consortium book sales & distribution spring | summer 2012

consortium book sales & distribution spring | summer 2012

consortium book sales & distribution spring | summer 2012


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<strong>consortium</strong> <strong>book</strong> <strong>sales</strong> & <strong>distribution</strong><strong>spring</strong> | <strong>summer</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

MiniatureFor Suzanne BuffamEvery dollhouseshould have a mirrorso its inhabitant(in this case you)can see herselfor at least one eyepeering like Aliceinto the tiny keyholeevery <strong>book</strong> should havea poem small enoughto slip throughon the flood of her tearsFrom Dear Prudence: New and Selected Poems by David TrinidadUsed by permission of Turtle Point Presswww.turtlepointpress.com

Where Independent Publishers LiveSpring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

Congratulations to all our award winners!2011 IndieBooksellers’Choice Award2011 MidwestBooksellersChoice AwardWingshootersNina RevoyrAkashic BooksTrade Paper US $15.95CAN $19.50978-1-936070-71-8 USLA*(includes Canada)2011 IndieBoundIndie NextGreat ReadThe SojournAndrew KrivakBellevue Literary PressTrade Paper US $14.95 CAN$17.95978-1-934137-34-5 USC2011 IndieBoundIndie NextGreat ReadThis is USThe New All-American FamilyDavid MarinExterminating Angel PressTrade Paper US $16.95CAN $18.50978-1-935259-34-3 USC2011 IndieBoundIndie NextGreat ReadDamascusJoshua MohrTwo Dollar RadioTrade Paper, Deckle EdgeUS $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-0-9826848-9-4 USC2011 Three PercentBest TranslatedBook AwardThe Book of ThingsAleš ŠtegerTranslated by Brian HenryBOA Editions Ltd.Trade Paper US $16.00CAN $19.50978-1-934414-41-5 USC2011 PENTranslation PrizeJournal of anOrdinary GriefMahmoud DarwishTranslated byIbrahim MuhawiArchipelago BooksTrade Paper US $16.00978-0-9826246-4-7 USRecent Award Winners

Congratulations to all our award winners!2011 World FantasyAward for LifetimeAchievement:Angélica GorodischerKalpa ImperialThe Greatest EmpireThat Never WasAngélica GorodischerSmall Beer PressTrade Paper US $16.00CAN $19.50978-1-931520-05-8 W2011 MythopoeicFantasy Award forAdult LiteratureRedemption in Indigoa novelKaren LordSmall Beer PressTrade Paper US $16.00CAN $19.00978-1-931520-66-9 W2011 ScienceFiction & FantasyTranslation AwardA Life on PaperStoriesGeorges-OlivierChâteaureynaudTranslated by Edward GauvinSmall Beer PressTrade Cloth US $22.00CAN $25.00978-1-931520-62-1 W2011 New YorkPhoto Award for BestPhotographic BookGuantanamoif the light goes outEdmund ClarkDewi Lewis PublishingTrade Cloth US $55.00CAN $65.00978-1-904587-96-5 USC2011 Kraszna-KrauszBook Award for BestPhotography BookTJ—JohannesburgPhotographs 1948–2010Double Negative: A NovelDavid GoldblattText by Ivan VladislavicContrastoSlipcased US $85.00CAN $101.95978-88-6965-218-9 USC2011 JamesLaughlin AwardYou and Three Others AreApproaching a LakeAnna MoschovakisCoffee House PressTrade Paper US $16.00CAN $19.50978-1-56689-250-6 USCRecent Award Winners

Congratulations to all our award winners!2011 Lenore MarshallPoetry PrizeOne With Others[a little <strong>book</strong> of her days]C.D. WrightCopper Canyon PressTrade Paper US $18.00CAN $21.00978-1-55659-388-8 USC2011 Pushcart Prize“Sky Diary” by ClaireBateman, published inCoronology [and OtherPoems]Coronology[and Other Poems]Claire BatemanEtruscan PressTrade Paper US $17.95CAN $19.50978-0-9819687-5-9 USC2011 PublishingTriangle Audre LordeAward for LesbianPoetryThe Inquisition YoursJen CurrinCoach House BooksTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55245-230-1 US2011 LambdaLiterary Award forLesbian Memoir/BiographyHAMMER!Making MoviesOut of Sex and LifeBarbara HammerThe Feminist Pressat CUNYTrade Paper US $19.95CAN $21.95978-1-55861-612-7 USC2011 LambdaLiterary Award for LGBTNonfictionKing Kong TheoryVirginie DespentesTranslated byStéphanie BensonThe Feminist Pressat CUNYTrade Paper US $15.95CAN $18.50978-1-55861-657-8 USC2011 LambdaLiterary Award forLesbian Debut FictionSub RosaAmber DawnArsenal Pulp PressTrade Paper US $19.95978-1-55152-361-3 USRecent Award Winners

“A new bible for weary parents.”—The New York Times#1 new yorktimes best sellerGo the Fuck to SleepAdam MansbachIllustrated by Ricardo CortésGo the Fuck to Sleep has become a culturalphenomenon!Go the Fuck to Sleep is a bedtime <strong>book</strong> for parents who livein the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesyrhymes don't always send a toddler sailing blissfullyoff to dreamland. Profane, affectionate, and radicallyhonest, California Book Award–winning author AdamMansbach's verses perfectly capture the familiar—andunspoken—tribulations of putting your little angel downfor the night. In the process, they open up a conversationabout parenting, granting us permission to admit ourfrustrations and laugh at their absurdity.Go the Fuck to Sleep 15-Book PrepackAkashic BooksCounter Display US $224.95 | CAN $254.50978-1-61775-102-8 USLA*(includes Canada)With illustrations by Ricardo Cortés, Go the Fuck to Sleepis beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny—a<strong>book</strong> for parents new, old, and expectant. You probablyshould not read it to your children.“This is the most honestchildren’s <strong>book</strong> ever written.And it’s f*cking hilarious.”—A.J. Jacobs, author of TheYear of Living Biblically,father of threeGo the Fuck to SleepAkashic BooksTrade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-61775-025-0 USLA*(includes Canada)

Long River Press...............................................................................................................................205Manic D Press..................................................................................................................................209*MCCM Creations............................................................................................................................. 211Monkfish Book Publishing....................................................................................................................217New Internationalist.......................................................................................................................... 219New Society Publishers....................................................................................................................... 223New Village Press.............................................................................................................................. 235Nicolo Whimsey Press........................................................................................................................ 237*Nobrow Press................................................................................................................................. 239Nortia Press..................................................................................................................................... 253Ocean Press..................................................................................................................................... 255Paul Dry Books................................................................................................................................. 257Process........................................................................................................................................... 259Profile Books................................................................................................................................... 261*Promopress.................................................................................................................................... 265*Pushkin Press................................................................................................................................. 273Redleaf Press.................................................................................................................................... 283Saqi Books...................................................................................................................................... 287Sarabande Books............................................................................................................................... 291Serpent’s Tail................................................................................................................................... 295Small Beer Press............................................................................................................................... 297South End Press................................................................................................................................ 301Stone Bridge Press.............................................................................................................................303Talon<strong>book</strong>s......................................................................................................................................305Telegram Books................................................................................................................................. 311Theatre Communications Group.......................................................................................................... 313Totem Books.................................................................................................................................... 343Turtle Point Press..............................................................................................................................349Two Dollar Radio...............................................................................................................................351Umbrage Editions............................................................................................................................. 353Wave Books...................................................................................................................................... 355White Pine Press............................................................................................................................... 359Whitelines®..................................................................................................................................... 361Windhorse Publications...................................................................................................................... 363Zephyr Press.................................................................................................................................... 365Distributed Publishers........................................................................................................................ 369Index by Title...................................................................................................................................384Index by Primary Subject....................................................................................................................388Sales Reps....................................................................................................................................... 393*Indicates first season at ConsortiumVisit www.cbsd.com for the latest news and a searchable list of all our titles,complete with up-to-date stock information. Be sure to also sign up for the Communiqué—our weekly online newsletter featuring hot titles, publicity, and upcoming events!

3DTotal PublishingDigital Art Masters: Volume 7Edited with an introduction by 3DTotalPraise for previous volumes in the Digital Art Masters series:“This <strong>book</strong> not only exhibits the artists at the cutting edge of the digital artindustry, but also delivers valuable tips and advice that will usher in the nextgeneration of Digital Art Masters.”—Tim Warnock, matte painter, Harry Potterand the Deathly Hallows“3D has become an indispensible part of the entertainment industry. The artistsbeing showcased in this <strong>book</strong> I believe are part of the beginning of a newgolden age of illustration.”—Stephan Martiniere, concept illustrator, Rage“If you’re interested in learning the ins and outs of digital illustration, this<strong>book</strong> offers everything from quick tips to advanced techniques. . . . It’s also abeautiful art gallery you can put in your backpack.”—Kekai Kotaki, lead conceptartist, Guild Wars 2Over the last seven years, the Digital Art Masters series has brought togetherover three hundred examples of the world’s best 2D and 3D digital art. DigitalArt Masters: Volume 7 continues this tradition by ushering in a new group of talentedartists whose images are sure to inspire and astound in equal measure.But this <strong>book</strong> doesn’t just showcase beautiful art; it also offers up detailsof the creation process behind each image, penned by the artists themselves,presenting a unique opportunity for readers to follow in the footsteps of themasters. Covering topics ranging from fantasy and characters to scenes andcartoons, Digital Art Masters: Volume 7 is sure to get those creative juices flowing.ART / COMPUTERSJulyA Paperback OriginalDigital Art Masters8½ x 11 | 320 pp600 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $54.95978-0-9568171-0-5 USCA digital art annual featuring world-class artwork and image breakdownsfrom some of the industry’s top digital artists.Also AvailableMarketing Plans• Social media campaign• Outreach to digital art publications andwebsites• Promotion through: www.3dtotal.com andwww.3dtotalpublishing.co.ukDigital Art Masters: Volume 6Edited with an introduction by 3DTotalART / COMPUTERSDigital Art Masters8½ x 11 | 320 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $59.95978-0-9551530-4-4 USC1

AK PressHopelessBarack Obama and the Politics of IllusionEdited by Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua FrankPOLITICAL SCIENCEAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 250 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-84935-110-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-84935-111-9 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available• Excerpt: CounterPunch.org• National advertising: The Nation • The Progressive• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Regional tours in California, Arizona, andNew Mexico• Promotion through: www.counterpunch.org“Those who feel that like lemmings they are being led over a cliff would bewell-advised not to read this <strong>book</strong>. They may discover that they are right.”—Noam Chomsky“Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank have skillfully smoked out the real BarackObama . . . the technofascist military strategist disguised as a Nobel PeaceLaureate, but owned, operated, and controlled by Wall Street, CorporateAmerica, and the Pentagon.”—Thomas H. Naylor, co-author of Affluenza, Downsizingthe USA“The writers assembled here hit hard, with accuracy, and do not pullpunches.”—Marcus Rediker, author of The Slave Ship: A Human HistoryThe Barack Obama revolution was over before it started, guttered by the politician’soverweening desire to prove himself to the grandees of the establishment.From there on, other promises proved ever easier to break. Here’sthe <strong>book</strong> that dares not let Obama off the hook. It’s all here: the compromises,the backstabbing, the same old imperial ambitions. Covering all major“Obummer” categories since he took office, this fast-paced collection will delightthe critical and offer food for thought for those contemplating the <strong>2012</strong>electoral circus—and beyond.Jeffrey St. Clair is co-editor of CounterPunch, author of Born Under a Bad Sky andBeen Brown So Long it Looked Green to Me, and co-author of Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs,and the Press.Joshua Frank is an environmental journalist and co-editor of Red State Rebels:Tales of Grassroots Resistance in the Heartland. His investigative reports and columnsappear in CounterPunch, Chicago Sun-Times, Common Dreams, and AlterNet.The dissident Left dismantles Barack Obama’sfailed “progressive” agenda.Also AvailableAuthor Events4Washington, DC • Chicago, IL • Boston, MA •New York, NY • Philadelphia, PA •Portland, OR • Seattle, WAEditor Hometowns: Oregon City, OR /Long Beach, CARed State RebelsTales of Grassroots Resistancein the HeartlandEdited by Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua FrankPOLITICAL SCIENCE5½ x 8 | 280 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-904859-84-0 USC

AK PressArab Spring, Libyan WinterVijay PrashadThe Arab Spring captivated the planet. Mass action overthrew Tunisia’s BenAli and Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak. The revolutionary wave spread to the far cornersof the Arab world, from Morocco to Bahrain. It seemed as if all the authoritarianstates would finally be freed, even those of the Arabian Peninsula.People’s power had produced this wave, and continued to ride it out.In Libya, though, the new world order had different ideas. Social forcesopposed to Muammar Qaddafi had begun to rebel, but they were weak. Incame the French and the United States, with promises of glory. A deal followedwith the Saudis, who then sent in their own forces to cut down the Bahrainirevolution, and NATO began its assault, ushering in a Libyan Winter that castits shadow over the Arab Spring.This brief, timely analysis situates the assault on Libya in the context of thewinds of revolt that swept through the Middle East in the Spring of 2011. VijayPrashad explores the recent history of the Qaddafi regime, the social forceswho opposed him, and the role of the United Nations, NATO, and the rest ofthe world’s superpowers in the bloody civil war that ensued.Vijay Prashad is the George and Martha Kellner Chair of South AsianHistory, and professor and director of international studies at Trinity Collegein Hartford, Connecticut. He is the author or editor of over a dozen <strong>book</strong>s,including Karma of Brown Folk and, most recently, The Darker Nations: A People’s Historyof the Third World.The world watched as the bud of the Arab Spring was buriedunder the cold darkness of the Libyan Winter.POLITICAL SCIENCE / SOCIAL SCIENCEAprilA Paperback Original4½ x 7¼ | 168 ppB&W photographsTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-84935-112-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-84935-113-3 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available• National TV and radio campaign• National print campaign• Outreach to foreign policy websites and printpublications• Multi-city East Coast tourAuthor Hometown: Cambridge, MA5

AK PressStay Solid!A Radical Hand<strong>book</strong> for YouthEdited by Matt HernJUVENILE NONFICTION / SELF-HELPJulyA Paperback Original7½ x 10 | 350 ppB&W photographs, illustrations,and charts throughoutTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $21.95978-1-84935-099-0 USCAges 13 and upeBook ISBN: 978-1-84935-100-3 USCIt ain’t easy being a kid these days. For the first time in generations, today’steens have worse prospects ahead of them than their parents did, and the pressureto toe the line and be a success is heavier than ever . . . and so is the temptationto just give up. But there are things in the world worth fighting for!This scrap<strong>book</strong>-style collection of essays, excerpts, explanations, and imagespushes back against a culture that relentlessly demands that kids give uptheir best ideals, abandon their hopes, forget their ethical objections to dominantlife, soothe their rage, and accept their fates. From dealing with the copsto dealing with your peers, from school and community to drugs and sex,from race and class to money and mental health, Stay Solid! provides essentialsupport for radically inclined teens who believe that it’s possible for all of usto hang on to our values and build a life we believe in.Compiled and edited by radical urbanist and educator Matt Hern, with theassistance of the youth community at Vancouver’s Purple Thistle Center, StaySolid! is for kids everywhere, and for anyone who considers themselves an ally—parents, teachers, neighbors, friends, relatives, and beyond.Contributors include Noam Chomsky, Patricia Hill Collins, The GuerillaGirls, Derrick Jensen, Grace Llewellyn, Margaret Killjoy, Dan Savage, AstraTaylor, and more.Growing up doesn’t mean giving up!The quintessential guide to staying true to you in a fucked up world.Marketing PlansCo-op available• Public radio campaign• Social media campaign• Outreach to family oriented and youthpublications• Promotion through: www.mightymatthern.comEditor Hometown: Vancouver, BCAlsoAvailable6Everywhere All the TimeA New Deschooling ReaderEdited by Matt HernEDUCATION5½ x 8 | 268 ppTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-904859-83-3 USCCommon Ground in a Liquid CityEssays in Defense of an Urban FutureMatt HernPOLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 240 ppTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-84935-010-5 USC

AK PressQuiet RumoursAn Anarcha-Feminist ReaderThird EditionEdited with an introduction by Dark Star CollectiveThis is a fascinating window into the development of the women’s movementin the words of those who moved it. Compiled and introduced by the UKbasedanarchist-intellectual collective Dark Star, Quiet Rumours features articlesand essays from four generations of anarchist-inspired feminists, includingEmma Goldman, Voltairine de Cleyre, Jo Freeman, Peggy Kornegger, CathyLevine, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Mujeres Creando, Rote Zora, and beyond.All the pieces from the first two editions are included here, as well as new materialbringing third and so-called fourth-wave feminism into conversationwith twenty-first century politics. An ideal overview for budding feministsand an exciting reconsideration for seasoned radicals.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to feminist mediaAuthor EventsSan Francsico, CA • New York, NYPOLITICAL SCIENCE / SOCIAL SCIENCEAugust8 x 8 | 160 ppB&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $18.50978-1-84935-103-4 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-84935-104-1 USCLong out of print, a new revised andexpanded edition of AK Press’ classicanarcha-feminist compendium!Territories in ResistanceA Cartography of Latin American Social MovementsRaúl ZibechiTranslated by Ramor Ryan“Rich and complicated . . . [Territories in Resistance] will be a key reference point inthe development of anti-systemic thought.”—Gilberto López y Rivas, La JornadaTerritories in Resistance is an indispensable complement to existing literature onLatin American autonomous social movements. Explore the “other worlds”being created in the wreckage of colonialism and capitalism. From Mexico,Ecuador, and Colombia to Argentina and Brazil, no living author digs as deepand presents theoretical challenges quite like Raúl Zibechi.Raúl Zibechi is an international analyst for Brecha, a weekly journal inMontevideo, Uruguay, and the author of Dispersing Power: Social Movements as Anti-State Forces (AK Press, 2010).Marketing PlansNational advertising: North American Congress on Latin America • Targeted outreachto Latin American online and print media • Limited East Coast and Northwest tourPOLITICAL SCIENCE / HISTORYMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 304 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-84935-107-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-84935-102-7 USCA thoughtful examination of socialrelations in Latin America from one of theregion’s foremost political analysts.7

AK PressTruth and RevolutionA History of the Sojourner Truth Organization, 1969–1986Michael StaudenmaierPreface by John H. Bracey, Jr.Founded in Chicago in 1969 from the rubble of the recently crumbled SDS,the Sojourner Truth Organization (STO) brought working-class consciousnessto the forefront of New Left discourse, sending radicals back into the factoriesand thinking through the integration of radical politics into everydayrealities. Through the influence of founding members like Noel Ignatiev andDon Hamerquist, STO took a Marxist approach to the question of race andrevolution, exploring the notion of “white skin privilege,” and helping to laythe groundwork for the discipline of critical race studies.POLITICAL SCIENCE / HISTORYMayA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 304 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-84935-097-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-84935-098-3 USCA poignant, compelling history ofone of the most important radical groupsyou’ve never heard of.Michael Staudenmaier is a doctoral candidate in history at the University ofIllinois-Urbana.Marketing PlansPublic radio campaign • Outreach to left radical websites and print publicationsAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Diego, CA • San Francisco, CA • Washington, DC • Chicago, IL •Louisville, KY • Baltimore, MD • Boston, MA • Detroit, MI • Minneapolis, MN •St. Louis, MO • New York, NY • Cincinnati, OH • Cleveland, OH • Portland, OR •Philadelphia, PA • Providence, RI • Burlington, VT • Seattle, WA • Madison, WIAuthor Hometown: Chicago, ILImperiled LifeRevolution against Climate CatastropheJavier Sethness-CastroImperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences ofcapital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenonof catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on thepossibilities of overcoming disaster.Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologistswhile providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectualtraditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing ourhistorical trajectory.8NATUREJuneA Paperback OriginalAnarchist Interventions4½ x 6½ | 150 ppTrade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $12.95978-1-84935-105-8 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-84935-106-5 USCA cogent and theoretical meditation onthe looming climate catastrophe.Javier Sethness-Castro is a libertarian socialist and a rights advocate.Marketing PlansPublic radio campaign • Outreach to climate studies websites and publications •Targeted outreach to political science and contemporary theory departments •Outreach through the Institute for Anarchist StudiesPromotion through: http://intlibecosoc.wordpress.comAuthor EventsBerkeley, CA • Los Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA • Santa Barbara, CA •Santa Cruz, CA • Eugene, OR • Portland, OR • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Akashic BooksOffice GirlJoe MenoIllustrated by Cody HudsonPhotographs by Todd BaxterNo one dies in Office Girl. Nobody talks about the international political situation.There is no mention of any economic collapse. Nothing takes place duringa World War.Instead, this novel is about young people doing interesting things in thefinal moments of the last century. Odile is a lovely twenty-three-year-old artschooldropout, a minor vandal, and a hopeless dreamer. Jack is a twentyfive-year-oldshirker who’s most happy capturing the endless noises of the cityon his out-of-date tape recorder. Together they decide to start their own artmovement in defiance of a contemporary culture made dull by both the tediousand the obvious. Set in February 1999—just before the end of one worldand the beginning of another—Office Girl is the story of two people caught betweenthe uncertainty of their futures and the all-too-brief moments of modernlife.Joe Meno’s latest novel also features black-and-white illustrations by renownedartist Cody Hudson and photographs by visionary photographerTodd Baxter.Joe Meno is a fiction writer and playwright who lives in Chicago, Illinois. Heis a winner of the Nelson Algren Literary Award, a Pushcart Prize, the GreatLakes Book Award, and was a finalist for the Story Prize. He is the author offive novels and two short story collections including Hairstyles of the Damned, TheGreat Perhaps, The Boy Detective Fails, and Demons in the Spring. His short fiction has beenpublished in One Story, McSweeney’s, swink, LIT, TriQuarterly Online, Other Voices,Gulf Coast, and broadcast on NPR. His nonfiction has appeared in The New YorkTimes and Chicago magazine. He is an associate professor in the fiction writingdepartment at Columbia College Chicago.FICTIONJuly4 x 7 | 224 pp10 B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-61775-076-2 USLA*(includes Canada)Trade Cloth US $23.95 | CAN $26.50978-1-61775-075-5 USLA*(includes Canada)Joe Meno is back with a fantastic new novel about two young peopleand a visionary, doomed art movement.Hairstyles of the DamnedJoe MenoFICTIONPunk Planet Books5¼ x 7½ | 278 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.00978-1-888451-70-2 USLA*(includes Canada)AlsoAvailableThe Boy Detective FailsJoe MenoFICTIONPunk Planet Books5½ x 7½ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-933354-10-1 USLA*(includes Canada)Marketing Plans15,000-copy print runAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Early, extensive, and ongoing <strong>book</strong>selleroutreach• Extensive touring across United StatesAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Washington, DC • Chicago, IL • Iowa City, IA •Minneapolis, MN • St. Louis, MO •New York, NY • Portland, OR • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Chicago, IL9

Akashic BooksSeriously, Just Go to SleepAdam MansbachIllustrated by Ricardo CortésCritical praise for the original Go the Fuck to Sleep, a number one bestseller at:The New York Times, Amazon.com, The Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, and manymore:“Incredibly appealing.”—National Public Radio“A parenting zeitgeist. . . . A phenomenon that has stunned the publishingworld and may just redefine the modern ‘parenting’ market.”—The Washington PostThe one shortcoming of the instant international bestseller and culturalphenomenon Go the Fuck to Sleep is that children cannot join in the fun. Thatproblem has now been remedied with a 100 percent child-friendly alternateversion. As parents know, young children are well aware of the difficulty ofgetting them to bed. Seriously, Just Go to Sleep lets them relish their own mischievousness,recognize their own tactics, and, most importantly, allows childrenand parents to joke with one another about one of the most stressful elementsof a parent’s life: getting his or her child to sleep.JUVENILE FICTIONApril11 x 8¼ | 32 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-61775-078-6 USLA*(includes Canada)Marketing Plans75,000-copy print runAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Early, extensive, and ongoing <strong>book</strong>selleroutreach• Extensive touring across United StatesAdam Mansbach’s novels include The End of the Jews, winner of the CaliforniaBook Award, and the best-selling Angry Black White Boy, a San Francisco ChronicleBest Book of 2005. His fiction and essays have appeared in The New York TimesBook Review, The Believer, Granta, Los Angeles Times, and many other publications. Hewas the 2010–2011 New Voices Professor of Fiction at Rutgers University. Hisdaughter, Vivien, is three.Ricardo Cortés has illustrated <strong>book</strong>s about marijuana, electricity, the Jamaicanbobsled team, and Chinese food. His work has been featured in The New YorkTimes, Vanity Fair, Entertainment Weekly, New York magazine, The Village Voice, San FranciscoChronicle, and on The O’Reilly Factor and CNN. He lives in Brooklyn, New York,where he is working on a <strong>book</strong> about the history of Coca-Cola and cocaine.The 100 percent kid-friendly, G-rated version of the #1 New York Timesbest-selling classic parental bedtime <strong>book</strong>, Go the Fuck to Sleep.Also Available10Author EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Boston, MA • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Berkeley, CAIllustrator Hometown: Brooklyn, NYGo the Fuck to SleepWords by Adam MansbachIllustrated by Ricardo CortésHUMOR8¼ x 6½ | 32 ppTrade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-61775-025-0 USLA*(includes Canada)

Akashic BooksThe Nervous SystemNathan Larson“The Dewey Decimal System is a winningly tight, concise, and high-impact <strong>book</strong>.”—New York Press“The Dewey Decimal System is proof positive that the private detective will remain aserious and seriously enjoyable literary archetype.”—PopMatters“Larson’s voice is note-perfect in this tour-de-force.”—Mystery Scene MagazineFICTION / MYSTERYJulyA Paperback OriginalAkashic Urban Surreal Series5¼ x 8¼ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-61775-079-3 USLA*(includes Canada)Marketing Plans10,000-copy print runAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Early, extensive, and ongoing <strong>book</strong>selleroutreach• Extensive touring across United StatesAfter a series of large-scale terrorist attacks, New York City is reduced to ashadow of its former self. As the city struggles to dig itself out of the wreckage,a nameless, obsessive-compulsive veteran with a spotty memory, a love for literature,and a strong if unique moral code has taken up residence at the MainBranch of the New York Public Library. Dubbed “Dewey Decimal” for his desireto reorganize the library’s stock, he gets by as bagman and muscle for unscrupulouspoliticians and underworld figures—as detailed in the first <strong>book</strong> inthis series, The Dewey Decimal System.In The Nervous System, Decimal, attempting to clean up loose ends after theviolent events in the first <strong>book</strong>, stumbles upon information concerning thegruesome murder of a prostitute and a prominent US senator’s involvement.Immediately he finds himself chasing ghosts and fighting for his life, pursuedby Blackwater-style private military contractors and the ever-present specterof his own past. Decimal confronts a twilight world of Korean hostess bars,childhood bogeymen, and the face of the military-industrial complex gonehaywire—all framed by a city descending toward total chaos.Nathan Larson is best known as an award-winning film music composer,having created the scores for over thirty movies such as Boys Don’t Cry, Dirty PrettyThings, and The Messenger. His highly acclaimed debut novel, The Dewey DecimalSystem, was published in the <strong>spring</strong> of 2011. In the ’90s, he was the lead guitaristfor the influential prog-punk outfit Shudder to Think. Larson lives inHarlem, New York, with his wife and son.Nathan Larson’s antihero Dewey Decimal is back in this bombasticand soulful sequel to The Dewey Decimal System.Also AvailableAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Washington, DC • Chicago, IL • Boston, MA •New York, NY • Portland, OR • Philadelphia, PA •Seattle, WA12Author Hometown: New York, NYThe Dewey Decimal SystemNathan LarsonFICTIONAkashic Urban Surreal Series5¼ x 8¼ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.00978-1-61775-010-6 USLA*(includes Canada)

Akashic BooksThe Jesus Lizard BookThe Jesus LizardThe Jesus Lizard Book is a coffee table affair of exclusive photography, art, andother imagery with written pieces by all four members of the seminal indierock band The Jesus Lizard. The layout is stylish and elegant, particularly incontrast with the harshness of much of the band’s music. Included are manyPolaroids by David Wm. Sims, a delicious recipe by David Yow, a concise listof every show The Jesus Lizard played, and writings by the three producerswho recorded the band—Steve Albini, Andy Gill, and Garth Richardson.There is biographic material of each member that covers childhood to the demiseof the group. Other contributors include, but are not limited to, MikeWatt, Alexander Hacke, Steve Gullick, Krist Novoselic, Shelley Leopold, JeffLane, KRK, Bernie Bahrmasel, and more.The Jesus Lizard (1988–1999) hailed from Chicago by way of Austin, Texas.They released seven records on the independent record label Touch and Go,and a few more on different major labels. Many have called them the best liveband of the 1990s. Unlike most of their contemporaries, The Jesus Lizardmanaged to create a beast, an entirely autonomous being, an entity that outgrewand is very likely to also outlive their makers. While each and every personalityin the group is an integral part of its mentality and thus ultimatelyirreplaceable, it is the rapport and friction between them which makes themusic possible; allows it to blossom and eventually break free. The JesusLizard is: David Yow (vocals), David Wm. Sims (bass), Duane Denison (guitar),and Mac McNeilly (drums).MUSICAugust13 x 8 | 160 ppColor and B&W photographsand illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $23.95 | CAN $26.50978-1-61775-080-9 USLA*(includes Canada)Legendary indie rockers The Jesus Lizard present an idiosyncratic,impassioned <strong>book</strong> document of their rock and roll conquests.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Extensive touring across United StatesAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Chicago, IL • New York, NY13

Akashic BooksA Mind of WinterShira NaymanFICTIONMayA Paperback Original5¼ x 8¼ | 332 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-61775-103-5 USLA*(includes Canada)Marketing PointsAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Early, extensive, and ongoing <strong>book</strong>selleroutreachAuthor Events“A marvelous <strong>book</strong> that sweeps across decades and around the world to revealdark secrets locked tight within the human heart.”—Jed Horne, author of DesireStreet and Breach of Faith“Shira Nayman’s sentences have heft and spine and grace, and her vision isclear and generous.”—Mary Gordon, author of Spending“Shira Nayman writes with wisdom and courage.”—Ursula Hegi, author ofSacred TimeOscar is a mysterious Englishman who presides over Ellis Park, a sprawlingmansion in East Hampton, Long Island. It is 1951, and as the jazz bands playand the ever-present houseguests waft through the mansion, the war seemsmuch farther away than a mere six years. Oscar, however, is tormented by hisown questionable wartime dealings and he is also haunted by memories ofChristine, his great love who, after the war, sailed away to Shanghai.One of Oscar’s frequent houseguests, Marilyn, a photographer who spentthe war years in England, has moved into Ellis Park for the <strong>summer</strong> to workon her photo <strong>book</strong>. Marilyn reminds Oscar of Christine and he enjoys spendingtime with her; Oscar also suspects that Marilyn has embarked on an affairwith another houseguest—Barnaby, a swashbuckling character whose far-flungwanderings included a long stint in Shanghai, where Barnaby himself was involvedwith Christine.The narrative unfolds through the three different points of view ofOscar, Christine, and Marilyn, in cities on three continents—East Hampton,Shanghai, and London. A Mind of Winter is a complex, page-turning, literarypsychological thriller that takes up a rich array of themes.Shira Nayman is a clinical psychologist who works as a strategic brand marketerand also teaches fiction writing at Barnard College. She has publishedfiction and nonfiction in The Atlantic, the Georgia Review, New England Review, andelsewhere, and is the author of two works of fiction, Awake in the Dark (novellaand stories) and The Listener (a novel).A complex, page-turning, literary psychological thriller set in 1951,reminiscent of The Great Gatsby.Washington, DC • Boston, MA • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NY14

Alice James BooksMurder BalladJane Springer“Jane Springer’s poems are dazzling, devastating, and utterly original—sound-rich, sensual, sensational—you will be carried away.”—Naomi Shihab NyeOn one hand Murder Ballad is a fierce critique of Jane Springer’s Southerninheritance, on the other these poems quickly reveal the enigmatic beautyand sharply ironic humor contained in the still-relevant colloquialisms thatoften shape her characters. Her loose definitions of Southern-isms are thejumping-off place for the masterful poet as she leaps, narrates, and redefinesthe American South.From “Pretty As You Please”:Then when you’re nightfishing the Mississippi & catching a bucket of nothing,lonely as a single barge weeping its rust in the water—you see them—on abridge above you, hair slick as frogskin& glittering from skinny dipping—as in bucknaked & necking—& suddenly the moon is an empty jar of mayo.Jane Springer’s first <strong>book</strong> Dear Blackbird (University of Utah Press, 2007) wonthe Agha Shahid Ali Poetry Prize. Her other awards include an AWP IntroPrize, the Robert Penn Warren Prize for Poetry, an NEA fellowship, and aWhiting Writers Award. She teaches poetry at Hamilton College in upstateNew York, where she lives with her husband, son, and two dogs. Her poemshave appeared in or are forthcoming from such places as Fugue, Oxford American,and The Southern Review.POETRYMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-882295-93-7 USCIf David Sedaris was a Southern female poet,this is the <strong>book</strong> he would write—certainly he would read it.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsTallahassee, FL • Evansville, IN •Baton Rouge, LA • Clinton, NYAuthor Hometown: Clinton, NY17

Alice James BooksWestern PracticeStephen Motika“If twentieth century California artists established a tradition of speculativeinnovation, then Western Practice ushers visionary West Coast poetics intothe twenty-first. Motika’s ingenious ear renders place prosodic; his ‘baroqueleaps’ tender a sprung rhythm that turns history into ‘a theory at map’s edge.’The ‘mystic / gather’ of this music gives Motika’s ambitious projective praxisvisual beauty and structural rigor. Open this <strong>book</strong>—‘crawl inside & lie downagainst the future.’”—Brian TeareShaped by California’s cultural and political landscape, Western Practice reflectson the rituals of artistic activity, including an obsessive scrutinizing of thefounders of Los Angeles’ postwar art scene, from composer Harry Partch topainter Richard Diebenkorn. Stephen Motika’s debut collection draws strikingparallels between geography and visionary artists’ work, creating an aestheticand emotive topos all its own.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original6½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper, Deckle EdgeUS $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-882295-91-3 USCMarketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Santa Monica, CA • Denver, CO • Brooklyn, NY •Poughkeepsie, NYFrom “1956”:Jazz days, baked on Baker, we saw Mingus, day before last in tan trench, coasts and cats, Art Pepperwalking hills, hilling in, tel-, phone polls, long boots, to take . . . mystery . . . all low rides. fuller life,all this, full, instant, theater, a “now” gallery working, knowing now.Stephen Motika is the editor of Tiresias: The Collected Poems of Leland Hickman (2009)and the author of the poetry chap<strong>book</strong> Arrival and at Mono (2007). His articlesand poems have appeared in Another Chicago Magazine, BOMB, and The BrooklynReview, among others. A 2010–2011 Lower Manhattan Cultural CouncilWorkspace Resident, he is the program director at Poets House and the publisherof Nightboat Books.This debut collection radiates post-World War II Californiaart scene cool as Stephen Motika obsesses artfully on the likesof Richard Diebenkorn and Harry Partch.Author Hometown: Brooklyn, NY18

Alice James BooksSudden DogMatthew Pennock“‘It’s only America,’ writes Matthew Pennock. ‘We watch it unravel like afourth act without direction.’ And so in Pennock’s fine first collection, wefind a country of war and surveillance, an economy of boom and collapse anda consciousness built of fragments assembled, admired, broken again. SuddenDog is a troubling, moving, and memorable <strong>book</strong>, that returns—strangely andvia estrangement—to love.”—Mark WunderlichHonest and vulnerable, Sudden Dog’s speaker ardently engages the self asdrunken romantic, or even as domesticated animal in the loud realm of thereal. We follow Matthew Pennock because he convinces us of his singular andlyrical voice, because he shows us how to be reckless yet stoic, dignified yet sardonic,quick to joke yet on the verge of tears.From “Colorwheel”:Sick, smug little bastardslike the lindens I sit under every Monday,which were, a few weeks ago, slashes ofink against boring grey overcast. Now variationsof green on blue, the little fuckers think they’re so hot,I’ve got color too, Color Safe Tide colorswrapped in citrus and sex against the skythat clears the bottom line of anythingless than sublimeMatthew Pennock received his MFA from Columbia University. His poemshave appeared or are forthcoming in literary journals including WesternHumanities Review, LIT, Denver Quarterly, New York Quarterly, and American Literary Review.He lives in Manhattan, New York. He teaches at John Jay College of CriminalJustice and works at Yeshiva University.This post-modern Romantic struggles against the frenetic torpor ofmodernity and gives us poems that make us feel more alive.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-882295-92-0 USCMarketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsEnglishtown, NJ • Brooklyn, NY • New York, NY •Charlottesville, VA • Clifton, VA • Fairfax, VAAuthor Hometown: New York, NY19

Selected Backlist from Alice James BooksPierJanine OshiroPOETRY6 x 9 | 80 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-882295-88-3 USCHagar Before theOccupation / Hagar Afterthe OccupationAmal al-JubouriTranslated by Rebecca Gayle Howelland Husam QaisiPOETRY5½ x 8¼ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $17.50 | CAN $19.50978-1-882295-89-0 USCme and NinaMonica A. HandPOETRY5½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper, Deckle EdgeUS $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-882295-90-6 USClie down tooLesle LewisPOETRY6¼ x 6½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-1-882295-85-2 USCThis Strange LandShara McCallumPOETRY6 x 9 | 80 ppTrade Paper & CDUS $19.95 | CAN $23.95978-1-882295-86-9 USCHeart First into the ForestStacy GnallPOETRY5½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.00978-1-882295-87-6 USC20

Archipelago BooksMy StruggleKarl O. KnausgaardTranslated by Don BartlettWinner of the 2009 Brage Prize, the 2010 Book of the Year Prize inMorgenbladet, the 2010 P2 Listeners’ Prize, and the 2004 NorwegianCritics’ Prize and nominated for the 2010 Nordic Council Literary Prize.“No one in his generation equals Knausgaard.”—Dagens Næringsliv“A tremendous piece of literature.”—Politiken (Denmark)To the heart, life is simple: it beats for as long as it can. Then it stops. Sooner or later, one day or another,this thumping motion shuts down of its own accord. . . . The changes of these first hours happenso slowly and are performed with such an inevitability that there is almost a touch of ritual aboutthem, as if life capitulates according to set rules, a kind of gentleman’s agreement.Almost ten years have passed since Karl O. Knausgaard’s father drank himselfto death. He is now embarking on his third novel while haunted by self-doubt.Knausgaard breaks his own life story down to its elementary particles, oftenrecreating memories in real time, blending recollections of images and conversationwith profound questions in a remarkable way. Knausgaard probesinto his past, dissecting struggles—great and small—with great candor and vitality.Articulating universal dilemmas, this Proustian masterpiece opens awindow into one of the most original minds writing today.FICTIONMayA Paperback Original6¼ x 8 | 250 ppTrade Paper US $18.00978-1-935744-18-4 USKarl O. Knausgaard was born in Norway in 1968. His debut novel Out of ThisWorld won the Norwegian Critics’ Prize and his A Time for Everything was nominatedfor the Nordic Council Prize.A Norwegian Marcel Proust. This nerve-striking, addictive piece of“hyper-realism” has created a phenomenon throughout Scandinavia.Written as though his very life were at stake.Also AvailableMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: Bookforum •Granta • London Review of Books •New England Review • Tin House• National radio campaign• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Minneapolis, MN •New York, NY • Seattle, WAA Time for EverythingKarl O. KnausgaardTranslated by James AndersonFICTION6½ x 8 | 499 ppTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $20.00978-0-9800330-8-3 USC21

Archipelago BooksAs Though She Were SleepingElias KhouryTranslated by Marilyn BoothPraise for Elias Khoury’s New York Times Notable Book Gate of the Sun:“An imposingly rich and realistic novel, a genuine masterwork.”—The New YorkTimes Book Review“The beautiful, resilient city of Beirut belongs to Khoury.”—Los Angeles TimesBook ReviewMilia’s eyelashes drew apart, her eyes still curtained in drowsiness. She made up her mind to closethem again and return to her dream. She saw a small white candle whose wan light trembled andflickered in the fog . . .FICTIONApril6¼ x 6⅞ | 300 ppTrade Cloth US $27.00 | CAN $29.50978-1-935744-02-3 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935744-34-4 USCMilia’s response to her new husband Mansour and to the Middle East of 1947is to close her eyes and drift into parallel worlds where identities shift, whereshe can converse with the dead and foresee the future. As the novel progresses,Milia’s dreams become more navigable than the strange and obstinate “reality”in which she finds herself, and the two worlds grow ever more entangled.Elias Khoury, born in Beirut in 1948, is a novelist, essayist, playwright, andcritic. He was awarded the Palestine Prize for Gate of the Sun, which was nameda Best Book of the Year by Le Monde Diplomatique, The Christian Science Monitor, andthe San Francisco Chronicle, and a Notable Book by The New York Times and The KansasCity Star. Archipelago Books also published Khoury’s Yalo in 2008 and his WhiteMasks in 2010.Marketing PlansAn homage to dreaming—“the only way of escaping oppression”—by the author of the New York Times Notable Book Gate of the Sun.Co-op availableAdvance reader copies• Excerpts in: Granta • Tin House• National advertising: A Public Space •London Review of Books • World Literature Today• National radio campaign• National print and online campaign22Author EventsWashington, DC • Minneapolis, MN •New York, NY • Seattle, WAWhite MasksElias KhouryTranslated by Maia TabetFICTION6½ x 7 | 303 ppTrade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $24.00978-0-9819873-2-3 USCAlsoAvailableYaloElias KhouryTranslated by Peter TherouxFICTION6½ x 8 | 317 ppTrade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $30.00978-0-9793330-4-0 USC

Archipelago BooksMister BlueJacques PoulinTranslated by Sheila FischmanFICTIONAvailable NowA Paperback Original5½ x 6½ | 150 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-935744-31-3 USC“This is a great and very beautiful novel.”—Le Devoir“One of my favorite writers in the world is Jacques Poulin.”—Rawi Hage“Poulin shares a mix of detached humor, fantasy, and compassion withVonnegut and Salinger.”—The StarPhoenixSpring had arrived.The day was so mild that I came down from the attic earlier than usual. I went out on the beachwith Mr. Blue and walked to the end of the bay. I was taking a little rest, sitting on a rock that facedthe river, when suddenly I noticed some footprints in the sand.Arguably Jacques Poulin’s masterpiece, this tender and perceptive tale exploresthe textures of solitude, compassion, language, fear, and the imagination.Meet Jim: a writer suffering from vivid dreams and bouts of writer’sblock. Meet Mister Blue, a dignified and prophetic cat and Jim’s sole companionthat <strong>spring</strong> on the Ile d’Orléans. That is, until the day they discover a copyof The Arabian Nights in a cave along the beach. Tinged with heartbreak as well asjoy, Mister Blue is a novel of subtle shadows and emotions, of wide-open bluesky—a ballet of the possible.Born in the Beauce region of Québec, Jacques Poulin is the author of fourteennovels. Among his many honors are the Governor General’s Award, the1990 and 2000 Molson Prize for the Arts, the Gilles-Corbeil Prize, and theFrance-Québec Prize. He lives in Québec City, Québec.Translator EventsBuffalo, NY • New York, NY • Philadelphia, PA •Toronto, ON • Montreal, QCBy the Governor General's Award–winning writer, a tender andperceptive novel exploring solitude, empathy, and the art of writing.Author Hometown: Quebec City, QCTranslator Hometown: Montreal, QC24

Arsenal Pulp PressThe Tastes of AyurvedaMore Healthful, Healing Recipes for the Modern AyurvedicAmrita SondhiAyurveda, the five thousand-year-old healing tradition from India linked tothe development of yoga, is based on the concept that one’s physical, mental,and spiritual well-being comes from a number of sources, including a healthfuldiet based on one’s individual constitution. In this vegetarian cook<strong>book</strong>,Amrita Sondhi, author of The Modern Ayurvedic Cook<strong>book</strong> (now in its fourth printing),provides new twists on traditional Ayurvedic recipes that are also inspiredby the growing popularity of whole grains (quinoa, bulgur, and barley)and raw foods.The Ayurvedic diet is based on the concept of three “doshas”: vata (air),pitta (fire), and kapha (earth). Each of us has a primary dosha that we canstrive to maintain at a healthy balance, but which can cause problems if excessive.The <strong>book</strong> includes a questionnaire so readers can determine their ownprimary dosha and then look for recipes that will help them to maintain or reduceit for optimal health.Recipes include modern interpretations of Indian cuisine (spinach fetaand green chili samosas and mango and coconut kulfi), and Ayurvedic spinson vege tarian fare (sprouted barley rainbow pilaf and raw zucchini hummus).The <strong>book</strong> also includes yoga and breathing exercises that one can easilydo at home or at work, full-color recipe photographs, and information onsprouting/ fermenting techniques and backyard gardening.The Tastes of Ayurveda offers simple and delicious ways to achieve a morehealthful and serene life.Amrita Sondhi is a yoga instructor, Ayurvedic cooking teacher, and the ownerof Movement, a sustainable fiber clothing line.COOKINGMayA Paperback Original7½ x 9 | 336 pp16 color and B&W photographsTrade Paper US $26.95978-1-55152-438-2 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-440-5 WMore tasty, healthful vegetarian recipes based onAyurveda, the centuries-old healing tradition, by the authorof The Modern Ayurvedic Cook<strong>book</strong>.Also AvailableMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Promotion through: www.amritasondhi.comAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Portland, OR • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BCThe Modern Ayurvedic Cook<strong>book</strong>Healthful, Healing Recipes for LifeAmrita SondhiCOOKING / HEALTH & FITNESS7½ x 9 | 334 pp30 B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $24.95978-1-55152-204-3 US25

Arsenal Pulp PressThe New Granville IslandMarket Cook<strong>book</strong>Judie Glick and Carol JenssonCOOKINGMayA Paperback Original8 x 10 | 192 pp60 color photographsTrade Paper US $24.95978-1-55152-439-9 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-441-2 WLike Seattle’s Pike Place Market and Baltimore’s Lexington Market, GranvilleIsland in Vancouver, Canada, is one of North America’s best and most popularpublic markets. Featuring fifty food retailers and one hundred day vendors aswell as restaurants and galleries, it is one of the biggest tourist attractions ina city that is regularly ranked as one of the world’s top destinations by CondéNast Traveler.The New Granville Island Market Cook<strong>book</strong> features a bounty of recipes using freshproduce, gourmet meats, wild seafood, artisanal cheeses, and other goodsfound at this or any public market offering quality, healthful food products.Full-color throughout, the <strong>book</strong> also includes lively food photographs, marketsnapshots, and profiles of the market’s dedicated vendors. Taking off fromthe original best-selling Granville Island Market Cook<strong>book</strong> in 1985, this brand new<strong>book</strong> features such market-fresh recipes as barbecued leg of lamb, penne withspot prawns, Niçoise sandwich, orange and pomegranate salad, and <strong>summer</strong>berry muffins.This beautiful cook<strong>book</strong> offers readers delectable, fresh, and healthyrecipes for every month of the year while providing vibrant and engaging portraitsof life “at the market.”Judie Glick and Carol Jensson were among Granville Island’s first merchants,Judie as co-owner of the Fraser Valley Juice and Salad Bar and Carol as ownerof the Blue Parrot coffee bar. Carol is now a food stylist for Vancouver’s filmindustry, while Judie (co-author of the original Granville Island Market Cook<strong>book</strong>)has been writing about food since 1968.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Social media campaign• Outreach to food and travel publicationsA collection of vibrant, healthy recipes from one of North America’smost popular public markets, Vancouver’s Granville Island.Author Hometown: Vancouver, BC26

Arsenal Pulp PressThe Anti-Capitalist ResistanceComic BookFrom the WTO to the G20Gord HillIn this startling, politically astute graphic novel, Gord Hill (The 500 Years ofResistance Comic Book) documents the history of capitalism as well as anti- capitalistand anti-globalization movements around the world, from the 1999 “Battle ofSeattle” against the World Trade Organization to the Toronto G20 summit in2010. The dramatic accounts go far to contradict the myths of vio lence perpetratedby authorities, and instead paint a vivid and historically accurate pictureof activists who bring the crimes of governments and multinationals tothe world’s attention.Gord Hill has been involved in indigenous peoples and anti-globalizationmovements since 1990.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesPublic radio campaign • National print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BCCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAprilA Paperback Original7 x 9¼ | 112 ppB&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $12.95978-1-55152-444-3 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-445-0 WA sprawling, epic graphic novel featuringeyewitness accounts of anti-capitalistdemonstrations in North America.Basement of WolvesDaniel Allen CoxIn this beautifully layered novel by Lambda and Ferro-Grumley Award finalistDaniel Allen Cox (Shuck, Krakow Melt), a paranoid actor feels that fame hasruined him. When an art film shoot takes a troubling turn, he disappearsshortly before the premiere and barricades himself in a hotel, where he beginsto explore the hotel’s hidden passageways with the help of an enigmaticyoung skateboarder, and together they seek shelter from enemies both realand imagined.A work of dream logic, Basement of Wolves is a haunting and cinematic rompthrough the minefield of identity crisis.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Montreal, QCFICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 192 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55152-446-7 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-447-4 WIn Daniel Allen Cox’s third novel, an actorbarricades himself in a hotel to escapethe fame he feels has ruined him.27

Arsenal Pulp PressImpactThe Titanic PoemsBilleh NickersonPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 7½ | 112 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55152-442-9 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-443-6 WEvocative poems about the Titanic on theone hundredth anniversary of its sinking.Published on the one hundredth anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, Impactis an intimate and evocative poetry collection that depicts the tragedy fromthe light of modern day. Based on historical research, the poems documentwhat life aboard the Titanic must have been like. While many readers are familiarwith the myths surrounding the ship and its sinking, this <strong>book</strong> offers anew perspective with poems that take readers inside the hearts and minds ofits passengers.Billeh Nickerson is the author of McPoems and the co-editor of Seminal: TheAnthology of Canada’s Gay Male Poets.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • New York, NY • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ONThe Dirt ChroniclesKristyn Dunnion“A beautifully written literary ode to outlaw culture.”—Zoe Whittall, author ofHolding Still For As Long As PossibleQueer hustlers, anarcho-punks, teenrunaways: welcome to The Dirt Chronicles.28FICTION / SHORT STORIESAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 248 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55152-426-9 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-431-3 WIn the intense reality of The Dirt Chronicles, a group of anarcho-punks maketheir plans to take over the world while living collectively in an abandonedchair factory. Their community is infiltrated by the King, a dirty cop bent onobliterating the city’s defiant underclass; in order to survive, they may haveto betray what they value most: autonomy, friendship, and newly discoveredconcepts of freedom.Audacious and loud, The Dirt Chronicles is a thrashing, combustible homageto class rebellion.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsNew York, NYAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ON

Arsenal Pulp PressThe Imaginary IndianThe Image of the Indian in Canadian CultureSecond EditionDaniel FrancisA revealing history of the “Indian” image mythologized in Canada since 1850,propagating North American stereotypes that exist to this day. From the paintingsand photographs of the nineteenth century to the Mounted Police sagasto the 2010 Winter Olympics opening ceremony, the Imaginary Indian is everwith us, oscillating throughout our history from friend to foe, from NobleSavage to bloodthirsty warrior, from enemy of progress to protector of the environment.First published in 1992 (and reprinted seven times), this new editionincludes additional chapters and photographs.Daniel Francis is an award-winning historian and the author of twenty <strong>book</strong>s.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesSocial media campaignHISTORYMay6 x 9 | 272 pp35 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $23.95978-1-55152-425-2 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-450-4 WA new edition of a classic North Americantext on the image of the Native innon-Native culture.The Only Poetry That MattersReading the Kootenay School of WritingClint BurnhamThe Kootenay School of Writing is an internationally renowned poetry groupthat came of age in the 1980s. It is best known for its contributions to languagepoetry, the tradition founded in the early 1970s by Charles Bernsteinand others, a direct descendant of the “New American” poetry movement.Clint Burnham charts the KSW’s colorful history and unpacks and demystifiesits poets’ work, placing it at the tumultuous juncture between art, writing,and politcs.Clint Burnham is an English professor at Simon Fraser University. His <strong>book</strong>sinclude the novel Smoke Show (Arsenal Pulp Press) and The Jamesonian Unconscious(Duke University Press).Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesSocial media campaignAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BCLITERARY CRITICISMMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 296 ppTrade Paper US $23.95978-1-55152-429-0 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-434-4 WA thought-provoking history of theinternationally renowned language poetrygroup the Kootenay School of Writing.29

Arsenal Pulp PressCrossingsBetty LambertFICTIONMay5½ x 8 | 304 ppTrade Paper US $19.95978-1-55152-427-6 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-432-0 WFirst published in 1979, Crossings was revolutionary for its frank, unsettlingportrayal of Vicky, an educated and intelligent woman in the 1960s who becomesembroiled in an emotionally abusive relationship with Nick, a violentex-con. The <strong>book</strong> caused a furor upon publication and in fact was bannedfrom some feminist <strong>book</strong>stores until other writers came to its defense, includingJane Rule, who wrote: “This portrait of an artist as a young woman shouldstand as a testimony of the courage and cost of being a woman and a writer.”Crossings was playwright Betty Lambert’s only novel; she died in 1983.Betty Lambert’s devastating,controversial 1979 novel about anemotionally abused woman.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignClass WarfareD.M. FraserIntroduction by Stephen OsborneA remarkable story collection about the radical anti-establishment of the1970s by the late D.M. Fraser, one of Canada’s most underappreciated writers.Comprised of assertive missives and richly hued character studies, ClassWarfare is a gloriously written call to arms firmly rooted in the politics and cultureof the 1970s; a paean to the disenfranchised about the possibilities of“the sweetness of life.” First published in 1976 but never before released inthe United States, Class Warfare includes an introduction by Arsenal Pulp Press’co-founder Stephen Osborne.30FICTIONMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 176 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55152-428-3 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55152-433-7 WA gloriously written elegy to“the sweetness of life” by one ofCanada’s greatest writers.D.M. Fraser was Arsenal Pulp Press’ editor until his death in 1985 at agethirty-eight.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaign

ArtNetworkArt Travel GuideMust-see Contemporary Art Sites Across the USAConnie TerwilligerThis guide contains listings of over 120 contemporary art sites, with over onehundred full-color photographs, across the United States; art listings rarelyfound in other travel guides. If you are an art lover, art-curious, or a museumgoer,you’ll want to plan future vacations around the places you learnabout in this guide<strong>book</strong>; a statewide index is provided. Many of the sites arefamily friendly.You’ll find visionary sites, mosaics, murals, college art venues, architecturalwonders, sculpture parks, art museums, kinetic art races, sand castlecompetitions, snow sculptures, churches, and more: Queen Califia’sMagical Garden, Pearl Fryar’s Topiary Garden, the Rubell Family Collection,American Visionary Art Museum, Arcosanti, Lightning Field, Skyspace,Double Negative, Thorncrown Chapel, Wave Organ, Garden of Eden,Coral Castle, Watts Towers, Forrestiere Underground, Kohler Arts Center,LongHouse Reserve, and leading living architects’ work, such as that of RemKoolhaas, Santiago Calatrava, and Frank Gehry.An example is the Pagaent of the Masters, an amazing performance thatyou’ll find enacted only in Laguna Beach, California. It began over seventy-sevenyears ago. Performers reenact three-dimensional “live paintings.”Yes, it’s hard to comprehend and amazing to watch. Artworks by Van Gogh,Boticelli, and Rembrandt come “alive” on stage, creating gasps from the audience.This is only one of the many unusual sites and events that you’ll readabout in Art Travel Guide—armchair art travel at its best.Connie Terwilliger created ArtNetwork in 1986 to teach fine artists the businessof art, authoring two <strong>book</strong>s as well as co-authoring two others. Involvedin the arts for over thirty years, her passion comes full-swing in this Art TravelGuide—which includes her top 120 choices of the best art sites to explore acrossthe United States.Featuring over 120 art sites for art lovers to enjoy.TRAVELMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 128 pp100 color photographsTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-0-940899-56-8 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available• National TV and public radio campaign• Outreach to art and travel publications,websites, and organizations• Regional northern California tour• Promotion through: www.arttravelsites.com andwww.artmarketing.comAuthor Hometown: Nevada City, CA31

Selected Backlist from ArtNetworkAdvanced Strategies forMarketing ArtInnovative Ways to BoostYour Art CareerConstance SmithART / BUSINESS & ECONOMICS8 x 10 | 192 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $24.50978-0-940899-55-1 USCArt Marketing 101,Third EditionA Hand<strong>book</strong> for the Fine ArtistConstance SmithART / BUSINESS & ECONOMICS8 x 10 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $24.00978-0-940899-49-0 USCSelling Art 101,Second EditionThe Art of Creative SellingRobert Regis DvořákART / BUSINESS & ECONOMICS8 x 10 | 192 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $24.00978-0-940899-96-4 USCLicensing Art 101,Third Edition UpdatedPublishing and LicensingYour Artwork for ProfitMichael WoodwardART / BUSINESS & ECONOMICS8 x 10 | 192 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $24.00978-0-940899-84-1 USCArt Office, Second Edition80+ Business Forms, Charts,Sample Letters, Legal Documents& Business PlansConstance Smith and Sue VidersART / BUSINESS & ECONOMICS8½ x 11 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-0-940899-28-5 USCPower Up with PRA Publicity Guide for ArtistsJackie AbramianART / BUSINESS & ECONOMICS8 x 10 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-0-940899-90-2 USC32

Aunt Lute Books—Celebrating Thirty YearsBorderlands / La FronteraThe New MestizaFourth EditionGloria AnzaldúaIntroduction by Norma Cantú and Aída HurtadoRooted in Gloria Anzaldúa’s experience as a Chicana, a lesbian, an activist,and a writer, the essays and poems in this volume profoundly challenged, andcontinue to challenge, how we think about identity. Borderlands / La Frontera remapsour understanding of what a “border” is, presenting it not as a simpledivide between here and there, us and them, but as a psychic, social, and culturalterrain that we inhabit, and that inhabits all of us.This twenty-fifth anniversary edition features a new introduction by scholarsNorma Cantú (University of Texas at San Antonio) and Aída Hurtado(University of California at Santa Cruz) as well as a revised critical bibliography.Gloria Anzaldúa was a Chicana-tejana-lesbian-feminist poet, theorist, andfiction writer from south Texas. She was the editor of the critical anthologyMaking Face/Making Soul: Haciendo Caras (Aunt Lute Books, 1990), co-editor of ThisBridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, and winner of the BeforeColumbus Foundation American Book Award. She taught creative writing,Chicano studies, and feminist studies at University of Texas, San FranciscoState University, Vermont College of Norwich University, and Universityof California Santa Cruz. Anzaldúa passed away in 2004 and was honoredaround the world for shedding visionary light on the Chicana experienceby receiving the National Association for Chicano Studies Scholar Award in2005. Gloria was also posthumously awarded her doctoral degree in literaturefrom the University of California, Santa Cruz. A number of scholarshipsand <strong>book</strong> awards, including the Anzaldúa Scholar Activist Award andthe Gloria E. Anzaldúa Award for Independent Scholars, are awarded in hername every year.ESSAYS / CHICANA STUDIESJune5½ x 8½ | 312 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-879960-85-5 USCA twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Gloria Anzaldúa’sclassic exploration of border identity.33

Selected Backlist from Aunt Lute Books—Celebrating Thirty YearsMiko KingsAn Indian Baseball StoryLeAnne HoweFICTION / NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES5½ x 8½ | 206 ppTrade Paper US $11.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-879960-78-7 USCThe Judy Grahn ReaderJudy GrahnEdited by Lisa Maria HogelandPOETRY6 x 9 | 336 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-879960-80-0 USCThe Aunt Lute Anthologyof U.S. Women Writers,Volume Two20th CenturyEdited by Lisa Maria Hogelandand Shay BrawnWOMEN’S STUDIES / LITERARY CRITICISM6 x 9 | 1416 ppTrade Paper US $45.00 | CAN $49.50978-1-879960-77-0 USCThe Cancer JournalsSpecial EditionAudre LordeWOMEN’S STUDIES5½ x 8½ | 104 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $15.50978-1-879960-73-2 USCShell ShakerLeAnne HoweFICTION / NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES5½ x 8½ | 216 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $15.50978-1-879960-61-9 USCBeautiful and DarkRosa MonteroTranslated by Adrienne MitchellFICTION5½ x 8½ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-879960-82-4 USC34

Ballistic PublishingThe Art of Gears of War 3Edited by Daniel P. WadeThe Art of Gears of War 3 takes you behind the scenes of EPIC Games’ biggest releasefor 2011, featuring character and environment concept art as well asproduction art from the game. The <strong>book</strong> shows the unseen art that makesGears of War 3 one of the most anticipated games of the year and talks to the keyartists who created the blockbuster game. The Art of Gears of War 3 delves into theprocess of character and environment concepts with comprehensive galleriesof level art, and then shows how those concepts are turned into game artalong with character models, storyboards, and marketing art. In addition tothe hundred-plus pages of concept art, The Art of Gears of War 3 shares insightsfrom the game’s creators, making it an invaluable learning tool for aspiringgame artists.Marketing Plans10,000-copy print runSocial media campaign • Outreach to digital art publicationsPromotion through: www.CGSociety.orgART / GAMESAprilA Paperback OriginalThe Art of the Game8¾ x 11¾ | 272 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $65.00 | CAN $71.50978-1-921828-15-7 USCA behind the scenes look at thecreation of Gears of War 3, featuringcharacter and environment concept art.EXPOSÉ 10The Finest Digital Art in the Known UniverseEdited by Daniel P. WadeThe tenth edition of the world’s finest new digital art, EXPOSÉ 10 showcasesthe year’s best artists and art from around the world. The series features thecategories of: Game Art; Comic/Manga; Portrait (Painted and Rendered);Fantasy; Fantasy Femmes; Architecture (Exterior and Interior); ConceptArt; Environment; Futurescapes; Matte Painting; Science Fiction; Robotic/Cyborg; Abstract and Design; Product Design and Still Life; Warriors andConflict; Whimsical; Surreal; Storytelling; and Transport. Across all thesecategories, Ballistic Publishing is uncompromising in its pursuit of quality,and each image that appears in the EXPOSÉ series is individually colorcorrectedto maintain a standard of output that no other art publisher canmatch. EXPOSÉ 10 is available in both hardcover and paperback editions.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to digital art publicationsPromotion through: www.CGSociety.orgART / COMPUTERSAugustEXPOSÉ8¾ x 11¾ | 240 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $69.00 | CAN $77.00978-1-921828-18-8 USCPaper over Board US $79.00 | CAN $88.00978-1-921828-19-5 USCEXPOSÉ 10 showcases the year’s finestnew digital art from around the world.35

Ballistic Publishingd’artiste Comic DesignDigital Artists Master ClassEdited by Daniel P. WadeART / COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSJuned’artiste8¾ x 11¾ | 208 ppColor illustrations throughoutSlipcased US $75.00 | CAN $82.50978-1-921828-22-5 USCd’artiste Comic Design takes you into the creative minds of some of the best comicartists in the world. Each page is jammed full of techniques and approachesthat will take your illustration skills to the next level. World-class artists invitethe artist whose work inspires and excites them and offer creative commentarieson what makes the invited work great. This, the thirteenth <strong>book</strong> in thed’artiste series, sets the standard for inspiration with a wide selection of stylesand influences. The featured artwork will be absolutely familiar to readers asthe heroes and villains from today’s comics, and provide the next generationof artists with the insight required to reach that level.d’artiste Comic Design presents thetechniques and approaches of leadingartists working in comics today.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to art publicationsPromotion through: www.CGSociety.orgd’artiste Fashion DesignDigital Artists Master ClassEdited by Daniel P. WadeART / FASHIONAprild’artiste8¾ x 11¾ | 208 ppColor illustrations throughoutSlipcased US $75.00 | CAN $82.50978-1-921828-10-2 USCd’artiste Fashion Design features talented fashion artists Alessia Zambonin, AnnieStegg, and Lois van Baarle, who show you the painting and design techniquesto create compelling costume designs for characters. Each page is jammed fullof techniques and approaches that will take your design and illustration skillsto the next level. An invited artist gallery showcases the artists whose work inspiresand excites the featured artists, and they offer creative commentarieson what makes the invited work great. This, the twelfth <strong>book</strong> in the d’artisteseries, sets the standard for inspiration with a wide selection of fashion stylesand influences.36d’artiste Fashion Design presents thetechniques of leading fashion artiststhrough expansive graphic tutorials.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to art publicationsPromotion through: www.CGSociety.org

Behler PublicationsYou Let Some Girl Beat You?The Story of Ann Meyers DrysdaleAnn Meyers Drysdale with Joni RavennaForeword by Julius “Dr. J” Erving“Annie was one of the best players ever. I didn’t say male or female; I saidever.”—Bill Russell, former Boston Celtics playerAnn Meyers Drysdale is one of the greatest stars in the history of basketball.But her rise wasn’t without controversy. Her 1979 NBA bid to play with theIndiana Pacers brought a barrage of criticism. But Ann simply wanted to playamong the best. She had always competed with the guys, and she never let anyonekeep her down. In You Let Some Girl Beat You? she shares her inspirationalstory for the first time.A female first in many categories, Meyers Drysdale was the first womanever signed to a four-year athletic scholarship to UCLA, where she remainsthe only four-time Bruin basketball All American, male or female. Ann wasalso the only woman ever asked to compete in ABC Sports’ Superstars, pittingher against elite athletes like Mark Spitz, Joe Frazier, O.J. Simpson, and MarkGastineau.After her athletic career Ann Meyers Drysdale went on to do color commentaryon all the national stations. She also married Don Drysdale, legendarypitcher and announcer for the Los Angeles Dodgers, making them the firstever married couple enshrined in their respective sport’s Hall of Fame. TodayAnn continues to break through barriers. She is the only female vice presidentin the NBA (she is vice president of the Phoenix Suns), and is also the generalmanager of the WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury, which has won two WNBA championshipssince she took over four years ago. The New York Times featured herprominently in a piece in August 2011 called “Pioneers Continue to ShepherdWomen’s Basketball.” Time magazine recently named her one of the ten greatestfemale athletes of all time.Ann Meyers Drysdale blasts through basketball barriers and stereotypesto become one of Time magazine’s “Top 10 Female Sports Pioneers.”MEMOIR / SPORTS & RECREATIONJune5½ x 8½ | 250 pp15 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-933016-78-8 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-933016-87-0 WMarketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• Good Morning America appearance• Outreach to sports and women’s publicationsand websites• 50-city national tour• Promotion through:http://annmeyersdrysdale.comAuthor Hometowns: Huntington Beach, CA /Newport Beach, CA37

Behler PublicationsHeart WarriorsA Family Faces Congenital Heart DiseaseAmanda Rose AdamsHEALTH & FITNESS /BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-933016-80-1 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-933016-79-5 WMarketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• Social media campaign• Outreach to heart disease publications andwebsites• Regional West tour“Anyone who has ever suffered grief, in any form, will benefit from this passionatelyhonest <strong>book</strong>. Grief is Amanda Adams’ constant companion, bothher oppressor and her guide, as she gropes her way through a heart-rendingexperience.”—Kristin Henderson, author of While They’re at War: The True Story ofAmerican Families on the HomefrontFive months pregnant, Amanda Rose Adams and her husband were given twoabysmal choices regarding her pregnancy: force her baby to fight for his lifethrough countless invasive and dangerous surgeries, or perform a late term abortion.Despite the fact that Liam was missing half his heart, Amanda chose life.Amanda’s emotional plate was full as she found herself redefining the usualexpectations a mother has for her child. Instead of wondering where he’d goto college, she wondered if he would survive his first birthday. The eventualacceptance of Amanda’s grief helped her accept her new role as a powerful advocate.Over the course of seven years, together, as a family, Amanda and herhusband helped Liam endure twelve heart surgeries, each time taking him tothe brink of death.Heart Warriors is Amanda’s personal and emotional story that initiates apower ful dialogue about infant mortality and hope.Amanda Rose Adams is a “Heart Mom” and a powerful voice within the coronaryheart disease (CHD) community by working closely with cardiologists,cardiothoracic surgeons, and nurses from Harvard University, BaylorUniversity, University of Southern California, University of Illinois, and CUBoulder Medical. She founded two CHD organizations, organizes medicalconferences for Hypoplastic Right Hearts, attends medical advisory boardmeetings and national chapter presidents meetings for the Children’s HeartFoundation, and chaired the Congenital Heart Walk in Colorado. As a pioneerof CHD advocacy, she is also firmly rooted in the social network of CHDparents and survivors.A family conquers grief and lost expectations raising their son born withhalf a heart while navigating complex medical challenges.Author Hometown: Fort Collins, CO38

