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TIMOTHY D. McBRIDEPr<strong>of</strong>essorNovember 2013<strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>Washington University in St. LouisOne Brookings DriveSt. Louis, MO 63130tmcbride@wustl.eduEducation1987 Ph.D., Economics, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin - Madison.1985 M.S., Economics, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin - Madison.1981 B.A., Economics and Journalism, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin - Milwaukee.Fields <strong>of</strong> Interest: Health Economics, Health Policy, Economics <strong>of</strong> Aging, Public Economics, EconometricsPr<strong>of</strong>essional Background2008-present Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Washington University2008-2012 Associate Dean for Public Health, Washington University2008-present Scholar, Institute for Public Health, Washington University2003-2008 Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Health Policy and Management, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Health, Saint Louis University2005-2008 Division Head, Health Policy, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Health, Saint Louis University2005-2008 Co-Director, Ph.D. Program, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Health, Saint Louis University1996-2003 Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Economics, Public Policy, Gerontology, Univ. <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis2000-2001 Interim Associate Dean, College <strong>of</strong> Arts and Sciences, Univ. <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St.Louis1991-1996 Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Economics, Public Policy, and Gerontology, Univ. <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis1995 Visiting Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Economics and Preventive Medicine,University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin-Madison1987-1991 Research Associate, The Urban Institute1983 Project Assistant, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jeffrey Williamson, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin - Madison1982-1987 Research Assistant, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Robert J. Lampman, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin - Madison1981-1982 Intern, U.S. Congressional Budget Office1977-1980 Sports Reporter, The Milwaukee Journal1977-1979 Assistant to Public Relations Director, Milwaukee Bucks pro basketball teamAwards, Committees, and Special Recognitions1995-present1995-present2010-present2006-presentMember, Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Rural Health PanelResearch Affiliate, Institute for Research on Poverty, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin-MadisonChair, Missouri MOHealthNET Oversight Committee, Missouri Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong>Services2010-2011, Vice Chair, Missouri MOHealthNET Oversight Committee, MissouriDepartment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> ServicesMember, Methods Council, Academy HealthTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 1

2006-present Senior Fellow, Washington University, Center for Health Policy2008-present Member, Health Policy Advisory Board, Centene Corporation, St. Louis, MO2009-present Member, State Health Policy Advisory Committee, Academy Health.2005-2011 Member, Signature Health Foundation, conference committee.2012 Outstanding Researcher <strong>of</strong> the Year, National Rural Health Association2010-2011 Member, Federal Negotiated Rulemaking Committee on the Designation <strong>of</strong> MedicallyUnderserved Populations and Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Shortage Areas2002-2010 Member, American Society <strong>of</strong> Health Economists (ASHE), Scientific Advisory Committee2005-2007 Editorial Board, Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health (Secretary, 2005-2006)2007-2008 Member, Board for Missouri Project, Center for Health Transformation, Gingrich Group2007-2008 Chair, Health Administration Press, editorial advisory board (member, 2007-2009;chair, 2009-present)2003-2008 Co-Chair, Health Policy Interest Group, AUPHA (Association <strong>of</strong> University Programs inHealth Administration)2007 Winner, “Health Care Hero” award in Public Policy, awarded by St. Louis BusinessJournal, October 2007.2003-2007 Member, Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, Health Care Research TrainingGrant Review Panel2006-2007 Member, Planning Committee for Annual Meeting, Academy Health2004-2007 Member, Past-Chair, Academy Health, Health Economics Interest Group2005-2006 Chair, Academy Health, Health Economics Interest Group2004-2006 Member, Scientific Committee, International Health Economics Association (iHEA)2001 Completed President’s Academic Leadership Institute, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri1991-2001 Research Fellow, Public Policy Research Centers, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis2000 Special Recognition Award, National Rural Health Association, for service to the ruralhealth community, awarded to RUPRI Rural Health Panel1998 Teacher <strong>of</strong> the Year, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin Administrative Medicine ProgramRESEARCHJOURNAL ARTICLES (published, in press, or accepted)1. Matthew W. Kreuter, Timothy McBride, Charlene Caburnay, Tim Poor, Vetta Sanders-Thompson,Katherine Eddens, Suchitra Rath, Hannah Perkins, Chris Casey, Bradford Hesse. 2013. “What can healthcommunication science <strong>of</strong>fer to ACA implementation? Five evidence-informed strategies for expandingMedicaid enrollment,” forthcoming, Milbank Quarterly, 2013.2. Mary C. Politi, Kimberly A. Kaphingst, Matthew Kreuter, Enbal Shacham, Melissa C. Lovell, TimothyMcBride. 2013. “Knowledge <strong>of</strong> Health Insurance Terminology and Details Among the Uninsured,”Medical Care Research and Review 70(5, October 2013): DOI: 10.1177/10775587135053273. Christina M. Andrews, Julie S. Darnell, Timothy D. McBride, and Sarah Gehlert. 2013. “<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> andImplementation <strong>of</strong> the Affordable Care Act,” Health & <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> May 3, 2013, doi:10.1093/hsw/hlt0024. Elizabeth A. Dodson, Katherine A. Stamatakis, Stephanie Chalifour, Debra Haire-Joshu, TimothyMcBride, Ross C. <strong>Brown</strong>son. 2013. “State legislators’ work on public health-related issues: whatinfluences priorities?” Journal <strong>of</strong> Public Health Management and Practice, 19(1, January, February): 25-TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 2

29, doi: 10.1097/PHH.0b013e318246475c5. Timothy D. McBride, Abigail R. Barker, Lisa M. Pollack, Leah M. Kemper and Keith J. Mueller. 2012.“Federal Employees Health Program Experiences Lack Of Competition In Some Areas, Raising CostConcerns For Exchange Plans,” Health Affairs: (31:6):1321-1328.6. Sidney Watson, Yolonda Campbell, Timothy McBride. 2011. "Creating Multi-State Qualified HealthPlans in Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons for Rural and Urban America from the Federal EmployeesHealth Benefits Plan." Saint Louis University Journal <strong>of</strong> Health Law and Policy 5(1): 103-126.7. Harris J.K., Carothers B.J., Luke D.A., Silmere H., McBride T.D., Pion M. 2011. “Exempting casinos fromthe Smoke-free Illinois Act will not bring patrons back. They never left.” Tobacco Control,doi:10.1136/tc.2010.042127.8. MacKinney, AC, Mueller, K, McBride, TD. 2011. "The March to Accountable Care Organizations - HowWill Rural Fare?" Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health (27:1, Winter 2011): 131-137.9. Stamatakis KA, McBride TD, <strong>Brown</strong>son RC. Communicating prevention messages to policy makers: therole <strong>of</strong> stories in promoting physical activity. J Phys Act Health 2010;7 Suppl 1:S99-107.10. Jegier BJ, Meier P, Engstrom JL, McBride TD. 2010. “The maternal cost <strong>of</strong> providing 100 mL <strong>of</strong> humanmilk for very low birth weight infants in the neonatal intensive care unit,” Breastfeeding Medicine 5(2):71-77.11. Santosh Krishna, Kathleen N. Gillespie, Timothy D. McBride. 2010. “Diabetes Burden and Access toPreventive Care in the Rural United States,” The Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health 26(1): 3-11.12. Nancy C. Cheak-Zamora, K.W. Wyrwich, Timothy D. McBride. 2009. “Reliability and validity <strong>of</strong> the SF-12v2 in the medical expenditure panel survey,” Quality <strong>of</strong> Life Research 18: 727-735.13. Timothy D. McBride. 2008. “Medicare Advantage: What are We Trying to Achieve Anyway?” Journal<strong>of</strong> Health Law and Policy 1(2): 405-423.14. Timothy McBride, Keith Mueller, Andrew Coburn, A. Clinton MacKinney, Rebecca Slifkin, and MaryWakefield. 2008. “Bridging Health Research and Policy: Translation and Dissemination Strategies,”Journal <strong>of</strong> Public Health Management and Practice, 14(2), 150–154.15. Watson, Sidney D., Timothy McBride, Heather Bednarek and Muhammad Islam. 2007. “The road fromMassachusetts to Missouri: what will it take for other states to replicate Massachusetts healthreform?” University <strong>of</strong> Kansas Law Review 55: 1331-1362.16. Shirley L. Porterfield and Timothy D. McBride. 2007. “The Effect <strong>of</strong> Poverty and Caregiver Educationon Perceived Need and Access to Health Services Among Children With Special Health Care Needs,”American Journal <strong>of</strong> Public Health 97(2, February): 323-32917. Ross <strong>Brown</strong>son, Charles Royer, Reid Ewing, and Timothy D. McBride. 2006. “Researchers and PolicyMakers: Travelers in Parallel Universes," American Journal <strong>of</strong> Preventive Medicine 30(2, February): 164-172.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 3

18. Anne E. Winkler, Timothy D. McBride and Courtney Andrews. 2005. “Wives Who Outearn TheirHusbands: A Transitory or Persistent Phenomenon for Couples?” Demography 42(3): 523-535.19. Keith Mueller, Andrew Coburn, A. Clinton MacKinney, Timothy McBride, Rebecca Slifkin, and MaryWakefield. 2005. “Understanding the Impacts <strong>of</strong> the Medicare Modernization Act: Concerns <strong>of</strong>Congressional Staff,” Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health 21(3): 194-197.20. Keith Mueller, Timothy D. McBride, Courtney Andrews, Roslyn Fraser, Liyan Xu. 2005. “The FederalEmployees Health Benefits Program: A Model for Competition in Rural America?” Journal <strong>of</strong> RuralHealth 21(2, Spring): 105-113.21. Erika Ziller, Andrew Coburn, Timothy McBride and Courtney Andrews. 2004. “Patterns <strong>of</strong> IndividualHealth Insurance Coverage, 1996 – 2000,” Health Affairs 23(6): 210-222.22. Kathy Gillespie, Richard Kurz, Timothy McBride and Homer Schmitz. 2004. “Competencies for PublicHealth Finance or Financing Public Health” Journal <strong>of</strong> Public Health Management and Practice, 22pages.23. Amy Wolaver, Timothy McBride, and Barbara Wolfe. 2003. “Mandating Insurance Offers for Low-Wage <strong>Work</strong>ers: An Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Labor Market Effects,” Journal <strong>of</strong> Health Politics, Policy and Law 28(5):883-926.24. Andrew Coburn, Timothy McBride, and Erika Ziller. 2002. "Patterns <strong>of</strong> Health Insurance CoverageAmong Rural and Urban Children," Medical Care Research and Review 59(3): 272-292, September 2002.25. Timothy D. McBride and Keith J. Mueller. 2002. “Effect <strong>of</strong> Medicare Payment on Rural Health CareSystems,” The Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health 18(S): 147-163.26. Joan Penrod, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2001. “Geographic Variation in Determinants <strong>of</strong>Medicare Managed Care Enrollment,” Health Services Research 36(4): 733-750.27. Keith J. Mueller, Brandi L. Shay, Jami L. Fletcher, and Timothy D. McBride. 2001. “Medicare+ChoiceExperiences in Rural Areas,” Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health 17(2, Spring): 87-90.28. Keith Mueller, Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, J. Patrick Hart, and Timothy D. McBride. 1999. “TheChanging Landscape <strong>of</strong> Health Care Financing and Delivery: How Are Rural Communities and ProvidersResponding?” Milbank Quarterly 77(4): 485-510.29. Timothy D. McBride and Keith J. Mueller. 1999. “Tracking the Response to the Balanced Budget Act <strong>of</strong>1997: Impact on Medicare Managed Care Enrollment in Rural Counties,” Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health 15(1,Winter): 67-77.30. Timothy D. McBride. 1998. “Disparities in the Access to Medicare Managed Care Plans and TheirBenefits,” Health Affairs 17(6, November/December): 170-180.31. Timothy D. McBride, Robert J. Calsyn, Gary A. Morse, W. Dean Klinkenberg, and Gary A Allen. 1998."Duration <strong>of</strong> Homeless Spells Among Severely Mentally Ill Individuals: A Survival Analysis," Journal <strong>of</strong>TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 4

