific journals, in addition to patents, conference proceedings and otherdocuments pertinent to chemistry, life sciences and many other fields. In total, abstractsfor more than 23 million documents are accessible online through CAS. SciFinder andSciFinder Scholar desktop research tools can be used to explore and search the CAS.Substance identification is a special strength of CAS. SciFinder Scholar is a desktopresearch tool that provides campus-wide access to the world’s largest and mostcomprehensive databases of chemistry, biotechnology, engineering, life sciences andrelated sciences from the CAS.8
Springer( Springer Online Journal collection includes more than 1,200 peer-reviewed journals,comprising of more than 600,000 individual documents. Subscribers to Springer also getaccess to back volumes from 1996 onwards. Contents in Springer are organized bysubject into 25 collections including architecture & design, astronomy, biomedicalsciences, business & management, chemistry, computer science, economics, education,engineering, environmental sciences, geography, geosciences, humanities, law, lifesciences, linguistics, materials, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology,public health, social sciences and statistics. Kluwer was amalgamated with Springer inthe year 2005 and all journals of Kluwer are accessible through the Springer Interface.Springer provides information with fast, reliable, and powerful access 24 hours a day.Members of the UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium can access to more than 1200peer-viewed journals from Springer.Taylor and Francis( and Francis, founded in 1798, is the oldest commercial journals publisher in theworld, and one of the leading global academic publishers. Informa interface is a new andexpanding platform, initially hosting the academic and scientific publications. Taylor &Francis Group publishes more than 1100 journals and around 1,800 new books eachyear Taylor and Francis provides quality information and knowledge that enable thecustomers and end-users to perform their jobs efficiently, continue their education, andhelp contribute to the advancement of their chosen profession. It is a widely knownpublisher among researchers, students, academics and increasingly professionals.UGC-Infonet <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium can access more than 1100 journals witharchival access to 1998 onwards issues.9
<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>UGC INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> ConsortiumApplication FormI. General Information1.Name of the University / Institution: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________2.Complete Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.1. Telephone: 2.2. E-Mail:2.3. Fax: 2.4. Web Site:3.Courses offered and annual intake of students at postgraduate level (Branch wisefor example Physics (60), Chemistry (60), etc.)Undergraduate Level:Integrated Degree Level:Postgraduate Level:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________M. Phil. Level: _____________________________________Any Other:Research Level:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.NAAC approval number, date and validityperiod:_____________________________II.Intranet and Internet Infrastructure1. Does your institute have a Campus LAN? Yes/No2. Spread of Campus LAN: How spread out is your Campus LAN? (Please )Restricted to Computer <strong>Centre</strong>Restricted to Computer <strong>Centre</strong> and <strong>Library</strong>Limited Number of connections in Departments/<strong>Centre</strong>s/Labs./UnitsAll Departments/<strong>Centre</strong>s/Labs./Units are well connected1
Besides Institute, the LAN reaches out to hostels and residences also3. Whether your library is part of your Campus Network? Yes/No4. Is your Campus Network/<strong>Library</strong> Network connected to INTERNET? Yes/No5. Internet connection speed:___________________________________________6. Type of Internet connection (please ).6.1. Dial-up 6.2. Leased Line 6.3. V-SAT6.4. Radio Link 6.5. DSL 6.6 Any other7. Bandwidth of the Institute Network:____________________________________8. Number of PCs having Internet connection:12.1 In the <strong>Library</strong>:________________12.2 In the Computer <strong>Centre</strong>:______________12.3 Total number of Internet-enabled PCs in the Institute:________________9. Does you Institute have a Website? Yes/NoMembership / Order FormPlease enrol us as a member of the UGC INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Consortium forconsortia-based subscription to electronic resources. We accept the rules andregulations of the Consortium and also agree to abide by the terms of the licenseagreement of the publishers. We agree to sign and return to you the license agreementfor the respective publishers, whose e-resources, we wish to subscribe.We understand that an institution can join the Consortium at any time of the year forremaining part of the year by paying for selected e-resources on pro-rata basis as perthe rates mentioned in the Brochure.Enclosed please find the payment by Demand Draft No. ____________ dated___________ for Rs. ________________ in favour of the “Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>” drawntowards annual subscription to e-resources for the year 2008.The Ranges of IP addresses used by us for Internet Access are: -___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Contact PersonsAdministrative Contact:Name:Address:E-Mail:Tele:1
Fax:Technical Contact:Name:Address:E-Mail:Tele:Fax:(Signature of Head of Institution)Name:Date:Official SealPlease mail your Application Form and Order Form along with payment (in favour of“Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>”) by draft to:Dr. Jagdish AroraDirector, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>Opp. Gujarat University Guest HousePost Box No. 4116, NavrangpuraAhmedabad, Gujarat - 380009Tel: +91 79 26305702 (Direct); +91 79 26308528, 26304695,26305971Fax: +91 79 2630099 and 26307816E-mail:;
Order FormPlease enrol us for subscription to the electronic resources ticked below:Sl.No.UGC-INFONET <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Library</strong> ConsortiumRates of Subscription for the Year 2009ResourcesConsortiumPrice onRupees1 American Institute of Physics and American Physical Society 1,10,550.002 Annual Reviews 65,520.003 Cambridge University Press (Cat. I) 3,68,280.004 Cambridge University Press (Cat. II) 1,00,890.005 Emerald (<strong>Library</strong> Science Collection) 1,00,230.006 JSTOR (First Year)* 2,60,000.007 JSTOR (Renewal) 78,000.008 Institute of Physics (IoP) 91,510.009 MathSciNet^ 16,380.0010 Nature 1,00,680.0011 Oxford University Press 2,38,840.0012 Portland Press 28,330.0013 Royal Society of Chemistry 1,05,250.0014 SciFinder Scholar (CAS)#15 SpringerLink 4,41,000.0016 Taylor and Francis 3,17,620.0017 Annual Membership Fee 5,000.00Revis e d from 1 st July 20 0 9*Cat. I: Bigger universities; Cat. II: Smaller universities / institutions#Includes Archive Capital Fee (ACF) payable only once@Quote available on request^Depending on mathematical activity of an institute.Subscription to most of the e-resources can start from beginning of any month till Dec.2009. Send request to the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> for invoice on prorated subscription basisfor all resources.Access Options The Ranges of IP addresses used by us for Internet Access are:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1