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Table 5. The numbers <strong>of</strong> preference functions <strong>of</strong> criteria and values <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir parametersNo. Criterion Function No. min d max d q s1Ability to analyse macroeconomic situation in hostand <strong>for</strong>eign countries4 0.31 2.42 0.32 1.22Ability to determine in time <strong>the</strong> main needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>potential</strong>clients5 0.07 1.46 0.35 1.33Ability to analyse <strong>the</strong> demand <strong>for</strong> products and services,enabling an enterprise to supply <strong>the</strong> market with 2 0.13 0.73 0.13 0.4quality products in time4Ability to analyse factors <strong>of</strong> success and activity <strong>of</strong>rival groups in <strong>the</strong> market5 0.13 1.25 0.13 1.05Ability to generate new ideas in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> developingand organizing production and providing new5 0.13 1.99 0.6 1.5competitive products and services6Ability to implement o<strong>the</strong>r new competitive ideas in<strong>the</strong> fields <strong>of</strong> producing new goods and providing new 4 0.05 2.52 0.65 1.9services7Ability to guarantee <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> productivesystem <strong>of</strong> an enterprise and its flexibility5 0.03 0.75 0.14 0.758 Ability to maintain <strong>the</strong> competitive status <strong>of</strong> enterprise 2 0.24 2.0 0.8 2.09Ability to maintain inner flexibility in terms <strong>of</strong> providingadaptive technologies and o<strong>the</strong>r means2 0.17 0.78 0.4 0.7810Ability to maintain inner flexibility <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> productivesystem by <strong>for</strong>ming human <strong>potential</strong> adequate to changing3 0 0.21 0.08 0.21objectives11Ability to maintain competitive ability in <strong>the</strong> prospectivemarkets4 0.13 1.05 0.3 0.912Ability to produce and supply products and services involumes corresponding to enterprise <strong>potential</strong> and5 0.02 0.91 0.15 0.7targeted market share13Ability to maintain effective enterprise per<strong>for</strong>manceby rational <strong>use</strong> <strong>of</strong> investment possibilities4 0.19 1.89 0.5 1.714Ability to plan and implement efficiently a <strong>strategic</strong>programme <strong>of</strong> technical and social development <strong>of</strong> anenterprise5 0.1 1.02 0.2 1.0The values <strong>of</strong> pairwise comparison relationship( A , A ) <strong>of</strong> four construction enterprises, <strong>the</strong> sums <strong>of</strong>πjkall positive (‘outcoming’) relationships F j+and negative(‘incoming’) relationships F j − , as well as <strong>the</strong> differencesbetween−<strong>the</strong>m F j F j − F j ( j 1,2,..., n ) and <strong>the</strong>=ranks <strong>of</strong> all considered enterprises, determined by + using<strong>the</strong> <strong>method</strong> PROMETHEE II, are given in Table = 6.As shown in Table 7, <strong>the</strong> <strong>method</strong>s SAW and TOPSISyield actually <strong>the</strong> same preference order <strong>of</strong> enterprises.We can also see that <strong>the</strong> PROMETHEE <strong>method</strong> gives <strong>the</strong>same ranks to <strong>the</strong> best and <strong>the</strong> worst enterprises as o<strong>the</strong>r<strong>method</strong>s. The actual differences can be found between <strong>the</strong>ranks in <strong>the</strong> middle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> preference order. However, <strong>the</strong>differences between <strong>the</strong> second- and <strong>the</strong> third-rankedenterprises calculated by <strong>the</strong> PROMETHEE <strong>method</strong> aremuch greater. There<strong>for</strong>e, it yields more accurate resultscompared to SAW and TOPSIS <strong>method</strong>s.Now, we can compare <strong>the</strong> results obtained by multicriteriaevaluation <strong>method</strong>s SAW, TOPSIS and PROME-THEE II (see Table 7).Table 6. The relationships ( A j , Ak)<strong>of</strong> pairwise comparison<strong>of</strong> construction enterprisesπ−1 2 3 4 F +1 − 0.534 0.174 0.085 0.7932 0.316 − 0.262 0.196 0.7753 0.127 0.495 − 0.086 0.7084 0.198 0.495 0.304 − 0.996F 0.641 1.524 0.740 0.367F 0.152 -0.750 -0.032 0.629Table 7. The results obtained in multicriteria evaluation <strong>of</strong>using <strong>the</strong> <strong>strategic</strong> <strong>potential</strong> <strong>of</strong> construction enterprisesMethodEnterprise1 2 3 4SAW 3 4 2 1TOPSIS 3 4 2 1PROMETHEE II 2 4 3 1411
ConclusionsThe market share <strong>of</strong> a construction enterprise reflectsits competitive ability. To retain and extend itsmarket share, a company should have <strong>the</strong> effective strategy.The development <strong>of</strong> this strategy is closely connectedto <strong>the</strong> determination <strong>of</strong> enterprise possibilities.The possibilities related to <strong>the</strong> production and managementactivities, associated with <strong>the</strong> manufacture <strong>of</strong> goodsand <strong>the</strong>ir selling in <strong>the</strong> market, may be referred to as <strong>the</strong><strong>strategic</strong> <strong>potential</strong> <strong>of</strong> an enterprise.Production capacity <strong>of</strong> an enterprise, depending on<strong>the</strong> available equipment, manpower, etc., determines <strong>the</strong>amount <strong>of</strong> goods that an enterprise can manufacture. 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