Community Psychology, 26(5, September): 473-490.32. Timothy D. McBride. 1997. "Uninsured Spells for the Poor: Prevalence and Duration" Health CareFinancing Review 19(1,Fall): 145-160.33. Timothy D. McBride, Joan Penrod, and Keith Mueller. 1997. “Volatility in Medicare AAPCC Rates:Trends In U.S. Counties, 1990-97,” Health Affairs 16(5, September/October): pages 172-180.34. Karen Holden, Timothy McBride, and Maria Perozek. 1997. "Expectations <strong>of</strong> Nursing Home in theHealth and Retirement Survey: The Role <strong>of</strong> Gender, Health, and Family Structure," The Journals <strong>of</strong>Gerontology 52B(5): S240-S251.35. Theodore Kastner, Timothy D. McBride, and Roger Acheatel. 1996. “Consumer Behavior in the HealthCare Marketplace,” letter to the editor, Journal <strong>of</strong> the American Medical Association 276: 1298-99.36. Timothy D. McBride. 1994. "Estimating the Real Number <strong>of</strong> Chronically Uninsured," Journal <strong>of</strong>American Health Policy 4(4): 16-23.37. Korbin Liu, Timothy D. McBride and Teresa A. Coughlin. 1994. "The Risks <strong>of</strong> Entering Nursing Homesfor Long Versus Short Stays," Medical Care 32(3): 315-327.38. Katherine Swartz, John Marcotte, and Timothy McBride. 1993. "Spells Without HealthInsurance: The Distribution <strong>of</strong> Durations when Left-Censored Spells are Included," Inquiry30(1): 77-83.39. Katherine Swartz, John Marcotte, and Timothy McBride. 1993. "Personal Characteristics andSpells Without Health Insurance," Inquiry 30(1): 64-76.40. Sheila R. Zedlewski and Timothy D. McBride. 1992. "The Changing Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the Elderly: Effects onFuture Long-Term Care Needs and Financing," Milbank Quarterly 70(2): 247-276.41. Teresa A. Coughlin, Timothy D. McBride, Maria Perozek, and Korbin Liu. 1992. "Home Care for theDisabled Elderly: Predictors and Expected Costs," Health Services Research 27(4): 453-479.42. Teresa A. Coughlin, Timothy D. McBride, Maria Perozek, and Korbin Liu. 1992. "Severely DisabledElderly Persons with Financially Catastrophic Health Care Expenses: Sources and Determinants," TheGerontologist 32(3): 391-403.43. Korbin Liu, Timothy D. McBride, and Teresa A. Coughlin. 1991. "Predicting Nursing Home Admissionsand Length <strong>of</strong> Stay: A Duration Analysis," Medical Care 29(2): 125-142.44. Katherine Swartz and Timothy D. McBride. 1990. "Spells Without Health Insurance: Distribution <strong>of</strong>Durations and Their Link to Point-in-Time Estimates <strong>of</strong> the Uninsured" Inquiry 27(3): 281-288.45. Teresa A. Coughlin, Korbin Liu, and Timothy D. McBride. 1990. "Determinants <strong>of</strong> Transitory andPermanent Nursing Home Admissions," Medical Care 26(7): 616-631.46. Korbin Liu, Timothy D. McBride, and Teresa A. Coughlin. 1990. "Costs <strong>of</strong> Community Care for DisabledTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 5

Elderly Persons: The Policy Implications," Inquiry 27(1): 61-72.BOOK47. Debra Haire-Joshu and Timothy D. McBride, editors. 2013. Transdisciplinary Public Health: Research,Education and Practice. San Francisco: Wiley/Jossey-Bass. May 2013.MONOGRAPH48. Sheila R. Zedlewski, Roberta O. Barnes, Timothy D. McBride, Jack Meyer, and Martha K. Burt. 1990.Needs <strong>of</strong> the Elderly in the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press Report Series90-5, August.CHAPTERS IN BOOKS49. Timothy D. McBride. 2013. “The Affordable Care Act and Low Wage <strong>Work</strong>ers,” in MichaelSherraden and Marion Crane, eds., <strong>Work</strong>ing and Living in the Shadow <strong>of</strong> Economic Fragility,forthcoming, Oxford Press, 2013.50. Keith J. Mueller and Timothy D. McBride. 2006. “Changes in the Medicare Program: Meeting NewChallenges in Rural Health Care Delivery,” chapter in Service Delivery to the Rural Older Adults, R.Turner Goins, ed., July, New York: Springer Publishing.51. Timothy D. McBride. 2001. “Ending the Blame Game: Economic Forces Behind our Health CareProblems,” chapter in Managing Medicine: A Guide for the Physician, edited by Daniel Albert, M.D.,Malden, MA: Blackwell Science Publishing.52. Timothy D. McBride, Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert A. Crittenden, Charles W. Fluharty, J.Patrick Hart, Keith J. Mueller, and Wayne W. Myers. 1998. "The Impact <strong>of</strong> Medicare CapitationPayment Reform: A Simulation Analysis," chapter (pages 65-83) in U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> Education,National Center for Education Statistics, The Ninth Federal Forecasters Conference -- 1997, NCES 98-134, Debra E. Gerald, editor. Washington DC: GPO.53. Barbara L. Wolfe, Amy Wolaver, and Timothy McBride. 1997. “Government Mandates, HealthInsurance, and the Deterioration <strong>of</strong> the Low-wage Labor Market: Are They Connected?” in The State <strong>of</strong><strong>Social</strong> Welfare 1997, edited by Peter Flora, Philip R. de Jong, Julian LeGrand and Jun-Young Kim, pages143-187. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing.54. Robert J. Lampman and Timothy D. McBride. 1988. "Changes in the Pattern <strong>of</strong> State and LocalGovernment Revenues and Expenditures in Wisconsin, 1960-83," chapter in Sheldon Danziger and JohnF. Witte (eds.), State Policy Choices: The Wisconsin Experience, Madison, Wis.: The University <strong>of</strong>Wisconsin Press.JOURNAL ARTICLE (Submitted, under review)A. Clinton MacKinney, Keith J Mueller, Andrew C. Coburn, Jennifer P. Lundblad, Timothy D. McBride, SidneyD. Watson. 2013. “Access to Rural Health Care – A Literature Review and New Synthesis,” MilbankQuarterly, forthcoming, 24 pages.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 6

Other Publications and Reports1. Sarah Sayavong, Leah Kemper, Abigail Barker, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2013. “March 2013Rural Medicare Advantage Update,” Brief No. 2013-14, September 2013, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2013/2013%20MA%20update.pdf2. Abigail Barker, Jessica Londeree, Timothy D. McBride, Leah Kemper, and Keith Mueller. 2013. “September2012: Rural Medicare Advantage Update,” Brief No. 2013-6, June 2013, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2013/Uninsured%20Analysis%202013.pdf3. Abigail Barker, Jessica Londeree, Timothy D. McBride, Leah Kemper, and Keith Mueller. 2013. “TheUninsured: An Analysis by Income and Geography,” Brief No. 2013-6, June 2013, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2013/Uninsured%20Analysis%202013.pdf4. Sarah Sayavong, Leah Kemper, Abigail Barker, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2013. “September2012: Rural Medicare Advantage Update,” Brief No. 2013-3, April 2013, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2013/2012%20MA%20update.pdf5. Timothy McBride, Sidney Watson, Amy Blouin. 2013. “The Missouri Medicaid Expansion: Good for AllMissourians Most Critical Impact in Rural Missouri, Reducing Uninsured by Up to 31 Percent,” MissouriBudget Project, January.6. Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Abigail Barker, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2012. “June 2012: RuralMedicare Advantage Update,” Brief No. 2013-2, February 2013, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2013/2012%20MA%20Enrollment.pdf7. Leah Kemper, Abigail Barker, Fred Ullrich, Lisa Pollack, Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller. 2012. “Stand-Alone Prescription Drug Plans Dominated the Rural Market in 2011 Growth Driven by Medicare AdvantagePrescription Drug Plan Enrollment”, Rural Policy Research Institute Policy Paper P2012-2, September 2012http://www.public-health.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policypapers/Part%20D%20Stand-Alone%20FINAL.pdf8. Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Abigail Barker, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2012. “March 2012:Rural Medicare Advantage Update,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2012-3 May 2012,http://cph.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2012/March%202012%20one-pager.pdf9. Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Abigail Barker, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2011. “Rural Medicare2011: Enrollment Trends and Plan Update,” Rural Policy Research Institute Policy Paper 2011-9, October2011, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policypapers/NOV.MA%20Overview%20October%202011%20FINAL.pdf10. Keith Mueller, Andrew F. Coburn, Jennifer Lundblad, A. Clinton MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, SidneyWatson. 2011. “The High Performance Rural Health System <strong>of</strong> the Future,” Rural Policy Research Institute(RUPRI) Rural Health Panel Policy Paper, October 2011,http://www.rupri.org/Forms/HealthPanel_FutureSystem_October2011.pdfTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 7

11. Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Abigail Barker, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2011. “June 2011: RuralMedicare Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2011-8,September 2011, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2011/RUPRI%20September%202011%20-%20onepager1%20km.pdf12. Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2011. “March 2011: Growth in PPOsDominates the Rural MA Market in 2011,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2011-3 April 2011,http://www.public-health.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2011/March%202011%20%20onepager%20041311.pdf13. Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2010. “September 2010: RuralMedicare Advantage Update,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2010-6, September 2010,http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2010/September%202010%20MA%20Enrollment%20Update.pdf14. Leah Kemper, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2010. “Rural Medicare Advantage: Modest Growthin 2010,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2010-5, August 2010, http://www.publichealth.uiowa.edu/rupri/publications/policybriefs/2010/June%202010-5%20081710.pdf15. Leah Kemper, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller, Leah Kemper, Timothy Leah Kemper, Timothy D.McBride, and Keith Mueller, 2009. “February 2010: A Dramatic Shift Away from Private Fee-for-ServicePlans in Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2010-3 March2010, http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/MAUpdates/March%202010%20MA%20032210.pdf16. Leah Kemper, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller, 2009. “December 2009: Rural Medicare AdvantageEnrollment Grows 15% in 2009,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2010-1 January 2010,http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/MAUpdates/December%202009%20MA%200210.pdf17. Timothy D. McBride. 2009. “Impact <strong>of</strong> the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on CoveredPersons, As Amended,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and RUPRI Issue Brief, December 22, 2009,http://www.rupri.org/Forms/McBride_Insurance_Amended_Dec09.pdf18. Timothy D. McBride. 2009. “Impact <strong>of</strong> the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on CoveredPersons,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and RUPRI Issue Brief, December 9, 2009,http://www.rwjf.org/files/research/53234.pdf19. Andrew F. Coburn, A. Clinton MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller, Rebecca T. Slifkin, ErikaZiller. 2009. “Assuring Health Coverage for Rural People through Health Reform,” Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation Issue Brief, October 2009, http://www.rwjf.org/files/research/50808.pdf20. Leah Kemper, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller, 2009. “July 2009: Rural Enrollment in MedicareAdvantage Continues to Grow,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2009-8 August 2009http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/MonthlyMAUpdates/July%202009%20MA.pdfTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 8

21. Leah Kemper, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2009. “May 2009: PPOs Driving Growth in RuralMedicare Advantage Enrollment,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2009-7 June 2009,http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/MonthlyMAUpdates/July%202009%20MA.pdf22. Timothy D. McBride and Leah Kemper. 2009. “Impact <strong>of</strong> the Recession on Rural America: RisingUnemployment Leading to More Uninsured in 2009.” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2009-6. June2009. Available at: http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/b2009-6%20Rising%20Unemployment%20Leading%20to%20More%20Uninsured.pdf23. Timothy D. McBride. 2009. “A Rural-Urban Comparison <strong>of</strong> a Building Blocks Approach to Covering theUninsured,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2009-5. June 2009. Available at:http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/b2009-5%20Building%20Blocks%20Approach%20to%20Covering%20the%20Uninsured.pdf24. Leah Kemper, Timothy McBride and Keith J. Mueller. 2009. Timothy D. McBride and Keith J. Mueller.2008. “April 2009: Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage: Growth in PPOs Outpacing Growth in PFFS,”Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2009-4. May 2009. Available at:http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/MonthlyMAUpdates/April%202009%20MA%200508.pdf25. Timothy D. McBride and Keith J. Mueller. 2008. “Eligible But Not Enrolled? Potential for Targeting Over aHalf-Million Rural Medicare Beneficiaries for Enrollment in the Low-Income Subsidy Prescription DrugProgram,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief No. 2008-5. December 2008. Available at:http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/LIS%20Brief%202008-5.pdf26. Timothy D. McBride and Keith J. Mueller. 2008. “Update on Rural Enrollment in Medicare AdvantageGrowth Continues to Grow Rapidly in 2008,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2008-3, August 2008, 6pages. Available at: http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/b2008-3%20MA%20Enrollment.pdf27. Timothy D. McBride and Keith J. Mueller. 2007. “Update on Rural Enrollment in Medicare AdvantageGrowth Continues,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2007-7, October 2007, 6 pages. Available at:http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/PB2007-7%20110507.pdf28. Timothy D. McBride. 2007. “Uninsured Grew 103,000 in Missouri in 2006,” Saint Louis University Centerfor Health Policy Analysis, Policy Brief #1, September, 2 pages.29. Timothy D. McBride, Tanchica Terry, Keith J. Mueller. 2007. “Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage isGrowing Rapidly in 2007, Especially in Private Fee-for-Service Plans,” Rural Policy Research Institute BriefPB2007-3, July 2007, 4 pages. Available at: http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/PB2007-3E.pdf30. Timothy D. McBride, Tanchica Terry, Keith J. Mueller. 2007. “Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage isConcentrated in Private Fee-for-Service Plans,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2007-2, April 2007,4 pages. Available at: http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/PB2007-2.pdf31. Timothy D. McBride, Tanchica Terry, Keith J. Mueller. 2007. “Enrollment in Medicare Part D for RuralBeneficiaries is Encouraging,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2007-1, January 2007, 4 pages.Available at: http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/PB2007-1.pdfTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 9

32. Keith Mueller, A. Clinton MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride. 2006. “Medicare Physician Payment: Impacts<strong>of</strong> Changes on Rural Physicians,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2006-2, September 2006, 4pages. Available at: http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/pb2006-2.pdf33. Timothy D. McBride, Sidney Watson, Heather Bednarek, Muhammad Islam, Dan Gentry, Mike Counte,Nicolas Terry. 2006. “The Massachusetts Health Plan: A Model for Missouri?” Missouri Foundation forHealth Report, September 2006. Available at: http://www.mffh.org/policy_mhcr.html34. Timothy D. McBride, Sidney Watson, Heather Bednarek, Muhammad Islam, Dan Gentry, Mike Counte,Nicolas Terry. 2006. "Massachusetts: Map for Missouri?" series <strong>of</strong> fact sheets prepared for MissouriFoundation for Health on: (1) Executive Summary, (2) Comparing the Health Landscapes, (3) Costs andFinancing <strong>of</strong> Strategies for Universal Coverage: Issues for Policymakers, (4) Employer Mandate, (5)Individual Mandate, (6) Medicaid Expansion, (7) Premium Assistance Program, and (8) State HealthInsurance Pool. September 2006. Available at: http://www.mffh.org/policy_mhcr.html35. Timothy D. McBride, Sidney Watson, Heather Bednarek, “The Missouri Health Landscape: How Does itCompare to Massachusetts?” Missouri Foundation for Health Report, July 2006. Available at:http://www.mffh.org/policy_mhcr.html36. Thomas Greaney, Muhammad Islam and Timothy McBride. 2006. “Analysis <strong>of</strong> Missouri Senate Bill 1210:Medicaid Fraud Legislation,” Saint Louis University Health Policy Brief #4 for the Missouri Foundation forHealth, April 2006.37. Keith Mueller, Andrew F. Coburn, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, Rebecca Slifkin, and MaryWakefield. 2006. “Medicaid and Its Importance to Rural Health,” Rural Policy Research Institute IssueBrief, May, 4. Timothy D. McBride, Tanchica Terry, Keith J. Mueller. 2006. “Medicare Part D: EarlyFindings on Enrollment and Choices for Rural Beneficiaries?” Rural Policy Research Institute BriefPB2006-8, April 2006, 8 pages. Available at:http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/Medicare_Part_D_brief.pdf38. Timothy McBride, Muhammad Islam, and Barbara Gilchrist. 2006. “Analysis <strong>of</strong> Legislation to Expand TaxDeductibility for Long-Term Care in Missouri,” Saint Louis University State Health Policy Brief #3 for theMissouri Foundation for Health (MFH), March 2006.39. Sidney Watson, Timothy McBride, Heather Bednarek and Daniel Gentry. 2006. “HB 1742: Medicaid Buy–in For <strong>Work</strong>ers with Disabilities,” Saint Louis University State Health Policy Brief #2 for the MissouriFoundation for Health (MFH), March 2006.40. Sidney Watson, Timothy D. McBride, Thomas Greaney, and Heather Bednarek. 2006. “State Policies toExpand Health Insurance Coverage For <strong>Work</strong>ers in Small Businesses: A Comparison <strong>of</strong> Proposals,” SaintLouis University Health Policy Brief #1 for the Missouri Foundation for Health, January 2006.41. Timothy D. McBride and Courtney Andrews. 2005. “The Impact <strong>of</strong> Welfare Reform on Health InsuranceCoverage in Rural Areas,” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2005-6, December 2005.42. Heather Bednarek, Michael Counte, Timothy McBride, Nicolas Terry and Sidney Watson. 2005.“Literature on Health Policy Topics Facing the Missouri Legislature During the 2006 Session,” Saint LouisUniversity Health Policy Paper for the Missouri Foundation for Health, November 2005, 83 pages.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 10

43. Timothy D. McBride. 2005. “ Why are Health Care Expenditures Increasing and Is There A RuralDifferential?” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2005-7, November 2005. Available at:http://www.unmc.edu/ruprihealth/Pubs/PB2005-7.pdf44. Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2005. “Impacts <strong>of</strong> the Medicare Modernization Act OnRural Health Systems and Beneficiaries,” Rural Policy Research Institute Paper P2005-1, February 23, 2005.45. Keith J. Mueller, A. Clinton MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, Jane L. Meza, Keith Mueller, Liyan Xu. 2004.“Rural Physicians’ Acceptance <strong>of</strong> New Medicare Patients” Rural Policy Research Institute Policy BriefPB2004-5, August.46. Keith J. Mueller and Timothy D. McBride. 2004. “Financing the Rural Health Care Delivery System,” paperprepared for the Institute <strong>of</strong> Medicine, 51 pages, February.47. Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, Keith Mueller, Michael Shambaugh-Miller. 2003. “PhysicianPayment: Practice Expense,” Rural Policy Research Institute Policy Brief PB2003-9, October.48. Erika Ziller, Andrew Coburn, Cathy H<strong>of</strong>fman, Sharon Loux, and Timothy McBride. 2003. Health InsuranceCoverage In Rural America: A Chartbook. Washington, DC: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and theUninsured, August.49. Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller, Courtney Andrews, Liyan Xu and Roslyn Frasier. 2003. “Enrollmentin FEHBP Plans in Rural America: What are the Implications for Medicare Reform?” Rural Policy ResearchInstitute Brief PB2003-8, June, 12 pages.50. Timothy D. McBride, Courtney Andrews, Keith J. Mueller, and Michael Shambaugh-Miller. 2003. “AnAnalysis <strong>of</strong> Availability <strong>of</strong> Medicare+Choice, Commercial HMO, and FEHBP Plans in Rural Areas:Implications for Medicare Reform” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2003-5, March, 8 pages.51. Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2001. “An Assessment <strong>of</strong> Proposals for a MedicareOutpatient Prescription Drug Benefit: The Rural Perspective,” Rural Policy Research Institute Paper P2003-1, January.52. Timothy D. McBride, Courtney Andrews, Alexei Makarkin, Keith Mueller. 2002. “An Update onMedicare+Choice: Rural Medicare Beneficiaries Enrolled in Medicare+Choice Plans Through October2001,” Rural Policy Research Institute Policy Brief PB2002-4, August.53. Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller, Andrew F. Coburn, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney,Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2002. “Inequitable Access: Medicare+Choice Program Fails to ServeRural America,” Rural Policy Research Institute Paper PB2002-2, February 2002, 4 pages.54. Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2001. “Medicare in Rural America: Comments on the June2001 Report <strong>of</strong> the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission,” Rural Policy Research Institute Paper P2001-14, September 28, 2001.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 11

