Vol.18- No.1 (Jan-Mar2011) - INFLIBNET Centre
Vol.18- No.1 (Jan-Mar2011) - INFLIBNET Centre
Vol.18- No.1 (Jan-Mar2011) - INFLIBNET Centre
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Page 17Feature ArticleCloud Computing and its Impacton Library ServicesShri Yatrik PatelEditorial BoardDr. Jagdish AroraShri Rajesh ChandrakarSOUL Helpline<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> ForumTel. : 079 - 26300007http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/forumN-LiST (E-resources for College) <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Wikihttp://nlist.inflibnet.ac.inhttp://www.inflibnet.ac.in/wiki<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Blog<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Chathttp://www.inflibnet.ac.in/blog http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/chat
PAGE1 . From the Director's Desk2. 8th International CALIBER 2011 : Report6. Workshop on Dspace, University of Cali cut, Kozhikode,january 3-7,20117. University of Calicut Sictns MoU on Shodhctancta with <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>7. Rs 40.115 Crores Sanctioned for the N-LIST Project7. Traininct Proctrammes on SOU L 2.088th Traininct Proctramme on SOUL 2.0, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, january 17 -21,201189th Traininct Proctramme on SOUL 2.0, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, March 14-18, 20119. IRTPLA Traininct ProctrammesGovt. MLB Girls PG (Autonomous) Collecte, Bhopal,january 10-14,2011Mata Gujri Collecte, Fatehctarh Sahib (Punjab), February 8-12,2011Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, February 23-27,2011Orissa University of Actriculture and Technol0
From the Director's DeskThe 8th International CALIBER-2011 was the most importantevent that took place in the firstquarter of Calendar Year 2011.The 8th International CALIBER-2011 was held at Goa Universityfrom 2nd to 4th March 2011on the theme “Towards Building a Knowledge Society: Libraryas Catalyst for Knowledge Discovery and Management” incollaboration with Goa University, Goa. More than 400 delegateshad registered for the Convention including delegates from SriLanka, Canada, UK, USA and Singapore. 62 papers were selectedfor presentation in the Convention and 120 papers were selectedfor poster session from over 220 submissions. The event was agrand success. The delegates not only enjoyed the discussionsand deliberations during the Convention but also the festiveenvironment of Goa. The Convention gave us an opportunity toinvite Prof. Arun Nigavekar, former Chairman, UGC to inauguratethe convention and Prof. Kembhavi to deliver the keynote address.Prof. Nigavekar took note of the progress made under theschemes that were initiated by him during his tenure asChairman, UGC.Significant progress was made in the N-LIST (National Libraryand Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content)Project during the year. ` 40.115 crores were sanctioned to theN-LIST Project in accordance to the formal proposal submittedto the MHRD under NME-ICT Project. The total number ofcolleges registered under the N-LIST Programme grew from708 in April 2010 to 1236 by the end of March 2011. Likewise,significant progress was also made in Shodhganga initiativethat provides for hosting of full-text of electronic version ofPh.D theses awarded by the universities in India. 22 universitieshave signed MoU with <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> on Shodhganga andtotal number of full-text theses available in Shodhganga hasgrown to 1600 as on March 31, 2011.the period under report, a workshop on D-Space was organisedat University of Calicut, Kozhikode (Kerala) from <strong>Jan</strong>uary 3 to 7,2011. 25 participants consisting of library, information andcomputer science professionals from various universities andinstitutions from nearby places participated in the Workshop.Four <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Regional Training Programme on LibraryAutomation (IRTPLA) were organised by the <strong>Centre</strong> incollaboration with various colleges ranging from 3 to 5 days.Each programme benefited 30 to 150 participants. Most ofthe IRTPLA programmes are built-up around training on SOUL2.0 including some other elements on library automation anddigital libraries. Two User Awareness Programmes on N-LISTwere organised at Manonmaniam Sundarnar University,Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu) and Manipur University that wereattended by 150 and 100 participants, respectively.The <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Family is pleased to welcome Shri Swapnil Pateland Shri Divyakant Vaghela, two of them have joined the <strong>Centre</strong>as Scientist-B (CS) and Shri Saroj Panda who joined as Scientificand Technical Assistant (LS) during the quarter under report. Weare indeed grateful to the UGC for allowing us to fill-in all thescientific and technical vacancies that were lying vacant. Soonwe will be filling-in all the remaining vacant positions that wereadvertised last year.I am also pleased to welcome Dr. R K Chadha, Joint Secretary,Lok Sabha on our Governing Board. As part of the feature articleon one of the topics on cutting-edge technology, this issuecarries an article on “Cloud Computing and Its Impact on LibraryServices” by Shri Yatrik Patel, one of the scientists of the <strong>Centre</strong>.INImparting training and awareness programme is one of theimportant activities that the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> performs. During(Jagdish Arora)Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 1
8th International CALIBER 2011, Goa University,Goa, March 2-4, 2011The 8 th International CALIBER 2011 was organised by the<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> at Goa University, Goa from 2 nd to 4 th March2011 on the theme “Towards Building a Knowledge Society:Library as Catalyst for Knowledge Discovery and Management”in collaboration with the Goa University, Goa. The main themeof the convention was divided into four sub-themes i.e.Knowledge Discovery Tools and Techniques; Web ResourceManagement and Semantic Web; Information Literacy; andMeasuring Research Productivity and ROI. More than 400delegates had registered for the convention including delegatesfrom Sri Lanka, Canada, UK, US and Singapore. 62 papers wereselected for presentations in the convention and 120 paperswere selected for poster sessions from over 220 submissions.Inaugural SessionProf. Arun Nigvekar, former Chairman of the UGC inauguratedthe convention. Prof. Nigvekar, in his inaugural address, elaboratedon the history and development of the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>. Hetouched upon the massive technological changes that the <strong>Centre</strong>has undergone and its positive impact on the higher educationcommunity. He said that no library can exists as an island, howeverbig it may be. The libraries have to depend on other libraries toprovide services to its users to fulfill their informationrequirements. He also highlighted the important decisions thatwere taken by the UGC in 2005 on electronic submission oftheses and creation of e-learning products by college/universityteachers that enables them to earn credits for their careerdevelopment. He emphasized that the libraries should play anactive role in the content creation process and its delivery to theusers. The synergy between academics and librarians is verycrucial in the process of content creation. Prof. Nigvekar proposedthat these aspects might be considered while drafting 