FON news Spring '13.pdf - Friends of Nigeria

FON news Spring '13.pdf - Friends of Nigeria

FON news Spring '13.pdf - Friends of Nigeria


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President’s ColumnPresident’s FarewellBy Mike Goodkind (16) 65-67This month I have the pleasure aftersix years (who’s counting) <strong>of</strong> turning overthe presidency <strong>of</strong> <strong>Friends</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nigeria</strong> toGreg Jones. The organization is in goodhands. Greg has made major contributionsto <strong>FON</strong>’s growth as an organizationthat is doing some useful things onthe ground in <strong>Nigeria</strong> and has an activepilot program to benefit the <strong>Nigeria</strong>ndiaspora in the United States. Gregspearheaded our giving program to theFantsuam Foundation. This initially benefitteda microloan program, primarilyfor women undertaking small businesses.He nimbly helped us shift our focus tobroader programs, and then, to emergencyaid when violence struck the heart<strong>of</strong> Fantsuam’s service area in the Kafanchanarea. Greg organized our successfulBoston meeting in 2009, and has beena consistent leadership force and source<strong>of</strong> wise counsel as long as I’ve served aspresident.<strong>FON</strong>’s roots lie with its role as analumni association for former PeaceCorps and other expatriate volunteersand staff working in <strong>Nigeria</strong>. In the pastfew years we have expanded that visionwith such programs as funding smallbut potentially life-changing projectsspearheaded by VSO volunteers, whoincreasingly are coming to <strong>Nigeria</strong> fromother African countries. In a partnershipwith the Peace Corps <strong>Nigeria</strong> AlumniFoundation, we are providing scholarships,targeted for women at the AmericanUniversity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nigeria</strong>. We providedsupport for operating room power supplypacks to the We Care Solar projectbefore international donors became morenumerous. As Greg fully understands,<strong>FON</strong> cannot remain a standalone group<strong>of</strong> <strong>Nigeria</strong> Peace Corps alumni. We canpass along our vision or hang on until wedisappear — which is going to happenwhether <strong>FON</strong> continues or not. I lookforward to having Greg, our board andour members nudge us forward andperform the tasks needed to make newinitiatives and a durable legacy a reality.Personally, I do hope to continueactive involvement with <strong>FON</strong>, mostimmediately with our website and overallcommunications effort. At some point Imight write a longer reminiscence aboutthe wonderful folks who continue toinspire me at <strong>FON</strong>, but right now I’dsimply like to thank the many <strong>FON</strong> supporters,members and directors who havecontributed so much to <strong>FON</strong> and madethe tasks I was assigned or undertookfeasible and almost always a pleasure.New President’s HelloBy Greg Jones (22) 66-68I have been imposing on MikeGoodkind these past eight months bynot taking over the <strong>FON</strong> Presidencybecause <strong>of</strong> my bout with Multiple Myeloma.I am happy to report that I amsufficiently on the mend to allow Miketo take a well-deserved exit. You neverget cured <strong>of</strong> MM, but they can put it farenough into remission that somethingelse will have a chance get you.I will not claim to have a big personalagenda for <strong>FON</strong>. Mike has led an organizationwith a vibrant list <strong>of</strong> activitiesand a board that is incredibly eager tochew over proposals until they arrive atthe best outcome. I certainly think <strong>of</strong> mytime in <strong>Nigeria</strong> as a formative experiencein my life. Returning to my classroomas part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Nigeria</strong> Trip in 2008 wasa thrill. On that same trip finding anorganization like Fantsuam Foundationdelivering a broad spectrum <strong>of</strong> developmentfinance and social services wasquite satisfying. I am still a big advocatefor Fantsuam, but the personal contactis now over 4 years old, and we all knowthings change fast in <strong>Nigeria</strong>.The annual NPCA meeting thisyear is in Boston, June 28-29. <strong>FON</strong>does not plan any formal presence there,but members <strong>of</strong> the committee thatorganized the Boston <strong>FON</strong> meetingin 2009 will host a dinner on Saturdayevening for any <strong>FON</strong> members whochoose to join us. The NPCA eventends with “an awards ceremony for ourW<strong>of</strong>ford, Shriver and Ruppe award(Continued on next page)FRIENDS OF NIGERIANEWSLETTERQuarterly publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Friends</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nigeria</strong>, Inc.www.friends<strong>of</strong>nigeria.orgaffiliate <strong>of</strong> theNational Peace Corps AssociationEditorJim Clarkwjclark016@gmail.comLayout EditorOwen Hartfordhartfordo@earthlink.netAssistant EditorWarren Kellerwarrendkk@yahoo.com<strong>Nigeria</strong> News EditorVirginia DeLanceyv-delancey@northwestern.eduBook EditorDavid Straindestrain@pacbell.netPro<strong>of</strong>readersEarl (Buzz) WelkerSteve ManningAlice O’GradyMary-Ann PalmieriPrinterLeesburg Printing CompanyLeesburg, Florida-------------------------FRIENDS OF NIGERIABOARD OF DIRECTORSPresidentMike Goodkindgoodkindm@gmail.comVice PresidentGreg Jonesgregory.j@comcast.netMembership ChairBarbara Tansey Bushbtbush@earthlink.netTreasurerPeter J. Hansenpjhansen@ia.netSecretaryMurray Frankmwfrank17@gmail.comNewsletter EditorJim Clarkwjclark016@gmail.comLucinda Boydboydcinda@gmail.comSteve ClappSteve.Clapp@informa.comVirginia DeLanceyv-delancey@northwestern.eduFr. Edward Inyanwachiesinyanwachi@dons.usfca.eduLynn Cloonan Olsonlynn.olson59@gmail.comAndy Philpotawphilpot@shaw.caJohn Romanoroman001@umn.eduGregory Zellgregzell@mindspring.com2 <strong>FON</strong> Newsletter <strong>Spring</strong> 2013

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