Bellevue Literary PressInukshukGregory Spatz“A gifted writer.”—Alan Cheuse, NPR’s All Things Considered“[Spatz offers] what I look for in any <strong>book</strong>: people I can dream myself intoand be remade in the process.”—Dorothy Allison, author of Trash and BastardOut of Carolina“One of the most innovative and unusual fictional incarnations I’ve ever readof the persistent allure of Sir John Franklin’s final, fatal Arctic voyage. It’s aremarkable accomplishment.”—Russell Potter, author of Arctic SpectaclesJohn Franklin has moved his fifteen-year-old son to the remote northernCanadian town of Houndstitch to make a new life together after his wife,Thomas’ mother, left them. Mourning her disappearance, John writes poetryand escapes into an affair, while Thomas, isolated and bullied, withdrawsinto a fantasy recreation of the infamous Victorian-era arctic expedition ledby British explorer Sir John Franklin. Artistically gifted yet dangerously obsessive,Thomas gives himself scurvy so that he can sympathize with the charactersin the film of his mind—and is almost lost himself.A poignant tale of the vulnerability of adolescence interspersed withpower fully evoked scenes of the legendary Franklin crew’s descent into despair,madness, and cannibalism on the Arctic tundra, Inukshuk offers readers amodern family drama as well as a compelling historical adventure.Gregory Spatz is the author, most recently, of the novel Fiddler’s Dream. His storieshave appeared in many publications, including The New Yorker. A graduate ofthe Iowa Writers’ Workshop and recipient of a Washington State Book Award,he teaches at Eastern Washington University in Spokane and plays the fiddlein the JUNO-nominated bluegrass band John Reischman and the Jaybirds.The gripping tale of a young man’s obsession with an Arctic explorer’sdoomed quest to find the Northwest Passage.FICTIONJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-934137-42-0 WeBook ISBN: 978-1-934137-48-2 WMarketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National public radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Book club outreach• 10-city US and Canadian tour• Giveaways through Goodreads andLibraryThing• Promotion through: www.gregoryspatz.comAuthor EventsFresno, CA • Iowa City, IA •Boston, MA • Portland, OR • Nashville, TN •Seattle, WA • Spokane, WAAuthor Hometown: Spokane, WA39

Bellevue Literary PressUnderstoriesTim HorvathFICTION / SHORT STORIESMayA Paperback Original5 x 7½ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-934137-44-4 WeBook ISBN: 978-1-934137-49-9 W“Horvath seems to be channeling, all at once, Borges and Calvino and KevinBrockmeier. And it all works.”—Rebecca Makkai, author of The Borrower“‘The Understory’ is a terrific reach through history from the pre- and post-Nazi era in Germany up to the present. . . . This is a wonderful story, a first-ratecreation by a fine writer.”—Bill Henderson, president and editor of PushcartPress, in his judge’s statement for the Raymond Carver Short Story AwardWhat if there was a city that consisted only of restaurants? What if Paul Gauguinhad gone to Greenland instead of Tahiti? What if there was a field calledUmbrology, the study of shadows, where physicists and shadow puppeteersworked side by side? Tim Horvath explores all of this and more as he blendsthe everyday and wondrous to contend with age-old themes of loss, identity,imagination, and the search for human connection.Full of speculative daring though firmly anchored in the tradition of realism,these stories easily stand in the company of contemporary masters suchas Steven Millhauser and Jim Shepard. Whether making offhand references toMystery Science Theater, providing a new perspective on Martin Heidegger’s philosophyand forays into Nazism, or following the imaginary travels of a library<strong>book</strong>, Horvath’s writing is as entertaining as it is thought-provoking.Tim Horvath teaches creative writing at Chester College of New England andBoston’s Grub Street writing center and works part-time as a counselor in apsychiatric hospital, primarily with autistic children and adolescents.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National public radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Giveaways through Goodreads andLibraryThing• Book trailer• Promotion through: www.timhorvath.comIn Understories, Tim Horvath seats Italo Calvino and Tobias Wolff at asingle table and insists that both order without menus.Author EventsWashington, DC • Boston, MA • New York, NY •Portland, OR • Providence, RI • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Stratham, NH40

Bellevue Literary PressMind WarsBrain Science and the Military in the 21st CenturyJonathan D. Moreno“There has been virtually no debate on the ethical questions raised by thebrave new brain technologies. . . . The time to speak up is before the genie isout of the bottle.”—The Wall Street Journal“One of the most important thinkers describes the literally mind-bogglingpossibilities that modern brain science could present for national security.”—Lawrence J. Korb, former US Assistant Secretary of DefenseThe first <strong>book</strong> of its kind, Mind Wars covers the ethical dilemmas and bizarrehistory of cutting edge technology and neuroscience developed for militaryapplications. As the author discusses the innovative Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency (DARPA) and the role of the intelligence communityand countless university science departments in preparing the militaryand intelligence services for the twenty-first century, he also charts the futureof national security.Fully updated and revised, this edition features new material on deep brainstimulation, neuro hormones, and enhanced interrogation. With in-depthdiscussions of “psyops” mind control experiments, drugs that erase both fearand the need to sleep, microchip brain implants and advanced prosthetics,supersoldiers and robot armies, Mind Wars may read like science fiction or thelatest conspiracy thriller, but its subjects are very real and changing the courseof modern warfare.Jonathan D. Moreno has been a senior staff member for three presidentialadvisory commissions and has served on a number of Pentagon advisory committees.He is an ethics professor at the University of Pennsylvania and theeditor-in-chief of the Center for American Progress’ online magazine ScienceProgress.Minority Report meets Dr. Strangelove in the true story of howneuroscience and related technologies are shaping national defense.AlsoAvailableSCIENCEMayFirst Trade Paper Edition6 x 9 | 224 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-934137-43-7 WeBook ISBN: 978-1-934137-50-5 WMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Giveaways through Goodreads andLibraryThing• Promotional support from the Center forAmerican Progress• Promotion through: www.jonathandmoreno.comAuthor EventsThe Body PoliticThe Battle Over Science in AmericaJonathan D. MorenoSCIENCE / MEDICAL6 x 9 | 224 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.99978-1-934137-38-3 WScience NextInnovation for the Common Good fromthe Center for American ProgressEdited by Jonathan D. Morenoand Rick WeissForeword by Elizabeth EdwardsSCIENCE / POLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-934137-18-5 WWashington, DC • Philadelphia, PAAuthor Hometown: Washington, DC41

Selected Backlist from Bellevue Literary PressTinkersPaul HardingFICTION5 x 7 | 192 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-934137-12-3 USO*WidowStoriesMichelle LatiolaisFICTION5 x 8 | 192 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-1-934137-30-7 USCThe SojournAndrew KrivakFICTION5 x 7½ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-934137-34-5 WThe OdditoriumStoriesMelissa PritchardFICTION5½ x 8¼ | 252 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-934137-37-6 USCOThe CureVarley O’ConnorFICTION5¾ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $30.00978-1-934137-03-1 WThe Jump ArtistAustin RatnerFICTION5½ x 8¼ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-934137-15-4 USO*42

BiblioasisMalarkyAnakana Schofield“Malarky spins and glitters like a coin flipped in the air—now searingly tragic,now blackly funny. The language is joyful and exuberant, the charactersthoughtful and deeply felt. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.”—Annabel Lyon“Good writing and dark wit always excite me and they come together thrillinglyin this <strong>book</strong>. It has a quiet grip on the strangeness of the interior andexterior worlds of love and politics. I delighted in the writing and the scope.”—Jenny DiskiWith Malarky, Anakana Schofield has delivered a character as extraordinary asBertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage, and a domestic situation that rivals SamuelBeckett’s Endgame for its stagnant and sorrowful absurdity.Our Woman Philomena has just caught her son in the fields with anotherman. She’s been accosted by Red the Twit, who energetically disclosesthe infidelities—real, imagined, or in any event peculiar—of Our Woman’shusband.Swamped by a confusion she refuses to let overcome her, Philomena embarkson a rural odyssey that skirts madness, passes through grief, and returnsher to the remarkable resilience of spirit that will make Our Woman the characterof the decade. Schofield’s wicked humor is everywhere apparent, andMalarky, brilliantly drawn in the cadences of contemporary Ireland, is an absolutelypeerless tour-de-force.Anakana Schofield is an Irish Canadian writer of fiction, drama, essays,and criticism. She contributes to the London Review of Books and The Globe and Mail(among others). She has lived in London, Dublin, and Vancouver; Malarky isher first novel.What happens when a woman loves her boy so intenselyshe destroys him? A striking new voice in Irish fiction.FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 7¼ | 225 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-926845-38-8 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-926845-39-5 USMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Promotion through author’s website• Distribution in Consortium galley boxAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Boston, MA •New York, NY • Portland, OR • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BC43

BiblioasisThe Reasonable OgreStories for the Sick and WellMike BarnesIllustrations by SegbingwayFICTION / SHORT STORIESAprilA Paperback Original8 x 6 | 200 pp65 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-926845-44-9 W* (excludes Canada)eBook ISBN: 978-1-9268-45-6 WMike Barnes’ original fables explorethe otherworldliness of relationships,family, madness, and death.From the author of The Lily Pond comes The Reasonable Ogre, a collection of fullyillustrated fables about family, death, relationships, life, madness, and, ofcourse, ogres. These are stories of real-life, negotiated magic—and prove oncemore that Mike Barnes is a wizard of the human heart. With sixty-five drawingsfrom the striking brush of Segbingway.Mike Barnes is the author of The Lily Pond: A Memoir of Madness, Memory, Myth, andMetamorphosis, two novels, two volumes of poetry, and two short fiction collections.Segbingway is an artist who lives in Toronto, Ontario.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaignPromotion through <strong>book</strong>’s website • Limited edition chap<strong>book</strong> for <strong>distribution</strong> inConsortium galley boxAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ONAll the Voices CryAlice PetersenThis first collection by the New Zealand–born Alice Peterson positively sparkleswith down-under merriment and charm. Her themes are simple—love,family, death—but rendered so precisely that their inner complexities shineclear, and their most improbable beauties emerge. All the Voices Cry is a romanticand whimsical debut from a not-to-be-missed young author.eBook ISBN: 978-1-926845-53-1 WA native New Zealander’s debutcaptures the perplexities and wonder ofFrench Canadian magic realism at itsbest—full of down-under merriment.44FICTION / SHORT STORIESMayA Paperback Original5¼ x 8¼ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-926845-52-4 W* (excludes Canada)Alice Petersen is a writer and critic whose work has been shortlisted for numerousCanadian prizes and awards. She was born in New Zealand and nowlives and works in Montreal, Quebec.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: Montréal, QC

BiblioasisThe End of the StoryLiliana HekerTranslated by Andrea Labinger“Liliana Heker is one of the most remarkable voices of the Argentinean generationafter Borges.”—Alberto ManguelThe year is 1976. The protagonists are women, writers, guerilla fighters,friends. And as they move toward the most shocking reversal in Latin Americanliterature, their story emerges as one of the great political narratives of the twentiethcentury—and The End of the Story as the definitive novel of Argentina’s DirtyWar. Available for the first time in English; translated by Andrea Labinger.Liliana Heker is a Jewish Argentinean author and intellectual whose shortfiction has been anthologized in over a dozen countries.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational advertising: Three Percent • Words Without BordersNational print and online campaign • Distribution in Consortium galley boxAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA • Chicago, IL • New York, NYTranslator Hometown: Claremont, CAFICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 8¼ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-926845-48-7 W* (excludes Canada)eBook ISBN: 978-1-926845-49-4 WThe quintessential novel ofArgentina’s Dirty War (1976–83), fromone of the country’s most respected andcontroversial writers, in her English debut.About LoveThree Stories by Anton ChekhovAnton ChekhovTranslated by David HelwigIllustrated by Seth“Absolutely wonderful.”—Francine ProseWritten in France toward the end of his career, these stories are AntonChekhov’s only attempt at the linked collection. “A Man in a Shell” is a grotesqueGogolian comedy; “Gooseberries,” a narrator’s impassioned response;and “About Love,” a poignant story of failed relationships. Translated by theimpeccable David Helwig and fabulously illustrated by Seth, About Love is essentialfor any Chekhov enthusiast.David Helwig is the author of twenty volumes of fiction and fourteen volumesof poetry, an Officer of the Order of Canada, and former poet laureateof Prince Edward Island.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaignPromotion through: www.davidhelwig.comFICTION / SHORT STORIESMayA Paperback Original4 x 6 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $11.95978-1-926845-42-5 W* (excludes Canada)eBook ISBN: 978-1-926845-43-2 WThree of Anton Chekhov’s lesser-knownstories, now beautifully rendered intoEnglish by novelist David Helwig andsublimely illustrated by Seth.45

BiblioasisThe Attack of the Copula SpidersAnd Other Essays on WritingDouglas GloverLITERARY CRITICISMAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $17.95978-1-926845-46-3 W* (excludes Canada)eBook ISBN: 978-1-926845-47-0 WVitriolic and incisive, Douglas Glover’snewest essays defend literature againstthe assaults of a post-literate age.Who among us is brave enough to duel with Don Quixote? Or—more dauntingyet—to joust with sloppy student grammar? Douglas Glover is the knightat-armsof contemporary fiction, and these essays and exercises gleaned fromdecades of teaching experience will prove invaluable to instructors, students,and aficionados of the language arts.Douglas Glover is the award-winning author of five story collections, fournovels, and two works of non-fiction. He is currently on the faculty of theVermont College of Fine Arts MFA in Writing program.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesExcerpts in: The Brooklyn Rail • Numéro CinqNational print and online campaignPromotion through: www.douglasglover.netAuthor EventsChicago, IL • Wilton, NH • Albany, NY • Hamilton, NY • Saratoga Springs, NYAuthor Hometown: Wilton, NYThe Least Important ManAlex BoydSober and handsome, The Least Important Man is a <strong>book</strong> that asserts the dignity ofpoetry in everyday life.From “Uncertain, Texas”:A boy runs back, up the concrete, filled-in footprintsof Socrates, says he saw Horseshoe crabs hustle slowlyup the beach, an invading pile of German helmets.It’s always something new with this boy. He’s givena lemonade, asked to relax. Before, he removed a boltthat holds the universe together, said sorry about that.A serious-minded collection fromone of Canada’s foremost young poets,critics, and editors.46POETRYAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 8¼ | 64 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-926845-40-1 W* (excludes Canada)eBook ISBN: 978-1-926845-41-8 WAlex Boyd is the author of Making Bones Walk (Luna Publications, 2007) and thewinner of the Gerald Lampert Award. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesPromotion through: www.alexboyd.comAuthor EventsBoston, MAAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ON

BIS PublishersBlue is the New BlackThe 10 Step Guide to Developing andProducing a Fashion CollectionSusie BreuerBlue is the New Black demystifies the process of how to make a fashion collectionaccessible for all levels. It’s an A to Z of the whole fashion process from developmentto production. A reference guide, a buddy, and a bible of who, what,and where.DESIGN | May | 6⅞ x 9⅛ | 192 pp | 80 color photographsTrade Cloth US $45.00 | CAN $49.50 | 978-90-6369-281-0 USCIndie Brands30 Independent Brands That Inspire and Tell a StoryAnneloes van GaalenIndie Brands is both a visual feast and an inspiration to branding professionalsand young entrepreneurs. Each indie brand reveals its unique story of smartdesign and marketing. The <strong>book</strong>’s scrap<strong>book</strong>-style format and indie look andfeel fit the subject matter.DESIGN | May | 8¼ x 10½ | 224 pp | Color photographs throughoutTrade Cloth US $49.00 | CAN $53.95 | 978-90-6369-219-3 USCReading LettersDesigning for LegibilitySofie BeierThis <strong>book</strong> will, on the one hand, help type designers create high legibilitytypefaces and, on the other hand, help graphic designers determine which isthe optimal typeface for a given project. A must-have for type designers andgraphic designers.DESIGN | June | 8¼ x 9⅞ | 278 pp | Color illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $49.00 | CAN $53.95 | 978-90-6369-271-1 USC1 to 1: The Essence ofRetail Branding and DesignMichel van TongerenThe <strong>book</strong> on everything you need to know about retail branding, retail formuladevelopment, and out-of-the-box thinking. Follow the customer’s journeyfrom the couch at home to buying the physical product, and cover all thesteps in between—offline and online—a practical and inspirational <strong>book</strong>.BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | August | 7⅞ x 9⅞ | 160 pp | Color illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $49.00 | CAN $53.95 | 978-90-6369-264-3 USC47

BIS PublishersRidiculous Design Rules SeriesAnneloes van GaalenAnneloes van Gaalen never stops researching ridiculous rules in creative sectorsand we are thankful for that because it produces more of these wonderfuland best-selling Ridiculous Design Rules <strong>book</strong>s, which make perfect giftsfor creative people and those who love creative work. Five <strong>book</strong>s have beenpublished and reprinted so far, and BIS is now pleased to announce the nextthree new titles: Never Sleep with the Director (ridiculous film rules), Never PhotographPeople Eating (ridiculous photography rules), and Never Touch a Painting When It’s Wet(ridiculous art rules). These three fields of creativity will attract the interestof the general public, besides of course appealing to the professionals workingin these sectors.In this series, “ridiculous” is a relative term, because what is nonsense forone can be an important guideline for another. These pleasing and educational<strong>book</strong>s are not about laying down the law. For each of the fifty-one rulescovered in each <strong>book</strong>, van Gaalen refers to quotes by famous fellow creators,who either think there is something to the rule or have made a personal variationon it. Whether you agree with them or not, the Ridiculous Design <strong>book</strong>ssharpen your own thoughts about the rules and the assumed truths within thecreative disciplines. Each rule is convincingly illustrated, with the illustrationseither confirming or disproving the rule in question.Never Sleep with the DirectorAnd 50 Other Ridiculous Film RulesPERFORMING ARTSApril4¾ x 6¾ | 160 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-90-6369-276-6 USCAvailable Spring—Summer <strong>2012</strong>Never Photograph People EatingAnd 50 Other RidiculousPhotography RulesPHOTOGRAPHYJune4¾ x 6¾ | 160 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-90-6369-277-3 USCNever Touch a Painting When It’s WetAnd 50 Other Ridiculous Art RulesARTAugust4¾ x 6¾ | 160 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-90-6369-280-3 USCAlsoAvailable48Never Use More ThanTwo Different TypefacesAnd 50 Other RidiculousTypography RulesAnneloes van GaalenDESIGN4¾ x 6¾ | 160 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $18.00 | CAN $21.95978-90-6369-217-9 USCNever Use Pop Up WindowsAnd 50 Other Ridiculous Web RulesAnneloes van GaalenDESIGN4¾ x 6¾ | 160 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $18.00 | CAN $21.95978-90-6369-217-9 USC

BIS PublishersLogo LifeLife Histories of 100 Famous LogosRon van der VlugtIn Logo Life, you can read the short history of the logo for Apple, Coca-Cola,Nike, and ninety-seven other logos for world-famous brands, seeing all thelittle steps and great leaps in the visual evolution of these logos as well as someof their most iconic uses in brand advertising.DESIGN | June | 5½ x 8¼ | 224 pp | Color photographs throughoutTrade Cloth US $32.00 | CAN $34.95 | 978-90-6369-260-5 USCBig Black & BeautifulCooper Black BookWard NicolaasIn 1922 the Cooper Black typeface entered the world and turned a word intoa gesture just by its looks: the undeniable poker face of all typefaces. CooperBlack is a survivor; it outlived World War II, the first step on the moon, hurricanes,and storefronts. This is a celebration of this famous typeface.DESIGN | April | 4⅝ x 6¾ | 176 pp | Color photographs throughoutTrade Cloth US $20.00 | CAN $21.95 | 978-90-6369-263-6 USCPro Stress 2I Don’t Care What Anybody Says About Me As Long As It Isn’t TrueHan HoogerbruggePro Stress 2 showcases over two hundred short cartoons in which HanHoogerbrugge, in delightfully humorous fashion, observes the world. In additionto the protagonist, who was always an alter ego of Hoogerbrugge himself,this <strong>book</strong> observes famous figures such as Sylvio Berlusconi, VladimirPutin, Karl Lagerfeld, the Pope, and many more.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSApril9¾ x 12 | 160 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $27.50978-90-6369-273-5 USC49

BIS Publishers75 Tools to be Creative!A Fun Card Deck for Creative InspirationMenno Huisman and Wimer HazenbergThis creative card deck toolbox will guide the player to be creative at the differentstages of any process or situation where new ideas are desired. Theseventy-five tools are organized around six steps in the process: get started,look around, ask around, break it down, break free, evaluate, and select.DESIGN | May | 3⅞ x 5⅞ | 75 pp | Color illustrations throughoutCards AH US $25.00 | CAN $27.50 | 978-90-6369-275-9 USCThis item is nonreturnable.Dice for ChangeCreative HeroesChange behavior by rolling these dice featuring beautiful pictograms and choosea good deed for the day. For a more enjoyable (and less time- consuming) pathto enlightenment—think of it as behavior modification therapy without thepricey shrinks and the Deepak Chopra.GAMES | June | 2¾ x 3⅝ | 3 pp | Duotone illustrationsBoxed Set AH US $17.00 | CAN $18.50 | 978-90-6369-278-0 USCThis item is nonreturnable.You Are What You Eat Memory GameMarije VogelzangA selection of food that has a specific and consistent effect on our body. In thisconcentration game, the task is to find sets of corresponding cards, and correctlymatch a food to its effect on our body. Examples include spinach andphysical strength; garlic and bad breath.GAMES | May | 2⅞ x 5¾ | 50 pp | Color photographsCards AH US $17.00 | CAN $18.50 | 978-90-6369-272-8 USCThis item is nonreturnable.Street Style Memory Game IIBarbara IweinsOne of the coolest products of the year challenges players to match peoplewith special characteristics to their street-style clothing. Become a Vogueistaby matching the right styles and fashion details to recreate the internationalstreet style heroes who roam the streets of Amsterdam.50GAMES | May | 5¾ x 3⅞ | 50 pp | Color photographsCards AH US $17.00 | CAN $18.50 | 978-90-6369-270-4 USCThis item is nonreturnable.

Bitter Lemon PressNights of AweHarri NykänenTranslated by Kristian London“An outstanding plot, an entertaining read. Give us more Inspector Kafkanovels from the far North.”—Fränkische Zeitung“Nykänen writes clever dialogue and his laconic humor is an enjoyment forevery reader.”—Aamulehti“Unlike his Scandinavian contemporaries, Nykänen delights with an eccentrichero and a wonderful sense for dialogue. This is a tight thriller with an unexpected,explosive end.”—Hamburger NachrichtenDuring the period known as the Days of Awe that lead up to Yom Kippur,Ariel Kafka, inspector in the Violent Crime Unit of the Helsinki police andone of two Jewish policemen in Finland, is confronted with the most difficultcase of his career. Two Arabs are killed near the capital and shortly afterKafka discovers two more bodies at an Iraqi-owned garage. Are these deathsevidence of gang warfare or international terrorism? When it transpires thatan Israeli minister will make an unofficial visit to Helsinki, matters becometruly complicated. The Finnish Security Police and Mossad all have a role toplay and Kafka is on a trail that leads back to his youth.Harri Nykänen, born in Helsinki in 1953, was a well-known crime journalistbefore turning to fiction. He won the Finnish crime writing award The Cluein 1990 and in 2001. His fiction exposes the local underworld through theeyes of the criminal, the terrorist, and, most recently, from the point of viewof an eccentric Helsinki police inspector.FICTION / MYSTERYAprilA Paperback OriginalAn Ariel Kafka Mystery5¼ x 7¾ | 247 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-904738-92-3 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-904738-93-0 WEccentric Jewish policeman Ariel Kafka investigates four Arabs’ murdersin this fresh take on the Nordic crime novel.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print campaign• Online/social media campaign• E-mail campaign to mystery and literary blogs51

Bitter Lemon PressThe TyrantJacques ChessexTranslated by Martin SokolinskyWinner of France’s most prestigious literary award, the Prix Goncourt.“Page after page of rich prose, reflecting the essence of life—a wonderfulmedi tation on death.”—L’Express“A disturbing novel, a poignant juxtaposition of life and death, landscapesand short thoughts, obsessed by the father’s role in a son’s life. A novel to bedevoured in one go.”—Le Monde“American readers of A Jew Must Die will quickly understand why Chessex washonored with the Goncourt. Read him for the historical context and for thesheer beauty of his prose.”—BooklistFICTIONMayA Paperback Original5¼ x 7¾ | 217 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-904738-94-7 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-904738-95-4 WA haunting work, reminiscent of Albert Camus, that portrays with exquisitepsychological detail the emotional crisis in the life of Jean Calmet, a youngSwiss schoolteacher. As we watch the father’s cremation in the opening chapter,we sense that, even though his father’s body has been reduced to ashes,his spirit survives to haunt Jean. His father’s prodigious vitality and virilityhad crushed his family and ruined his son’s childhood. Even after his father’sdeath, Jean cannot be free. The parental ogre’s actions continue to suck Jeaninto a vortex of despair.Jacques Chessex, a giant of Swiss literature, won the Grand Prix de la languefrançaise and was awarded the Grand Prix Jean Giono for his entire work.Bitter Lemon Press published his novels The Vampire of Ropraz and A Jew Must Die tohigh acclaim. He died in 2009 at age seventy-five.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print campaign• Online/social media campaign• E-mail campaign to mystery and literary blogsSemi-autobiographical and Jacques Chessex’sbestselling novel to date, The Tyrant describes a tyrannicalfather’s destruction of a young teacher’s life.Translator Hometown: New York, NYAlsoAvailable52The Vampire of RoprazJacques ChessexTranslated by Donald WilsonFICTION5¼ x 7¾ | 106 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $12.95978-1-904738-33-6 USCA Jew Must DieJacques ChessexTranslated by Donald WilsonFICTION5¼ x 7¾ | 122 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $13.50978-1-904738-51-0 USC

Bitter Lemon PressNo SalePatrick ConradTranslated by Jonathan LynnPraise for Patrick Conrad’s Limousine:“Unremitting black humour.”—Literary Review“Exquisite, exciting, stomach-churning, sombre, gruesome, hilarious.”—De Morgen“The punishment has rarely been made to fit the crime with such horrifyingliteralism as in this novel.”—The TimesFor Victor Cox, a professor of film history, the Hollywood films noirs of the1940s and 1950s are more real than his daily life. When his wife is founddrowned, Cox is the first murder suspect. He falls in love with a studentwho looks like the 1920s film star Louise Brooks, but she disappears at aBelgian seaside resort. Smeared in lipstick in their hotel room are the words“No Sale,” the same words Elizabeth Taylor wrote on a mirror in Butterfield 8.Subsequently, a series of gruesome killings of young women, all modeled onviolent deaths in films that he knows and loves, lead the police back to Cox,who starts to doubt his own sanity and innocence.With its stylish writing, pointed references to cinema classics, and blendof horror and humor, this is a powerful psychological thriller. It won theDiamond Bullet Award, the Edgar Award for Belgium.Patrick Conrad, born in 1945 in Antwerp, is a Flemish poet, screenwriter, filmdirector, and novelist. He lives in Provence, in the south of France. Limousine,a previous novel, is being made into a film with Kelsey Grammar, to be releasedin <strong>2012</strong>.FICTION / MYSTERYJuneA Paperback Original5¼ x 7¾ | 275 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-904738-97-8 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-904738-98-5 WA series of young women’s murders, all based on violent deaths inclassic Hollywood film noirs, baffles the Antwerp police.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print campaign• Online/social media campaign• E-mail campaign to mystery and literary blogs53

Selected Backlist from Bitter Lemon PressHotel BosphorusEsmahan AykolTranslated by Ruth WhitehouseFICTION / MYSTERY5⅛ x 7⅝ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-904738-68-8 USCSweet MoneyAn Inspector Lascano MysteryErnesto MalloTranslated by Katherine SilverFICTION / MYSTERY5¼ x 7⅝ | 267 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-904738-73-2 USCAll YoursClaudia PiñeiroTranslated by Miranda FranceFICTION / MYSTERY5¼ x 7⅛ | 186 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-904738-80-0 USCLiar MoonBen PastorFICTION / MYSTERY5¼ x 7⅝ | 210 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-904738-82-4 USCA Shortcut to ParadiseTeresa SolanaTranslated by Peter BushFICTION / MYSTERY5¼ x 7¾ | 310 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-1-904738-55-8 USCA Walk in the DarkGianrico CarofiglioTranslated by Howard CurtisFICTION / MYSTERY5¼ x 7¾ | 218 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-904738-53-4 USC54

Black Balloon PublishingLouise: AmendedLouise Krug“A massive brain trauma robbed fashionable young Louise of the shallow currencyshe’d banked on all her life, and the resulting struggle is a page-turnerin which a person’s very soul deepens before your eyes. Louise: Amended rewardsa reader’s time—a must read.”—Mary KarrA beautiful young woman from Kansas is about to embark on the life of herdreams—California! Glossy journalism! French boyfriend!—only to suffera brain bleed that collapses the right side of her body, leaving her withdouble vision, facial paralysis, and a dragging foot. An unflinching, wise, anddarkly funny portrait of sudden disability and painstaking recovery, the memoirpresents not only Louise’s perspective, but also the reaction of her lovedones—we see, in fictional interludes, what it must have been like for Louise’sboyfriend to bathe her, or for her mother to apply lipstick to her nearly immobilemouth. Challenging the notion that one person’s tragedy is a singleperson’s story, Louise: Amended depicts a dismantling—and rebirth—of an entirefamily.At age twenty-two, Louise Krug suffered a brain bleed and underwent anemergency craniotomy that disrupted her ability to walk, see, and move halfher face. Now, six years later, Louise has astounded doctors and loved onesby recovering not only much of her vision and mobility, but a ferocious spiritand enviable grace. She currently lives with her husband Nick and daughterOlive in Lawrence, Kansas, where she’s a PhD candidate and teacher.A beautiful young woman loses mobility ofhalf her body and finds her way back.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 176 ppDuotone art throughoutTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-1-936787-01-2 USCMarketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Distribution in Consortium galley boxAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Chicago, IL • Iowa City, IA • Lawrence, KS •Ann Arbor, MI • Minneapolis, MN • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Lawrence, KS55

Selected Backlist from Black Balloon PublishingThe Recipe ProjectA Delectable Extravaganza ofFood and MusicOne Ring ZeroEdited by Michael Hearst andLeigh NewmanCOOKING / MUSIC8 x 8 | 116 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth & CD US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-1-936787-00-5 USC56

Black Rose BooksCommunity of Rights—Rights of CommunityDaniel Fischlin and Martha Nandorfy“This <strong>book</strong> is a major contribution to a new discourse on the notion of rights inrelation to community.”—Roger Clark, former Secretary General of AmnestyInternational“This important <strong>book</strong> on the recovery of community rights shows how we lostour collective freedoms and how we can reclaim them.”—Vandana Shiva, authorWhy has the individual largely superseded community as the privileged focusof rights discourse? How have contemporary notions of community betrayedthe very origins of the term in the name of exploitative economic and politicalpractices? Is it possible to re-conceive rights discourse in ways that acknowledgethe diverse communities from which they arise?Following on the dialogue they initiated in Eduardo Galeano: Through the LookingGlass and The Concise Guide to Global Human Rights, Daniel Fischlin and MarthaNandorfy examine the assumptions made about community and expose theimpact they have on human rights debates. This final volume of the trilogylooks beyond the framework that bankrupts rights of any real meaning andthus reaffirms the power and agency of communities in the face of neo-liberaldiscourses of privatization.This <strong>book</strong> will be on the shelves of rights activists everywhere as an inspirationto their own work in building better communities.Daniel Fischlin and Martha Nandorfy both teach at the University of Guelph.Examines community and human rights in a realistic wayby talking with those most affected.POLITICAL SCIENCE / CURRENT EVENTSAvailable Now6 x 9 | 342 ppTrade Paper US $26.99978-1-55164-368-7 USTrade Cloth US $46.99978-1-55164-361-8 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55164-363-2 WAuthor Hometown: Guelph, ONAlsoAvailableEduardo GaleanoThrough the Looking GlassDaniel Fischlin and Martha NandorfyPOLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 208 ppTrade Paper US $24.99978-1-55164-178-2 USThe Concise Guideto Global Human RightsDaniel Fischlin and Martha NandorfyPOLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 268 ppTrade Paper US $24.99978-1-55164-294-9 US57

Selected Backlist from Black Rose BooksThe Concise Guide toGlobal Human RightsDaniel Fischlin andMartha NandorfyPrologue by Vandana ShivaHISTORY6 x 9 | 268 pp16 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $24.99978-1-55164-294-9 USEduardo GaleanoThrough the Looking GlassDaniel Fischlin andMartha NandorfyBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY6 x 9 | 208 ppTrade Paper US $24.99978-1-55164-178-2 USRebel MusicsHuman Rights, Resistant Sounds,and the Politics of Music MakingEdited by Daniel Fischlinand Ajay HebleMUSIC / EDUCATION5¾ x 9 | 280 pp16 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $24.99978-1-55164-230-7 USWorld Social ForumChallenging EmpiresEdited by Jai Sen andPeter WatermanPOLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 475 ppTrade Paper US $24.99978-1-55164-308-3 USBound by PowerIntended ConsequencesEdited by Jeffery KlaehnHISTORY6 x 9 | 258 ppTrade Paper US $26.99978-1-55164-282-6 USRoadblocks to EqualityWomen Challenging BoundariesEdited by Jeffery KlaehnSOCIAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 256 ppTrade Paper US $19.99978-1-55164-316-8 US58

BOA Editions, Ltd.The Innocent PartyAimee Parkison“Aimee Parkison most often begins softly, slowly stripping away each layer ofsocial interaction to get at what is numinous and frightening and necessaryabout living in the real world. These are stories both about the difficulty andthe intense suddenness of human connection, about the profound link thatexists between being in love and being alone.”—Brian EvensonFrom “The Glass Girl”:On certain evenings in dark motels, she could transform her lip into the edge of the bottle, imaginingher face was made of amber glass and the men paused above her only to take a drink of breath. Overthe years, men drank and drank until there were only two sips left inside. They began sucking the airout of the glass that grew warm in the wrong places because of heat radiating off their hands. Themen’s breath along with white feathers fell over autumn winds drifting through open windows.In this collection, Kurt Vonnegut Fiction Prize–winner Aimee Parkison’s charactersstruggle to understand what happens when the innocent party becomesthe guilty party. With magical realist flair, secrets are aired with dirty laundry,but the stains never come clean. Carol Anshaw writes, “Aimee Parkisonoffers a distinct new voice to contemporary fiction. Her seductive stories explorechildhood as a realm of sorrows, and reveal the afflictions of adults whoemerge from this private geography.”Aimee Parkison has an MFA from Cornell University. She is associate professorof English at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where sheteaches creative writing.A second collection mixing literary fiction with gritty realities:there is nothing left to lose once the innocence is gone.FICTION / SHORT STORIESMayA Paperback OriginalAmerican Readers Series5½ x 8 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-1-934414-86-6 USCMarketing PlansAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaignAuthor EventsBuffalo, NY • Charlotte, NCAuthor Hometown: Charlotte, NC59

BOA Editions, Ltd.True FaithIra Sadoff“Nowhere else in American poetry do I come across a passion, a cunning, anda joy greater than his. And a deadly accuracy. I see him as one of the supremepoets of his generation.”—Gerald SternThe poems in True Faith are earthy, lyrical, honest, and empathic in a style thatis both gritty and urbane. With wry humor, Ira Sadoff’s latest collection addressesfamily, faith, and the quiet joys of aging.POETRYAprilA Paperback OriginalAmerican Poets Continuum6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-934414-82-8 USCIra Sadoff’s ninth <strong>book</strong> shows a seasonedpoet at the height of his powers: class,religion, and politics with sharp wit.Ira Sadoff currently teaches in the MFA program at Drew University andserves as the Arthur Jeremiah Roberts professor of English at Colby Collegein Maine.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publications and websitesPromotion through: http://irasadoff.wordpress.comAuthor Hometown: Waterville, MELitany for the CityRyan TeitmanSelected by Jane Hirshfield from over six hundred manuscripts, Litany for theCity is the winner of the tenth annual A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize. Of Litany for theCity, Hirshfield writes, “This <strong>book</strong> carries both startling imaginative freedomsand the impulsion of a person navigating the terrain of his life by means of thestar-chart and sextant of poems––a winning combination, for me.”Selected by Jane Hirshfield asWinner of the A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize.60POETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 88 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-934414-80-4 USCRyan Teitman is a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry at Stanford University.He holds an MA and MFA from Indiana University. He currently lives inBerkeley, California.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publications and websitesAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Bloomington, INAuthor Hometown: Berkeley, CA

BOA Editions, Ltd.The Reindeer CampsBarton SutterA winner of the Minnesota Book Award in fiction, poetry, and non-fiction,Barton Sutter’s latest collection details life on the Canadian border, presentsportraits of northern plants and animals, rejoices in marriage, and traces theancient ways of Siberian reindeer herders. The late Bill Holm called it “unlikeanything Sutter (or anyone else) has done before.” Sutter’s poetry reminds usthat other cultures have survived for millennia by living closer to the ground.Born in 1949, Barton Sutter was raised in Minnesota and Iowa. He retiredfrom the University of Wisconsin–Superior in 2011 and now lives in Duluth,Minnesota.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publications and websitesPromotion through: www.bartonsutter.comAuthor EventsDuluth, MN • Grand Marais, MN • Marshall, MN • Minneapolis, MN •Fargo, ND • Sioux Falls, SDAuthor Hometown: Duluth, MNPOETRYMayA Paperback OriginalAmerican Poets Continuum6 x 9 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-934414-84-2 USCA master of rhyme and meter, BartonSutter makes ballads, sonnets, free verse,villanelles—even triolets—sing with aMidwestern accent.The Folding Starand Other PoemsJacek GutorowTranslated with an introduction by Piotr Florczyk“We are fortunate to now have them in English so that we who don’t read Polishcan now read these, and enjoy their insight and wry wit.”––Mary Jo BangIn his triumphant collection The Folding Star and Other Poems, poet of the imaginationJacek Gutorow offers thirty-one gems that that will help change our understandingof Polish poetry.Jacek Gutorow has been nominated for the Nike Award, the Cogito Award,and the Gdynia Award. He teaches at the University of Opole.Piotr Florczyk has taught at the University of Delaware, Antioch UniversityLos Angeles, and University of California-Riverside. He lives in Los Angeles,California.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publications and websitesTranslator Hometown: Los Angeles, CAPOETRYJuneA Paperback OriginalLannan Translations Selection Series6 x 9 | 92 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-934414-88-0 USCThe US debut poetry collection by oneof Poland’s most acclaimed and awardwinningyounger poets.61

Selected Backlist from BOA Editions, Ltd.Remnants of Another AgeNikola MadzirovIntroduction by Carolyn ForcheTranslated by Peggy Reid,Graham W. Reid, Magdalena Horvat,and Adam ReedPOETRY6 x 9 | 72 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.00978-1-934414-50-7 USCThe Book of ThingsAleš ŠtegerTranslated by Brian HenryPOETRY6 x 9 | 92 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50978-1-934414-41-5 USCBook of the EdgeEce TemelkuranTranslated with an introductionby Deniz PerinPOETRY / LITERARY COLLECTIONS6 x 9 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-934414-36-1 USC62Praises & OffensesThree Women Poets from theDominican RepublicAída Cartagena Portalatin,Angela Hernández Núñez, andYlonka Nacidit-PerdomoTranslated by Judith KermanPOETRY6 x 9 | 104 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-934414-30-9 USCDark ThingsNovica TadićTranslated with an introductionby Charles SimicPOETRY6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-934414-23-1 USCThe Hymns of Job andOther PoemsMaya BejeranoTranslated by Tsipi KellerPOETRY6 x 9 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-934414-17-0 USC

Breakaway BooksA Guide to Falling Down in PublicFinding Balance On And Off The BicycleJoe Kurmaskie“David Sedaris trapped in the body of Lance Armstrong.”—Akron Beacon JournalThe fifth <strong>book</strong> in the Metal Cowboy series hits the open road in high gear andnever looks back. Whether he’s outsprinting African elephants and dictatorsin Zimbabwe or confounding Mexican freedom fighters in Copper Canyonwith nothing more than broken Spanish, questionable geopolitical skills, andthe magic of a bicycle, Joe “Metal Cowboy” Kurmaskie has mastered the painfulart of falling down and the flat-out rush of getting back up again. He celebratesbeautiful wrecks on five continents, the extraordinary people met alongthe way, and all the awe-inspiring, sweat-soaked miles ridden in between.This collection, a kaleidoscope of bicycle touring adventures told throughexuberant stories spanning four decades and thirty countries, with many illustrations,embraces the absurdity of living at any speed, the fragility in eachof us the world over, and simple wonders waiting just up the road.The latest in the popular Metal Cowboy series ofbicycle touring adventures.SPORTS & RECREATIONMay6 x 9 | 288 ppB&W illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $23.95 | CAN $26.50978-1-891369-97-1 USCMarketing Plans• National print and online campaign• National radio campaign• Social media campaignAuthor Hometown: Portland, ORAlsoAvailableMetal CowboyTen Years Further Down theRoad Less PedaledJoe KurmaskieSPORTS & RECREATION6 x 9 | 304 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-891369-86-5 USCMud, Sweat, and GearsA Rowdy Family Bike Adventure AcrossCanada on Seven WheelsJoe KurmaskieSPORTS & RECREATION6 x 9 | 304 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.95978-1-891369-94-0 USC63

Breakaway BooksThe Lola PapersMarathons, Misadventures, and How I Became a Serious RunnerAmy MarxkorsSPORTS & RECREATIONAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 256 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-891369-96-4 USC“Amy Marxkors’ The Lola Papers are amazingly insightful and thought- provoking.”—John L. Parker, Jr., author of Once A Runner and Again to CarthageA simple request for training advice turned into a year of high-intensitycoaching, unexpected adventure, unlikely friendships, and the realizationthat life, like the marathon, isn’t about the finish line. Through the journalof Lola, a nom de plume created to embody the spirit of all runners, AmyMarxkors chronicles her journey of self discovery as she decides to find outjust how good she could be if she really tried. Humorous and endearingly candid,The Lola Papers reveals the universal truths and profound humanity hiddenin the miles, showing that sometimes the greatest gift in life is getting morethan what you bargained for.Each chapter in The Lola Papers serves a twofold purpose. On the topmostlevel, it is the direct account of a specific running experience—a training run,a blown workout, a solitary trail, or a grueling race. On a deeper level thatreaches beyond running and into the soul of humanity, Lola’s stories are areflection of the struggles and emotions of life, the supreme test of endurance.Dedication. Fatigue. Failure. Victory. Monotony. Adventure. Sorrow.Joy. Redemption. And the unshakeable determination to keep on going.The Lola Papers uses the sport of distance running as a lens to examine self,relationships, and the world around us.The story of a young woman who spends one yeartrying to become a serious runner.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign• National radio campaign• Social media campaignAuthor Hometown: St. Louis, MO64

Breakaway BooksMoonWind at LargeSailing Hither and YonMatthew GoldmanMatthew “Constant Waterman” Goldman and MoonWind constantly roam thewaters of southeast New England, where these stories are centered. Each taleis short and sweet and possessed of an ineffable bemusement.MoonWind is a twenty-six foot sloop with an eight foot beam. This means thatshe was designed for close dancing, close encounters, moderate winds, six-dayweekends, and numerous fabulous voyages. Her anchor holds her most of thetime, her tiller seldom breaks in adverse conditions, and her bronze bell onthe bulkhead rings only as her rail dips to the brine. For anyone who enjoysthe art of sailing, join MoonWind and learn the exquisite relevance of the windupon the water.Constant Waterman early in life acquired that pernicious habit of messingabout in boats, for which the only cure is to move to the top of MountWashington. Having rejected the landlubber lifestyle, he has managed to wastethe past sixty years of his boyhood messing about in boats. The alternative, togrow up and work for a living, never did appeal to him.Further adventures of the Constant Waterman, whose wry,joyful voice makes his insane love of boats quite contagious.SPORTS & RECREATIONJuneA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 272 ppB&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-891369-95-7 USCMarketing PlansAlso Available• Outreach to sailing and boating publicationsAuthor Hometown: Stonington, CTThe Journals of Constant WatermanPaddling, Poling, and Sailing for the Love of ItMatthew GoldmanSPORTS & RECREATION6 x 9 | 336 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.00978-1-891369-73-5 USC65

Selected Backlist from Breakaway BooksThe Runner’s HighIllumination and Ecstasy in MotionEdited by Garth BattistaSPORTS & RECREATION6 x 9 | 272 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.00978-1-891369-49-0 USCWomen RunnersEdited by Irene Reti andBettianne Shoney SienSPORTS & RECREATION /LITERARY CRITICISM6 x 9 | 304 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.00978-1-891369-42-1 USCSmall Boats onGreen WatersA Treasury of Good Reading onCoastal and Inland CruisingEdited by Brian AndersonSPORTS & RECREATION / TRAVEL6 x 9 | 304 pp40 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00978-1-891369-70-4 USC66Flotsam and JetsamThe Collected Adventures,Opinions, and Wisdom from a LifeSpent Messing About in BoatsRobb WhiteForeword by Bailey WhiteSPORTS & RECREATION /BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY6 x 9 | 568 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-891369-83-4 USCThe Art of BicyclingA Treasury of PoemsEdited by Justin BelmontSPORTS & RECREATION / POETRY6 x 9 | 348 pp50 B&W illustrations and photographsTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.00978-1-891369-56-8 USCThe Belgian HammerForging Young Americans intoProfessional CyclistsDaniel LeeForeword by George HincapieSPORTS & RECREATION6 x 9 | 208 ppB&W photographs throughoutTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-891369-91-9 USC

Bywater BooksLeapZ EgloffPraise for Z Egloff’s debut novel, Verge:“Verge has heart and wit and intelligence.”—Emma Donoghue, author of Room“Verge is powerful, quirky, and fresh. . . . Z Egloff creates a rich, inclusiveworld and a heroine who’s one of the most endearingly fallible characters I’vemet in a long time.”—Alison Bechdel, author of Fun Home“With Verge, Z Egloff enters the ring of fiction with the assurance of an oldhand. . . . This is a talented writer.”—Carol Anshaw, author of AquamarineSummer 1979. Rowan Marks is done with high school. Next comes college.But in between there’s a yawning gulf—the last carefree <strong>summer</strong> vacation.Rowen’s older brother Ben is smoking too much dope. Her best friendDanny is in love with her. And Catherine, the new girl in their small Ohiotown, rubs her the wrong way. But that’s OK. Rowan can deal with it.Just when she thinks she’s got it all worked out, everything turns on itshead. Catherine steals her heart, Danny falls out with her, and when Bencrashes the family car, the family secrets come tumbling out.All of a sudden, Rowan has a stark choice—is she going to grow up orgive up?Z Egloff is an exciting new talent. Leap is an accomplished follow-up to herfirst novel, Verge, which won the Bywater Prize for Fiction and was a finalist fora Lambda Literary Award.FICTIONMayA Paperback Original5¼ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-61294-023-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-61294-024-3 W1979 . . . <strong>summer</strong>time . . . Rowan Marks is coming of agein a sparkling collision of sex and confusion.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign• Regional West Coast tourAlso AvailableAuthor EventsNew Orleans, LA • Provincetown, MA •Minneapolis, MNAuthor Hometown: Santa Rosa, CAVergeZ EgloffFICTION5½ x 8½ | 280 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-932859-68-3 USC67

Bywater BooksWorking PartsLucy Jane BledsoePraise for Working Parts:“To witness this wonderfully original character find renewal in a previouslyalien landscape makes for a liberating and joyous excursion in reading.”—San Francisco Chronicle“Bledsoe’s funny and sad, moving and thoughtful, smoothly written and eminentlyenjoyable first novel may prove to be her breakthrough.”—Booklist“Working Parts is fresh, engaging, witty, and deft.”—Felice PicanoLori is an ace bicycle mechanic. She’s smart and she can fix anything. She’salso an expert at concealing the fact that she can’t read. Her fellow mechanicMickey has his own secret; he’s a virgin. The two best friends strike a deal; Loriwill learn to read and Mickey will learn to kiss. Unprepared for the emotionaltoll their pact brings, the friends struggle with changing their lives and witheach other. Working Parts is a novel that explores the meaning of friendship andilluminates the dark places where our greatest fears lurk.FICTIONApril5¼ x 8½ | 272 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-61294-021-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-61294-022-9 WLucy Jane Bledsoe is the author of four novels, a collection of short fiction, acollection of narrative nonfiction, and six <strong>book</strong>s for kids. Lucy has traveled toAntarctica three times, twice as a recipient of the National Science Foundation’sArtists and Writers in Antarctica Fellowship. She is the recipient of the 2009Sherwood Anderson Prize for Fiction, the 2009 Arts & Letters Fiction Prize,as well as a California Arts Council Fellowship, a PEN Syndicated FictionAward, and an American Library Association Stonewall Award.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign• Regional West Coast tourTwenty-something bike mechanic Lori Taylor takesthe ride of her life when she learns to read.Author EventsNew Orleans, LAAuthor Hometown: Berkeley, CA68

Centipede PressDeadfall HotelSteve Rasnic TemIllustrated by John Kenn MortensenReminiscent of Ray Bradbury, Deadfall Hotel guides you through a season spentin the ultimate haunted hotel. Told through the story of a widower who takesthe job of manager at a hotel where the guests are not like you and me, theDeadfall Hotel is a place where nightmares seek a place of sanctuary.FICTION / HORROR | April | 6 x 9 | 400 pp | B&W illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $125.00 | CAN $137.50 | 978-1-61347-012-1 USCDead Titans, Waken! and Invisible SunTwo Complete Novels by Donald A. WandreiDonald A. WandreiDead Titans, Waken! was an early draft of The Web of Easter Island, but also a significantlydifferent version. Here published for the first time with an afterword byS.T. Joshi, this also includes Donald A. Wandrei’s dazzling novel Invisible Sun, alsopublished here for the first time. Includes color and black and white artwork.FICTION / HORROR | April | 6 x 9 | 536 ppColor and B&W photographs and illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $150.00 | CAN $164.95 | 978-1-61347-010-7 USCWeird Fiction Review #2Edited by S.T. JoshiArt by Alexander BinderEdited by S.T. Joshi, this is the second issue in a new series dedicated to weirdfiction criticism and history. This issue features German artist AlexanderBinder in a special gallery and new fiction from some of the field’s top talent.FICTION / HORROR | April | A Paperback Original | 6 x 9 | 196 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $27.50 | 978-1-61347-014-5 USCThe Strange Case ofDr Jekyll and Mr HydeLimited EditionRobert Louis StevensonThis new edition of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde features fifteen wood engravings by BarryMoser, a color cover, printed cloth back cover, printed endpapers, and a galleryof movie posters from films, all in color. The <strong>book</strong> comes in a slipcase andis signed by Patrick McGrath, Barry Moser, and endpaper artist Aeron Alfrey.FICTION | April | 8 x 12 | 276 pp | Color and B&W illustrations throughoutSlipcased US $350.00 | CAN $384.95 | 978-1-933618-83-8 USC69

Centipede PressOur Lady of DarknessFritz LeiberIntroduction by Michael SheaIllustrated by John StewartIn this superb novel, originally published in 1977, Fritz Leiber explores theconcept of “paramentals.” Leiber makes his definitive statement on alienationwithin the urban environment and the capacity of concrete, steel, and glass tosuck up miseries and spew forth monsters.FICTION / HORROR | April | 6 x 9 | 316 pp | 20 B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Cloth US $150.00 | CAN $164.95 | 978-1-933618-86-9 USCConjure WifeFritz LeiberIntroduction by Ramsey CampbellIllustrated by Marcela BolivarPublished in 1953, Conjure Wife was one of the first novels to deal with witchcraftand feminism, as a college professor learns that his wife is part of a secretnetwork of wives using magic. A provocative novel in a handsome hardcoveredition gorgeously illustrated and designed.FICTION / HORROR | April | 6 x 9 | 400 ppColor and B&W photographs and illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $150.00 | CAN $164.95 | 978-1-933618-87-6 USCArthur MachenMasters of the Weird TaleArthur MachenIntroduction by T.E.D. KleinThis title in our Masters of the Weird Tale series focuses on the weird fictionof Arthur Machen, and is introduced by T.E.D. Klein. Artist Matthew Jaffepersonally traveled to Machen’s home country of Wales to glean his inspirationfor these stunning portraits, many in full color.FICTION / HORROR | June | 8 x 11 | 1,020 ppColor illustrations throughout, B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $450.00 | 978-1-61347-004-6 US70Ambrose BierceMasters of the Weird TaleAmbrose BierceEdited with an introduction by S.T. JoshiThis title in our Masters of the Weird Tale series focuses on the weird fictionand all of the Civil War stories of Ambrose Bierce, and is introduced by S.T.Joshi. Nearly one hundred stories are collected in a large hardcover edition,featuring twenty-five original drawings by Jason C. Eckhardt.FICTION / HORROR | July | 8 x 11 | 600 ppColor and B&W photographs and illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $350.00 | CAN $384.95 | 978-1-61347-015-2 USC

Centipede PressBurnt OfferingsRobert MarascoIllustrated by J.K. PotterAfterword by William F. NolanOne of the scariest haunted house novels ever written, Burnt Offerings chroniclesthe story of Ben and his family renting a house out in the New York countryside,and the horror that unfolds there. Contains new artwork, film stills, reproductionsof movie posters, and more.FICTION / HORROR | April | 6 x 9 | 236 ppColor and B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Cloth US $150.00 | 978-1-933618-84-5 USDragonflyJohn FarrisIntroduction by Thomas MonteleoneDragonfly is a suspense novel by John Farris in the Southern Gothic tradition,complete with mysterious anti-heroes, sinister doctors, heroic women inwheelchairs, and tragic tropical storms. Signed by the author.FICTION | April | 6 x 9 | 450 pp | Color illustrationsTrade Cloth US $125.00 | CAN $137.50 | 978-1-933618-75-3 USCSacrificeJohn FarrisIntroduction by Dean KoontzThis thrilling story may be John Farris’ finest suspense novel, a terrifying andtragic look at the life of Greg Walker, who is compelled to visit an ancientMayan temple every nineteen years in order to prolong his unnaturally longlife. Signed by the author.FICTION | April | 6 x 9 | 500 pp | Color photographs and illustrationsTrade Cloth US $125.00 | CAN $137.50 | 978-1-933618-76-0 USCThe Cadaver of Gideon WyckAlexander LaingIntroduction by William HjortsbergIllustrated by Lynd WardOne of the greatest crime and horror novels ever written, this long unavailablework has a new introduction by William Hjortsberg. This is the completenovel, not the more common abridged edition. This new edition also includesthree bonus essays by Alexander Laing. Signed by William Hjortsberg.FICTION / HORROR | April | 6 x 9 | 446 pp | Color illustrationsTrade Cloth US $125.00 | CAN $137.50 | 978-1-933618-36-4 USC71

Selected Backlist from Centipede PressKnowing DarknessArtists Inspired by Stephen KingText by George BeahmIntroduction by Frank DarabontART / FICTION11¾ x 15¾ | 440 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $295.00 | CAN $350.00978-1-933618-49-4 USCThe FogJames HerbertFICTION6 x 9 | 360 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $175.00 | CAN $192.50978-1-933618-66-1 USCThe ExorcistStudies in the Horror FilmWilliam Peter Blatty andErik MyersPERFORMING ARTS6½ x 10 | 560 pp125 color photographsTrade Paper US $40.00 | CAN $43.99978-1-933618-96-8 USCNight of the Living DeadStudies in the Horror FilmEdited by Jerad Walters andMarco LanzagortaPERFORMING ARTS6¾ x 10 | 368 pp50 color and B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $125.00 | CAN $150.00978-1-933618-58-6 USCCarrieStudies in the Horror FilmJoe AisenbergPERFORMING ARTS6 x 9 | 320 pp80 color photographsTrade Paper US $30.00 | CAN $32.99978-1-933618-95-1 USCFrank Belknap LongMasters of the Weird TaleFrank Belknap LongIntroduction by John PelanFICTION7 x 11 | 1100 ppColor and B&W photographs andillustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $450.00 | CAN $549.00978-1-933618-71-5 USC72

Chin Music PressSubductionTodd ShimodaArt by L.J.C. Shimoda“Shimoda is a consummate storyteller with a clean, relaxed, graceful style.”—Shelf AwarenessSubduction is a timely, electrifying thriller set on a tiny, earthquake-plaguedisland. Endo, a young physician unjustly charged with a patient’s death, is banishedto the island to care for the few remaining elderly residents. Determinedto remain on their crumbling island and resuscitate their defunct fishing industry,the aging islanders plot against all outsiders.After a mysterious death and attacks on Endo and fellow newcomers, hediscovers why the islanders don’t wish to leave: years ago, jealousies, lust, andviolence ripped apart their lives, and the wounds haven’t healed. The aftershocksof the islanders’ past, as well as Endo’s own troubled history, replayviolently in the present just as a massive earthquake strikes.Exquisitely designed with L.J.C. Shimoda’s artwork throughout, Subductionalso features a sixteen-page illustrated retelling of the myth of Kashima, thegod who controls a giant, thrashing catfish that causes earthquakes. The mythoffers clues to the mysterious motives of the island’s denizens.Todd Shimoda won the 2010 Elliot Cades Award for Literature from theHawai’i Literary Arts Council. His previous novel Oh! was an NPR BestSummer Read. The Fourth Treasure was translated into six languages and named anotable <strong>book</strong> by the Kiriyama Prize.L.J.C. Shimoda is an accomplished artist, illustrator, and <strong>book</strong> designer.Her artwork and illustrations have appeared in her husband Todd Shimoda’snovels 365 Views of Mt. Fuji, The Fourth Treasure, and Oh!FICTIONMay6¼ x 9¼ | 224 ppDuotone art and photographs throughoutTrade Cloth US $22.50 | CAN $24.95978-0-9844576-7-0 WArt and narrative collide in this psychological thriller set aroundmysterious earthquakes off Japan’s coast.Also AvailableMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Giveaways on Goodreads and LibraryThing• Promotion through:www.subductionthenovel.com,www.chinmusicpress.com, andwww.shimodaworks.comAuthor EventsOh!A mystery of ‘mono no aware’Todd ShimodaIllustrated by L.J.C. ShimodaFICTION6¼ x 9¼ | 310 pp20 color and B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Cloth US $22.50 | CAN $24.50978-0-9741995-6-6 WLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •New York, NY • Portland, OR • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometowns: Los Angeles, CA / Kauai, HI73

Selected Backlist from Chin Music PressKuhaku & OtherAccounts from JapanEdited by Bruce RutledgeIllustrated by Craig Mod andkozyndanHISTORY / EDUCATION4½ x 7¼ | 224 pp43 color and B&W illustrationsTrade Cloth US $28.50 | CAN $34.50978-0-9741995-0-4 WGoodbye Madame ButterflySex, Marriage and the ModernJapanese WomanSumie KawakamiTranslated by Yuko EnomotoHISTORY / SOCIAL SCIENCE5¼ x 7¾ | 260 pp2 color and B&W illustrationsTrade Cloth US $20.00 | CAN $24.00978-0-9741995-3-5 WShiroWit, Wisdom and Recipesfrom a Sushi PioneerShiro KashibaPhotographs by Ann NortonCOOKING7 x 9¼ | 320 ppColor and B&W photographs andillustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $24.50978-0-9844576-2-5 WOtaku SpacesPatrick W. GalbraithPhotographs by AndronikiChristodoulouSOCIAL SCIENCE8 x 10 | 224 pp50 color photographsTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $21.99978-0-9844576-5-6 WBig in JapanA Ghost StoryM. Thomas GammarinoFICTION5 x 7¾ | 240 pp6 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $15.00978-0-9741995-9-7 WLast of the Red Hot PoppasJason BerryFICTION5½ x 7¾ | 302 ppTrade Cloth US $24.50 | CAN $29.50978-0-9741995-2-8 W74

Cinco Puntos PressEverything Begins and Ends atthe Kentucky ClubBenjamin Alire SáenzBenjamin Alire Sáenz’s stories reveal how all borders—real, imagined, sexual,human, the line between dark and light, addict and straight—entangle thosewho live on either side. Take, for instance, the Kentucky Club on AvenidaJuárez two blocks south of the Rio Grande. It’s a touchstone for each of Sáenz’sstories. His characters walk by, they might go in for a drink or to score, or theymight just stay there for a while and let their story be told. Sáenz knows thatthe Kentucky Club, like special watering holes in all cities, is the contrary toborders. It welcomes Spanish and English, Mexicans and gringos, poor andrich, gay and straight, drug addicts and drunks, laughter and sadness, andeven despair. It’s a place of rich history and good drinks and cold beer and along polished mahogany bar. Some days it smells like piss. “I’m going home tothe other side.” That’s a strange statement, but you hear it all the time at theKentucky Club.Benjamin Alire Sáenz is a highly regarded writer of fiction, poetry, and children’sliterature. Like these stories, his writing crosses borders and lands inour collective psyche. Poets & Writers Magazine named him one of the fifty most inspiringwriters in the world. He’s been a finalist for the Los Angeles Times BookPrize and PEN Center’s prestigious award for young adult fiction. Sáenz isthe chair of the creative writing department of University of Texas at El Paso.Sometimes the border is a mirror, sometimes an escape, andsometimes it’s just the bridge you cross to go home.FICTION / SHORT STORIESAugustA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 180 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-935955-32-0 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935955-33-7 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• 5-city tour• Promotion through:www.benjaminaliresaenz.comAuthor Hometown: El Paso, TX75

Cinco Puntos PressThat Mad GameGrowing Up in a Warzone:An Anthology of Essays from Around the GlobeEdited by J.L. PowersHISTORY / SOCIAL SCIENCEMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-935955-22-1 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935955-23-8 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Public radio campaign• 5-city tour• Author blog tour• Promotion through: www.jlpowers.netWhat’s it like to grow up during war? To be a victim of violence or exiledfrom your homeland, culture, family, and even your own memories? WhenAmerica’s talking heads talk about war, children and teenagers are often theforgotten part of the story. Yet who can forget images of the Vietnam “babylift,” when Amer-Asian children were flown out of Vietnam to be adopted byAmericans? Who can forget the horror of learning that Iranian children weresent on suicide missions to clear landmines? Who wasn’t captivated by storiesof the “lost boys” of Sudan, traveling thousands of miles alone through thedesert, seeking shelter and safety? From the cartel-terrorized streets of Juárezto the bombed-out cities of Bosnia to Afghanistan under the Taliban, fromNazi-occupied Holland to the middle-class American home of a Vietnam vet,this collection of personal and narrative essays explores both the universaland particular experiences of children and teenagers who came of age duringa time of war.J.L. Powers is the editor of Labor Pains and Birth Stories and the author of twoyoung adult novels, most recently This Thing Called the Future, an alternative fantasyset in post-apartheid South Africa. She began collecting essays on childrenand war while pregnant with her first child and says, “The experiencewas both painful and uplifting, not unlike giving birth. The most memorableaspect of these essays is their stark portrayal of both survival and hope in themidst of incredible suffering.”Coming of age during a time of war: fighting, dying, surviving.First-person accounts from around the globe.Also AvailableEditor Hometown: San Francisco, CA76This Thing Called the FutureJ.L. PowersFICTION6 x 9 | 208 ppTrade Cloth US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-1-933693-95-8 USC

City Lights PublishersI Must ResistBayard Rustin’s Life in LettersBayard RustinEdited with an introduction by Michael G. LongBayard Rustin has been called the “lost prophet” of the civil rights movement.A master strategist and tireless activist, he is best remembered as the organizerof the 1963 March on Washington, one of the largest nonviolent protestsever held in the United States. He brought Gandhi’s protest techniquesto the American civil rights movement and played a deeply influential role inthe life of Martin Luther King, Jr., helping to mold him into an internationalsymbol of nonviolence.Despite these achievements, Rustin often remained in the background. Asa gay man convicted of a “morals charge,” and as a socialist with a backgroundin the Communist Party, he was well aware of the possibility that opponentswould use him as fodder in their denunciations of the movement. He was silenced,threatened, arrested, beaten, imprisoned, and fired from importantleadership positions, largely because he was an openly gay man in a fiercelyhomophobic era.Here we have Rustin in his own words, a collection of over 150 of hisletters, some of them breathtakingly personal, remarkable for the insightsthey offer. His correspondents include the major progressives of his day aswell as family and friends, and each letter is prefaced by a short, informativeintroduction.Bayard Rustin stands at the confluence of the great struggles for civil, legal,and human rights. In a nation still torn by racial hatred and violence, bigotryagainst homosexuals, and extraordinary divides between rich and poor, hiselo quent voice is still essential today.HISTORY / LETTERSAprilA Paperback Original6 x 8½ | 276 pp15 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-0-87286-578-5 W*Bayard Rustin’s life story told in his own words through his intimatecorrespondence, published on the centennial of his birth.Marketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: DailyKos.com• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaignAuthor EventsWashington, DC • Baltimore, MD •New York, NY • Harrisburg, PA • Philadelphia, PAEditor Hometown: Camp Hill, PA77

City Lights PublishersFriends, Followers and the FutureHow Social Media are Changing Politics,Threatening Big Brands, and Killing Traditional MediaRory O’ConnorSOCIAL SCIENCEAprilA Paperback Original5 x 7 | 184 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $15.50978-0-87286-556-3 USC“Rory O’Connor is one of the smartest media guys around. He knows who’s spinning,who’s pandering, and who’s putting money in his own pocket at the expenseof logic, reason, and the public good.”—Michael Wolff, Vanity Fair media criticThere’s a revolution going on, as ever-accelerating developments in digital informationtechnologies change nearly every aspect of how we live, work, play,do business, and engage in politics. Share and share alike—the numbers say itall as billions of people worldwide flock to online media and use social networksto discover and spread news and information.In the process, ever-growing networks of “ordinary people” are usingthese powerful new tools to trim the influence long held by Big Business, BigGovernment, and Big Media. No longer just passive recipients, participantsin social networks now regularly make and break news while organizing civicand political actions that bypass censors, outpace traditional media, attractmassive audiences, and influence the rise and fall of brands, industries, politicians,and even governments.In this insider’s look at how social media are transforming our world,Rory O’Connor explains the trends and explores what tech visionaries, mediamakers, political advisers, and businesspeople are saying about the meteoricrise of the various social networks of friends and followers, and what theybode for our future.Rory O’Connor, co-founder of MediaChannel.org, is the author of ShockJocks: Hate Speech & Talk Radio. He has won two Emmys and a George OrwellAward, among many other honors.Marketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: Salon.com• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Promotion through: http://roryoconnor.orgAn award-winning journalist explores how social mediais transforming not only politics, media, and business,but the future of democracy and ourselves.Author EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Chicago, IL • Indianapolis, IN • Boston, MA •New York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NY78

City Lights PublishersThe Historic Unfulfilled PromiseHoward ZinnIntroduction by Noam ChomskyForeword by Matthew RothschildHoward Zinn’s life and work are the stuff of legend. His People’s History of theUnited States has sold over two million copies and has altered how we see andteach history. A hero in word and deed, Zinn’s views on freedom, fairness,history, democracy, and our own human potential are educational and transformative.In few places is the genius of his voice more crystallized and accessiblethan in the dozens of articles he penned for The Progressive magazine from1980 to 2009, offered together here in <strong>book</strong> form for the first time. Whethercritiquing the Barack Obama White House, the sorry state of US governmentand politics, the tragic futility of US military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq,or the plight of working people in an economy rigged to benefit the rich andpowerful, Zinn’s historical clarity, unflappable optimism, and unshakablequestions reverberate throughout The Historic Unfulfilled Promise: “Have our politicalleaders gone mad?” “What kind of country do we want to live in?” “Whatis national security?” “Do we have a right to occupy a country when the peopleof that country obviously do not want us there?” “Is not war itself terrorism?”“Should we not begin to consider all children, everywhere, as our own?” “Hasthe will of the people been followed?” The Historic Unfulfilled Promise is a genuinework of conscience, rich in ideas, charged with energy; an invaluable introductionfor the uninitiated and a must-have for Zinn’s fans.Howard Zinn’s articles for The Progressive (1980–2009)offer timeless analysis and advocacy for freedom, democracy,and social change in the United States.Photo by Douglas BrownHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCEJuneA Paperback Original5¼ x 8 | 184 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-0-87286-555-6 W*Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: DailyKos.com• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Promotion through: http://howardzinn.orgAlsoAvailableThe BombHoward ZinnHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCECity Lights Open Media5 x 7 | 100 ppTrade Paper US $8.95 | CAN $9.95978-0-87286-509-9 W*A Power Governments Cannot SuppressHoward ZinnHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCE5¼ x 8 | 308 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-0-87286-475-7 W*79

