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mAN<strong>AG</strong>EmENT rEPOrT<br />

antiCipateD DeveLopMent oF iMportant<br />

BUSineSS ConDitionS<br />

On September 17, 2010 the European Commission opened legis-<br />

lative proceedings to recast the first European railway package.<br />

It is anticipated that the proceedings will be concluded in 2011.<br />

The proposed new version includes stricter regulation of access<br />

to service facilities (e.g. terminals); wider authority for national<br />

regulatory agencies as well as detailed requirements for infra-<br />

structure financing arrangements between infrastructure oper-<br />

ators and member states; changes to charging schemes; stricter<br />

unbundling requirements; the introduction of noise-based train-<br />

path usage fees, as well as requirements related to regulatory<br />

accounting procedures.<br />

Irrespective of the European development, the German<br />

Federal ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development<br />

announced an amended version of regulations for 2011. Based<br />

on the terms of the coalition agreement, the amended version<br />

should, in particular, introduce stricter charging rules (e.g.<br />

introduction of an incentive rule).<br />

antiCipateD BUSineSS DeveLopMent<br />

The development of DB <strong>AG</strong>’s business in the 2011 financial year<br />

will again depend on the development of its subsidiary compa-<br />

nies and thus the development of the investment income. An<br />

overall goal within DB Group is to achieve a further sustainable<br />

increase in earnings power. In view of the favorable results<br />

expected for Group companies we anticipate that investment<br />

income will rise in the 2011 financial year. We also anticipate that<br />

our results from ordinary activities, as well as net profits, will<br />

reach or even surpass the respective figures noted for the year<br />

under review.<br />

Based on our expectations, DB Group will also be fully able<br />

to finance its operational financial requirements via internal<br />

financing measures in the 2011 financial year. Therefore, it is not<br />

expected that DB Group’s business operations will lead to an<br />

increase in debt. However, the first-time payment of a dividend<br />

in the amount of € 500 million to the owner of DB <strong>AG</strong> in the<br />

2011 financial year will pose a burden.<br />

In the 2011 financial year, DB <strong>AG</strong> will have maturing financial<br />

obligations of about € 2.9 billion. In order to partially refinance<br />

these obligations, we will again make use of the capital and<br />

financial markets in the 2011 financial year. We will have<br />

unchanged and appropriate financing scope based on our debt<br />

issuance program, our commercial paper program and existing,<br />

hitherto untapped credit facilities. Thus the short-term and<br />

medium-term liquidity supply for DB <strong>AG</strong> is assured.<br />

As of December 31, 2010, € 11.8 billion of the € 15 billion<br />

debt issuance program created for the long-term area had been<br />

drawn down. As a result of the redemption of a USD 1.2 billion<br />

bond that matured in January 2011 (€ 1.0 billion), the available<br />

issuing amount for our debt issuance program increased to<br />

€ 4.2 billion at the start of the 2011 financial year.<br />

In the short-term area, a multi-currency multi-issuer commercial<br />

paper program of over € 2 billion was available as of<br />

December 31, 2010. As of that date, € 42 million of this amount<br />

had been drawn down. In addition, as of December 31, 2010 we<br />

had € 2.5 billion in guaranteed untapped, broadly diversified credit<br />

facilities that were concluded with first-class credit institutions.<br />

antiCipateD DeveLopMent in tHe<br />

2012 FinanCiaL Year<br />

In accordance with rule 15 of the German Accounting Standards<br />

(<strong>Deutsche</strong>r rechnungslegungsstandard; DrS) we will also state<br />

our estimate for the year following the current financial year.<br />

It is based on the assumptions made in our medium-term planning<br />

regarding market development, competition and overall<br />

conditions, as well as on our success in implementing planned<br />

measures. However, these assumptions and estimates involve<br />

greater uncertainties the farther they look into the future.<br />

Based on the assumption that the economic recovery will<br />

develop as forecast and continue beyond 2011, we anticipate<br />

that we will also post further gains in our results from ordinary<br />

activities in the 2012 financial year.<br />


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