55. Timothy D. McBride, Joan D. Penrod, Keith J. Mueller, Courtney Andrews, and Micah Hughes. 2001. “CanPayment Policies Attract M+C Plans to Rural Areas?” Rural Policy Research Institute Brief PB2001-8, May, 4pages.56. Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2001. “Redesigning Medicare: Considerations for RuralBeneficiaries and Health Systems.” Rural Policy Research Institute Special Monograph, May 15, 2001.57. Timothy D. McBride, Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2001. “An Update on Medicare+Choice: Rural MedicareBeneficiaries Enrolled in Medicare+Choice Plans Through October 2000,” Rural Policy Research InstitutePolicy Brief PB2001-7, March, 2001.58. Keith Mueller, Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D.McBride, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2001. “Redesigning Medicare: Considerations for RuralBeneficiaries and Health Systems.” Rural Policy Research Institute Policy Brief PB 2001-6, February, 2001..59. Keith Mueller, Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D.McBride, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2001. “Rural Implications <strong>of</strong> the Medicare, Medicaid, andSCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act <strong>of</strong> 2000.” Rural Policy Research Institute Policy BriefPB2001-4, January, 2001.60. Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2000. “Redesigning the Medicare Program: An Opportunityto Improve Rural Health Care Systems?" Rural Policy Research Institute Paper P2000-13. Columbia, MO:RUPRI, August 2000.61. Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2000. “Designing a Prescription Drug Benefit for RuralMedicare Beneficiaries: Principles, Criteria, and Assessment," Rural Policy Research Institute Paper P2000-14. Columbia, MO: RUPRI, August 2000.62. Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, KeithMueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2000. "Improving Prescription Drug Coverage for RuralMedicare Beneficiaries: Key Rural Considerations and Objectives For Legislative Proposals," Rural PolicyResearch Institute Paper P2000-8. Columbia, MO: RUPRI, June 2000.63. Brandi Shay, Timothy D. McBride, and Keith Mueller. 2000. “A Report on Enrollment: Rural MedicareBeneficiaries Enrolled in Medicare+Choice Plans,” Rural Policy Research Institute Policy Brief PB2000-5,June 2000.64. Anthony Wellever, Andrew F. Coburn, Erika Ziller, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, TimothyD. McBride, Keith Mueller, Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2000. "Calculating and Using the AreaWage Index <strong>of</strong> the Medicare Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System," Rural Policy ResearchInstitute Policy Brief PB2000-5. Columbia, MO: RUPRI, June 2000.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 12

65. Andrew F. Coburn, Chuck Fluharty, J. Patrick Hart, Clint MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, Keith Mueller,Rebecca Slifkin, and Mary Wakefield. 2000. "A Rural Assessment <strong>of</strong> Leading Proposals to Redesign theMedicare Program," Rural Policy Research Institute Paper P2000-4. Columbia, MO: RUPRI, May 2000.66. Keith Mueller and Timothy D. McBride (principal authors), Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, J. Patrick Hart,Clint MacKinney, and Mary Wakefield. 1999. “Taking Medicare into the 21st Century: Realities <strong>of</strong> a PostBBA World and Implications for Rural Health Care,” February.67. Keith Mueller and Timothy D. McBride (principal authors), Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, J. Patrick Hart,Clint MacKinney, and Mary Wakefield. 1999. “Considerations for Federal Legislation to Improve RuralHealth Care Delivery: Recommendations for the 106th Congress,” Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI)Policy Brief PB99-1, January.68. Keith Mueller (principal author), Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, J. Patrick Hart, and Timothy D. McBride.1998. “Regulations Implementing the Balanced Budget Act <strong>of</strong> 1997: Provider Sponsored Organizations andMedicare+Choice,” Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Policy Report P98-5, October.69. Timothy D. McBride and Keith Mueller (principal authors), Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, J. Patrick Hart.1998. “Tracking the Response to the Balanced Budget Act <strong>of</strong> 1997: Impact on Medicare Managed Care,”Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Policy Report P98-4, August.70. Keith Mueller (principal author), Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, J. Patrick Hart, and Timothy D. McBride.1998. “Has the Market Come to Health-Care Delivery in Rural America? An Exploration <strong>of</strong> Markets in SixCommunities.” Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Policy Report P98-2, July.71. Timothy D. McBride (principal author). 1998. “The Future <strong>of</strong> Medicare Capitation Rates, 1998-2004:Impact <strong>of</strong> the Balanced Budget Act and Issues for Policy Consideration,” Rural Policy Research Institute(RUPRI) Policy Brief PB98-1, March.72. Timothy D. McBride, Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert Crittenden, J. Patrick Hart, Keith Mueller,Wayne Myers. 1997. “The Implementation <strong>of</strong> the Balanced Budget Act <strong>of</strong> 1997: Impact on MedicareCapitation Rates and Issues for Policy Consideration,” Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Policy BriefPB97-4, November 1997.73. Timothy D. McBride, Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert Crittenden, J. Patrick Hart, Keith Mueller,Wayne Myers. 1997. "The Rural Implications <strong>of</strong> Medicare AAPCC Capitation Payment Changes:Assessment <strong>of</strong> Final legislation (HR.2015)," Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Policy Brief PB97-2,August 1997.74. Timothy D. McBride, Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert Crittenden, J. Patrick Hart, Keith Mueller,Wayne Myers. 1997. "The Rural Implications <strong>of</strong> Medicare AAPCC Capitation Payment Changes:Assessment and Simulation Findings Regarding Proposals Before the House/Senate Conference CommitteeOn Budget Reconciliation," Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Paper 97-9, July 1997.75. Timothy D. McBride, Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert Crittenden, J. Patrick Hart, Keith Mueller,Wayne Myers. 1997. "The Rural Implications <strong>of</strong> Medicare AAPCC Capitation Payment Changes:Background Assessment and Simulation Results <strong>of</strong> Key Legislative Proposals," Rural Policy ResearchInstitute (RUPRI) Paper 97-8, May 1997.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 13

76. Timothy D. McBride, "Uninsured Spells for the Poor: Prevalence and Duration," Institute for Research onPoverty Discussion Paper 1131-97, April 1997.77. Amy Wolaver, Timothy D. McBride, and Barbara Wolfe, "Earnings Inequality: The Role <strong>of</strong> Fringe Benefits,"Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Paper 1124-97, March 1997.78. Timothy D. McBride, Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert Crittenden, J. Patrick Hart, Keith Mueller,Wayne Myers. 1997. "Achieving Equity in Medicare Capitation Payment: Reforms <strong>of</strong> the AAPCCMethodology," Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) Policy Brief PB97-1, February 1997, 4 pages.79. Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert Crittenden, J. Patrick Hart, Timothy McBride, Keith Mueller,Wayne Myers. 1996. "Anticipated Impacts <strong>of</strong> the Rural Health Improvement Act," Rural Policy ResearchInstitute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper P96-5, July 1996, 37 pages.80. Timothy McBride. 1996. "Assumptions Underlying Insurance Participation Modeling," DHHS/ASPE ProjectReport, May 1996, 78 pages.81. Andrew F. Coburn, Sam Cordes, Robert Crittenden, J. Patrick Hart, Timothy McBride, Keith Mueller,Wayne Myers. 1995. "Rural Impacts <strong>of</strong> Medicare Policy Changes: Questions and Answers with Referenceto H.R. 2491," RUPRI Medicare Task Force Document, December 1995, 53 pages.82. Timothy D. McBride and Shirley L. Porterfield. 1994. "The Problem <strong>of</strong> Access to Health Insurance: Causes,Consequences and Policy Implications," working paper, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, October 1994, 31pages.83. Timothy D. McBride, Teresa A. Coughlin, and Korbin Liu. 1994. "Predicting Nursing Home Admissions andLength <strong>of</strong> Stay by Disabled Elderly in Connecticut: A Longitudinal Analysis," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper,October 1994, 31 pages.84. Timothy D. McBride. 1994. "Ending the Blame Game: Economic Forces Behind the Health Care Crisis,"working paper, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, April 1994, 39 pages.85. Teresa A. Coughlin, Timothy D. McBride, Korbin Liu, and Myra Kerr. 1993. "Converting to Medicaid in theCommunity: The Forgotten Stepchild," Urban Institute Health Policy Report 6088, July 1993, 36 pages.86. Katherine Swartz, John Marcotte, and Timothy McBride. 1992. "Spells Without Health Insurance: TheDistribution <strong>of</strong> Durations when Left-Censored Spells are Included," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 6087-03, December 1992, 15 pages.87. Katherine Swartz, John Marcotte, and Timothy McBride. 1992. "Personal Characteristics and SpellsWithout Health Insurance," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 6087-02, June 1992, 22 pages.88. Timothy D. McBride and Katherine Swartz. 1991. "Sample Attrition in a Duration Model <strong>of</strong> Spells WithoutHealth Insurance: Findings from the Survey <strong>of</strong> Income and Program Participation," SIPP <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper,August 1991, 22 pages.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 14

89. Timothy D. McBride, Korbin Liu, Teresa A. Coughlin, and Maria Perozek. 1991. "The Impact <strong>of</strong> AccessProblems in the Nursing Home Market on the Timing <strong>of</strong> Nursing Home Admissions," Urban InstituteProject Report, July 1991, 24 pages.90. Teresa A. Coughlin, Timothy D. McBride, Maria Perozek, and Korbin Liu. 1991. "Home Care for theDisabled Elderly: Predictors and Expected Costs," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 3972-01, January 1991,30 pages.91. Sheila R. Zedlewski and Timothy D. McBride. 1990. "The Changing Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the Elderly: Effects on FutureLong-Term Care Needs and Financing," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper, November 1990, 34 pages.92. Lisa C. Dubay, Timothy D. McBride, and John Holahan. 1990. "Is There a Nursing Home Access Problem? AReview <strong>of</strong> the Evidence," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 6053-04-01, August 1990, 48 pages.93. Timothy D. McBride and Katherine Swartz. 1990. "Spells Without Health Insurance: What Affects SpellDurations and Who Are the Chronically Uninsured?" Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper, July 1990, 30 pages.94. Katherine Swartz and Timothy D. McBride. 1990. "Durations <strong>of</strong> Spells Without Health Insurance and TheirRelationship to Point-in-Time Estimates <strong>of</strong> the Uninsured," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper, May 1990, 25pages.95. Timothy D. McBride, Korbin Liu, and Teresa A. Coughlin. 1990. "Survival Analysis <strong>of</strong> Nursing Home Riskand Lengths-<strong>of</strong>-Stay: Methodological Issues and Findings," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 3876, January1990, 28 pages.96. Timothy D. McBride. 1989. "The Disabled Elderly: Empirical Analysis and Projections into the 21stCentury," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper, December 1989, 25 pages.97. Korbin Liu, Timothy D. McBride, and Teresa A. Coughlin. 1989. "Nursing Home Utilization: Risks andLengths <strong>of</strong> Stay," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 3876-02, December 1989, 32 pages.98. Sheila R. Zedlewski, Roberta O. Barnes, Martha K. Burt, Timothy D. McBride, and Jack Meyer. 1989."Needs <strong>of</strong> the Elderly in the 21st Century," Urban Institute Project Report, August 1989, 188 pages.99. R. Scott Hacker and Timothy D. McBride. 1989. "The Dynamic Simulation <strong>of</strong> Income Model (DYNASIM),Volume III: The Cross-Sectional Imputation Model (CSIM)," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 3646-01, July1989, 45 pages.100. Korbin Liu, Timothy D. McBride and Teresa A. Coughlin. 1989. "Community Care Costs <strong>of</strong> Disabled ElderlyPersons: Implications for Policy Options," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 3805-01, March 1989, 27 pages.101. Teresa A. Coughlin, Timothy D. McBride, and Korbin Liu. 1989. "Determinants <strong>of</strong> Transitory andPermanent Nursing Home Admissions," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 3726-03, January 1989, 32 pages.102. Timothy D. McBride. 1988. "The Retirement Behavior <strong>of</strong> Women <strong>Work</strong>ers: Findings from a Cohort <strong>of</strong> New<strong>Social</strong> Security Beneficiaries," Urban Institute <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper 3063-01, February 1988, 41 pages.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 15