City Lights PublishersThe Meaning of FreedomAnd Other Difficult DialoguesAngela Y. DavisIntroduction by Robin D.G. KelleyPhoto by Keba KonteSOCIAL SCIENCE / POLITICAL SCIENCEAugustA Paperback OriginalCity Lights Open Media5½ x 8 | 232 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-0-87286-580-8 W*“Davis’ arguments for justice are formidable. . . . The power of her historicalinsights and the sweetness of her dream cannot be denied.”—The New York TimesWhat is the meaning of freedom? Angela Y. Davis’ life and work have beendedi cated to examining this fundamental question and to ending all formsof oppression that deny people their political, cultural, and sexual freedom.In this collection of twelve searing, previously unpublished speeches, Davisconfronts the interconnected issues of power, race, gender, class, incarceration,conservatism, and the ongoing need for social change in the UnitedStates. With her characteristic brilliance, historical insight, and penetratinganalysis, Davis addresses examples of institutional injustice and explores theradical notion of freedom as a collective striving for real democracy—not athing granted by the state, law, proclamation, or policy, but a participatory socialprocess, rooted in difficult dialogues, that demands new ways of thinkingand being. “It is not too much,” writes Robin D.G. Kelly in the introduction,“to call her one of the world’s leading philosophers of freedom.” The Meaning ofFreedom articulates a bold vision of the society we need to build and the path toget there. This is her only <strong>book</strong> of speeches and her first full-length <strong>book</strong> sinceAre Prisons Obsolete? (2003).Angela Y. Davis is professor emerita at the University of California and authorof eight <strong>book</strong>s. She is a much sought after public speaker and an internationallyknown advocate for social justice.Robin D.G. Kelley is the author of many <strong>book</strong>s and a professor at theUniversity of Southern California.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: DailyKos.com• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• 20-city national tour• Promotion through: www.speakoutnow.orgThe first and only <strong>book</strong> of speeches on racism, community, freedom,and politics in the United States by international icon Angela Y. Davis.Also AvailableAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • New York, NY80Author Hometown: Oakland, CANarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,an American Slave, Written by HimselfA New Critical Edition by Angela Y. DavisFrederick Douglass and Angela Y. DavisSOCIAL SCIENCE / POLITICAL SCIENCECity Lights Open Media5½ x 8 | 220 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $13.95978-0-87286-527-3 W*

City Lights PublishersRing of BoneCollected Poems (New & Expanded Edition)Lew WelchAfterword by Gary Snyder“Lew Welch writes lyrical poems of clarity, humor, and dark probings . . .jazz musical phrasings of American speech is one of Welch’s clearest contributions.”—GarySnyderLew Welch was a brilliant and troubled poet, legendary among his Beat peers.He disappeared in 1971, leaving a suicide note behind.Ring of Bone collects poems, songs, and some drawings, documenting thefull sweep of his creative output from his early years until his death. Firstpublished by legendary poetry editor Donald Allen, this new edition includesphotographs, a biographic timeline, and a statement of poetics gleaned fromWelch’s own writing.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignPhoto by Jim HatchPOETRYJune5¾ x 9 | 256 ppB&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $18.50978-0-87286-579-2 W*Previous edition ISBN: 978-0-912516-03-5A new and expanded edition of the classicgo-to collection of Lew Welch’s poetry, amust for both fans and new readers.Inside/OutSelected PoemsMarilyn BuckPreface by David MeltzerMarilyn Buck was a committed political radical, imprisoned for over thirtyyears for her revolutionary activities. She was also a prolific writer and poet,publishing her work in a prize-winning chap<strong>book</strong>, an audio CD, and in variousjournals and anthologies. She received a PEN American Center prize forpoetry in 2001.Buck was released from prison less than a month before her death at agesixty-two from uterine cancer. This selection of her finest poetry is a livingtestament to the fierce intelligence and huge compassion that inspired and informedher life, and to the transcendence of her poetic vision.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignPromotion through: www.marilynbuck.comPOETRYMayA Paperback Original5 x 7 | 208 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-0-87286-577-8 W*The first-ever collection of Marilyn Buck’spoetry, searing, soaring, a living tributeto her indomitable spirit, revolutionaryintelligence, and poet’s vision.81

City Lights PublishersAdvice for LoversCity Lights Spotlight #7Julian Talamantez BrolaskiPOETRYAprilA Paperback OriginalCity Lights Spotlight5½ x 7 | 100 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $15.50978-0-87286-581-5 W*If Philip Sydney had been a third-genderqueer poet, he might have written thehighly erotic Advice for Lovers.Inspired by Ovid’s instructional Ars Amatoria, with overtones of Renaissancesonnet cycles, Advice for Lovers is a highly wrought volume of poems. Intricatelyformal but saucy and contemporary in diction, Advice for Lovers walks a fine linebetween the anything-goes orthography of the Elizabethans and the shiftingetymologies of James Joyce. Sexy, kinky, disquieting, Advice for Lovers blazes anerotic trail into the twenty-first century.Author of gowanus atropolis (2011) and editor at Aufgabe and Litmus Press, JulianTalamantez Brolaski studied with Nathaniel Mackey, Elizabeth Willis, andRobert Hass. Xe rejects gendered pronouns and lives in Brooklyn, NewYork, and teaches at The New School.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsBerkeley, CA • San Francisco, CA • Brooklyn, NY • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Brooklyn, NYSan Francisco ChinatownA Guide to Its History and ArchitecturePhilip P. ChoySan Francisco Chinatown is the firsthistory of and guide to the neighborhoodwritten by someone born and raised there.82TRAVEL / ARCHITECTUREJuneA Paperback Original4⅝ x 8½ | 184 ppB&W photographs throughoutTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-0-87286-540-2 W*San Francisco Chinatown is the first “insider’s guide” to one of America’s mostcelebrated ethnic enclaves by an author born and raised there. Both a historyof America’s oldest Chinese community and a guide to its significant sitesand architecture, San Francisco Chinatown traces the development of the neighborhoodfrom the city’s earliest days to its post-quake transformation into an“oriental” tourist attraction as a pragmatic means of survival. Written by architectand Chinese American studies pioneer Philip P. Choy, and featuringphotographs and walking tours, the <strong>book</strong> details the triumphs and tragedies ofthe Chinese American experience in the United States.Marketing PlansRegional print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CAAuthor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Coach House BooksAutobiography of ChildhoodSina Queyras“Queyras’ novel scores the jagged incisions of childhood. How her charactersescape or embrace or succumb to the damage, she manages through an exquisiteprose that cannot comfort them, nor ease us. Yet we cannot help but beheld by the language.”—Dionne BrandFive siblings, all haunted by the death of a brother in their youth. One winterday, when another of them will be taken by cancer.Guddy is struggling to fly across the continent in a snowstorm to see hersister while she still can. Jerry, avoiding the phone, hits the highway, driving asfast as he can away from his back pain and his son. Bjarne, just back from sixyears on the streets, is watching Judge Judy, trying to quiet the voices in his head.Annie is cleaning her mother’s trailer and ducking her questions. And thenthere’s Therese, trying to forgive them all before it’s too late.As all five are forced to react—or to choose to not react—to the news ofTherese’s impending death, their actions weave a nuanced portrait of a family,of the devastating reach of childhood grief.What if thinking is all we have at the end of the day? This transcendentfirst novel from award-winning poet Sina Queyras tells the story of childhoodby recreating the mind at work grappling with it: noticing, reaching, loving,and flailing.Sina Queyras’ last collection of poetry, Expressway, was nominated for aGovernor General’s Award and won Gold at the National Magazine Awards.Her previous collection Lemon Hound won a Lambda Award and the Pat LowtherAward, and she is the winner of the <strong>2012</strong> Friends of Literature Award. She isa blogger for Harriet, the Poetry Foundation’s blog.An acclaimed poet’s debut grapples with loss and the legacy ofchildhood grief as five siblings face one sister’s death.FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $17.95978-1-55245-252-3 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-77056-291-2 WMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Other promotions: Distribution in Consortiumgalley box, free <strong>book</strong> club guide available• Promotion through:http://lemonhound.blogspot.com andwww.poetryfoundation.orgAuthor EventsChicago, IL • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Montreal, QC83

Coach House BooksEye LakeTristan HughesFICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 8¼ | 208 ppTrade Paper US $17.95978-1-55245-253-0 US“Hughes is a very good writer, if ‘good writing’ has to do with precision, eloquence,beauty, and passionately held belief.”—Times Literary SupplementWelcome to Crooked River, population 2,851 and falling.Eli has lived in Crooked River his whole life, ever since he was born in thedead of winter with the cord wrapped around his neck nearly thirty years ago,and he knows better than anyone about that shrinking number. His father,uncle, and grandmother have all died, he didn’t know his mother, and hisgrandfather, Clarence, founder of the town and eccentric builder of hotelsand a now-underwater castle, walked to the river one day and never returned.Eli’s childhood best friend, George, went missing, too, when they were kids,around the time his dad started going a little bonkers, and George was neverseen again.Eli’s always been obsessed with Clarence and George’s disappearances.Now, while the town half-heartedly celebrates its centennial and the river,long ago diverted to make way for a mine, reclaims its original path, Eye Lakeis vanishing day by day. As new tensions in town rise and the lake’s water leveldrops, Clarence’s castle—and his many secrets—begin to surface.But when another young boy goes missing, Eli’s past and present collide.Tristan Hughes is the author of three previous <strong>book</strong>s: The Tower, Send My ColdBones Home, and Revenant. He was the winner of the 2002 Rhys Davies ShortStory Award. He lives in Wales.Marketing PlansCrooked River: the population is falling and so is the water level,uncovering the town’s, and Eli’s, tragic secrets.Co-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign, including Eye Lake<strong>book</strong> trailers• Regional Midwestern tour• Other promotions: Distribution in Consortiumgalley box, free <strong>book</strong> club guide available84

Coach House BooksMaintenanceRob Benvie“A great novel that captures the loneliness and absurdity of the 1990s suburbanexperience. Dense and imaginative writing that often borders on the uncomfortable,but the edge of your seat is the best place to be.”—Joel PlaskettIt is the <strong>summer</strong> of 1999, and the Sweltham family is leading an ordinary suburbanexistence. Former childhood volleyball champ Parker crisscrosses thecontinent as a <strong>sales</strong> rep for DynaFlex Sporting Goods, while his wife, Trixie,serves as the managing editor of Record of Truth, an unsuccessful journal forgenocide studies. Their son Owen has just returned from juvenile prison tothe vast horrors of high school. Heath, Parker’s brother, has vowed to cutdown on the weed and fried chicken for a regimen of self-improvement,obeying his AbDestroyer routine and crafting a screenplay that will dismantlethe universe. All appears normal.Yet in the <strong>summer</strong>’s swelter, as Y2K anxiety grows, grim truths are revealed.Trixie is rocked by the discovery of an undiagnosable cerebral defect, renderingher toils at the journal trivial. Cataloging crunches and ignoring his GulfWar vet ex-girlfriend, Heath fights to reconcile confusions of the past withhopes for a meaningful future. Owen’s religious fixations feed his Robitussinbinges and fantasies of self-destruction. And while peddling his wares at theannual Empowerment Expo, Parker forges an uneasy friendship with Adam,an African political refugee harboring his own violent aspirations.Sprawling yet scalpel-sharp, Maintenance, like some twenty-first-centuryWhite Noise, takes the suburbs to a geography you won’t quite recognize.Rob Benvie has recorded and performed with the rock bands Thrush Hermit,Camouflage Nights, and The Dears. He is the author of the novel Safety of War.Suburban malaise goes postal in this off-kilter look atmodern life and our need to make a mark upon it.FICTIONMayA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $18.95978-1-55245-251-6 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-77056-295-0 WMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Author tour to coincide with The Dears US tourAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ON85

Coach House BooksDivide and RuleWalid Bitar“The empire’s missing links are found deep in this poet’s ever-astonishingstates of multiple consciousness—astutely attuned to the pressured, violent,mass conformities forced upon us—brilliantly formed into poems as ambitiousand achieved as any written in the English language today.”—Lawrence JosephPOETRYJuneA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55245-254-7 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-77056-305-6 WThe West’s violent collision with the Arabworld blows through these witty, wise, andcaustic poems like a desert sandstorm.In these dramatic monologues, Walid Bitar delivers variations on the theme ofpower: in politics, in the subjugation and abuse of other cultures, and in ourdivided selves. Using satire, parody, koan, and riddle, Divide and Rule struggleswith the mendacity of language and identity.They have no maps. Ours, I’ll redraw.Isn’t itself, their neck of the woods,needs a rest—something more than a nap,and less than death, though death wouldn’t hurt.Walid Bitar’s poetry collections include 2 Guys on Holy Land, Bastardi Puri, andThe Empire’s Missing Links. He was born in Beirut and lives in Toronto, Ontario.Marketing PlansCo-op availableNational advertising: Bookforum • Boston ReviewNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ONNew TheatreSusan SteudelA poetic debut that ventures intohistorical and imagined space to questionwhat normally passes for the real.86POETRYJulyA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 88 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55245-255-4 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-77056-307-0 WNew Theatre represents a lively foray into spaces geographical and utopian thatinvestigate the process of meaning. Coolly cerebral poems about VladimirIlyich Lenin’s later life muse on power and identity, while an intimate autobiographicallong poem counterpoints several quieter, equally surprisingpieces that spike and bloom.Autumn.The sky streaked with silk parachutesor by tears.A sparkling epidemic.I think if the world truly tore in half it would seep blue.Susan Steudel is the recipient of several awards for her poetry, including aVancouver Mayor’s Arts Award for emerging artist. New Theatre is her first <strong>book</strong>.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesSocial media campaign • Outreach to poetry publications and websitesAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Coach House BooksDramaKaren Hines“Ingenious, acidic comedy.” —The Globe and Mail on The Pochsy PlaysPenelope Douglas is an ex–forensic psychiatrist looking for a fresh start in awestern boomtown grown three sizes too crazy. But then a television writer offshimself in her sleek bathroom and her oil-wife friend pronounces Penelopeher baby’s godmother. Will she be able to find heart in this wild and soullesslandscape? Will she have to smudge her lipstick to “cowboy up”? Drama, a newplay by the master of edgy dark humor, has all the answers.Karen Hines is the author of Hello . . . Hello (A Romantic Satire) and The Pochsy Plays.A Second City alumna, Hines has appeared in numerous television and filmproductions and is the director of cult horror clowns Mump & Smoot.Marketing PlansCo-op availableNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor tour to coincide with US productions of the playPromotion through: www.pochsy.orgAuthor Hometown: Calgary, ABDRAMAJulyA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55245-256-1 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-77056-309-4 WWritten by a Second City alum,this genre-bending, multi-charactercomic play is part graphic novel,part Japanese horror film.Full Frontal T.O.Exploring Toronto’s Architectural VernacularPatrick Cummins with Shawn MicallefFor over thirty years, Patrick Cummins has been wandering the streets ofToronto, taking mugshots of its houses, variety stores, garages, and everchangingstorefronts. Straightforward shots chronicle the same buildings overthe years, or travel the length of a block, facade by facade. Other sections collectvintage Coke signs on variety stores or garage graffiti.Full Frontal T.O. features over three hundred gorgeous photographs ofToronto’s messy urbanism, with accompanying text by master urban explorerShawn Micallef.Patrick Cummins has photographed Toronto’s built environment since 1978and has worked as an archivist in Toronto since 1986.Shawn Micallef is the author of Stroll: Psychogeographic Walking Tours of Toronto and asenior editor at Spacing magazine.Marketing PlansCo-op availableSocial media campaign • Outreach to architecture, urbanism, and photographypublications and websites • Promotional posters produced and distributed to <strong>book</strong>sellersAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ON / Photographer Hometown: Toronto, ONARCHITECTURE / PHOTOGRAPHYJulyA Paperback Original10 x 10 | 200 ppB&W photographs throughoutTrade Paper US $24.95978-1-55245-257-8 USFull Frontal T.O. examines how thearchitecture of the city’s streetscapelooks, lives, and changes over time.87

Selected Backlist from Coach House BooksMonocerosSuzette MayrFICTION5 x 8 | 272 ppTrade Paper US $18.95978-1-55245-241-7 USThe Many Revengesof Kip FlynnSean DixonFICTION5 x 8 | 248 ppTrade Paper US $18.95978-1-55245-242-4 USLi’l BastardDavid McGimpseyPOETRY5 x 7 | 152 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55245-248-6 USHypotheticalsLeigh KotsilidisPOETRY5 x 8 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55245-249-3 USCroakJenny SampirisiPOETRY5¼ x 7¾ | 104 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55245-250-9 USFive Good IdeasPractical Strategies forNon-Profit SuccessEdited by Alan Broadbentand Ratna OmidvarBUSINESS & ECONOMICS5 x 8 | 250 ppTrade Paper US $22.95978-1-55245-246-2 US88

Coffee House PressThe Last Warner WomanKei Miller“Miller is a name to watch.”—The Independent“This is magical, lyrical, spellbinding writing.”—GrantaAdamine Bustamante is born in one of Jamaica’s last leper colonies. WhenAdamine grows up, she discovers she has the gift of “warning”: the powerto protect, inspire, and terrify. But when she is sent to live in England, herprophecies of impending disaster are met with a different kind of fear—peoplethink she is insane and lock her away in a mental hospital.Now an older woman, the spirited Adamine wants to tell her story. Butshe must wrestle for the truth with the mysterious “Mr. Writer Man,” who hasa tale of his own to share, one that will cast Adamine’s life in an entirely newlight. In a story about magic and migration, stories and storytelling, and theNew and Old Worlds, we discover it is never one person who owns a story orhas the right to tell it.Born in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1978, Kei Miller is the author of The Same Earth,winner of the Una Marson Prize for Literature; and Fear of Stones, which wasshortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best First Book. His mostrecent poetry collection has been shortlisted for the Jonathan Llewellyn RhysPrize, the Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature, and the Scottish Book of theYear Award. In 2008 he was an International Writing Fellow at the Universityof Iowa. Miller currently divides his time between Jamaica and Scotland.FICTIONApril5½ x 8¼ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $16.00978-1-56689-295-7 USThe American debut of a Caribbean literary talent often compared toOrange Prize winner Andrea Levy and Alexander McCall Smith.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: BOMB • Bookforum •Granta • Shelf Awareness• National radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Book club promotion• Goodreads and LibraryThing galley giveaways• Promotion through: www.keimiller.com89

Coffee House PressHalf In ShadeFamily, Photography, and FateJudith Kitchen“Judith Kitchen is a gifted writer of immense humanity, grace, and depth.Travel with her, trusting where she takes you.”—Naomi Shihab Nye“Half in Shade is mysterious and brave, written with wit, humor, stabbing insight,and in prose that reverberates long after you turn the last page.”—Dinah LenneyWhen Judith Kitchen discovered boxes of family photographs in her mother’scloset, it sparked curiosity and speculation. Piecing together her memorieswith the physical evidence in the photographs, Kitchen explores the gray areasbetween the present and the past, family and self, certainty and uncertainty.The result is a lyrical, ennobling anatomy of a heritage, family, motherdaughterrelationships, and the recovery from an illness that captures withprecision the forces of the heart and mind when “none of us knows what liesbeyond the moment, outside the frame.”BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 240 pp71 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-56689-296-4 USCJudith Kitchen is the award-winning author of several works of fiction, nonfiction,and poetry. Her work has won the Lillian Fairchild Award, a PushcartPrize, and the S. Mariella Gable Fiction Prize. She has served as judge forthe AWP Nonfiction Award, the Pushcart Prize in poetry, the Oregon BookAward, and the Bush Foundation fellowships, among others. The recipientof a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, Kitchen lives in PortTownsend, Washington, and serves on the faculty and as codirector of theRainier Writing Workshop at Pacific Lutheran University.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: Geneology.com •Library Journal• National radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Mother’s Day promotion• Book club promotion• Goodreads and LibraryThing galley giveaways• Promotion through: www.judithkitchen.comA treasure trove of lost family photographs illuminates asingular perspective on family, memory, and history.Also AvailableAuthor EventsPortland, OR • Port Townsend, WA • Seattle, WA90Author Hometown: Port Townsend, WADistance & DirectionJudith KitchenPOETRY5 x 7½ | 220 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-1-56689-121-9 USC

Coffee House PressWindeyeBrian Evenson“Brian Evenson is one of the treasures of American story writing, a true successorboth to the generation of Coover, Barthelme, Hawkes and Co., but alsoto Edgar Allan Poe.”—Jonathan LethemA metal band stranded on a tropical island, a king’s servant hypnotized by hishorse, a magician’s disappearing act gone awry—the characters in these storieslive as interlopers in a world shaped by mysterious disappearances andun fathomable discrepancies between the real and imagined. Brian Evenson,master of “literary horror,” presents his most far-ranging collection to date,exploring how humans can persist in an increasingly unreal world. Haunting,gripping, and psychologically fierce, these tales illuminate a dark and unsettlingside of humanity.Praised by Peter Straub for going “furthest out on the sheerest, least shelterednarrative precipice,” Brian Evenson is the author of ten <strong>book</strong>s of fiction.He has been a finalist for the Edgar Award, the Shirley Jackson Award, andthe World Fantasy Award, and the winner of the International Horror GuildAward, the American Library Association’s award for Best Horror Novel, andone of Time Out New York’s top <strong>book</strong>s. The recipient of a National Endowmentfor the Arts fellowship and three O. Henry Prizes, including one for the titlestory in Windeye, Evenson lives in Providence, Rhode Island, where he directsBrown University’s literary arts program.FICTIONJuneA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 176 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-56689-298-8 USCCormac McCarthy meets The Twilight Zone.A modern-day Nathaniel Hawthorne, Brian Evenson is awriter people will claim they discovered early.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copiesFugue StateBrian EvensonIllustrated by Zak SallyFICTION6 x 9 | 208 pp19 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $14.95978-1-56689-225-4 USCAlsoAvailableThe Open CurtainBrian EvensonFICTION6 x 9 | 223 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $14.95978-1-56689-188-2 USC• National advertising: BOMB • Bookforum •Bookslut • Granta • HTMLGIANT• National radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Goodreads galley giveaway• Promotion through: www.brianevenson.comAuthor EventsBoston, MA • Brooklyn, NY • Providence, RIAuthor Hometown: Providence, RI91

Coffee House PressBoarded WindowsDylan HicksFICTIONMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-56689-297-1 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies“Do yourself a favor and read this smart, tender <strong>book</strong>. The characters willhaunt you with their longing and inspire you with their sweet, caustic wit.Dylan Hicks knows his music and his prose is a song in itself.”—Sam Lipsyte“A continually hilarious, hopes-dashed account of an indelible Americancharacter: the con man.”—Greil MarcusWade Salem is a charismatic aesthete, drug dealer, and journeyman countrymusician. He’s also a complicated father figure to this novel’s narrator, whosecloudy childhood becomes both clearer and more confusing through Wade’sstories, jokes, and lectures. Through the eyes of a keenly observant, underemployedrecord collector, Wade emerges as a sly, disruptive force, at once seductiveand maddening.Shifting between flashbacks from the seventies and nineties, Boarded Windowsis a postmodern orphan story that explores the fallibility of memory and theweight of our social and cultural inheritance. Stylistically layered and searchinglylonesome, Dylan Hicks’ debut novel captures the music and mood of thefading embers of America’s boomer counterculture.Dylan Hicks is a songwriter, musician, and writer. His work has appeared inThe Village Voice, The New York Times, Star Tribune, City Pages, and Rain Taxi, and he hasreleased three CDs under his own name. A fourth, Sings Bolling Greene, is a companionto this novel and will be released in May <strong>2012</strong>. He lives in Minneapolis,Minnesota, with his wife Nina Hale and his son Jackson. This is his first novel.Almost Famous meets Portnoy’s Complaint: A record store clerk insearch of his origins confronts his con-man father figure.• National advertising: BOMB • Bookforum •Bookslut • Granta • HTMLGIANT • The Rumpus• National radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Bookstore posters and postcards available• Cross-promotion with Sings Bolling Greene,a companion album to the novel• Goodreads galley giveaway• Promotion through: www.dylanhicks.comAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Chicago, IL • Iowa City, IA •Minneapolis, MN • New York, NY • Fargo, ND •Sioux Falls, SD • Milwaukee, WI92Author Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

Coffee House PressShoulda Been Jimi SavannahPatricia Smith“One of the best poets around and has been for a long time.”—Terrance Hayes“Smith’s work is direct, colloquial, inclusive, adventuresome.”—Gwendolyn BrooksIn her newest collection, Patricia Smith explores the second wave of the GreatMigration. Shifting from spoken word to free verse to traditional forms, shereveals “that soul beneath the vinyl.”Patricia Smith is the author of five volumes of poetry, including Blood Dazzler,a finalist for the 2008 National Book Award, and Teahouse of the Almighty, aNational Poetry Series selection. She lives in New Jersey.Author EventsWashington, DC • Chicago, IL • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Howell, NJPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 116 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-56689-299-5 USCNational Book Award finalistPatricia Smith chronicles the GreatMigration through Motown musicand Chicago streets.On the Planet without VisaSelected Poetry and Other WritingsSotère Torregian“One of our most radically original poets.”—Anne WaldmanSotère Torregian, an American poet of Ethiopian, Arabic, Greek, Armenian,and Moorish ancestry, approaches the world with an open-armed embrace ofdistant and diverse phenomena. His surreal lyricism infuses observations ofpolitics, popular culture, and the everyday with generosity, absurdity, and aspirit of adventure.Born in Newark, New Jersey, Sotère Torregian has taught at the FreeUniversity of New York, Santa Clara University, and Stanford University,where he helped establish the Afro-American studies program in 1969. Heteaches at the University of the Pacific and resides in Stockton, California.Author Hometown: Stockton, CAPOETRYAugustA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-1-56689-301-5 USCThis rediscovered New York Schoolpoet reveals a unique poetry markedby a very contemporary, multicultural,polylinguistic style.93

Coffee House PressIn the Futurity LoungeMarjorie WelishPOETRYMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 112 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-56689-302-2 USCPoet, painter, and art critic Marjorie Welish engages urban structures as bothworks of architecture and language. From signs and commemorative plaquesand flags to ramps and turnstiles, Welish presents poems that consider theabuses of modernity, the authority of categorization, and the confounding effectsof architecture on culture.Marjorie Welish is the author of several <strong>book</strong>s of poetry and has been a finalistfor the Academy of American Poets Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize. TheMadelon Rand Endowed Chair in Literature at Brooklyn College, Welish livesin New York City.Marjorie Welish fuses poetry withvisual art and architecture.Author EventsBrooklyn, NY • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NYBright Brave PhenomenaAmanda Nadelberg“What we have here is a lovely collection of Nadelberg inventions. These inventionsare for telling it like it is. In order to do this they variously prick yourarm, burn down, protest, pretend, and dance, to name just a few. . . . Theseare indeed very Bright Brave Phenomena, that’s right.”—Rod SmithBy turns disarmingly droll and hysterically sad, Amanda Nadelberg’s singularuse of everyday language transports us into a world where uncanny juxtapositionand unabashed repetition engender entirely new meanings.Reminiscent of Gertrude Steinand James Schuyler, these poems builda playful and heartbreaking universefrom ordinary moments, weather,landscape, and memory.94POETRYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 138 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-56689-303-9 USCAmanda Nadelberg is the author of Isa the Truck Named Isadore, which won theSlope Editions Book Prize. She lives in the Bay Area, California.Author EventsSan Francisco, CA • Iowa City, IA • Boston, MA • Minneapolis, MN • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Orleans, MA

Common Courage PressGetting Steamed toOvercome CorporatismBuild It Together to WinRalph NaderRalph Nader’s Getting Steamed will make you repeat that phrase from the movieNetwork: “I’m as mad as Hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” His compendiumof corporate crime, greed, and exploitation of honest people everywherewill raise your temperature—to the boiling point.Among Nader’s stories:• Health insurance companies working to stop doctors from delivering care• Nuclear power companies demanding loan guarantees out of your wallet• Pharmaceutical companies putting your life on the line• Bank bailouts galore• Corporate profits soaring on the backs of Wal-Mart wagesNader knows from his own experience that getting you steamed will work.As he writes:“Our democracy is in decay, with no end in sight unless there is a sustainedresponse from an aroused citizenry to stop the corporatists from blocking somany proven solutions for our country’s problems. First, we need to raise ourexpectations to realistically attainable levels so we can believe that a better countryis possible soon. Back in the 1950s I, like many others in that era, lost severalfriends and classmates to motor vehicle crashes—horrific fatalities and injuries.I learned the truth about the auto industry bosses, who, in favor of stylingpriorities, restrained their safety engineers and scientists from installinglong-known safety devices like seat belts, better brakes and tires, collapsiblesteering columns, and interior padding. And, I got steamed.”As Jim Hightower put it, you won’t read and weep; you’ll read and leap.POLITICAL SCIENCEAvailable NowA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 224 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-56751-406-3 USCA compendium of corporate crimes to get you steamed into action!95

Selected Backlist from Common Courage PressThe Uses of HaitiThird EditionPaul FarmerIntroduction by Noam ChomskyForeword by Jonathan KozolHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCE5 x 7¾ | 475 ppTrade Paper US $27.95 | CAN $27.50978-1-56751-344-8 USCKilling HopeU.S. Military and C.I.A.Interventions Since World War II--Updated Through 2003William BlumPOLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 500 ppTrade Paper US $27.95 | CAN $30.00978-1-56751-252-6 USCToxic Sludge isGood For YouLies, Damn Lies and the PublicRelations IndustryJohn Stauber andSheldon RamptonIntroduction by Mark DowiePOLITICAL SCIENCE5 x 7½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $21.50978-1-56751-060-7 USC96Eyes of the HeartSeeking A Path For the Poor inthe Age of GlobalizationJean-Bertrand AristidePOLITICAL SCIENCE4½ x 7½ | 112 ppTrade Cloth US $12.00 | CAN $14.50978-1-56751-187-1 USCWomen, Poverty and AIDS(2nd Edition)Sex, Drugs andStructural ViolenceEdited by Paul Farmer, MargaretConnors, and Janie SimmonsHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCE5 x 7½ | 525 ppTrade Paper US $27.95 | CAN $31.50978-1-56751-346-2 USCFrom Outrage to CourageWomen Taking Action forHealth and JusticeAnne Firth MurrayForeword by Paul FarmerPOLITICAL SCIENCE / SOCIAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 400 ppTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $30.00978-1-56751-390-5 USC

ContrastoUp and Down PeachtreePhotos of Atlanta by Martin ParrMartin ParrIn this volume, which accompanies a massive exhibition scheduled for July<strong>2012</strong> at the High Museum of Art of Atlanta, Martin Parr explores his fascinationwith concepts such as leisure, consumption, communication, and howthese themes play out in America.Martin Parr was born in Britain in 1952. Parr’s early works in the 1970s aresolely black and white photography, but after 1980 he switched to color filmand continued his focus in color photography. His inspiration for color photographyoriginated from the American photo-documentarists. In 1994 Parrbecame a member of Magnum Photographic Corporation.Marketing PlansOutreach to photography publicationsPHOTOGRAPHYJune8⅛ x 10½ | 208 pp100 color photographsTrade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $43.95978-88-6965-332-2 USCTrade Cloth & DVD US $50.00 | CAN $54.95978-88-6965-333-9 USCA representation of society from theunique perspective of the photographs ofMartin Parr, the best chronicler of our age.American SouthMartin ParrThis DVD contains a long film about the work of Magnum photographerMartin Parr, who’d been followed by the director for more than a month. Itincludes an important selection of interviews about Parr’s work, with extracontent about a unique perspective on leisure and habits of the Americanpeople. Contains a long interview with Parr and other great personalities ofthe international world of photography.PHOTOGRAPHYJune5½ x 5 | 40 minDVD US $19.99 | CAN $21.95978-88-6965-334-6 USCMarketing PlansOutreach to photography publicationsA representation of societyfrom the unique perspective of thephotographs of Martin Parr, the bestchronicler of our age.97

ContrastoUncle CharlieMarc AsninUncle Charlie was my favorite uncle. He’s my godfather. My grandfather was a grade-A hood, hustling,pimping women, abusive. My mother got out, but Uncle Charlie never did. My mother madesure I had an education. I went to art school. In 1981, I started realizing that my uncle was an interestingperson to take pictures of, and it became my family album.Charlie is fifty-one years old now and his life is a mess. He blames his kids, he blames his ex-wife, heblames my mother—he thinks he is the ultimate victim. I know enough about his life to know how he gotthere, but emotionally I can’t cut him any slack. I know it’s because he had an abusive childhood, but thatdoesn’t give you the right to fuck up your kids. Still, you know, I feel for him. He’ll always be my UncleCharlie.Marc Asnin has been photographing his Uncle Charlie for eleven years.Charlie and his five children (Charles, Joe, Brian, Mary, and Jamie) lived togetherin Bushwick, Brooklyn. This is the story of his tattos, his guns, his unemployment,his illness, his poverty, and his drug problems.PHOTOGRAPHYApril8½ x 11½ | 288 pp60 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $39.00 | CAN $42.95978-88-6965-177-9 USCMarc Asnin is based in New York City and has been photographing fortwenty years. He developed a curiosity for photography as a child growing upin Brooklyn, inspired by his father, an advertising photographer. Marc’s resumeis extensive. His various awards include the W. Eugene Smith Grant, theMother Jones Documentary Award, and the Alicia Patterson Fellowship. Hehas also taught at institutions such as the International Center of Photographyand the School of Visual Arts.Marketing PlansRaw, unflinching images that tell the story of one man’s struggle withmental illness, poverty, drug addiction, and profound isolation.• Outreach to photography publicationsPhotographer Hometown: New York, NY98

ContrastoFrancesca WoodmanThe Roman Years Between Skin and FilmsIsabella PediciniThis volume analyzes, from a new and innovative point of view, the life andworks of Francesca Woodman through the photographs and writings that belongto her Roman sojourn.A precocious artist, a border-line personality between the American cultureand the Italian culture, Francesca Woodman reaches the acme of her artisticparable in Rome that, to her, is the place and the moment where heraesthetics and style are developed to the fullest. By tracing back the author’sRoman itineraries and by gathering the stories told by her friends, this studyreconstructs Woodman’s most significant encounters that happened betweenthe Maldoror <strong>book</strong>shop in Via del Parione and the ateliers of the Nuova ScuolaRomana at the ex Pastificio Cerere in San Lorenzo.Through the writings and accounts recorded over a long period of research,this <strong>book</strong> highlights the echoes and references to Surrealism that canbe found in Francesca Woodman’s photos; her use of the body as a proper language;and the topic of the metamorphosis as a sequel of life, where death isno longer seen as a final lap. In her pictures the observer discretely approachesthe images and timidly takes part in the private and precious conversation thattakes place inside each shot.This essay shows a new and intimate side of this great photographer, takingthe reader by the hand through an intimate journey where words and imagesintertwine to trace the contours of Francesca Woodman’s universe.Isabella Pedicini was born in Benevento, Italy, in 1983. A journalist and awriter, she moved to Rome where she graduated, first with a BA and then withan MA, in art history at La Sapienza University. She collaborates on a regularbasis with the gallery <strong>book</strong> shop “Il Museo del Louvre” and she writes forArtribune, a magazine of contemporary art.PHOTOGRAPHYJuneA Paperback Original5¾ x 8¼ | 96 pp15 B&W photographsTrade Paper, Deckle EdgeUS $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-88-6965-330-8 USCMarketing Plans• Outreach to photography publicationsAn essay revealing the intimate side of one of the twentieth century’sgreatest photographers who died young in 1981 at twenty-two years old.99

Selected Backlist from ContrastoIn the Shadow of ThingsLéonie HamptonPHOTOGRAPHY6 x 8¼ | 184 ppTrade Cloth US $29.00 | CAN $34.95978-88-6965-278-3 USCVermeerA StudyMax KozloffART6 x 8¼ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $23.95978-88-6965-279-0 USCMick JaggerThe Photo<strong>book</strong>François HébelPHOTOGRAPHY7½ x 10⅛ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $29.95978-88-6965-290-5 USCTrilogyFlor GarduñoPHOTOGRAPHY12 x 12 | 240 ppTrade Cloth US $79.00 | CAN $95.00978-88-6965-277-6 USCTJ—JohannesburgPhotographs 1948–2010Double Negative: A NovelPhotographs by David GoldblattText by Ivan VladislavicFICTION / ART12 x 11 | 524 pp300 color and B&W photographsSlipcased US $85.00 | CAN $101.95978-88-6965-218-9 USCThe Black Figure IsWaiting for the WhiteMario Giacomelli PhotographsMario GiacomelliPHOTOGRAPHY11½ x 10¾ | 256 pp278 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $69.00 | CAN $75.00978-88-6965-123-6 USC100

Copper Canyon PressOn the Spectrum of Possible DeathsLucia Perillo“Perillo’s poetic persona is funny, tough, bold, smart, and righteous. A spellbindingstoryteller and a poet who makes the demands of the form seem asnatural as a handshake, she pulls readers into the beat and whirl of her slylydevastating descriptions.”—Booklist“Whoever told you poetry isn’t for everyone hasn’t read Lucia Perillo. She writesaccessible, often funny poems that border on the profane.”—Time Out New YorkThe poetry of Lucia Perillo is fierce, tragicomic, and contrarian, with subjectsranging from coyotes and Scotch broom to local elections and family history.Formally braided, Perillo gathers strands of the mythic and mundane, ofmedia and daily life, as she faces the treachery of illness and draws readers intopoems rich in image and story.When you spend many hours alone in a roomyou have more than the usual chances to disgust yourself—this is the problem of the body, not that it is mortalbut that it is mortifying. When we were young they taught usdo not touch it, but who can keep from touching it,from scratching off the juicy scab? Today I bita thick hangnail and thought of Schneebaum,who walked four days into the jungleand stayed for the kindness of the tribe—who would have thought that cannibals would be so tender?Lucia Perillo’s Inseminating the Elephant (Copper Canyon Press, 2009) was a finalistfor the Pulitzer Prize and received the Bobbitt award from the Libraryof Congress. She lives in Seattle, Washington.“I have two words for anyone who wants to know why peopleturn to poetry . . . Lucia Perillo.”—The New York TimesAlso AvailablePOETRYApril7 x 9½ | 96 ppTrade Cloth US $22.00 | CAN $24.00978-1-55659-397-0 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Public radio campaignAuthor Hometown: Seattle, WAInseminating the ElephantLucia PerilloPOETRY7 x 9 | 106 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $18.95978-1-55659-295-9 USC101

Copper Canyon PressWhen My Brother Was an AztecNatalie DiazPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original7 x 9 | 124 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-55659-383-3 USC“I write hungry sentences,” Natalie Diaz once explained in an interview, “becausethey want more and more lyricism and imagery to satisfy them.” Thisdebut collection is a fast-paced tour of Mojave life and family narrative: Asister fights for or against a brother on meth, and everyone from Antigone,Houdini, Huitzilopochtli, and Jesus is invoked and invited to hash it out.These darkly humorous poems illuminate far corners of the heart, revealingteeth, tails, and more than a few dreams.I watched a lion eat a man like a piece of fruit, peel tendons from fascialike pith from rind, then lick the sweet meat from its hard core of bones.The man had earned this feast and his own deliciousness by ringing a stickagainst the lion’s cage, calling out Here, Kitty Kitty, Meow!With one swipe of a paw much like a catcher’s mitt with fangs, the lionpulled the man into the cage, rattling his skeleton against the metal bars.The lion didn’t want to do it—He didn’t want to eat the man like a piece of fruit and he told the crowdthis: I only wanted some goddamn sleep . . .Natalie Diaz was born and raised on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation inNeedles, California. After playing professional basketball for four years inEurope and Asia, Diaz returned to the states to complete her MFA at OldDominion University. She lives in Surprise, Arizona, and is working to preservethe Mojave language.Marketing PlansA fast-paced debut that draws upon reservation folklore, pop culture,fractured gospels, and her brother’s addiction to methamphetamine.Co-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Public radio campaignAuthor Hometown: Surprise, AZ102

Copper Canyon Press50 American PlaysMichael Dickman and Matthew Dickman“Their verse . . . is strikingly different. Michael’s poems are interior, fragmentary,and austere, often stripped down to single-word lines; they seethewith incipient violence. Matthew’s are effusive, ecstatic, and all-embracing.”—The New YorkerIdentical twins Michael and Matthew Dickman once invented their own language.Now they have invented an exhilarating <strong>book</strong> of poem-plays aboutthe fifty states. Pointed, comic, and surreal, these one-page vignettes featureunusual staging and an eclectic cast of characters—landforms, lobsters, andhistorical figures including Duke Ellington, Sacajawea, Judy Garland, andKenneth Koch, the avant-garde spirit informing this <strong>book</strong>.“Lucky in Kansas”Judy Garland: This is always the worst partTin Man: The coming backJudy Garland: Yes, it fucking sucks, it’s depressing as shitThe Lion: Well, we’re lucky to still be employed at this farmStraw Man: I wouldn’t call it luckyThe Lion: We were lucky to get backStraw Man: That’s not really lucky either I don’t think you know what lucky meansJudy Garland: It’s funny what you missTin Man: The runningJudy Garland: The flyingTin Man: The flying monkeysJudy Garland: The beautiful flying monkeys above the endless emeralds the unbelievably green worldMichael Dickman and Matthew Dickman are identical twins who were bornand raised in Portland, Oregon. Michael received the 2010 James LaughlinAward for his second collection Flies (Copper Canyon Press, 2011). Matthew wonthe prestigious APR/Honickman Award for his debut volume, All-American Poem.Twin poet brothers Michael and Matthew Dickman collaborate on statebasedpoem-plays to map an eclectic topography of the United States.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original5 x 8¼ | 110 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-55659-393-2 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Public radio campaignAuthor Hometowns: Princeton, NJ / Portland, ORAlsoAvailableFliesMichael DickmanPOETRY6 x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $18.95978-1-55659-377-2 USCAll-American PoemMatthew DickmanIntroduction by Tony HoaglandPOETRYAPR Honickman 1st Book Award7 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-0-9776395-4-0 USC103

Copper Canyon PressFurther Adventures in MonochromeJohn Yau“Yau tweaks and twists language to express a painful comic vision in whichsensual vividness combines with fierce despair.”—BooklistJohn Yau engages art criticism, social theory, and syntactical dexterity to confrontthe problems of aging, meaning, and identity. Insisting that “True poetsand artists know where language ends, which is why they go there,” Yau pressesagainst the limits of language, creating poems that are at once cryptic, playful,and insightful. Included in its entirety is his groundbreaking serial poem,“Genghis Chan: Private Eye,” and a new series invoking the monochromaticpainter Yves Klein.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-55659-396-3 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: New York, NYFrom “Exhibits”:Can you name which country uses selective amnesia to determine its foreign policy?.Money has become a vast dirty sea rolling over the land..Money has become a UFO because it is the only thing that lacks controversy..Money rhymes with algae..Do you swear to tell the whole truth filled with nothing but reasonable lies?.Signing up for Free Membership works best in a failing economy..In case of emergency, please vacuum the premises..I used to be thorough, now I am just comprehensive . . .John Yau is the author of fifty <strong>book</strong>s of poetry, fiction, and criticism. He is thearts editor of The Brooklyn Rail and teaches art criticism at Mason Gross School ofthe Arts and Rutgers University. He lives in the Garment District neighborhoodin New York City.John Yau engages visual art, social theory, and syntactical dexterity topush the limits of language toward an expansive counter-poetics.104

Copper Canyon PressAfter the Point of No ReturnDavid Wagoner“Wagoner’s words are a living link to the world, enacting it so vitally that theyfeel like natural facts.”—The Seattle TimesIn his twenty-fourth <strong>book</strong> of poetry, David Wagoner reflects on youth, love,regret, and expectation versus reality. Here a master writes at top form, backdroppedby life’s curious moments and imagining Jesus as an untidy roommateor considering our final destination in “Beginner’s Guide to Death.”“After the Point of No Return”After that moment when you’ve lost all reasonfor going back where you started, when going aheadis no longer a Yes or No, but a matter of fact,you’ll need to weigh, on the one hand, what will seem,on the other, almost nothing against somethingslightly more than nothing and must chooseagain and again, at points of fewer and fewerchances to guess, when and which way to turn.That’s when you might stop thinking about starsand storm clouds, the direction of wind,the difference between rain and snow, the timeof day or the lay of the land, about which treesmean water, which birds know what you needto know before it’s too late, or what’s right hereunder your feet, no longer able to tell youwhere it was you thought you had to go.David Wagoner is the author of two dozen <strong>book</strong>s of poetry and ten novels.A longtime teacher at University of Washington, he was the editor at PoetryNorthwest. He lives in Seattle, Washington.“David Wagoner’s study of American nostalgias is as eloquentas that of James Wright.”—Harold BloomPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-55659-382-6 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Public radio campaignAuthor Hometown: Seattle, WAAlsoAvailableStraw for the FireFrom the Note<strong>book</strong>s of Theodore RoethkeTheodore RoethkeIntroduction by David WagonerPOETRY / REFERENCE6 x 9 | 256 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50978-1-55659-248-5 USCOn Poetry and CraftSelected ProseTheodore RoethkeEdited by David WagonerIntroduction by Carolyn KizerPOETRY / REFERENCEWriting Re: Writing6 x 9 | 224 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00978-1-55659-156-3 USC105

Copper Canyon PressSelected PoemsRobert Bringhurst“Robert Bringhurst may well be the poet we have all been waiting for, onewho can reclaim for poetry the dignity, wit, brilliance, and wisdom it has recentlyappeared to have mislaid. He is without doubt a major poet, not only inthe context of Canadian letters, but in that of all writing of our time.”—PoetryInspired by Eastern, pre-Socratic, and Native American art and ideas, RobertBringhurst’s Selected Poems gathers work from fifteen volumes and embodiesmusic, ecology, mythology, and philosophy. As he writes, “When you thinkintensely and beautifully, something happens.” Bringhurst’s passion for <strong>book</strong>sand words extends to the design and typography of this gorgeous volume.POETRYFebruaryA Paperback Original5 x 8½ | 270 ppTrade Paper US $24.00978-1-55659-391-8 USMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign“Essay on Adam”There are five possibilities. One: Adam fell.Two: he was pushed. Three: he jumped. Four:he only looked over the edge, and one look silenced him.Five: nothing worth mentioning happened to Adam.The first, that he fell, is too simple. The fourth,fear, we have tried. It is useless. The fifth,nothing happened, is dull. The choices are these:he jumped or was pushed. And the difference between themis only an issue of whether the demonswork from the inside out or from the outsidein: the onetheological question.Robert Bringhurst is a poet, typographer, and linguist, well known for hisaward-winning translations of Haida storytellers. His manual The Elements ofTypographic Style is one of the world’s most influential texts on typographic design.He lives on Quadra Island, British Columbia.Robert Bringhurst is one of the world’s foremost mythologists andtypographers, and “without doubt a major poet” (Poetry).Author EventsSeattle, WA106

Copper Canyon PressHome BurialMichael McGriff“A lyricist at heart, McGriff is a masterful maker of metaphor.”—Third Coast“There is majestic beauty in these descriptions, and it is clear that McGriffhonors this place as a place—not as mere setting, but as a distinct element ofhis verse.”—Gently Read LiteratureMichael McGriff’s second full-length collection explores interior landscapesand illustrates life in a rural community in the Pacific Northwest. Whethertender or hard-hitting, McGriff juxtaposes natural images of deep forests,creeks, coyotes, and crows against the harsher oil-grease realities of bluecollarlife, creating poems that read like folk tales about the people working ingrain mills, forests, and factories.“New Civilian”The new law says you can abandon your childin an emergency room,no questions asked. The young fathercarries the sleeping boythrough the hospital doors.Later, alone, parked at the boat basin,he takes a knife from his pocket,cuts an unfiltered cigarette in two,lights the longer half in his mouth.He was a medic in the war.In his basement are five bronze eaglesthat once adorned the wallsof a dictator’s palace.Michael McGriff attended the University of Oregon; the University of Texasat Austin, where he was a Michener Fellow in creative writing; and StanfordUniversity, where he was a Stegner Fellow. He is the co-founding editor andpublisher of Tavern Books and lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-55659-384-0 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT“Work has never been a literary theme park for me—it’s what I know and have known.”—Michael McGriff107

Copper Canyon PresspH Neutral HistoryLidija DimkovskaTranslated by Ljubica Arsovska and Peggy Reid“Dimkovska pins readers to the wall with rapid-fire linguistic energy.”—Publishers Weekly, starred review“[Dimkovsaka has the] stunning capacity to transform the ridiculous intosomething poignant and utterly precise.”—Boston ReviewFrom the intersection of boundaries, Macedonian poet and novelist LidijaDimkovska scrutinizes life’s customary and trivial details to expose theconsequences—both confusing and edifying—of living in an age of contradictoryethics. These poems are packed with unusual connections and surprisingdetail, and populated with family characters as well as Bruno Schultz, LaurieAnderson, and George Steiner. Bilingual presentation, with Macedonian en face.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-55659-375-8 USCMacedonean bilingualMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copiesFrom “Ideal Weight”:Our river can be seen only through a small basement window.And nobody dies absolutely any more. The middle-class scrapesthe price tags off presents, decorates windows with laser stars, plays shadow theatrewith rubber gloves on. It makes faces at you as you cry:“I exorcise zombies professionally! Be free again!”and I know if you’re too fat or too thin life and death are one and the same burden.Only someone of ideal weight can carry the cross upright . . .Poet and novelist Lidija Dimkovska was born in 1971 in Macedonia and sheearned a doctoral degree in Romanian literature in Bucharest. She has publishedsix <strong>book</strong>s of poetry and one novel; her work has been translated intotwenty languages. Dimkovska lives and teaches in Ljubljana, Slovenia.“The truth is she’s unstoppable and will not be ignored.”—Poetry• National print and online campaign108

Copper Canyon PressThe Crossed-Out SwastikaCyrus Cassells“Cassells is a passionate poet whose poems touch the core of human connectionthrough which can flow union with the infinite. Highly recommended.”—Library JournalCyrus Cassells’ fifth <strong>book</strong> commemorates the blazing integrity of young peoplecaught in the vise of World War II. In its journey through the “anti-miracle”of Europe’s embattled past, The Crossed-Out Swastika follows the lives of historicaland semi-fictional characters to unearth and amplify moments of almostimpossible music, bravery, beauty, and redemption, illuminating the humanspirit against unspeakable tyranny.Poet, from cellar to cellar, I rememberI held onto, of all things,a picture <strong>book</strong> about a magical goat,inscribed by my witty father:This story<strong>book</strong> belongsto Mademoiselle Sabinethe way Paris once belongedto Marie Antoinette—Somehow having that <strong>book</strong>helped me to endure . . .Cyrus Cassells grew up in the Mojave Desert. He graduated from StanfordUniversity and has worked as a translator, film critic, and actor; he currentlyteaches poetry in the MFA program at Texas State University–San Marcos. Helives in Austin, Texas.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-55659-379-6 USC“Cassells is . . . a poet of conscience [and] above all a lyric poet whosealchemy makes beauty of bitterness.”—Alicia OstrikerMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: Austin, TXAlsoAvailableSoul Make a Path Through ShoutingCyrus CassellsPOETRY / FICTION6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-55659-065-8 USCMore Than Peace and CypressesCyrus CassellsPOETRY5½ x 9 | 144 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00978-1-55659-214-0 USC109

Copper Canyon PressBreak the GlassJean Valentine“As elliptical and demanding as Emily Dickinson, Valentine consistently rewardsthe reader.”—Library JournalIn her eleventh collection—honored as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize inpoetry—Jean Valentine characteristically weds a moral imperative to imaginativeand linguistic leaps and bounds. Whether writing elegies, meditationson aging, or an extended homage to Lucy, the earliest known hominid, thepared-down compactness of her tone and vision reveals a singular voice inAmerican poetry. As Adrienne Rich has said of Valentine’s work, “This is apoetry of the highest order, because it lets us into spaces and meanings wecouldn’t approach in any other way.”POETRYAprilFirst Trade Paper Edition5½ x 7½ | 98 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-55659-394-9 USCPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-55659-321-5Marketing PlansCo-op availableAuthor Hometown: New York, NYFrom “If a Person Visits Someone in a Dream, in Some Cultures theDreamer Thanks Them”:At a hotel in another star. The rooms were cold anddamp, we were both at the desk at midnight asking ifthey had any heaters. They had one heater. You areill, please you take it. Thank you for visiting my dream.*Can you breathe all right?Break the glass shoutbreak the glass force the roombreak the thread Openthe music behind the glass . . .Jean Valentine, a former State Poet of New York, earned a National BookAward, the Wallace Stevens Award, and the Shelley Memorial Prize. She hastaught at Sarah Lawrence, New York University, and Columbia University.She lives in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of New York City.“[Valentine’s] minimalist, elided style is like the quiet concentrationof a bank robber trying to crack a safe.”—Publishers Weekly110

Copper Canyon PressUpgraded to SeriousHeather McHugh“If McHugh is serious, she’s anything but grim; with all her punning, bantering,and mock scolding of herself . . . she brightens the shadowy corners ofher world with verbal pyrotechnics.”—The New York Times Book Review“Her poems are open, resilient, invisibly twisted: part safety net, parttrampoline.”—Village Voice Literary SupplementThis fast-paced, verbally dexterous <strong>book</strong>—honored as a “Book of the Year”by Publishers Weekly—“boils up and boils over” as it utilizes medical terminologyand iconography to work through loss and detachment. Heather McHugh’sstartling rhymes and rhythms, coupled with her sarcastic self-reflection andinfectious laughter, serve as both palliative and prophylactic in the face ofhuman sufferings and ignorance. Being “upgraded to serious” from criticalcondition is a nod to the healing powers of poetry.“Not to Be Dwelled On”Self-interest cropped up even there,the day I hoisted three insteadof the ceremonially called-for twospadefuls of loamonto the coffin of my friend.Why shovel more than anybody else?What did I think I’d prove? More love(mud in her eye)? More will to work?(her father what, a shirker?) Christ,what wouldn’t anybody giveto get that gesture back?She cannot die again; and Ido nothing but re-live.Heather McHugh is the author of a dozen <strong>book</strong>s of poetry and translation.She teaches at the University of Washington and Warren Wilson College andlives in Seattle, Washington.POETRYAprilFirst Trade Paper Edition6 x 9 | 104 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-55659-395-6 USCPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-55659-306-2Marketing PlansCo-op availableAuthor Hometown: Seattle, WA“McHugh remains one of our most important and unusual poets.”—Publishers Weekly, starred review111

Selected Backlist from Copper Canyon PressFall HigherDean YoungPOETRY6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Cloth US $22.00 | CAN $26.50978-1-55659-311-6 USCOne with Others[a little <strong>book</strong> of her days]C.D. WrightPOETRY6 x 8 | 160 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $21.00978-1-55659-388-8 USCThe Shadow of SiriusW.S. MerwinPOETRY6 x 9 | 130 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.00978-1-55659-310-9 USCTrade Cloth US $22.00 | CAN $24.50978-1-55659-284-3 USCLast PoemsHayden CarruthIntroduction by Stephen DobynsPOETRY6 x 9 | 120 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-55659-381-9 USCThe Book of HoursMarianne BoruchPOETRY6 x 9 | 110 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-55659-385-7 USCCome on All You GhostsMatthew ZapruderPOETRY6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50978-1-55659-322-2 USC112

Dewi Lewis PublishingA New Kind Of BeautyPhillip Toledano“But the impact of these faces and the bodies is jarring, even alienating. Thesitters’ motivations for these enormous changes are undoubtedly personal anddeeply felt, but the enormity of that transgressive action challenges us as theviewer to sort out our own ideas about beauty and gender.”—W.M. HuntAre we at a point in history where we are beginning to define not only ourown concept of beauty, but of physicality itself? What choices do we make? Isbeauty informed by contemporary culture? By history? Or is it defined by thesurgeon’s hand?Phillip Toledano lives and works in New York City. He has published threemonographs—the most recent, Days With My Father, was received with criticalacclaim.PHOTOGRAPHYApril10¾ x 14¾ | 64 pp32 color photographsTrade Cloth US $48.00 | CAN $52.95978-1-907893-10-0 USCMarketing PlansNational print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: New York, NYControversial portraits of people who havere-created themselves through plasticsurgery—a new kind of beauty?Burke + NorfolkPhotographs From the War in Afghanistan byJohn Burke and Simon NorfolkJohn Burke and Simon NorfolkIn October 2010, Simon Norfolk began a series of new photographsin Afghanistan. Norfolk’s photographs are a response to the work ofnineteenth-century Irish photographer John Burke, in the context of thecontemporary conflict. The project was conceived as a collaborative venturewith Burke across time. Norfolk’s new work from Kabul and Helmand is presentedalongside Burke’s original portfolios.The echoing images that result from the partnership highlight points ofcontinuity and change from either side of the twentieth-century in the warravagedcountry. Exhibited at Tate Modern, London, 2011.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaignPHOTOGRAPHYAvailable Now11¾ x 14¾ | 168 pp100 color photographs, color illustrations, andB&W illustrationsTrade Cloth US $65.00 | CAN $71.50978-1-907893-11-7 USCA collaborative venture across timebetween nineteenth century photographerJohn Burke and Simon Norfolk on thewar in Afghanistan.113

Selected Backlist from Dewi Lewis PublishingTRANSITEspen RasmussenPHOTOGRAPHY12 x 8¾ | 192 pp150 color photographsTrade Cloth US $48.00 | CAN $52.99978-1-907893-06-3 USCThis Is Not A HouseEdgar MartinsPHOTOGRAPHY13¼ x 10½ | 108 pp65 color photographsTrade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $54.99978-1-907893-02-5 USCThe BrothersElin HøylandIntroduction Gerry BadgerPHOTOGRAPHY9¼ x 12½ | 96 pp45 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $48.00 | CAN $52.99978-1-907893-08-7 USCDirection–Space!Maria GruzdevaPHOTOGRAPHY10 x 12¼ | 96 pp110 color photographsTrade Cloth US $48.00 | CAN $52.99978-1-907893-05-6 USCIn The Face Of SilenceChristophe AgouText by John BergerPHOTOGRAPHY11¾ x 9¾ | 144 pp77 color photographsTrade Cloth US $48.00 | CAN $52.99978-1-907893-04-9 USCHalf LifeMichael AckermanIntroduction by Denis KambouchnerPHOTOGRAPHY12¼ x 8¼ | 168 pp153 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $55.00 | CAN $60.50978-1-907893-00-1 USC114

DialogueThe BesiegedA Story of SurvivalCaroline WaltonOn June 22, 1941, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union and German troops advancedtowards Leningrad, Russia’s second city with a population of threemillion. On June 27 the people of Leningrad began constructing fortificationsaround the city and steeled themselves for a defensive struggle whichwas to continue until January 1944. So fervent was the people’s resistance thatGerman forces, frustrated by their inability to take the stronghold, encircledthe city in a nine hundred-day-long siege, beginning on September 8, 1941,during which around five hundred thousand troops and up to a million civiliansdied.Published to mark the seventieth anniversary of the beginning of the siegeof Leningrad on September 8, 1941, The Besieged takes us inside the fortificationsand into the homes and lives of those trapped in Leningrad. The historyof the siege is recounted here by survivors who, in the <strong>summer</strong> of 1999, disclosedtheir memories of that time to writer Caroline Walton. Their storiesdescribe humanity at its utter limit—encompassing desperation, fear, grief,famine, murder, and even cannibalism. But these are also stories of courage,camaraderie, fortitude, music, passion, and pride, and of an elusive, notquite describable but ineffably human quality that allows hungry people tosurvive the worst that human experience can yield. Harrowing, yet uplifting,The Besieged is history in the broadest and best sense.Caroline Walton is the author of Ivan Petrov—Russia through a Shot Glass, LittleTenement on the Volga, and The Voice of Leningrad, which won the New LondonWriters’ Award. She is a fluent Russian speaker.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / HISTORYApril5½ x 8½ | 288 ppTrade Cloth US $25.95 | CAN $28.50978-1-84954-147-3 USCPublished to mark the seventieth anniversary of thebeginning of the siege of Leningrad.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign115

DialogueLet Them Eat CarbonThe Price of Failing Climate Change Policies, and HowGovernments and Big Business Profit from ThemMatthew SinclairBUSINESS & ECONOMICS / POLITICAL SCIENCEAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-84954-116-9 USCOrdinary people are paying a ruinous price for the attempts politicians maketo control greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change policies dramaticallyraise electricity bills, make it much more expensive to drive to work or fly onholiday, put manufacturing workers out of a job, and sometimes even makeyour food more expensive.Climate change is big business. Much of the money so-called green policiescost us goes straight into the pockets of a bewildering range of special interests.Around the world companies are making billions out of the schemes governmentshave put in place saying they will curb global warming and protectus from the threat of climate change. There is little evidence that those policiesare an efficient way to cut emissions. They simply do not represent goodvalue, and the public are right to be sceptical.In Let Them Eat Carbon Matthew Sinclair looks at the myths perpetuated bythe burgeoning climate change industry, examines the individual policies andthe potentially disastrous targets being put into place by ambitious politicians,and proposes a more realistic alternative.Matthew Sinclair is director of the Taxpayers’ Alliance. He is the editor ofHow to Cut Public Spending (and Still Win an Election).A look at the myths perpetuated by theburgeoning climate change industry.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign116

DialogueThe Words of Our TimeJohn Shosky, PhDWe often look at history as a discussion of the past. But we are living modernhistory with each day, writing our story, setting a course for the time to come.Words of Our Time is a compilation of the great modern speeches of our time.It includes speeches by Barack Obama, Aung San Suu Kyi, BenjaminNetanyahu, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Nelson Mandela, Benazir Bhutto,and Pope Benedict XVI.John Shosky, PhD, is a leading public speaking coach and author of Speakingto Lead.LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINESAugust5½ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Cloth US $25.95 | CAN $28.50978-1-84954-177-0 USCMarketing PlansNational print and online campaignA <strong>book</strong> of modernpolitical speeches.Masters of NothingHow the Crash Will Happen Again UnlessWe Understand Human NatureMatthew Hancock and Nadhim ZahawiIn Masters of Nothing, two noted political economists—using a model of a betterunderstanding of human behavior—lay down a blueprint for the solution tothe status quo of financial boom and bust.The behavior of those who rode the boom and switched at the tippingpoint to ride the bust, or the behavior of those who held on to their principlesas the system collapsed around them—it’s all important. It was human behaviorafter all that led us to construct a bubble nobody suspected was dangerous,yet nonetheless would burst with disastrous consequences.POLITICAL SCIENCEJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 208 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-84954-143-5 USCMarketing PlansNational print and online campaignMasters of Nothing examines humanbehavior and applies it to how we organizethe financial system.117

DialogueThe Palin EffectSarah Palin, The Tea Party and the New American Class SystemShana PearlmanWith the presidential elections just around the corner Sarah Palin and the TeaParty will be central to all activities. A fascinating and timely insider study, ThePalin Effect details what is actually going on in the right of American politics andwhy it is making some people very uncomfortable.It traces the rise of both Palin and the Tea Party—one that corresponds withthe declining fortunes of the middle-class in America—and looks at the deepanxiety that both have provoked in the cultural elite.Shana Pearlman shows how sex, money, and class are linked in the hystericalreaction surrounding this extremely divisive personality.Shana Pearlman has worked at Fox News and the BBC. An American politicaljournalist, Pearlman now works on digital initiatives for major UK newspapers.She lives in London, England, with her husband.Shows how sex, money, and class are linked in thehysterical reaction surrounding Sarah Palin.POLITICAL SCIENCE /BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-84954-150-3 USCMarketing Plans• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign118

DialogueNot in Front of the CorgisSecrets of Life Behind the Royal CurtainsBrian HoeyInterest in the British royal family is inexhaustible. Just take the amazingclamor over the recent wedding of William and Kate! But who are the Royals,and what do they get up to when we aren’t watching them?In Not in Front of the Corgis, a veteran Royal commentator and author of morethan twenty <strong>book</strong>s on the Royals peeks behind the curtains to tell us what theyreally get up to in their spare time. The <strong>book</strong> asks questions like what theQueen watches on TV and why she does not have a driving license, and answersthousands of questions about the world’s most famous family, includingwho are the most popular Royals to work for, and who the least? Who is thegrandest of the Queen’s children and why? Why do Edward and Andrew payless than Charles’ private secretary for the rent of their homes, and what recordsdid the Queen Mother like to dance to?Not in Front of the Corgis is a unique and fascinating miscellany containingeverything you ever wanted to know about the Royal Family, away from thespotlight.Brian Hoey has been a writer and broadcaster for over forty years, coveringcountless Royal events, including the wedding of Charles and Diana in 1981and Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997.A unique and fascinating miscellany containing everything you everwanted to know about the royal family, away from the spotlight.REFERENCEJune5 x 7⅞ | 256 ppTrade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-1-84954-176-3 USCMarketing Plans• National print and online campaign119

DialogueBloody SundayTruths, Lies and the Saville InquiryDouglas MurrayHISTORYJune6⅛ x 9¼ | 320 ppTrade Cloth US $29.95 | CAN $32.95978-1-84954-149-7 USCDouglas Murray followed the Saville Inquiry daily, almost from the beginning,hoping to find a story. Instead, he found hundreds. In this <strong>book</strong> he tellsthese stories—the stories of the individuals involved in the terrible events ofthat defining day, Bloody Sunday.This <strong>book</strong> is not only about a terrible event and it is not just about a processof justice. It is about the efforts of a group of people to arrive at truthand a country’s effort—three decades on—at a painful and perhaps incompletereconciliation.Douglas Murray is a best-selling author and award-winning political journalistbased in London, England.The very human stories from one of themost catastrophic events in the modernhistory of the United Kingdom.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaignThe Meat FixHow a Lifetime of Healthy Living Nearly Killed Me!John NicholsonSOCIAL SCIENCEJulyA Paperback Original5 x 7⅞ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-84954-139-8 USCThe Meat Fix is the story of how eating meat again after twenty-six vegetarianyears changed John Nicholson’s life powerfully for the better, and his questto understand why the supposedly healthy diet he had existed on was actuallydamaging him.He is not a scientist and this is not your standard diet <strong>book</strong>. Rather, it isan explanation of how Nicholson discovered what works for him and why weshould all look at nutritional advice through a clear lens, not the warped prismof what has become conventional dietary advice. This is a surprising, often hilarious,and shocking journey of discovery.John Nicholson is author of We Ate All the Pies, which was longlisted for theWilliam Hill Sports Book of the Year Prize.120The Meat Fix is thestory of how eating meat changedJohn Nicholson’s life for the better.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign

The Disinformation CompanyThe UpgradeA Cautionary Tale of a Life Without ReservationsPaul CarrBored, broke, and struggling to survive in one of the most expensive cities onearth, Paul Carr comes to the surprising realization that it would actually becheaper to live in a luxury hotel in Manhattan than in his tiny one- bedroomLondon apartment. Inspired by that possibility, he sells his possessions,abandons his old life, and starts living entirely without commitments as amodern-day nomad.Thanks to Paul’s ability to talk his way into increasingly ridiculous situations,what begins as a one-year experiment soon becomes a permanentlifestyle—a life lived in luxury hotels and mountain-top villas. A life of fastcars, Hollywood actresses, and Icelandic rock stars. Of 6,000-mile bootycalls, of partying with eight hundred female hairdressers dressed only in bedsheets,and of nearly dying at the hands of Spanish drug dealers. And, mostbizarrely of all, a life that still costs less than his surviving on cold pizza in hisold apartment.Yet, as word of Paul’s exploits starts to spread—first online, then througha national newspaper column and eventually a <strong>book</strong> deal—he finds himselfforced constantly to up the stakes in order to keep things interesting. With hisbehavior spiraling to dangerous—and sometimes criminal—levels, he is forcedto ask the question: is there such a thing as too much freedom?Paul Carr is a writer, columnist, and professional failure. He lives permanentlyin hotels. His previous <strong>book</strong> Bringing Nothing To The Party told the painfultrue story of how he tried, and failed, to become the next internet billionaire.TRAVEL / BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYApril6 x 9 | 304 ppTrade Paper US $18.95978-1-934708-80-4 USO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-934708-78-1 USO*Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-934708-78-1Bored, broke, and struggling to pay the rent, Paul Carr decides tosell everything and live in hotels across America.Marketing PlansCo-op available• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaignAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Washington, DC • Las Vegas, NV •New York, NY • Austin, TXAuthor Hometown: San Francisco, CA121

The Disinformation CompanyThe Forbidden BookGuido Mina di Sospiro and Joscelyn GodwinA multi-faceted mystery that incorporates the most serious and sensitive issueof our time: religious extremism. The evocative setting of Venice and theVeneto dominates the action, supplemented by vivid scenes in Santiago deCompostela, Provence, Washington, and the Vatican. Occult beliefs and practicesfuel the action as the main characters become embroiled in an aristocraticsex magick plot.While on one level The Forbidden Book is a murder mystery set against the conflictsof Islam and the West, the <strong>book</strong> also delves deep into esoteric knowledgeand practice, thanks to Guido Mina di Sospiro’s extensive knowledge ofCatholicism and Joscelyn Godwin’s authoritative studies of the western esoterictradition. Underlying the fast paced action, the reader will find a profoundtreatment of moral and political dilemmas, the conflict of religions,and the frightening possibilities of the occult.FICTION / MYSTERYAprileBook ISBN: 978-1-934708-83-5 WMarketing PlansCo-op available• Online/social media campaignGuido Mina di Sospiro is an award-winning, internationally published novelistborn in Argentina, raised in Italy, and educated in the United States. Agraduate of the University of Southern California, he lives in the Washington,DC, area with his wife and their three sons.Joscelyn Godwin was born in England and lives in Hamilton, New York,where he is professor of music at Colgate University. He graduated withbache lors and masters degrees from Cambridge University and has a PhDfrom Cornell University. He is a composer, musicologist, and translator,known for his work on ancient music, paganism, and music in the occult. Hehas written, edited, or translated more than twenty <strong>book</strong>s for multiple publishersworldwide.A multi-faceted mystery delves into esoteric and occult beliefs, includingshocking sex magick, as well as the impact of religious extremism.Author EventsWashington, DC • Miami, FL • New York, NYAuthor Hometowns: Vienna, VA / Hamilton, NY122