12 th FiveYear Plan for the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>. Moreover, he mentionedthat the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> should work in close collaboration with theConsortium for Educational Communication (CEC) andEducational Multimedia Research <strong>Centre</strong>s (EMRCs) for contentdevelopment and its delivery.Dr. Jagadish Arora, Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> welcomed theguests and participants to the convention. He provided anoverview of <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> and highlighted its recentinitiatives. Shri Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong> and convener of the convention highlighted the themeand sub-themes of the convention.Prof. Arun Nigvekar Inaugurating the International CALIBER 2011 at Goa University, Goaby Lighting the Traditional LampProf. Dileep Deobagkar, Vice-Chancellor, Goa University, inhis presidential address,highlighted the unique featuresof the libraries in Goa. Heappreciated the support of<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> to GoaUniversity in terms of access toe-resources. He cautioned thatthe new technological toolssuch as anti-plagiarismsoftware should be used withgreater caution lest it damagethe fundamentals of academics.He advocated for academicevolution rather thanrevolution.2Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
Prof. Ajit Kembhavi, Director, IUCAA and Chairman, NationalSteering Committee, UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortiumstated that he is very close to the libraries and librarians becauseof his involvement with <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> activities and a similebetween the astronomy research and knowledge discoveryprocess in general. In his key-note address entitled ‘E’ (Electronicand Education), he indicated that finding an astronomical objectfrom the galaxies is as difficult as finding a piece of informationfrom the documented knowledge. He underlined the need foruse of modern technology to handle such massive informationof complex nature for appropriate analysis and interpretation ofresults. Referring to the N-LIST Project, he hoped that the digitaldivide between universities and colleges would soon be bridgedin near future with efforts of <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>. He stressedupon the need for statistical data such as number of downloads,publications, citations, etc., and their correlation to showcasethe important of access to scholarly content to policy makersand academic administrators. He delved into the possibleactivities, features and services that the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> canoffer to maintain its relevance in the evolved academic structure.He emphasized that libraries should evolve tools and technologiesthat facilitates collation of data and scholarly content in a touchscreen environment in order to continue to be relevant to thesociety.Dignitaries on the dais released proceedings of InternationalCALIBER 2011 in print, on CD, abstracts booklet on posterpresentations, N-LIST Compendium and Convention souvenirpublished on the occasion. Dr. Gopakumar, Librarian, GoaUniversity and Organizing Secretary of the Convention extendeda warm vote of thanks. Prof. AK Bardol, Chairman, Departmentof Library and Information Science, Mangalore University wasthe Convention Director and Dr. M.P. Tapaswi, Librarian, NIO,Goa was the Rapporteur General of the Convention. Shri ManojKumar K, Scientist D (CS) and Shri Rajesh Chandrakar, ScientistB (LS) were the Convener and Joint-Convener of the Convention,respectively.TutorialsTwo tutorials, namely, ETD and Shodhganga, and SOUL 2.0and N-LIST, were organised for the benefit of delegates of theConvention. The tutorial on “ETD and Shodhganga: a reservoirof Indian theses” was delivered by Shri Yatrik Patel, Scientist B(CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> which was chaired by Shri RajeshChandrakar, Scientist B (LS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>. The tutorial on“SOUL 2.0 and N-LIST Programme” was delivered by Shri AshokKumar Rai, Scientist D (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> which was chairedby Shri Prem Chand, Librarian, Indian Institute of AdvancedStudies, Shimla. Registration for both the tutorials were free.Prof. Arun Nigvekar, former Chairman, UGC releasing the Convention Proceedings of the International CALIBER 2011Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 3
Technical SessionsThe following theme papers were presented during the convention:Sr. No. Name of the Theme paper Name of the experts1 Knowledge Discovery: Tools and Techniques Dr. John Berrie, USA; and Mrs. Ashleigh Bell, UK2 Web Resource Management and Semantic Web Dr. T S Kumbar, DAIICT, Gandhinagar; and Dr. Gordon Dunsire, UK3 Information Literacy Prof. Uma Kanjilal, IGNOU, New Delhi4 Measuring Research Productivity and ROI Shri N V Sathyanarayana, Informatics (India) Ltd., BengaluruThere were total 9 technical sessions held during the convention, wherein 49 presentations were made including the presentationson the theme papers.Technical Theme of the Chairperson Rapporteur No. of No. of PapersSession Session Papers PresentedSession 1 Knowledge Discovery: Tools and Techniques Dr. Samyuktha Ravi Dr. Vishala B.K. 6 4Session 2 Knowledge Discovery: Tools and Techniques Dr. Samyuktha Ravi Dr. Karlos Fernandes 8 7Session 3 Web Resource Management and Semantic Web Dr. R K Chadha Shri Yatrik Patel 8 6Session 4 Web Resource Management and Semantic Web Dr. P K Gupta Shri Ashok Kumar Rai 8 6Session 5 Web Resource Management and Semantic Web Dr. T R Kem Shri Umesha Naik 6 5Session 6 Information Literacy Dr. M K Bhandi Dr. Maya Verma 9 7Session 7 Information Literacy Dr. C V Rajan Pillai Dr. Kannappanavar B U 7 5Session 8 Measuring Research Productivity and ROI Dr. T S Kumbar Dr. Anuradha V 7 5Session 9 Measuring Research Productivity and ROI Dr. M S Rana Shri Dinesh Pradhan 8 4Poster Session All themes Dr. M P Tapaswi 120 30Panel DiscussionThe panel discussion on the theme of the convention was heldprior to the Valedictory session. Dr. Koteswara Rao, Librarian,University of Hyderabad, Dr. H S Siddamalaiah, NIMHAMS, Dr.M K Bhandi, Librarian, Mangalore University, Dr. Pawan K Gupta,Director, Central Library, Rajasthan University, Jaipur, Dr. R KChadha, Joint Secretary, Lok Sabha, Dr. AK Bardol, Head, DLIS,Mangalore University, Mangalore were panelist for the session.Dr Koteswara Rao emphasized that the role of the libraries arechanging, thus, librarians should also take additional role ofpublishing the scholarly content of their respective institutionsthrough institutional repositories. Dr. Siddamalaiah mentionedthat the information aggregators are taking the role of thelibrarians by aggregating the scholarly content in a given subjectfield and offering through a single integrated platform, just asthe libraries functions. Dr. Bhandi emphasized that the consortiumsubscribed e-resources that have led to increase in quantity andquality of research publications. Dr. Gupta emphasized that thestrength of librarians are in the knowledge organizations, hetherefore, suggested that the librarians should contribute todevelopment of ontology and semantic web. Dr. Bardol informedthat the supplementary courses such as ‘information literacy’should not be included into the curriculum as its content isalready overcrowded. Dr. Chadha, Chair of the Panel, summedup the discussions stating that the library is a service organization,and therefore the user participation and feedback are mostimportant in its development. He said that one must look for anopportunity to serve the users with additional, but, relevantinformation that may or may not confine to the documents.4Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