103. Timothy D. McBride. 1987. "Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance in the Demographic Transition: AnEvaluation <strong>of</strong> the Long-Run Policy in the 1977 and 1983 <strong>Social</strong> Security Amendments," manuscript,University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, March 1987, 33 pages.104. Robert J. Lampman and Timothy D. McBride. 1984. "Changes in the Pattern <strong>of</strong> State and LocalGovernment Revenues and Expenditures in Wisconsin, 1960-81," LaFollette Institute Policy Paper No. 2,Madison, Wisconsin: Robert M. LaFollette Institute <strong>of</strong> Public Affairs, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin-Madison,April 1984, 28 pages.Other PublicationsTimothy D. McBride and Jason Purnell, "Divide by race and class" editorial in the St. Louis Post Dispatch,August 28, 2011.Timothy D. McBride, "State Medicaid changes fell far short <strong>of</strong> true reform" editorial in the St. Louis PostDispatch, May 22, 2007.Timothy D. McBride, "<strong>Social</strong> Security: Fix it or scrap it? : Chicken Little is wrong again; the sky is not falling"editorial in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, February 20, 2005.Timothy D. McBride, "The Biggest Red State Issue <strong>of</strong> them All: health Care" editorial in the St. Louis PostDispatch, December 6, 2004.Timothy D. McBride, "America's Future Lives on Borrowed Dime: Tax Cuts Could Rob Baby Boomers' <strong>Social</strong>Security and Medicare" editorial in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 1, 2004.Timothy D. McBride, "To Reform Medicare or to Kill It?" editorial in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, January 12,1996.Timothy D. McBride, "It Looks Like a Health Crisis to Us," letter published in the Wall Street Journal,February 9, 1994, describing research on uninsured spells.Timothy D. McBride, "The Clinton Health Plan: Does it Make the Grade?" editorial in the St. Louis PostDispatch, October 4, 1993.Timothy D. McBride, "A Bipartisan Approach to Health Care," editorial in the St. Louis Post Dispatch,October 9, 1994.GRANTS AWARDED (submitted grants but not awarded not shown)External Grants Funded“Evaluation <strong>of</strong> the Implementation <strong>of</strong> the Affordable Care Act,” (Doug Luke and Timothy McBride, co-PIs),Missouri Foundation for Health, September 2013.“Evaluation <strong>of</strong> a Beta-Test <strong>of</strong> the Medicaid Atlas: Application to Long-Term Care,”, (Tim McBride, P.I.),Assistant Secretary for Program and Planning (ASPE), Health and Human Services (HHS), August 2013.“Churning in Health Insurance Plans,” (P.I. Timothy McBride), Missouri Foundation for Health, DecemberTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 16

2012.“Rapid Response Agreement,” (P.I. Keith Mueller, co-PI Timothy McBride), Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy,Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, August 2012-16.“RUPRI Center for Health Policy Analysis,” (P.I.: Keith Mueller, University <strong>of</strong> Nebraska Medical Center;subcontract to Washington University), Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy, Department <strong>of</strong> Health andHuman Services, August 2012-16.“Rapid Response Agreement,” (P.I. Rebecca Slifkin), Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy, Department <strong>of</strong> Healthand Human Services, August 2008.“Analysis <strong>of</strong> Growth in Medicare Advantage Plans,” (P.I. Keith Mueller), Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy,Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, August 2008.“Children with Emotional, Developmental, and Behavioral Conditions and Comorbidities: Impact <strong>of</strong>Comorbidities on Heath Services Use, Expenditures, and Source <strong>of</strong> Payment,” (P.I. Timothy McBride),Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ), July 2008.“Medicaid Reform in Missouri: A Proposal for Legislative Analysis” (P.I. Timothy McBride), Kaiser FamilyFoundation, March 2007.“Missouri Legislative Bill Analysis,” (P.I. Timothy McBride), Missouri Foundation for Health, September2005.“Comparison <strong>of</strong> Missouri Uninsurance Survey Data Sources,” (P.I. Timothy McBride), Missouri Foundationfor Health, February 2005.“RUPRI Center for Health Policy Analysis,” (P.I.: Keith Mueller, University <strong>of</strong> Nebraska Medical Center),Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy, Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, August 2004.“The Rural Implications <strong>of</strong> Federal Policy Choices and Proposals for Expanding Health Insurance Coverage,"proposal submitted by Rural Health Panel <strong>of</strong> the Rural Policy Research Institute (co-PrincipalInvestigators: Andy Coburn, Keith Mueller, and Tim McBride), Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and theUninsured, September 2001.“The Market for Individually-Purchased Health Insurance,” (co-PIs with Andrew Coburn and Erika Ziller),Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, submitted by University <strong>of</strong> Southern Maine with subcontract toUniversity <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, June 2001.“Individual Insurance in Rural Areas,” (co-P.I.s, Andrew Coburn and Erika Ziller), Agency for HealthcarePolicy and Research, submitted by University <strong>of</strong> Southern Maine with subcontract to University <strong>of</strong>Missouri-St. Louis, June 2001.“RUPRI Center for Health Policy Analysis,” (P.I.: Keith Mueller, University <strong>of</strong> Nebraska Medical Center),Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy, Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, August 2000.“The Rural Response to Medicare+Choice: Change and Its Impact,” (co-PI with Keith Mueller, University <strong>of</strong>TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 17

Nebraska Medical Center), Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, August 1999.“A Lookback at the Balanced Budget Act <strong>of</strong> 1997: Implications for Rural Health Delivery,” submitted byRural Policy Research Institute Rural Health Panel to the Federal Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy, DHHS,July 1999.“Uninsured Spells for Children in Rural Areas” (P.I.s, Beth Kilbreth and Andrew Coburn), U.S. Department<strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, Office <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy, contract to University <strong>of</strong> Southern Mainewith subcontract to University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, January 1998.“Managed Care for Medicare Beneficiaries in Rural Areas: An Analysis <strong>of</strong> the Capitated Rate,” (co-PIs, KeithMueller and Joan Penrod, University <strong>of</strong> Medical Center), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, March1997.“Changes in Employer-Offered Health Insurance: Firms’ Decision Making and Employee Satisfaction” (P.I.,Judith Lave, University <strong>of</strong> Pittsburgh), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, March 1996."Earnings Inequality: The Role <strong>of</strong> Fringe Benefits" (co-PI with Barbara Wolfe, Brigitte Madrian, and DavidCutler), Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY, March 1995."Uninsured Spells for the Poor: Spell Durations and Their Impact on Health Status and Medical CareUtilization," Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP), University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, and Assistant Secretary<strong>of</strong> Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, February 1995."Home Health Care Use by the Elderly," (P.I. Korbin Liu), Agency for Health Care Policy Research, TheUrban Institute, March 1992."Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Spells Without Health Insurance" (co-PI, Katherine Swartz), Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation, February 1992."Analyzing Duration <strong>of</strong> Spells Without Health Insurance" (P.I., with Katherine Swartz), Health CareFinancing Administration, 1990.Internal Grants Funded (University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis)“The Economic Balance <strong>of</strong> Power in Married Families,” University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, Research Awardcompetition (co-P.I., Anne E. Winkler).“<strong>Social</strong> Security Financing Policy in the 21 st Century,” University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, Research Awardcompetition, February 1997.University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis Small Grant Proposal, January 1997."The Duration <strong>of</strong> Uninsured Spells for the Poor," University <strong>of</strong> Missouri Research Board, May 1993."Urban China Household Saving and <strong>Social</strong> Security: The Case <strong>of</strong> Yantai" (with J. Ray Bowen), proposal tothe University <strong>of</strong> Missouri Research Board, May 1993.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 18

"Who Exits Homelessness?" (with Robert Calsyn), proposal to the University <strong>of</strong> Missouri Research Board,December 1992."Health Care Use by the Elderly: An Empirical Study <strong>of</strong> Transfers Between Hospitals and Nursing Homes,"University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis Summer Research Fellowship, December 1991."Applied Economic Analysis: The Usefulness <strong>of</strong> LIMDEP (Version 6)," University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. LouisImproved Research Quality (IRQ) Program, November 1991."Aging, Consumption, and Economic Development in China" (with J. Ray Bowen), University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St.Louis Chancellor's Visiting International Scholar's Program, November 1991.PRESENTATIONSPr<strong>of</strong>essional conferences1. “Health Reform and Rural Health Futures”, Rural Future Innovations, Lincoln, Nebraska, November 5,2013.2. “Bending the Curve,” Keynote Address at Bending the Curve Conference, Bucknell University,November 1, 2013.3. “Translating Research to Policy in Public Health,” seminar at Geisinger Health System, October 31,2013.4. “Health Literacy and the Affordable Care Act,” presentation to the 2013 Health Literacy Summit, St.Louis, MO, October 4, 2013.5. “Missouri Medicaid: A Bipartisan Solution is Possible,” <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong> Policy Forum, October 1, 2013.6. “Health Reform Implications for the Medical Device Industry,” HME National Conference, St. Louis,MO, September 9, 2013.7. “The Implementation <strong>of</strong> the Affordable Care Act: Implications for Rural Hospitals,” NRHA Conference,Milwaukee, WI, August 28, 2013.8. “The Implementation <strong>of</strong> the Affordable Care Act: Implications for Rural Hospitals,” National Association<strong>of</strong> Counties (NACO), Dallas, TX, July 22, 2013.9. “The Effects <strong>of</strong> Affordable Care Act on Choices and Competition,” American Agricultural EconomicsAssociation meetings, Washington DC, August 5, 2013.10. “Medicare+Choice Plans: Variations in Quality Measures and Implications for Payment,” InternationalHealth Economics Association meetings, Sydney Australia, July 9, 2013.11. “Long Term Care Policy in The U.S.,” World Congress on Gerontology meetings, Seoul, South Korea,Sydney Australia, June 25, 2013.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 19