Dzanc BooksThe Festival of Earthly DelightsMatt Dojny“Matt Dojny’s novel is a true delight. I can’t think of any writer since KingsleyAmis who’s been able to write high-minded comedy that packs such a punch.I’ve never enjoyed a comic novel more.”—John Wray, author of Lowboy, The RightHand of Sleep, and Canann’s TongueThe Festival of Earthly Delights is a humorous bildungsroman set in the fictionalSoutheast Asian country of Puchai. The protagonist, Boyd Darrow, has recentlymoved there with his unfaithful girlfriend to give their relationship asecond chance. His adventures, and misadventures, are relayed in a series ofletters to a mysterious recipient.February 19 8:23 AMDear Hap:A new position falls into the hands of one who, living, dreams. I bought this note<strong>book</strong> in the airportwhen we arrived in Puchai, and, instead of keeping a journal—which always feels lonely and pointlessto me—I’ve decided to write you a letter. IT WILL COME TRUE.Ulla and I are in the Central Dakhong Railway Station, waiting for the 12:13 train to Mai Mor.The station is rumbling and hot and cavernous and painted floor-to-ceiling in volcanic orange. Ullahas wandered off in search of a bathroom and I’m sitting on a bench, guarding our bags. And—whereare you?Matt Dojny lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife, new baby, and dog.He is currently a graphic designer for Scholastic Books, and recently coauthoredan illustrated essay called “Impossible Sightseeing” in A Public Space.FICTIONMay5½ x 8½ | 462 ppTrade Cloth US $23.00 | CAN $25.50978-1-936873-69-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936873-74-6 W*The Festival of Earthly Delights is a laugh-out-loud bildungsromanset in the fictional Southeast Asian country of Puchai.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Promotion through: www.mattdojny.comAuthor EventsNew York, NYAuthor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY123

Dzanc BooksMy Only WifeJac JemcTen years ago the narrator unlocked the door of a wrecked apartment, emptyof any trace of his wife. As stunning as her disappearance is his response. Hefreezes on the facts of her, haunting his recollections. This is the story of a manunable to free himself enough from the idea of a woman to try to find her.Jac Jemc’s work has appeared in the Denver Quarterly, Caketrain, Handsome, andSleepingfish, among others. She is the author of a chap<strong>book</strong> of stories, TheseStrangers She’d Invited In (Greying Ghost Press) and is the poetry editor for decomPmagazinE.FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 194 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-936873-68-5 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936873-73-9 WIn her debut novel, Jac Jemcexplores the question, “Do we make upour stories or do they make us?”Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignPromotion through: http://jacjemc.wordpress.comAuthor EventsChicago, IL • Iowa City, IA • Baltimore, MD • Ann Arbor, MI • Minneapolis, MN •New York, NY • Madison, WIAuthor Hometown: Chicago, ILThe Freak ChroniclesJennifer SpiegelThe short stories in this collection use freaks to explore eccentricity, alienation,normalcy, and intimacy. What is it that makes one a freak, makes one want to liveas an outcast, have the fortitude to do so? Jennifer Spiegel’s stories delve into thesequestions and more.Jennifer Spiegel is a fiction writer and English professor. She lives in Arizonawith her husband and two kids. She reads a lot, tries to buy mostly organic food,and drinks strong coffee with cream.eBook ISBN: 978-1-936873-75-3 WThese stories mull over freakiness,consisting of “Domestic Freaks” (storiesset in the United States) and “FreaksAbroad” (mostly South African).124FICTION / SHORT STORIESJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 225 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-936873-70-8 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignPromotion through: www.jenniferspiegel.comAuthor EventsTempe, AZ • Los Angeles, CA • San Diego, CA • Denver, CO • Chicago, IL •Boston, MA • Ann Arbor, MIAuthor Hometown: Phoenix, AZ

Dzanc BooksYou, or the Invention of MemoryJonathan Baumbach“No one is smarter or funnier about the absurdities and agonies of modernlove. Reading You is an affair to relish and remember.”—Hilda WolitzerWith each new novel, Jonathan Baumbach nudges the parameters of thenovel—this time his narrator remembers, or invents, or imagines, the life ofa not easily defined woman known only as You. It’s another great look at theidea of love and the many various holds it can take.Jonathan Baumbach is the author of fourteen <strong>book</strong>s of fiction, and has alsopublished over ninety stories in such places as Esquire and Boulevard.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignPromotion through: www.jonathanbaumbach.comAuthor EventsGreat Barrington, MA • Lenox, MA • Brooklyn, NY • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NYFICTIONJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 191 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-936873-71-5 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936873-76-0 WJonathan Baumbach’s well receivedpost-modern story of a not easily definedrelationship with a complex and variablewoman known as You.A True History of the Captivation,Transport to Strange Lands, &Deliverance of Hannah GuttentagA NovelJosh RussellJohn Russell writes about what it’s like to be a woman and uses the life ofHannah Guttentag as his example. Gone are the days when natives kidnapPuritan women, march them into the woods, and sell them to the French. By1990, women enter the woods to get PhDs, natives <strong>summer</strong> on Cape Cod, andthe French are theorists.Josh Russell is an Illinois native—born Thanksgiving Day, 1968—who nowlives in Decatur, Georgia, and is co-director of the Georgia State Universitycreative writing program. His novels Yellow Jack and My Bright Midnight earned himfellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsBirmingham, AL • Atlanta, GA • Jackson, MS • Oxford, MS • Memphis, TNAuthor Hometown: Decatur, GAFICTIONAugustA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 170 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-936873-72-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936873-77-7 WThis is the true history of HannahGuttentag’s graduate schooling/captivity:lust, love, marriage, motherhood, cuckoldry,widowhood, and early American literature.125

Dzanc BooksHollywood BuckarooTracy DeBrincat“Hollywood Buckaroo will have a joyous ring of truth to anyone who has toiled(or tried to) in the crazy, silly, and ultimately bizarre world of show businessthat is brought to life so wonderfully within these pages.”—Ron McLarty,best- selling author of The Memory of Running and TravelerWhat can happen to a director on a failing shoot? Plenty, as all aspects of lifeare thrown his way. Amid his efforts to save the doomed project, eccentriclocals crack open his heart and jumpstart his creative juices.Tracy DeBrincat lives in Los Angeles, California.A director deals with love, death, and family secrets whilefilming a hamburger commercial in a western town.FICTIONAprilA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 375 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-0-9828766-8-8 USCMarketing Plans• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Author will do readings in Los AngelesAuthor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA126

Dzanc BooksWhat the Water Gave MePoems After Frida KahloPascale Petit“No other British poet I am aware of can match the powerful mythic imaginationof Pascale Petit.”—Les Murray, Times Literary SupplementPoems in the voice of Frida Kahlo. Some are close interpretations of Kahlo’swork, while others are parallels or version homages where Pascale Petit drawson her experience as a visual artist to create alternative “paintings” with words.More than just a verse biography, this collection explores how Kahlo transformedtrauma into art after the artist’s near-fatal bus accident.Pascale Petit has published five collections, three of which were shortlistedfor the TS Eliot Prize.Pascale Petit, with her vivid style, her feel for nature, and herunderstanding of pain and redemption, fully inhabits Frida Kahlo’s world.POETRYAvailable NowA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 64 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-0-9828766-5-7 USC127

Dzanc BooksIn Order to Form a More Perfect UnionTJ Beitelman“It is spectacular to watch his poems upend everything. In this <strong>book</strong>, the paintsqueezes its artist from the tube. The facts are not to be believed, but youwill ardently believe that they are facts.”—Darcie Dennigan, author of CorinnaA-maying the ApocalypseThis loosely federated republic of curses, verses, and fractured mythic narrativesholds a single truth to be self-evident: our genius for disorder is ourtruest gift.POETRYAprilA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-0-9828766-9-5 USCA dream in which Jude Law andGabriel García Márquez fall in love andtake a road trip to Vegas.TJ Beitelman teaches writing at the Alabama School of Fine Arts.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publicationsAuthor Hometown: Pelham, ALThe School of the AmericasDavid Rigsbee“David Rigsbee’s poems move with philosophical intensities. The perspectivesthe poems offer are complex, highly nuanced, rooted in critical engagementswith a cultural tradition, and often less comfortable than the refusal of perspectivepracticed by more vertiginous writers.”—Robert McNamaraAward-winning poet David Rigsbee turnsto recent history in his memorable andaccessible tenth collection.128POETRYJuneA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 70 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-0-9837945-0-9 USCDavid Rigsbee’s new poems turn to recent history refracted through an art asschooled by trauma, as the beauties his poems also celebrate, from the edgeof tragedy to moments too human in their epiphanies to be swallowed byoblivion.David Rigsbee is the author of nineteen <strong>book</strong>s and has published criticalworks on Joseph Brodsky and Carolyn Kizer.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publicationsAuthor Hometown: Raleigh, NC

Dzanc BooksThe Beautiful Wishes of Ugly MenAdam Prince“‘The Island of Lost Boys’ is a finely written piece, notable for its acute observation,wry wit, and delicate characterization. The latter is true of eventhe secondary figures—each is vividly particular—but especially of the complexcentral character, a risky choice of protagonist who could so easily collapseinto sordid stereotype, but who is here delineated with an exacting andsurprising sensitivity. The result is a quietly, almost furtively, heartbreakingstory.”—Peter Ho DaviesIn 2011, Narrative Magazine named Adam Prince one of the twenty best newwriters.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsLong Beach, CA • Los Angeles, CA • Monterey, CA • Newport Beach, CA •San Francisco, CA • Louisville, KY • New York, NY • Poughkeepsie, NY •Pittsburgh, PA • Knoxville, TN • Nashville, TNAuthor Hometown: Knoxville, TNFICTION / SHORT STORIESMayA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 200 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-0-9828766-6-4 USCA collection not only aboutlust and male bravado, but aboutthe complex glories of love.The Branches, the Axe, the MissingCharlotte Pence“This poetry is dangerous in the way that we’ve always suspected poetry mightbe: poetry as truth-teller, poetry as seductress. There’s enough narrative tokeep anyone who loves stories hooked; experimental spaces for the innovativereader to co-create in; fierce honesty that does not give way to any trend; lyricismthat can be set to music. Once you’ve entered the silken tent of CharlottePence’s poetry, you will want to stay inside the intelligence and beauty for along time, to resist the ordinary.”—Marilyn KalletCharlotte Pence’s poetry has received the Discovered Voices award, an individualartist commission from Tennessee.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publicationsAuthor EventsLong Beach, CA • Los Angeles, CA • Monterey, CA • Newport Beach, CA •San Francisco, CA • Louisville, KY • New York, NY • Poughkeepsie, NY •Pittsburgh, PA • Knoxville, TN • Nashville, TNAuthor Hometown: Knoxville, TNPOETRYJuneA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 28 ppTrade Paper US $9.00 | CAN $9.95978-0-9828766-7-1 USCScientific yet sexy, this poeticsequence that explodes with startlingimagery explores evolution, paranoidschizophrenia, and the nuclear family.129

Dzanc BooksLoving You the Way I DoRon SavageFICTION / SHORT STORIESJulyA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 220 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-0-9826364-3-5 USCLove stories: how we love, how wesucceed or fail in love, the everydaynessand the oddness of love.“Ron Savage’s tales—through terse, compact, suggestive phrases opens to thereader the inner world of his characters, while understatedly describing anindifferent, often harsh, world within which they are encased—take on manyof the vexing issues (such as: war, violence, and the resulting physical and/orpsychological trauma) of our contemporary world. His stories reveal what’sgoing on rather then tendentiously preach about the innumerable social illsof these ‘end times.’”—Csaba Polony, Left CurveRon Savage has been a guest fiction editor for Crazyhorse and is the author ofthe novel Scar Keeper (Hilliard and Harris).Marketing PlansSocial media campaignBlack Lawrence Press will be present at Brooklyn Book Festival and AWPAuthor Hometown: Williamsburg, VADreamweedPosthumous PoemsYvan GollTranslated by Nan Watkins“In these magnificent and stirring last poems, the great Yvan Goll is recordingnothing less than the disintegration of the European soul, using the intellectualresources of a highly influential and cosmopolitan imagination. One ofthe finest and most revered poets of the twentieth century, Goll receives the tendertreatment he deserves in these remarkably vivid and masterful translations.”—Keith Flynn, author of The Golden Ratio and The Rhythm Method, Razzmatazz and MemoryThe first English translation of the lastpoems of Yvan Goll, one of the twentiethcentury’s finest European poets.130POETRYAugustA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 140 ppTrade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $18.50978-0-9837945-1-6 USCThis is the first English translation of the last poems of Yvan Goll, one of thetwentieth century’s finest European poets.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignBlack Lawrence Press will be present at Brooklyn Book Festival and AWPTranslator Hometown: Cullowhee, NC

Dzanc BooksFlock BookKatie UmansThese are poems about the anxiety of what must be traded for the comfort ofthe flock. “Flock <strong>book</strong>s” allow farmers to register and track livestock, and thesepoems survey the anxieties of that registry: the comfort of shelter as trade forliving under the weight of threats—of removal, conformity, or one’s own urgeto stray.Katie Umans has an MFA from the University of Michigan, was a Ruth andJay C. Halls Poetry Fellow at the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, andreceived a 2010 Individual Artist Fellowship from the New Hampshire StateCouncil on the Arts.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignOutreach to poetry publicationsAuthor Hometown: Dover, NHPOETRYAugustA Paperback OriginalBlack Lawrence Press5½ x 8½ | 65 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-0-9837945-2-3 USCPoems about the anxiety ofwhat must be traded for thecomfort of the flock.Niagara DigressionsE. R. Baxter IIIIntroduction by Eric GansworthA seasoned storyteller’s work via cut-up method, combining history and naturalistmemoir, Niagara Digressions presents land as historical palimpsest, fromancient cave paintings to 1960s mimeographed poetry, the massacre of thebuffalo to the manufacture of shredded wheat cereal.E. R. Baxter III is a Niagara County Community College professor emeritusof English and has been a recipient of a New York State Creative ServiceAward for fiction and a Just Buffalo Award for Fiction. Previous publicationsinclude Looking for Niagara (Slipstream Press) and various chap<strong>book</strong>s.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational advertising: American Book Review • Rain TaxiNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignRain Taxi promotion through Buffalo ReadsAuthor EventsBuffalo, NY • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Niagara, NYBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / MEMOIRAprilA Paperback OriginalStarcherone Books5½ x 8½ | 250 ppTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $21.95978-0-9837405-2-0 USCeBook ISBN: 978-0-9837405-3-7 WA naturalist storyteller’s memoirpresenting land as historical palimpsest,with legacies poetic and violent.131

Selected Backlist from Dzanc BooksDreams of MollyJonathan BaumbachFICTION5½ x 8½ | 154 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.00978-0-9827975-3-2 USCThe Iron Will ofShoeshine CatsHesh KestinFICTION5½ x 8½ | 334 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $16.95978-0-9767177-8-2 USCThe Consequenceof SkatingSteven GillisFICTION5½ x 8½ | 302 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $21.95978-0-9826228-7-2 USCHow They Were FoundMatt BellFICTION5¼ x 8 | 256 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.00978-0-9821512-5-9 USCUnclean Jobs forWomen and GirlsAlissa NuttingFICTION6 x 9 | 188 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.99978-0-9842133-2-0 USCOther Resort CitiesTod GoldbergFICTION5½ x 8½ | 200 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $16.95978-0-9815899-9-2 USC132

Enigma BooksMy FaultHow Mussolini’s Jewish Lover Helped Create Fascism—Then Escaped to Save Her Own LifeMargherita SarfattiEdited by Brian SullivanMargherita Sarfatti first met Benito Mussolini in 1911 at the socialist dailyAvanti! In what became a turbulent love affair she emerged as an importantwriter, art critic, and major adviser to the founder of the Fascist party. Eventhough she converted to Catholicism, she was cast aside once Hitler came topower and fled to South America in 1938.During her long exile where she constantly feared for her children who hadremained in Italy and were in danger during the war, Sarfatti decided to tellthe story of her relationship with Mussolini and the role she played in manyimportant Fascist artistic, cultural, and ideological issues until 1934. Most ofItaly’s modern architecture and many of its painters owe Sarfatti both theirsuccess and lasting legacy.At first she wrote her memoir in English under the title My Fault. But in1945 a daily newspaper in Buenos Aires, Critica, published a Spanish versionin fourteen installments. In the full text Sarfatti bares all about her stormy relationshipwith the intensely womanizing dictator whom she knew was quiteincapable of any kind of monogamous relationship. Yet the attraction remainedlong irresistible and that passion jumps off these pages with unrelentingstrength.Brian Sullivan is America’s foremost authority on Fascist Italy. After earninga PhD at Columbia he taught at Yale University and at the War College.With the late Phil Cannistraro he is the co-author of Il Duce’s Other Woman(William Morrow, 1993) a major biography of Margherita Sarfatti. He livesin Rockville, Maryland.HISTORYMay6 x 9 | 240 ppTrade Cloth US $22.00 | CAN $23.95978-1-936274-39-0 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936274-40-6 WBenito Mussolini’s Jewish mistress confesses:How she educated a rough uncultured man to become apolitician and consolidate the fascist regime.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsWashington, DC • New York, NYEditor Hometown: Rockville, MD133

Enigma BooksAmerican PoliceA History: 1945–<strong>2012</strong>The Blue Parade, Vol. IIThomas ReppettoHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCEJuly6 x 9 | 400 ppTrade Cloth US $23.00 | CAN $25.50978-1-936274-43-7 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936274-44-4 WPostwar America saw few changes to law enforcement in one hundred years.The little known San Francisco riot of August 1945 announced the violentevents of the next half century. Most of the methods remained unchangeduntil the 1953 kidnapping of Bobby Greenlease in Kansas City, Missouri, thatshook the country.The 1960s were dominated by civil rights struggles and major riots. Watts,Detroit, and Newark demonstrated how local police departments were unableto handle the disorders that engulfed those cities.The anti-war protest at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention is importantto this narrative since the author was in charge of convention security.The police department was split on how to deal with the protestors: a majorrevelation of this <strong>book</strong>. The author also turned down an offer to become partof a unit later known as the “plumbers” made to him personally by AttorneyGeneral John Mitchell.The 1970s and ’80s are the lowest points in modern American law enforcementuntil the emergence of “zero tolerance” by New York CommissionerWilliam Bratton and Mayor Rudy Giuliani. 9/11 changes the landscape withthe new focus on counter terror and new challenges to law enforcement.Thomas Reppetto began as a police officer, rising to Commander of Detectivesin the Chicago Police Department. In 1970 he received a PhD in public administrationfrom the Harvard School of Government. He taught at the JohnJay College of the City University of New York and became dean of graduatestudies, then vice president. He is retired and lives in the New York City area.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign• Outreach to fraternal organizations and lawenforcement schoolsThe only new history of the American police forces since 1945touches on all the major issues of police history.Author Hometown: New York, NY134

Enigma BooksElection Year 1968The Turning PointSecond EditionDennis D. Wainstock, PhDThe 1968 election saw the return of the Republican party to the White Houseand major changes in the political landscape. It was one of the most contentiousand unpredictable contests in American history. From Lyndon BainesJohnson’s exit following Eugene McCarthy’s win in New Hampshire to theRobert Francis Kennedy murder, the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination,and the Chicago Democratic Convention, it relives in this recounting of thatexplosive year. Vietnam was the main issue but also civil rights and GeorgeWallace, who captured an astounding thirteen percent of the vote.The author interviewed some thirty-five politicians and players, most ofthem previously unpublished.Dennis D. Wainstock, PhD, is the author of Malcolm X: The Life and Times ofan African-American Revolutionary, The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb, and Truman,MacArthur and the Korean War. He teaches history at Fairmont State University andlives in Salem, West Virginia.Election year 1968 revisited and analyzed.Candidates: Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, George Wallace.A radical change in American politics.HISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCEJune6 x 9 | 256 ppTrade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $20.95978-1-936274-41-3 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936274-42-0 WMarketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsWashington, DC • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Salem, WVAlsoAvailableThe Decision to Drop the Atomic BombHiroshima and Nagasaki: August 1945Dennis D. Wainstock, PhDHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 224 ppTrade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $23.00978-1-936274-00-0 USCTruman, MacArthur and the Korean WarJune 1950–July 1951Dennis D. Wainstock, PhDHISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 220 ppTrade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $23.00978-1-936274-04-8 USC135

Enigma BooksDeadly SleepPaul G. RitchieA biochemical researcher stumbles on a completely colorless and odorless gasthat can induce instant deep sleep over large geographic areas. Immediatelyevery intelligence agency wants the formula. The professor and his secret becomehunted prey. Inspired by the 2002 Russian storming of the Chechenterrorists at a Moscow theater, this becomes a suspenseful spy story with a surpriseending.FICTIONJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-936274-45-1 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936274-46-8 WMarketing PlansNational print and online campaignIn Stalin’s Secret ServiceMemoirs of the First Soviet Master Spy to DefectW. G. KrivitskyIntroduction by Sam TanenhausThis memoir, published in 1939, sealed the fate of its author. After a dramaticflight from Europe, Walter G. Krivitsky reached the United States. But he wasfound shot in a hotel room in Washington in 1941. His death remains a mysteryto this day but his story is very much alive.Sam Tanenhaus is the editor of The New York Times Book Review and the author ofthe acclaimed biography Whittaker Chambers.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAugust6 x 9 | 330 ppTrade Paper US $19.00978-1-936274-47-5 USCPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-929631-03-2136Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign

Etruscan PressThe Shyster’s DaughterPaula Priamos“Paula Priamos’ The Shyster’s Daughter is a wonderfully written charged memoir—utterly absorbing and packed with sharp details. Direct, evocative, emotionallyhonest, brave, and funny, Priamos’ voice shines. The Shyster’s Daughter is a suspensefulinvestigative journey, but its emotional core vibrates with Priamos’homage to her deeply flawed and deeply loved father, and to their complicatedand enduring relationship.”—Victoria Patterson, author of This Vacant Paradiseand DriftThe last time my father calls is shortly before the anniversary of his disbarment to tell me he’s justcheated death. On his end, there’s background noise—a restaurant, a bar or somewhere far sleazier.Since the divorce he licks his wounds at a topless strip club in Garden Grove called the Kat Nip.The Shyster’s Daughter is a detective memoir of a Greek family living in SouthernCalifornia in the late 1900s. The author, whose father was an attorney withclients who were often questionable characters knowing a side of him unseenby his family, looks into his death and finds more questions than answers.Paula Priamos’ writing has been featured in various magazines and in theanthology Naming the World: And Other Exercises for the Creative Writer. She teaches atCalifornia State University and lives in Southern California with her husbandand stepsons. This is her first <strong>book</strong>.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYJulyA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 260 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-0-9832944-3-6 USCPaula Priamos’ detective noir memoir investigates a daughter’s lovefor a father who drinks, hustles, and rages through life.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Southern and central California tour• Other promotions: Giveaways available• Promotion through: http://paulapriamos.comAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Boston, MA • New York, NY • Nashville, TNAuthor Hometown: Blue Jay, CA137

Etruscan PressThe Football CorporationsWilliam HeyenPOETRYAugustA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 80 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-0-9832944-5-0 USCReading William Heyen’s uncompromisinglyrics you’ll be struck with his spikesas they flash upward into yourgroin, heart, and head.William Heyen’s work explores romantic conceptions of contemporary sport,powering its way into a post-catastrophe setting of dirty bombs in stadiums,tortured athletes, corporate domination, and cynicism on a global level.“Stats”Except for a shotgun blast from the stands,he’d have broken the goal-line plane, a recordfor the most TDs by a dead Heisman.William Heyen is a well-known and revered writer, and author of sometwenty-five <strong>book</strong>s of poetry, memoir, criticism, and poetics. His <strong>book</strong> ShoahTrain was a finalist for the National Book Award.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesOther promotions: Giveaways available at <strong>book</strong>s@etruscanpress.comAuthor Hometown: Brockport, NYZarathustra Must DieDorian AlexanderZarathustra Must Die is a fictional memoir of a graduate student’s odyssey throughthe thought of Friedrich Nietzsche—a journey that is far more than purely intellectual.Through many states of consciousness, Dorian Alexander finallycomes to realize the nature of time and its role in human existence.Dorian Alexander is the pen name of a prominent philosopher and scientist.Zarathustra Must Die is Alexander’s first work of fiction and reflects his longtimefascination with the work of Nietzsche.Friedrich Nietzsche has never before beenthis funny. Dorian Alexander’s picaresquefirst novel is daring, challenging,and hilarious.138FICTIONMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 110 ppTrade Paper US $11.00 | CAN $12.50978-0-9832944-4-3 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesOther promotions: Giveaways available at <strong>book</strong>s@etruscanpress.comAuthor EventsWashington, DC • Chicago, IL • Boston, MA • New York, NY • Philadelphia, PA

Exterminating Angel PressA Galaxy of Immortal WomenThe Yin Side of Chinese CivilizationBrian GriffithHoward Zinn meets Joseph Campbell and Gloria Steinem in a <strong>book</strong> writtenfor the omnivorous reader—anyone curious about China, world mythology,and women’s history. Touching on the whole story of China—from Neolithicvillages to a globalized Shanghai—this <strong>book</strong> ties mythology, archaeology, history,religion, folklore, literature, and journalism into one great, evolvingstory of how Chinese women—and the goddess tradition—fostered a counterculturethat flourishes and grows stronger every day.As Brian Griffith charts the stories of China’s founding mothers, shamanesses,goddesses, and ordinary heroines, he also explores the largely untoldstory of women’s contributions to cultural life in the world’s biggest society.He presents their history as one of action, not, as it is so often, cheerleadingfor the powerful. “These aren’t just stories,” he says. “These are expressionsof what have been a people’s hopes, and a sign of what can be a future world.”Impeccably researched, Griffith’s enlightening, conversational historyreveals the female-oriented world view that evolved within Daoism,Confucianism, Buddhism, and Chinese folk religion, and how that venerablecounterculture is reshaping modern ideas about nature, power, equality,community, health, and spirituality.Brian Griffith grew up in Texas, studied history at the University of Alberta,and now lives just outside of Toronto, Ontario. He is an independent historianwho views historical research as a means to understanding how culturalhistory influences our lives and can point toward contemporary solutions forthe world’s biggest problems.HISTORY / MYTHOLOGYMayA Paperback Original5½ x 7½ | 272 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-935259-14-5 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-15-2 USCThe goddess tradition remakes China and the world.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copiesAlso Available• National print and radio campaign• Giveaways through Goodreads and LibraryThing• Book trailer• Promotion through:http://briangriffith.multiply.com/journalAuthor Hometown: Toronto, ONCorrecting Jesus2000 Years of Changing the StoryBrian GriffithSOCIAL SCIENCE / RELIGION5½ x 7½ | 336 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-935259-02-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-05-3 USC139

Selected Backlist from Exterminating Angel PressThe SupergirlsFashion, Feminism,Fantasy, and the History ofComic Book HeroinesMike MadridCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS /SOCIAL SCIENCE5½ x 7½ | 334 pp14 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-935259-03-9 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-00-8 USCJam TodayA Diary of Cooking WithWhat You’ve GotTod DaviesCOOKING / LITERARY COLLECTIONS5½ x 7½ | 224 pp12 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $15.95978-1-935259-04-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-01-5 USC3 Dead PrincesAn Anarchist Fairy TaleDanbert NobaconIllustrated by Alex CoxFICTION5½ x 7½ | 208 pp20 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $13.00 | CAN $15.95978-1-935259-06-0 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-10-7 USC140Dirk Quigby’s Guideto the AfterlifeAll You Need to Know to Choosethe Right Heaven Plus a Five-StarRating System for Music, Food,Drink, and AccommodationsE. E. KingFICTION5½ x 7½ | 238 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.50978-1-935259-08-4 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-11-4 USCSnotty Saves the DayThe History of ArcadiaTod DaviesIllustrated by Gary ZabolyFICTION5½ x 7½ | 208 pp7 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $13.00 | CAN $15.50978-1-935259-07-7 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-09-1 USCThis is USThe New All-American FamilyDavid MarinFAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS5½ x 7½ | 288 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-935259-34-3 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-935259-12-1 USC

The Feminist Press at CUNYTwo Whole CakesHow to Stop Dieting and Learn to Love Your BodyLesley KinzelHow many times have you heard (or said), “Do these pants make me look fat?”Fatshionista extraordinaire Lesley Kinzel gives advice, tells stories, and challengesstereotypes about being and feeling fat in this powerful debut <strong>book</strong>.With the “war on obesity” shining a spotlight on the prevalence of fatness,our culture has become acutely critical of big sizes and the women who wearthem. But are all fat people unhealthy? Should everyone be concerned abouttheir BMI? Is it okay to eat what you want, and declare your body off limits topublic critique? Lesley Kinzel says no to diet fads and pills, shows by examplehow to stop hating your body, and celebrates the possibilities of fat acceptanceand smart fashion at any size.Lesley Kinzel, who co-founded and moderated the blog Fatshionista, is anonline celebrity in the communities of size acceptance, fashion, and women’sissues. She now has her own popular blog on body politics in the media, TwoWhole Cakes, which gets seventy thousand hits per month. An associate editorof xoJane, Kinzel has become the go-to fatty for all things fat fashion andfat pop culture, and has been quoted on NPR, ABC News, CNN, Guardian, TheBoston Globe, New York Post, and The New York Times.Finally, the <strong>book</strong> that gives you permission to be fat,fashionable, and fabulous.SELF-HELP / HEALTH & FITNESSAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 7½ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-55861-793-3 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-55861-794-0 NAMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• National tour• Promotion through: www.xojane.com andhttp://blog.twowholecakes.comAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Boston, MA • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Boston, MA141

The Feminist Press at CUNYTesto JunkieBeatriz PreciadoTranslated by Bruce BendersonFor one year Beatriz Preciado gave doses of testosterone to herself every day.She writes “I don’t take testosterone to transform myself into a man but to betraywhat society has wanted to make of me . . . to feel a form of pleasure thatis post-pornographic, to add a molecular prostheses to my low-tech transgenderedidentity.”On one level, this <strong>book</strong> is a diary of transgression—Preciado’s record of theuse of herself as a lab rat. It recounts the defiant “misuse” of a pharmaceuticalproduct normally monitored under the strictest conditions by medi calprofessionals. On another level, Testo Junkie is a penetrating investigation intoidentity itself and how much of it is mediated, controlled, and, indeed, produced,by medical and pharmacologic pressures.Pulsing with ideas that come from Preciado’s unique perspectives on queerpolitics and theory, Testo Junkie develops into an analysis of the cultural significationof the human body in an era that she refers to as “pharmaco-pornographic.”SOCIAL SCIENCEAugustA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 368 ppB&W photographsTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-55861-803-9 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-55861-804-6 USCMarketing PlansBeatriz Preciado has become one of the leading thinkers in the study of genderand sexuality. A professor at the Université de Paris VIII, she is also theauthor of Manifesto contra-sexual, a queer theory classic, and Pornotopía: Architectureand sexuality in Playboy during the Cold War, which has been named a finalist for theAnagrama Essay Prize. She received her PhD at Princeton and her mastersin contemporary philosophy and gender theory at the New School for SocialResearch in New York.A transgressive philosopher takes testosteroneevery day for one year and will never be the same.Co-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print campaign• Social media campaign• National tourAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •New Haven, CT • New York, NYTranslator Hometown: New York, NY142

The Feminist Press at CUNYGoya’s GlassMonika ZgustováThe Duchess of Alba, known as Goya’s muse, recalls the passions of youthon her deathbed in the royal court of eighteenth-century Madrid. A youngwoman defies the protocols of her arranged marriage and pursues love—andthe life of a published writer—until her readers condemn her as a danger tosociety in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Nina Berberova escapes persecutionduring the Russian Revolution and flees to Paris, where the intelligentsia naïvelycovet the promise of a Soviet Union. These three women attempt to find passionand intimacy in worlds that rarely accommodate female desire. Goya’s Glassis an unforgettable novel of guilty pleasures coursing through history.Monika Zgustová was born in Prague and lives in Barcelona, Spain. She haspublished seven <strong>book</strong>s, including novels, short stories, a play, and a biography.Her novel The Silent Woman was a runner-up for the National Award forthe Novel, given by the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Zgustová has also receivedthe Ciutat de Barcelona and the Mercè Rodoreda awards in Spain, andthe Gratias Agit Award given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Prague. Shehas translated more than fifty <strong>book</strong>s of Russian and Czech fiction and poetry,including the works of Milan Kundera and Vaclav Havel, into both Spanishand Catalan.Not since The French Lieutenant’s Woman has a story captured thepassion and desperation of love in different historical frames.FICTIONJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 320 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-55861-797-1 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-55861-798-8 NAMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Regional Northeast tourAuthor EventsBoston, MA • New York, NY • Philadelphia, PA143

The Feminist Press at CUNYMother Finds a BodyGypsy Rose LeeForeword by Erik Lee Preminger“Pure ozone to those tired of ordinary oxygen.”—The New Yorker“One of the greatest mysteries ever written.”—The Philadelphia Daily News“Our most famous burlesque queen may raise the temperature with a striptease, but she chills the blood when she goes into her detective routine.”—The Boston PostIn this steamy sequel to The G-String Murders, Gypsy Rose Lee’s noir thriller readsas if it’s ripped from her own diary pages. When her mother finds a dead bodyin Gypsy’s trailer during her honeymoon, Gypsy realizes that no one is whothey seem to be, and everyone is worthy of suspicion.FICTION / MYSTERYJuneFemmes Fatales: Women Write Pulp4½ x 7¼ | 144 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-55861-801-5 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-55861-802-2 NAMarketing Plans• National TV and radio campaign• Online/social media campaign• Book launch events in New York, NYGypsy Rose Lee (1911–1970) was born Louise Hovick in Seattle, Washington,and became the most famous burlesque actor and striptease artist of her day,renowned as much for her witty repartee on stage as for removing her clothes.First performing with her sister on the vaudeville circuit and later in stripteaseroutines, Rose soon landed star billing in a top New York burlesque theater,and following her wild success there, became a popular fixture in Broadwaytheaters. In 1937 she moved to Hollywood. She went on to appear in twelvefilms and have her own television show. Rose’s writing career included contributingregularly to The New Yorker, reporting on the New York social scene,and publishing two novels. She also wrote her memoir Gypsy (1957), whichlater became the inspiration for the hugely popular Broadway musical, Gypsy: AMusical Fable and the 1962 film version of the play.A sexy, hard-boiled murder mystery by America’smost famous burlesque entertainer.Also Available144The G-String MurdersGypsy Rose LeeFICTION / MYSTERYFemmes Fatales: Women Write Pulp5 x 8 | 240 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.00978-1-55861-503-8 USC

The Feminist Press at CUNYStranger on LesbosValerie TaylorAfterword by Marcia GalloFrances, a 1950s housewife, becomes bored with her suburban life and enrollsin a class at the local community college. When she meets Bake, a butchlesbian, her life completely changes. In thrall to a forbidden world of martinilunches, late nights at queer bars, and a sexual passion she never knew waspossible, Frances must chose between the safety of heterosexual marriage orthe dangers of life on the edge of society.In this age of Mad Men fever, the re-issue of Stranger on Lesbos comes at theperfect moment, invoking an era we can’t help but romanticize yet despise.Valerie Taylor is the pen name of Velma Young (1913–1997), author of thelesbian pulp classics Whisper Their Love (1957), The Girls in 3-B (1959), World WithoutMen (1963), Journey to Fulfillment (1964), and Ripening (1988). With the $500 proceedsof her first novel, Hired Girl (1953), Taylor bought a pair of shoes, twodresses, and hired a divorce lawyer. After leaving her husband, she kicked offa prolific career as the author of pulp fiction novels, poetry (under the nameNacella Young), and romances (under the name Francine Davenport). A longtimeactivist for gay and lesbian rights, she was a co-founder of MattachineMidwest and the Lesbian Writers Conference in Chicago.Sexy, beautiful, but frustrated . . . a neglected housewife findsthe delights and degradations of forbidden love.FICTIONJuneFemmes Fatales: Women Write Pulp4½ x 7¼ | 144 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-55861-799-5 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-55861-800-8 NAMarketing PlansAlso Available• National TV and radio campaign• Online/social media campaign• Book launch events in New York, NYThe Girls in 3-BValerie TaylorFICTIONFemmes Fatales: Women Write Pulp5 x 8 | 256 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.00978-1-55861-456-7 USC145

The Feminist Press at CUNYViralWSQ Volume 40, Numbers 1&2 Spring/Summer <strong>2012</strong>Edited by Patricia Clough and Jasbir PuarWhen we think of something as “viral,” we often think of the transit of electronicinformation at an intensified speed and reach. Viral also refers to indiscriminateexchanges, often linked with notions of bodily contamination,uncontainability, and unwelcome transgression of border and boundaries. Inthis issue of WSQ, the editors invite a rethinking of institutions of education,family, religion, health, military, media, and law to inaugurate an inventivecultural criticism on topics ranging from social media, hacking, clouding, andfinancial markets to pollution, genetics, and robotics.Viral will also include interdisciplinary artists’ projects, each exploring thetechnological, political, and biological registers of viral culture. These includea meditation on the US military’s use of PowerPoint slides and an experimentinvolving the artist’s own hepatitis C-infected blood and plant life. An ongoingsocial media campaign is being created with input from media mavenJohanna Blakley, managing director and director of research at the NormanLear Center, University of Southern California, and will continue after theissue is published.SOCIAL SCIENCEJuneA Paperback OriginalWomen’s Studies Quarterly6 x 9 | 320 ppTrade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $27.50978-1-55861-792-6 USCPatricia Clough is a professor of sociology, women’s studies, and interculturalstudies at Queen’s College, CUNY, and The Graduate Center, CUNY.Jasbir Puar is a professor of women’s and gender studies at Rutgers University.The leading journal of feminist scholarship takeson what it means to go viral.Marketing Plans• Social media campaignAlso AvailableEditor Hometown: New York, NY146RuinVolume 39, Numbers 3&4Fall/Winter 2011Edited by Sarah Chinn and Rupaul OzaSOCIAL SCIENCEWomen’s Studies Quarterly6 x 9 | 320 ppTrade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $27.95978-1-55861-750-6 USC

Fence BooksPercussion Grenade: Poems & PlaysJoyelle McSweeneyMusic and drama as weapons of productive destruction. This collection byprize-winning, massively influential literary star Joyelle McSweeney explodesthe twinned and dangerous notions that images are pretty, and that they landpredictably. Power struggles in all contexts and the driving ever-presence ofa lexicon of puissance make this a bracing read, not for the faint of heart ormind.From “Guadaloop”:Just inside the cutters’ pavilionJust at the peak of the oxygen tentJust on the inner lid of the hairline comaJust on the inner thighs of the medical canalJust up under the gesso of lubricationJust up to the hairline of the hairline crackJust there where the adolescent girl eyes the cameraJust under the burden of her fishscale hairJust where one sister shoulders the otherJust why should one sister have to shoulder the otherJust while out of the frame the globe unshouldered rolls around like a boulder in the mouthJust the whole world like a wadded-up burden in the mouthJoyelle McSweeney is the author of five <strong>book</strong>s, including The Red Bird, chosenby Allen Grossman to inaugurate the Fence Modern Poets Series in 2001.McSweeney is a co-founder of Action Books and Action, Yes, a press and webquarterlyfor international writing and hybrid forms, and a contributing editorof the culture blog montevidayo.com. She holds degrees from Harvard,Oxford, and the Iowa Writers Workshop, and is an associate professor in thecreative writing program at the University of Notre Dame.Rat-a-tat prosody and scattershot, hallucinatory cultural critique,replete with grotesqueries, spit baroquely from the necropastoralground of Joyelle McSweeney’s third collection.AlsoAvailablePOETRYMayA Paperback Original6 x 8 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-934200-52-0 USCMarketing PlansAdvance reader copies• Excerpts in: Fence• National advertising: BOMB • Bookforum •Cabinet • n+1 • Poets & Writers Magazine• Social media campaign• 10-city tour of Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, andNortheastern states• Promotion through: www.montevidayo.com,www.actionyes.org, and www.fenceportal.orgAuthor Hometown: Mishawaka, INFletJoyelle McSweeneyFICTION6 x 8 | 137 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-934200-07-0 USCThe Commandrine and Other PoemsJoyelle McSweeneyPOETRY6 x 8 | 61 ppTrade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $14.00978-0-9740909-3-1 USC147

Fence BooksPOETRYMayA Paperback OriginalLa Presse6 x 8 | 88 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-934200-51-3 USCThe latest <strong>book</strong> of poetry by one ofFrance’s most important post-’68 poets.From one of America’s finest experimental poets, this translation of a contemplationof the life of Lorine Niedecker, a stellar American poet of themid-twentieth century. This work stands as a monument to the importantconversation between French and American experimental poets.All the children are swaddledas whiteasdried beanssheltered from the airfor timeeven recyclesA Woman with Several LivesJean DaiveTranslated by Norma Colepotsof jamIndian gravesat lakeKoshkonongand upon this memorya ball rollsup to the sacredexcavations.The golfersplayamong the corpses.Jean Daive is the author of fifteen volumes of poetry and seven works of fiction.He lives in Paris, France.Marketing PlansNational Advertising: BOMB • Bookforum • HTMLGIANT • n+1 • Poets & WritersPublicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagementsPromotion through: www.fenceportal.orgTranslator Hometown: San Francisco, CAThe Flirt FormulaAnne PortugalTranslated by Jean-Jacques PoucelThe poems go two by two across facing pages, where they press against eachother, connect, and go forth in a tremulous manifesto. The result is a syntacticalvertigo poised above nothingness. The halves meet only in an instant,suggesting that the crux of poetry is the art of not quite touching.We loved to surrender hardly located knowthat we were the ruinjust juxtaposed bouquetsthat each of us had a social hookminimum tenderPoems of a glancing intimacy, displayingthe various states of getting into (butmaybe never quite being) in love.148POETRYMayA Paperback OriginalLa Presse6 x 8 | 88 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-934200-53-7 USCAnne Portugal lives and teaches in Paris, France. She is the author of numerousvolumes of experimental poetry.Translator Jean-Jacques Poucel is a scholar of French poetry and comparativepoetics, and lives in Paris, France.Marketing PlansNational Advertising: BOMB • Bookforum • HTMLGIANT • n+1 • Poets & WritersPublicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagementsPromotion through: www.fenceportal.org

Feral HouseBlood Beneath My FeetThe Journey of a Southern Death InvestigatorJoseph Scott MorganHave you ever been locked in a cooler with piles of decomposing humans forso long that you had to shave all the hair off your body in order to get rid ofthe smell? Joseph Scott Morgan did. Have you ever lit a Marlboro from theignited gas of a bloated dead man’s belly? Joseph Scott Morgan has. Have youever wept over a dead dog while not giving a shit about the dead owner layingnext him? Morgan did. Were you named after a murder victim? Joseph ScottMorgan was.This isn’t Hollywood fantasy—it’s the true story of a boy born into the deprivationsof a white trash trailer park who as an adult gets further involved inthe desperate backdoor sagas of the “new South.” No hot blondes here, justmaggots, grief, and the truth about forensics and death investigation.Joseph Scott Morgan became a death investigator with the Jefferson ParishCoroner’s Office in suburban New Orleans in 1987, the youngest medicolegaldeath investigator in the country. During the day, Morgan worked inthe morgue, and at night investigated for the coroner. In 1992 Morgan becamesenior investigator with the Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Officein Atlanta. Morgan is now a college professor at North Georgia College andState University, where he teaches a death investigation course based on thenational standards which he helped develop. He and his family reside in theBlue Ridge Mountains of north Georgia.A hard dose of Southern reality about life with the deadas told by a real death investigator.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 220 pp18 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-936239-33-7 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936239-34-4 WMarketing PlansCo-op available• RTIR advertising• National radio campaign• Online/social media campaign with dedicated<strong>book</strong> website• College and <strong>book</strong>store tour• Postcard and postersAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Diego, CA •San Francisco, CA • Atlanta, GA • Savannah, GA •New Orleans, LA • New Brunswick, NJ •New York, NY • Portland, OR •Austin, TX • Seattle, WA149

Feral HousePsychic BluesConfessions of a Conflicted MediumMark EdwardForeword by James Randi“Mark Edward is an equivocator, fibber, and mountebank. Which begs thequestion: if a liar admits to lying, can he be telling the truth? He is a literate,informative intellectual, a student of the psychology of humans, afoe of those who would defraud the public for personal gain, and as anauthor and practicing psychic, he is first and foremost an entertainer.”—Joel Moskowitz, International Brotherhood of MagiciansMark Edward admits that for years he exploited believers who wished to connectwith supernatural ideas and sad family members who missed dead lovedones.Now Edward is a magician who works the Haunted Castle in Hollywoodand is also on the editorial board of Skeptic magazine, where he reveals themeans of psychic scamsters. This entertaining <strong>book</strong> is at once a confessionaland instructional regarding human belief and those who exploit it.Though Edward believes that most practitioners of the psychic business areout-and-out scam artists, he also counters the skeptic belief that the supernaturalis a lie.BODY, MIND & SPIRITMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 340 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-936239-27-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936239-28-3 WMarketing PlansBoth skeptic and skeptical of skepticism, Mark Edward has worked as a900-number psychic, ghost hunter, and Hollywood Magic Castle medium.He has also worked vigorously to debunk psychic frauds and currently workson the editorial board of Skeptic magazine.With dark humor a Magic Castle alumnus exploresthe seamy business of psychics.• RTIR advertising• National radio campaign• Book launch at Hollywood’s Magic Castle• Postcards• Online/social media campaign• Promotion through: www.themarkedward.comAuthor EventsAnaheim, CA • Costa Mesa, CA • Hollywood, CA •Los Angeles, CA • San Diego, CA • Atlanta, GA •Las Vegas, NV • Reno, NV • Atlantic City, NJAuthor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA150

Feral HouseFuture Primitive RevisitedEnlarged EditionJohn ZerzanIntroduction by Michael Becker“Zerzan’s writing is sharp, uncompromising, and tenacious.”—Derrick Jensen“John Zerzan’s importance does not only consist in his brilliant intelligence,his absolute clearness of analysis and his unequalled dialectical synthesis thatclarifies even the most complicated questions, but also in the humanity thatfills his thoughts of resistance. Future Primitive Revisited is one more precious giftfor us all.”—Enrico Manicardi, author of Liberi dalla Civiltá (Free from Civilization)“Anyone who travels with his eyes open understands the sense of much ofwhat you have written, and the longer I live the greater my contempt for theopportunists who run governments and dictate our lives with technology.”—Paul Theroux“Of course we should go primitive. This doesn’t mean abandoning materialneeds, tools, or skills, but ending our obsession with such concerns.Declaring for community, our true origin: personal autonomy, trust, mutualsupport in pursuit of all the joys and troubles of life. Society was a trap—massive, demanding, impersonal and debilitating from day one. So hurry backto the community, friends, and welcome all the consequences of such an orientation.The reasons for fear and despair will only multiply if we remain inthis brutal and dangerous state of civilization.”—Blok 45 publishing, BelgradeAs our society is stricken with repeated technological disasters, and the apocalypticproblems that go with them, the “neo-primitivist” essays of John Zerzanseem more relevant than ever.“Future Primitive,” the core innovative essay of Future Primitive Revisited, hasbeen out of print for years. This new edition is updated with never-beforeprintedessays that speak to a youthful political movement and influentialwriters such as Derrick Jensen and Paul Theroux.An active participant in the contemporary anarchist resurgence, John Zerzanhas been an invited speaker at both radical and conventional events on severalcontinents. His weekly Anarchy Radio broadcast streams live on KWVA radioin Eugene, OR. Feral House has published three of Zerzan’s other <strong>book</strong>s, includingAgainst Civilization, Running on Emptiness, and Twilight of the Machines.Future Primitive is John Zerzan’s iconic and long out-of-print work.The new version has many new articles.POLITICAL SCIENCEMay5½ x 8½ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-936239-29-0 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-936239-30-6 WMarketing Plans• Postcards• College tour• Promotion through: www.johnzerzan.netAuthor EventsEugene, OR • Portland, OR • Olympia, WAAuthor Hometown: Eugene, OR151

Feral HousePure FilthJamie Gillis and Peter SotosJamie Gillis appeared in over one hundred films, and as such was a primaryperformer in pornography’s “Golden Age.” Gillis is also known for inventingthe “Gonzo” genre of pornography, played out in the film Boogie Nights by BurtReynolds’ character.Pure Filth appears as transcripts from the films Jamie produced during theseearly years of radical and highly personal pornography. Completed just beforehis death in February 2010, Gillis contributed an introduction to each transcriptto shed light on his ideas and plans, as well as anecdotal details and personalcommentary. The <strong>book</strong> has more to do with an artist’s understandingof sex than the mere views of a flesh peddler. The careful language and brutalintelligence that Jamie brought to interviews are what separates the conversationsfrom any other work that might have more academic or prurientpretensions.Extreme novelist Peter Sotos, perhaps better known and appreciated inFrance and the United Kingdom than his home country, was a good friend ofJamie Gillis, and Sotos’ unusual perspective makes this volume possible.PERFORMING ARTSJuly6 x 9 | 340 ppPaper over Board SP US $69.95 | CAN $76.95978-1-936239-31-3 USCJamie Gillis, portrayed in Boogie Nights by Burt Reynolds,created “reality porn.” These are transcripts of his films.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Chicago, IL • New York, NY • Portland, OR •Olympia, WA • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Chicago, IL152

Frame PublishersFrame: The Great Indoors“I think that Frame is the most exciting polished magazine that regales me, andsince I am a neophiliac, Frame feeds me my dose every month. With every issueI have a frisson of pleasure. It is a beautiful hallmark for the design world andbeyond.”—Karim Rashid“What other magazine?”—Marcel WandersFrame: The Great Indoors is a bi-monthly international trade journal devoted tothe design of interiors and products. Frame offers a stunning selection of interiordesigns created for shops, offices, exhibitions, residences, and hospitalityvenues. The magazine has the look, feel, and heft of a <strong>book</strong>.Frame packs the most interesting work from around the globe into six tactileissues a year. Visually focused, the magazine offers well-written articles illustratedwith many photos, drawings, and sketches. A great deal of energy goesinto finding, analyzing, and presenting the story behind each design published,and into communicating the message in everyday, easy-to-understandEnglish. Loaded with only the best in contemporary design, Frame is an indispensablereference for professional interior designers, as well as for those involvedin other creative pursuits.What readers find in each issue of Frame:Visions: From the Drawing Board• Interior designs for the future, including projects that may or may notbe realized.Stills: Portfolio of Places• Concise reports on newly completed interiors worldwide, from Tokyohair salons to the latest bars in London and New York.Features: Projects in Perspective• In-depth articles on recently created interiors and their designers.Goods: Material Matters• A section completely dedicated to the latest in product design, fromfurniture and lamps to display systems and cutting-edge fabrics.UPCOMING ISSUESFrameThe Great Indoors: Issue 85Edited by Robert ThiemannARCHITECTURE | May | 9 x 11¾ | 240 pp250 color photographs, 50 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95 | 978-90-77174-54-8 USCFrameThe Great Indoors: Issue 86Edited by Robert ThiemannARCHITECTURE | July | 9 x 11¾ | 240 pp250 color photographs, 50 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95 | 978-90-77174-64-7 USCwww.frameweb.cominfo@frameweb.comThe latest interiors and products, spicedup with some art, shop windows, and sets.Marketing Plans35,500-copy print run• National advertising in Elephant magazine andMark magazine• Promotion through Frame Face<strong>book</strong> andwebsite (www.frameweb.com), the Mediakit,subscription folders, and promotion folders• Digital newsletter announcing the magazineand sent to 60,000 subscribers• Presentation at many international (interior)design trade fairs• Direct <strong>sales</strong> at schools and universities153

Frame PublishersMark: Another Architecture154www.frameweb.cominfo@frameweb.comMark takes a radical and internationalapproach to architecture, showcasing thebest work from every corner of the world.Awards2008 European Design Award,Magazine Category2009 ADC Cube Award, Magazine CategoryMarketing Plans19,000-copy print run• National advertising in Elephant magazine andFrame magazine• Promotion through Mark Face<strong>book</strong> andwebsite (www.frameweb.com), the Mediakit,subscription folders, and promotion folders• Digital newsletter announcing the magazineand sent to 60,000 subscribers• Presentation at many international trade fairs• Direct <strong>sales</strong> at schools and universitiesMark: Another Architecture is a bi-monthly international trade journal featuringexceptional architecture projects. Launched six years ago by the makers ofFrame, Mark takes a radical and international approach to architecture, showcasingthe best new work from every corner of the world.Viewing the magazine as a visual medium, Mark attempts to avoid jargonand academicism, opting instead for direct communication. Ever curious,Mark wants to uncover architects’ motivations and use them to inspire. We dareyou to try to find an international architecture journal that fills more of itspages with interviews than Mark.Mark shines its spotlight on starchitects and new talent alike. Mark exploresthe boundaries of architecture and anticipates what’s heating up around thenext corner.What readers find in each issue of Mark:Notice Board• Pinned to Mark’s Notice Board are eye-grabbing images and memossighted on architects’ drawing boards worldwide.Cross Section• Cutting-edge articles whisk readers to the outer reaches of architectureand beyond.Viewpoint• The ideas of both young architects and experienced mavericks appear inthis section.Long Section• Here the reader finds articles on new buildings, letters reflecting thestate of affairs in urban design, and reports on fascinating phenomenafrom cosmic architecture to treetop living.Service Area• Concluding the magazine are interviews involving literature, productdevelopment, and building technology.UPCOMING ISSUESMarkAnother Architecture: Issue 36Edited by Arthur WortmannARCHITECTURE | April | 9 x 11¾ | 224 pp200 color photographs, illustrations, and maps, 80 chartsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95 | 978-90-77174-59-3 USCMarkAnother Architecture: Issue 37Edited by Arthur WortmannARCHITECTURE | June | 9 x 11¾ | 224 pp200 color photographs, illustrations, and maps, 80 chartsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95 | 978-90-77174-66-1 USCMarkAnother Architecture: Issue 38Edited by Arthur WortmannARCHITECTURE | August | 9 x 11¾ | 224 pp200 color photographs, illustrations, and maps, 80 chartsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95 | 978-90-77174-67-8 USC

Frame PublishersElephant:The Arts & Visual Culture MagazineElephant—a quarterly magazine from the makers of Frame—focuses its keen eyeon art and visual culture.Lately, creative individuals have been protesting against the corporate natureof things, often taking the initiative and setting up new independent ventures.Elephant looks at how it’s done. Elephant visits art and design studios, peersover shoulders, steps on graffiti artists’ toes, disturbs rehearsals, interruptstakes, rides fixed-gear bikes, and plays the latest computer games.Elephant’s tone of voice is direct, sincere, and multidisciplinary. Elephantbelieves it’s time for less cynicism and more encouragement for outburstsof spontaneity—think of those that gave birth to futurism, dadaism, andsurrealism.Elephant is the first and only visually oriented art magazine that featuresover two hundred pages of high-quality, up-to-date, original creative materialfrom all over the world.What readers find in each issue of Elephant:Meetings• This section focuses on ideas, personalities, and cultures.Research• Shines a light on forecasts, movements, and styles. “Studio Visits” includeschats in ateliers, garages, and back gardens.Economies• Looks at how people started their businesses, from initial ideas to actualplans and bank loans.Cities• Highlights creative cities around the globe, sharing images, characters,and special stories.UPCOMING ISSUESElephantThe Arts & Visual Culture Magazine: Issue 10Written and edited by Marc ValliART | June | 8⅝ x 11 | 208 ppColor photographs and illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $19.99 | CAN $21.95 | 978-90-77174-68-5 USCwww.frameweb.cominfo@frameweb.comA magazine on contemporaryart and visual culture that featuresup-to-the-minute visual material,fresh faces, and original voices,uncovering new trends and talent.Marketing Plans15,000-copy print run• National advertising in Mark magazine andFrame magazine• Promotion through Elephant Face<strong>book</strong> andwebsite (www.frameweb.com), the Mediakit,subscription folders, and promotion folders• Digital newsletter announcing the magazineand sent to 60,000 subscribers• Presentation at many international trade fairs• Direct <strong>sales</strong> at schools and universities155

Frame PublishersNight Fever 3Hospitality DesignThird EditionMarlous van Rossum-WillemsARCHITECTUREAugust9⅛ x 11¾ | 600 pp900 color photographs and illustrations,750 B&W illustrationsPaper over Board US $89.00 | CAN $97.95978-90-77174-63-0 USCPrevious edition ISBN: 978-90-77174-24-1As its successful predecessors, Night Fever 3 unveils the latest and greatest hospitalityinteriors from all over the world. Night Fever 3 consists of three chapters.The first covers restaurants, the second features bars and clubs, and the thirdis devoted to hotel interiors. This <strong>book</strong> offers readers 175 fresh and excitingprojects featured on a total of six hundred pages.Interiors are featured on two to eight pages that are filled with full colorphotographs, drawings, sketches, floor plans, and, of course, a descriptionof the design and the designer. For each project the text explains how the designersfulfilled their client’s wishes, how they incorporated the client’s identity,how the concept developed, what materials were used, and how the designwas executed.Night Fever 3 presents work of well-established designers such as PatriciaUrquiola and Arne Quinze as well as work of young talents. All designersare based throughout the world including the United States, Italy, theNetherlands, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia.Projects are selected based on their original concept, creativity, innovative approach,or the project’s unmistakable wow factor.Extensive indexes at the back of the <strong>book</strong>—indexed by name of designer,by name of venue, and by venue location—make this an easy to navigatepublication.This six hundred page <strong>book</strong> unveils the latestand greatest hospitality interiors from all over the world.Marketing Plans• Promotion through Frame Face<strong>book</strong> andwebsite (www.frameweb.com)• Digital newsletter announcing the <strong>book</strong> sent to60,000 subscribers• Advertising in Frame magazine, Markmagazine, and Elephant magazine• Printing leaflets to be inserted in Frame, Mark,and Elephant magazines and sent along withoutgoing mail and handed out at trade fairs• Press release to our 3,000 press contactsAlso Available156Night Fever 2Hospitality DesignSecond EditionMarlous van Rossum-Willems and Sarah SchultzARCHITECTURE9⅛ x 11¾ | 608 pp900 color photographs and chartsBoxed Set US $95.00 | CAN $115.95978-90-77174-24-1 USC

Fulcrum PublishingRural Wit and WisdomTime-Honored Values from the HeartlandJerry AppsPhotographs by Steve AppsIn an updated and expanded edition of a timeless classic, best-selling authorJerry Apps has written and collected oft-spoken phrases, observations,comments, and conundrums celebrating country life and rural living. Blackand-whitephotographs by Steve Apps, an award-winning photojournalist,complement the text, which offers humorous, touching, and unique glimpsesinto the lighter side of life in the Midwest.Jerry Apps writes novels and nonfiction about the outdoors, country life,and rural living. He received the 2008 First Place Nature Writing Awardfrom the Midwest Independent Publishers Association and the 2007 MajorAchievement Award from the Council for Wisconsin Writers. He and his wifelive in Madison, Wisconsin.Steve Apps is an award-winning photojournalist with twenty-five years in thenewspaper industry. As a Wisconsin State Journal staff photographer, he has covereda wide range of assignments, including the Green Bay Packers and theUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison sports.A collection of humorous and touching phrases, sayings, andobservations that celebrate country life in the midwest.HUMORJune10 x 8 | 160 pp125 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55591-601-5 USAlso AvailableCampfires and Loon CallsTravels in the Boundary WatersJerry AppsPhotographs by Steve AppsTRAVEL5 x 8 | 272 ppB&W photographs throughoutTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-936218-07-3 USMarketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op available• Print and online campaign: Outreach toFarm and Country magazine, Grit Magazine,rural reviewers• Social media campaign• Regional Midwest tour, mainly in Wisconsinand Minnesota• Goodreads and LibraryThing giveaways• Promotion through: www.jerryapps.com andhttp://jerryapps.blogspot.comAuthor EventsMadison, WI • Milwaukee, WIAuthor Hometown: Madison, WIPhotographer Hometown: Madison, WI157

Fulcrum PublishingLet Them PaddleComing of Age on the WaterAlan S. KesselheimBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / SPORTSAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55591-351-9 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55591-752-4 USMarketing PlansWhen paddlers Alan S. Kesselheim and his wife were starting their family,each of their three kids unintentionally experienced, before birth, a majorriver expedition. Later, Eli, Sawyer, and Ruby grew up on other river trips,joining the Kesselheims in canoes as infants and toddlers and becoming adeptpaddlers and campers before the age of ten. Recognizing a unique opportunityto celebrate their childrens’ transitions to adulthood, the family returnedto those “birth” rivers and repeated each of the three original paddling trips.Over a period of four years, as each child reached the age of thirteen, andacross a span of geography from the Arctic Circle to Mexico, the family of fiveshared inspirational travel adventures on the water. A moving testimonial forallowing children to experience nature firsthand, Let Them Paddle is a captivatingtale of a family coming of age.Alan S. Kesselheim has worked as a freelance writer for thirty years. He is theauthor of ten <strong>book</strong>s and hundreds of magazine articles in a handful of publications,including Canoe & Kayak magazine. In addition to his writing work,Kesselheim has taught writing workshops throughout North America andteaches occasional classes at Montana State University. He is best known forhis exploits as a wilderness adventurer and canoeist and is a veteran of manyextended expeditions, including two year-long canoe journeys across Canada.Kesselheim has incorporated his three children into his wilderness adventurelifestyle and has every expectation that they will carry on the tradition. He livesin Bozeman, Montana, with his wife and children.A beautiful collection of essays describing the different river adventuresone family undertook for each child’s coming of age celebration.Co-op availableAdvance reader copies• Regional radio campaign: Montana• Release at Canoecopia <strong>2012</strong> in Madison, WI• Social media campaign• Regional Montana tour• Goodreads and LibraryThing giveawaysAuthor Hometown: Bozeman, MT158

Fulcrum PublishingPlanes, Trains, and Auto-RickshawsA Journey Through Modern IndiaLaura Pedersen“It is Pedersen’s gift to be able to draw the reader into her world.”—Front Street Reviews“[Pedersen’s] wicked, sarcastic, dry, self-deprecating sense of humor won meover and I absolutely loved it start to finish.”—Printed Page, of Buffalo GalIndia today is a nation caught between the rich heritage of its past and the greateconomic potential of its future. In this witty and insightful <strong>book</strong>, journalistand author Laura Pedersen reveals the tensions and contradictions facingthe emerging world power. In particular, Pedersen explores the roles ofwomen and children in India today, providing insight into this important andoften neglected issue. Part travelogue, part history, and part cultural reflection,Planes, Trains, and Auto-Rickshaws provides an intimate glimpse of a nation atits turning point. It is a must-read for those who want to understand Indiabeyond the headlines.Laura Pedersen has written for The New York Times and is the author of several<strong>book</strong>s including Play Money, Going Away Party, Beginner’s Luck (chosen as a Barnes &Noble Discover Great New Writers selection), Buffalo Gal, and Buffalo Unbound.In 1994 President Clinton honored her as one of Ten Outstanding YoungAmericans. She has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Primetime Live, andThe Late Show with David Letterman, and she writes for several well-known comedians.Pedersen lives in New York City.A humorous yet insightful travel essay highlighting the rolesof women and children in modern-day India.TRAVELJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $16.00978-1-55591-618-3 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55591-754-8 USMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copiesAlsoAvailable• Regional and national advertising• Regional TV and radio campaign: East Coast• Social media campaign• Outreach to travel magazines and blogs• East Coast tour in conjunction with author’sspeaking engagements• Goodreads and LibraryThing giveaways• Promotion through:www.laurapedersen<strong>book</strong>s.comBuffalo GalA MemoirLaura PedersenBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY5½ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $15.00978-1-55591-692-3 USBuffalo UnboundA CelebrationLaura PedersenHISTORY5½ x 8½ | 216 ppTrade Paper US $16.00978-1-55591-735-7 USAuthor EventsNew York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NY159

Fulcrum PublishingDurangoA NovelGary HartWith a contemporary Western flavor and plenty of intrigue and suspense, GaryHart’s latest novel Durango brings readers into the world of the small southwestColorado town as the close-knit community is rocked by scandal and controversy.As a drawn-out battle for water rights looms over the town, one ofDurango’s most eminent citizens, stoic former politician Daniel Sheridan, isimplicated in a shocking transgression, forcing him to fight to clear his nameand resolve the contention that has weighed upon his hometown for decades.Drawing on the classic themes of loyalty, honor, redemption, and the land,Durango presents an unforgettable saga of the American West.Gary Hart has been and continues to be one of America’s great public servantsfor almost four decades, from his role in the 1972 McGovern campaign to hisyears as a visionary senator, from his leadership on national security mattersbefore and after 9/11 to his contributions as a respected statesman on variousissues. He is the author of several <strong>book</strong>s, including The Thunder and the Sunshine:Four Seasons in a Burnished Life, as well as two novels published under the pseudonymJohn Blackthorn. Hart lives in Denver, Colorado.FICTIONAugustA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55591-670-1 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55591-755-5 USA contemporary novel filled with scandal, controversy, and suspense,set in the small Southwest town of Durango, Colorado.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies or E-Galleys• Excerpts in: Durango newspapers• Social media campaign• Goodreads and LibraryThing giveawaysAuthor Hometown: Denver, COAlsoAvailable160The Thunder and the SunshineFour Seasons in a Burnished LifeGary HartForeword by Douglas BrinkleyBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY /POLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9 | 256 ppTrade Cloth US $25.00978-1-55591-739-5 USGod and Caesar in AmericaAn Essay on Religion and PoliticsGary HartPOLITICAL SCIENCE4¾ x 7¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $9.95978-1-55591-577-3 US

Fulcrum PublishingInterpretationA Practical Guide for Making a Difference on PurposeSam H. Ham, PhDIn the long-awaited new edition of the bestseller Environmental Interpretation, SamH. Ham captures what has changed in our understanding of interpretationduring the past two decades. Ham draws upon recent advances in communicationresearch to unveil a fresh perspective that will lead interpreters to newand insightful pathways for making a difference through their work.Sam H. Ham, PhD, is director of the Center for International Training andOutreach and professor of communication psychology in the University ofIdaho’s Department of Conservation Social Sciences. Ham is the author ofnearly four hundred publications and has won several awards.Marketing PlansCo-op availableSocial media campaign • Goodreads and LibraryThing giveawaysAuthor Hometown: Moscow, IDEDUCATION / SOCIAL SCIENCEJuly7 x 9 | 480 ppTrade Paper US $60.00978-1-55591-742-5 USPrevious ISBN: 978-1-55591-902-3 USThe long-awaited new edition of theinternational bestseller EnvironmentalInterpretation, including a wealthof new material.In The Courts of the ConquerorThe 10 Worst Indian Law Cases Ever DecidedWalter R. Echo-HawkNow in paperback, a vivid account of ten Supreme Court cases that changedthe fate of Native Americans, providing the contemporary historical and politicalcontext of each case, and explaining how the decisions have adversely affectedthe cultural survival of Native people to this day.Walter R. Echo-Hawk is of counsel to the Crowe and Dunlevy law firm ofOklahoma. As a staff attorney for the Native American Rights Fund for thirtyfiveyears, he represented tribes and Native Americans on significant legal issuesduring the modern era of federal Indian law. He is a prolific writer whose<strong>book</strong>s include Battlefields and Burial Grounds.Marketing Plans10,000-copy print run • Co-op availableSocial media campaign • Tour in conjunction with author’s speaking engagements •Goodreads and LibraryThing giveawaysPromotion through: www.walterechohawk.comAuthor Hometown: Tulsa, OKHISTORYAugustFirst Trade Paper Edition6 x 9 | 576 ppTrade Paper US $24.95978-1-55591-384-7 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55591-788-3 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-936218-01-1A vital contribution not onlyto Native American history, but alsoto American history.161