Participants of the 8th International CALIBER 2011Suggestions for the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Products and ServicesF SOUL 2.0 is due for next upgradation with Web 2.0technologies and federated search imbedded in it;F Shodhganga uses DSpace which is Unicode compliant,therefore, the titles of the thesis displayed in Shodhgangashould also be in the native language; andF One additional metadata field ‘Place of work’ may beadded into Shodhganga for research scholars who getstheir Ph.D. from a university, and actually do their researchwork from a research institution, such as NCL, Pune, etc.Recommendations of the ConventionFollowing recommendations emerged from the discussions anddeliberations during the 3-day convention:FFFFFFDevelop knowledge portals to handle complex informationrequirements;Subject-wise analysis of e-resources offered by theconsortium may be provided to assess availability of e-resources in different subject domain;Subject gateways are useful resources of information, itprovides a great insight into a subject. The <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong> may build such subject gateways targeting Indiancontent;Development of subject portals may be assigned as topic ofdissertation for the library and information science students;The encoding of the open source software developed bythe <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> should be made available on openplatforms;<strong>INFLIBNET</strong>’s online copy cataloguing system is a veryuseful tool and needs more visibility by way of trainingprogrammes and other promotional media;F There is a need to extend online and copy cataloguingfacility beyond SOUL, Koha and NewGenLib software; andF <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> and IGNOU may partner to develop contentfor “digital information literacy programme”.ResolutionsThe following resolutions were made during the convention:F Libraries should be renamed as Knowledge Resource<strong>Centre</strong>s (KRCs) considering their current services andactivities;F CALIBER should serve as a platform to provide interactionbetween library professionals and academic personnel todevelop better synergy within the academic system;F The technology today facilitates convergence andconsolidation. As such, the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> urges its membersto act as its representatives to advocate the activities andfacilities at institutional and regional level among the usercommunity instead of forming independent networkingat regional and local level;F Libraries have greater opportunities for creating digitalarchives and, therefore, they should not limit their activitiesto creation of bibliographic databases alone. Librariesshould explore the liberal policies of Govt. of India tofund digitization projects;F Library professionals should develop proficiency in caseof e-resources and impart training to the users oninformation literacy;F Good libraries make good universities. The libraries shoulduse metrics and impact factor to derive ROI;F Libraries should take-up the additional role of publishingvia institutional repository.INVol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 5
Workshop on Dspace, University of Calicut,Kozhikode, <strong>Jan</strong>uary 3-7, 2011The C H Mohammed Koya Library, University of Calicut, incollaboration with the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, organised 5-dayNational Workshop on Dspace from 3 rd to 7 th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2011. Dr.Jagdish Arora, Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabadinaugurated the Workshop. Prof. Anwar Jahan Zuberi, ViceChancellor, University of Calicut presided over the function. Dr.Abdul Azeez T.A., Librarian in-charge welcomed the participantsand guests. Mr. Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>,Dr. K M Jayaram, Syndicate Member, University of Calicut andDr. K P Muraleedharan, Director, College Development Council,University of Calicut felicitated the function. Dr. K N Soman,Assistant Librarian proposed a warm vote of thanks.Besides Dr. Jagdish Arora and Shri Manoj Kumar K. from<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Shri Yatrik Patel, Scientist C, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong>, Dr. Mohammed Salith T K, Information Scientist,University of Calicut, Dr. Mohammed Haneefa K, AssistantProfessor, DLISc, University of Calicut, Dr. M G Sreekumar,Librarian, IIM, Kozhikode, Mr. T R Nishad, Lime Consultants werethe resource persons for the Workshop. 25 participants consistingof library, information and computer science professionals fromvarious universities and institutions of nearby places participatedin the Workshop.Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad addressing the participants during Inaugural Session of theWorkshop on Dspace at University of Calicut, KozhikodeProf. T K Narayanan, Registrar, University of Calicut was theChief Guest for Valedictory Ssession. Dr. Abdul Azeez T.A.,Shri Manoj Kumar K and Shri Yatrik Patel also presented theirviews during the Valedictory Session. Feedback were obtainedfrom the participants in order to improve the quality of theworkshop in future. Certificates of Participation were distributedto all the participants. IN6Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
University of Calicut Signs MoU on ShodhgangaThe University of Calicut signed an MoU with the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad on 3 rd <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2011 for hosting of electronicversion of the Ph.D. theses awarded by the University into theShodhganga. Prof. Anwar Jahan Zuberi, Vice Chancellor,University of Calicut and Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong> signed the MoU on behalf of their respective institutions.Dr. K P Muraleedharan, Director, College Development Council,University of Calicut handed over electronic copies of the Ph.D.theses to Shri Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>in the presence of Dr. Abdul Azeez T.A., University Librarian in-Charge, University of Calicut and Dr. K M Jayaram, SyndicateMember, University of Calicut.INRs 40.115 Crores Sanctioned for the N-LIST ProjectA formal proposal was submitted to the Ministry of HumanResource Development (MHRD), under the NME-ICT projectingrequirement of funds for the year 2011. Based onrecommendation of Standing Committee, the Project ApprovalBoard of MHRD has sanctioned proposed amount of Rs 40.115crores. The Ministry has released Rs. 35.115 crores (Rupeesthirty five crores eleven lakhs and fifty thousand only) vide releaseorder No F.2-10/2008-DL dated March 15, 2011 as firstinstallment for the project.The distribution of the funds for college component and crosssubscriptionof e-resources is as follows:Consortium / Institute Rupees %UGC-Infonet, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad 14,30,07,000.00 40.73INDEST-AICTE, IIT Delhi 20,81,43,000.00 59.27Total 35,11,50,000.00 100INTraining Programme on SOUL 2.0The <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> organised following two training programmes on SOUL 2.0 at the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> during the period underreport:Name of the Programme Date of the Programme Venue No. of Participants88 th SOUL 2.0 Training Programme <strong>Jan</strong>uary 17-21, 2011 <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad 3189 th SOUL 2.0 Training Programme March 14-18, 2011 <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad 26Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 7