12. “Translating CER Findings into Practice: Government, Insurance, and Institution Policy,” CERSymposium, Washington University, April 2013.13. “Economic and <strong>Social</strong> Impacts <strong>of</strong> the Affordable Care Act,” Southern Illinois University Health EthicsConference, Evansville IN, November 15, 2012.14. “A Geographic Analysis <strong>of</strong> Insurance Markets by Network Presence” (with Abigail R. Barker and LeahKemper), presented at AcademyHealth Conference, Orlando FL, June 25, 2012.15. “The Impact <strong>of</strong> Uninsured Spell Transitions and Durations on Pent‐Up Demand for Medical Care”(Abigail R. Barker, Timothy D. McBride, and Leah Kemper), presented at American Society for HealthEconomics Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 12, 2012.16. “Whither Health Reform,” Minnesota Health Services Research Conference, Minneapolis MN, March 6201217. “Creating State Health Insurance Exchanges: What Lessons Can Be Learned from the Concentration orCompetition in the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan,” (with Yolonda Campbell, Keith Mueller,Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Fred Ullrich, Sidney Watson), International Health Economics Association(IHEA), Toronto, Canada, July 2011.18. “How Will Rural Areas Fare After Health Reform,” National Health Journalism Conference, St. Louis,MO, June 2011.19. “Creating State Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan,”(with Yolonda Campbell, Keith Mueller, Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Fred Ullrich, Sidney Watson),AcademyHealth Annual Research Conference, Seattle, WA, June 2011.20. “Creating State Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan,”(with Yolonda Campbell, Keith Mueller, Leah Kemper, Lisa Pollack, Fred Ullrich, Sidney Watson), St.Louis University Annual Health Law Conference, St. Louis, MO, March 2011.21. “A Transdisciplinary Graduate Program in Public Health,” (with Debra Haire-Joshu), InternationalTransdisciplinary Conference on Public Health, Switzerland, 2010.22. “Health Services Utilization and Costs among Special-Needs Children with Multiple MedicalConditions,” (with Shirley L. Porterfield, M. Katherine Stone, and A. Clinton MacKinney), at AcademyHealth annual conference, Boston MA, June 27, 2010.23. “Geographic Variation in Determinants <strong>of</strong> Medicare Managed Care Enrollment,” (co-authors: M.Katherine Stone, Leah Kemper, Keith Mueller), American Society <strong>of</strong> Health Economists, Ithaca, NY, June22, 2010.24. “Presenting Health Research to the Media and Public,” Media Scholars Retreat, Cape Cod MA, June2010.25. “Rural Health: When is a Difference a Disparity?” Rural Health Journalism National Conference, KansasCity MO, June 4, 2010.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 20

26. “The Changing Landscape <strong>of</strong> Medicare Advantage,” presentation to Rural Hospital Interest Group,Chicago IL, June1, 2010.27. “Comorbidities and Health Services Utilization and Spending by Children with Emotional,Developmental, and Behavioral Conditions,” (with Shirley Porterfield, Katie Stone and Clint MacKinney),International Health Economics Association (iHEA) meetings, Beijing, China, July 15, 2009.28. “Examination <strong>of</strong> Chronically Uninsured with Chronic Conditions,” (poster with Nancy Cheak-Zamora),AcademyHealth annual meetings, Chicago, IL, June 29, 2009.29. “Comorbidities and Health Services Utilization by Children with Emotional, Developmental, andBehavioral Conditions,” (with Shirley Porterfield, Katie Stone and Clint MacKinney), AcademyHealthannual meetings, Chicago, IL, June 28, 2009.30. “Determinants <strong>of</strong> Geographic Variation in Medicare Advantage Enrollment,” Gerontological Society <strong>of</strong>America national meetings, Washington, DC, November 24, 2008.31. “Uninsured Spell Durations, Risk Aversion, and Health Status: The Plight <strong>of</strong> the Chronically-Ill,Chronically Uninsured,” (with Nancy Cheak), American Society <strong>of</strong> Health Economics, Durham, NC, June23, 2008.32. “Uninsured Spell Durations: An Update and a Comparison <strong>of</strong> Two Surveys” (with Nancy Cheak),Academy Health annual meetings, Washington DC, June 9, 2008.33. “The Agenda for Health Care Policy and Management in 2008,” (with Peggy Maddux), AmericanUniversities in Health Management Public Administration annual meetings, Washington DC, June 5,2008.34. “Medicare Payment Policy” Saint Louis University Annual Gerontology Conference, St. Louis, June 3,2008.35. “Rural Health Insurance Update,” (with Erika Ziller and Andy Coburn), National Rural HealthAssociation annual meetings, New Orleans, May 9, 2008.36. “Medicare Advantage: What are We Trying to Achieve Anyway?,” National Rural Health Associationannual meetings, New Orleans, May 8, 2008.37. “Is Universal Coverage Possible in Missouri?,” Missouri Coverage for All monthly meeting, St. Louis,MO, May 5, 2008.38. “Medicare Advantage: What are We Trying to Achieve Anyway?,” National Health JournalistsConvention, Columbia, MO, May 3, 2008.39. “Health Services Need and Access for Children With Special Health Care Needs: The Role <strong>of</strong> the MedicalHome” (with Shirley Porterfield), poster presentation at AcademyHealth annual meetings, Orlando, FL,June 2007.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 21

40. “Autism Spectrum Disorder and Parental Stress: Does Having A Medical Home Make a Difference?”(with Shirley Porterfield), poster presentation at AcademyHealth annual meetings, Orlando, FL, June2007.41. “Medicare Advantage: What are We Trying to Achieve Anyway?” presentation at Saint Louis UniversityCenter for Health Law Annual Symposium, St. Louis, MO, March 2007.42. “Medicare Part D: Enrollment and Choices for Rural Beneficiaries,” presentation at the GerontologicalAssociation <strong>of</strong> America meetings, Dallas, TX, November 19, 2006.43. “Public Health Challenges Facing Missouri,” Missouri State Health Care Summit, Jefferson City, MO,October 27, 2006.44. “The Baby Boom: Where We Will Find the Money?” Signature Health Foundation Conference, St. Louis,MO, October 18, 2006.45. “Is the Sky Falling? Rising Health Care Spending and Planning for the Future,” presentation at NationalRural Health Association Skills Building Conference, Nebraska City, NE, July 20, 2005.46. Timothy McBride and Shirley Porterfield, “Information Asymmetry and Access to Health ServicesAmong Children with Special Health Care Needs,” presentation at the International Health EconomicsAssociation (iHEA) meetings, Barcelona, Spain, July 10, 2005.47. Erika Ziller, Andrew Coburn, Timothy McBride and Courtney Andrews, “Who Uses Individual HealthInsurance and for How Long? An Analysis <strong>of</strong> the 1996 – 2000 SIPP” paper presented (by Andy Coburn)at Academy Health annual meeting, San Diego, CA, June 6, 2004.48. Shirley L. Porterfield and Timothy D. McBride, “Poverty, Information, and Access to Health ServicesAmong Children with Special Health Care Needs,” poster presented (by Shirley Porterfield) at the ChildHealth Services Research meeting, San Diego, CA, June 5, 2004.49. Kathy Gillespie, Richard Kurz, Timothy McBride and Homer Schmitz, “Competencies for Public HealthFinance or Financing Public Health” poster presented (by Kathy Gillespie) at Public Health SystemResearch Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 5, 2004.50. “Uninsurance in Rural America,” presentation at All Programs Meeting, sponsored by Federal Office <strong>of</strong>Rural Health Policy/DHHS, Washington, D.C., August 2003.51. “Dynamic <strong>of</strong> Individual Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.,” presented at the International HealthEconomics Association meetings, San Francisco, June 2003.52. “Patterns <strong>of</strong> Individual Insurance Coverage in the U.S.: Implications for Reform,” presented at theAcademy Health meetings, Nashville, TN, June 2003.53. “Why are Medicare+Choice Plans Exiting?” Presented at the Gerontological Association <strong>of</strong> Americaannual meetings, Chicago, IL, November 16, 2001.54. “We Raised It and They Did Not Come: Why are Medicare+Choice Plans Exiting?” Presented at theTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 22

International Health Economics Association meetings, York, England, July 25, 2001.55. “Can Payment Policies Attract Medicare+Choice Plans to Rural Areas?” Presented at the National RuralHealth Association annual meeting, Dallas, TX, May 2001.56. “Medicare Financing,” invited paper presented at the Rural Health Research Agenda SettingConference, Washington, D.C., August 14, 2000.57. “The Role <strong>of</strong> Research in a Policy Debate: AAPCC Reform,” invited paper presented at the Rural HealthResearch Summit, Washington, D.C., June 15, 2000.58. “Medicare+Choice in Rural Areas: Impact <strong>of</strong> 1997 BBA,” presented at the National Rural HealthAssociation national meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 24, 2000.59. “The Balanced Budget Act <strong>of</strong> 1997: Impact on Medicare Managed Care in Rural Areas,” presented atthe National Rural Health Association annual conference, San Diego, CA, May 29, 1999.60. “Medicare Managed Care Enrollment: Determinants and Policy Implications” (co-authors Keith Muellerand Joan Penrod), presented at the American Association <strong>of</strong> Health Plans Building Bridges Conference,Chicago, IL, April 12, 1999.61. “The Future <strong>of</strong> Medicare Managed Care in North Carolina,” invited presentation at the Governor’sConference on Rural Health, Greensboro, NC, April 1, 1998.62. "A Simultaneous Model <strong>of</strong> the Impact <strong>of</strong> Fringe Benefits on Employment Opportunities” (with BarbaraWolfe and Amy Wolaver), presented at the American Economics Association meetings, Chicago, IL,January 4, 1998.63. “Welfare to <strong>Work</strong>: Factors Influencing the <strong>Work</strong> and Welfare Transitions <strong>of</strong> Female-Headed Families,”presentation by Shirley Porterfield at the Association for Public Policy Administration nationalmeetings, Washington DC, November 6, 1997.64. “Reforming the Payment for Medicare Managed Care in Rural Areas,” Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation, Invitational Policy Conference, Washington, DC, May 9, 1997.65. “Earnings Inequality: The Role <strong>of</strong> Fringe Benefits” (with Amy Wolaver and Barbara Wolfe), presentationby Amy Wolaver at the American Economics Association annual meetings, New Orleans, LA, January 6,1997.66. “An Economic Perspective on Managed Care,” presentation at Managed Care Conference, University <strong>of</strong>Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, October 22, 1996.67. "Access to Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in the 1988-93 Period: Models <strong>of</strong> the Offer-Acceptance Decision," presented at the International Health Economics Association meetings,Vancouver, B.C., May 20, 1996.68. "Medicare Reform in Rural Areas," presented at the National Rural Health Association, Minneapolis,MN, May 18, 1996.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 23