Fulcrum PublishingRebuilding JusticeCivil Courts in Jeopardy and Why You Should CareRebecca Love Kourlis and Dirk OlinWith the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal SystemForeword by Sandra Day O’ConorLAWAvailable NowA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55591-538-4 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55591-708-1 USMarketing Plans• Excerpts in: The Denver Post• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Outreach to legal publications and schools• East Coast, California, and Colorado tour“We are blessed with many excellent judges and court staff . . . but they and allthe rest of us have an obligation to work hard to improve the system so that itis both impartial and accountable.”—From the foreword by former SupremeCourt Justice Sandra Day O’ConnorOver the past several decades, the civil justice process has become alarminglyexpensive, politicized, and time-consuming. Though the court system lies atthe heart of American democracy, it often does not meet the legitimate needsof the people, resulting in a rift between citizens and their own legal system.With a system that hasn’t seen major reform since 1938, it’s inevitable thatthere are shortcomings and misunderstandings. The situation is precarious,but not hopeless. In Rebuilding Justice, Rebecca Love Kourlis and Dirk Olin illuminatewhy the courts are critical and how they are being eroded, defaced, andundermined. While covering complex issues such as civil justice reform, judicialselection and performance evaluation, and domestic relations, Kourlisand Olin propose practical solutions to improve the efficiency, accessibility,and integrity of America’s civil courts. An important portrait of the Americanjudicial system, Rebuilding Justice is a call to action for citizens and civil servantsalike to take the steps necessary to fix, support, and protect this crucial cornerstoneof our democracy.Rebecca Love Kourlis is the founder and executive director of the Institutefor the Advancement of the American Legal System, a former justice of theColorado Supreme Court, a former District Court Judge, and a former trialjudge. She holds undergraduate and law degrees from Stanford University.Dirk Olin is a legal affairs journalist who currently serves as editor and publisherof Corporate Responsibility Magazine. He holds a bachelor’s degree fromDartmouth College and a master’s degree from Northwestern JournalismSchool.This <strong>book</strong> is a civics lesson for the court system, a call to action,and a manning of the ramparts.Author Hometown: Denver, CO162

Gentle Path PressFacing HeartbreakSteps to Recovery for Partners of Sex AddictsStefanie Carnes, PhD; Mari A. Lee, LMFT;and Anthony D. Rodriguez, LCSWWhen you discover that the person you loved and trusted most in the worldis hiding a secret life as a sex addict, the result can be devastating. Facing thatheartbreak is what this <strong>book</strong> is all about. The healing process will take time regardlessof whether you decide to stay in the relationship or leave.Facing Heartbreak weaves real life stories with practical therapeutic advice andspecific tasks that gently educate, empower, and guide the partner of the sexaddict through a process of recovery. Using Dr. Patrick Carnes’ thirty-task sexrecovery model, readers will learn to heal from the heartbreak and betrayal asthey discover hope and healing.Stefanie Carnes, PhD, has authored many publications including her nationallyrenowned <strong>book</strong> Mending a Shattered Heart: A Guide for Partners of Sex Addicts. Sheis also a licensed marriage and family therapist and sex addiction therapist.Mari A. Lee, MA, LMFT, CSAT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist,sex addiction therapist, and the founder of Growth Counseling Services, Inc., arecovery center in Pasadena, California. She is also a respected writer, speaker,and presenter on women’s issues, compulsive sexual behavior, and trauma.Anthony Rodriguez, MSW, CSAT, BCSA, LISW, LCSW, is the founder andclinical director of The Men’s Center. He is a certified sex addiction therapistand also a technical consultant with the United States Department of Justice.SELF-HELP / PSYCHOLOGYJulyA Paperback Original8½ x 11 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $32.95978-0-9832713-3-8 USCThe first step-by-step guide to help partners of sex addicts cope withdiscovering their loved one has compulsive sexual behaviors.Marketing Plans10,000-copy print run• RTIR advertising• Social media campaignAuthor Hometowns: Carefree, AZ /Iowa City, IA / Los Angeles, CAAlsoAvailableFacing AddictionStarting Recovery from Alcohol and DrugsPatrick Carnes, PhD; StefanieCarnes, PhD; and John Bailey, MDPSYCHOLOGY / SELF-HELP8 x 10 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $32.99978-0-9826505-6-1 USCMending a Shattered HeartA Guide for Partners of Sex AddictsSecond EditionEdited by Stefanie Carnes, PhDSELF-HELP6 x 9 | 220 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.99978-0-9826505-9-2 USC163

Selected Backlist from Gentle Path PressFacing the ShadowStarting Sexual andRelationship RecoverySecond EditionPatrick Carnes, PhDPSYCHOLOGY / SELF-HELP8 x 10 | 325 ppTrade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $35.95978-0-9826505-2-3 USCRecovery Zone, Volume 1Making Changes that Last:The Internal TasksPatrick Carnes, PhDPSYCHOLOGY / SELF-HELP8 x 10 | 315 ppTrade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $35.95978-0-9774400-1-6 USCA House InterruptedA Wife’s Story of Recovering fromHer Husband’s Sex AddictionMaurita CorcoranSELF-HELP6 x 9 | 280 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-0-9826505-8-5 USC164Clergy Sexual MisconductA Systems Approach toPrevention, Intervention,and OversightEdited by John Thoburn, MDiv,PhD, and Rob Baker, MASELF-HELP / RELIGION6 x 9 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-0-9832713-0-7 USCThe Teen Guide toRecovery from Sex andPornography AddictionBased on Dr. Patrick Carnes’Innovative Thirty-TaskTreatment ModelEdited by James B. LewisSELF-HELP8 x 10 | 250 ppTrade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $24.50978-0-9832713-1-4 USCThe Problem Was MeHow to End Negative Self-Talk andTake Your Life to a New LevelThomas Gaglianowith Abraham J. Twerski, MDPSYCHOLOGY / SELF-HELP6 x 9 | 290 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-0-9826505-7-8 USC

GLAS New Russian WritingWhat the Emperor Cannot DoTales and Legends of the OrientVlas DoroshevichTranslated by Rowen Glie and Ronald Landau with John DeweyStyled as Oriental tales, these parables are unexpected, exciting, colorful, andtremendously readable. Vlas Doroshevich could not stand tyranny in any formand in his tales he availed himself of complete freedom to mock, to despise,and to accuse the authorities for their wickedness, hypocrisy, and stupidity.These tales could be written by and for rebellious “anti-establishment” youthof today. Doroshevich’s works were often banned during the tsarist timesand then finally banned completely under the Bolsheviks. This great Russianwriter, who was a friend of Anton Chekhov, is only now being resurrectedfrom oblivion. This is the first English translation of his tales.Vlas Doroshevich (1864–1922) was widely known as the “king of journalism”in his time. He was also a novelist, drama critic, and short story writer.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignFICTIONJuneA Paperback OriginalNew Russian Writing5 x 8 | 250 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-5-7172-0094-3 USCA rediscovery of a brilliant writer fromthe early twentieth century banned underSoviets. These anti-establishment talesare universal and timeless.SenseArslan KhasavovTranslated by Arch Tait“Sense will be of interest to the English-speaking reader for its intimate visionof the world of a confused adolescent in a threatening and dangerous world.This young and courageous author has a sense of irony and humor and managesto distance himself from his hero’s social preoccupations and hyperbole.The <strong>book</strong>’s appeal is in its youthful immediacy.”—Arch Tait“This Chechen boy created a portrait of dissident youth in the best traditionsof Tolstoy and Turgenev.”—Eduard LimonovArslan Khasavov is the 2009 Debut Prize winner. He works for the BBCRussian service as a columnist on Northern Caucasus.Arch Tait, a recently retired professor of Russian literature, has many successfultranslations to his name, including <strong>book</strong>s by Anna Politkovskaya andLudmila Ulitskaya.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copies available at BEANational print and online campaignAuthor eventsWashington, DC • New York, NYFICTIONJuneA Paperback OriginalNew Russian Writing5 x 8 | 250 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-5-7172-0093-6 USCA young man’s rebellious searchfor identity against the backgroundof numerous political youth movementsin Russia today.165

Selected Backlist from GLAS New Russian WritingMinusRoman SenchinFICTION5 x 8 | 240 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.50978-5-7172-0083-7 USCIramificationsMaria GalinaFICTION5 x 8 | 252 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.50978-5-7172-0082-0 USCWar & PeaceContemporary Russian ProseArkady Babchenko,Dmitry Bykov, Julia Latynina,Roman Senchin, andOlga SlavnikovaFICTION5 x 8 | 400 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $21.00978-5-7172-0074-5 USC7 StoriesSigizmund KrzhizhanovskyFICTION5 x 8 | 208 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.50978-5-7172-0073-8 USCSquaring the CircleEdited by Olga SlavnikovaFICTION5 x 8 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.50978-5-7172-0086-8 USCA Jewish God in ParisMikhail LevitinFICTION5 x 8 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.50978-5-7172-0085-1 USC166

Gryphon HouseStart Smart!Building Brain Power in the Early YearsRevised EditionPam Schiller, PhDDid you know that emotions boost our memory? Or that small muscle exerciseshelp the brain develop? Early experiences contribute to the structure ofthe brain and its capacities. The quality, quantity, and consistency of stimulationwill determine, to a large extent, the number of brain synapses that areformed and how those connections will function. This is true for both cognitiveand emotional development, and the effect is lifelong.Start Smart offers simple, straightforward ways to boost brain power withactive exploration, repetition, sensory exploration, and direct experience.Revised to reflect the latest research about how children learn, the new editionof this classic bestseller offers explanations on how and why these activitieshelp the brain develop. The layout has been updated, and the illustrationsare now in color.Pam Schiller, PhD, is a highly sought-after speaker who writes regularly forearly childhood journals. Pam is the author of five early childhood curriculums,eleven children’s <strong>book</strong>s, and more than thirty teacher and parent resource<strong>book</strong>s.Simple, straightforward ways to ensure healthy brain developmentbased on the latest research about how children learn.FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPSMay7 x 10 | 160 pp25 color photographs and 50 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95978-0-87659-393-6 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-87659-201-4Marketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op available• National advertising: Child Care InformationExchange • Educational Dealer •NSSEA Essentials • Teaching Young Children• Trade advertising: Baker & Taylor •Ingram Advance• Social media campaign• Outreach to national and regional educationand parenting publications/websites• Promotion at national and regional conferencesfor early childhood educatorsAuthor Hometown: Cypress, TX167

Gryphon House125 Brain Games for BabiesRevised EditionJackie SilbergFAMILY & RELATIONSHIPSMay6 x 9 | 144 pp125 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-87659-391-2 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-87659-199-4Fun, simple games build thebrain connections needed for successfulfuture learning!Updated to reflect the latest research about how children learn, the revisededition of 125 Brain Games for Babies is a fun-filled collection of ways to developthe brain capacity of infants. Included are everyday opportunities to nurturebrain development in the critical period from birth through twelve months.Each game and sensory experience presented includes an annotation on thelatest brain research and how the activity promotes brain power in babies.Jackie Silberg is an early childhood advocate and popular keynote speaker.She is the author of more than a dozen best-selling <strong>book</strong>s for teachers andparents.Marketing PlansCo-op availableNational advertising: Child Care Information Exchange • Educational Dealer •NSSEA Essentials • Teaching Young ChildrenTrade advertising: Baker & Taylor • Ingram AdvanceSocial media campaignOutreach to national and regional education and parenting publications/websitesPromotion at national and regional conferences for early childhood educatorsAuthor Hometown: Leawood, KS125 Brain Games for Toddlers and TwosRevised EditionJackie SilbergA young child’s brain grows at a phenomenal rate in the first years of life.Revised and updated to reflect the latest research on how children learn, 125Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos is packed with everyday opportunities to contributeto brain development. Each game is accompanied by an annotation on thelatest brain research and how the activity promotes brain power in the criticalperiod from twelve to thirty-six months.Packed with easy-to-play games basedon the latest brain research about howtoddlers and twos learn!168FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPSMay6 x 9 | 144 pp125 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-87659-392-9 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-87659-205-2Jackie Silberg is an early childhood advocate and popular keynote speaker.She is the author of more than a dozen best-selling <strong>book</strong>s for teachers andparents.Marketing PlansCo-op availableNational advertising: Child Care Information Exchange • Educational Dealer •NSSEA Essentials • Teaching Young ChildrenTrade advertising: Baker & Taylor • Ingram AdvanceSocial media campaignOutreach to national and regional education and parenting publications/websitesPromotion at national and regional conferences for early childhood educatorsAuthor Hometown: Leawood, KS

Gryphon HouseFirst Art for Toddlers and TwosOpen-Ended Art ExperiencesRevised EditionMaryAnn F. Kohl with Renee Ramsey and Dana BowmanDiscover the natural curiosity and enthusiasm of toddlers and twos as they explorecreative art experiences designed just for them. In this updated, coloredition of First Art, you will find more than seventy-five art experiences, withlots of variations that add to the fun and tips for making the activities runsmoothly. There’s even a chapter of special adult-made props, such as an ArtBaggie Book to display a child’s artwork and a Tabletop Easel made from apizza box to catch all the drips. First Art for Toddlers and Twos starts children on ajourney full of exploration and creativity!MaryAnn F. Kohl is the award-winning author of more than fifteen <strong>book</strong>s ofopen-ended art experiences for children of all ages. “It’s the process, not theproduct,” guides her writing of activities that focus on the experience of art,not the final product a child creates.More than seventy-five open-ended art experiences to start toddlersand twos on a journey full of exploration and creativity!EDUCATIONApril11 x 8½ | 128 pp110 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95978-0-87659-399-8 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-87659-222-9Marketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Child Care InformationExchange • Educational Dealer •NSSEA Essentials • Teaching Young Children• Trade advertising: Baker & Taylor •Ingram Advance• Social media campaign• Outreach to national and regional educationand parenting publications/websites• Promotion at national and regional conferencesfor early childhood educatorsAuthor Hometown: Bellingham, WA169

Gryphon HouseThe Budding ScientistEdited by Stephanie RoselliCurious kids will delight in the joy of scientific discovery through the fifty funactivities in The Budding Scientist! This <strong>book</strong> is filled with great ways for you andyour child to learn about how our world works. Create memories together asyou make invisible ink, explore ice crystals, and investigate magnets.Perfect for children ages three to six, this fun-filled introduction to sciencefeatures easy-to-follow instructions and easy-to-find materials that willhelp you satisfy your child’s natural curiosity.FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPSAprilA Paperback OriginalThe Budding . . . Series8 x 9 | 72 pp39 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $9.95978-0-87659-385-1 USBudding scientists discover fifty ways tonurture their natural curiosity!Marketing PlansCo-op availableNational advertising: Baker & Taylor • Ingram Advance • Publishers WeeklySocial media campaignOutreach to national and regional education and parenting publications/websitesEditor Hometown: Greensboro, NCThe Budding ArtistEdited by Laura LaxtonFAMILY & RELATIONSHIPSAprilA Paperback OriginalThe Budding . . . Series8 x 9 | 72 pp37 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $9.95978-0-87659-384-4 USBudding artists will discover thedelight and wonder of the creative processwith fifty fun-filled art activities foryoung children!170Curious kids will delight in the wonder of the creative process with the fiftyart-inspiring activities in The Budding Artist! With great ways for you and yourbudding artist to create beautiful memories together, this <strong>book</strong> shows parentsand kids how to paint with bubbles, create glue webs, make a blooming tablecloth,and construct homemade paper valentines.Perfect for kids ages three to six, this fun-filled introduction to arts andcrafts features easy-to-follow instructions and easy-to-find materials that willhelp you and your child have as much fun creating art as viewing the finishedproduct.Marketing PlansCo-op availableNational advertising: Baker & Taylor • Ingram Advance • Publishers WeeklySocial media campaignOutreach to national and regional education and parenting publications/websitesEditor Hometown: Winston-Salem, NC

Gryphon HouseThe Budding BuilderEdited by Laura LaxtonCurious kids will be inspired by the endless possibilities of the fifty fun-filledbuilding activities in The Budding Builder! With great ways for you and your childto take ideas from their limitless imaginations and to fashion them into reality,this <strong>book</strong> shows parents and kids how to create a fairytale cottage, make amarker organizer, carefully construct a toothpick sculpture, and build a birdfeeder.Perfect for kids ages three to six, this fun-filled introduction to architecturefeatures easy-to-follow instructions and easy-to-find materials that willhelp your child develop many important life skills, from planning and estimatingto counting and measuring. So enjoy the process, and be amazed atwhat you and your child can create together!Budding builders will be inspired by the endless possibilities ofthese fifty fun-filled building activities for young children!FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPSAprilA Paperback OriginalThe Budding . . . Series8 x 9 | 72 pp37 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $9.95978-0-87659-381-3 USMarketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Baker & Taylor • IngramAdvance • Publishers Weekly• Social media campaign• Outreach to national and regional educationand parenting publications/websitesAlsoAvailableEditor Hometown: Winston-Salem, NCThe Budding ChefEdited by Kate KuhnCOOKING / JUVENILE NONFICTIONThe Budding . . . Series8 x 9 | 64 pp25 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $9.95978-0-87659-372-1 USThe Budding GardenerEdited by Mary B. ReinGARDENING / JUVENILE NONFICTIONThe Budding . . . Series8 x 9 | 64 pp25 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $9.95978-0-87659-373-8 US171

Gryphon House101 Great Gifts Kids Can MakeRevised EditionStephanie R. Mueller and Ann E. WheelerChildren ages three to eight can make unique presents for moms, dads,grandparents, friends, teachers—all of the special people in their lives! Createa Made-It-Myself mouse pad personalized for Mom. Dad will love the peacefulchimes of his Terracotta Music Maker, and grandparents will be delightedwith the Picture Puzzle. From the card to the wrapping paper, and everythingin between, 101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make has dozens of perfect gift ideas that willmake gift-giving meaningful again!Stephanie R. Mueller and Ann E. Wheeler are experienced teachers, consultants,and trainers in the field of early childhood education. With overforty-five years of early childhood experience between them, their extensiveknowledge coupled with their love of learning makes them sought-after speakersfor professional organizations, schools, and parents’ groups.FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPSApril8 x 9 | 160 pp101 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95978-0-87659-414-8 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-87659-279-3Dozens of great gifts for children ages three to eight to createfor all the special people in their lives!Marketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Baker & Taylor • IngramAdvance • Publishers Weekly• Social media campaign• Outreach to national and regional educationand parenting publications/websitesAuthor Hometowns:Broken Arrow, OK / Verdigris, OK172

Gryphon HouseMany Languages, Building ConnectionsSupporting Infants and Toddlers Who AreDual Language LearnersKaren N. NemethAll infants and toddlers need experiences that nurture, support, and teachtheir home language and culture. Language is a vital component of early experienceswell before the child can say his first word. Infants and toddlers whosefamilies come from diverse backgrounds and speak different languages are appearingin all kinds of early care and learning settings in growing numbers.Even the most experienced caregiver can feel a bit unsure about meeting theunique needs of infants and toddlers from different language backgrounds.Many Languages, Building Connections outlines adaptable strategies that care giversof children younger than the age of three need to feel confident that theyknow how language develops, how cultural differences can come into play, andhow to assess an individual child’s situation to provide appropriate support.From welcoming diverse families and engaging them to participate in achild care program to creating nurturing communities that value and supporteach child’s home language while also fostering English acquisition, the helpfulstrategies included in Many Languages, Building Connections will prepare caregiversfor the diverse reality they encounter in their work.Karen N. Nemeth has been a teacher and a teacher educator for more thantwenty-five years. She is a sought-after speaker on topics related to first- andsecond-language development. This is her second <strong>book</strong>.EDUCATIONJuneA Paperback Original8½ x 11 | 128 pp15 B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-87659-389-9 USLay the foundation for learning for infants and toddlers from diverselanguage and cultural backgrounds.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAlso Available• National advertising: Child Care InformationExchange • Educational Dealer •NSSEA Essentials • Teaching Young Children• Trade advertising: Baker & Taylor •Ingram Advance• Social media campaign• Outreach to national and regional educationand parenting publications/websites• Promotion at national and regional conferencesfor early childhood educatorsMany Languages, One ClassroomTeaching Dual and English Language LearnersKaren N. NemethEDUCATION8½ x 11 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $12.95978-0-87659-087-4 USAuthor Hometown: Newton, PA173

Gryphon HouseReal Classroom MakeoversPractical Ideas for Early Childhood ClassroomsRebecca Isbell and Pamela EvanshenEDUCATIONJuneA Paperback Original11 x 8½ | 160 pp159 color photographs, 16 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $26.95978-0-87659-378-3 USLearning environments are an important topic as more and more teachers tryto make their classrooms into places that support and inspire learning. Using“before” and “after” pictures of real early childhood classrooms, Real ClassroomMakeovers shows early childhood teachers step-by-step how small changes cantransform their classrooms into wondrous environments for young childrento learn and grow. With a budget-conscious focus, the <strong>book</strong> provides visualexamples of dramatic changes that are possible in real preschool, Pre-K, andkindergarten classrooms. Most of the makeovers focus on a specific classroomarea or learning center.Much more than a collection of before-and-after pictures, this <strong>book</strong> introducesand describes the philosophy behind creative learning environmentsbased on current early childhood education research. Written in simple, downto-earthlanguage, this <strong>book</strong> is accessible for all educators!Rebecca Isbell, PhD, is director of the Center of Excellence in Early ChildhoodLearning and Development and a distinguished professor for teaching at EastTennessee State University. A sought-after speaker for early childhood conferences,she has authored several best-selling <strong>book</strong>s for educators.Pamela Evanshen, PhD, holds a doctorate of education in educational leadershipand policy analysis and is currently an associate professor and programcoordinator for the early childhood program in the Human Developmentand Learning department at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City,Tennessee.174Marketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Child Care InformationExchange • Educational Dealer •NSSEA Essentials • Teaching Young Children• Trade advertising: Baker & Taylor •Ingram Advance• Social media campaign• Outreach to national and regional educationand parenting publications/websites• Promotion at national and regional conferencesfor early childhood educatorsAuthor Hometowns: Jonesborough, TNThis hands-on guide helps early childhood teachers turn classroomsinto wondrous places for children to learn and grow!Also AvailableA Room to LearnRethinking Classroom EnvironmentsPamela Evanshen and Janet FaulkEDUCATION8½ x 11 | 224 pp131 color photographsTrade Paper US $29.95978-0-87659-315-8 US

Haus PublishingBerlin CantataJeffrey Lewis“A city that has lost one of its limbs and is receiving a miraculous gift, a littlebump under the flesh, where the limb is just beginning to grow back.” Thusdoes the American girl in Jeffrey Lewis’ remarkable polyphonic novel describeBerlin and the “remnant Jews, secret GDR Jews . . . Soviet Jews . . . Jewswho’d fled and come back with the victors, Jews who were lost mandarins now,Jews who’d believed in the universality of man and maybe still did” she finds ata gathering in the eastern city soon after the Wall fell.At the center of Berlin Cantata is a house owned successively by Jews, Nazis,and Communists. In the house, the American girl seeks her hidden past. Inthe girl, a local reporter seeks redemption. In the reporter, a false hero of thepast seeks exposure. In the false hero, the American girl seeks a guide. And soit goes, a round of conspiracy and desire. Berlin Cantata deploys thirteen voicesto tell a story of atonement, discovery, loss, identity, intrigue, mystery, insanity,sadomasochism, and lies.Jeffrey Lewis is the author of Meritocracy: A Love Story (2005), Theme Song for an OldShow (2007), The Conference of the Birds (2007), and Adam the King (2008). He haswon a string of awards, including the Independent Publishers Gold Medal forLiterary Fiction for his novels, and two Emmy Awards and the Writer’s GuildAward for his work as a writer and producer on Hill Street Blues.A young Jewish woman goes to Berlin after the fall of the Wall,finding a world of possibilities and deception.FICTIONApril5 x 7¾ | 220 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-907822-43-8 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-42-1 WMarketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor Hometowns: Castine, ME / Los Angeles, CA175

Haus PublishingAbductionAnouar BenmalekAziz is a kind-hearted zookeeper with a sense of humor, living a simple lifein Algeria. But his contented existence is shattered by the abduction of histhirteen-year-old daughter. Aziz, his wife, his stepfather-in-law, and hismother-in-law are sent on a frantic and desperate chase to save the younggirl’s life.But this is no ordinary abduction. No ransom demands are made. Instead,the kidnapper forces Aziz to confront his darkest fears, to test the strength ofhis relationships, and to challenge how far he will go to save his daughter. Azizand his wife each blame the other for not doing enough for their child. Thekidnapper takes a haunting pleasure in turning the family against each other.Meanwhile, a story unfolds of two men brought together in an unlikelyfriendship, both brutalized by their pasts as soldiers. Slowly, the kidnapper’smotives become clear as we plunge into a past of crimes and atrocities perpetratedduring Algeria’s war of independence.Anouar Benmalek is the author of The Lovers of Algeria (2004) and The Childof Ancient People (Graywolf Press, 2004). He was a founder of the AlgerianCommittee Against Torture and is one of France’s best-selling novelists.FICTIONMayA Paperback Original5⅜ x 8½ | 350 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-906697-33-4 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-45-2 WA girl is abducted and her father is driven tohorrific lengths to win her freedom.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign176

Haus PublishingThe Cocaine SalesmanConny BraamA historical novel based on a true but unexplored aspect of World War I—theselling of cocaine to both sides by the Dutch—woven around a story of personalbetrayal and self-deception.On July 31, 1917, Robin Ryder, the twenty-six-year-old Englishman, clambersfrom his trench on a Flanders battlefield and charges fearlessly towardsthe German lines. Heavily wounded by a German grenade, half his mutilatedface will have to be hidden behind a mask.Lucien Hirschland, the traveling <strong>sales</strong>man of the flourishing DutchCocaine Factory, is supplying both sides with drugs to make their soldiersmore reckless in the face of overwhelming danger. Closing deals with both theGermans and the British, he flaunts his newfound wealth.At the war’s end, extraordinary circumstances find Ryder living in theHirschland family home where he is lovingly welcomed by Lucien’s youngersister, Swanee. Expectations and illusions grow as their lives spin out of controland they learn that the war veteran has more to hide than his mutilatedface.Conny Braam helped set up and then led the Dutch Anti-Apartheid Movement.Her <strong>book</strong>s include Operatie Vulva, De Bokkeslachter, and Zwavel, a trilogy of novelsabout the family Abraham.Cocaine, war, love, betrayal, and vengeance: The Cocaine Salesmanis an unparalleled novel based on true events.FICTIONJulyA Paperback Original5 x 7¾ | 380 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-907822-05-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-46-9 WMarketing Plans• National print and online campaign177

Haus PublishingThe Indies EnterpriseÉrik OrsennaFICTIONAugust5⅜ x 8⅜ | 320 ppTrade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-1-906598-93-8 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-49-0 WThe twenty-five year old Christopher Columbus, shipwrecked off thePortuguese coast, makes his way to Lisbon and is reunited with his youngerbrother Bartolomew, a gifted cartographer. The Genoese brothers spend thenext eight years drumming up support for Christopher’s great venture, thewestward voyage in search of a quicker route to the Spice Islands and India.Unaware that the North American continent lies in their way, they call it theIndies Enterprise.Érik Orsenna’s fascinating novel is the tale not of a voyage of exploration,but of the years preceding it and the many discoveries of a period of enlightenedawakening and scientific curiosity. The story is told by Bartolomew inold age, living on the island of Hispaniola after Christopher’s death. Despiteits scientific spirit, the period witnessed the Inquisition and the savage persecutionof Jews. The contradiction slowly dawns on Bartolomew throughthe “Indios” whose land has been taken, and who are now enslaved to theEuropeans. Was the worm of man’s inhumanity to man present in the fruit oftheir great enterprise all along?Érik Orsenna has written seven novels and been awarded the Roger Nimierand Goncourt prizes. He was elected to the French Academy in 1998, holdingthe seat formerly occupied by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, and occupied severalpositions in governments of François Mitterrand during the 1980s and1990s. His translated works include the novel Grammar is a Sweet, Gentle Song(2004) and A Portrait of the Gulf Stream (Haus Publishing, 2007).Marketing PlansAn exquisitely written historical novel that asks profound questionsabout the nature and justification of discovery and exploration.• National print and online campaign178

Haus Publishing1919A Turning Point in World HistoryAlan Sharp and TG Fraser1919 was a pivotal year. While the Paris Peace Conference dominated the headlines,events elsewhere in the world would have a major impact on the twentiethcentury and beyond. In Ireland, Egypt, India, China, and the Middle East,Britain, France, and Japan faced gathering resistance to their rule. Nationalistleaders like Gandhi, Saad Zaghlul, and Ho Chi Minh rose to prominence,while the leaders of the Irish rebellion against Britain enjoyed more immediatesuccess. In 1919 the world was poised between triumphant imperialismand emerging nationalism.1919 also witnessed fear of communism on a global scale, fuelled by Bolsheviksuccess in Russia, a short-lived revolutionary government in Munich, and BelaKun’s seizure of power in Hungary. In Italy and Germany, Fascism and NationalSocialism emerged as alternatives to both Communism and the bourgeois statusquo, while in the United States Attorney General Mitchell Palmer’s attemptsto quell radicalism and enforce Prohibition launched the career of J. EdgarHoover.By looking beyond Europe and the first six months of 1919, includingthe Third Afghan War, this <strong>book</strong> gives a global perspective of the events andupheavals explored in Margaret Macmillan’s seminal history of the peace conferencesof that year, Paris 1919.Alan Sharp and TG Fraser bring together their renowned knowledge of whathappened when four empires collapsed simultaneously; a historical constellationunique to the aftermath of World War I.A history of the world in flux during a turbulent yearof radical global change.HISTORYJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-1-907822-41-4 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-44-5 WMarketing Plans• National print and online campaign179

Haus PublishingWhy Kosovo Still MattersDenis MacShanePOLITICAL SCIENCEAprilA Paperback Original5 x 7¾ | 120 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-907822-39-1 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-51-3 WA short polemical appeal for theinternational community to re-engage withthe Western Balkans before it is too late.“The people of Kosovo—both the cleansed Albanians and the demagogicallyexploited Serbs—now know who their political and humanitarian friendswere. One of the most outstanding European and parliamentary advocates hasbeen Dr. Denis MacShane. This will surprise none who know of his record onhuman rights. The <strong>book</strong> will stand as a monument to a harsh time and to thefortitude that overcame it.”—Christopher HitchensThis polemical appeal by Denis MacShane calls for policy makers to re- engagewith the Western Balkans before it is too late. MacShane has written a vivid andforceful account, showing that the Western Balkans are a symbol of Europe’sweakness to transform one of its key regions and the choice we face is nowstark: either the Balkans become European or Europe becomes Balkanized.Marketing PlansNational radio campaign • National print and online campaignPromotion through: http://denismacshane-international.blogspot.comIstanbulCity of Forgetting and RememberingRichard TillinghastThe great crossroads, Istanbul has absorbed several millennia of different influences;it is both modern and ancient, fluid and constant. Standing at thecrossroads of Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a tapestry of the different culturesand ideas that have shaped it over time. It has seen merchants, travelers, differentreligions, and politics all stamp their mark. Richard Tillinghast has watchedthe city evolve and he beautifully evokes its many distinct neighborhoods.eBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-50-6 WThe great crossroads, Istanbul hasabsorbed several millennia of differentinfluences; it is both modern andancient, fluid and constant.180TRAVELJulyArmchair Traveller4¾ x 6½ | 220 ppTrade Cloth US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-907973-21-5 USCRichard Tillinghast is the author of Finding Ireland: A Poet’s Explorations of IrishLiterature and Culture (2009).Marketing PlansNational print and online campaignPromotion through: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rwtill

Haus PublishingShakespeare in KabulStephen Landrigan and Qais Akbar OmarIn 2005, a group of actors in Kabul performed Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lostto the cheers of Afghan audiences and rave reviews from foreign journalists.For the first time in years, men and women had appeared on stage together.The future held no limits, the actors believed.In this fast-moving, fondly told, and frequently very funny account, QaisAkbar Omar and Stephen Landrigan capture the triumphs and foibles of theactors as they extend their Afghan passion for poetry to Shakespeare’s. Bothauthors were part of the production. Qais, a journalist, served as assistant directorand interpreter for Parisian actress, Corinne Jaber, who had come toAfghanistan on holiday and returned to direct the play. Stephen, himself aplaywright, assembled a team of Afghan translators to fashion a script in Darias poetic as Shakespeare’s. This chronicle of optimism plays out against theheartbreak of knowing that things in Afghanistan have not turned out the waythe actors expected. Yet.Stephen Landrigan is a former journalist who has reported for The WashingtonPost and BBC Radio, among others. He went to Afghanistan in 2004 andnow lives in Massachusetts where he works with the School of Leadership,Afghanistan (SOLA) that prepares young Afghan women to study at majorAmerican universities.During the Taliban era Qais Akbar Omar ran a carpet factory in his home,providing illegal employment for forty young women. He is the author of AFort of Nine Towers.DRAMA / BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYMayA Paperback Original4½ x 8¼ | 280 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-907973-20-8 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-48-3 WThe uplifting story of bringing Shakespeare to Afghanistan, with men andwomen appearing together on stage for the first time since liberation.Marketing Plans• National radio campaign• National print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: Boston, MA181

Haus PublishingDickens’s LondonPeter ClarkTRAVELApril4½ x 8¼ | 220 pp5 mapsTrade Cloth US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-907973-19-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-907822-47-6 WNo writer can lay claim to making a city the principal character of their novelsas Charles Dickens did with London. A near photographic memory madehis contact with London indelible from a young age. Though these early hardshipsrequired the filter of literature to numb the humiliation he felt abouthis humble origins.From his Camden Town landlady Elizabeth Roylance finding her way intoliterary characterization as Mrs. Pipchin in Dombey and Son to the way in whichhis working day as a young clerk at Gray’s Inn informed Bleak House and the appropriationof his colleague Bob Fagin’s name to his notorious villain in OliverTwist, the people and places of Dickens’s London are a constant and pervading presencethrough his novels. From the coaching inns to the lower reaches of theThames, London was the inexhaustible “character” he was drawn back to againand again.Published amid the two-hundredth anniversary celebrations of CharlesDickens’ birth in 1811 and in the wake of the major “Dickens at 200” exhibitionat the The Morgan Library and Museum, New York, Dickens’s London is a remarkablestudy of how a city can inform and ignite the imagination. Five walkswith maps through Dickensian London make this the perfect accompanimentfor a trip to the British capitol.Peter Clark has written <strong>book</strong>s on Henry Hallam, Marmaduke Pickthall, andWilfred Thesiger. He is a translator from the Arabic and a founder trustee ofthe International Prize for Arabic Fiction.Published on the two hundredth anniversary of Charles Dickens’ birth,this is a celebration of the London he created in his fictional works.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign182

Haymarket BooksA Time to DieThe Attica Prison RevoltTom Wicker“Superb.”—Kurt Vonnegut“Wicker’s story though could not be more vital today. . . . A Time To Die compelsus to understand the inhumanity of prisons in America, one of the greatest injusticesof our time, and of a state that has no compunction about murderingprisoners and jailers alike. Think Attica forty years ago, think Pelican Bay today.Then act.”—Michael Ratner, president, Center for Constitutional Rights“[A Time to Die’s] lessons about the racist underpinnings of mass incarceration,about the cynical politics that determine life-or-death decisions, and aboutthe conditions that deny prisoners their basic humanity—are as relevant todayas when it was first published.”—Liliana Segura, associate editor, The NationIn September 1971 the inmates of Attica Prison revolted, took hostages, andforced the authorities into four days of desperate negotiation. At the outsetthe rebels demanded—and were granted—the presence of a group of observersto act as unofficial mediators. Tom Wicker, then the associate editor of The NewYork Times, was one of those summoned. In four crucial days, he learned more,saw more, and felt more than in most of the rest of his life. In the end, a policeattack was launched, and as a result dozens of prisoners, as well as prisonemployees, were killed.Tom Wicker, a former reporter, Washington bureau chief, and columnist forThe New York Times, is the author of several <strong>book</strong>s, including On the Record. He livesin Rochester, Vermont.HISTORY / POLITICAL SCIENCEAvailable Now6 x 9 | 356 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-1-60846-215-5 USCO*The essential firsthand account of the Attica Prison rebellion,back in print for the fortieth anniversary of the uprising.Marketing Plans• National advertising: The Nation •The Progressive• National TV and radio campaign:Democracy Now! • The New York Times • NPR• Online campaign: Truthout• Social media campaign• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with thefortieth anniversary of the rebellionAuthor Hometown: Rochester, VT183

Haymarket BooksThe Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975Edited by Göran Hugo OlssonPreface by Danny GloverPOLITICAL SCIENCE / SOCIAL SCIENCEApril8⅜ x 10⅞ | 192 pp30 color photographs and 30 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $27.95 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-173-8 USCO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-174-5 USCO*Marketing Plans• National advertising: The Nation •The Progressive • Wax Poetics• National TV and radio campaign:Democracy Now! • NPR • PBS• National print campaign: Ebony • Essence •Jet • Ms. • The Nation • NAACP’s The Crisis •Source • Vibe • XXL• Online campaign: Nylon • Okayplayer •Pitchfork • Wax Poetics• Major New York City <strong>book</strong> release party• Bookseller promotions: galley box samples,final copy giveaways• Promotion through:www.blackpowermixtape.com“Addressing what might be thought of as standard historical and contemporarysubjects with startlingly radical means. . . . Göran Hugo Olsson’s BlackPower Mixtape 1967–1975 is a collage of archival footage recorded in America,mostly by Swedish journalists, in the era of African-American militancy.The images, accompanied by present-day voice-over reflections from historians,rappers, artists, and veterans of the era’s racial politics, offer revelationsabout events and personalities we thought we understood completely.”—The New York Times, reviewing the Black Power Mixtape documentary“We have much to learn from these visionary organizers who sought to redefineand re-imagine democracy, whose sense of empowerment derivedfrom the belief that the people could be the architects for change.”—Danny Glover, from the prefaceFeaturing images and transcipts only recently discovered in the archives ofSwedish television, here is the Black Power movement as you’ve never seen it.Based on the award-winning documentary of the same name, Black Power Mixtapepresents original interviews with Stokely Carmichel, Angela Davis, and otherswho shaped the struggle of their day. Mixed with the contemporary reflectionsof leading activists, musicians, and scholars, this <strong>book</strong> aims to introducea new generation to the legacy of Black Power.Includes historical speeches and interviews by: Stokely Carmichael (KwameTure), Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, Huey P.Newton, Emile de Antonio, and Angela Davis.Includes new commentary voiced by: Erykah Badu, Talib Kweli, HarryBelafonte, Kathleen Cleaver, Angela Davis, Robin Kelley, Abiodun Oyewole,Sonia Sanchez, Bobby Seale, and Questlove.A provocative mixtape, mash-up, and treasure trove ofnever-before-seen images and stories of the Black Powermovement, with contemporary reflections.184Author EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Chicago, IL • New York, NY • Seattle, WA

Haymarket BooksIs Just a MovieEarl Lovelace“Is Just a Movie is not just a movie, it’s a poem, too.”—Arundhati Roy, author,The God of Small Things“Earl Lovelace is arguably the Caribbean’s greatest living novelist. In Is Just aMovie, he writes at the top of his considerable literary powers, picturing theCaribbean’s poor and powerless defending their ever-embattled humanitywith resourcefulness and tenacity.”—Randall Robinson, author, Makeda“Is Just a Movie confirms Lovelace as a master storyteller of the West Indies.”—Financial Times“Lovelace is bursting with things to say about this complex, heterogeneoussociety in the late twentieth century. This he does with a flair that at its bestreaches a soaring rhapsody.”—Guardian“Funny, moving, endlessly inventive.”—The Times“Vivid prose that seems to stroll effortlessly across the page. Lovelace’sloose writing is meticulously crafted but it retains its casual elegance.”—The Times Literary SupplementIn Trinidad, in the wake of 1970’s Black Power rebellion, we follow Sonnyboy,Singer King Kala, and their town’s folk through experiments in music, politics,religion, and love—and in their day-to-day adventures. Humorous andserious, sad and uplifting, Is Just a Movie is a radiant novel about small momentsof magic in ordinary life.Earl Lovelace’s <strong>book</strong>s include While Gods Are Falling, winner of the BPIndependence Award; the Caribbean classic The Dragon Can’t Dance; and Salt,which won the 1997 Commonwealth Writers Prize. For Is Just a Movie, he haswon the Grand Prize for Caribbean Literature from the Regional Council ofGuadeloupe.Rich, inventive, and funny, here is the first novel in over a decadefrom the great Carribbean novelist Earl Lovelace.FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 362 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-60846-175-2 USCLA*(excludes Canada)eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-176-9 USCLA*(excludes Canada)Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Excerpts in: Black Renaissance Noire• National advertising: Harper’s Magazine •The Nation• National TV and radio campaign: NPR• National print campaign: The Atlantic • BostonReview • Ebony • Essence • Harper’s Magazine •The Nation • The New Yorker • The New YorkReview of Books • O: The Oprah Magazine •Vanity FairAuthor EventsHartford, CT • Washington, DC • Amherst, MA •Santa Fe, NM • New York, NY • Seattle, WA185

Haymarket BooksMy People Are RisingMemoir of a Black Panther Party CaptainAaron DixonBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY /SOCIAL SCIENCEJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 384 ppB&W photographsTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-60846-178-3 USCO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-179-0 USCO*“This <strong>book</strong> is a moving memoir experience: a must read. The dramaticlife cycle rise of a youthful sixties political revolutionary, my friend AaronDixon.”—Bobby Seale, founding chairman and national organizer of theBlack Panther Party, 1966 to 1974“My People Are Rising: A Memoir of a Black Panther Party Captain is the most authentic<strong>book</strong> ever written by a member of the Black Panther Party. Aaron Dixon doesa superb job of presenting life in the party from the perspective of a footsoldier—a warrior for the cause of revolutionary change and black power inAmerica. He pulls no punches and holds nothing back in writing honestlyabout those times (late 1960s and during the 1970s) as he successfully presentsa visual picture of the courage, commitment, and sometimes shockingbrutality of life as a Panther activist. This is an unforgettable must read <strong>book</strong>!”—Larry Gossett, chair, Metropolitan King County CouncilIn an era of stark racial injustice and decisive action, Aaron Dixon dedicatedhis life to the struggle for change, founding the Seattle chapter of the BlackPanther Party in 1968 at age nineteen. Through his eyes, we see the courage ofa generation that stood up to injustice, their political triumphs and tragedies,and the unforgettable legacy of Black Power.Aaron Dixon was co-founder and captain of the Seattle chapter of the BlackPanther Party. He has since founded various non-profits for Seattle youth andrun as a Green Party candidate in the 2006 Senate race. He lives in Seattle,Washington.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copies• Regional TV and radio campaign• National advertising: The Nation •The Progressive• Promotion on dedicated <strong>book</strong> website• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with theauthor’s speaking engagementsA compelling look at the inspiring Black Panther generation,through the eyes of a founding member in Seattle.Author Hometown: Seattle, WA186

Haymarket BooksIslamophobia and the Politics of EmpireDeepa KumarIn response to the events of 9/11, the Bush administration launched a “war onterror” ushering in an era of anti-Muslim racism, or Islamophobia. However,9/11 alone did not create Islamophobia. This <strong>book</strong> examines the current backlashwithin the context of Islamophobia’s origins, in the historic relationshipbetween East and West.Deepa Kumar is an associate professor of media studies and Middle Eaststudies at Rutgers University and the author of Outside the Box: Corporate Media,Globalization and the UPS Strike. Kumar has contributed to numerous outlets includingthe BBC, USA Today, and the Philadelphia Inquirer.Marketing PlansCo-op availableExcerpts in: The Electronic Intifada • TruthoutOnline campaign: Arab and Muslim blogs • DailyKosSocial media campaignPromotion through: www.deepakumar.netAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA • Chicago, IL • New York, NY • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: New York, NYSOCIAL SCIENCEJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 220 ppTrade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $18.50978-1-60846-211-7 USCO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-212-4 USCO*Islamophobia examines the origins of theongoing assault on Muslims and Arabs inthe United States, and the “war on terror.”Leon TrotskyAn Illustrated IntroductionTariq AliIllustrated by Phil EvansAmusing, well researched, and surprisingly sophisticated, Leon Trotsky: AnIllustrated Introduction is the perfect primer on the life and thought of the greatleader and chronicler of the Russian Revolution. With sympathy and humor,Tariq Ali and Phil Evans trace his political career, from prison to the pin nacleof revolutionary power to his eventual exile and murder by Joseph Stalin.Tariq Ali is a writer and filmmaker. He has written more than two dozen<strong>book</strong>s on world history and politics. He is an editor of New Left Review.Phil Evans is a longtime political cartoonist based in England. He has illustratedKarl Marx’s Kapital for Beginners, among many other <strong>book</strong>s.Marketing PlansOnline campaign: Left wing and radical blogsSocial media campaignPromotion through: http://tariqali.orgCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / HISTORYJuly5½ x 8⅛ | 175 ppB&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-60846-186-8 USCO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-187-5 USCO*This illustrated introduction’s irreverentcartoons are a sophisticated portrait ofLeon Trotsky’s life and works.187

Haymarket BooksThe Mexican RevolutionA Short History 1910–1920Stuart Easterling“An excellent account and analysis of the Mexican Revolution. . . . This studycombines qualities not usually found in a single volume.”—Samuel Farber,Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical AssessmentLong after its outbreak, the Revolution remains the defining moment inMexico’s modern history. Yet elements of its history continue to be debated.Who were the winners and losers? Did its heroes accomplish their goals? Thistitle addresses these questions in an accessible style aimed at students and generalreaders.HISTORYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 7½ | 180 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-60846-182-0 USCO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-183-7 USCO*Why did the Mexican Revolution happen?What makes it distinctive?Was it even a revolution at all?Stuart Easterling is a PhD candidate in Mexican history at the University ofChicago.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copies available at Latin American Studies Association ConferenceSocial media campaign • Outreach to Latin American studies journalsAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Washington, DC • Chicago, IL • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Chicago, ILThe DemocratsA Critical History (Updated edition)Revised EditionLance SelfaThe historic 2008 elections put a Democrat in the White House and in themajority in both houses of Congress, yet those hoping for change have beendeeply disappointed. Lance Selfa looks at the Democrats in broad historicalperspective, showing the institutional roots of today’s betrayals, with a new introductionand chapter on the Barack Obama presidency.Lance Selfa is an editor of International Socialist Review and The Struggle for Palestine.“A smart, readable history of theDemocrats that reminds us of the party’sallegiance to capital.”—The Indypendent188POLITICAL SCIENCEMay5⅝ x 8½ | 260 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-60846-192-9 USCO*Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-931859-55-4Marketing PlansAdvance review copiesExcerpts in: The Indypendent • TruthoutDistribution in Consortium galley box and giveawaysPromotion through dedicated <strong>book</strong> websiteAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA • Washington, DC • Chicago, IL • Boston, MA •New York, NY • Burlington, VT • Seattle, WA • Madison, WIAuthor Hometown: Chicago, IL

Haymarket BooksWomen and Socialism: Updated EditionEssays on Women’s LiberationRevised EditionSharon SmithThirty years have passed since the heyday of the women’s liberation movement,yet women remain without equal rights while feminist thought hasshifted steadily rightward. This fully updated collection of essays examinesthese issues from a Marxist perspective, focused on both gender and class,with a new chapter on the stirrings of a new movement today.Sharon Smith is the author of Subterranean Fire, also published by HaymarketBooks, as well as many articles on women’s liberation and the US workingclass. Her writings appear regularly in Socialist Worker newspaper and theInternational Socialist Review.Marketing PlansAdvance review copiesExcerpts in: The Indypendent • TruthoutNational advertising: The ProgressiveDistribution in Consortium galley box and giveawaysAuthor Hometown: Chicago, ILSOCIAL SCIENCEJuly5 x 7 | 260 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-1-60846-180-6 USCO*Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-931859-11-0A socialist perspective on women’soppression and liberation, exploringthe connection between women’srights and equality for all.Lucy ParsonsAn American RevolutionaryCarolyn AshbaughLucy Parsons was an early American radical who defied all conventions of herturbulent era. An outspoken woman of color, radical writer, and labor organizer,Parsons led the defense campaign for the “Haymarket martyrs,” includingher husband Albert Parsons, and remained an activist throughout her life.This is her story.Carolyn Ashbaugh worked with the Maricopa County Organizing Project andthe Centro Adelante Campesino farm worker center in El Mirage, Arizona.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYApril5⅜ x 7¾ | 282 ppB&W photographsTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-60846-213-1 USCO*Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignThe life and times of Lucy Parsons,early American labor organizer, tolddefinitively here.189

Haymarket BooksOn Changing the WorldEssays in Political Philosophy,from Karl Marx to Walter BenjaminRevised EditionMichael LöwyThis collection of essays—including several translated to English for the firsttime—covers a wide range of topics and figures too often neglected by thedominant trends in Marxist literature. With a particular focus on the importantrole played by Romanticism in Marxist thought, topics include religion,Utopia, Rosa Luxemburg, and Walter Benjamin.PHILOSOPHYJune6 x 9 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $20.95978-1-60846-189-9 USCOMichael Löwy is research director in sociology at the National Centre forScientific Research in Paris, France. He is the author of many <strong>book</strong>s, includingThe Theory of Revolution in the Young Marx and, with Olivier Besancenot, CheGuevara: His Revolutionary Legacy.Michael Löwy highlights the cultural,“spiritual,” and ethical dimensions ofMarxist thought largely neglected bymost of the existing literature.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Academic outreachThe Dialectics of State CapitalismWritings on Marxist Theory, 1940–1956C.L.R. JamesEdited by Scott McLemeeAdmirers of C.L.R. James have long known that he developed a theory of theSoviet Union as a state capitalist society. But his most important writings onthe topic have long been unobtainable. This volume aims to change that.Available for the first time:a major Marxist thinker’s analysisof Joseph Stalin’s counterrevolution.190POLITICAL SCIENCEJulyA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 450 ppTrade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $23.95978-1-60846-184-4 USCO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-185-1 USCO*C.L.R. James (1901–1989) was a novelist, activist, and political theorist whoworked with Leon Trotsky, Richard Wright, and Kwame Nkrumah. He wroteThe Black Jacobins, helped create a network of pan-African organizers, and servedas a delegate to the founding congress of the Fourth International.Scott McLemee is the editor of C.L.R. James and “the Negro Question.” He receivedthe National Book Critics Circle’s award for excellence in reviewing in 2004and has served on the NBCC board of directors.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Academic outreachEditor Hometown: Washington, DC

Haymarket BooksThe Revolution BesiegedLenin 1917–1923 (Vol. 3)Tony CliffWhen Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik party led the first successful workersrevolution in history, they were under no illusions that their work was finishedwith the overthrow of capitalism in Russia. As the fledgling workers’state was gripped by a civil war, the revolution’s leaders remained steadfast intheir commitment to spreading their successes across all of Europe.Tony Cliff (1917–2000) spent his life developing revolutionary Marxismagainst Stalinism. From his early days as a revolutionary in British-occupiedPalestine to the high points of struggle in post-war Britain, Cliff worked to restorelost ideas and traditions and fan the flames of resistance.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaignBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / HISTORYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 400 ppTrade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $18.50978-1-60846-087-8 USCO*eBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-191-2 USCO*The last installment ofTony Cliff’s biography of Russianrevolutionary Vladimir Lenin, available forthe first time in the United States.El Caso por SocialismoSpanish Language EditionAlan Maass“Is socialism an impossible, discredited dream or the only realistic path forhuman survival? If you’re not sure of the answer, or are just curious aboutwhat the Left really believes in, you need to read Maass. He’s the Tom Paine ofthe contemporary American left.”—Mike Davis, author of Planet of SlumsGlobal capitalism is in its worst crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.Unemployment is growing. America’s imperial wars rage on. In this brilliantpolemic, translated to Spanish, Alan Maass argues that the alternative is ademocratically planned economy based on workers’ control.Alan Maass is the editor of socialistworker.org, a daily website of left newsand opinion, and the Socialist Worker newspaper.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: Chicago, ILSPANISH LANGUAGE / POLITICAL SCIENCEAprilA Paperback Original5 x 7 | 160 ppTrade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $12.95978-1-60846-194-3 USCO*Spanish languageeBook ISBN: 978-1-60846-195-0 USCO*Something different—an alternative tocapitalism—is desperately needed. Butwhat should replace it?191

Haymarket BooksComing Soon from Haymarket BooksThe American Road to Capitalism:Studies in Class-Structure, Economic Developmentand Political Conflict, 1620–1877Charles PostTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-198-1 USCO*FROM THE HISTORICAL MATERIALISM SERIESBehind the Crisis: Marx’s Dialectic of Value and KnowledgeGuglielmo CarchediTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-196-7 USCO*Criticism of Theology: Marxism and Theology IIIRoland BoerTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-197-4 USCO*The Apprentice’s Sorcerer: Liberal Tradition and FascismIshay LandaTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-202-5 USCO*Covert Racism: Theories, Institutions, and ExperiencesEdited by Rodney CoatesTrade Paper SDT US $36.00 | CAN $39.50978-1-60846-210-0 USCO*192Crisis, Politics and Critical SociologyEdited by Graham Cassano and Richard A. Dello BuonoTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-201-8 USCO*European Bloc ImperialismDennis C. CanterburyTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-204-9 USCO*Globalization, Violence and World GovernanceLaura WestraTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-207-0 USCO*Marx and the Politics of AbstractionPaul PaolucciTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-209-4 USCO*FROM THE STUDIES IN CRITICAL SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIESNeoliberalism’s Fractured Showcase: Another Chile is PossibleEdited by Ximena de la BarraTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-206-3 USCO*Profitable Ideas: The Ideology of theIndividual in Capitalist DevelopmentMichael O’FlynnTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-199-8 USCO*Religion and the New Atheism: A Critical AppraisalEdited by Amarnath AmarasingamTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-203-2 USCO*State Capitalism, Contentious Politicsand Large-Scale Social ChangeEdited by Vincent Kelly PollardTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-208-7 USCO*Weaving Transnational Solidarity:From the Catskills to Chiapas and BeyondKatherine O’DonnellTrade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $30.95978-1-60846-205-6 USCO*Western Europe, Eastern Europe and World Development13th–18th Centuries: Collection of Essays of Marian MalowistEdited by Jean Batou and Henryk SzlajferTrade Paper SDT US $36.00 | CAN $39.50978-1-60846-200-1 USCO*

Ig PublishingGhostingKirby Gann“A novelist of daring creativity and passion.”—Edmund WhiteA dying drug kingpin enslaved to the memory of his dead wife; a young womantorn between a promising future and the hardscrabble world she grew up in;a mother willing to do anything to fuel her addiction to pills; and her youngestson, searching for the truth behind his older brother’s disappearance, arejust some of the unforgettable characters that populate Ghosting, Kirby Gann’slush and lyrical novel of family and community, and the ties that can bothbond and betray.Fleece Skaggs has disappeared, along with drug dealer Lawrence Gruel’sreefer harvest. Deciding that the best way to discover what happened to hisolder brother is to take his place as a drug runner for Gruel, James Coleplunges into a dark underworld of drugs, violence, and long hidden family secrets,where discovering what happened to his brother could cost him his life.A genre-subverting literary mystery told from the alternating viewpoint ofdifferent characters, Ghosting is both a simple quest for the truth—what exactlyhappened to Fleece Skaggs?—and a complex consideration of human frailty.Kirby Gann is the author of the novels The Barbarian Parade and Our Napoleon inRags (Ig Publishing, 2005). His short fiction has appeared in Witness and The Bestof Witness, The Crescent Review, American Writing, The Louisville Review, The SoutheastReview, and Southern Indiana Review, among other journals. Gann is managing editorat Sarabande Books and teaches in the brief-residency MFA in writingprogram at Spalding University.FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 248 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935439-47-9 USCA genre-subverting literary noir set in the drug underworld.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Chicago, IL • Louisville, KY •Boston, MA • New York, NY • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Louisville, KY193

Ig PublishingJonah ManChristopher NaroznyFICTIONMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935439-48-6 USCSet in vaudeville in the early twentieth century, Jonah Man is a gripping and ultimatelyheartbreaking novel that reveals the often tragic lives of performersstruggling to make it to the big time.Told from the perspectives of multiple characters, including a one-handedjuggler who moonlights as a drug trafficker, a talented young boy who longsto escape the shadow of his abusive father, and a police inspector whose bumblingattempts to solve a murder result in a series of calamitous missteps, JonahMan explores the dark side of life behind the curtain, where performers willresort to the most extreme measures—including drug dealing, self- mutilation,and even murder—to keep their ever shrinking dream of becoming a star alive.Resurrecting the lost language and world of vaudeville—a “Jonah Man” was aperformer who, despite his best efforts, had stalled in his career—Jonah Man isan unforgettable portrait of people trapped between their highest hopes andthe crushing realties of their lives.Christopher Narozny earned an MFA in fiction from Syracuse Universityand a PhD in creative writing and literature from the University of Denver.His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in the American Literary Review, DenverQuarterly, Marginalia, elimae, and Hobart. While at Syracuse he won the PeterNeagoe Prize for Fiction, and at the University of Denver he was awarded theFrankel Dissertation Fellowship for an earlier draft of Jonah Man. He currentlylives in Brooklyn, New York.Marketing PlansJonah Man reveals the grim and often tragic lives ofperformers who never make it to the big stage.• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Denver, CO • Chicago, IL •Boston, MA • New York, NY • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY194

Ig PublishingOuterborough BluesA Brooklyn MysteryAndrew CottoA beautiful young French girl walks into a bar, nervously lights a cigarette, andbegs the bartender for help in finding her missing artist brother. In a momentof weakness, the bartender—a lone wolf named Caesar Stiles with a chip onhis shoulder and a Sicilian family curse hanging over him—agrees. What followsis a stylish literary mystery set in Brooklyn on the dawn of gentrification.While Caesar is initially trying to earn an honest living at the neighborhoodwatering hole, his world quickly unravels. In addition to being hauntedby his past, including a brother who is intent on settling an old family score,Caesar is being hunted down by a mysterious nemesis known as The OrangeMan. Adding to this combustible mix, Caesar is a white man living in a deeprootedAfrican American community with decidedly mixed feelings about hispresence. In the course of his search for the French girl’s missing brother,Caesar tumbles headlong into the shadowy depths of his newly adopted neighborhood,where he ultimately uncovers some of its most sinister secrets.Taking place over the course of a single week, Outerborough Blues is a tightlypaced and gritty urban noir saturated with the rough and tumble atmosphereof early 1990s Brooklyn.Andrew Cotto has written for numerous publications, including The New YorkTimes, Men’s Journal, Salon.com, Teachers & Writers magazine, and The Good MenProject. He has an MFA in creative writing from The New School. He lives inBrooklyn, New York.FICTION / SHORT STORIESJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935439-49-3 USCA beautiful French girl, her missing brother, a reluctant detective,and a Brooklyn on the dawn of gentrification.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor EventsBoston, MA • Brooklyn, NY • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY195

Selected Backlist from Ig PublishingCrystallizing Public OpinionEdward BernaysIntroduction by Stuart EwenBUSINESS & ECONOMICS5 x 7½ | 216 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935439-26-4 USCA Meaning For WifeMark YakichFICTION5½ x 8 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935439-41-7 USCDeath WishingLaura Ellen ScottFICTION5½ x 8 | 240 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935439-39-4 USCThe Waste MakersVance PackardIntroduction by Bill McKibbenSOCIAL SCIENCE /BUSINESS & ECONOMICS5½ x 8¼ | 216 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935439-37-0 USCReviving the StrikeHow Working People Can RegainPower and Transform AmericaJoe BurnsBUSINESS & ECONOMICS5½ x 8¼ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-935439-24-0 USCQuiet As They ComeAngie ChauFICTION5½ x 8 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.50978-1-935439-18-9 USC196

Kehrer VerlagWeird SportsPhotographs by Sol NeelmanEdited by Mike DavisText by Sol Neelman and Brandy RettigNearly everyone has an attachment to some form of sport. I hope that my use of the term weird is nottaken out of context or considered derogatory. To me, it’s about being unique and visionary.Whether it’s urban golf, cardboard tube fighting, Godzilla wrestling, lingeriefootball, Segway polo, or drag queen softball, this body of work documentsevents you will not find in the sports section of the local newspaper. Over thepast five years, Sol Neelman has been traveling around the world seeking outthe weird and wacky in sports.Sol Neelman is a failed athlete turned successful sports photographer.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to sports publications and websitesPromotion through: www.solneelman.comAuthor EventsNew York, NY • Portland, ORAuthor Hometown: Portland, ORPHOTOGRAPHYApril11⅞ x 9⅜ | 112 pp70 color photographsTrade Cloth US $45.00 | CAN $49.50978-3-86828-219-1 USCThe weird and wacky in sports—a photoseries about simply celebrating fun!Soft HorizonsPhotographs by Scarlett Hooft GraaflandText by Sue Steward and Els BarentsInhabiting the border between straight photography, performance, and sculpture,Scarlett Hooft Graafland’s photographs are records of her highly choreographedperformances in the salt desert of Bolivia, the Canadian arctic, ruralChina, the lava fields of Iceland, and the Dutch countryside. Fascinated by thesurreal beauty of the harsh natural landscape, she utilizes this as her canvas.Scarlett Hooft Graafland has studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, TheHague; Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem; and Parsons School of Design, New York;and has exhibited all over Europe and in group shows at the MetropolitanMuseum in New York and the Musée D’Orsay, Paris.Els Barents is director of Huis Marseille, Amsterdam’s new photographymuseum.ARTJuneA Paperback Original11½ x 9⅝ | 122 pp50 color photographsTrade Paper US $50.00 | CAN $54.95978-3-86828-223-8 USCMarketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to art and photography publicationsPromotion through: www.scarletthooftgraafland.comMagic installations in sparse, unforgivinglandscapes echo the aesthetic ofsurrealists such as René Magritte.197

Kehrer VerlagAlex KatzArt by Alex KatzEdited by Kathrin Meyer, Veit Görner,and kestnergesellschaft HannoverARTApril6⅝ x 9⅛ | 80 pp60 color photographsTrade Cloth US $38.00 | CAN $41.95978-3-86828-256-6 USCThe first overview of nude paintings fromthree decades and new work by one of theforemost representatives of American art.Alex Katz is one of the foremost representatives of American painting in theinternational art world. In New York in the 1950s, his large-format, stencillikeportraits and landscapes set a striking counterpoint to abstract expressionism.Katz developed a signature pictorial language early on, characterizedby outlined forms, clear colors, and flatness influenced by the imagery of thecinema, advertising, and fashion. The catalog presents for the first time anoverview of Katz’ nude paintings from three decades and recent work and isreleased to coincide with the eighty-fifth birthday of the artist.Viet Görner is the director and Kathrin Meyer is the curator at museumkestnergesellschaft Hannover, Germany.Marketing PlansOutreach to art publicationsPromotion through: www.alexkatz.comArtist Hometown: New York, NYPhoto OpportunitiesPhotographs by Corinne VionnetText by Madeline YaleConducting keyword searches of famed monuments in photo sharing websites, Swiss artist Corinne Vionnet culled thousands of tourists’ snapshotsfor her series: the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Leaning Tower of Pisa,the Statue of Liberty, and many more. Weaving together numerous photographicperspectives and experiences, the artist builds her own impressionisticinterpretations—ethereal structures which float gently in a dream-like hazeof blue sky.Amazing interpretations of the world’smost famous landmarks—composedby superimposing layers of thousandsof tourists’ snapshots.198PHOTOGRAPHYJulyA Paperback Original9⅜ x 7⅞ | 80 pp42 color photographsTrade Paper US $40.00 | CAN $43.95978-3-86828-233-7 USCCorinne Vionnet’s work has been exhibited at the Chelsea Art Museum, NewYork; Les Rencontres d’Arles, France; the Museum of Contemporary Art,Denver; FotoMuseum, Antwerp; and Photo Center NW, Seattle.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to art and photography publicationsPromotion through: www.corinnevionnet.com

Kehrer VerlagThe Mark of AbelPhotographs by Lydia PanasText by Maile Maloy and George Slade“Lydia Panas’ ability to capture and convey the complexity of human relationshipshas made her a rising star in contemporary portraiture.”—Conor Risch,Photo District NewsFor three years in hot weather and cold, Lydia Panas invited families to standbefore her lens. She was curious to see what would happen. These groupsstood graciously before her as the series unfolded.Lydia Panas has exhibited widely throughout the United States, and is gainingattention in Europe and Asia. Her work is included in numerous collectionsincluding those of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Brooklyn Museum;and Center for Photography at Woodstock.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to art and photography publicationsAuthor signing at Silver Eye Center for Photography, Pittsburgh, PAExhibitions in Santa Barbara, CA, and Allentown, PAPromotion through: www.lydiapanas.comAuthor Hometown: Kutztown, PAPHOTOGRAPHYApril11⅞ x 9⅜ | 96 pp50 color photographsTrade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $54.95978-3-86828-229-0 USCIn her fascinating portrait seriesLydia Panas captures and conveys thecomplexity of human relationships.Between DestinationsPhotographs by Candace Plummer GaudianiText by Alison Nordström and Jane ReedThe series explores what it means to be part of and sometimes estranged fromthe places we hold in our memories. The ambiguity of belonging, longing,and estrangement led to the artist’s choice of framing each image through atrain window. We are on the inside looking out, reaffirming that we are alwaysbetween destinations, from birth to the end.Candace Plummer Gaudiani’s work is in public collections including theSan Francisco Museum of Modern Art; George Eastman House; The Museumof Fine Arts, Houston; The Cleveland Museum of Art; and the Harry RansomCenter for the Humanities, Austin, Texas.Marketing PlansSocial media campaign • Outreach to art and photography publicationsExhibitions in San Francisco, CA, and Huntington, WVPromotion through: www.candacegaudiani.comAuthor EventsChicago, IL • Santa Fe, NM • New York, NY • Rochester, NY • Woodstock, NY •Houston, TXAuthor Hometown: San Francisco, CAPHOTOGRAPHYApril9½ x 11⅞ | 112 pp30 color photographs, 60 duotone photographsTrade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $54.95978-3-86828-259-7 USCThe photographs featured inBetween Destinations evoke a dreamy,romantic vision of the landscapewe see when traveling.199

Kehrer VerlagArchive UtopiaProject Brasília by Lina Kim and Michael WeselyPhotographs by Lina Kim and Michael WeselyEdited by by Anette HüschBrasília, the capital of Brazil, formally dedicated in 1960, seems more like anarchitectural myth, a fiction, than a real place. This <strong>book</strong> shows a unique juxtapositionof historic photographs from the “Arquivo Brasília,” many of thempublished for the first time, and new photographic works by the artists.PHOTOGRAPHY | May | 8⅝ x 9⅝ | 168 pp50 color photographs and illustrations, 57 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $43.95 | 978-3-86828-221-4 USCLife in BluePhotographs by Evžen SobekText by Jiři Pátek and Jiři SiostrzonekThis is a bizarre portrait of the everyday leisure activities of a lakeside communityin the Czech Republic. Evžen Sobek’s works are in numerous collections,among them the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The series “Life in Blue” wasshown at Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, and Dumbo Gallery, New York, in 2011.PHOTOGRAPHY | April | 11⅞ x 11⅞ | 96 pp | 55 color photographsTrade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $54.95 | 978-3-86828-220-7 USCRecollectionsPhotographs by Andrea HoyerEdited by James Meek and Robert ClausText by James MeekThese images, reminiscent of the vision of Andrei Tarkovsky, are distilling sixyears of travel across the former Soviet Union. The <strong>book</strong> is divided into a quietseries of black and white photographs, which won the Leica Oskar Barnack Awardin 2003, and color images that crystallize the intensity of Moscow in winter.PHOTOGRAPHY | May | 8¼ x 8¼ | 96 pp | 55 color and B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $45.00 | CAN $49.50 | 978-3-86828-237-5 USCThe Eye is a Lonely HunterImages of HumankindEdited by Solvej Helweg Ovesen and Katerina GregosThis catalog of the largest curated Fotofestival in Germany aims to be a photographicsurvey of the human condition as we enter the second decade of thetwenty-first century. Among the participating artists are Olaf Otto BeckerEdward Burtynsky, Jacob Holdt, Pieter Hugo, Taryn Simon, Fiona Tan, andPaolo Woods.200PHOTOGRAPHY | April | A Paperback Original | 7⅛ x 9⅝ | 240 pp | 267 color photographsTrade Paper US $40.00 | CAN $43.95 | 978-3-86828-240-5 USC

Kube Publishing LtdLife Coaching for MuslimsDiscover the Best in You!Sayeda Habib“As someone who has benefited from Ms. Habib’s life coaching over the lastfew years, I am delighted that such a life-enhancing, yet practical, <strong>book</strong> isbeing published for Muslims. My advice is to read it slowly, digest it, do theexercises, and give it some real thought and attention and you are sure to experiencewonderful changes in the way you approach your life.”—Na’ima B.Robert, author of From My Sisters’ Lips and founder of SISTERS Magazine“This <strong>book</strong> is beautifully practical and will give you the powerful insights intowhat and how to change your life. Sayeda has a simple and very effective way ofexplaining just how to go about making transformation happen for you. Youwill find yourself eagerly following the exercises through the whole <strong>book</strong>.”—David Ross, British executive coach and founder of Performance UnlimitedLife Coaching for Muslims helps you to create a life vision for yourself, learn aboutgoal setting, and develop key life-skills: organizing your time, managing yourfinances, and building self-esteem. Overall it gives you the support you needto turn things around when you have had a setback and live a more em poweredlife.With a combination of everyday practical advice, diagnostic exercises, toolkitsfor changing your life, and spiritual wisdom, spearheaded by selectedverses from the Qur’an and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, this <strong>book</strong> isan essential aid for Muslims today.Sayeda Habib is an accredited life coach and has been working to improvethe social and psychological welfare of Muslims since 2005. She has been featuredon television in Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, and the UnitedKingdom, and also been a guest on several radio shows, including regionalBBC. She is also a columnist for SISTERS Magazine in the United Kingdom.Discover the skills and tools you need to address everydayproblems and enhance your overall quality of life.SELF-HELPJuneA Paperback Original5 x 7¾ | 140 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-84774-025-0 USCMarketing PlansAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Outreach to Islamic publications• Promotion through: www.makelifehappen.com201