Participants of 88 th Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 with the Director and Technical Staff of the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>Participants of 89th Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 with the Director and Technical Staff of the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>IN8Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Regional Training Programme onLibrary AutomationFour <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Regional Training Programme on LibraryAutomation (IRTPLA) were organized by the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong> in collaboration with Govt. MLB Girls PG(Autonomous) College, Bhopal, Mata Gujri College,Fatehgarh Sahib, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipurand Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology,Bhubaneswar. A brief reports of the programmes aregiven below.The 5-day training programme was divided into twosessions for covering different modules of SOUL 2.0along with its installation and hands-on practice.Technical presentations were made in the morningsessions and the hands-on practice were imparted inthe afternoon sessions. Mr. Abhishek Kumar, ScientistB (CS), Shri Rakesh Khare, SOUL Regional Coordinatorand Librarian, MLB PG Girls College, Shri Vijay Shrimali,SOUL Technical Assistant, Shri Kamlesh Vegad, SOULTechnical Assistant and Shri Kavi CA, Technical Assistantof the Regional Service <strong>Centre</strong> were resource personsGovt. MLB Girls PG (Autonomous) College, Bhopal, <strong>Jan</strong>uary for the training programme.10-14, 2011Govt Maharani Laxmi Bai (MLB) Girls P.G. (Autonomous) College, Mr. Uma Shankar Gupta, Home Minister, Govt. of MadhyaBhopal, in collaboration with the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> and its Pradesh was the Chief Guest for the Concluding Session. Dr.Regional Service <strong>Centre</strong> (Central Zone M.P. & C.G.), Bhopal Shobhna Bajpai (Maru), Principal, Sarojini Naidu Girls PGorganized IRTPLA at the College from 10 th to 14 th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2011. (Autonomous) College, Bhopal was the Chairperson of the52 participants mostly librarians from different colleges of the session. The feedback from the participants were very positive.region, attended the training programme. The Chief Guest, Mr. Participants suggested to have such training programme in futureVishwas Sarang, M.L.A. (Narela) and President Madhya Pradeshfor more than 5 days. The participants also made someLaghu Vanopaj Sangh inaugurated the programme. Mrs. Krishnarecommendations for improving the functionalities of theGaur, Mayor, Nagar Nigam Bhopal was the Chairperson of theSOUL 2.0.Inaugural Session. Dr. U.C. Jain, Principal, MLB Girls PG(Autonomous) Collegewelcomed theparticipants and gueststo the programme. Dr.Jain, in his welcomespeech, enumerated theachievements of thecollege and noted thelandmark created asfirst automated libraryof the State. Mr. Sarang,in his inaugural speech,thanked to <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong> for playingimportant role in libraryautomation in the state. Dignitaries on the Dais of the IRTPLA Training Programme at the MLB PG Girls College, BhopalVol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 9
Besides, the college also organised one-day User AwarenessProgramme on N-LIST on 11 th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2011. The programmewas attended by more than seventy professors, research scholars,students of various colleges in Bhopal. Shri Abhishek Kumarmade a presentation on e-resources available to the collegesunder N-LIST Programme and highlighted the important pointsof the programme including its accessibility to the users.Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab), February 8-12,2011The Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab in collaborationwith <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad organized IRTPLA at theCollege from 8 th to 12 th February 2011. Twenty nine participantsfrom different colleges of the region participated in theprogramme. Mrs Hema Cholin, STA (LS), Ms Nabila Shaikh, SOULTechnical Assistant (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> and Shri RanjeetKumar, Technical Assistant, SOUL Regional Service <strong>Centre</strong>, NewDelhi were the resource persons for the programme.Mrs. Jaswinder Kaur Walia, Assistant Librarian, Mata Gujri Collegeand Co-ordinator of the Programme welcomed the participantsand guests. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. GurmohanSingh, Director SGPC Education by lighting the traditional lamp.Dr B S Ghuman, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, PunjabUniversity, Chandigarh and Dr. Jatinder Singh Sidhu, Director-Principal, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib were also presentduring the Inaugural Session. Dr Gurmohan Singh, Dr BSGhuman and Dr Jatinder Singh Sidhu shared their views andadvised participants to take the training programme seriously.<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Resource Persons along with the Participants and Guest of the Training ProgrammeMrs. Hema Cholin introduced the participants to the activitiesand services of the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> and N-LIST programmefor college libraries and different modules of the SOUL 2.0. Ms.Nabila Shaikh and Sh. Ranjeeth Kumar helped in impartinghands-on practice to the participants. Besides, a lecture on “SQLBasics” was delivered by Dr. Navdeep Singh, Sr Professor,Department of Computer Science, Mata Gujri College. Ms. ManjitKaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Library and InformationScience made presentation on “Digital Libraries & Consortium”.Dr. Jatinder Singh Sidhu and Mrs. Babita, Librarian, Mata GujriCollege distributed certificates of participation to the participantsduring the Valedictory Session. Mrs. Jaswinder Kaur Waliaproposed a warm vote of thanks to the participants and<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> resource persons.10Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, February 23-27, 2011The 5-day IRTPLA was held at University Central Library, MohanlalSukhadia University, Udaipur from 23 rd to 27 th February 2011for college librarians of the region. The programme was jointlyorganized by <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad and MohanlalSukhadia University (MLSU), Udaipur. Prof. I.V.Trivedi, Vice-Chancellor, MLSU, Udaipur inaugurated the training programme.Prof. L.N. Verma, former Deputy Librarian, University CentralLibrary, MLSU, Udaipur was the Guest of Honour in theprogramme. Prof. I V Trivedi also inaugurated the Swarna JayantiLibrary Wing of the University Central Library, MLSU, Udaipur.In the inaugural address, Prof. Trivedi expressed his satisfactionover the progress made in the library in automation of the libraryand computer networking facilities. Prof. A K Goswami, Officerin-Charge,University Central Library advocated for use of recentinformation technologies for better user services. Dr. KVenugopalan, Dean, P G Studies made a brief presentation oncampus networking.Shri Swapnil Patel, Scientist B (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> along with the Participants of theIRTPLA Training Programme at UdaipurSixty six participants from different libraries of the Rajasthanstate participated in the programme. Shri Swapnil Patel, Scientist-B (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad delivered keynote addressfocusing on the initiatives of the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> pertainingto SOUL 2.0 and e-resources available through UGC-InfonetDigital Library Consortium and N-LIST Project to universitiesand colleges. Besides, following presentations were also madeduring the programme:Sr. No. Title of the presentation Name of the speaker1 Planning for Library Automation Shri T S Bohara, Assistant Librarian, MLSU, Udaipur2 A Model of Automated Library Dr. U K Agarwal, Deputy Librarian, MLSU, Udaipur3 Library Software and its Uses Dr. T D Tilwani, Associate Professor, DLIS, MLSU, Udaipur4 Basics of Networking and Security Dr. J M S Rathore, Assistant Librarian, MLSU, Udaipur5 Development of Union Catalogue at the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> Shri Swapnil Patel, Scientist B (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>6 Library Software Operations in College Libraries Dr. L N Verma, former Deputy Librarian, MLSU, Udaipur7 Lectures on Different Modules of SOUL 2.0 and Shri Swapnil Patel, Shri Mayur Gohel, SOUL TechnicalHands-on PracticeAssistant (CS), Shri Imran Mansuri, Project Assistant (LS),<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 11
Dr. Ramkesh Meena, Assistant Librarian, University Central Libraryand Organizing Secretary of the Programme extended a warmvote of thanks to the participants and guests during theValedictory session of the programme. Participants were alsodistributed the certificates of the participation.Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar,March 7-11, 2011The Central Library, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology,Bhubaneswar, organised IRTPLA in collaboration with<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad held at Biju Pattnaik ConferenceHall from 7 th to 11 th March 2011. 30 library & informationscience professionals working in colleges and universities in Orissastate, participated in the programme. The training programmewas inaugurated by Prof. S.S. Nanda, Dean, Extension Education,Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology. Prof. Nanda, inhis inaugual speech, emphasised on the necessity of libraryautomation and its benefits to the user community. He stressedon the use of e-resources and databases of agriculture andveterinary sciences. Prof. Nanda suggested that all universitylibraries in India should get benefit of the services of <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong>. Dr. R K Mahapatra, Chief Librarian, Central Library andCoordinator of the programme welcomed the guests andparticipants to the programme. Shri Divyakant Vaghela, ScientistB (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> presented a brief on various activitiesand services of the <strong>Centre</strong> and discussed about the use of SOULsoftware among university and college libraries. Dr. R KMahapatra extended a warm vote of thanks.The lectures on different modules of the SOUL 2.0 were held atthe lecture hall of the College of Forestry and hands-on practicecum demonstrations were held at the Central Library of theUniversity. Shri Saroja Kumar Panda, Scientific & TechnicalAssistant (LS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> and Shri T Venkata Ravi Kiran,Technical Assistant, SOUL Coordinator of Andhra Pradesh wereresource persons for the programme along with Shri DivyakantVaghela. Besides, Dr. K C Das, Reader, Department of Library &Information Science, Utkal University delivered a lecture onLibrary Automation & Networking.Prof. Hrushikesh Senapati, Dean, Post Graduate Programme cumDirector of Research Institutes of the University was the ChiefGuest for the Valedictory Session. Prof. Senapati stressed uponthe need for automation in all kinds of libraries in the informationera. He urged the university libraries in India to adopt a singlegood software for developing a nation-wide network amongall the libraries in higher education system. He also advocatedfor use of existing open access digital libraries software.Shri Divyakant Vaghela, Scientist B (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> during Inaugural Sessionof the IRTPLA Training rogramme at BhubaneswarIN12Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
User Awareness Programme on N-LISTAs part of the information literacy initiative, the<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> organises user awarenessprogramme in the universities and colleges havingaccess of e-resources under either UGC-Infonet DigitalLibrary Consortium or N-LIST programme. During thecurrent quarter, the <strong>Centre</strong> organised following userawareness programmes on N-LIST in Tamil Nadu andManipur states:Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu,February 11, 2011The Central Library Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu organised one day User AwarenessProgramme on Access to E-Resources in collaboration with the<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> on 11 th February 2011 at the Senate Hall.Besides, faculty, research scholars, students and staff of theuniversity, the programme was attended by the principals, faculty,librarians and students of the affiliated colleges and institutionsof the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. Prof R TSabhapathy Mohan, Vice Chancellor, Manonmaniam SundaranarUniversity inaugurated the programme. Prof. Sabhapathy Mohanwhile inaugurating the programme thanked<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> for providing e-resources to theiraffiliated colleges. He also expressed the usefulnessof the e-resources in developing quality highereducation system. Dr. S Manickam, Registrar,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University was also presentalong with Shri Ashok Kumar Rai, Scientist D (CS),<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad. Around 150participants consisting of faculty, research scholars,students, principals and librarians participated in theprogramme. Shri Ashok Kumar Rai, who was theresource person from the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, madedetailed presentation on N-LIST programme and explained aboutthe e-resources available under it to the member libraries alongwith access mechanism for to the users.Dr. A Thirumagal, Librarian, Manonmaniam Sundaranar Universityand organising Secretary of the User Awareness Programmeextended a warm vote of thanks to the participants, ViceChancellor and Registrar of the University. The certificates ofparticipation were distributed to the participants. Dr. PBalasubramaniam, Deputy Librarian and Dr. K Kannan, AssistantLibrarian, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University were Convenerand Co-convener of the awareness programme, respectively.Shri Ashok Kumar Rai, Scientist D (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> during the Inaugural Session of theUser Awareness Programme at Tirunelveli, Tamil NaduVol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 13