69. "Medicare and Medicare Reform: Where is it Going?" presentation at Breakthrough Conference, St.Louis, Mo., October 20, 1995.70. "The Problem <strong>of</strong> Access to Health Insurance: A Model <strong>of</strong> Employer Coverage Decisions," presentation atthe Western Economics Association annual meetings, San Diego, CA, July 8, 1995.71. "Expectations <strong>of</strong> Nursing Home in the Health and Retirement Survey: The Role <strong>of</strong> Race, Health, andFamily Structure," presentation at the HRS Minority Perspectives Conference, University <strong>of</strong> Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI, May 27, 1995.72. "The Problem <strong>of</strong> Access to Health Insurance: A Model <strong>of</strong> Employer Coverage Decisions," presentation atthe Allied <strong>Social</strong> Sciences Association (ASSA) annual meeting, Washington, DC, January 5, 1995 (paperpresented by discussant due to family emergency).73. "The Demise <strong>of</strong> Health Care Reform and the Future <strong>of</strong> Problems for the Uninsured," presentation at theSouthern Economics Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL, November, 1994.74. "The Problem <strong>of</strong> Access to Health Insurance: Causes, Consequences and Policy Implications,"presentation at the Association for Public Policy and Management (APPAM) annual meeting, Chicago,IL, October 28, 1994.75. "An Economist's Perspective on Health Care Reform," presentation at the Saint Louis UniversityGeriatrics Conference, St. Louis, Mo., June 15, 1994.76. "Whither the Health Care Crisis? Estimates <strong>of</strong> the Uninsured Population," presentation at the MidwestEconomics Association annual meeting, Chicago, Ill., March 25, 1994.77. "The Health Care Predicament: Economics <strong>of</strong> Health Care Reform," presentation at the National HealthPolicy Forum, Saint Louis University Law <strong>School</strong>, St. Louis, Mo., March 18, 1994.78. "Predicting Nursing Home Admissions and Length <strong>of</strong> Stay by Disabled Elderly in Connecticut: ALongitudinal Analysis," presented at the Gerontological Society <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, NewOrleans, Louisiana, November 19, 1993.79. "The Long-Term Care Policy Problem: The Problems <strong>of</strong> Access and Medicaid Spenddown" paperpresented at the Midwest Economics Association annual meetings, Indianapolis, Ind., April 2, 1993.80. "Severely Disabled Elderly Persons with Financially Catastrophic Health Care Expenses: Sources andDeterminants" paper presented (by Teresa A. Coughlin) at the American Public Health Associationannual meetings, Washington, D.C., November 10, 1992.81. "Spells Without Health Insurance: The Duration <strong>of</strong> Spells and the Effect <strong>of</strong> Personal Characteristics"presented (by Katherine Swartz) at the American Economics Association annual meetings, NewOrleans, La., January 5, 1992.82. "Catastrophic Expenses for the Elderly" presented (by Teresa Coughlin) at the Gerontological Society <strong>of</strong>America annual meetings, San Francisco, Calif., November 22, 1991.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 24

83. "Health Insurance Coverage for the Elderly: Choices and Options" presented at the GerontologicalSociety <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, San Francisco, Calif., November 22, 1991.84. "Sample Attrition in a Duration Model <strong>of</strong> Spells Without Health Insurance," presented at the AmericanStatistical Association annual meetings, Atlanta, August 1991.85. "The Impact <strong>of</strong> Access Problems in the Nursing Home Market on the Timing <strong>of</strong> Nursing HomeAdmissions" presented at the American Economic Association annual meetings, Washington, D.C.,December 30, 1990.86. "The Changing Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the Elderly: Effects on Future Long-Term Care Needs and Financing" presentedat the Gerontological Society <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, Boston, Mass., November 19, 1990.87. "Spells Without Health Insurance: What Affects Spell Durations and Who Are the ChronicallyUninsured?" (with Katherine Swartz), presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis andManagement annual meetings, San Francisco, Calif., October 19, 1990.88. "Measuring the Disability <strong>of</strong> the Elderly: Empirical Analysis and Projections into the 21st Century,"presented at the Population Association <strong>of</strong> America annual meetings, Baltimore, Maryland, March 31,1989.89. "Women's Retirement Behavior: Implications for Future Policy," presented at the American EconomicAssociation meetings in New York, December 1988.90. "Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance in the Demographic Transition: An Evaluation <strong>of</strong> theLong-Run Policy in the 1977 and 1983 <strong>Social</strong> Security Amendments," presented at Midwest EconomicsAssociation Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, March 26, 1987.91. "State and Local Expenditure Patterns in Wisconsin" (with Robert J. Lampman), presented at WisconsinEconomics Association Meeting, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, October 15, 1983.Academic Seminars1. “Getting Ready for the Perfect Storm: Coping with the Health Care Entitlement Crisis in the 21stCentury,” seminar for Institute for Public Health, Washington University, November 2012.2. “Microsimulation Modeling with Applications to Health Services Research,” webinar for AcademyHealth, November 17, 2009.3. “Deva vu All Over Again: Is Health Reform Finally Possible?” presentation to Political Science Academy,University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, September 17, 2009.4. “Health Reform and the Implications for Provider Payment” presentation to Grand Rounds,Washington University Medical <strong>School</strong>, September 14, 2009.5. “Deva vu All Over Again: Is Health Reform Finally Possible?” presentation to <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>, October 26,2009, St. Louis MO.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 25

6. “Using the Massachusetts Health Plan as a Model for State Health Policy Reform,” presentation at theUniversity <strong>of</strong> Iowa, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Health, October 26, 2007.7. “Is the Sky Falling? Rising Health Care Spending,” presentation at the Missouri Institute <strong>of</strong> MentalHealth, October 18, 2005.8. “The Medicare Modernization Act and Rural America,” presentation for Health Policy Fellowship, WestVirginia <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, WV, June 4, 2005.9. “Rural Health Disparities,” presentation at Washington University <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine, DisparitiesWeek, February 25, 2005.10. “Public Outreach in Public Health: Translation and Dissemination,” presented at the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Science (AAAS) meeting, St. Louis chapter, September 10, 2004.11. “Patterns <strong>of</strong> Individual Insurance Coverage in the U.S.,” presented at Washington University, December2002.12. “We Raised It and They Did Not Come: Why are Medicare+Choice Plans Exiting?” presented atWashington University, April 2001.13. “Medicare: The Past, the Present, and the Future,” presented at Washington University Alzheimer’sSeminar Series, April 2000.14. “Medicare Managed Care Enrollment: Determinants and Policy Implications” (coauthors Keith Muellerand Joan Penrod), presented at the University <strong>of</strong> Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha NE, March 24, 1999.15. “Medicare Managed Care Enrollment: Determinants and Policy Implications” (coauthors Keith Muellerand Joan Penrod), presented at the Washington University, St. Louis, MO, March 17, 1999.16. “Medicare Managed Care Enrollment: Determinants and Policy Implications” (with Keith Mueller andJoan Penrod), presented at the University <strong>of</strong> Southern Maine, Portland, ME, June 1998.17. "A Simultaneous Model <strong>of</strong> the Impact <strong>of</strong> Fringe Benefits on Employment Opportunities” (with BarbaraWolfe and Amy Wolaver), presented at the Economics and Business Seminar, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St.Louis, St. Louis, MO, March 27, 1998.18. “The Sky is Not Falling: The Future <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Security,” presented to the Economics Club, University <strong>of</strong>Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, March 18, 1998.19. “Uninsured Spells for the Poor: Prevalence, Duration, and Impact on Health Status and HealthUtilization,” presentation for Seminar on <strong>Work</strong> and Families, Washington University, February 24, 1997.20. "Access to Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in the 1988-93 Period: Models <strong>of</strong> the Offer-Acceptance Decision," presented at the Institute for Health Services Research, University <strong>of</strong> Minnesota,Minneapolis, MN, May 17, 1996.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 26

21. "The Economics <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Security," presentation for Senior Political Science Seminar, WashingtonUniversity, October 23, 1995.22. "Expectations <strong>of</strong> Nursing Home Use in the Health and Retirement Survey: The Role <strong>of</strong> Race, Health, andFamily Structure," presentation for the LaFollette Institute <strong>of</strong> Public Affairs, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin,Madison, WI, May 3, 1995.23. "Expectations <strong>of</strong> Nursing Home Use in the Health and Retirement Survey: The Role <strong>of</strong> Race, Health, andFamily Structure," presentation at the National Institute <strong>of</strong> Mental Health (NIMH) seminar, University<strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 26, 1995.24. "The Impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Interventions on the Duration <strong>of</strong> Homelessness," presentation for theLaFollette Institute <strong>of</strong> Public Affairs policy seminar, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 4, 1995.25. "The Impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Interventions on the Duration <strong>of</strong> Homelessness," presentation at theNational Institute <strong>of</strong> Mental Health (NIMH) seminar, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, Madison, WI, March 22,1995.26. "Why Did Health Care Reform Fail?" presentation (with Lance LeLoup) for the Public Policy ResearchCenters, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, November 9, 1994.27. "Ending the Blame Game: Economics <strong>of</strong> Health Care Reform," presentation at Lafayette Collegeeconomics department seminar, Easton, Penn., May 4, 1994.28. "Healthy Choices? Issues and Options in Health Care Reform," (with Susan K. Feigenbaum), discussionpresentation for the Public Policy Research Centers, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, December 2, 1993.29. "The Duration <strong>of</strong> Uninsured Spells and the Health Care Reform Debate," presented at the Business andEconomics Seminar, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis, February 7, 1992.30. "The Health Care Reform Debate," presentation for the Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI),University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Mo., November 26, 1991.Congressional testimony and briefings“Health Reform: Implications for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>,” (with Sarah Gehlert and SSWR Panel), briefing, Washington,D.C., December 13, 2012.“Health Reform: Implications for Rural Areas,” (with Keith Mueller, for RUPRI Rural Health Panel), briefing forthe U.S. House Rural Health Caucuses, Washington, D.C., June 19, 2009.“Health Reform in Rural Areas,” (with RUPRI Rural Health Panel), briefing for the U.S. Senate Rural HealthCaucuses, Washington, D.C., April 30, 2009.“Impacts <strong>of</strong> the Medicare Modernization Act On Rural Health Systems and Beneficiaries,” briefing for the U.S.Senate and U.S. House Rural Health Caucuses, Washington, D.C., February 11, 2005.“Dynamic <strong>of</strong> Individual Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.,” briefing for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House RuralTIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 27