Kube Publishing LtdDaily WisdomSelections from the Holy Qur’anAbdur Raheem KidwaiThis beautiful presentation of a selection from the Holy Qur’an engages thereader in a moment of daily reflection. Edited for ease of comprehension,English-speaking readers will find this compilation both spiritually enrichingand easy to understand. With 365 verses covering the whole year, this is amust for every home.An introduction to the Qur’an and its eternal message for humanity is included,giving the reader an insight into its origin, purpose, and style.Abdur Raheem Kidwai is professor of English at the Aligarh Muslim Universityin India and the well-known author of many works on the Qur’an andIslam.This beautiful presentation of a selection from the Holy Qur’anengages the reader in a moment of daily reflection.RELIGIONMay4¾ x 7½ | 400 ppTrade Cloth US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-1-84774-032-8 USCMarketing PlansAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Outreach to Islamic publications202

Leapfrog PressNo One’s SonThe remarkable true story of a defiant African boyand his bold quest for freedomTewodros Fekadu“An affirmation of life and the indestructibility of one man’s will to make themost of it.”—Ian Wynne, author of The Pawn and Shadows by My Side, former editorof Human Rights Defender, Amnesty InternationalBorn in the midst of the Ethiopian–Eritrean Civil War, Tewodros “Teddy”Fekadu survives abandonment and famine as his family flings him unwantedacross borders and regions, into orphanages, and finally onto the streets ofAddis Ababa. Spanning five countries and three continents, the CatholicChurch, and Japanese detention centers, this is a tale of defiance and triumph,and also of family love—unacknowledged by his wealthy father, abandonedby his desperately poor mother, Teddy is nurtured along the way bystaunch individuals despite his ambiguous place in rigid family tradition: hisfather’s mother, a maternal aunt, a Catholic priest, and even his father’s wife.In 2003, after three years in a Japanese detention center, Tewodros “Teddy”Fekadu won a hard-fought immigration battle, and his visa to Australia wasapproved. He now resides on the Gold Coast, where he founded an associationthat shares African traditions and heritage through performance andeducational programs. He also works with organizations to resettle Africanrefugees to the Gold Coast. He is an inspirational speaker, presenting to suchdiverse audiences as adoptive families, human rights groups, and East Africanimmigrants. Tewodros’ company, Moonface Entertainment, produces filmsand documentaries on East Africa. He regularly returns to Africa to shootfootage for his projects, and travels to the United States to promote his work.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 560 pp31 B&W photographs, illustrations,maps, and chartsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-935248-26-2 USCAn abandoned Ethiopian boy fights for more than mere survival:acceptance, education, and a life beyond poverty and war.Marketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Excerpts in: Tadias• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• National tour and targeted outreach toadoption agencies; <strong>book</strong>stores and culturalcenters in cities with large East Africanpopulations; Catholic resettlement agencies• Other promotions: giveaways with companionDVD documentary• Promotion through:http://moonfaceentertainment.com.au andhttp://noonesson.com203

Leapfrog PressYou’re Married to Her?Ira WoodLITERARY COLLECTIONS / ESSAYSAugustA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-935248-25-5 USCAs the anti-Vietnam War movement drew to a close, a twenty-six-year-old unknownplaywright began an affair with a glamorous older woman, a feministactivist and acclaimed poet/novelist at the height of her career. What she sawin a neurotic, sexually naïve, poorly educated but very sweet guy was apparentto no one, especially him. Using a wildly self-skewering but oddly sympatheticnarrative voice that fulfills The New York Times’ assessment of his “special giftfor heartwarming comedy,” Ira Wood re-imagines his early years with MargePiercy in a series of chronologically linked essays, never failing to raise thequestion that few have failed to ask: You’re married to Her?With the brazen candor of Toby Young’s How to Lose Friends and Alienate Peopleand the wicked lunacy of David Sedaris, Wood tells tales of his first true love,who he told his parents were dead; his disastrous affair with a promiscuoussingle mother, while he was involved with Piercy; his childhood dependenceon speed; and running for public office on a lark—and winning—only to findhimself responsible for the government of a small town. Thirty years later he’sstill married to Her, confident enough to share, and laugh at, what men dowhen their behavior slips to the level of their self-esteem.Ira Wood is the author of two novels and the co-author, with Marge Piercy,of two highly acclaimed <strong>book</strong>s, a novel and a writing text. His talk show TheLowdown streams on WOMR-FM, a Pacifica network affiliate.Self-skewering, bawdy, wickedly funny tales of an unknown writermarried to a famous one, looking back on his ridiculous mistakes.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Promotion through: www.irawood.comAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • Washington, DC •Chicago, IL • Boston, MA • Cape Cod, MA •Rowe, MA • Stockbridge, MA • New York, NY •Rhinebeck, NY204Author Hometown: Wellfleet, MAThe Kitchen ManIra WoodFICTION6 x 9 | 306 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-0-9654578-3-5 USCAlsoAvailableSo You Want to Write(Second Edition)How to Master the Craft of WritingFiction and MemoirMarge Piercy and Ira WoodREFERENCE6 x 9 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-0-9728984-5-4 USC

Long River PressBamboo WomenStories from Ming Quong,a Chinese Orphanage in CaliforniaNona Mock Wyman“In her groundbreaking new <strong>book</strong>, Nona Mock Wyman intimately exploresthe lives of her ‘sisters’ who grew up in the Bay Area’s Ming Quong Chineseorphanage—revealing secrets, pain, and the lifetime legacies of friendship thatdeveloped among the girls, who for myriad painful reasons came to call theorphanage home. Beautifully and wrenchingly told, Bamboo Women is a courageouslook into a little-known world and an affirmation of the humanspirit.”—Karin Evans, author of The Lost Daughters of ChinaIn 1935, at the age of two, Nona Mock Wyman was abandoned at the MingQuong orphanage in Los Gatos, California. From that first, searing memoryof seeing her mother walk out of her life forever, Mock turned grief intostrength. Bamboo Women tells twenty-one inspiring stories of coming-of-agefrom the women of Ming Quong, a home for orphaned Chinese girls in theSan Francisco Bay Area. Wyman introduces us to her “sisters” and how theirbonds of love and friendship carried them through life, love, loss, career, andfamily.Nona Mock Wyman is the author of Chopstick Childhood (In a Land of Silver Spoons).She lives in Walnut Creek, California.Powerful and moving stories of Chinese American women whogrew up in a San Francisco Bay Area orphanage in the 1940s.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8¼ | 225 pp40 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-0-8351-0006-9 USCMarketing Plans• National print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: Walnut Creek, CA205

Long River PressSelections From the Book of SongsYuanzhong XuLITERARY COLLECTIONSJulyA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-0-8351-0009-0 USCIn seventh moon Fire Star west goes;In ninth we make dresses all day long.By and by warm <strong>spring</strong> growsAnd golden orioles sing their song.The lasses take their baskets deepAnd go along the small pathwaysTo gather tender mulberry leaves in heapWhen lengthen the vernal days,They pile in heaps the southernwood,Their heart in gloomy mood,For they will say adieu to maidenhood.The Book of Songs, also known as the Confucian Odes, is one of the main pillarsof the Chinese classical literary canon. This accessible version of the Bookof Songs is designed for general readers and contains historical notes and anecdotes.The Book of Songs is divided into four parts: the Book of Lyrics (Guofeng),the Book of Odes (Xiaoya), the Book of Epics (Daya), and the Book of Hymns(Song). The songs contained herein were collected from the fifteen city-statesof the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC) and were created not only by the nobleclasses, but also by working people—farmers, soldiers, and minor governmentofficials; men as well as women. What emerges from this collection is a dynamicand intimate window on traditional life in ancient China.Marketing PlansA new, general interest version of oneof the greatest works of Chinese classical prose.• National print and online campaign206

Long River PressWard FourA Novel of Wartime ChinaBa JinTranslated by Haili Kong and Howard Goldblatt“A triumph of humanism in war-ravaged China of the 1940s, this work ofauto biographical fiction not only shows Ba Jin at his best, but also demonstrateswhy he is rightly viewed as the ‘conscience of China.’”—Michelle Yeh,department of East Asian languages, University of California, DavisA major work by a towering figure in twentieth century Chinese literature,Ward Four intimately reveals the frailties and strengths of the human spirit andthe will to survive. Set in a hospital in rural China during World War II, itprovides a haunting window into the isolation and displacement faced by ordinarycitizens. Ba Jin’s hospital ward is a dark corner where life and death intersectand the absurd is transformed into the comic. Amid the uncertaintiesof war are the foundations of strength and the will to survive during one of thedarkest periods of Chinese history.Ba Jin (1904–2005) is widely considered one of China’s greatest literaryfigures.Haili Kong is professor of Chinese literature at Swarthmore College.Howard Goldblatt is professor of Chinese literature at Notre Dame University.Part M*A*S*H, part One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, this haunting<strong>book</strong> has been called the portrait of Chinese life in 1940s wartime.FICTIONAugust5½ x 8¼ | 225 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-0-8351-0000-7 USCMarketing Plans• National print and online campaignTranslator Hometowns: Swarthmore, PA /Notre Dame, IN207

Long River PressChitfu Yu: FacesChitfu YuCritics have compared Chitfu Yu’s work to that of Francis Bacon. One of themost striking and individualistic contemporary Chinese artists, his work defiessimple definition. Yu’s trademark ink-on-rice paper works, uniquelymounted on canvas, combine Eastern and Western aesthetic sensibilities. Yu’slatest collection, entitled Faces, features some of his most challenging workswhich utterly command the attention of the viewer.ARTApril12 x 10 | 180 ppColor and B&W photographs andillustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $39.95 | CAN $43.95978-0-8351-0018-2 USCCritics have comparedChitfu Yu’s work to that of Francis Bacon.Among contemporary Chinese artists,his images are unique.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaignAuthor Hometown: New York, NYSource<strong>book</strong> of TraditionalChinese CultureEdited by Qizhi ZhangThis <strong>book</strong> compiles and synthesizes the essential cultural knowledge of Chinesecivilization is an easily accessible one-volume edition. Designed for generalreaders, it is a reader’s guide<strong>book</strong> to more than five thousand years of Chineseculture and society from prehistory to the present. It includes discussion onthe foundations of art and aesthetics; the formation of symbols and cultural/spiritual motifs; the role of divination, law, and philosophical flowering;pottery, jade, and other artworks; ethics and law; religion; and other factorswhich have allowed China to flourish as one of the world’s great civilizations.HISTORYMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $25.50978-1-59265-125-2 USC208A one-volume reader’sguide to five thousand years oftraditional Chinese culture.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign

Manic D PressThe Good LifeFiona Kam Meadley“Fiona Kam Meadley offers us a selection of thought-provoking stories witha variety of themes that challenges us to question ourselves and the worldaround us. This distinct <strong>book</strong> of visually gripping comics and her simple styleallow us to personally step inside each story and discover what it truly meansto be human in our puzzling modern world.”—David A Beronä, author ofWordless Books: The Original Graphic NovelsWeaving philosophical dialogues with lesser-known narratives, this beautifullyillustrated debut publication is a call to ponder our universal questions and,in doing so, explore a more reciprocal exchange with the displaced and thedispossessed—the “others” in the hinterlands and beyond. The Good Life documentsunheard testimonies from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle Eastand gently interrogates the link between past and present, cultivating empathyacross cultures and between generations.Fiona Kam Meadley was born in Malaysia and currently lives and works inGloucestershire, England. She studied law and worked in Africa and Asia forfifteen years as a development worker, an experience that informs her artisticpractice. Her films, videos, and art have been exhibited in museums and galleriesin the United Kingdom. This is her first <strong>book</strong>.An illustrated call to ponder the universal questions and explore a morereciprocal exchange with the displaced and the dispossessed.ART / COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 128 ppDuotone art throughoutTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-933149-62-2 USCMarketing Plans• National advertising• National print and online campaign• Promotion at WonderCon, ComicCon, and otherconventions209

Manic D PressFears of Your LifeMichael Bernard LogginsPreface by Harrell Fletcher“I write down my fears, my scariness, and my frightfulness. This is an understandingprocess. It helps me real good.”—Michael Bernard LogginsEverybody has fears in common, and in this unique handwritten <strong>book</strong>, theauthor (an adult with developmental disabilities) battles his fears by listingmore than 138 of them. This new edition of the cult classic made famous byannual New Year’s Day broadcasts on NPR’s This American Life includes previouslyunpublished “How Fearful Can You Be?”ARTAprilFirst Trade Paper Edition6 x 9 | 160 ppDuotone art throughoutTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-933149-61-5 USCPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-916397-90-6A new edition of the cult classic madefamous by annual New Year’s Daybroadcasts on NPR’s This American Life.Michael Bernard Loggins lives in San Francisco, California, and worked formany years with Creativity Explored, an art studio for adults with developmentaldisabilities.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaignPromotion through NPR’s This American LifeAuthor Hometown: San Francisco, CAThe Steampunk Coloring & Activity BookContaining Illustrations, Recipes, Formulas & Other Activitiesto Entertain & Entice Creativity for the Prevention of Ennui &General Malaise Among the Youth of Today & Their ProgenitorsPhoebe LonghiIn a whimsical and elegant world powered by steam, where odd flying machinesrule the skies and submersibles from Captain Nemo’s wildest dreamsexplore the deep, this future that never was is ready for some color. Fun andgames for all ages, Victorian and up.210ARTMayA Paperback Original8 x 10 | 64 ppTrade Paper US $11.95 | CAN $12.95978-1-933149-63-9 USCImagine a whimsicalworld filled with flying airships andunderwater submersibles poweredby steam . . . now color it!Phoebe Longhi enjoys making Victorian dresses when she’s not drawing andpainting, and resides in San Francisco, California, because of the predictableweather.Marketing PlansNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignOutreach to Steampunk websites and blogsPromotion at Steampunk and comics conventionsAuthor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

MCCM CreationsHong Kong, ChinaFrom MCCM Creations’ entry into the world of <strong>book</strong> publishing in 2001, its aspirations haveremained consistent—to bring readers original and inspiring <strong>book</strong>s from authors and designers whoshare a passion for <strong>book</strong>s as objects, as well as a strong desire to explore hybrid concepts. Many of ourcollaborators are local Hong Kong Chinese citizens or long-time foreign residents who have strongconnections with Hong Kong and Asia.MCCM titles are concerned with the visualization of experiences, stories, and perceptions throughthe printed word, images, and sound. In today’s world people move freely across boundaries andinhabit areas of virtual space that intertwine to create new concepts and ways of living. These crossdisciplinaryrealities are at the core of MCCM—fusing illustration, visual art, design, architecture,photography, sociocultural criticism, and literature. As a result, our published titles do not fit neatlyinto any single <strong>book</strong> category, but reflect the growing presence of a reader profile that is bothsophisticated and progressive.Our titles fall into two broad categories: visual culture <strong>book</strong>s related to architecture, art, anddesign in Hong Kong and neighboring regions of East Asia, and illustrated fiction and picture <strong>book</strong>sfor children and young adults to nurture intellectual and aesthetic development beyond traditionalschool syllabi. As part of this educational goal, most of our titles are published in English or inbilingual (Chinese–English) editions.first season at Consortium

MCCM CreationsHats on the Streets of TokyoShlomit YaishPhotographs by Konishi Katsujii, Hiromitsu Ogata, and Meg SukoPHOTOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original6⅜ x 7⅝ | 294 pp240 color photographsTrade Paper US $33.50 | CAN $36.95978-988-18583-3-7 USCColorful portraits of the burgeoning,cutting-edge Tokyo hat culture.Over 240 full-color portraits of the cutting-edge hat culture at the heart ofthe fashion capital, these images document people in Shibuya, one of theyouth-oriented districts in Tokyo popular for eating, shopping, and entertainment.Embraced by trendsetters as an essential item in their wardrobes,the innovations in shape, materials, and hat color reveal an attitude, a lifestyle,and an individual.Born in Israel, Shlomit Yaish is a fashion designer and milliner. She beganher career apprenticed to the head designer of Elie Tahari in New York, andarrived in Japan in 2003 to join the team at Grace Hats, where she designedfor their biannual collections.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignOutreach to design and lifestyle publicationsHat “workshops” run in Tokyo and Hong Kong with the artistPromotion through: http://shlomityaish.blogspot.com and www.mccmcreations.comGrandma Grandpa CookEvelyna LiangPhotographs by Michael WolfEdited by Yeung YangA collection of over forty recipes and stories recounted by grandparents whocame to Hong Kong from China before World War II, Grandma Grandpa Cook is acelebration of the selfless devotion of grandparents to their families, and theircontribution to the cultural history of foodways in Hong Kong. Filled withvivid accounts of everyday life during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kongand the riots of 1967, all of this history fades into insignificance when foodcomes into the picture—traditional Cantonese dishes like carrot and greenturnip soup, taro in ginger and brown sugar, and sticky rice dumplings.A celebration of the devotionof grandparents to their families,and their contribution to the culturalhistory of foodways.212COOKINGAprilA Paperback Original6¾ x 9½ | 284 pp80 color photographsTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-988-18583-9-9 USCMarketing PlansInterview with editor on RTHK radio in Hong KongOutreach to Cantonese immigrant communities and cultural organizations in SanFrancisco, New York, Los Angeles, and VancouverSunday “cook offs” will be scheduled in these communities where individuals willcome together to cook recipes from the <strong>book</strong> and retell stories from their previouslives in Hong Kong and their adopted homes

MCCM CreationsThe Urban Design of ConcessionTradition and Transformation in the Chinese Treaty PortsPeter Cookson SmithA critical examination of the evolving changes in Chinese treaty ports over thepast 150 years, this study illustrates, through essays and over 230 sketches, theimprints on modernizing cities of older urban spaces which have left physicaltraces through city plans, streets, and buildings.Noted architect and urban planner Peter Cookson Smith was one of thefirst specialists involved in planning, urban design, and landscape consultanciesin Southeast Asia. He is currently a visiting scholar at the Centre ofAsian Studies, the University of Hong Kong, and is vice president of the HongKong Institute of Planners and the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design.ARCHITECTUREAprilA Paperback Original7⅝ x 7⅝ | 420 pp230 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $45.00 | CAN $49.50978-988-18584-7-4 USCThe Urban Design of Concessioncharts the evolution of twelve Chinesetreaty ports from the mid-nineteenthcentury to the present.The Urban Design of ImpermanenceStreets, Places and Spaces in Hong KongPeter Cookson SmithA companion to The Urban Design of Concession, this volume collects sketchesand essays that reflect the evolving character and personality of Hong Kong.Impermanence underlies the urban design language of Hong Kong. Arguablythis is a reflection of the embedded philosophy of change inherent in Chineseculture, which tends to impart rather transient values that promote a stronglink between the spiritual and the human condition. The idea of usingsketches to illustrate the array of street attributes and their collective impacton urban design emerged through a perceived need to add some visual life toa research project on urban regeneration.ARCHITECTUREAprilA Paperback Original9 x 9¾ | 192 pp200 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $39.50 | CAN $43.50978-988-98653-7-5 USCThe Urban Design of Impermanenceexudes Hong Kong’s high density urbanvalues through hundreds of sketchesand many essays.213

MCCM CreationsInstant CultureArchitecture and Urbanism as a Collective ProcessEdited by Eric Schuldenfrei and Marisa YiuARCHITECTUREJune9⅞ x 6¼ | 680 pp300 color photographsTrade Cloth US $45.00 | CAN $49.50978-988-18584-8-1 USCA dialogue between two cities in the Pearl River Delta—Shenzhen and HongKong—the Bi-City Biennale (BYOB) questioned the past to aspire for aunique future. Instant Culture documents and evaluates the biennale and envisionspossibilities for the West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong andits neighboring communities. The expansive forty-hectare site of the futureWest Kowloon Cultural District not only provides a green open space for art,culture, and leisure, but also creates a paradigm shift towards a new urbanstrategy for Hong Kong, possibly becoming a model city by emphasizing lowdensityplanning with a low-carbon footprint.A review of the architecturebiennale “Bring Your Own Biennale”(BYOB) held in Hong Kong and ShenzhenDecember 2009–February 2010.Driving LantauWhisper of an IslandLo Yin Shan and Anthony McHughPHOTOGRAPHY / TRAVELApril6 x 8½ | 416 pp310 color photographsTrade Cloth & DVD US $39.50 | CAN $43.50978-988-18584-4-3 USCThe largest of the islands that make up the greater Hong Kong area, Lantauremains decidedly separate from the urban sprawl of Hong Kong island andthe Kowloon peninsula, boasting a wide array of native animals and plantsas well as numerous longterm “visitors,” such as a monk born in Fujian in1897, an artisan guitar maker, traditional Chinese medical practitioners, andEnglish botanists and graphic designers. Driving Lantau documents these livesand reconstructs various perspectives of the island over the past half century,from the effect of wars and waves of immigrants to marauding pirates and theintroduction of Disneyland.Documents the island’s indigenous people,plants, animals, and visitors, reconstructingthe various perspectives of Lantau throughphotographs, text, and video.214

MCCM CreationsBee Umbrella SkyThe Miao Legend of Batik in Guizhou, ChinaKuen Kuen LiuIn an ancient time, ten old men went to work creating the sky and the land. Yet the sky was not strongenough, and it collapsed. . . . They needed an umbrella under the sky instead and asked GoddessWashuang to make one. Clever and good with her hands, Washuang gathered pure white clouds fromthe sky to weave a very long cloth umbrella.In 2010, Kuen Kuen Liu made a five month trip to Guizhou, China.Fascinated by the batik works of the Miao, she lived with the villagers, learningtheir batik process.Illustrator and designer Kuen Kuen Liu is working on her PhD in art educationat Penn State.ARTJuneA Paperback Original11¾ x 9½ | 20 ppTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $22.00978-988-18583-0-6 USCA five-month journey in Guizhoutook the illustrator Kuen Kuen Liu behindthe legends of Miao batik.The Mermaid and the Pink DolphinTheadora WhittingtonMarie the mermaid is bored with life and longs to play with the children onthe shore until one day she meets a pink dolphin in the ocean. This single encountertransforms her, just as this story will young readers, helping them toreconsider the natural world all around.Theadora Whittington began to paint and draw in the 1990s while travellingextensively in China. She has exhibited in London and Beijing, and has degreesin law, theology, and illustration. Theadora also worked with Yi minoritychildren to paint a traditional story on the wall of their school deep in themountains of Sichuan.JUVENILE FICTIONMay12⅜ x 8⅞ | 32 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $18.00 | CAN $22.00978-988-18583-4-4 USCAges 3 to 7A whimsical children’s tale focused onreal environmental concerns.215

MCCM Creations BacklistAre You My Mummy? Es-tu Mon papa?Sophie PaineTrade Cloth US $16.50 | CAN $18.50978-988-98653-4-4 USCThe Black Book of Falling:A Tik and Tok Strip CartoonPeter SuartTrade Paper US $18.50 | CAN $20.95978-988-99266-7-0 USCThe Box Book: The Beauty and theBeast of Hong Kong CultureEdited by Kung Chi Shing, Peter Suart,Lo Yin Shan, and Valerie DoranBoxed Set US $49.50 | CAN $55.50978-988-99843-9-7 USCChinese Festivals in Hong KongBarbara Ward and Joan LawTrade Paper US $26.00 | CAN $28.95978-962-86816-6-2 USCElementism 2 —Creative Journey on Shinnoske’s WorksHung LamSaddle-Stitched US $24.00 | CAN $26.95978-962-86816-4-8 USCFlatness Folded—A Collection of23 Contemporary Chinese GarmentsMiranda TsuiTrade Paper US $38.50 | CAN $42.95978-988-99266-9-4 USCFoodscape—A Swiss-Chinese InterculturalEncounter About the Culture of FoodEdited by Margrit Manz and Martin ZellerTrade Cloth US $38.50 | CAN $42.95978-988-98653-8-2 USCHong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History ofChinese Medicine PackagingSimon GoTrade Paper US $38.50 | CAN $42.95978-962-86816-2-4 USCHong Kong Toy Story—A Sociological ObservationLui Tai-lok and Yiu Wai-hungTrade Paper US $28.50 | CAN $31.95978-988-97610-7-3 USCInto the LanternWilliam LimTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-962-86816-0-0 USCLe Songe Creux-CodexFrank VigneronTrade Paper US $29.50 | CAN $32.95978-988-99843-1-1 USCLegends from the Swiss AlpsEdited by Leung Ping Kwan andAndrea RiemenschnitterTrade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $39.95978-988-18583-1-3 USCThe Love of LearningPeter SuartTrade Cloth US $14.50 | CAN $16.50978-962-86132-5-0 USCMy 32m 2 Apartment—A 30-Year TransformationGary ChangTrade Paper US $36.00 | CAN $40.50978-988-99842-6-7 USCNorthPeter SuartTrade Cloth US $16.50 | CAN $18.50978-988-98653-9-9 USCOdd One In—Invisible TravelPak Sheung-ChuenTrade Paper US $29.50 | CAN $32.95978-988-99266-5-6 USCOliver the Quiet FirefighterText by Sophie Paine; Illustrated by Maxim LoTrade Cloth US $16.50 | CAN $18.50978-988-99843-3-5 USCOne Couple Two CulturesDan Waters and Peter SuartTrade Paper US $24.00 | CAN $26.95978-988-97610-0-4 USCOne Square Foot—Photography by John FungJohn FungFlexibound US $40.00 | CAN $44.95978-988-99266-1-8 USCOur Home, Shek Kip Mei 1954–2006Vincent YuTrade Paper US $33.00 | CAN $36.95978-988-99266-3-2 USCPeek-a-Boo StreetKarmel Schreyer and Sindy LauTrade Cloth US $15.50 | CAN $17.00978-988-98653-6-8 USCPersistence of Vision—Shanghai Architectsin DialogueLyndon Heri and Rossana HuTrade Paper US $39.50 | CAN $44.50978-988-99842-5-0 USCPortraits from Above—Hong Kong’s InformalRooftop CommunitiesRufina Wu and Stefan CanhamTrade Paper US $38.00 | CAN $42.50978-988-99843-8-0 USCredwhiteblue—here/there/everywhereanothermountainmanTrade Paper US $85.00 | CAN $95.50978-988-97610-6-6 USCThe Sand TurtleTheadora WhittingtonTrade Cloth US $17.50 | CAN $19.95978-988-99843-2-8 USCThe Secret of the UniversePeter SuartTrade Cloth US $15.50 | CAN $17.95978-962-86816-1-7 USCSirensPeter SuartTrade Cloth US $15.50 | CAN $17.95978-962-86816-8-6 USCSmokePeter SuartTrade Cloth US $16.50 | CAN $18.50978-988-97610-8-0 USCSocks HeavenPauline YoungTrade Cloth US $15.50 | CAN $17.95978-962-86816-5-5 USCSweet WordsSophie PaineTrade Cloth US $22.00 | CAN $24.50978-988-99843-4-2 USCThreads of LuminosityCarol Lee Mei-kuenTrade Paper US $34.00 | CAN $37.95978-988-18584-3-6 USCUK>HK Farrells Placemaking From London ToHong Kong and BeyondTFP FarrellsTrade Cloth US $85.00 | CAN $95.50978-988-99842-9-8 USC216

Monkfish Book PublishingGod of LoveA Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and IslamMirabai StarrThough greatly influenced by modern teachers of Eastern spirituality such asRam Dass, Mirabai Starr has spent her life responding to the call to honor thediversity and celebrate the unity between all paths that lead us home to love.Best known for her translations of the Spanish mystics, in God of Love Starr exploresthe spiritual roots of Western religion. She provides not only an excellentintroduction to the basic beliefs, scriptures, and practices of Judaism,Christianity, and Islam, but also a new emerging context called InterSpiritualwith which to understand our religiously pluralistic world. Unlike its precursormovement, “interfaith,” which is largely focused on cooperation betweenreligious institutions, an “interspiritual” approach is one that tends tothe personal and spiritual dimensions of religion. An interspiritual approachsees and participates in the common roots found in all religious expression.Author of critically acclaimed new translations of St. John of the Cross andSt. Teresa of Avila, Mirabai Starr uses fresh, lyrical language to help maketimeless wisdom accessible to a contemporary circle of seekers. As a teenager,Starr lived at the Lama Foundation, an intentional spiritual communitythat has honored all the world’s faith traditions since its inception in 1967.Starr has been an adjunct professor of philosophy and world religions at theUniversity of New Mexico–Taos since 1993. Her emphasis is on making connectionsbetween the perennial teachings found at the heart of all the world’sspiritual paths. Starr speaks and teaches nationally and internationally.RELIGIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-0-9833589-2-3 USCChampions the underlying unity of peace and justice teachings inJudaism, Christianity, and Islam.Marketing Plans• National TV and radio campaign• Published to coincide with new workshop to begiven at Omega and Esalan Institute• Promotion through: www.mirabaistarr.comAuthor EventsMarin County, CA • San Francisco, CA •Washington, DC • Atlanta, GA • Boston, MA •Santa Fe, NM • New York, NY • Rhinebeck, NY •Portland, OR • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Ranchos de Taos, NM217

Selected Backlist from Monkfish Book PublishingMagdalen RisingThe BeginningElizabeth CunninghamFICTION6 x 9 | 416 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $16.95978-0-9823246-0-8 USCThe Passion ofMary MagdalenA NovelElizabeth CunninghamFICTION / RELIGION6 x 9 | 640 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-0-9766843-3-6 USCBright Dark MadonnaA NovelElizabeth CunninghamFICTION6 x 9 | 400 ppTrade Cloth US $26.00 | CAN $26.00978-0-9798828-7-6 USC218Red-Robed PriestessA NovelElizabeth CunninghamFICTION6 x 9 | 350 ppTrade Cloth US $25.95 | CAN $28.50978-0-9823246-9-1 USCTantra GoddessA Memoir of Sexual AwakeningCaroline MuirSELF-HELP /BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY6 x 9 | 260 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-0-9823246-8-4 USCFundamental Wisdom ofthe Middle WayNagarjuna’sMulamadhyamakakarikaBrad WarnerTranslated by Gudo Wafu NishijimaRELIGION6 x 9 | 352 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.99978-0-9833589-0-9 USC

New InternationalistNaked FashionThe New Sustainable Fashion RevolutionSafia MinneyForeword by Lucy Siegle and Livia FirthNaked Fashion invites you to join the movement of consumers, entrepreneurs,and creative professionals who are using their purchasing power, talents, andexperience to make fashion more sustainable.Anyone with an active interest in fashion and where our clothes come fromor looking for a career in fashion and the media will find inspiration and adviceon how to make a difference.Designers and creatives from all over the world—including photographers,models, illustrators, actors, and journalists—talk about what they are doingdifferently to make fashion more sustainable:• Emma Watson explains why fair trade fashion is so important to her• Summer Rayne Oakes describes how she took on the model agencies• Vivienne Westwood talks high-fashion without the high stakes for theplanetInside you will find fair trade and environment, styling and modeling,up-cycling and “slow” fashion, how we can change the high street, an ethicalbrand directory, and stunning visuals throughout.Safia Minney is founder and CEO of fair trade and sustainable fashionlabel People Tree. She has turned a lifelong interest in environment, trade,and social justice issues into an award-winning social business. Minney iswidely regarded as a leader in the fair trade movement and has been awardedOutstanding Social Entrepreneur by the World Economic Forum and an MBEfor her work in fair trade and the fashion industry.DESIGNAprilA Paperback Original7⅛ x 9¼ | 176 ppColor photographs and illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-78026-041-9 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-78026-061-7 USCFashion is more than a passion—it’s a tool, and here’s thepower to change the world with style.219

New InternationalistThe No-Nonsense Guide to EqualityDanny DorlingIntroduction by Kate Pickett and Richard WilkinsonSOCIAL SCIENCEMayA Paperback OriginalNo-Nonsense Guides4¼ x 7 | 144 ppTrade Paper US $13.95978-1-78026-071-6 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-78026-072-3 USCA wide-ranging explorationof why inequality persists and whatcan be done about it.The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality discusses the positive effects that equality canhave, using examples and case studies from across the globe, including manyfrom the United States. It examines the lessons of history and covers race,gender and ethnicity, age, and wealth. Danny Dorling considers, realistically,just how equal it is possible to be, the challenges we face, and the factors thatwill lead to greater equality for all.Danny Dorling is professor of human geography at the University of Sheffield,United Kingdom, and one of the leading international experts on inequality.He has written extensively about the widening gap between rich and poor andhis work regularly appears in the Guardian. He is author of several <strong>book</strong>s, includingInjustice: Why Social Inequality Persists and The Atlas of the Real World.The Caine Prize for African Writing <strong>2012</strong>Edited by the Caine Prize for African WritingFICTIONAugustA Paperback Original5⅛ x 7½ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-78026-074-7 USThe Caine Prize for African Writing is Africa’s leading literary prize. Forover ten years it has supported and promoted contemporary African writing.Keeping true to its motto “Africa will always bring something new,” the prizehas helped launch the literary careers of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, SegunAfolabi, Leila Aboulela, Brian Chikwava, EC Osondu Henrietta Rose-Innes,Binyavanga Wainaina, and many others.The <strong>2012</strong> collection will include the five shortlisted stories and the storieswritten at the Caine Prize Writers’ Workshop. It will be published to coincidewith the announcement of the award in July <strong>2012</strong>.Now in its thirteenth year, the Caine Prizefor African Writing is Africa’s leadingliterary prize for short stories.220

New InternationalistWorld in Your Kitchen Calendar 2013Jonathan WilliamsBeautiful bold illustrations fill your kitchen with the colors of the world, whilethe vegetarian recipes will inspire any chef to produce the delicious aromasand tastes of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Each month there’s a new recipe,plus plenty of space for your appointments.Jonathan Williams is based in Aberdeen, Scotland, and provides illustrationsfor a range of children’s <strong>book</strong>s, newspapers, and magazines, and has workedsome of the world’s biggest global brands.REFERENCEAugust11½ x 11½ | 24 ppWall Calendar CAL US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-78026-065-5 USCA beautiful photographic and educationalportrayal of the natural world and therange of species that are under threat.Wildlife in Danger Calendar 2013New InternationalistCombining stunning photographs with a powerful message of conservation,the Wildlife in Danger Calendar 2013 brings the plight of threatened species intofocus. Each photograph is accompanied by a location map and concise butcomprehensive information including description, population, habitat, behavior,diet, and threats.REFERENCE | August | 11½ x 11½ | 13 ppWall Calendar CAL US $17.95 | CAN $19.95 | 978-1-78026-067-9 USCOne World Calendar 2013One World Calendar GroupThe One World Calendar portrays positive and inspiring images of people aroundthe world. The theme of the 2013 edition is “street life”; most of the photographersfeatured are from countries in the Majority World. The dual- purposedesign gives owner the choice of wall calendar or appointments calendar.REFERENCE | August | 22 x 11 | 26 ppWall Calendar CAL US $24.95 | CAN $27.50 | 978-1-78026-063-1 USC221

New InternationalistPlanner 2013New InternationalistThis is the diary for those who swim against the tide. The Planner is a week-toviewdiary with street art, photographs, illustrations, and more—all submittedby young artists and activists from around the world. Includes internationalfestivals, events, activist organizations, and subway maps.REFERENCE | August | 5⅞ x 8¼ | 146 ppDesk Calendar CAL US $17.95 | CAN $19.95 | 978-1-78026-068-6 USCOne World Family Calendar 2013New InternationalistThe One World Family Calendar is full of colorful images from around the worldand is designed to keep the family updated on the activities of the months tocome. With space for entries by up to five people, it is the ultimate calendarfor you to plan your family’s year.REFERENCE | August | 11½ x 11½ | 24 ppWall Calendar CAL US $17.95 | CAN $19.95 | 978-1-78026-066-2 USCPeople Diary 2013New InternationalistA double-page of photo portraits of different people around the world divideseach month in this compact and attractive diary. It has two days-to-viewon each page, making it ideal for journal writing as well as appointments, anda fastener.REFERENCE | August | 5⅞ x 6⅛ | 244 ppDesk Calendar CAL US $17.95 | CAN $19.95 | 978-1-78026-069-3 USCOne World Almanac 2013New InternationalistThe One World Almanac is a practical, week-to-view diary that features a diverseand eclectic collection of world photography, giving a unique insight into thelives of people around the globe. The fold-out cover creates a display stand forthe photographs while leaving the diary page flat to write on.222REFERENCE | August | 8¼ x 4¼ | 140 ppDesk Calendar CAL US $23.95 | CAN $26.50 | 978-1-78026-064-8 USC

New Society PublishersMaking HomeAdapting Our Homes and Our Lives to Settle in PlaceSharon AstykOther <strong>book</strong>s tell us how to live the good life—but you might have to win thelottery to do it. Making Home is about improving life with the real people aroundus and the resources we already have. While encouraging us to be more resilientin the face of hard times, author Sharon Astyk also points out the beauty,grace, and elegance that result, because getting the most out of everything weuse is a way of transforming our lives into something much more fulfilling.Written from the perspective of a family who has already made this transition,Making Home shows readers how to turn the challenge of living with lessinto settling for more—more happiness, more security, and more peace ofmind. Learn simple but effective strategies to:• Save money on everything from heating and cooling to refrigeration,laundry, water, sanitation, cooking, and cleaning• Create a stronger, more resilient family• Preserve more for future generationsWe must make fundamental changes to our way of life in the face of ongoingeconomic crisis and energy depletion. Making Home takes the fear out of thisprospect, and invites us to embrace a simpler, more abundant reality.Sharon Astyk is a writer, teacher, blogger, and farmer whose family useseighty percent less energy and resources than the average American household.She is a member of the board of directors of ASPO-USA, founder of theRiot 4 Austerity, and the author of three previous <strong>book</strong>s, including Depletionand Abundance and Independence Days.How settling for less can mean having more.HOUSE & HOMEJulyA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 336 ppB&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95978-0-86571-671-1 USMarketing PlansDepletion and AbundanceLife on the New Home FrontSharon AstykHOUSE & HOME6 x 9 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $18.95978-0-86571-614-8 USAlsoAvailableIndependence DaysA Guide to SustainableFood Storage & PreservationSharon AstykCOOKING6 x 9 | 368 ppTrade Paper US $19.95978-0-86571-652-0 US10,000-copy print runCo-op available• A Mother Earth News Wiser Living Choice• $10,000 marketing and publicity budget• National advertising: BackHome Magazine •Communities Magazine • Harper’s Magazine •OnEarth Magazine • Permaculture Activist •Urban Farm• National radio campaign• National print campaign: Harper’s Magazine •Guardian • Mother Earth News •OnEarth Magazine • Urban Farm• Online/social media campaign: science blogs,Energy Bulletin, Cluborlov, How to Boil a Frog• Promotion through: www.sharonastyk.comAuthor Hometown: Delanson, NY223

New Society PublishersWinter Gardening in theMaritime NorthwestCool Season Crops for the Year-Round GardenerFifth EditionBinda ColebrookGARDENINGApril6 x 9 | 208 pp50 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $17.95978-0-86571-708-4 USMarketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op available• National advertising: Gardens West •Mother Earth News • Organic Gardening •Pacific Northwest Magazine • Urban Farm• National print and online campaign:American Vegetable Grower • BackHomeMagazine • Better Homes and Gardens •Grit • Hobby Farms • Mother Earth News •Permaculture Activist • Yougrowgirl• Online/social media campaign• General tour info: Pacific Northwest• Book announcement and contest featured onNew Society Book Club ForumMany gardeners can supply a significant amount of their own food during theplentiful <strong>summer</strong> harvest. But the key to substantial savings on your food billis putting fresh, homegrown produce on your table every month of the year.And in the mild, forgiving climate of the maritime Pacific Northwest, it canbe easier than you think.In Winter Gardening in the Maritime Northwest, Binda Colebrook provides a completeguide to cool season crops and how to raise them. Gardeners fromsoutheastern Alaska to southern Oregon will benefit from her clear, practicaladvice on:• Selecting and preparing the ideal winter gardening site• Maximizing production and minimizing pests with cloches, coldframes, mulches, and companion planting• Choosing the best strains and hardiest varieties for a year-round growingseasonAn excellent companion volume to The Winter Harvest Cook<strong>book</strong>, this revisedand updated edition of the classic text will have you serving up fabulous alternativesto bland, expensive, and tasteless imported supermarket vegetablesin no time. Whether your favorite meals include hearty roots or succulentgreens, Winter Gardening in the Maritime Northwest will help you maximize your foodproduction year-round.Binda Colebrook is a lifelong gardener who has extensive experience as ahomesteader in western Washington. A widely recognized authority on raisingcool season vegetables in the maritime Northwest, she has worked as a wetlandsbiologist and environmental interpreter. Now retired, she is developingher own property to maximize year-round food production, as well as restoringits native habitat.The definitive winter harvest guide for maritimePacific Northwest gardeners, now in its fifth edition.Author Hometown: Bellingham, WA224

New Society PublishersHigh SteaksWhy and How to Eat Less MeatEleanor BoyleEach year the average North American ingests well over two hundred pounds ofanimal protein. Meanwhile the global appetite for meat has increased dramatically.But feeding our meat addiction comes at tremendous cost. Maintainingour current level of consumption is ecologically impossible in the long termand undermines our personal health and community well-being.High Steaks documents the disastrous consequences of modern large-scaleindustrial meat production and excessive consumption, including:• The loss of vast tracts of arable land and fresh water to intensive livestockproduction• Increased pollution, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, and acceleratingclimate change• The environmental and health impacts of too much animal fat, and ofantibiotics and other chemicals in our foodTimely and compelling, this powerful <strong>book</strong> offers a modest, common senseapproach to a serious problem, suggesting strategies for all of us to cut backon our consumption of animal products and ensure that the meat we do consumeis produced in a sustainable, ecologically responsible manner. At thesame time, High Steaks describes progressive food policy shifts that will discouragefactory farming and encourage people to eat in ways that support ecosystemsand personal health.Eleanor Boyle has been teaching and writing for twenty-five years, with afocus on food systems and their social, environmental, and health consequences.As well as working with organizations aiming for better food policy,she holds an MSc in food policy and is an instructor at the Centre forSustainability at the University of British Columbia.What’s the matter with meat? A solution-oriented guide to developingfood systems that nourish people and the planet.SOCIAL SCIENCE / HEALTH & FITNESSJuneA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 208 pp15 B&W photographs, illustrations,maps, and chartsTrade Paper US $17.95978-0-86571-713-8 USMarketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Hobby Farm •Mother Earth News • Urban Farm• National print campaign: Clean Eating •Natural Health • OnEarth • Orion • RealSimple • Seventeen • Sierra • YES! Magazine •Yoga Journal• Social media campain: Fight Factory Farming •Pew Campaign on Human Health and IndustrialFarming • Pew Charitable Trust • Waterkeepersand Riverkeepers• Promoted by Civileats • Grist • Treehugger •Sustainablog• Book announcement and contest featured onNew Society Book Club Forum• Promotion through: www.eleanorboyle.comAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BC225

New Society PublishersSacred ActsHow Churches are Working to Protect Earth’s ClimateMallory McDuffForeword by Bill McKibbenRELIGIONAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 288 pp20 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $17.95978-0-86571-700-8 USMarketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Sojourners• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign: CatholicRegister • Catholic Worker • The ChristianScience Monitor • The Huffington Post •Los Angeles Times • Sojourners • USA Today •UU World• Social media campaign• Email promotion to The National Council ofChurches, Green Faith Fellowship Christianhigh schools, seminaries, and collegesFrom evangelicals to Episcopalians, people of faith are mobilizing to confrontclimate change. This unique anthology brings together stories from acrossNorth America of contemporary church leaders, parishioners, and religiousactivists who are working to define a new environmental movement, wherehonoring the Creator means protecting the planet.Sacred Acts documents the diverse actions taken by churches to address climatechange through stewardship, advocacy, spirituality, and justice. Contributionsfrom leading Christian voices such as Norman Wirzba and theReverend Canon Sally Bingham detail the concrete work of faith communities:• Englewood Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, whereparishioners have enhanced food security by sharing canning andfood preservation skills in the church kitchen• Georgia’s Interfaith Power & Light, which has used federal stimulusfunds to weatherize congregations, reduce utility bills, and cut carbonemissions• Earth Ministry, where people of faith spearheaded the movement topass state legislation to make Washington State a coal-free stateSacred Acts shows that churches can play a critical role in confronting climatechange—perhaps the greatest moral imperative of our time. This timely collectionwill inspire individuals and congregations to act in good faith to helpprotect Earth’s climate.Mallory McDuff teaches environmental education at Warren Wilson College,a unique liberal arts school that combines academics with work and service. Alifelong Episcopalian, she was raised in a family that integrated faith and environmentalstewardship. She is the author of Natural Saints.Acting in good faith—environmental stewardship throughworship, education, advocacy, and action.Author EventsLexington KY • Asheville NC •Durham, NC • Seattle WA226Author Hometown: Asheville, NC

New Society PublishersThe Interfaith AlternativeEmbracing Spiritual DiversitySteven GreenebaumWhatever your spiritual path, chances are that the primary tenets of your faithinclude universal love, acceptance, and compassion. Yet three thousand yearsafter Moses, twenty-five hundred years after the Buddha, two thousand yearsafter Jesus, and fifteen hundred years after Muhammad, we are still divided byour differences. Religious intolerance, discrimination, even persecution andviolence make up the not-so-golden rule.The Interfaith Alternative shows us how we can celebrate each other without fearof losing our own identity. It illuminates the path to creating a nurturingspiritual community that honors and includes all religious languages—an alternativeto Jews worshiping only with Jews, Christians with Christians, andMuslims with Muslims. In doing so, it demonstrates that through comingtogether in a mutually supportive environment we can concentrate on ourshared desire to remake the world into a compassionate, loving place.At its core, Interfaith is about community and justice. Once we truly embracediversity, we embrace our common humanity. A powerful antidote tothe current climate of fear and mistrust, The Interfaith Alternative argues that it isnot how we encounter the sacred, but what we do about it that counts—there arepositive alternatives to religious lines in the sand.Steven Greenebaum is an Interfaith minister whose experiences directingchoirs of different faiths and denominations have helped him to understandthe profound wisdom of many spiritual traditions. Steven has dedicated hislife to working for social and environmental justice. He is the founder of theLiving Interfaith Church in Lynnwood, Washington.RELIGIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-0-86571-705-3 USThere is no them—there is only us, celebrating our common humanity.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: The Catholic Worker •Sojourners • UU World• National print and online campaign: TheCatholic Worker • Interfaith Power & Light •Ode • Orion • Sojourners • Tikkun • UtneReader • UU World • The Washington Postblog • YES! Magazine• Social media campaign• Book announcement and contest featured onNew Society Book Club Forum• Promotion through: www.livinginterfaith.orgAuthor Hometown: Lynnwood, WA227

New Society PublishersShare or DieVoices of the Get Lost Generation in the Age of CrisisEdited by Malcolm Harris with Neal GorenfloForeword by Cory DoctorowSOCIAL SCIENCEApril5½ x 8½ | 224 ppB&W photographs, illustrations, and chartsTrade Paper US $14.95978-0-86571-710-7 USMarketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: E Magazine • Ode •Utne Reader• National print campaign: E Magazine •GOOD • Grist • The Huffington Post •Ode • Orion • Treehugger • UTNE Reader •YES! Magazine• Social media compaign• Book announcement and contest featured onNew Society Book Club ForumAmerica stands at a precipice; limitless consumption, reckless economics, anddisregard for the environment have put the country on a collision course withdisaster. It’s up to a younger generation to rebuild according to new forms oforganization, and Share or Die is a collection of messages from the front lines.From urban Detroit to central Amsterdam, and from worker co­ operativesto nomadic communities, an astonishing variety of recent graduates andtwenty-something experimenters are finding (and sharing) their own answersto negotiating the new economic order. Their visions of a shared futureinclude:• Collaborative consumption networks instead of private ownership• Replacing the corporate ladder with a “lattice lifestyle”• Do-it-yourself higher educationAs a call-to-action, “share or die” doesn’t only refer to resource depletion,disappearing jobs, or stagnating wages. It refers to social death too, and to findingthe common sense ideas and practices needed to not only merely survive,but to build a place where it’s worth living. A series of forays into unchartedterritory, this graphically rich collection of essays, narratives, and how-tos isan intimate guide to the new economic order and a must-read for anyone attemptingto understand what it means to live as part of Generation Y.Malcolm Harris is the Life/Art channel editor and a writer at Shareable andmanaging editor at The New Inquiry, a criticism site devoted to collecting andpromoting the work of young, unaffiliated writers.Neal Gorenflo is the co-founder and publisher of Shareable, a nonprofit onlinemagazine about sharing.A collection of messages from the front linesof the new “Lost Generation.”Editor Hometown: San Francisco, CA228

New Society PublishersMobilizing the Green ImaginationAn Exuberant ManifestoAnthony WestonDysfunctional cities, catastrophic climate change, ever-deepening distancefrom nature—today we see environmental disaster everywhere we look. InMobilizing the Green Imagination, philosophical provocateur Anthony Weston urgesus to move beyond ever more desperate attempts to “green” the status quo towardentirely different and far more inviting ecological visions:• Life after transportation—decentralized work, inventive infill, andself-sufficient micro-communities to facilitate life in place• Adaptation with attitude—cities that welcome the rising waters• A great second chance—moving beyond exploitation of the wholenatural world• A cosmic ecology—why not a green space program?These postcards from beyond the leading edge of today’s green thinking arebold, audacious, extravagantly hopeful, and profoundly inspiring—the perfectantidote to the despair brought on by too many “doom and gloom” scenarios.Nothing less than a complete reinvention of contemporary environmentalism,Mobilizing the Green Imagination belongs in the back pocket of anyone whodares to dream of a brighter future and a better world.Anthony Weston is professor of philosophy and environmental studies atElon University in North Carolina, where he teaches ethics, environmentalstudies, and “Millennial Imagination.” He is the author of twelve other <strong>book</strong>s,including How to Re-Imagine the World and Back to Earth, as well as many articleson ethics, critical thinking, education, and contemporary culture. At Elon,Weston has been named both Teacher of the Year and Scholar of the Year.Elegant and audacious possibilities that push theboundaries of contemporary environmentalism.Also AvailableSOCIAL SCIENCE / FUTURE STUDIESMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-0-86571-709-1 USMarketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Mother Earth News •E Magazine • Ode • Odewire• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign:E Magazine • Grist • Ode • Orion • Treehugger •Utne Reader • YES! Magazine• Social media campaign• Book announcement and contest featured onNew Society Book Club ForumHow to Re-Imagine the WorldA Pocket Guide for Practical VisionariesAnthony WestonSOCIAL SCIENCE4½ x 7 | 152 ppTrade Paper US $11.95978-0-86571-594-3 USAuthor EventsDurham, NC • Raleigh, NCAuthor Hometown: Durham, NC229

New Society PublishersThe Resilience ImperativeCooperative Transitions to a Steady-State EconomyMichael Lewis and Patrick ConatyBUSINESS & ECONOMICSJuneA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 400 pp40 B&W photographs, 35 B&W illustrations,maps, and chartsTrade Paper US $26.95978-0-86571-707-7 USMarketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Communities Magazine •Mother Jones • Municipal World • Planning• National print and online campaign: MotherJones • Ode • Orion • Utne Reader • YES!Magazine• Social media campaign• Outreach to members of Canadian Centre forCommunity Renewal Institute for Local SelfReliance, Social Economy Research Alliance,Transition US• Promotion by Canadian Centre for CommunityRenewal• Academic promotion to colleges anduniversities• Promotion through: www.communityrenewal.caWe find ourselves between a rock and a hot place—compelled by the intertwinedforces of peak oil and climate change to reinvent our economic life ata much more local and regional scale. The Resilience Imperative argues for a majorSEE (social, ecological, economic) change as a prerequisite for replacing theparadigm of limitless economic growth with a more decentralized, cooperative,steady-state economy.The authors present a comprehensive series of strategic questions withinthe broad areas of:• Energy sufficiency• Local food systems• Interest-free financing• Affordable housing and land reform• Sustainable community developmentEach section is complemented by case studies of pioneering communityinitiatives rounded out by a discussion of transition factors and resiliencereflections.With a focus on securing and sustaining change, this provocative <strong>book</strong>challenges deeply embedded cultural assumptions. Profoundly hopeful andinspiring, The Resilience Imperative affirms the possibilities of positive change as itis shaped by individuals, communities, and institutions learning to live withinour ecological limits.Michael Lewis is the executive director of the Center for CommunityEnterprise and is well-known internationally as a practitioner, author, educator,and leader in the field of community economic development.Patrick Conaty is an honorary research fellow at the University of Birminghamand a director of Common Futures. Since 1999 he has worked for the neweconomics foundation (nef), where he has produced a wide range of publicationsabout predatory lending, financial inclusion, community land trusts,and social venture finance.Time for a “SEE change”—social, ecological,and economical strategies for life after growth.Author Hometown: Vancouver, BC230

New Society PublishersToward Sustainable CommunitiesSolutions for Citizens and Their GovernmentsFourth EditionMark RoselandThe need to make our communities sustainable is more urgent than ever before.Toward Sustainable Communities remains the single most useful resource forcreating vibrant, healthy, equitable, economically viable places. This comprehensiveupdate of the classic text presents a leading-edge overview of sustainabilityin a new fully illustrated, full-color format.Compelling new case studies and expanded treatment of sustainabilityin rural as well as urban settings are complemented by contributions from arange of experts around the world, demonstrating how “community capital”can be leveraged to meet the needs of cities and towns for:• Energy efficiency, waste reduction, and recycling• Water, sewage, transportation, and housing• Climate change and air quality• Land use and urban planningFully supported by a complete suite of online resources and tools, TowardSustainable Communities is packed with concrete, innovative solutions to a hostof municipal challenges. Required reading for policymakers, educators, socialenterprises, and engaged citizens, this “living <strong>book</strong>” will appeal to anyoneconcerned about community sustainability and a livable future.Mark Roseland is director of the Centre for Sustainable CommunityDevelopment at Simon Fraser University and professor at SFU’s School ofResource and Environmental Management. He lectures internationally, advisescommunities and governments on sustainable development policy andplanning, and has been cited as one of British Columbia’s “top fifty livingpublic intellectuals.”The single most useful resource out there onhow to build and grow sustainable places.POLITICAL SCIENCEApril8 x 9 | 288 ppColor photographs throughout,200 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $34.95978-0-86571-711-4 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-86571-535-6Marketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: Municipal World •Planning• National print and online campaign:Municipal World • Next American City •Planning• Other promotion: Academic email to urbanplanning/environmental studies facultyAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BC231

New Society PublishersThe New Sustainability AdvantageSeven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom LineTenth Anniversary EditionBob WillardBUSINESS & ECONOMICSApril6 x 9 | 224 ppCharts and tables throughoutTrade Paper US $19.95978-0-86571-712-1 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-86571-451-9Marketing PlansCo-op available• National advertising: CSR Wire• National print and online campaign: BusinessWeek • Corporate Knights • CorporateResponsibility Magazine • Ethical Corporation •Fast Company • Forbes• Social media campaign• Academic email to MBA and environmentalstudies faculty• Promotion through:www.sustainabilityadvantage.comThe New Sustainability Advantage shows how the benefits of the “triple bottom line”can increase a typical company’s profits by fifty-one to eighty-one percentwithin five years, depending on the company’s size and industry sector, whileavoiding risks that could jeopardize its financial well-being.Fully revised and updated, this tenth anniversary edition clearly demonstratesthat, by focusing on seven powerful yet easy to grasp sustainabilitystrategies, businesses can:• Increase revenue• Improve productivity• Reduce expenses• Decrease risksExpressed in clear business language and presented in an appealing,graphically rich format, this practical guide and the accompanying onlineSustainability Advantage Simulator Dashboard enables executives to entertheir own data and quickly identify the high-leverage benefit areas for theirorganization. More detailed downloadable spreadsheets help them drill downinto specific areas of interest and fine-tune the assumptions to their specificsituation.An indispensable tool for both sustainability champions and senior management,The New Sustainability Advantage proves that the quantified business casefor sustainability is more compelling than ever before.Bob Willard gave up an award-winning successful career in senior managementat IBM to devote himself full-time to building corporate commitmentto sustainability. Widely in demand as a speaker, he has delivered hundredsof presentations demonstrating the business case for sustainability to companies,consultants, academics, and NGOs worldwide. Bob is the author of TheSustainability Champion’s Guide<strong>book</strong>, The Next Sustainability Wave, and the original editionof The Sustainability Advantage.Smart sustainability strategies and how they can benefit the bottom line.232Author EventsSan Francisco, CA • Omaha, NE • Portland, WA •Halifax, NS • Ottawa, ONAuthor Hometown: Whitby, ON

New Society PublishersSolar Home Heating BasicsA Green Energy GuideDan ChirasAs fossil fuel supplies dwindle, home heating will be one of the major challengesin temperate and cold climates in upcoming years. The reserves ofnatural gas used to heat the majority of North American buildings are rapidlybeing depleted. This latest Green Energy Guide helps readers who wantto slash their energy bills and reduce their dependence on scarce resourcesto navigate the sometimes confusing maze of clean, reliable, and affordableoptions.Solar Home Heating Basics focuses on renewable energy strategies to heat newand existing homes and small businesses. These include:• Energy efficiency, weatherization, and insulation• Solar hot air heating• Solar thermal systems• Passive solar heating• Backup heating systemsWhile most solar home heating resources are geared primarily towards newbuildings, this practical and easy to understand guide addresses ways of retrofittingexisting buildings, making solar a reality for many people.Packed with all the essential information home and small business ownersneed to find alternatives to conventional heating solutions, Solar Home HeatingBasics is your key to a personal energy solution.Dan Chiras is a respected educator and the author of thirty <strong>book</strong>s on residentialrenewable energy and green building, including The Homeowner’s Guideto Renewable Energy and Power from the Sun. Dan is the director and lead instructorat the Evergreen Institute’s Center for Renewable Energy and GreenBuilding, where he teaches workshops on energy efficiency, solar electricity,solar hot water, small wind energy, green building, natural plasters, andnatural building.An easy to understand introduction to practical and affordable waysto heat your home or office with the power of the sun.The Homeowner’s Guide toRenewable EnergyAchieving Energy Independence ThroughSolar, Wind, Biomass, and HydropowerDan ChirasTECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING7½ x 9 | 352 ppTrade Paper US $28.95978-0-86571-686-5 USAlsoAvailablePower from the SunA Practical Guide to Solary ElectricityDan ChirasTECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING7½ x 9 | 288 pp100 B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $26.95978-0-86571-621-6 USTECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERINGAprilA Paperback OriginalA Green Energy Guide5 x 8 | 192 ppB&W charts and tables throughoutTrade Paper US $12.95978-0-86571-663-6 USMarketing PlansCo-op available• A Mother Earth News Wiser Living Choice• Excerpts in: American Solar Energy Society •Colorado Renewable Energy Society • HomePower • Iowa Renewable Energy Association •Mother Earth News • Solar Today• National advertising: Mother Earth News •Solar Today• National print and online campaign: HomePower • Mother Earth News • Natural Home •Solar Today• Social media campaign• E-mail campaign to American Solar EnergySociety• Promotion through: www.evergreeninstitute.orgAuthor Hometown: Evergreen, CO233

Selected Backlist from New Society PublishersThe End of GrowthAdapting to Our NewEconomic RealityRichard HeinbergBUSINESS & ECONOMICS6 x 9 | 336 pp50 photographs, illustrations, and mapsTrade Paper US $17.95978-0-86571-695-7 USThe Empowerment ManualA Guide for Collaborative GroupsStarhawkBUSINESS & ECONOMICS7¼ x 9 | 304 ppTrade Paper US $24.95978-0-86571-697-1 USThe PermacultureHand<strong>book</strong>Garden Farming forTown and CountryPeter BaneForeword by David HolmgrenGARDENING8½ x 11 | 608 pp350 B&W photographs and illustrations,8-page color sectionTrade Paper US $44.95978-0-86571-666-7 US234The Urban Food RevolutionChanging the Way We Feed CitiesPeter LadnerSOCIAL SCIENCE / ARCHITECTURE6 x 9 | 304 pp100 B&W photographs,illustrations, maps, and chartsTrade Paper US $18.95978-0-86571-683-4 USFarmstead ChefJohn Ivanko and Lisa KiviristCOOKING8 x 9 | 256 pp25 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95978-0-86571-703-9 USHome SweetZero Energy HomeWhat It Takes to Develop GreatHomes that Won’t Cost Anythingto Heat, Cool or Light Up, WithoutGoing Broke or CrazyBarry RehfeldHOUSE & HOME6 x 9 | 208 pp50 B&W photographs, illustrations, maps,and chartsTrade Paper US $17.95978-0-86571-698-8 US

New Village PressEarly Childhood OutdoorsCreating and Restoring Places for Healthy Child DevelopmentRobin Moore and Nilda Cosco, PhD“Robin Moore and Nilda Cosco’s pioneering work has inspired tens of thousandsof people. . . . Early Childhood Outdoors offers a map to reconnect childrenwith nature.” —Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the WoodsHere is a fully illustrated design guide to improve outdoor play and learningenvironments for children. This comprehensive, evidence-based <strong>book</strong> serveseducators, school administrators, community advocates, parents, landscapeprofessionals, gardeners, and allied groups who wish to incorporate naturein early childhood daycare centers, preschools, children’s museums, botanicalgardens, arboreta, zoos, and nature centers. The authors address an increasingneed for green spaces to inspire play, learning, and respect for naturethat also tap into a nationwide movement for outdoor activities to fight childhoodobesity.Robin Moore is an international authority on children’s play and learningenvironments. Designer and researcher of children’s environments sincethe mid-sixties, Moore has authored several important <strong>book</strong>s in the field,including Natural Learning. A professor of Landscape Architecture at NorthCarolina State University, he founded the Natural Learning Initiative.Moore is past president of the International Association for the Child’sRight to Play and former editor of the magazine PlayRights. He holds degreesin architecture from London University and urban design from MIT.Nilda Cosco, PhD, is a researcher on the impact of outdoor environments onhealth and co-author of Well-being by Nature: Therapeutic Gardens for Children. Coscoco-founded the Natural Learning Initiative and holds a degree in educationalpsychology, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, and a PhD in landscapearchitecture from Heriot Watt University, Scotland.A fully illustrated design resource including practical guidelines to improvethe quality of outdoor play and learning environments for children.ARCHITECTUREAprilA Paperback Original8 x 10 | 272 pp200 color photographs,50 color illustrations, and 20 tablesTrade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $38.50978-1-61332-003-7 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available• Promotion through professional organizationsin education, health, and design• Promotion through: www.naturalearning.org235

Selected Backlist from New Village PressAwakening CreativityDandelion School BlossomsLily YehART / EDUCATION10⅛ x 7¾ | 224 pp275 color photographsTrade Cloth US $34.95 | CAN $38.95978-0-9815593-7-7 USCAsphalt to EcosystemsDesign Ideas for SchoolyardTransformationSharon Gamson DanksARCHITECTURE / EDUCATION8½ x 9⅞ | 288 pp500 color photographsTrade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $44.95978-0-9766054-8-5 USCService-Learning inDesign and PlanningEducating at the BoundariesEdited by Tom Angotti,Cheryl Doble, and Paula HorriganARCHITECTURE / EDUCATION6 x 9 | 320 pp25 B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-61332-001-3 USC236American TensionsLiterature of Identity and theSearch for Social JusticeEdited by William ReichardLITERARY COLLECTIONS /POLITICAL SCIENCE6 x 9¼ | 336 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-0-9815593-8-4 USCActing Together:Performance and theCreative Transformationof ConflictVolume I: Resistanceand Reconciliation in Regionsof ViolenceEdited by Cynthia E. Cohen,Roberto Gutiérrez Varea, andPolly O. WalkerPERFORMING ARTS / POLITICAL SCIENCE7 x 9¼ | 320 pp45 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $24.50978-0-9815593-9-1 USCActing Together:Performance and theCreative Transformationof ConflictVolume II: Building Just andInclusive CommunitiesEdited by Cynthia E. Cohen,Roberto Gutiérrez Varea, andPolly O. Walker; Foreword bySalomon LernerPERFORMING ARTS / POLITICAL SCIENCE7 x 9¼ | 320 pp45 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $24.50978-1-61332-000-6 USC

Nicolo Whimsey PressThe TempestThe 30-Minute ShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinThe Tempest: The 30-Minute Shakespeare offers eight scenes from this rich comedy.Beginning with the magical storm and shipwreck, this adaptation includes theuproarious discovery of the monster Caliban and his plot to kill Prospero.Included are the heartfelt marriage vows between Ferdinand and Miranda, thedisguised antics of fairy Ariel, and Prospero’s poetic abjuration of his roughmagic.The edition includes a preface by Nick Newlin containing helpful adviceon how to put on a Shakespeare performance in a high school class with noviceactors as well as an appendix with suggestions for the specific play and recommendationsfor further resources.Marketing PlansNational email and postcard campaignSocial media campaign • Outreach to English teachers, drama teachers, andlibrarians at high schools and two-year colleges across the country • National Councilof Teachers of English Convention • National print campaign • Performances byNicolo Whimsey and Teaching Artist Residency throughout Washington, DC, area •Advertisement at National Association of Campus Stores, Campus Market Expo,March <strong>2012</strong>Editor Hometown: Brandywine, MDDRAMA / EDUCATIONMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $8.95978-1-935550-28-0 USCOeBook ISBN: 978-1-935550-30-3 USCO“A truly fun, emotional, and sometimesmagical first experience . . . guided by asagacious, knowledgeable, and intuitiveeducator.”—Library JournalJulius CaesarThe 30-Minute ShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinJulius Caesar: The 30-Minute Shakespeare presents eight spellbinding scenes fromthis timeless masterpiece. The action begins as the soothsayer warns Caesar ofthe Ides of March and continues as Brutus conspires against Caesar. Other keyscenes include Caesar’s riveting assassination and Antony’s stirring funeraloration. This adaptation closes with Cinna the Poet’s death at the hands of themob, the quarrel between Brutus and Cassius, and Brutus’ suicide.The edition includes a preface by Nick Newlin containing helpful adviceon presenting Shakespeare in a high school setting with novice actors, as wellas an appendix with play-specific suggestions and recommendations for furtherresources.Marketing PlansNational email and postcard campaignSocial media campaign • Outreach to english teachers, drama teachers, andlibrarians at high schools and two-year colleges across the country • National Councilof Teachers of English Convention • National print campaign • Performances byNicolo Whimsey and Teaching Artist Residency throughout Washington, DC, area •Advertisement at National Association of Campus Stores, Campus Market Expo,March <strong>2012</strong>Editor Hometown: Brandywine, MDDRAMA / EDUCATIONJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $8.95978-1-935550-29-7 USCOeBook ISBN: 978-1-935550-31-0 USCO“A master at engaging students in theprocess of performing a Shakespearescene.”—Janet Field-Pickering, head ofeducation, Folger Shakespeare Library237

Selected Backlist from Nicolo Whimsey PressHamlet: The 30-MinuteShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinDRAMA / EDUCATION5½ x 8½ | 72 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $9.50978-1-935550-24-2 USCOMacbeth: The 30-MinuteShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinDRAMA / EDUCATION5½ x 8½ | 72 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $9.50978-1-935550-02-0 USCORomeo and Juliet: The30-Minute ShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinDRAMA / EDUCATION5½ x 8½ | 72 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $9.50978-1-935550-01-3 USCOA Mid<strong>summer</strong> Night’sDream: The 30-MinuteShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinDRAMA / EDUCATION5½ x 8½ | 72 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $9.50978-1-935550-00-6 USCOTwelfth Night: The30-Minute ShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinDRAMA / EDUCATION5½ x 8½ | 72 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $9.50978-1-935550-04-4 USCOMuch Ado AboutNothing: The 30-MinuteShakespeareEdited by Nick NewlinDRAMA / EDUCATION5½ x 8½ | 64 ppTrade Paper US $7.95 | CAN $9.50978-1-935550-03-7 USCO238

Nobrow PressLondon, EnglandNobrow Press was set up in November 2008 to provide a vibrant and innovative publishing platformfor comics, illustration, and the graphic arts. We champion the very best talent in the field andnurture artist-led content like no other publisher in the market. Our library is representative of awide variety of subject matter and narrative content using only the best illustrators, cartoonists, andartists from around the globe.We see <strong>book</strong>s as things to be enjoyed, not only for their didactic or recreational content, but asbeautiful objects: to be cherished, coveted, and collected. This has led to a very distinctive house stylethat combines a deep knowledge of traditional printmaking with the industrial processes widely usedtoday. We have perfected a spot color printing technique that is unique to a handful of publishersworldwide: a process that uses hand mixed Pantones, as opposed to the more conventional CMYKprinting method. This gives the <strong>book</strong>s a unique artisanal quality that harkens to a time when printingwas in its very prime.Our <strong>book</strong>s are as beautiful in the flesh as the stories they tell and this, together with the collaborationof an ever-expanding community of internationally renowned artists, makes us one of the leadingproponents of the <strong>book</strong> as object, artwork, and collector’s item.In keeping with our commitment to an environmentally responsible future in print we also aimto manufacture our <strong>book</strong>s with high ethical production standards, going the extra distance to usesustainable paper and inks.first season at Consortium