Manipur University, March 17, 2011The Manipur University, Imphal in collaboration with the<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad and the Directorate of University& Higher Education, Government of Manipur organized UserAwareness Programme on Access to E-resources under N-LISTProgramme on 17 th March 2011 at the Manipur UniversityLibrary. The programme was targeted to colleges in Manipurthat are covered under the 12(B) and 2(F) Sections of the UGCAct. Dr. R K Yaiskul Singh, Additional Director, Directorate ofUniversity & Higher Education, Government of Manipurinaugurated the programme. Dr. R K Ranjan Singh, Director,College Development Council, Manipur University was thePresident of the programme and Shri Manoj Kumar K, Scientist-D (CS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> was the Guest of Honour.Dr. Th. Khomdon Singh, Librarian and Co-ordinator of theprogramme welcomed the participants and guests and briefedthe participants about the programme. Dr. Yaiskul Singh, in hisinaugural address, assured colleges for full support from theDirectorate of University & Higher Education for overalldevelopment of college libraries in Manipur. Dr. Ranjan, in hisPresidential Address, appealed to all the participants for joiningsuch a useful programme in future as well. Shri Manoj Kumar Khighlighted the important points of the N-LIST Programmecovering the availability of e-resources, importance to the usersand its accessibility. Dr. R K Joteen, Information Scientist proposeda warm vote of thanks.Shri Manoj Kumar K also made presentation on the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong> and its major activities and services. 100 academiciansattended the N-LIST Programme. The impact of the programmewas quite good. Participants requested to repeat such types oftraining programme in future also.Dr. R K Yaiskul Singh, Additional Director, Directorate of University & Higher Education,Government of Manipur delivering Inaugural AddressIN14Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
Welcome to New Member, Governing Board,<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>Dr. R. K. Chadha,Joint Secretary, (inthe HAG Scale)Parliament of India,Lok SabhaSecretariat wasnominated toGoverning Board ofthe <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong> for a periodof three years w.e.f.March 2011.Besides primeresponsibility ofParliament Library,Research and Information, Dr. Chadha oversees the work ofParliamentary Committee on SC & ST and Editorial & TranslationService. Dr. Chadha’s contribution in planning, designing andconstruction of most modern, high-tech parliament librarybuilding and automation of various activities of Indian Parliamentare well known.Dr. Chadha has nearly 35 years of experience in managing thelibrary and information centres of national and internationalrepute to his credit. He has worked at the British Library, Lucknow;National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad; ICRISAT,Hyderabad; and National Informatics <strong>Centre</strong> (NIC), New Delhi.He has contributed more than 60 scholarly papers in journals,conferences, seminars, etc. and had been Executive Member ofIFLA and Editor of AGLIS Journal.Dr. Chadha has been actively contributing in the planning oflibrary and information system at national and international level.He has been associated as a Member of Working group onDigital libraries, Ministry of Information Technology 2007-13;Working Group of Planning Commission on LIS for Ninth FiveYear Plan; UGC, Subject Panel on LIS, 1997-2000. He has alsobeen associated as consultant with a number of Librariesincluding IIPA, IGNCA, Panjab University, Mizoram University,Aligarh Muslim University for automating their activities.He had visited USA during 1993 and 2002 under InternationalVisitor Exchange Programme (IVEP) of USIS and had been toBelgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Thailand, TheNetherlands, Sweden, Singapore, and UK on various governmentand project assignments including for attending InternationalConferences.Recipient of SATKAL National Librarian Award, Dr. Chadha hasconducted several training programmes in the field of libraryautomation in different parts of the country. He has been involvedwith several academic assignments including preparation ofcourse material for LIS courses being conducted by variousuniversities besides first online course on digital libraries beingconducted by CEC, New Delhi. The Director and <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>staff welcomes him as a Member of the Governing Board ofthe <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>.INVol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 15
<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Celebrated Republic DayThe <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> celebrated 63rd Republic Day onWednesday, 26th <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2010. The National Flag was hoistedby Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>. Dr Aroraaddressed the staff members and their families regarding theactivities of the <strong>Centre</strong>. A number of games were organized forstaff and their children during the event and prizes weredistributed to the winners of the games.Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> hoisting the National FlagIN16Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
Feature Article : Cloud Computing and Its Impacton Library ServicesCloud computing is a buzz word now a days in the worldof ICT. The concept has made huge impact in thetechnological application especially pertaining to thedatabase and software applications. The cloud computingcan be effectively implemented in various libraryapplication too. Different services and applications beingused in library for providing services to the users areinfluenced with cloud computing. Shri Yatrik Patel,Scientist C (CS) of the <strong>Centre</strong> touches upon the topic ofcloud computing in his article entitled “Cloud computingand its impact on library services”protocols to balance the computational load acrossthe machines. As a user, one need not care aboutwhich CPU ran the program, and the clustermanagement software ensured that the “best” CPUat that time was used to run the code.In the early 1990s, Ian Foster and Carl Kesselmancame up with a new concept called “Grid”. Withanalogy to the electricity grid where users could pluginto the grid and use a metered utility service. Thesame was applied for computing resources in caseof grid computing where in a user plug into a grid ofcomputers and pay for what he/she uses. Gridcomputing expands the techniques of clustering“Cloud Computing” sounds like a new term, actually it is not,infact the term “Cloud” evolved with history of Internet itself.where multiple independent clusters act like a grid due to theirnature of not being located in a single domain.The idea of an “intergalactic computer network” was introducedin the sixties by J.C.R. Licklider (aka “Lick”) , who was responsiblefor enabling the development of ARPANET (Advanced ResearchProjects Agency Network) in 1969.The main bottleneck for moving cluster computing to gridcomputing was “data residency”. The computers in the clusterwere usually physically connected to the disks holding the data,where as in grid the computational nodes could be situatedAccording to Larry Roberts, the primary ARPANET architect“Lick had this concept of the intergalactic network which hebelieved was everybody could use computers anywhere andget at data anywhere in the world… He didn’t have a clue howanywhere in the world. It was fine having all that CPU poweravailable, but the data on which the CPU performed its operationscould be thousands of miles away, causing a delay (latency)between data fetched and its execution.to build it. He didn’t have any idea how to make this happen.But he knew it was important, so he sat down with me andreally convinced me that it was important and convinced meinto making it happen.”To avoid this bottleneck and to take grid further at the level ofservice, concept of the cloud computing was introduced, assuch concepts of grid computing was evolved to a service offeredby data centres.Other experts attribute the concept of cloud computing tocomputer scientist John McCarthy who proposed the idea ofcomputation being delivered as a public utility which date backIn short the concept of “cloud” does not only involve computersbut also encompassesto the sixties.GGFirst cloud around networking (TCP/IP abstraction)Second cloud around documents (WWW data abstraction)In the past, computers were clustered together to form a singlelarger computer as common industrial practice that allowed usersto configure computers to talk with each other using standardG The currently emerging cloud abstracts infrastructurecomplexities of servers, applications, data, andheterogeneous platforms.Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 17