Health Caucuses, Washington, D.C., October 6, 2003.“Medicare Reform in Rural America,” briefing co-sponsored by the Rural Health Caucus and the Rural PolicyResearch Institute, U.S. Congress, Washington , D.C., April 30, 2003.“Current Issues in Rural Health Policy,” briefing Co-Sponsored by the Senate Rural Health Caucus and the RuralPolicy Research Institute, U.S. Congress, Washington , D.C., April 2001.“Implementation <strong>of</strong> the Balanced Budget Act <strong>of</strong> 1997: Impact on Rural Health Care Delivery,” (with KeithMueller), briefing for the Congressional Rural Health Coalition, March 4, 1999.“The Rural Health Landscape: Impacts <strong>of</strong> Market Change on Rural health Markets,” (with RUPRI Rural HealthPanel), U.S. Congressional Staff Briefing, March 25, 1998."The Rural Implications <strong>of</strong> Medicare AAPCC Capitation Payment Changes: Assessment and Simulation FindingsRegarding Proposals Before the House/Senate Conference Committee On Budget Reconciliation,"(with Keith Mueller and Chuck Fluharty) U.S Congressional Staff Briefing, May 29, 1997.“Rural Health Policy: Impacts on Low-income Communities”, Rural Congressional Colloquium, U.S.Congressional Staff Briefing, March 3, 1997.“An Overview <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Policy” (with Andrew Coburn), Rural Health Coalition briefing, U.S. CongressionalStaff Briefing, January 31, 1997.“Impacts <strong>of</strong> the Rural Health Improvement Act <strong>of</strong> 1996” (with Keith J. Mueller), Rural Health CoalitionRoundtable, U.S. Congressional Staff Briefing, December 12, 1996."Rural Impacts <strong>of</strong> Medicare Policy Changes: Questions and Analysis with Reference to H.R. 2491" (with AndyCoburn and Keith Mueller), U.S. Congressional staff briefing, December 11, 1995."The Impact <strong>of</strong> Health Care Reform on Rural Areas" (with Keith Mueller), U.S. Congressional testimony beforethe Small Business Committee, Subcommittee on Rural Enterprises, July 28, 1994."The Impact <strong>of</strong> Health Care Reform on Rural Areas" (with RUPRI Health Economics Expert Panel), U.S.Congressional staff briefing, June 1994.Public speeches“Obama’s Health Reform Plan,” presentation to Kirkwood Democratic Club, St. Louis, MO, October 22,2009.“Is Health Reform Finally Possible?” presentation to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, St. Louis, MO, October21, 2009.“Obama’s Health Reform Plan,” presentation to St. Louis City Ward 21 Democratic Club, St. Louis, MO,September 21, 2009.“The Economy and Health Care Reform,” presentation to Weidenbaum Center, Washington University, St.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 28

Louis, MO, September 9, 2009.“Obama’s Health Reform Plan” presentation to Northwest Jefferson County Democratic Club, JeffersonCounty, MO, September 1, 2009.“Is Health Reform Finally Possible?” presentation to Organizing for America, St. Louis, MO, August 15,2009.“The Economy and Health Care: A Double-Edged Sword?” presentation to the National Offices <strong>of</strong> StateOffices <strong>of</strong> Rural Health, Albuquerque, NM, May 2009.“Is Health Reform Finally Possible?” presentation to the Ethical Society National Conference, St. Louis, MO,June 12, 2009.“Deva vu All Over Again: Is Health Reform Finally Possible?” presentation to the Veteran AdministrationHospital research <strong>Work</strong>shop, May 2009, St. Louis MO.“The Baby Boom Generation: How Will we Finance Their Retirement?,” presentation to OASIS, St. Louis,March 2009.“Medicare Policy in the New Administration,” presentation to Alzheimer’s Research Group, BarnesHospital, St. Louis, February 2009.“The Uninsured,” presentation for the “Covering the Uninsured Week” presentation, WashingtonUniversity-St. Louis, April 21, 2004.“The Uninsured,” presentation to the American Medical Students Association, Washington University-St.Louis chapter, November 18, 2003.“Paying the Piper: Will <strong>Social</strong> Security Be There in the 21st Century?” presentation for the St. Louis Chapter<strong>of</strong> the International Certified Employee Benefits Society, St. Louis, December 3, 1996."The Costs <strong>of</strong> Caregiving," presentation for the St. Louis chapter <strong>of</strong> the Alzheimer's Association, St. Louis,May 4, 1996."Medicare and Medicaid Reform," presentation for the St. Louis Breakthrough Coalition, October 20, 1995."The Economics <strong>of</strong> Health Care Reform," presentation for the National Association <strong>of</strong> Business Economists,St. Louis chapter, St. Louis, Mo., May 18, 1994."Ending the Blame Game: Economics <strong>of</strong> Health Care Reform," presentation at Lafayette College, Easton,Penn., May 4, 1994.Presenter in panel on "State <strong>of</strong> the Union 1994," a forum sponsored by the Political Science Academy,March 30, 1994.Presenter in Issues Forum on Health Care Reform, for Missouri state legislators, sponsored by theCitizenship Education Clearing House, March 4, 1994.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 29

"Ending the Blame Game: Economic Forces Behind the Health Care Crisis," presentation at the St. FrancisMedical Center, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, November 9, 1993."The Health Care Crisis: Causes and Consequences," presentation at the St. John's Mercy Medical Centerannual conference, St. Louis, MO, May 26, 1993.TEACHINGDISSERTATIONS SUPERVISED (Chair)Nancy Cheak, “The Chronically Chronic: Chronically Uninsured with Chronic Medical Conditions,” Saint LouisUniversity, June 2008.Briana Jegier, “The Economics <strong>of</strong> Mothers' Milk Feeding in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ,” Saint LouisUniversity, June 2008.COURSES TAUGHTWashington University (2008-present)Health Policy (Graduate)Health Economics (Graduate)Transdisciplinary Problem-Solving: Livable Lives (Graduate)Economics <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Welfare (Graduate)Saint Louis University (2003-08)Government Financing <strong>of</strong> Health Care (Graduate)Health Care Policy (Graduate)University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. Louis (1992-2003)Income and Pension Policy for the Aged (Graduate)Intermediate Microeconomics (Undergraduate)Health Care Policy (Graduate)Health Economics (Graduate)Introduction to Policy Research (Graduate)Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Health Care (Undergraduate)Economic Statistics (Undergraduate)Selected Topics in Economics: Health Economics (Undergraduate)Public Policy and the Aging (Graduate)Topics in Health Care Policy: U.S. Health Care Reform (Graduate)University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin-Madison (Medical Management –master’s degree, summer course, distance learning)(1995-2001)Health Economics (Graduate)University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin-Madison (Visiting Instructor)Health Economics (Graduate)Economics <strong>of</strong> Health Care (Undergraduate)TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 30

Award: Teacher <strong>of</strong> the Year, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin Administrative Medicine Program, 1998.SERVICEWashington University<strong>Brown</strong> Public Health Committee, Chair, <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>, 2008-2011Personnel Advisory Committee, <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013Search Committee, Public Health, Chair, <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>, 2008.Curriculum Committee, <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Member, 2008Saint Louis UniversityPh.D. Advisory Committee, Member, 2003-2008<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Health, Coordinating Committee, 2005-2008<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Health, Translation and Dissemination Committee, 2004-2008Senate Governance Committee, Member, 2003-2005<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Health Strategic Planning Task Force, Co-Chair, 2003-2004Health Management and Planning Strategic Planning Committee, Member, 2003University Service at the University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-St. LouisChair, Research Subcommittee, Information Technology Strategic Planning Task Force, 2001-2002.Prepared course renumbering scheme for economics department, 2001.Faculty Secretary, College <strong>of</strong> Arts and Sciences, 2000-present.Academic advisor, Master's in Public Policy Administration Program, 1991 - present.Member, Faculty Senate, 1998-2000.Reviewer <strong>of</strong> UM Research Board applications: 1992-present.Member, College <strong>of</strong> Arts and Sciences Planning committee, 1999-2001Economics department, Kuznets award committee, 1992, 1993, 1996-2001.Member, Senate Budget and Planning Committee, 1998-2000..Member, Joint Senate-Faculty Council Conference Committee on governance reform, 1999.Secretary, UM-St. Louis Faculty Council, 1998-1999.Member, UM-St. Louis Faculty Council, 1996-1999.Elected to serve on Ad Hoc Senate Committee on Research and Publication, 1994-95 (could not serve due toacademic leave).Economics department, search committee, 1993-94Economics department, review committee for Economics Merit award,1993Gerontology program, organizer <strong>of</strong> sessions for Eighth Annual Gerontological Conference, 1991-92.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional ServiceMember, Advisory Committee, American Society <strong>of</strong> Health Economists (ASHE), 2004-06Member, Editorial Board, Health Administration Press, 2007- 10; Chair, 2009-10Member, Academy Health Methods Council, 2006-Member, Board for Signature Health Foundation, Conference Planning Committee, 2006-2011Centene Foundation, Health Policy Advisory Board, 2008-Member, Editorial Board, Journal <strong>of</strong> Public Health, 2003-2006Member <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Panel, providing advice to U.S. Congressional committees on the impacts <strong>of</strong> healthpolicy on rural America, sponsored by Rural Policy Research Institute, June 1995-TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 31

Chair, Health Economics Interest Group, Meeting Planning Committee, Academy Health, 2005-2006Chair-Elect, 2004-2005; Past Chair, 2006-2007Chair, Faculty Forum, Health Policy Interest Group, AUPHA, 2006-2008.Member, Academy Health Meeting Planning Committee, 2006-2007Member, State <strong>of</strong> Missouri State Health Planning Grant for the Uninsured, Missouri Department <strong>of</strong> Health andHuman Services, Subcommittee on Policy, 2004-2006.Member, Review Panel, U.S. Agency for Health Research and Quality, Dissertation and Training Grants, 2003-2007.Member, Review Panel, U.S. Agency for Health Research and Quality, T32 Grants, 2003.Member <strong>of</strong> Rural Medicare Reform Expert Panel, providing advice to U.S. Congressional committees on impacts<strong>of</strong> Medicare reform on rural America, sponsored by Rural Policy Research Institute, June 1995-February1996.Member <strong>of</strong> Rural Health Economics Expert Panel, a national panel providing advice to U.S. Congressionalcommittees on the impacts <strong>of</strong> health care reform on rural America, sponsored by Rural Policy ResearchInstitute, May 1994-July 1996.Memberships:American Economics Association (AEA)Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM)Academy HealthAssociation for Public Health (APHA)Gerontological Society <strong>of</strong> America (GSA)International Health Economics Association (IHEA)Midwest Economics Association (MEA)National Rural Health Association (NRHA)Referee:Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural Health, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008Health Affairs, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008Association for Health Economics (ASHE) meeting, 2005, 2007Journal <strong>of</strong> Health Economics, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2007Inquiry, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007American Journal <strong>of</strong> Public Health, 2003, 2004, 2005Academy Health meeting, 2005, 2006International Health Economics Association (iHEA) meeting, 2003, 2005Health Services Research, 1991, 1992, 2003The Gerontologist, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001Journals <strong>of</strong> Gerontology, 1990, 1993, 1997, 1998, 2001Prentice Hall, 1998-1999.Quarterly Review <strong>of</strong> Economics and Finance, 1992, 1998State University <strong>of</strong> New York Press, 1993The Urban Institute Press, 1989.American Economic Review, 1986Pr<strong>of</strong>essional consultingRural Policy Research Institute, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-Columbia, 1996-present.Centene Corporation, 2008-HHS/Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPEC, 2013-TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 32

Missouri Foundation for HealthUniversity <strong>of</strong> Nebraska Medical Center, 1997-09University <strong>of</strong> Southern Maine, 1998-Johns Hopkins University, 2003-2005American Hospital Association, 1997.University <strong>of</strong> Pittsburgh Medical <strong>School</strong>, October 1996.U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE),Washington, DC, 1995-96.Institute for Research on Poverty, Madison WI, 1995-1996.Systemetrics, Inc., Boston, Mass., 1992-1993.The Urban Institute, Washington, DC, 1991-1994.TIMOTHY D. McBRIDE, Curriculum Vitae,November 10, 2013 33

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