Nobrow PressNobrow 6: The DoubleEdited by Alex Spiro and Sam ArthurCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAugustA Paperback Original8⅞ x 12¼ | 120 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $24.00 | CAN $26.50978-1-907704-19-2 USC“Reports of print’s demise have been greatly exaggerated, as proven byNobrow’s alluring, jewel-like publications, truly special <strong>book</strong>s to treasure andcaress.”—Paul Gravett, author of Graphic Novels: Stories to Change Your LifeThis will be an entirely new incarnation of our biannual journal as we doublethe number of pages to include comics and graphic short stories. At 120 pagesit not only presents the very best of illustration talent out there, but also devoteshalf of its pages to the world of comics, where we showcase talent fromthe established as well as the new, all the while keeping true to our Nobrowspot color aesthetic.The theme of this issue The Double explores the sinister concept of thedoppel ganger, one that has appeared in literature and mythology since ourearliest written records. From Greek and Norse mythology to Percy ByssheShelley, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, John Donne, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,the idea has held the human imagination, fascinating and terrifying us inequal measure. Now we turn it over to sixty illustrators and graphic storytellersto interpret as they wish, each taking on one double page spread.Includes illustrations from: Andrea Kalfas, Katja Spitzer, GwenolaCarrere, Viviane Swartz, Golden Cosmos, Chuck Groenink, and many more.Includes comics from: Kevin Huizenga, John Martz, Gemma Correll,Matthew Forsythe, Michael DeForge, Roman Muradov, Scott MacDonald,Malachi Ward, Luc Melanson, Ana Albero, and many others. With a cover byaward-winning cartoonist and illustrator Tom Gauld.Alex Spiro and Sam Arthur are creative directors of Nobrow Press, based inLondon, England.The new format for our critically acclaimed magazine combinescomics and illustration in a collectible 120-page volume.240

Nobrow PressA Graphic CosmogonyEdited by Alex SpiroIntroduction by Paul Gravett“A Graphic Cosmogony is the first anthology from publishers Nobrow Press. Thisis a Nobrow equivalent of McSweeney’s albeit with a very deliberate theme.The twenty-four artists in A Graphic Cosmogony tackle creation in a fitting sevenpages each—each one becoming that shamanic presence, creating their ownwild, imaginative versions to answer that perennial question: ‘how did we gethere?’ . . . A damn fine read!”—Forbidden Planet International“The Biblical creation myth proposes that God created the world in sevendays, or six plus one day off to chill out, so in that spirit the two-dozen cartoonist-shamanscorralled into this compendium were given just seven pagesto devise their own version of how we all got here. . . . Entire world faiths havebeen built on equally unlikely accounts. Perhaps if enough readers of this volumestart believing in certain stories, they might cause a spate of new religionsto <strong>spring</strong> up based upon them. Pull up a rock and gather round the flickeringfire—the universe is about to be born again.”—From the introduction by freelancejournalist, curator, and lecturer Paul Gravett, co-author of Graphic Novels:Stories to Change Your Life (Laurence King Publishing, 2005)Features contributions from artists such as Stuart Kolakovic, Ben Newman,Mike Bertino, Brecht Vandenbroucke, and Luke Pearson.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSApril7⅝ x 9⅞ | 176 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $29.95 | CAN $32.95978-1-907704-02-4 USC176 pages of stunning graphic short stories byleading comic <strong>book</strong> artists and illustrators.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies241

Nobrow PressQuodlibetKatja Spitzer and Sebastian GievertDESIGNJuly7⅛ x 9¾ | 60 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-907704-21-5 USCInspired by the late, great Georges Perec, who is famous for writing a <strong>book</strong>whose sole subject was the letter E, illustrator Katja Spitzer and freelancewriter Sebastian Gievert teamed up to tackle the letter Q.Katja explains that in the German language, as in English, Q is a rather peculiarletter. One of the rarest in the German language, Q is only given a fleetingposition in the Brockhaus Lexicon (an equivalent to our Encyclopaedia Britannica),a mere forty-five pages of Q words, falling somewhere in the middle of a volumeentitled PES–RAC, in spite of granting an individual volume to everyother letter in the alphabet. Feeling that the letter was given undue negligence,Katja took it upon herself to create the missing “Q” volume of the lexicon andthus Quodlibet was born. Translated from the German, this edition containsseveral new Q letter entries to replace those from the original text that didn’thave direct English language equivalents. Quodlibet covers everything from famousGrindhouse movie directors, to obscure eighteenth century dances, tonature’s marvels and ancient Chinese mythological beasts, each illustratedwith mastery in four unique spot colors.Katja Spitzer is a freelance illustrator in Berlin, Germany. Quodlibet, her finalmajor project at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, won her the prestigious3 x 3 Illustration Gold Medal in 2010.Sebastian Gievert is a freelance writer and journalist based in Berlin,Germany.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Social media campaignA Q-rated encyclopedia.242

Nobrow PressKlausRichard Short“One part Peanuts, one part Jim Woodring’s Frank, Klaus transplants the myogenicspirit of the classic strip comic into a new, slightly stranger yet similarlyrobust body. Like a Hunt 102-weilding Victor Frankenstein, Short isn’tafraid to experiment, and readers may soon find themselves absorbed in thewitty, contemplative, and warped world of cat-people, humanoid rodents,and metaphysical ruminations.”—Martin SteentonVisually informed by Richard Short’s love of classic comic strips, CharlesSchulz’ Peanuts, and Tove Jansson’s Moomins, Klaus explores the un-adventuresof the eponymous character, a pensive anthropomorphic cat; the inappropriatelyspecie-d romantic interests of a vexatious supporting cast of anthropomorphicrats; and Klaus’ libertarian doppelganger Otto. This sixty-pagecollection includes the best of Short’s short self-published comics togetherwith all-new never seen before material.Richard Short, originally a wills lawyer based in the northeast of England, recentlymade the unlikely but successful transition to cartoonist and illustrator.He lives in London, United Kingdom.In Klaus, best described as an adult-oriented version of Peanuts, we areintroduced to its eponymous protagonist, an exitentialist cat.HUMORJune6⅜ x 7⅛ | 64 ppB&W illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-907704-20-8 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Social media campaign243

Nobrow PressEverything We MissLuke Pearson“Everything We Miss is Luke Pearson’s breakthrough graphic novella, in whichhe brilliantly wrong-foots your every expectation, fluttering between surrealhumor and deep pathos and proving the unique visual-verbal alchemyof comics to capture the ephemeral and symbolize the rawest emotions.”—Paul Gravett, editor of 1001 Comics To Read Before You DieOn the dawn horizon, a pine tree all too briefly uproots itself. It dances . . . and nobody sees.The low drone of the car’s engine is heard and ignored from sleepy bedroom windows for miles around.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSJune6⅛ x 8⅞ | 38 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-1-907704-17-8 USCHave you ever wondered what goes on in your life when you’re looking theother way? Perhaps you’re so drawn into what’s going on with you that youfail to notice the events taking place in your periphery—or even right underyour nose? In Everything We Miss, Luke Pearson explores the dying days of a failingrelationship through the infinitesimal unseen moments that surroundit—and us. Pearson’s most ambitious project to date is a poignant and empatheticgraphic novella from one of the most exciting young creators in Britishcomics. As well as an essential showcase of Pearson’s astonishing visual storytellingability, this is a <strong>book</strong> for anyone who’s ever experienced loss, or agonizedabout what they have yet to find.Luke Pearson, a comic <strong>book</strong> artist, author, and illustrator, lives in Tamworth,United Kingdom.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Social media campaignA magical realist mini masterpiece by theUnited Kingdom’s rising star Luke Pearson.244

Nobrow PressBirchfield CloseJon McNaught“Birchfield Close is comics as a theme, a mood, poetry perhaps. Evoking so much,saying little on the surface, yet what the reader takes away is a profound senseof wonder. Beautiful.”—Forbidden PlanetIn his first graphic novella, Jon McNaught captures the beauty and peacefulnessof our childhood neighborhoods and transports us back to those clearevenings dotted with pink fluffy clouds and the sound of silence we have cometo yearn for after years of living in the bustle of the city.Jon McNaught is a comic <strong>book</strong> artist, printmaker, and freelance illustrator.He lives in Bristol, United Kingdom.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSApril4⅜ x 6⅞ | 30 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-0-9562135-7-0 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesJon McNaught’s acclaimed debut graphicnovel is a silent gem of visual poetry.Pebble IslandJon McNaught“Quiet, subtle, deeply felt. Gorgeously designed. Quintessentially British. Arare joy. Simply put—Jon McNaught is sublime.”—Seth, author of George Sprott,1894–1975Jon McNaught undertakes a thirty-eight-page graphic novel where he revisitshis youth in the bleak windswept Falkland Islands situated in the SouthAtlantic. In his trademark silent storytelling style he covers two separate narratives,Pebble Island and Broadcast, both set in these stark and unforgiving surroundingsthat nonetheless exude an air of tranquility.Jon McNaught is a comic <strong>book</strong> artist, printmaker, and freelance illustrator.He lives in Bristol, United Kingdom.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSJune6⅞ x 6⅞ | 38 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $16.50 | CAN $17.95978-1-907704-06-2 USCThirty-eight pages of atmospheric graphicstorytelling from the British masterof wordless comics hailedby Seth (Palookaville).245

Nobrow PressNo Man’s LandBlexbolexCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSJune7⅛ x 9½ | 140 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $21.95 | CAN $24.00978-1-907704-18-5 USCAuthor of the 2010 New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book Seasons(Enchanted Lion Books), Blexbolex’s No Man’s Land satirizes the mind’s abilityto seduce itself—mercilessly hurtling its hero around an implausible dreamlanddesigned to mask the processes of mortality. Blexbolex’s first full-lengthgraphic novel is as beautiful as it is disturbing.This <strong>book</strong> employs Nobrow’s spot color print process, only used by ahandful of publishers worldwide. The artisanal qualities of this method givethe <strong>book</strong>s a screenprinted feel that elevates them to another level of quality.Blexbolex is an illustrator and <strong>book</strong> artist living in Leipzig, Germany.Blexbolex’s first full lengthgraphic novel is as beautiful as itis disturbing; a must read!Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesSocial media campaignAbecederiaBlexbolexAn illustrated narrative set in a Film Noir style cleverly incorporates an alphabet<strong>book</strong> for adults. Blexbolex’s protagonists, Leon and Bernard Blanchett,two French gangsters, are hiding from an international arrest warrant in amysterious jungle in central Africa after a bank heist goes horribly wrong.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS | April | 5⅜ x 8⅛ | 32 pp | Color illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $12.00 | CAN $12.95 | 978-0-9562135-2-5 USCDogcrimeBlexbolexOur private eye protagonist is framed for a heinous crime. On the wrong sideof the law he runs for his life amid a conspiracy that will set off a war to ravagethe land. Printed in three spot colors, a style that Blexbolex has becomeso famous for.246COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS | May | 5⅜ x 8⅛ | 32 pp | Color illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $11.00 | CAN $11.95 | 978-0-9562135-6-3 USC

Nobrow PressThe Bento BestiaryBen Newman and Scott James DonaldsonIn the eighteenth century, Japanese artist Toriyama Sekien depicted each spiritof the Yokai tradition, an ancient race of demons whose descendants, Godzillaand Mothra, would later terrorize the earth. Now, two men re discover thenear-forgotten Yokai and return these ancient beasts to their former gloryin The Bento Bestiary. This beautiful <strong>book</strong> is manufactured using Nobrow’s renownedspot color print process.Scott James Donaldson is a writer living in Bristol, United Kingdom.Ben Newman is an illustrator and artist living in Bristol, United Kingdom.DESIGN / HUMORJuly6⅛ x 8⅞ | 34 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-1-907704-01-7 USCBen Newman and Scott James Donaldsonrevisit the seventeenth-century myriad ofghost and demons documented by ToriyamaSekien in beautiful, stunning color.People I’ve Never Met &Conversations I’ve Never HadNick WhiteCollages of vintage magazine cuttings and found materials create surreal,humorous imagery that evokes nostalgia for the golden years of printedephemera. Portraits of fictitious characters and graphical records of bizarreconversations that have never happened fill this colorful <strong>book</strong>. Nick Whiteskillfully creates playful anecdotes in his unique style.ART | July | 6⅛ x 8⅞ | 34 pp | Color illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $18.00 | CAN $19.95 | 978-0-9562135-1-8 USCAdaGertrude SteinIllustrated by AtakGertrude Stein wrote Ada in 1910 as a small portrait to honor the triumphsand ordeals of the life of her lover and companion Alice B. Toklas (1877–1967). Berlin based artist Atak revisits this classic “word portrait” with stunningcolor and bold illustration. Each <strong>book</strong> comes with a beautiful poster.POETRY / COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS | April | 5⅜ x 8⅛ | 32 ppColor illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $19.95 | CAN $21.95 | 978-1-907704-05-5 USC247

Recent & Recommended from Nobrow PressNobrow 1: Gods & MonstersEdited by Alex Spiro and Sam ArthurFeatures the work of twenty-four talented individuals from the fields of illustration,graphics, and animation, including Jordan Crane, Stuart Kolakovic,Jens Harder, and Benjamin Guedel. Printed in a limited edition of threethousand hand numbered copies in two spot colors.DESIGN | Available Now | 9½ x 13½ | 52 pp | Color illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $17.50 | CAN $19.50 | 978-0-9562135-0-1 USCNobrow 2: The JungleEdited by Alex Spiro and Sam ArthurAn all-star line up of thirty artists and illustrators, including a cover byBlexbolex and illustrations by Marc Boutavent, Henning Wagenbreth, PietariPosti, Paul Blow, and the emerging talents of Eda Akaltun, Jon Boam, andJack Teagle.DESIGN | Available Now | 9½ x 13½ | 60 pp | Color illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $17.50 | CAN $19.50 | 978-0-9562135-3-2 USCNobrow 3: Topsy TurvyEdited by Alex Spiro and Sam ArthurAfter enjoying the enthusiasm and excitement generated by our first twoissues we released our third issue with an ever more illustrious line up ofthe world’s foremost illustration talent, including: Atak, Olaf Hajek, BjornRune Lie, Christian Montenegro, Jakob Hinrichs, Jonny Hannah and ChrisBuzelli, Mike Bertino, Katia Fouquet, Stevie Gee, Luke Best and KarineBernadou. Issue three is a hand-numbered limited edition of three thousandcopies printed in four spot colors.DESIGN | Available Now | 8⅜ x 12¾ | 60 pp | Color illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $17.50 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-907704-00-0 USCNobrow 4: Night & DayEdited by Alex Spiro and Sam ArthurNobrow magazine, more <strong>book</strong> than magazine, has fast become a standard forany art director or illustration aficionado, displaying previously unpublishedexclusive work from the cream of the crop of the worldwide illustration scene.Featuring original work from the likes of Nora Krug, Stefanie Schilling,McBess, Michael Kirkham, Sean Hudson, Jim Stoten, Jack Teagle, TomRowe, and newcomers Till Hafenbrak, Ana Albero, Brecht Vandenbroucke,and many more, Nobrow 4 should surprise and please in equal measure.248DESIGN | Available Now | 8⅜ x 12¾ | 60 pp | Color illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $17.50 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-907704-08-6 USC

Recent & Recommended from Nobrow PressNobrow 5: A Few of My Favourite ThingsEdited by Sam Arthur and Alex SpiroThirty artists have been asked to create repeatable patterns from some of theirfavorite things. Features a cover by the amazing Micah Lidberg and illustrationsfrom Golden Cosmos, Lab Partners, Paul Paetzel, Matthew the Horse,Meg Hunt, and many more. Printed in a limited, hand-numbered edition ofthree thousand copies, Nobrow 5 is not only a beautiful publication, but also areal collector’s item.DESIGNAvailable Now8⅜ x 12¾ | 60 ppColor illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $17.50 | CAN $19.50978-1-907704-11-6 USCFormingJesse MoynihanSince the dawn of history, we have sought to understand our existencethrough creationist fables of omnipotent deities and mythical creatures. JesseMoynihan takes these fifty thousand years of socio-religious postulation andthrows them in the blender to create one epic—and irreverent—battle royalbetween alien gods, ancient Greek titans, interplanetary assassin droids, andhumanity itself. An eon-spanning comedy, Forming details the spawning ofworlds and the trajectory of consciousness on Earth. The first in a trilogy of<strong>book</strong>s, Nobrow collects the first volume of Moynihan’s acclaimed webcomic ina specially designed graphic novel with a foil debossed cloth spine.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAvailable Now7⅞ x 11⅞ | 112 ppColor illustrations throughoutPaper over Board US $29.95 | CAN $32.95978-1-907704-13-0 USC249

Recent & Recommended from Nobrow PressFight! #1Jack TeagleCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAvailable Now6⅜ x 9½ | 24 ppB&W illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $6.00 | CAN $6.50978-1-907704-16-1 USCKnown by hundreds of expectant fans as the malevolent “Diablo,” Lou is aprofessional wrestler at the pinnacle of his career. Every Thursday he battleshis enemy Savior—the golden-locked “good guy.” But Lou isn’t happy . . . yousee, both on and off stage, Lou has the appearance of a devil. However, youcould not find a milder mannered or gentler creature. Lou desperately yearnsto be appreciated for who he is on the inside; unfortunately being red andhaving horns doesn’t do him any favors.Jack Teagle has contributed to prestigious comics anthologies includingMcSweeney’s and A Graphic Cosmogony.Malevolent MelodyMcBessCOMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAvailable Now7⅛ x 7⅛ | 24 ppB&W illustrations throughoutBook & Music US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-0-9562135-4-9 USCIt’s rare that a comic <strong>book</strong> is given its own soundtrack, rarer still when thesoundtrack is written by the comic’s own illustrator! With Malevolent Melody,Mcbess has given us both in one neat package. The story centers on the exploitsof shipwrecked amnesiac McB, whose attempts to remember the melodyof a certain song trigger spontaneous choruses from pirates, alpine giants,and Amazonian women. Accompanied by a vinyl 7” featuring songs by Mcbess’band The Dead Pirates, the <strong>book</strong>’s pages are lit up by the pulsating rhythm andblues recorded to sync and mimic the comic’s storyline.250

Recent & Recommended from Nobrow PressOuroborosBen NewmanInspired by the mythical serpent Ouroboros, Ben Newman takes the readeron a wordless tale of action and adventure that juxtaposes brutal violence withecstatic comic exuberance. Our protagonist fights a band of rogue, thuggishbandits after they murder his newly beloved mermaid.Ben Newman has exhibited his work internationally and worked for a diverserange of clients including the Tate and Fantagraphics.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS | Available Now | Nobrow 17x23 | 6⅞ x 9⅛ | 24 ppColor illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $11.00 | CAN $11.95 | 978-0-9562135-5-6 USCJeff Job HunterJack TeagleJeff thinks he’s on his way to the Job Center to pick up his monthly welfarecheck when in fact he’s about to embark on a quest of Ulyssean proportions. AsJeff slashes and punches his way through the red tape and bureaucracy of theJob Center’s dungeon of terror, he approaches the terrifying Minotaur whomhe must defeat. Part of the Nobrow 17x23 series: a project aimed at nurturingtalented young graphic storytellers at the beginning of their careers.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS | Available Now | Nobrow 17x23 | 6⅞ x 9⅛ | 24 ppColor illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $11.00 | CAN $11.95 | 978-0-9562135-9-4 USCTemporamaClayton JuniorTemporama takes place in a city where, like any concrete jungle, technology favorsthe privileged and nature is quarantined like a virus. A silent picture storytold during one night of primal urges and strange happenings, Temporama is abeautifully simple tale told in Clayton Junior’s trademark bold graphic style.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS | Available Now | Nobrow 17x23 | 6⅞ x 9⅛ | 24 ppColor illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $11.00 | CAN $11.95 | 978-1-907704-07-9 USCThe New GhostRobert HunterA beautifully rendered, literally haunting tale of the afterlife, Robert Hunter’sThe New Ghost follows a spectral entity on his first day at work: dark, gentle, poetic,and heart-warming all at once, it is an atmospheric tale to dash the conventionsof comics and leave you thirsty for more from this young storyteller.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS | Available Now | Nobrow 17x23 | 6⅞ x 9⅛ | 24 ppColor illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $11.00 | CAN $11.95 | 978-1-907704-14-7 USC251

Recent & Recommended from Nobrow PressObsoleteMikkel SommerA violent drama unfolds as two weary soldiers fail to adapt to civilian life afterreturning home from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Neglected by the governmentand with no heroic memories or loving family members, they seek solacein alcohol, drugs, and nihilistic hedonism. Constantly haunted by nightmaresof their recent tumultuous pasts, they desperately struggle to stay on the surfaceof reality.COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAvailable NowNobrow 17x236⅞ x 9⅛ | 24 ppColor illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $11.00 | CAN $11.95978-1-907704-10-9 USCA visceral exploration of the traumasof conflict and the consequences theyhave for wider society.HildafolkLuke PearsonJUVENILE FICTIONAvailable Now6⅞ x 9⅛ | 24 ppColor illustrations throughoutSaddle-stitched US $11.00 | CAN $11.95978-1-907704-04-8 USC“Hilda is the little girl. And this is her folk tale. And pretty much everythingyou need to know about how good this is, is there on that absolutely gorgeouslydelightful cover above. By the end of it, you’ll have exactly the same smile asHilda has.”—Forbidden PlanetHilda sits in her tent listening to the thunder passing overhead when she hearsa bell. As she hurtles towards the vanishing tinkling sound, Hilda unwittinglyembarks on an adventure into strange worlds ruled by magical forces. LukePearson tells this exciting tale for kids and adults alike.A comic <strong>book</strong> great for kids or adults,filled with humor, adventure, and thrills.252

Nortia PressMalenaEdgardo David Holzman“Like a true tanguera, Holzman’s narrative ‘flicks and walks and pencil turns’with passion, authority and style.”—Meghan Nuttall Sayres, author of Anahita’sWoven Riddle and Night LetterSet in Buenos Aires and Washington, DC, during Argentina’s “Dirty War,”Malena is the story of ordinary lives ensnared in a web of hidden horror. KevinSolórzano (Solo) is an American interpreter who finds himself grappling withthe government atrocities he discovers, while Diego Fioravanti is an Argentinearmy captain who moonlights as a tango instructor. Rivals for the love of thesame woman, the two men find their parallel paths converging, as their journeyto the depths of the regime’s terror will sear their souls and challenge theirhumanity.Edgardo David Holzman is intimately familiar with Argentina’s military dictatorship,which serves as the backdrop for Malena. Born in Buenos Aires andcurrently living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Holzman has law degrees fromboth Argentina and the United States. As an attorney and translator, Holzmanhas worked on numerous human rights-related projects for international organizations,including the compilation of Nunca Más (Never Again), the 1984 reportof the Argentine National Commission on the Disappeared. Malena is hisdebut novel.FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 384 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-0-9842252-7-9 USCA story of love, tango, and tragedy set in Argentina’s darkest hour.Marketing PlansAdvanced reader copies• Public radio campaign• Author tour in the Northeast• Free PDF and eBook/Kindle format samplechapters• Promotion through: www.MalenaTheNovel.comAuthor EventsNew Haven, CT • Norfolk, CT •Westport, CT • Philadelphia, PAAuthor Hometown: Philadelphia, PA253

Nortia PressA Mouthful of DustA Portrait of a Writer in Search of His Own Red Badge of CourageDouglas SavageFICTIONJuneA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 296 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-0-9842252-8-6 USCA fictional portrait of famed writerStephen Crane—a young correspondentgrappling with death during theSpanish–American War.“Powerful and haunting. A tour de force.”—Perry Lentz, professor emeritus ofEnglish, Kenyon College“I loved the surprise ending and I think Crane would have, too.”—Linda H. Davis, author of Badge of Courage: The Life of Stephen CraneThrough historical fiction Douglas Savage has painted a psychological pictureof novelist Stephen Crane. Against the backdrop of the lush countryside andtreachery of Cuba just after the Spanish–American War, A Mouthful of Dust doeswhat no biographer can do—examine the heart and soul of a twenty-sevenyear-oldwriter grappling with his own death.Author Hometown: Canton, OHThe Terrorism LecturesJames J.F. ForestThe Terrorism Lectures is a collection of timely and engaging lessons directly fromthe classroom of terrorism expert James J.F. Forest. The <strong>book</strong> and accompanyingonline materials delve into the history of terrorism, its root causes, andits many forms and organizations, as well as the frameworks that analysts useto determine the scope of a terrorist threat.254POLITICAL SCIENCEAugustA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 352 ppTrade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $27.50978-0-9842252-9-3 USCThe authoritative compendiumfor students of terrorism andcounterterrorism.James J.F. Forest is an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts,Lowell, and a senior fellow with the Joint Special Operations University. From2001 to 2010 he served as director of terrorism studies at the US MilitaryAcademy at West Point.Marketing PlansFree sample chapters for download and sent by mailTargeted promotions for classroom adoptionPromotions and online materials through: www.TerrorismLectures.comAuthor Hometown: Lowell, MA

Ocean PressRemembering CheMy Life with Che GuevaraAleida MarchFor the first time, Aleida March evokes the memories of her partner, ErnestoChe Guevara. She describes their great romance and life together from thedays when they first met as fellow guerrillas in Cuba’s revolutionary war upto the tragic moment when she learned of Che’s assassination in Bolivia lessthan a decade later.As Che’s widow, Aleida writes with passion and poignancy of their sharedpolitical dreams for the future and their family. Never before have readersbeen offered such an intimate insight into the man behind one of the greatpolitical symbols of our time.Includes one hundred intimate photographs taken from the private familyalbums of Che with his children and his wife, including the last photographsof Che and Aleida together when Che had disguised himself in preparationfor his secret mission to Bolivia. Also includes facsimiles of postcards and lettersChe sent to his family from abroad, as well as poems written to Aleida anda moving short story sent from Africa.This <strong>book</strong> reveals Aleida’s own great strength and courage as she came toterms with her private loss while under the international spotlight of millionsof others who also mourned the death of a world-famous revolutionary, perhapscomparable to Yoko Ono after the death of John Lennon. She also describesher efforts to raise her four children as ordinary children despite theirfather’s legendary status in Cuba and abroad.Aleida March is currently the director of the Che Guevara Studies Center,Cuba.Che Guevara’s widow reveals the story of a great revolutionary romance,tragically cut short by Che’s assassination in Bolivia.Also Available in Spanish!BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / HISTORYJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 190 pp100 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-0-9870779-3-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-0-9870779-9-8 USCMarketing Plans15,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies available atALA • BEA • LASAEvocaciónMi vida al lado del CheAleida MarchSPANISH LANGUAGE /BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 191 pp100 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-921700-16-3 USCSpanish language• National advertising: Amazon •Mother Jones • NACLA • The Nation •The New York Times Book Review• National print and online campaign: extensivedirect mail to <strong>book</strong>stores, academics, andindividuals• Social media campaign• Blad available at BEA and ALA with excerptsand a selection of intimate family photos• Promotion through: www.ocean<strong>book</strong>s.com.au255

Ocean PressDiary of a CombatantFrom the Sierra Maestra to Santa Clara (Cuba: 1956–58)Ernesto Che GuevaraBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / HISTORYMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 300 pp58 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $23.95 | CAN $26.50978-0-9870779-4-3 USCeBook ISBN: 978-0-9870779-8-1 USCMarketing PlansThe publication of this title by Ocean Sur in Spanish in July 2011 provokedconsiderable international attention (including CNN). This never-beforepublisheddiary (comprising a dozen small note<strong>book</strong>s) Ernesto Che Guevarakept during the guerrilla war in Cuba when he joined the struggle to overthrowthe Batista dictatorship that led to the 1959 revolution has now beenmeticulously transcribed by his widow, Aleida March.Why did it take over fifty years for this diary to be published? Maybe becauseof some caustic comments Che makes in his usual brutally frank style.Maybe it was felt appropriate to wait until Fidel Castro had produced his ownmemoirs (now published by Ocean Press as The Strategic Victory).In launching the <strong>book</strong> in Havana in July 2011, editor María del CarmenAriet marked that it was “never clear whether or not Che wanted these diariespublished” as he had reworked several pieces into his famous Reminiscences of theCuban Revolutionary War, on which Steven Soderbergh based part one of his epicmovie Che, starring Benicio Del Toro.Nevertheless, all Che’s diaries—from his early Motorcycle Diaries and its sequel,Latin America Diaries, through to his last diary from Bolivia—are extraordinaryexamples of his literary gift and his political incisiveness, in terms ofhis personal reflections, his criticisms and self-criticism, and his observationsabout others and events.Other features of this new <strong>book</strong> are fifty-eight unpublished photographsfrom Che’s personal archive and unpublished letters (including correspondencebetween Che and Fidel), an index, and extensive glossary.Che Guevara’s original, unpublished diaries from theguerrilla war in Cuba’s Sierra Maestra.12,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies available atALA • BEA • LASA• Excerpts in: Harper’s Magazine• National advertising: Amazon • LASA Journal •The Nation • NACLA • Rain Taxi• National print and online campaign:direct mail to academics, individuals,<strong>book</strong>stores, and Latin America interest groups• Social media campaign• Promotion through: www.ocean<strong>book</strong>s.com.auAlsoAvailable256Latin America DiariesThe Sequel to The Motorcycle DiariesErnesto Che GuevaraBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY5½ x 8½ | 180 pp58 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-0-9804292-7-5 USCDiario de un combatienteErnesto Che GuevaraSPANISH LANGUAGE /POLITICAL SCIENCE8½ x 5½ | 300 pp58 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $23.95 | CAN $26.95978-1-921438-12-7 USCSpanish language

Paul Dry BooksWilling Dogs & Reluctant MastersOn Friendship and DogsGary BorjessonDogs are truly remarkable creatures. More than any other animal, they sharewith humans a deep interest in friendship, cooperation, and justice (perhapsthat’s why we love them so much). In Willing Dogs & Reluctant Masters, GaryBorjesson explores the source of—and justification for—our authority in themaster‐dog relationship while inviting readers to ponder the role of authorityin friendships among people as well.Dog owners will find this <strong>book</strong> a joy, as will all readers who enjoy philosophicallyand scientifically informed <strong>book</strong>s that treat big, fascinating ideas inan appealing narrative.Gary Borjesson teaches at St. John’s College.PETSJuneA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 180 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-58988-076-4 USCFor anyone who has owned, orbeen owned by (or simply known), a dog—an exploration of friendship and authority.Three Plays by Aristophanes:Peace, Birds, and WealthAristophanesTranslated by Thomas L. Pangle and Wayne AmblerThese three comedies provoke searching reflections on the religious natureof humanity. Thomas Lee Pangle holds the Joe R. Long Chair in DemocraticStudies at the University of Texas. Wayne Ambler is associate professor in theHerbst Program of Humanities for Engineers at the University of Colorado.DRAMA | June | A Paperback Original | 5 x 8 | 240 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50 | 978-1-58988-078-8 USCThe Magic Lantern of Marcel ProustA Critical Study of Remembrance of Things PastHoward MossIn this short, straightforward, and beautifully written guide, Howard Mossdeploys just the right touch of allure and explanation to enrich any reader’sexperience of Marcel Proust’s great novel.Howard Moss was poetry editor of The New Yorker from 1948 until his death in1987.LITERARY CRITICISM | July | A Paperback Original | 5 x 8 | 124 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | 978-1-58988-079-5 US257

Selected Backlist from Paul Dry BooksFrom Berlin to JerusalemMemories of My YouthGershom ScholemTranslated by Harry ZohnRELIGION5 x 8 | 178 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-58988-073-3 USCOn Jews andJudaism in CrisisSelected EssaysGershom ScholemRELIGION6 x 9 | 306 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.99978-1-58988-074-0 USCUnreasonable DoubtCircumstantial Evidence and anOrdinary Murder in New HavenNorma ThompsonLITERARY COLLECTIONS / TRUE CRIME6 x 9 | 207 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-58988-072-6 USCRight Off the BatBaseball, Cricket,Literature and LifeEvander Lomke and Martin RoweSPORTS & RECREATION5½ x 8½ | 220 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-58988-069-6 USThe Other Sideof the MirrorAn American Travels Through SyriaBrooke AllenTRAVEL5½ x 8½ | 259 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-1-58988-068-9 USCThe Logos of HeraclitusEva BrannPHILOSOPHY5 x 8 | 160 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-58988-070-2 US258

ProcessGet Your Pitchfork On!The Real Dirt on Country LivingKristy AthensFor hard-working office workers Kristy Athens and husband Michael, farmingwas a romantic dream. After purchasing farm land in Oregon’s beautifulColumbia Gorge, Athens and hubby were surprised to learn that the realitiesof farming were challenging and unexpected. Get Your Pitchfork On! provides thehard-learned nuts-and-bolts of rural living from city folk who were initiallyout of their depth. Practical and often hilarious, Get Your Pitchfork On! reads likea twenty-first century Egg and I.Get Your Pitchfork On! gives urban professionals the practical tools they need torealize their dream, with basics of home, farm, and hearth. It also enters territorythat other <strong>book</strong>s avoid—straightforward advice about the social aspectsof country living, from health care to schools to small-town politics.Kristy Athens doesn’t shy away from controversial subjects, such as havingguns and hiring undocumented migrant workers. An important differencebetween Get Your Pitchfork On! and other farm/country <strong>book</strong>s is that the author’sinitial country experiment failed. Ravaged by the elements, the economy, andthe social structure of their rural area, Athens and husband sold their farmand retreated to Portland, Oregon, in 2009. This gave Athens the freedom towrite honestly about her extraordinary experience.Having learned from mistakes, both Kristy and her husband are currentlysaving up to buy another farm, and this time to live a practical dream ratherthan an uninformed nightmare.Kristy Athens’ nonfiction and short stories have been published in a numberof magazines, newspapers, and literary journals, most recently High DesertJournal, Barely South Review, and the anthology Mamas and Papas. In 2010, she wasa writer-in-residence for the Eastern Oregon Writer-in-Residence programand Soapstone. This is her first <strong>book</strong>.A city girl’s straightforward and amusing advice aboutfarming and the social aspects of country living.HOUSE & HOMEAprilA Paperback OriginalProcess Self-reliance Series6 x 9 | 380 ppB&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-934170-34-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-934170-35-9 WMarketing PlansCo-op available• RTIR advertising• Online/social media campaign• PostcardsAuthor Hometown: Portland, OR259

Selected Backlist from ProcessThe Urban Homestead(Expanded andRevised Edition)Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Livingin the Heart of the CityKelly Coyne and Erik KnutzenHOUSE & HOME6 x 9 | 360 pp75 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $20.00978-1-934170-10-6 USCGetting OutYour Guide to Leaving America(Updated and Expanded Edition)Second EditionMark EhrmanEdited by Cletus NelsonTRAVEL6 x 9 | 350 ppB&W illustrations and charts throughoutTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $21.50978-1-934170-29-8 USCDepression 2.0Creative Strategies for ToughEconomic TimesCletus NelsonSELF-HELP6 x 9 | 240 pp12 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.00978-1-934170-06-9 USCPREPAREDNESS NOW!An Emergency Survival Guide(Expanded and Revised Edition)Second EditionAton EdwardsREFERENCE / MEDICAL6⅛ x 9⅛ | 350 pp75 B&W illustrations, charts, and graphsTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-934170-09-0 USCThe Natural KitchenYour Guide to the SustainableFood RevolutionDeborah Eden TullHOUSE & HOME6 x 9 | 250 pp60 color illustrations andduotone art throughoutTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $21.95978-1-934170-12-0 USCDemons in the Age of LightA Memoir of Psychosisand RecoveryWhitney RobinsonBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY /PSYCHOLOGY6 x 9 | 240 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-934170-27-4 USC260

Profile BooksIt Could Have Been YoursThe Enlightened Person’s Guide to theYear’s Most Desirable ThingsJolyon Fenwick and Marcus HusselbyFrom Silvio Berlusconi’s bed to Casanova’s memoirs via the Statue of Liberty’snose and an X-ray of Marilyn Monroe’s chest, here is a remarkable record ofsome of the most unexpected and sometimes bizarre possessions that havechanged hands in the last year—some costing millions, some only pennies.Ranging from historical artefacts (such as Marie Antoinette’s pearls) to theweirdly iconic (Elvis’ medicine cabinet), by turns ingenious, intriguing, andwitty, this is a brilliant insight into the culture of our time, packed with extraordinarythings to amuse, inspire, or amaze.Jolyon Fenwick and Marcus Husselby are the founders of 20ltd.com.ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLESAugust4½ x 7 | 128 ppTrade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-84668-490-6 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesPromotion through: www.20ltd.comThings you never knew you wanted—even if you could afford them.DirtThe Filthy Reality of Everyday LifeRosie Cox, Elizabeth Pisani, and Robin NagreOur relationship with dirt is complex and ambivalent. Dirt is waste, excrement,rubbish, bacteria—but what then is soil, where crops grow, and to whichour bodies eventually return? Dirt may pose significant risks to our health,but it is also vital to our existence.Lavishly illustrated, this exciting and often startling <strong>book</strong> is a provocativeintroduction to a vast and complex subject. Five writers and a graphic novelistpursue different themes from a range of perspectives in order to examinedirt and its contradictions, including personal grooming, the politics of dirtin the home, city sanitation, and waste disposal.HISTORYMayA Paperback Original7 x 9 | 256 pp166 color photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $38.50978-1-84668-479-1 USCMarketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesA provocative, startling, and fascinatingjourney into the murky world of dirt.261

Profile BooksThe Fetish RoomThe Education of a NaturalistRedmond O’Hanlon and Rudi Rotthier“A wonderful and fitting portrait of this complex brilliant writer and theforces that drive him.”—Financial TimesRedmond O’Hanlon is best known for his journeys into some of the mostremote jungles of the world. Here on this road trip with journalist RudiRotthier, O’Hanlon visits places from his dark childhood. With a fine sense ofthe comic and beautifully rendered observations of the people they encounter,this is a remarkably light-hearted, sensitive, and funny <strong>book</strong>.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-84668-414-2 USCRedmond O’Hanlon’s <strong>book</strong>s include Congo Journey, Into the Heart of Borneo, InTrouble Again,and Trawler.Rudi Rotthier is a Flemish journalist and author.Part biography, part musings on biologyand nature, The Fetish Room is a portraitof one of Britain’s greatest writers.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesMemoirs of a DervishSufis, Mystics and the SixtiesRobert Irwin“This is a brilliant, free-ranging, mind-enhancing, life-cautioning <strong>book</strong>.”—The IndependentBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 288 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-86197-991-9 USCIn the <strong>summer</strong> of 1964 Robert Irwin set off for Algeria in search of Sufi enlightenment.There he entered a world of marvels and ecstasy, converted toIslam, and received an initiation as a faqir. He learnt the rituals of Islam inNorth Africa and he studied Arabic in London.Political violence, torture, rock music, drugs, Oxbridge intellectuals, firstlove, and losses are all part of this story from the 1960s.Robert Irwin is one of the best known writers on the history and culture ofthe Islamic world.Robert Irwin’s fascinating journeybetween London and Algeria into the spiritand adventure of the 1960s.262Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copies

Profile BooksThe American PhoenixAnd Why China and Europe Will Struggle After the Coming SlumpCharles Dumas and Diana Choyleva<strong>2012</strong> will bring another global economic crisis. It could have been avoided ifAmerica and other deficit countries had embarked on currency devaluationand tighter domestic policy to sustain recovery and growth, but they didn’t.Savings-rich countries, notably China, have not helped.Charles Dumas and Diana Choyleva go on to argue that America willemerge from the slump in the strongest shape. These are precarious times. Tounderstand and prepare for them, this <strong>book</strong> will be invaluable.Charles Dumas is chairman of Lombard Street Research in London, UnitedKingdom.Diana Choyleva is a director of Lombard Street Research, based in HongKong, China.BUSINESS & ECONOMICSAvailable NowA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $25.50978-1-84668-564-4 USCMarketing PlansAdvance reader copiesPromotion through: www.lombardstreetresearch.comWhy we are in for another economicbust and who will come out of it best—and worst.Africa’s FutureDarkness to DestinyDuncan ClarkeAfrica remains in continuous transition. Many of its communities are basedaround ancient or feudal structures, while others have modernized but experiencedturbulent times. Modernity in Africa has largely been scattered andthinly rooted, but it now needs to be dynamic in order to sustain and enhancedevelopment for the future.In Africa’s Future: Darkness to Destiny, renowned African oil expert and economistDuncan Clarke provides a prism for understanding the continent’s complexhistory and important future in a clear and comprehensive fashion.Duncan Clarke is a leading thinker and speaker on the world/Africa oil game.BUSINESS & ECONOMICSJuly5½ x 8⅛ | 256 ppTrade Cloth US $32.95 | CAN $36.50978-1-84668-569-9 USCMarketing PlansAdvance reader copiesPromotion through: www.petro21.com/welcomeDuncan Clarke puts forward a uniquereformulation of Africa’s economicpast, present, and future, revealing thecontinent’s changing political landscape.263

Profile BooksSwiss MadeThe Untold Story Behind Switzerland’s SuccessJames Breiding and Gerhard SchwarzBUSINESS & ECONOMICSJuly7 x 10 | 416 ppTrade Cloth US $45.00 | CAN $49.50978-1-84668-586-6 USCWhy has Switzerland—a tiny, landlocked country with few natural advantages—become so successful for so long at so many things? In banking, pharmaceuticals,machinery, even textiles, Swiss companies rank alongside the biggestand most powerful global competitors. How did they get there? Can the Swisscontinue to perform in a hyper-competitive global economy?Swiss Made offers answers to these and many other questions about the countryas it describes the origins, structures, and characteristics of the most importantSwiss companies.James Breiding is the founder of Naissance Capital.Gerhard Schwarz teaches at the University of Zurich.From poverty to prosperity—a smallcountry’s remarkable achievement.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesOn the Fault LineManaging Tensions and Divisions within SocietiesEdited by Jeffrey Herbst, Terence McNamee,and Greg MillsSocieties in all countries are split by major divisions—or “fault lines”—causedby differences in race, religion, ethnicity, wealth, class, or power. Some areplainly evident, whereas others are more concealed and can erupt with littlewarning.In a world facing acute environmental, migration, and resource challengesthat can only exacerbate differences, this is an essential guide to understandinga phenomenon that all countries must grapple with in the twenty-firstcentury.POLITICAL SCIENCEAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $26.95 | CAN $29.50978-1-84668-588-0 USCJeffrey Herbst is the president of Colgate University, New York.Terence McNamee’s <strong>book</strong>s include Century and Decade (Phaidon Press).Greg Mills’ most recent <strong>book</strong> is Why Africa is Poor (Penguin Books).264Essential insight into the conflictswaiting to happen in every countrythroughout the world.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copies

PromopressBarcelona, SpainPromopress specializes in producing beautifully illustrated source <strong>book</strong>s on design for creativeprofessionals, design students, and artisans of all types that embrace a fresh eclectic approach tovisual culture and contemporary cutting-edge design.With a line of visual reference <strong>book</strong>s showcasing innovative works targeted towards the designcommunity and a range of more practical, accessible <strong>book</strong>s on the visual arts aimed at the moregeneral consumer, we offer something for everyone with a passion for design.We tirelessly track the best work from leading practitioners and emerging design pioneers acrossthe globe and strive to source fresh new ideas for our readers. Not only do we strive to create highquality <strong>book</strong>s, we also try to produce titles that break new ground in design. One of our mostinspiring <strong>book</strong>s out this season is Moving Graphics, exploring the new trends and technical advances inthe dynamic area of motion design, together with a CD. Another title of interest is Eco Architecture, aninsightful <strong>book</strong> that presents one thousand tips and ideas from one hundred leading architects onhow to achieve stylish and ecologically sound practices in contemporary building and design. Thisseason also sees the release of Mini Graphics 2, a remarkable exhibit of the most original projects fromtop international designers, showing how small-scale graphics can achieve high-impact visual results.From the latest trends in fashion, architecture, and packaging to the newest directions in theworld of graphics, visual communication, and illustration, we celebrate the world of art and design inall its forms and bring it closer to a wider audience. Our aim and commitment to produce the higheststandard of work make our <strong>book</strong>s timeless references and essential tools of choice for designers,students, and aficionados of the visual arts worldwide.Welcome to the Promopress <strong>spring</strong> <strong>2012</strong> program—be inspired!first season at Consortium

PromopressMoving GraphicsNew Directions in Motion DesignEdited by DopressDESIGNMay8⅞ x 8⅞ | 256 pp300 color photographsTrade Cloth & CD US $49.95 | CAN $54.95978-84-92810-46-8 USCAs moving visuals surround us in today’s digital age, motion graphics havebecome increasingly important in visual communication. Exploring the elementsof color, typography, movement, and sound across a wide range ofmedia, this <strong>book</strong> is an excellent showcase of the most visually powerful graphicsin the industry. A great reference for a new generation of multidisciplinarycreatives and artists, this <strong>book</strong> is a must-have for those working in broadcasting,animation, film, and television. Containing a CD with useful examplesof the work, features, and images from motion graphic professionals, MovingGraphics offers an in-depth look at this dynamic area of creative design.Explores the design elementsof color, typography, movement, andsound to a range of digital media—including film and television.Eco-Architecture1000 Ideas by 100 ArchitectsEdited by Marta SerratsARCHITECTUREApril9⅛ x 9⅛ | 320 pp1,000 color photographs, 100 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $49.95 | CAN $54.95978-84-92810-45-1 USCBuildings consume about a quarter of all energy produced, causing degradationof the environment, erosion, and water pollution through the excessiveuse of toxic materials. Fortunately there are countless ways in which buildingscan be designed to mitigate these negative impacts. Organized into chapterssuch as Heating and Cooling and Sustainable Materials, Eco-Architectureshows the way to more ecologically sound construction practices. Featuringone thousand ideas and tips from one hundred of the world’s leading “green”architects, this <strong>book</strong> is an invaluable source of information and insight intothis key subject and offers a generous photographic display of environmentallyfriendly designs with plans and original drawings.This <strong>book</strong> brings together the top onehundred experts in eco-architecture,revealing tips and ideas based on theirown professional experiences.266

PromopressWeb Design Source BookCristian CamposPacked with the most innovative and cutting-edge examples of web design,this <strong>book</strong> boasts an eclectic array of work from leading international designers.With a wealth of ideas on how to use color, text, layout, flash, and images,this <strong>book</strong> is a must-have resource for designers and enthusiasts of state-ofthe-artweb design.DESIGNJuneA Paperback Original7 x 8¾ | 192 pp300 color photographs, 100 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-84-92810-42-0 USCPacked with every conceivable formand style of web design, this <strong>book</strong> is anexciting overview of the state of the art incontemporary digital design for the internet.The Graffiti WallStreet Art from Around the WorldCompiled by Cristian CamposA fun and wide-ranging survey featuring three hundred photographs of urbanart from the most innovative graffiti and street artists from across the globe,this <strong>book</strong> includes never-before-seen graffiti artwork, stencils, and murals,making it a stunning source of visual inspiration to graphic designers, typographers,and street art aficionados.ARTMayA Paperback Original7 x 8¾ | 192 pp300 color photographs, 100 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-84-92810-44-4 USCThis cool and contemporary work willappeal not only to professional creativesbut also to graffiti fans across the globe.267

PromopressThe Human Anatomy Sketch<strong>book</strong>Edited by Cristian CamposThis practical <strong>book</strong> is the definitive guide on how to draw the human form,showing how to depict every part of the anatomy. Presenting a step-by-stepdetailed tutorial on how to capture the correct proportions, volume, anddepth for body parts, this <strong>book</strong> is ideal for professional designers and amateurenthusiasts.ARTJuneA Paperback Original7 x 8¾ | 192 pp300 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-84-92810-41-3 USCThe definitive comprehensiveguide on how to draw the human form,showing how to depict every partof the human anatomy.Tattoo MagicEdited by Cristian CamposOnce considered underground, tattoos have now entered into the mainstreamand have become hugely popular. Packed with over 350 color photographs,this <strong>book</strong> explores this extraordinary form of body decoration and showcasesa selection of creative designs from around the world, highlighting the creativityand flair of the artists featured.ARTJuneA Paperback Original7 x 8¾ | 192 pp350 color photographs,100 B&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.95978-84-92810-43-7 USCOffering an extensive and diversecollection of stunning designs, TattooMagic provides an international visualsurvey of creative body art at its very best.268

PromopressIn EffectGroundbeaking Finishes and Materials in Graphic DesignEdited by DopressIn Effect offers an unparallel selection of groundbreaking uses of materials,processes, and finishes in graphic design and packaging from an internationalselection of the most creative practitioners in the industry. From laser cutting,binding, and folding to letterpress, ink, embossing, and lamination,this cutting-edge work explores fresh approaches and new ways of thinkingfor designers working in graphic design and packaging. Showcasing pioneeringexamples of innovative materials and technology in design using a wide varietyof techniques, this <strong>book</strong> is essential for all graphic designers wanting tostretch their skills to the limit, find fresh inspirations, and design solutionsfor their artwork.DESIGNMay7⅞ x 10⅝ | 272 pp500 color photographs,color illustrations throughoutTrade Cloth US $49.95 | CAN $54.95978-84-92810-47-5 USCAn unparalled selection of groundbeakinguses of materials, processes, and finishesin graphic design and packaging fromaround the world.Mini Graphics 2Maximum Impact in a Mini FormatEdited by SanduThis remarkable work presents a stunning compilation of some of the most innovativemini-sized graphics, created by some of the most influential graphicdesigners across the globe. Displaying a diverse range of cutting-edge work,this inspirational visual guide, the second volume in the series, has a wealth ofingenious ideas for designing small-scale graphics in limited spaces, ideal forbusiness and greeting cards, invitations, tags, calendars, marketing material,labels, logos, stickers, tags, and stationery. Featuring interviews with leadingdesign studios, this <strong>book</strong> also includes helpful information about the designers,their clients, and the creative process behind each project.DESIGNApril7⅜ x 9 | 384 pp750 color photographsTrade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $65.95978-84-92810-40-6 USCA stunning eclectic showcase ofinnovative graphics in a mini format,demonstrating the huge visual impactof small-scale design.269

Recent & Recommended from PromopressPatternmaking in PracticeA Step by Step GuideLucia Mors de CastroThis authoritative and user-friendly <strong>book</strong> provides the essential know-howfor anyone taking their first steps in fashion design and provides indispensabletips and tools for more experienced practitioners. A fully illustratedstep-by step guide with simple text explains the basic foundations to puttingtogether key fashion pieces from scratch.DESIGN / FASHION | Available Now | 8¼ x 10½ | 120 pp | 300 color photographsTrade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $27.50 | 978-84-92810-07-9 USCPicnicPop-Folk Contemporary IllustrationRetina and RetinetteA visual celebration of retro illustration and modernist graphic design reinventedby nearly forty international artists, Picnic recalls the traditional, moreartisanal styles of iconic graphic designers such as Saul Bass and Friz Freleng,showcasing a stunning presentation of artwork featuring silkscreen printing,hand lettering, collage, and typography, with a contemporary twist.DESIGN | Available Now | 8⅜ x 10¼ | 272 pp | 200 color photographsTrade Cloth US $49.95 | CAN $54.95 | 978-84-92810-17-8 USCFuture FashionInnovative Materials and TechnologyMacarena San MartinFeaturing the work of fashion-forward international designers such as SandraBacklund and Martin Margiela, this startling <strong>book</strong> explores in depth theradical new innovations in fashion technology and exciting trends in materialset to change the face of fashion. Packed with information on the hottest newstories in the textile industry.DESIGN / FASHION | Available Now | 8½ x 11¼ | 240 pp | 700 color photographsTrade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $43.95 | 978-84-936408-8-0 USCRunway UncoveredThe Making of a Fashion ShowEster VilasecaThe definitive story of the making of an international fashion show, RunwayUncovered reveals the creative process behind the scenes and unveils neverbefore-seenimages of the catwalk backstage. Including interviews with topfashion editors, stylists, designers, and photographers, this <strong>book</strong> is a go-to resourceand the perfect read for fashionistas.270DESIGN / FASHION | Available Now | 6⅞ x 8⅞ | 192 pp | 200 color photographsTrade Paper US $29.95 | $32.95 | 978-84-92810-06-2 USC

Recent & Recommended from PromopressPage UnlimitedInnovations in Layout DesignEdited by SanduA comprehensive guide to page design, Page Unlimited reviews creative approachesto form, structure, type, color, and image in layouts. Showcasing astriking selection of projects from the world’s most influential designers, this<strong>book</strong> is an international survey of current editorial design and directionaltrends in print media.DESIGN | Available Now | 8⅝ x 8⅝ | 256 ppTrade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $65.95 | 978-84-92810-24-6 USCRelogoRe-designing the BrandEdited by SanduThis <strong>book</strong> offers the designer an essential guide on how to reinvent the imageof a corporation, organization, or product while still keeping intact the essentialelements of the logo which first established the company as a brand.In this unique showcase, we discover myriad examples of how designers havesubtly modified logos to update corporate identity and image or reposition aproduct.DESIGN | Available Now | 7½ x 9½ | 272 pp | 500 color photographsTrade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $65.95 | 978-84-92810-28-4 USCCuratedA New Experience in Retail DesignEdited by SanduThis <strong>book</strong> focuses on the current minimalist, gallery/store trend in commercialdesign and decoration. Curated explores the close affinity between fashionand art in a modern, utilitarian minimalist setting. This work features informationand interviews with the designers; technical drawing plans; and an explanationof the concept, creative process, and personal vision behind thedesign of each space.DESIGN / ARCHITECTURE | Available Now | 8½ x 11 | 240 pp | 350 color photographsTrade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $65.95 | 978-84-92810-25-3 USCFontologyFree Fonts Source BookMaia FranciscoThe font is the ultimate graphic design tool for designers, and this visualsource <strong>book</strong> with accompanying CD includes a collection of fonts and theirapplications to provide inspiration for their artwork. Fontology is an engagingreference for creatives and anyone interested in the story of type and visualculture.DESIGN | Available Now | 7¼ x 8¼ | 240 pp | 250 color photographsTrade Paper & CD US $34.95 | CAN $38.50 | 978-84-92810-09-3 USC271

Promopress Backlist1,000 Contemporary Silhouette DesignsDavid Arocha Jimenez and Antonio Triviño FuentesTrade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $33.50978-84-935438-6-0 USCBeatulona: Designs for HistoryEdited by Brrothers Art DirectionSlipcased US $24.95 | CAN $27.95978-84-92810-23-9 USCGraphic Fashion: Design, Illustration & TrendsLa SantaTrade Cloth US $45.00 | CAN $50.50978-84-936408-6-6 USCGraphics Reloaded: Reconstructing the GraphicJuan CardosaTrade Paper & CD US $34.95 | CAN $38.50978-84-936408-1-1 USCImago MundiSonia Diaz and Gabriel MartinezTrade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $44.95978-84-936408-2-8 USCImprint: Innovative Book and Promo DesignEdited by SanduTrade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $66.95978-84-92810-27-7 USCLogomaniaPreface by Carlo BranzagliaCloth Text US $24.95 | CAN $27.95978-84-936508-4-1 USCmini graphics: Maximum impact in a mini formatPreface by Ian LynamTrade Cloth US $49.95 | CAN $51.50978-84-92810-12-3 USCPictopia: Radical Design in a Brave New WorldUn Mundo FelizTrade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $33.50978-84-935438-7-7 USCPromotional Packaging and Design:Creative Concepts, Foldings, and TemplatesChristian CamposTrade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $43.95978-84-936508-1-0 USC272

Pushkin PressLondon, England“Uncork your best Tokay to toast the Pushkin Press.”—Alberto ManguelPushkin Press publishes translations of classic and contemporary literature that change the way youlook at the world.Although we are justly proud of our Anglo-Saxon traditions of fiction writing, we tend to ignorethe parallel universes of non-Anglophone writing. Literature from other cultures often demonstratesa willingness to embrace emotions and passions eschewed by the Anglophone sensibility. It not onlyoffers us alternative visions of the world, but also of ourselves. This cultural exchange strengthensand enriches our own literary tradition.Against all commercial odds, we choose to publish translations of foreign-language classics as wellas to champion young contemporary writers who we believe reflect the extraordinary qualities of theirillustrious predecessors. That’s why you’ll find a first-time writer such as the Tuscan Filippo Bologna,or Campiello Europa prize-winner Pietro Grossi, rubbing shoulders with literary luminaries suchas Hermann Hesse, Italo Svevo, and Stefan Zweig. It’s also why Philip Pullman described our list as“one of the most imaginative and eclectic I’ve seen. . . . A small box full of treasure.”Every <strong>book</strong> Pushkin Press publishes involves passion in some form or other. There is that of theenthusiast who inspired us to publish the esoteric and little-known masterpiece (take Antal Szerb’sJourney by Moonlight, now our most successful title); there is the undeniable passion for life and love thatall our authors evoke; and there is our undiminished passion for the <strong>book</strong>s we produce.We strive to publish <strong>book</strong>s that will enthrall, delight, and linger in our readers’ thoughts long afterthey have closed our small, beautiful volumes.first season at Consortium

Pushkin PressThree LivesA Biography of Stefan ZweigOliver MatuschekTranslated by Allan Blunden“It will definitely be regarded as the authoritative Stefan Zweig biography inthe future.”—Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungThis is the authorized biography of the world-famous Austrian writer StefanZweig. It includes the sort of personal detail conspicuously absent fromZweig’s memoir The World of Yesterday, offering us a glimpse into the privateworld of this master of psychological insight. Drawing on a wealth of sourcesheld by the Zweig estate, to which Oliver Matuschek had unique access, he recountsthe eventful life of a writer spoilt by success, which changed directionunder the influence of contemporary events and ended tragically in a suicidepact with his second wife Lotte. The title Three Lives refers to the three majorphases in Zweig’s life—his years of apprenticeship, his years of success as a professional“working writer” in Salzburg, and finally his years of exile in Britain,the United States, and Brazil.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYMay6⅛ x 9¼ | 512 pp30 B&W photographsTrade Cloth US $26.00 | CAN $28.50978-1-906548-29-2 USCOliver Matuschek studied politics and modern history, has co-authored severaldocumentaries, and has published numerous works, most recently I Knowthe Magic of Writing: Catalogue and History of the Autograph Collection of Stefan Zweig (2005).Drawing on a wealth of new sources, this authorized biography shedslight on the troubled life of the world-famous Austrian author.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaignAlsoAvailable274MagellanStefan ZweigTranslated by Eden Paul and Cedar PaulBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY5 x 7⅞ | 272 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-906548-49-0 USCMary StuartStefan ZweigTranslated by Eden Paul and Cedar PaulBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY5 x 7⅞ | 416 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-906548-37-7 USC

Pushkin PressAn Open SecretCarlos GamerroTranslated by Ian BarnettDarío Ezcurra is one of the thousands of Argentinians unlucky enough to be“disappeared” by the military government—murdered by the local chief of policewith the complicity of his friends and neighbors.Twenty years later, young Fefe returns to the town where Darío met his fateand attempts to discover how the community let such a crime happen. Lies,excuses, and evasions ensue—desperate attempts to deny the guilty secret ofwhich the whole community is afraid.Carlos Gamerro lives in Buenos Aires and has published five novels, a <strong>book</strong>of short stories, and numerous works of literary criticism.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaign • Social media campaignFICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5 x 7⅞ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-906548-48-3 USCCarlos Gamerro examines the effectsof Argentina’s 1970s military regime,portraying a nation’s loss through thestory of one man’s murder.The Writing of ArtOlivier BerggruenThis collection of essays offers different ways of seeing twentieth-century artvia the medium of aesthetics. Each essay explores a different vision: PabloPicasso’s Mercure, Paul Klee’s work from the thirties, Yves Klein’s conceptof the Void, Ed Ruscha’s gunpowder drawings, and Cy Twombly’s Bacchuspaintings. Having curated exhibitions on the majority of these artists, OlivierBerggruen’s acquaintance with their work is profound, and his approach bothscholarly and highly intimate.Olivier Berggruen lives in New York and has curated museum exhibitionsdevoted to Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Yves Klein, Jean-Michel Basquiat,and Ed Ruscha.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and online campaignSocial media campaignOutreach to art publications and websitesAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NYARTAprilA Paperback Original5⅞ x 7¾ | 120 pp30 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-906548-62-9 USCOlivier Berggruen’s essays onaesthetics dissect some of the twentiethcentury’s greatest art.275

Pushkin PressThe Juniper Tree and Other TalesThe Brothers GrimmTranslated by Anthea BellA beautiful edition of classic fairy and folk tales selected, edited, and translatedby the award-winning translator Anthea Bell. This volume contains asmall but representative selection from the Brothers Grimm’s Children’s andHousehold Tales, the most famous and influential of all the nineteenth-centuryfolklore collections.FICTION | May | A Paperback Original | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50 | 978-1-906548-68-1 USCTender ShootsPaul MorandTranslated by Euan CameronForeword by Marcel ProustClarissa, Delphine, and Aurora—three alluring and independent young women—are the titles of three short stories that Paul Morand composed during theFirst World War and set in London, a city of constant fascination to him.Stylish, poetic, and highly original, these urbane and witty stories boast aforeword by Marcel Proust.FICTION / SHORT STORIES | May | A Paperback Original | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $12.95 | 978-1-906548-65-0 USCThe Man Who Walked through WallsMarcel AyméTranslated by Sophie LewisMarcel Aymé’s most celebrated tale provides the title of this collection of tenshort stories. The excellent Monsieur Dutilleul is able to penetrate walls, butnever exploits his gift until his tyrannical boss drives him to desperate measures.How will the unassuming clerk adjust to a glamorous life of crime?FICTION / SHORT STORIES | July | A Paperback Original | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50 | 978-1-906548-64-3 USCRecipes for Sad WomenHéctor AbadTranslated by Anne McleanNo one knows the recipe for happiness—and yet Héctor Abad offers us a wholevolume. His recipes, at times bizarre, at times wise, appear able to cure almostanything. With ingenuity and subtle humor, Abad proffers practical advice onhow to eschew sadness, attract joy, and retain delight.276LITERARY COLLECTIONS / ESSAYS | August | A Paperback Original | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $13.00 | CAN $14.50 | 978-1-906548-63-6 USC

Recent & Recommended from Pushkin PressThe Allure of ChanelPaul MorandTranslated by Euan Cameron“Reads beautifully. . . . The closest anyone can get to a face-to-face with Coco.”—The SpectatorIn her own words, Coco Chanel tells us about her friendships, the men inher life, her philosophy of fashion, and the story behind the legendary N° 5perfume.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY | Available Now | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 180 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50 | 978-1-901285-98-7 USCPetersburgAndrei BelyTranslated by John Elsworth“The most important, most influential, and most perfectly realized Russiannovel written in the twentieth century.”—The New York Times Book ReviewIntertwining the worlds of history and myth, Petersburg is a story of apocalypseand redemption played out through family dysfunction, conspiracy, andmurder.FICTION | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 560 ppTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95 | 978-1-906548-43-8 USCFistsPietro GrossiTranslated by Howard CurtisWinner of the 2010 Campiello Europa Prize.“The greatest addition to Italian literature for a very long time.”—Il DomenicaleThree stories, three portraits of young men learning the realities of adultlife. Characters, bound together by fate, struggle to find meaning in humanexistence.FICTION | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50 | 978-1-906548-38-4 USCThe Silence of MohammedSalim BachiTranslated by Sue RoseShortlisted for the Prix Goncourt and the Prix Renaudout.Before he became the prophet of Islam, Mohammed was a simple man of fleshand blood. Based on history and legends, the novel presents a fictionalized accountof “this exceptional man,” told by key charaters in his life.FICTION | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 352 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95 | 978-1-906548-44-5 USC277

Recent & Recommended from Pushkin PressSelected StoriesStefan ZweigTranslated by Anthea Bell and Eden and Cedar Paul“Zweig is the most adult of writers; civilized, urbane, but never jaded orcynical.”—The IndependentA new selection of Stefan Zweig’s most powerful novellas: Fantastic Night, Letterfrom an Unknown Woman, The Fowler Snared, The Invisible Collection, Buchmendel, andTwenty-four Hours in the Life of a Woman.FICTION | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95 | 978-1-906548-22-3 USCAmok and Other StoriesStefan ZweigTranslated by Anthea BellA wonderful collection of four Stefan Zweig novellas: Amok, The Star Above theForest, Leporella, and Incident on Lake Geneva. Zweig’s four tragic and moving cameosof the human condition are played out against cosmopolitan and colonialbackgrounds in the first half of the twentieth century.FICTION | Available Now | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 144 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50 | 978-1-901285-66-6 USCBurning SecretStefan ZweigTranslated by Anthea BellA lonely twelve-year-old boy becomes infatuated by a suave and mysteriousbaron who has set out to seduce the boy’s mother. A study of childhood onthe brink of adolescence and a boy’s uncontrollable jealousy and feelings ofbetrayal.FICTION | Available Now | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.95 | 978-1-901285-85-7 USCFearStefan ZweigTranslated by Anthea Bell“A perfect translation of a near-perfect novella of bourgeois adultery andguilt.”—Jonathan Bate, The Times Literary Supplement, Book of the Year 2010Irene Wagner starts an affair with a young pianist. When she finds herselfblackmailed by her lover’s former mistress, Irene is soon in the grip of an agonizingfear.278FICTION | Available Now | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 112 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95 | 978-1-906548-18-6 USC

Recent & Recommended from Pushkin PressJourney by MoonlightAntal SzerbTranslated by Len Rix“No one who has read it has failed to love it.”—Nicholas Lezard, Guardian“Szerb belongs with the master novelists of the twentieth century.”—Paul Bailey, Daily TelegraphWhile on his honeymoon in Italy, Mihály “loses” his bride at a provincial stationand embarks on a chaotic and bizarre journey that leads him finally to Rome.FICTION | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95 | 978-1-901285-50-5 USCLove in a BottleAntal SzerbTranslated by Len Rix“May Szerb’s re-entry into our literary pantheon be definitive.”—Alberto Manguel, Financial TimesThis selection of stories and novellas, set variously in mythical times and inthe London and Paris of the twenties and thirties, reflects Antal Szerb’s loveof life and his irrepressible irony.FICTION | Available Now | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95 | 978-1-906548-28-5 USCThe Pendragon LegendAntal SzerbTranslated by Len Rix“An absolute treat, deliciously ludic, to be read with a big smile on your facethroughout.”—Nicholas Lezard, GuardianJanos Bátky is invited by the eccentric Earl of Gwynedd to Pendragon Castle.There he finds himself subject to a bizarre world of mysticism and romance,science and murder.FICTION | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95 | 978-1-901285-89-5 USCThe Queen’s NecklaceAntal SzerbTranslated by Len RixIn August 1785, Paris buzzed with a scandal that had everything—an eminentchurchman, a female fraudster, a part-time prostitute, and the hated Queenherself. In this unusual, witty, and often surprising version of the story ofMarie Antoinette’s necklace, Antal Szerb uses the narrative as a standpointfrom which to survey an entire age.HISTORY | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50 | 978-1-906548-61-2 USC279

Recent & Recommended from Pushkin PressThe Fascination of EvilFlorian ZellerTranslated by Sue DysonWhen the narrator receives an invitation to visit Egypt as the guest of theFrench Embassy in Cairo, he anticipates a boring week of literary discussionsand official dinners. He certainly does not foresee the extraordinary eventsthat will ultimately lead to murder.FICTION | Available Now | 4⅞ x 7⅝ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95 | 978-1-906548-04-9 USCThe Light in BetweenMaria Caracciolo ChiaTranslated by Howard CurtisBased on a collection of letters lost for almost a century, this is the story of alove affair between an Italian princess and Futurist painter Umberto Boccioni,which also provides a wonderful vignette of an extraordinary period in history.LITERARY COLLECTIONS | Available Now | 5 x 7⅞ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95 | 978-1-906548-27-8 USCThe Jumping Frog and Other StoriesMark TwainA much-celebrated jumping frog, the lack of literature in a gold-miningtown, and castaways who eat their own shoes to survive are among the subjectstreated in this volume.Capturing the light and humorous spirit of Mark Twain’s early work, thesesketches became immensely popular and launched the author’s fame.FICTION | Available Now | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50 | 978-1-901285-93-2 USCLetters to Isabella Stewart GardnerHenry JamesEdited by Rosella Mamoli ZorziSurrounded by artists, writers, and musicians—her court in Boston as inVenice—Isabella Stewart Gardner, the passionate art collector, was as reveredand sought after as royalty. These letters add another dimension to what weknow of Henry James’s relationship with Venice, and with the fascinating Mrs.Gardner.280LITERARY COLLECTIONS | Available Now | 4⅝ x 6⅜ | 336 ppTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95 | 978-1-901285-83-3 USC