The Cloud ComputingIn generic term, cloud computing can be defined as “a modelfor enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network accessto a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that canbe rapidly provisioned and released with minimal managementeffort or service provider interaction.” (NIST)As far as a user is concerned, a cloud is a service that satisfies allof the following conditions:GGGGGit is delivered over a telecommunications network;users place reliance on the service for data access and/ordata processing;the data is under the legal control of the user;some of the resources on which the service depends arevirtualised, i.e. the user has no technical need to know whichserver is running or which host is delivering the service, orwhere the hosting device is located; andthe service is acquired under a relatively flexible contractualarrangement.The fundamental elements of cloud computing can becategorised as follows:PrimarySecondary• Virtualisation • Autonomic Systems• Grid technology • Web 2.0• Service Oriented Architectures • Web application frameworks• Distributed Computing • Service Level Agreements• Broadband Networks• Browser as a platform• Free and Open Source SoftwareCloud Service ModelsSoftware as a Service (SaaS)The applications are accessible from various client devicesthrough a thin client interface such as a web browser (e.g.,web-based e-mail). The user does not manage or control theunderlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers,operating systems, storage, or even individual applicationcapabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specificapplication configuration settings.Platform as a Service (PaaS)PaaS provides an application platform, or middleware, as a serviceon which developers can build and deploy custom applications.Common solutions provided in this tier range from APIs andtools to database and business process management systems tosecurity integration, allowing developers to build applicationsand run them on the infrastructure that the cloud vendor ownsand maintains.Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)It is the capability provided to the user to enable processing,storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resourceswhere the user is able to deploy and run arbitrary software,which can include operating systems and applications. The userdoes not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructurebut has control over operating systems, storage, deployedapplications, and possibly limited control of select networkingcomponents.The conceptual model of cloud promotes availability and iscomposed of five essential characteristics, three service models,and four deployment models.Essential Characteristics of CloudGGGGGOn-demand self-service (i.e. automated response by serversto direct requests by clients)Broad network access (i.e. from anywhere, using any device)Resource pooling (i.e. the provider allocates resourcesaccording to demand, rather than assigning resources toparticular clients)Rapid elasticity (i.e. resources are scalable according todemand)Measured service (i.e. resource usage is metered)Figure: Cloud Service ModelsCloud Deployment ModelsThere are four primary cloud deployment models. Eachdeployment model necessarily exhibits the previously discussedessential characteristics. The basic differences lies in the scopeand access of cloud services, as they are made available to endusers.18Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
GGGGPublic Cloud - A public cloud is a publicly accessible cloudenvironment owned by a third-party cloud provider.Community Cloud - A community cloud is similar to apublic cloud except that its access is limited to a specificcommunity of cloud consumers.Private Cloud - A private cloud is owned by a singleorganization.Hybrid Cloud - A hybrid cloud is a cloud environment oftwo or more different cloud deployment models.Data : Bibliographic, Technical, Access, LicenceContent : Collection, Subscription, Digital, Print, PublishingServices : Library as a place, content-access, content-creation,research, preservationAs libraries are having service-oriented mission they are in aposition to adopt cloud computing. Libraries (or librarians) arein constant search of finding proper solution within limitedresources, moreover the outreach of service is quite dependenton support of external or internal computing (IT) support staff.It may also be noted that there are very few libraries that arehaving IT support staff with expertise on advance ITmanagement. This situation makes SaaS, PaaS or IaaS approachtempting to move towards cloud computing for providing betterlibrary services.Libraries have been adopting cloud-based solutions services likeelectronic journal access management, statistics tracking, digitallibrary hosting and now trend is coming up for hosted librarymanagement systems.The use of SaaS in libraries dates back to early 2000 withestablishment of companies like SerialsSolutions (http://serialssolutions.com). There are also examples of availability ofhosting platforms for Institutional Repositories and others(eg. http://duracloud.org; biomedicalcentral.com/).Figure: Conceptual Framework for Cloud ComputingAdvantages of Cloud ComputingThere are a number of advantages of cloud, though it dependson case to case basis, following are the general benefits:GGGGAssured maximum availability of your data, application andinfrastructure;Need to pay only for what has been used (i.e. Bandwidth,Resources);Relieves burden of IT staff within organization, as routinejobs are being handled by service providers; andEasily scalable as per requirement of organization.General disadvantages of cloud are dependent upon networkconnectivity, security, legal issues (ownership of data), latencyetc. which needs to be carefully reviewed.Cloud Computing and IT-Based Library ServicesMost common library services can be divided into followingthree categories:In the IaaS, one of the pioneer i.e. Amazon Elastic ComputingCloud (EC2) offers IT infrastructure with differently sized serversusing a choice of operating systems, including several flavoursof Linux and Windows. EC2 provides organizations withunlimited storage using S3 service, the ability to take snapshotsof both data and servers, and the ability to include EC2 serversin an organization’s private network. A full catalogue of EC2features is available on the EC2 website (http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/).ConclusionBy using cloud, library services can be made online withoutworrying about correct versions of platforms or the underlyingtechnology. It also gives facility to induce new applicationsquickly without having to focus on identifying available serverspace or configuration and IT-based library services can bedelivered much more quickly than when using local-basedhardware or software.Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 19
Libraries can make choices about the allocation of resourcesand to offer better services than would be possible if relying onin-house solutions.At <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, strategies are being worked out to offercloud based service for Indian academic organizations to supportits mandate and promote scholarly communication. It wouldnot be an exaggeration to state that the visionary scientist andeducationist Prof. Yash Pal, knowingly or unknowingly appliedcombination of idea from John McCarthy and concept from JCRLicklider to build Information and Library Network <strong>Centre</strong> in90s with a clear cut objective of leveraging the latest technologyto create a virtual network of people and resources in academicinstitutions with an aim to “provide effective and efficient accessto knowledge through perseverance, innovation andcollaboration and to provide seamless, reliable and ubiquitousaccess to scholarly electronic resources to the academiccommunity in all educational institutions with a focus on servicesand tools, processes and practices” (one of the objectives of<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>) i.e. the idea of delivering scholarly contentas a public service !ReferencesG Mohamed, Arif. A history of cloud computing.ComuterWeekly.com (http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2009/06/10/235429/A-history-of-cloudcomputing.htm)(Last Accessed on 24th June 2011)G Licklider, J.C.R. Internet pioneers. (http://www.ibiblio.org/pioneers/licklider.html) (Last Accessed on 24th June 2011)G Wallis, Paul. A brief history of cloud computing: is the cloudthere yet?. Cloud Computing Journal (http://cloudcomputing.sys-con.com/node/581838) (LastAccessed on 24th June 2011)G Mitchell, Eric. Using cloud services for library ITinfrastructure. Code4Lib Journal (http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/2510). (Last Accessed on 24th June 2011)G Cloud computing. Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Cloud_computing) (Last Accessed on 24th June 2011)G NIST Cloud Computing Program (http://www.nist.gov/itl/cloud/index.cfm) (Last Accessed on 24th June 2011)G Objectives. <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> (http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/about/objective.html) (Last Accessed on 24th June 2011)IN20Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
New Appointment at the <strong>Centre</strong>Shri Swapnil Patel joined the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> on 1 st February 2011 as ScientistB (CS). Prior to his present assignment, he was Project Officer (CS) at the <strong>Centre</strong>for more than 3 years. He has completed Bachelor of Engineering in ComputerScience from Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. He is associatedwith the Software R&D and Open Source Software R&D Group of the <strong>Centre</strong>. Atpresent, he is working on Indian Subject Gateway Portal of the <strong>Centre</strong>. He hasalso contributed to SOUL 2.0 development. He has number of papers in seminarsand conferences to his credit. His areas of research interests are data transferusing different database servers, creating institutional repositories and open sourcesoftware development related to library science field. Shri Swapnil can becontacted at swapnil@inflibnet.ac.in.Shri Divyakant Vaghela joined the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> on 1st February 2011 asScientist B (CS). He has completed Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Sciencefrom Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. Prior to his presentassignment, he was working in the <strong>Centre</strong> as Project Officer (CS) for more than2 years and as Computer Programmer for almost a year. He is associated withthe Software R&D Group of the <strong>Centre</strong>. Shri Vaghela is presently engaged indesign and development of the SOUL 2.0, its installation, customization andtrouble shooting. He also has number of papers in seminars and conferences.His areas of interest are Library Automation, Database Management and DataConversion. He can be contacted at divyakant@inflibnet.ac.in.Mr. Saroja Kumar Panda joined <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> as Scientific & TechnicalAssistant-I (LS ) on 18th October 2011. He did his Bachelor of Science andMaster of Library and Information Science from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.Prior to joining in this post, he was a Project Assistant (LS) for more than 2 yearsand Project Associate (LS) for more than 1 year in the <strong>Centre</strong>. Shri Panda isassociated with N-LIST Project, ILL service and e-consortium activities of the<strong>Centre</strong>. He has contributed a number of papers in seminars and conferences. Hisareas of interest are e-resource management, ILL service, library automation &open source software in the field of library science. He can be contacted atsaroj@inflibnet.ac.in. INVol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011) 21
Staff NewsNorth Maharasthra University, Jalgaon, February 21, 2011Shri H G Hosamani, Scientist B (LS) was invited as ResourcePerson to the North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on February21, 2011 during One Day Workshop on Use of SOUL Softwarefor Library Automation. The Workshop was jointly organised bythe Central Library and the Department of Library and InformationScience, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. More than 100library professionals consisting of college librarians and libraryscience students participated in the programme. Shri Hosamanimade presentation on Overview of SOUL 2.0 and focused onits operational aspects covering to various modules. He alsospoke about e-resources available through N-LIST Programmeand its benefits to the colleges.Shri H G Hosamani, Scientist B (LS), <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> Lighting the Traditional Lamp During the Inauguration of theWorkshop at North Maharashtra University, JalgaonINCorrigendum<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Newsletter, Vol. 17, No.4 published an article on“National Research Productivity in Library and InformationScience” by Shri Rajesh Chandrakar and Dr. Jagdish Arora. Thefollowing reference is missing in the article:Chandrakar, Rajesh & Arora, Jagdish. 2009. Automation of libraryin India: past, present and future. [Feature article]. InformationStandards Quarterly (ISQ), 21(4), Fall 2009. pp. 11-15.Besides, in the article, table 2 lists out top 29 institutions whomade its presence in the Web of Science database with at least4 articles has 10 library schools instead of 8. Further, in thetable 3 on top 22 library science schools with at least twoarticles indexed in the Web of Science Database, where “place”for the Aligarh Muslim University is mentioned as Delhi may beread as Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.IN22Vol. 18, No. 1 (<strong>Jan</strong>uary to March 2011)
Publi5hcd in 24 Feb 2011 print edition of Oainik Bha5karfcfcr ~ ~CbiC'1a ;i'i~ ~fci
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