Backlist Pushkin from Press Pushkin Backlist PressAgainst VeniceRegis DebrayTranslated by John HoweTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-901285-40-6 USCThe Age of FlowersUmberto PastiTranslated by Alistair McEwenTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-47-5 USCAguaEduardo BertiTranslated by Alexander Cameron and Paul BuckTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-42-0 USCThe Allure of ChanelPaul MorandTranslated by Euan CameronTrade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $33.50978-1-906548-10-0 USCAlphabet of the NightJean-Euphèle MilcéTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-901285-76-5 USCAmedeo Modigliani:An Uncannily Strange and Brief LifeVelibor ČolićTranslated by Celia HawkesworthTrade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $12.99978-1-906548-45-2 USCAndreasHugo von HofmannsthalTranslated by Marie HottingerAfterword by Olivier BerggruenTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-901285-01-7 USCAnthology of ApparitionsSimon LiberatiTranslated by Paul Buck and Catherine PetitTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN 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CAN $18.95978-1-901285-03-1 USCA Dark StrangerJulien GracqTranslated by Christopher MoncrieffTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-901285-82-6 USCDiary of a SeducerSoren KierkegaardTranslated by Alastair HannayTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-906548-03-2 USCDyingArthur SchnitzlerTranslated by Anthea BellTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-901285-74-1 USCEcstasyLouis CouperusTranslated by Teixteira de Mattos and John GrayTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-901285-02-4 USCAn Education in HappinessFlavia ArzeniTranslated by Howard CurtisTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-906548-11-7 USCEnvyAlain ElkannTranslated by Alastair McEwenTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-901285-81-9 USCFranziskaErnst WeissTranslated by Anthea BellTrade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $18.95978-1-901285-78-9 USCFraulein ElseArthur SchnitzlerTranslated by F H LyonTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-901285-06-2 USCThe French FatherAlain ElkannTranslated by Alastair McEwenTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-906548-34-6 USCThe Game of CardsAdolph SchröderTranslated by Andrew BrownTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $21.50978-1-901285-71-0 USCGlimpses of the MoonEdith WhartonTrade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $25.50978-1-901285-56-7 USCThe Governess and Other StoriesStefan ZweigTranslated by Anthea BellTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-906548-35-3 USCHecate and Her DogsPaul MorandTranslated by David CowardTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-901285-80-2 USCHow I Lost the WarFilippo BolognaTranslated by Howard CurtisTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-906548-36-0 USCHymn to Old AgeHermann HesseTranslated by David Henry WilsonTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-906548-32-2 USCI Was Behind YouNicolas FarguesTranslated by Sue RoseTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-906548-05-6 USCInevitableLouis CouperusTranslated by Paul VincentTrade Paper US $10.00 | CAN $11.50978-1-901285-59-8 USCThe InheritancePeter Stephan JungkTranslated by Michael HofmannTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-906548-20-9 USCJarmilaErnst WeissTranslated by Rebecca Morrison andPetra Howard-WuerzTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-901285-29-1 USCThe Journal of Julius RodmanEdgar Allan PoeAfterword by Michael DavidTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-95-6 USCJourney of the DeadFrançois AugiérasTranslated by Christopher MoncrieffTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-906548-42-1 USCA Journey to Mount AthosFrançois AugiérasTranslated by Christopher Moncrieff and Sue DysonTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.95978-1-901285-39-0 USCLaura: A Journey into the CrystalGeorge SandTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-51-2 USCLetter to a HostageAntoine de Saint-ExupéryTranslated by Jacqueline GerstTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-906548-01-8 USCLetters to the Palazzo BarbaroHenry JamesEdited by Rosella Mamoli ZorziTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-07-9 USCA LifeItalo SvevoTranslated by Archibald ColquhounTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-62-8 USCLovers or Something Like ItFlorian ZellerTranslated by Sue DysonTrade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $24.50978-1-901285-52-9 USCLoving VenicePetr KrálTranslated by Christopher MoncrieffTrade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $12.99978-1-906548-47-6 USC281

Pushkin Press BacklistMagellanStefan ZweigTranslated by Eden Paul and Cedar PaulTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-906548-49-0 USCThe Man who Sees GhostsFriedrich von SchillerTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-12-3 USCMary StuartStefan ZweigTranslated by Eden Paul and Cedar PaulTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50978-1-906548-37-7 USCMemoirs of Joseph GrimaldiCharles DickensTrade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $25.50978-1-901285-94-9 USCThe Moonstone LegacyDiana de Gunzburg and Tony WildTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-906548-21-6 USCThe Nutcracker and The Strange ChildE. T. A. HoffmannTranslated by Anthea BellTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-906548-31-5 USCOliver VIIAntal SzerbTranslated by Len RixTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-901285-79-6 USCOliver VIIAntal SzerbTranslated by Len RixTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-901285-90-1 USCThe Other SleepJulien GreenTranslated by Euan CameronTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-28-4 USCPhilosophy for Polar ExplorersErling KaggeTranslated by Kenneth StevenTrade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $24.50978-1-901285-69-7 USCPsycheLouis CouperusTranslated by B.S. BerringtonTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-901285-21-5 USCRendezvous in VenicePhilippe BeaussantTranslated by Paul Buck and Catherine PetitTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-55-0 USCRock CrystalAdalbert StifterTranslated by Elizabeth Mayer and Marianne MooreTrade Paper US $10.00 | CAN $11.50978-1-901285-27-7 USCSonnetsWilliam ShakespeareTrade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $18.95978-1-901285-99-4 USCThe Sorcerer’s ApprenticeFrançois AugiérasTranslated by Sue DysonTrade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95978-1-901285-44-4 USCA Sorrow Beyond DreamsPeter HandkeTranslated by Ralph MannheimTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-901285-17-8 USCThe Necklace; The PearlsGuy de Maupassant; Isak DinesenTranslated by Jonathan SturgesTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-906548-02-5 USCTwilight, Moonbeam AlleyStefan ZweigTranslated by Anthea BellTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-901285-57-4 USCVenicesPaul MorandTranslated by Euan CameronAfterword by Olivier BerggruenTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $22.50978-1-901285-41-3 USCWondrak and other storiesStefan ZweigTranslated by Anthea BellTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-901285-86-4 USCWorking KnowledgePetr KrálTranslated by Frank WynneIntroduction by Milan KunderaTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.95978-1-901285-73-4 USC282

Redleaf PressTeaching in the Digital AgeSmart Tools for Age 3 to Grade 3Brian PuerlingForeword by Chip Donohue, PhDThe use of tablets, digital cameras, webcams, and other technology is the newnormal in many classrooms. Teaching in the Digital Age provides teachers and administratorsof young children with innovative strategies to embrace and integratetechnology in to the classroom. It explores the many ways technology,such as tablet computers, MP3s, videos, photographs, audio recordings, webcams,projectors, and publication and presentation tools, can be used to enhancea classroom’s complete curriculum and assessment. Tips for using thesetools are included, as well as learning activities, worksheets, resources, and aframework to plan, evaluate, and reflect upon the learning experiences. Thisresource will help early childhood educators not only add technology to theclassroom, but also embed it across the curriculum.Brian Puerling is the technology coordinator and curriculum specialistat Catherine Cook School in Chicago, Illinois. He is active in the ChicagoMetro Association for the Education of Young Children and is a member ofthe National Association for the Education of Young Children Technologyand Young Children Interest Forum. Brian was the recipient of the PBSInnovative Educator Award and PBS Teacher’s Choice Award in 2010.Innovative strategies that help earlychildhood educators utilize the latest technology to teach,document, assess, and exhibit children’s learning.EDUCATIONMay8 x 10 | 200 ppColor photographs throughoutTrade Paper US $39.95978-1-60554-118-1 USMarketing Plans• Author presentations at regional and nationalearly childhood conferencesAuthor Hometown: Chicago, IL283

Redleaf Press200 Essential Preschool ActivitiesJulienne M. OlsonEDUCATIONJuneA Paperback Original8½ x 11 | 232 ppTrade Paper US $19.95978-1-60554-104-4 US200 Essential Preschool Activities promotes children’s learning, helps improve theirfunctional skills, and encourages interaction in the classroom. This resourceprovides preschool, pre-kindergarten, and student teachers with an abundanceof developmentally appropriate lessons, all developed by the authorand used in her own classroom for more than fifteen years. These adaptable,open-ended activities and strategies complement any early childhood program’score curriculum.200 Essential Preschool Activities provides activities for and information on:• Creative centers, including dramatic play areas and discovery andsensory areas• Learning games, including turn-taking and board games, academicgames, and cooperative and active games• Group lessons, including circle time, social lessons, hands-on skillbuilders, and musical games and finger plays• Arts and crafts, including child-centered expressive art and creativetools and methods• Classroom structure, including classroom areas and centers andcreating learning opportunities• Parent involvementJulienne M. Olson has been teaching early childhood special education since1995. She holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood special education and amaster’s degree in early childhood special education.Author Hometown: Fargo, NDTwo hundred open-ended, adaptable activities and strategiesthat promote children’s learning in a variety of developmentalareas and enhance any curriculum.284

Redleaf PressEarly Childhood Activitiesfor a Greener EarthPatty Born SellyAs many early childhood professionals make efforts to improve the environmentalhealth and safety of their setting, they also want to educate childrenabout the impact and value of these greener choices. Early Childhood Activities for aGreener Earth helps teachers connect environmental issues with their daily curriculumin a sensitive, developmentally appropriate manner. This resourceincludes background information on environmental topics—including wastereduction and recycling, improving air quality, weather and climate change,and energy and toxicity reduction—and one hundred lessons and activities thatwill excite children, engage families, and encourage communities to be green.Author Hometown: Minneapolis, MNEDUCATIONMayA Paperback Original8½ x 11 | 224 ppTrade Paper US $19.95978-1-60554-119-8 USThis resource teaches childrenabout sustainability and environmentalismwith green-oriented lesson plans, artactivities, literature connections,and classroom projects.Building Brains600 Activity Ideas for Young ChildrenSuzanne R. GellensBuilding Brains expands young children’s learning with six hundred brain-based,developmentally appropriate activity ideas. It combines the latest informationon brain development with activities that support children’s learning andenrich any early childhood curriculum. Rather than step-by-step activities,Building Brains is filled with open-ended ideas that early childhood professionalscan execute in a variety of ways, depending on children’s needs and interests.Ideas are organized by age—from age zero to five—and learning domains.EDUCATIONAugustA Paperback Original8½ x 11 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $29.95978-1-60554-117-4 USMarketing PlansAuthor presentations at regional and national early childhood conferencesAuthor Hometown: Tampa, FLSix hundred brain-based activity ideas andthe latest on brain research to enhanceany early childhood curriculum.285

Redleaf PressHealthy Children, Healthy LivesThe Wellness Guide for Early Childhood ProgramsSharon Bergen and Rachel RobertsonHealthy Children, Healthy Lives helps improve the wellness of children, families,and early childhood professionals in early childhood programs. This seriesof checklists covers six components of wellness—nutrition and healthy eatinghabits; physical activity and fitness; emotional health and resilience; healthycare practices; safety and risk management; and leadership, management, andadministration. Each research-based checklist provides built-in guidance forimprovement, complements any high-quality curriculum, and aims to contributeto children’s ability to thrive and experience joy in life and learning.EDUCATIONAugustA Paperback Original8½ x 11 | 248 ppTrade Paper US $29.95978-1-60554-081-8 USImprove overall mental andphysical health of children with thisprogram using a series of checklistsbased around wellness goals.Author Hometowns: Apple Valley, MN / San Diego, CAThe Redleaf Calendar-Keeper 2013A Record-Keeping System for Family Child Care ProfessionalsCreated by Redleaf PressThe Redleaf Calendar-Keeper 2013 is a record-keeping system specifically designedfor family child care providers. It includes monthly expense charts,attendance and payment logs, mileage records, and detailed income tax worksheetsto make tax preparation easier and help reduce taxes. Also included arerecipes, activities, and helpful hints and tips.BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | August | 11¾ x 8⅝ | 100 ppCalendar CAL US $15.95 | 978-1-60554-120-4 USFamily Child Care Marketing Guide,Second EditionTom Copeland, JDFilled with information to effectively market a family child care program andmaximize enrollment and income, Family Child Care Marketing Guide provides dozensof marketing tips and inexpensive ideas. This second edition includestwo new chapters detailing the use of technology and social media as marketingtools.286BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | July | Redleaf Business Series | 7 x 9 | 176 ppTrade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-60554-112-9 US

Saqi BooksSelf-Criticism After the DefeatSadik al-AzmForeword by Fouad AjamiIntroduction by Faisal Darraj“A unique <strong>book</strong>. . . . al-Azm sought to strip Arab thought of its belief in fateand folk tales and superstition. . . . He told his people the sort of truths thatoutsiders are too embarrassed to tell, even when they were themselves able tosee these truths.”—Fouad AjamiThe 1967 War—which led to the defeat of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt by Israel—felt like an unprecedented and unimaginable disaster for the Arab world at thetime. For many, the easiest solution was to shift the blame and to ignore someof the glaring defects of Arab society.Hailed as one of the foremost Arab intellectuals of recent decades, Sadikal-Azm was one of the few to challenge such a view in his seminal Self-CriticismAfter the Defeat. In it, he offered a penetrating analysis that probed deep intoArab society, and reasoned that Arabs had to embrace democracy, genderequality, and science to achieve progress.Self-Criticism After the Defeat represents a milestone in modern Arab intellectualhistory. It marked a turning point in Arab discourse about society andpolitics on publication in 1968, and spawned other intellectual ventures intoArab self-criticism. This is the first translation of the work into English.Born in Damascus in 1934, Sadik al-Azm is professor emeritus of modernEuropean philosophy at the University of Damascus, Syria. He earned hisPhD (1961) from Yale University, and was visiting professor in the departmentof near Eastern studies at Princeton University until 2008.POLITICAL SCIENCE / HISTORYAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 8½ | 191 ppTrade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $23.95978-0-86356-488-8 USCThe landmark <strong>book</strong> that marked a turning point in Arab discourse aboutsociety and politics on its publication in 1968.SAQI 287

Saqi BooksLegends of the CaucasusDavid HuntLITERARY COLLECTIONS / SOCIAL SCIENCEJuneA Paperback Original6⅛ x 9⅞ | 376 pp1 mapTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-0-86356-473-4 USCThe Caucasus has an extremely rich folk literature, almost unknown amongEnglish speakers, which includes myths, legends, magical tales, anecdotes,and proverbs.The one hundred and one legends included in this <strong>book</strong> reflect the culturesof fourteen different ethnic groups—their dynamism and the mattersthat concerned them: survival against external dangers, the risk of starvation,and the persistence of the family or clan as a coordinated group. Descendedfrom an oral tradition, much of their knowledge was retained in memoriesand passed down the generations. Yet, with the introduction of the alphabet,the way of life they portray is rapidly becoming extinct.The translation is derived from the manuscripts of Russian collectorsworking out of the Russian Empire in the late nineteenth century and fromthe Soviet Union in the mid-twentieth century. The text is a mixture of proseand verse, reflecting how the legends would have been performed by storytellerswithin the culture.This volume includes a map, bibliography, appendix, glossary, keyword andtheme analysis, and references.David Hunt is an expert of Caucasus folk literature. He was awarded theMcDowell Prize from the Folklore Society in 2008.An incomparable collection, Legends of the Caucasus conveys the poetryand romance of these swiftly vanishing tribes.288

Saqi BooksArab YouthSocial Mobilization in Times of RiskEdited by Samir Khalaf and Roseanne Saad KhalafIn 2011 thousands of Arab youth took to the streets revealing the genesis ofa new generation sparked by the desire for civil liberties and participatorydemocracy.Arab Youth explores the antecedents of the upheavals and anticipates alternativevenues of resistance that marginalized youth—from Lebanon, Syria, andPalestine to Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Iran—can mobilize to realize theiremancipatory expectations.Samir Khalaf is a professor of sociology at the American University of Beirut.He has held academic positions at Princeton, Harvard, MIT, and New YorkUniversity.Roseanne Saad Khalaf is associate professor of English and creative writingat the American University of Beirut.SOCIAL SCIENCEMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 417 ppTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-0-86356-457-4 USCA definitive multi-authoredguide examining youth cultureacross the Arab world.Sexuality in IslamAbdelwahab BouhdibaArguing that Islam is a lyrical view of life in which sexuality enjoys a privilegedstatus, this work represents an attempt to integrate the religious and the sexual.It examines the problem of whether this harmony of sexuality and religiousfaith is achieved in practice.Born in 1932 in Kairouan, Tunisia, Abdelwahab Bouhdiba is professor ofIslamic sociology at the University of Tunis, where he is also director of theCentre d’Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales. He has served asan adviser to international organizations such as UNESCO and the UnitedNations. He was awarded the Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture in 2004.SOCIAL SCIENCEJulyA Paperback OriginalSaqi Essentials5¼ x 8¼ | 288 ppTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50978-0-86356-493-2 USCSAQI 289Drawing on both Arabic andWestern sources, the author describesthe place of sexuality in the traditionalIslamic world view.

Saqi BooksSuleiman the MagnificentAndré ClotHISTORYAugustA Paperback Original5½ x 8⅜ | 399 ppTrade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $23.95978-0-86356-498-7 USCSuleiman’s reign as Sultan marked the apogee of Ottoman power. His empireheld dominion over three continents, and, populated by more than thirtymillion inhabitants, prospered under a well-directed and authoritarian economy.In this celebrated <strong>book</strong> André Clot successfully produces both a life ofthe man and a stimulating popular history of the Ottoman Empire during thisperiod.André Clot (1909–2002) was a French historian and journalist. He lived inTurkey and the Middle East for many years and was an expert on Islam.A new edition of André Clot’s classichistory of Suleiman, the most celebratedand feared of Ottoman sultans.Saudi Arabian Hydro-Carbonsand World AffairsAbdulhadi H. Taher and Michael MatthewsThis timely investigation examines the energy problem on a global scale. Itassesses the role of Saudi Arabian hydrocarbons in underpinning the industrializationof the kingdom’s economy, and the economy at large, in light ofrecent events, which include the emergence of China and India as major economicand political players, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the current worldfinancial crisis.BUSINESS & ECONOMICSJune6¼ x 9½ | 512 ppTrade Cloth US $79.95 | CAN $87.95978-0-86356-463-5 USCAbdulhadi H. Taher received his PhD in business administration from theUniversity of California, Berkley, in 1964. He has worked in both the publicand private sectors of the oil industry.Michael Matthews has a BSc in economics from the London School ofEconomics.A timely investigation examining theenergy problem both on a global scale aswell as within a political framework.290

Sarabande BooksThe 6.5 Practices of ModeratelySuccessful PoetsA Self-Help MemoirJeffrey SkinnerA private eye turned moderately successful poet leads readers on a satiric,hopeful tour of how to make a life in the arts, while still having a life.Revealing, hilarious, and peppered with sly takes on the ins and outs of contemporaryAmerican poetry (chapters include “The Silence of the Iambs,”“The Revisionarium, Ask Dr. Frankenpoem,” and “The Periodic Table ofPoetic Elements”), Jeffrey Skinner offers advice, candor, and wit.Revision is the process a poem endures to become its best self.Or, if you are the poet, you are the process a poem endures to become its best self.Endures because a first draft, like all other objects in the universe, has inertia and would prefer tostay where it is. The poet must not collaborate.Best self because the poem is more like a person than a thing, and does not strenuously object topersonification.Yo, poem.But let’s not get carried away. It’s your poem and you can treat it as you wish; sweet talk it; push itaround if that’s what it takes. Alfred Hitchcock notoriously said of the actors in his movies, “They arecattle.”Jeffrey Skinner is the author of five <strong>book</strong>s of poetry, most recently Salt WaterAmnesia (Ausable Press, 2005). His poems have appeared in The New Yorker, TheAtlantic, The Nation, The American Poetry Review, Poetry, BOMB, and The Paris Review, andhis work has earned awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, TheIngram Merrill Foundation, and the Howard Foundation.LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINESAprilA Paperback OriginalThe Writer’s Studio5½ x 8½ | 225 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50978-1-936747-27-6 USCEverything you wanted to know about being a moderatelysuccessful poet, but were too tired to ask.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copiesAlsoAvailable• Excerpts in: AWP Chronicle Magazine• National advertising: Poets & Writers •Rain Taxi Review of Books • Writer’s Chronicle• Social media campaign: Geared to writers/writing how-to sites• Indie Red Box campaign using Periodic Tableof Poetic Elements, <strong>distribution</strong> in Consortiumgalley box• Promotion through: www.jeffreyskinner.netPassing the WordWriters on Their MentorsEdited by Jeffrey Skinner and Lee MartinPOETRY / LITERARY CRITICISMThe Writer’s Studio6 x 9 | 231 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-1-889330-59-4 USCPlanet On The TablePoets on the Reading LifeEdited by Sharon Bryan and William OlsenLITERARY CRITICISMThe Writer’s Studio6 x 9 | 350 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-1-889330-91-4 USCAuthor EventsChicago, IL • Louisville, KY • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Louisville, KY291

Sarabande BooksRiseStoriesL. Annette BinderFICTION / SHORT STORIESAugustA Paperback OriginalMary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction5½ x 8½ | 168 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-936747-31-3 USCContemporary fairy tales where thestrange and surreal exist on the fringes ofeveryday life.“Binder has gone so deeply, and with such mystical brilliance and loyalty,into her own world that she has brought mine to me in high relief. Sheboth casts a spell and breaks it. To experience Rise is to experience wonder.”—Laura KasischkeThe stories in Rise are fairytales, except that the witch, lucky Hans, and the frogprince are characters at the fringes of everyday life. There are rockets, swells ofstarlings, and children who disappear into thin air. L. Annette Binder writesmagical tales with authority and restraint, and we believe her stories, every one.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational advertising: Poets & Writers Magazine • Rain Taxi • Writer’s ChronicleAuthor EventsIrvine, CA • Los Angeles, CA • Colorado Springs, CO • Denver, CO • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Boston, MAThe ChildrenPaula BohincePoems of a lived-in landscape, wherebeauty is the afterimage of loss, and griefis staunched by the changing seasons.292POETRYMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 80 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-936747-28-3 USC“Nostalgic”Jar of feathers becoming,finally, another map:cloistered homage to a decade of geesehaunting the grid of oursteadfastness.Un-find the covetedibis; kiss the scarlet of the robin’sblurred departure.In the end, we were landmark,compass, same as the lingered-overpond, the marshwhere cattails remained when all elseleft. Ragged in salt,cloud-headed.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational advertising: Poetry • Poets & Writers Magazine • Rain Taxi • Writer’s ChronicleAuthor Hometown: Plum, PA

Sarabande BooksSyzygy, BeautyAn EssayT Fleischmann“T Fleischmann’s Syzygy, Beauty shimmers with confidence as it tours the surrealchaos of gender, art, and desire. Its declarative sentences—seductive, abject,caustic, moving, informative, and utterly inventive—herald a new world, onein which we are blessedly ‘here with outfits like strings of light and no future.’I hail its weirdness, its ‘armpit frankess,’ its indelible portrait of occulted relation,and above all, its impeccable music.”—Maggie NelsonConstruction becomes quiet, the saw buzz and the bang little white wisps that stop at my edges. We’llget used to most anything, at least enough to keep going. The will of the wisp. I want to poke a hole inmy words so that people notice you are not here. Comfortable divots you could fill some day, if youwanted to. My mother sighs, my friends sigh. “You’re so sad,” they say. I’m not, I’m really not. I’mjust trying to breathe fully. The shadow of the mountain turns with the day, encroaching. When it settleson me I put the hammer down and walk to where it is still warm.In Syzygy, Beauty, T Fleischmann builds an essay of prose blocks, weaving togetherobservations on art, the narrator’s construction of a house, and a directaddress to a lover. Playing with scale and repetition, we are kept off-center,and therefore always looking, as the speaker leads us through an intimate relationshipthat is complicated and deepened by multiple partners, gender transitions,and itinerancy.A <strong>book</strong>-length lyric essay triangulating between contemporary art,the construction of a house, and the direct address of a lover.LITERARY COLLECTIONS / ESSAYSAprilA Paperback Original5¼ x 7¾ | 144 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50978-1-936747-26-9 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National advertising: Creative Nonfiction •Fourth Genre • Poets & Writers Magazine •Rain Taxi • Writer’s ChronicleAuthor EventsSan Francisco, CA • Chicago, IL • Iowa City, IA •Grand Rapids, MI • New York, NY • Portland, ORAuthor Hometown: Dowelltown, TN293

Sarabande BooksPOETRYJulyA Paperback OriginalLinda Bruckheimer Series in Kentucky Lit6 x 9 | 64 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-936747-30-6 USCPoems sprung from the brain ofWallace Stevens after an erotic dreamabout Miss Dickinson and breakfastwith Mother Goose.“My Reptile”Little frilléd lizardwith your big mouthand your clutch of egg.Pure urge iguana—I wanna wannawanna—heavy petin a moist habitat.Your dewlap licksdown my spine;your creep yearns,yearns your crawl,like a small machineMarketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational advertising: Poetry • Poets & Writers Magazine • Rain Taxi • Writer’s ChronicleAuthor EventsLexington, KY • Louisville, KY • New York, NY • Cincinnati, OH • Cleveland, OH •Philadelphia, PA • Pittsburgh, PA • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Cleveland Heights, OHGin & BleachCatherine WingThe City of PoetryGregory Orr“Jerusalem” is a stucco cottageFilled at all hours with angels,Devils, and assorted orphansWho dance and drinkAnd hand-tint engravings.Blake himself is up in the atticNight and day—Even in eternity, he’s still scribbling.294POETRYJulyA Paperback OriginalQuarternote Chap<strong>book</strong> Series6 x 9 | 32 ppSaddle-stitched US $9.95 | CAN $10.95978-1-936747-29-0 USCOh, the Places You’ll Go forEnglish majors, it’s a flaneur’s takeon a city poetry built.Gregory Orr is the author of ten collections of poetry. The recipient ofNational Endowment for the Arts and Guggenheim fellowships, he has beena Rockefeller Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Culture and Violence.He has taught at the University of Virginia since 1975, where he is professorof English.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational advertising: Poetry • Poets & Writers Magazine • Rain Taxi • Writer’s ChronicleAuthor Hometown: Charlottesville, VA

Serpent’s TailBlack By DesignA 2-Tone MemoirPauline Black“The best voice that ever graced 2-Tone.”—Rolling Stone“The iconic queen of ska. . . . It’s gritty, witty, and compelling.”—ElleLead singer for platinum-selling 2-Tone band The Selecter, Pauline Black hasbeen in the music business for over thirty years. The only woman in a movementdominated by men, she was very much the Queen of British Ska. She sawThe Specials, Madness, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, and all the other top bandsof that generation at their very best . . . and worst.Black was born in 1953 of Anglo-Jewish/Nigerian parents. Adopted by awhite, working class family in the fifties, Pauline was always made to feel different,both by the local community and members of her extended family,who saw her at best as a curiosity, at worst as an embarrassing inconvenience.Weaving her rise to fame and recollections of the 2-Tone phenomenonwith her moving search for her birth parents, Black By Design is a funny andenlighten ing memoir of music and roots.Pauline Black is a singer and actress who gained fame as the lead singerof seminal 2-Tone band The Selecter. The band’s new album was released inSeptember 2011.A powerful autobiography from the frontwoman of theinfluential ska band The Selecter.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.95978-1-84668-790-7 USCMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• Social media campaign• Promotion through: http://paulineblack.comand www.theselecter.com295

Selected Backlist from Serpent’s TailThe Book of DisquietFernando PessoaTranslated by Margaret Jull CostaForeword by William BoydFICTION / PHILOSOPHY5 x 8 | 272 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-1-84668-735-8 USCThey Shoot Horses,Don’t They?Horace McCoyFICTION5 x 8 | 128 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-84668-739-6 USCWhateverMichel HouellebecqTranlated by Paul HammondForeword by Toby LittFICTION5 x 8 | 256 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $17.95978-1-84668-784-6 USCA Rocket in My PocketThe Hipster’s Guide toRockabilly MusicMax DécharnéMUSIC5½ x 8½ | 336 pp95 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.99978-1-84668-721-1 USCThe PassportHerta MüllerTranslated by Martin ChalmersFICTION5¼ x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.95978-1-85242-139-7 USCWhite BicyclesMaking Music in the 1960sJoe BoydBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY5¼ x 7¾ | 288 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-1-85242-489-3 USC296

Small Beer PressA Stranger in Olondriaa novelSofia SamatarJevick, the pepper merchant’s son, has been raised on stories of Olondria, adistant land where <strong>book</strong>s are as common as they are rare in his home. Whenhis father dies and Jevick takes his place on the yearly selling trip to Olondria,Jevick’s life is as close to perfect as he can imagine. But just as he revels inOlondria’s Rabelaisian Feast of Birds, he is pulled drastically off course andbecomes haunted by the ghost of an illiterate young girl.In desperation, Jevick seeks the aid of Olondrian priests and quickly becomesa pawn in the struggle between the empire’s two most powerful cults.Yet even as the country shimmers on the cusp of war, he must face his ghostand learn her story before he has any chance of becoming free by setting herfree: an ordeal that challenges his understanding of art and life, home andexile, and the limits of that seductive necromancy, reading.A Stranger in Olondria is a skillful and immersive debut fantasy novel that pullsthe reader in deeper and deeper with twists and turns reminiscent of GeorgeR. R. Martin and Joe Hill.Sofia Samatar is an American of Somali and Swiss German Mennonite background.She wrote A Stranger in Olondria in Yambio, south Sudan, where sheworked as an English teacher. She has worked in Egypt and is pursuing a PhDin African languages and literature at the University of Madison, Wisconsin.Jevik travels to the city of Olondria where he isovertaken by a ghost from his past.FICTION / FANTASYJune6 x 9 | 320 ppTrade Cloth US $24.00 | CAN $26.50978-1-931520-76-8 WeBook ISBN: 978-1-931520-77-5 WMarketing Plans20,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print campaign• Social media campaign• Display at ALA and BEA• Distribution in Consortium galley box• Giveaways on Goodreads and LibraryThingAuthor EventsMaplewood, NJ • New York, NY • Madison, WIAuthor Hometown: Madison, WI297

Small Beer PressAt the Mouth of the River of BeesStoriesKij JohnsonFICTION / FANTASYAugustA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-931520-80-5 USCOeBook ISBN: 978-1-931520-81-2 USCOA breakout first collection from one of thehottest writers in science fiction.A sparkling debut collection from one of the hottest writers in science fiction:her stories have received the Nebula Award the last two years running.These stories feature cats, bees, wolves, dogs, and even that most capricious ofani mals, humans, and have been reprinted in The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror, BestScience Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, and The Secret History of Fantasy.Kij Johnson’s stories have won the Sturgeon and World Fantasy awards. Shehas taught writing; worked at Tor, Dark Horse, and Microsoft; worked as aradio announcer; run <strong>book</strong>stores; and waitressed in a strip bar.Author EventsChicago, IL • Durham, NC • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Durham, NCThe Fountain of AgeStoriesNancy KressNine new stories from a long-time star of the science fiction field includingthe Hugo Award winner “The Erdmann Nexus” and Nebula Award winner“The Fountain of Age.” These stories have been reprinted in The Year’s BestScience Fiction, Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, and Best of the Web.An award winning writer’s latest collectionof stories show us science fiction fromunexpected vantage points.298FICTION / SCIENCE FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-931520-45-4 WeBook ISBN: 978-1-931520-46-1 WNancy Kress is the author of twenty-seven <strong>book</strong>s, including three <strong>book</strong>s onwriting. She has received four Nebulas and two Hugos. Her fiction has beentranslated into twenty languages. She often teaches writing—most recently atthe University of Leipzig in Germany. She lives in Seattle, Washington.Author EventsSan Francisco, CA • Chicago, IL • Arlington, VA • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Seattle, WA

Small Beer PressWhat I Didn’t SeeKaren Joy Fowler“Beautifully written and subtly discomforting stories.”—Nancy Pearl“An exceptionally versatile author.”—St. Louis Post-DispatchFrom the familial estrangement of the Shirley Jackson Award–winning opener“The Pelican Bar” to the heartbreaking loss of “King Rat,” New York Times bestsellerKaren Joy Fowler measures the human capacities for hope and despair,brutality and kindness.Karen Joy Fowler is the author of five novels, including Wit’s End, Sister Noon,Sarah Canary, and The New York Times bestseller The Jane Austen Book Club. Fowler andher husband, who have two grown children, live in Santa Cruz, California.Author EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Diego, CA • San Francisco, CA • Santa Cruz, CA • Boston, MA •Asheville, NC • Madison, WIAuthor Hometown: Santa Cruz, CAFICTION / SCIENCE FICTIONMayFirst Trade Paper Edition5½ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-931520-48-5 WPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-931520-68-3Stories that slip up behind you and breakyour heart before you know it.The Unconquered CountriesFour Novellas<strong>2012</strong> EditionGeoff Ryman“Here, in four brilliantly conceived, remarkably different novellas, [Ryman]displays a penetrating vision of the human condition under extraordinarycircumstances.”—Booklist“His themes beautifully interweave transcendence, death, and the dignity ofall life.”—Publishers WeeklyFour astonishing and inventive works: “O Happy Day,” “Please Say Hello,”“A Fall of Angels,” and World Fantasy Award winner “The UnconqueredCountry.”Geoff Ryman is the author of the novels The King’s Last Song, Was, and The ChildGarden, and the collection Paradise Tales. Canadian by birth, he has lived inBrazil, resides in the United Kingdom, and is a frequent visitor to Cambodia.FICTION / SCIENCE FICTIONJune5½ x 8½ | 275 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-931520-49-2 USCOeBook ISBN: 978-1-931520-75-1 USCOFour stunning fabulistnovellas that range from obsession tomodern fable to dystopia.299

Selected Backlist from Small Beer PressAfter the ApocalypseStoriesMaureen F. McHughFICTION5½ x 8½ | 264 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-931520-29-4 WThe Liminal PeopleAyize Jama-EverettFICTION5½ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-931520-33-1 WThree Messagesand a WarningContemporary Mexican ShortStories of the FantasticEdited by Eduardo Jiménez Mayoand Chris N. BrownIntroduction by Bruce SterlingFICTION5½ x 8½ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-931520-31-7 WParadise Talesand Other StoriesGeoff RymanFICTION5½ x 8½ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50978-1-931520-64-5 WStories of Your Lifeand OthersTed ChiangFICTION5½ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50978-1-931520-72-0 USCOStranger Things HappenStoriesKelly LinkFICTION5½ x 8½ | 266 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50978-1-931520-00-3 W300

South End PressMaking Peace With the Earth: BeyondLand Wars And Food WarsVandana Shiva“One of the world’s most prominent radical scientists.”—GuardianPitting humans against the earth, and placing them outside the earth community, is an outmoded,fossilized legacy of capitalist patriarchy and mechanistic thought that gave us fossil-fuel based industrialismand colonialism and is now imposing militarized growth on communities. If our species is tosurvive, we must re-imbed ourselves in the earth and become part of the earth community. We mustreawaken our duties to protect the earth and our rights as earth citizens to a fair share of her gifts. Forthis we need to revisit our concepts of growth and prosperity.Making peace with the Earth begins with a paradigm shift from the mechanistic ideas of the earthas dead matter to the earth as Gaia, a living planet, our mother.We need a new paradigm for living on the Earth because the old one is clearly not working. An alternativeis now a survival imperative for the human species. And the alternative that is needed is notonly at the level of tools, it is at the level of our world view. How do we look at ourselves in this world?What are humans for? And are we merely a money-making and resource guzzling machine? Or dowe have a higher purpose, a higher end?Winner of the Sydney Peace Prize, Vandana Shiva is an internationally renownedphysicist, activist, and best-selling author of many <strong>book</strong>s, includingStaying Alive, Earth Democracy, and Soil Not Oil.In her boldest work yet, Vandana Shiva confronts a world on fire—and places its fate directly in our hands.SOCIAL SCIENCEJuneA Paperback Original5⅞ x 8½ | 200 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-0-89608-809-2 USCeBook ISBN: 978-0-89608-810-8 W• Multi-city national tourMarketing Plans10,000-copy print runCo-op availableAdvance reader copies301

South End PressSomething FierceMemoirs of a Revolutionary DaughterCarmen AguirreBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $20.00978-0-89608-814-6 USeBook ISBN: 978-0-89608-815-3 W“Something Fierce is raw, courageously honest, and funny; an insightful journeyinto the formation of a revolutionary soul.”—The Globe and MailIn Something Fierce: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Daughter, renowned actor CarmenAguirre skillfully pilots readers straight into her girlhood initiation into arevo lutionary family and ultimate decision, at age nineteen, to commit herselfto the life of a radical. With vivid immediacy, Aguirre paints the political contextand intimate experience of 1980s-era South American struggles againstneo-liberal dictatorships: What does it feel like to be a child in the gun sightsof Augusto Pinochet’s henchmen? How did the US-backed governments ofrevolutionary Latin America collaborate in eliminating dissent at the cost of astill untold number of ruined lives?Refreshingly frank, personable, and often wry, Something Fierce recalls thework of Gioconda Bellí and Assata Shakur, paying special attention to the particulardemands made of revolutionary women—to leave the raising of theirchildren to others or directly involve them in struggle, to eschew romanticlove for revolutionary action, to embrace “revolution” over “culture.”A literal page-turner, Something Fierce reveals how “normal” people confronta life of privation and communal action, of terror alongside an unerringdedi cation that offers its own satisfactions. Bearing witness to the costs,beauty, and even seductions of resistance, Aguirre impels us to question: Dowe choose revolution, or does revolution choose us?Carmen Aguirre is an award-winning playwright and actor with extensivecredits in US and Canadian theater, film, and television.• Multi-city national tourMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copiesRegular girl, revolutionary action: this grippingmemoir brings alive 1980s resistance to neoliberal terror,from Augusto Pinochet’s Chile to Anastasio Somoza’s Nicaragua.Author EventsPhoenix, AZ • Bay Area, CA •New York, NY • Austin, TXAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BC302

Stone Bridge PressChinese Proverbs and Popular SayingsWith Observations on Culture and LanguageQin Xue Herzberg and Larry HerzbergThis treasury of Chinese wisdom presents some six hundred proverbs whileoffering keys to culture and language. Here are both the familiar, earnest sayingsof Confucius and Lao Zi (“The longest journey begins with a single step”)and the homespun truths of every day (“Teachers open the door; you enterby yourself”). Designed both for inspirational browsing and for students oflanguage and culture, the text is organized by subject (Learning, Patience,Money, Family, Food, etc.) and provides commentary plus Chinese charactersand pinyin romanization for each entry. Includes an index.Qin Xue Herzberg and Larry Herzberg teach Chinese at Calvin College.They live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copies“Proverb A Day” Twitter media campaignGiveaways on Goodreads and LibraryThingAuthor Hometown: Grand Rapids, MIREFERENCE / FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDYMayA Paperback Original5 x 7 | 160 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-933330-99-0 USCChinese bilingualeBook ISBN: 978-1-61172-517-9 WSix hundred proverbs, in Chinese andEnglish, capture the wisdom of Chinafor travelers and students.Mobile Suit GundamAwakening, Escalation, ConfrontationYoshiyuki TominoJapan’s Gundam franchise boasts a worldwide cult of devotees. This edition ofcreator Yoshiyuki Tomino’s novelization is redesigned for a new generationof fans.Yoshiyuki Tomino is one of Japan’s best known science-fiction directors.Japan expert Frederik L. Schodt lives in San Francisco, California.SCIENCE FICTION | April | 5½ x 8½ | 520 pp | 24 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50 | 978-1-61172-005-1 USCJapanese Beyond WordsThe Gaijin’s Guide to Verbal Skills and Cultural CluesAndrew HorvatAdding to the core essays on language usage, this new edition includes sectionson proverbs, “zeitgeist” words, puns, youth language, current slang, and regionaldialects. An excellent classroom supplement and an entertaining guideto the interplay of words and behavior.Andrew Horvat directs Stanford University’s overseas studies program inKyoto, Japan.FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY | July | 5½ x 8½ | 200 ppTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50 | 978-1-933330-97-6 USCeBook ISBN: 978-1-61172-507-0 W303

Selected Backlist from Stone Bridge PressBasic Patterns ofChinese GrammarA Student’s Guide to CorrectStructures and Common ErrorsQin Xue Herzberg andLarry HerzbergLANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES5½ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $15.95978-1-933330-89-1 USCChinese 24/7Everyday Strategies for Speakingand Understanding MandarinAlbert WolfeFOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY8 x 8 | 376 pp4 B&W illustrations, charts, and graphsTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $30.00978-1-933330-82-2 USCThe Astro Boy EssaysOsamu Tezuka, Mighty Atom, andthe Manga/Anime RevolutionFrederik L. SchodtPERFORMING ARTS / SOCIAL SCIENCE5½ x 8 | 240 pp40 color and B&W photographsand illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-1-933330-54-9 USC304Satoshi KonThe IllusionistAndrew OsmondPERFORMING ARTS /BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY7 x 9 | 128 pp60 color photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $22.00978-1-933330-74-7 USC70 Japanese GesturesNo Language CommunicationHamiru-aquiTranslated by Aileen ChangHISTORY / HUMOR4½ x 7 | 160 pp70 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.00978-1-933330-01-3 USCCrazy for KanjiA Student’s Guideto the Wonderful World ofJapanese CharactersEve KushnerFOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / HISTORY8½ x 11 | 212 pp200 B&W illustrations and chartsTrade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.00978-1-933330-20-4 USC

Talon<strong>book</strong>sMaleficiumMartine DesjardinsTranslated by Fred A. Reed and David Homel“Magnificent blasphemy; a whiff of scandal.”—Pascale Millot, Montréal centre-ville“The world that Martine Desjardins presents with such admirable skillin Maleficium is inhabited by fear and desire, and its reality has unsuspecteddepths. With its surprises, exotic voyages, and shimmering descriptions, this<strong>book</strong> is a pure pleasure to read.”—Canada Council for the ArtsIn Maleficium, Martine Desjardins delivers to readers the unexpurgated revelationsof Vicar Jerome Savoie, a heretic Catholic priest who has violatedthe sanctity of the confessional. In Savoie’s confession-within-a-confession,seven penitents, each afflicted with a debilitating malady or struck with a cripplingdeformity, relates his encounter with an enigmatic young woman whoselips bear a striking scar.As they penetrate deep into Ethiopia in search of wingless locusts, hunt forfly-whisks among the clove plantations of Zanzibar, bargain for saffron in aSrinagar bazaar, search for the rarest frankincense, pursue the coveted hawksbillturtle in the Sea of Oman, seek the formula for sabon Nablus in Palestine,or haggle over Persian carpets in the royal gardens of Shiraz, each of the menfalls victim to his own secret vice. The men’s individual forms of punishmentare revealed through the agency of the young woman, and are wrought upontheir bodies.Martine Desjardins is a freelance writer, translator, and journalist forL’actualité magazine.Fred A. Reed is an author, award-winning translator, and international journalistspecializing in Middle Eastern affairs.Author and translator David Homel also works as a journalist, editor, andscreenwriter.The fourth and most acclaimed of Martine Desjardins’ novels creates asensual and exotic world combining history, magic, and the bizarre.FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-680-7 USMarketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies• National print and online campaign• Social media campaignAuthor Hometown: Mont-Royal, QCTranslator Hometown: Montreal, QC305

Talon<strong>book</strong>sCold ComfortGrowing Up Cold WarGil McElroyBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 288 ppB&W photographs throughoutTrade Paper US $18.95978-0-88922-684-5 USPhotographs and text add tothe scant documentation of buildingCanada’s DEW Line, the northerndefense network of the 1950s.When his father died, award-winning poet Gil McElroy was given a box ofphotographs that documented his father’s work on the Canadian military’snorthern Distant Early Warning Line in the 1950s. Image by image, McElroyattempts to come to terms with the mysterious photographer, a man betterunderstood by his military compatriots than by his own family.Photographs and text add to the scant documentation of building Canada’sDEW Line defense network.Gil McElroy’s poetry won the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award in 2002.His essay on bpNichol’s visual poetry won the Christina Sabat Award for ArtCriticism in 2001.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignAuthor Hometown: Colborne, ONTurkana BoyJean-François BeaucheminTranslated by Jessica MooreTurkana Boy relates Monsieur Bartolomé’s sorrow following his young son’smysterious disappearance. The title refers to the fossilized remains of a boyfound near Lake Turkana, Kenya. Bartolomé sees in the lives of the boys—separated by nearly two million years—a kind of twin destiny. This surrealistnarrative is punctuated with magnificent musings on the world and startlingquestions about what it means to be alive.Turkana Boy, a unique novel comprisingevocative prose-poems, offers a poignantexamination of grieving and one man’ssearch for understanding.306FICTIONAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-690-6 USFrance-Quebec Prize–winner Jean-François Beauchemin is acclaimed forhis meditative, poetic literary style and his attentiveness to the intimate cohabitationof body and soul.Jessica Moore won the 2008 PEN Translation Award.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignAuthor Hometown: Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs, QCTranslator Hometown: Toronto, ON

Talon<strong>book</strong>sBunion DerbyColin BrowneWith sharply contending perspectives, Colin Browne unearths a fragmentaryhistory of the twentieth century—what is unspoken, denied, transformed,or swept under the rug. Herman Melville, Igor Stravinsky, Sigmund Freud,Stefan Zweig, Duke Ellington, Mrs. Humphrey Ward, Jeanne d’Arc, RichardStrauss, Walter Guinness, André Breton, George Bowering, and many othersflow through a ferocious artistic process that collapses subject and object,much as painter Cy Twombly does in his Lepanto series.Writer, filmmaker, teacher, critic, and poet Colin Browne is the author ofGround Water, which was nominated for the Governor General’s Award forPoetry and a BC Book Prize in 2003.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BCPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original6¾ x 9¾ | 192 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-685-2 USThis much-anticipated new <strong>book</strong> of poemsis the first in five years from GovernorGeneral’s Award–nominated poet andfilmmaker Colin Browne.Chinese BlueWeyman ChanIn Chinese Blue, drawing upon more than two thousand years of ancient Chinesetradition that present diverse philosophical modes of being, the poet “character”sifts through the earth’s long history of geological layering and forgetting,grappling with the perpetual fragmentation of identity and notions ofa creator, wading through jazzily visionary delineations of the modern city,numbed and soundly crushed between “the word and the thing.”Weyman Chan won the 2003 Alberta Book Award for Before a Blue Sky Moon andhis second <strong>book</strong>, Noise from the Laundry, was nominated for the 2008 GovernorGeneral’s Award for Poetry.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignAuthor Hometown: Calgary, ABPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-681-4 USGovernor General’s Award nomineeWeyman Chan draws upon two thousandyears of Chinese philosophy and modes ofthought in this brilliant collection.307

Talon<strong>book</strong>sDavie Street TranslationsDaniel ZomparelliPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-683-8 USSerial poems explore North Americangay male culture including HIV fears,drug culture, porn fantasy, gay bashing,and online personals.Davie Street Translations is a witty, lively documentary-style series of poems aboutNorth American gay male culture. With versified musical machismo after theSan Francisco Renaissance poets, riffing to the tune of mononymous deitiesBeyoncé, Madonna, Barbra, and Gaga, this home-brewed Catullus flirtswith the very concept of “translation,” emphasizing an aesthetic sensibilitythat pervades the wireless shell of personal relations, facing up to HIV fears,drug culture, porn fantasy, gay-bashing, and the aftermath of love letters onCraigslist.Daniel Zomparelli is the editor of Poetry Is Dead journal and is a regular contributorto poetry and poetics magazines.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSocial media campaignAuthor Hometown: Vancouver, BCSpecksMichael McClureSpecks assumes the form of a blastula, offering a poetic model of embryonicdevelopment that arises from the cellular division known as “cleavage,” transcendingthe proprioceptive methodology of Charles Olson and enteringan Aristotelian realm of metaphysical questions that broach matters scientificand mystical, exploring the properties, powers, and limitations of thephysical-poetic body, as exponent of its own consciousness.POETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 96 ppB&W photographs and illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-688-3 USMichael McClure is the recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship, an ObieAward for Best Play, a Rockefeller grant for playwriting, the Josephine MilesAward, and the Alfred Jarry Award. He often performs his poetry with Doorskeyboardist Ray Manzarek.Michael McClure expands proprioceptivepoetics with metaphysics, environmentalawareness, and biological exploration.308Author Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Talon<strong>book</strong>sBilly Bishop Goes to WarSecond EditionJohn Gray with Eric PetersonThis revised, updated edition of one of Canada’s most successful and enduringdramas, Billy Bishop Goes to War, includes the original Los Angeles DramaCritics’ Award and Governor General’s Award–winning 1982 musical play,plus the 2010 re-working of the script. In this new edition, the World War Iflying ace—credited with seventy-two victories and billed as the top ace in theBritish Empire—appears in his later years, reflecting on his wartime exploits.Cast of two men.John Gray is an award-winning playwright, author, and musician.Eric Peterson, an early pioneer in Canada’s collective theater movement, hasstarred in the TV series Street Legal and Corner Gas.DRAMAApril5½ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $18.95978-0-88922-689-0 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-0-88922-196-3This new edition includes the best-sellingoriginal musical play plus the acclaimed,revised version that depicts celebratedWorld War I hero Billy Bishop.BolshevikiA Dead Serious ComedyDavid FennarioSet in a Montreal bar on Remembrance Day, Bolsheviki has World War I veteranHarry “Rosie” Rollins recounting to a young reporter the horrors of trenchwarfare. Rosie’s meandering monologue delivers a blistering de- glorificationof war as it shifts back and forth between his wartime recollections and thepresent. The veteran’s clattering, fast-paced description of life—and death—on the Front reproduces the chaotic sounds and rhythm of battle. Cast ofone man.Radical socialist and pacifist David Fennario is one of Quebec’s most acclaimedanglophone playwrights.Author Hometown: Montreal, QCDRAMAAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-687-6 USThis cutting-edge drama by notorious“socialist” anti-war playwright DavidFennario debunks every sentimentalnotion of duty, heroism, and warfare.309

Talon<strong>book</strong>sTombs of the Vanishing IndianMarie ClementsDRAMAAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-686-9 USAs part of the federal government’s assimilationist termination and relocationpolicies of the 1950s, three Native sisters and their mother are movedfrom Oklahoma to Los Angeles. As these four women try to re-establish connectionsto a new land, each finds herself lost. The narrative interweaves withanother historical injustice—the forced sterilization of thousands of Nativewomen in the 1970s. Inspired by true events, the play is a poetic excavationof the lost stories of displaced Aboriginal people. Cast of four women andthree men.Marie Clements is an award-winning Métis actor, playwright, and directorwhose work has toured stages throughout the United States, Canada, andEurope.Marie Clements’ powerful multimediadramas address difficult Aboriginal issueswith sharp insight and critique.Marketing PlansSocial media campaignAuthor Hometown: Galiano Island, BCThe Book of EstherLeanna BrodieIt is June 1981: the farm debt crisis. Pride Toronto’s first parade. Everythingis changing, including fifteen-year-old Esther, who runs away to the city to escapethe family farm. With the help of a brash young hustler and a gay activistwho shelters street kids, she confronts her conservative Christian parents—farmers on the brink of financial ruin—and begins to find her way home.Acclaimed playwright Leanna Brodie excels with this heart-warming comingof-age—andcoming-out—drama. Cast of two women and three men.Acclaimed playwright and actor LeannaBrodie’s heartwarming coming-of-age—and coming-out—drama about a fifteenyear-oldrunaway from a conservative,Christian rural community.310DRAMAAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-0-88922-682-1 USLeanna Brodie is an actor, writer, and translator whose plays include For Homeand Country, The Vic, and Schoolhouse.Author Hometown: Toronto, ON

TelegramSabra ZooMischa HillerWinner of the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best First Book forEurope and South Asia.“A stunning, defiant debut.”—Guardian“Hiller brings to his works not only a craftsman’s skill but also a compassionfor his characters that proves infectious.”—Haaretz“A chilling rites-of-passage novel set in Beirut in 1982 during the killings inthe camps.”—The EconomistIt is the <strong>summer</strong> of 1982 and Beirut is under siege. Eighteen-year-old Ivan’sparents have just been evacuated from the city with other members of thePalestine Liberation Organization.Ivan stays on, interpreting for international medical volunteers in Sabrarefugee camp and working undercover for the PLO. Hoping to get closer toEli, a Norwegian physiotherapist, he helps her treat Youssef, a camp orphandisabled by a cluster bomb. An unexpected friendship develops between thethree and things begin to look up.But events take a nasty turn when the president-elect is assassinated. TheIsraeli army enters Beirut and surrounds the camp, with Eli and Yousseftrapped inside. What happens next makes international headlines and leavesIvan scrabbling to salvage something positive from the chaos.Mischa Hiller, of English–Palestinian descent, was born in England in 1962and grew up in London, Dar es Salaam, and Beirut. Mischa won the 2009European Independent Film Festival script competition for his adaptation ofSabra Zoo. He lives with his family in Cambridge, England.FICTIONMay5 x 7¾ | 231 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $15.50978-1-84659-093-1 USCPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-84659-077-1A gripping novel about the conflict between personaland political loyalties set in Beirut during the <strong>summer</strong> of 1982.TTELEGRAM 311

Selected Backlist from TelegramFrom the Mouthof the WhaleSjónTranslated by Victoria CribbFICTION5⅛ x 7⅞ | 279 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-84659-083-2 USCThe Blue FoxSjónTranslated by Victoria CribbFICTION5⅛ x 8 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $15.50978-1-84659-037-5 USCJamiliaChingiz AïtmatovFICTION5⅛ x 8 | 196 ppTrade Paper US $11.95 | CAN $14.50978-1-84659-032-0 USCMetropoleFerenc KarinthyTranslated by George SzirtesFICTION5 x 7⅞ | 279 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-84659-034-4 USCSongs My MotherNever Taught MeSelçuk AltunFICTION5⅛ x 8 | 212 ppTrade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $15.50978-1-84659-053-5 USCIn TangierMohamed ChoukriBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY5 x 7⅞ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.50978-1-84659-061-0 USC312

Theatre Communications GroupAn Ideal TheatreThe Visions that Founded America’s TheatresEdited by Todd LondonA wide-ranging, inspiring documentary history of the American theatermovement as told, at the time of its making, by the visionaries who goadedit into being. This anthology collects over forty essays, manifestos, letters,and speeches that are each introduced and placed in historical context bythe noted writer and arts commentator Todd London, who spent nearly adecade assembling this collection. The founding visions of theaters fromacross the country are represented here including: Arena Stage (Washington,DC), El Teatro Campesino (California), Barter Theatre (Virginia), OregonShakespeare Festival, Roadside Theater (Kentucky), Second City (Chicago),Theatre 47 (Dallas), Bread and Puppet (Vermont), The Actor’s Workshop(San Francisco), Public Theater (New York), Minnesota Theatre Company(Minneapolis), The Group Theatre (New York), and dozens more. This celebrationof the artists who came before is an exhilarating look backward, as wellas toward the future.Todd London is in his fifteenth season as artistic director of the Tony Award–winning New Dramatists, where he has worked closely with more than ahundred of America’s leading playwrights and advocated nationally and internationallyfor hundreds more. The author of The Artistic Home and OutrageousFortune: The Life and Times of the New American Play, he has written, edited, and/orcontributed to eleven <strong>book</strong>s.An inspiring collection of the dreams and visions of thefounders of the American theater movement.PERFORMING ARTSAugustA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 700 ppTrade Paper US $24.95978-1-55936-409-6 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55936-425-6 USAuthor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY313

Theatre Communications GroupChinglishDavid Henry Hwang“Marvelous . . . the conceit is elegantly of a piece, yet Hwang is able to keepturning it in on itself to reveal new ambiguities, absurdities, subversions andparadoxes.”—Chicago Reader“Hwang’s plays collectively chart the evolving definition of what it is to be an‘American.’ . . . His art has illuminated and anticipated our ongoing nationalstory with a sensibility unlike any other in the American theater.”—Frank RichDRAMAMayA Paperback Original5⅜ x 8½ | 112 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55936-410-2 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55936-426-3 USAuthor Hometown: Brooklyn, NYSpringing from the author’s personal experiences in China over the past fiveyears, Chinglish follows a Midwestern American businessman desperately seekingto score a lucrative contact for his family’s firm as he travels to China onlyto discover how much he doesn’t understand. Named for the unique and oftencomical third language that evolves from attempts to translate Chinese signsinto English, Chinglish explores the challenges of doing business in a culturewhose language—and ways of communicating—are worlds apart from our own.David Henry Hwang’s “best new work since M. Butterfly, this shrewd, timelyand razor-sharp comedy” (Chicago Tribune) received its Broadway premiere infall 2011.David Henry Hwang is the author of the Tony Award–winning M. Butterfly, thePulitzer Prize finalist Yellow Face, Golden Child, FOB, Family Devotions, and the <strong>book</strong>sfor musicals Aida (co-author), Flower Drum Song (2002 Broadway revival), andTarzan, among other works.An uproarious new comedy from the award-winningauthor of M. Butterfly.AlsoAvailable314Trying to Find ChinatownThe Selected Plays of David Henry HwangDavid Henry HwangDRAMA5⅜ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55936-172-9 USYellow FaceDavid Henry HwangDRAMA5⅜ x 8½ | 112 ppTrade Paper US $13.95978-1-55936-340-2 US

Theatre Communications GroupBut the Giraffe & BrundibarTony KushnerIllustrated by Maurice Sendak“Exultant. . . . As the unlikely survival of this opera suggests, the joy and beautythat music and art express can outlast evil even when they cannot defeat it.”—The New York Times“It’s a tale of the outrage and rebellion of even the natural world of dogs, catsand sparrows against things as unnatural as injustice and poverty and the sufferingof children. It’s a story of good defeating evil. But its history is hauntedby a single instance of evil defeating good.”—Tony KushnerTony Kushner provides a new English libretto, and Maurice Sendak the design,for this Czech opera—a beautiful children’s story extolling courage in theface of tyranny—that was first performed in a concentration camp. Just beforethe opera’s 1942 premiere, its composer Hans Krasa was arrested and sent toTheresienstadt, or Terezín, a “model ghetto” that was in reality a death camp.After a copy of the score was smuggled in, Krasa took advantage of the largenumber of talented instrumentalists there to stage the opera with imprisonedchildren. Performed fifty-five times at Terezín, Brundibar is published here withKushner’s short play But the Giraffe, a sensitively drawn historical backdrop.Tony Kushner’s plays include Angels in America, Homebody/Kabul, A Bright RoomCalled Day, Slavs! and the <strong>book</strong> and lyrics for Caroline, or Change.Maurice Sendak is the author of over a hundred children’s <strong>book</strong>s, includingWhere the Wild Things Are.DRAMAMayA Paperback Original5 x 8 | 80 pp16 color illustrationsTrade Paper US $15.00978-1-55936-411-9 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55936-427-0 USA children’s opera from the creators ofAngels in America and Where the Wild Things Are.Author Hometown: New York, NYAlsoAvailableAngels in America:A Gay Fantasia on National Themes(20th Anniversary Edition)Tony KushnerDRAMA5⅜ x 8½ | 304 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55936-384-6 USTrade Cloth US $30.00978-1-55936-395-2 USCaroline, or ChangeTony KushnerDRAMA5⅜ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $13.95978-1-55936-248-1 US315

Theatre Communications GroupThe AnarchistDavid Mamet“Mamet remains American theater’s most urgent five-letter word.”—Guardian“The finest American author of his generation.”—Sunday Mail“Mr. Mamet’s talent for burying layers of meaning into simple, preciselydistilled, idiomatic language can only be compared to Harold Pinter’s.”—The New York TimesDRAMAJuneA Paperback Original5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-84943-412-6 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55936-428-7 USAcclaimed for spare, dark dramas and cutting comedies permeated with spikyconfrontations, multi-award-winning playwright David Mamet once againproves nothing is quite what it seems in his latest work The Anarchist. With anod to his mentor Harold Pinter, Mamet employs his signature verbal joustingin the story of two women: once involved with a Weather Undergroundlikegroup, a prisoner serving a life sentence desperately tries to make the casefor her freedom to a prison governor. This newest play by the celebrated authorof American Buffalo and Oleanna premiered in London in fall 2011 under thedirection of Rupert Goold.David Mamet is a playwright, director, author, essayist, screenwriter, andfilm director. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Glengarry Glen Ross, which alsoreceived a Tony Award nomination, along with Speed-the-Plow. Other plays includeAmerican Buffalo, A Life in the Theatre, Oleanna, The Cryptogram, and Race.A new play by the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Glengarry Glen Ross.Author Hometown: New York, NYAlso Available316RaceDavid MametDRAMA5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $13.95978-1-55936-382-2 US

Theatre Communications GroupStage KissSarah Ruhl“Wickedly clever. . . . Ruhl’s unique, breezily elegant dialogue is fully present,as is her pleasingly loopy logic.”—Variety“In the smart, rollicking Stage Kiss . . . passion and fidelity engage in a kindof elegant pas de deux . . . The play manages to be both wholly original andinstantly recognizable . . . with its combination of hilarity and trenchancy.”—John Lahr, The New YorkerAward-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl brings her unique mix of lyricism,sparkling humor, and fierce intelligence to her new romantic comedy, StageKiss. When estranged lovers He and She are thrown together as romantic leadsin a long-forgotten 1930s melodrama, the line between off-stage and on-stagebegins to blur. A “knockabout farce that channels Noël Coward and MichaelFrayn” (Chicago Tribune), Stage Kiss is a thoughtful and clever examination of thedifference between youthful lust and respectful love. Ruhl, one of America’smost frequently produced playwrights, proves that a kiss is not just a kiss inthis whirlwind romantic comedy.Sarah Ruhl’s other plays include the Pulitzer Prize finalists In the Next Room(or the vibrator play) and The Clean House, as well as Passion Play, Dean Man’s Cell Phone,Demeter in the City, Eurydice, Melancholy Play, and Late: a cowboy song. She is the recipientof a Whiting Writers’ Award, a PEN/Laura Pels Award, and a MacArthurFellowship. Her plays have premiered on Broadway, Off-Broadway, and inmany theaters around the world.DRAMAMayA Paperback Original5⅜ x 8½ | 144 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55936-413-3 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55936-429-4 USAn enchanting new comedy by Pulitzer Prize finalist Sarah Ruhl.Author Hometown: New York, NYAlsoAvailableThe Clean House and Other PlaysSarah RuhlDRAMA5⅜ x 8½ | 436 ppTrade Paper US $18.95978-1-55936-266-5 USPassion PlaySarah RuhlDRAMA5½ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55936-348-8 US317

Theatre Communications GroupSex PlaysEric Bogosian“A born storyteller with perfect pitch.”—The New York Times“Greatly and bilaterally talented . . . spiky, stinging, caustic without cauterizing.And funny.”—New YorkDRAMAAugustA Paperback Original5⅜ x 8½ | 160 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55936-414-0 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55936-430-0 USOne of America’s premier performers and most innovative and provocativeartists offers his two newest plays: Skunkweed details the culture clash between aLos Angeles screenwriter and a working-class girl and her rural Florida clanin a hotel room, and 1+1 explores desire, greed, and responsibility to othersthrough the lives of an aspiring actress, assistant restaurant manager, and aphotographer. About the characters in 1+1, Eric Bogosian recently stated,“Bri, Phil, and Carl are based on people I’ve found intensely interesting mywhole life: a good-looking hustler, an ambitious pretty girl, and a ‘good guy’who always seems to finish last. . . . The story is a parable. All my plays are.My plays are not expositions of a specific time and place. Rather, I try to finda way to set them so that the audience can immerse itself in a situation. I don’thave answers. I have questions.”Eric Bogosian is a writer and actor who has authored five full-length playsand created six full-length solos for himself, including Talk Radio; subUrbia; Sex,Drugs, Rock & Roll; Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead; and Drinking in America.He is the recipient of three OBIE Awards and a Drama Desk Award, and hastoured throughout the United States and Europe.Author Hometown: New York, NYTwo new plays by legendary playwright and monologist Eric Bogosian.AlsoAvailable318The Essential BogosianTalk Radio, Drinking in America,FunHouse and Men InsideEric BogosianDRAMA5 x 8 | 240 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-55936-082-1 USSubUrbiaEric BogosianDRAMA5 x 8 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $13.95978-1-55936-342-6 US

Theatre Communications GroupThe VeilConor McPherson“McPherson is quite possibly the finest playwright of his generation.”—The New York Times“A theatrical spellbinder with a natural gift for storytelling . . . there is nomistaking the unsentimental passion that makes McPherson such a redemptivewriter.”—Daily TelegraphOne of Ireland’s leading playwrights, Conor McPherson sets his latest playaround a house hemmed in by a restive, starving populace in rural Ireland.In May 1822, the defrocked Reverend Berkeley arrives at the once- gloriousMount Prospect House to accompany seventeen-year-old Hannah to England,where she is to be married off in order to absolve her mother’s debts. Butcompelled by the peculiar voices that haunt his enchanting young charge anda fascination with the spirits that pervade the house, Berkeley proposes aséance—to disastrous consequences. Weaving Ireland’s troubled colonial pastinto a riveting tale about the pursuit of love, the transcendental, and the circularnature of time, McPherson directed the world premiere of his newestwork at London’s National Theatre in fall 2011.Conor McPherson was born in Dublin, where he still lives. His plays includeOlivier Award–winning The Weir, Tony Award–nominated The Seafarer and ShiningCity, This Lime Tree Bower, St. Nicholas, Port Authority, and Dublin Carol. He is the recipientof the Evening Standard Award for Outstanding New Playwright and theLondon Critics Circle Award for the Most Promising Playwright. His workhas been produced throughout the United Kingdom and United States.DRAMAJulyA Paperback Original5⅜ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55936-415-7 USAnother haunting play from theTony Award–nominated author of The Seafarer.AlsoAvailableThe Weir and Other PlaysConor McPhersonDRAMA5⅜ x 8½ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $17.95978-1-55936-167-5 USThe SeafarerConor McPhersonDRAMA5½ x 8½ | 112 ppTrade Paper US $13.95978-1-55936-312-9 US319

Theatre Communications GroupThe Hallway TrilogyAdam Rapp“Rapp remains a true man of the theater and a potent writer.”—Time Out“To watch The Hallway Trilogy by Adam Rapp is to enter an alternate universe . . .a carnival of the desperate, the grotesque, the outrageous.”—The New York Times“I knew in a single sentence that Adam was a writer the world was going to listento for as long as he felt like writing. . . . Adam writes like nobody else,his fierce poetic power as inescapable as the doom that waits for his characters.The work is bleak and true, his touch that of a master in the making.”—Marsha NormanDRAMAAugustA Paperback Original5⅜ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $16.95978-1-55936-416-4 USeBook ISBN: 978-1-55936-432-4 USAuthor Hometown: New York, NYMulti-talented artist and provocateur Adam Rapp shocks and disturbs, weavingthemes of love, suffering, and redemption throughout this alarming yetheartening critical examination of societal change. Spanning one hundredyears in one Lower East Side tenement hallway, this series of connected plays—Rose, Paraffin, and Nursing—is a dark and compelling exploration of what bindspeople together and drives them apart. Packed with searing dialogue and harrowingnarratives, The Hallway Trilogy “bristles with humor” and “contains someof Rapp’s most sensitive and mature writing” (The New York Times).Adam Rapp is a novelist, filmmaker, and an OBIE Award–winning playwrightand director. His plays include the Pulitzer Prize finalist Red Light Winter,Nocturne, Stone Cold Dead Serious, Finer Noble Gases, Essential Self-Defense, and more. Heis the author of many young adult novels such as Punkzilla, The Buffalo Tree, andUnder the Dog, and the writer and director of the film Winter Passing starring ZooeyDeschanel, Will Ferrell, and Ed Harris.A harrowing trilogy from theOBIE Award–winning author of Red Light Winter.320

Theatre Communications GroupMojo and Other PlaysJez Butterworth“[Mojo] combines the verbal menace of Harold Pinter and the physical violenceof Quentin Tarantino.”—Sunday Times“[Parlour Song] is blissfully funny . . . combines the comic, the erotic, and thedownright disconcerting with superb panache.”—Telegraph“[The Winterling] is written with all of Butterworth’s characteristically highoctaneflair, the text flashes with jokes, shines with images, and oozes menacingbonhomie.”—TribuneJez Butterworth is one of Britain’s most compelling and original playwrights.This new volume collects all of the acclaimed author’s work written beforeJerusalem: the Olivier Award–winning Mojo, a sly and vicious black comedy setin 1950s Soho clubland; The Night Heron, a “funny, sad, haunting, and strangelybeautiful” play about a group of outcasts gathered in the Cambridgeshire fens(Daily Telegraph); Parlour Song, a hilarious investigation of cunning, paranoia,and treacherous desire; and The Winterling, a menacing comedy thriller about agroup of misfits waiting out the winter on a moor in Southern England.Jez Butterworth is the multi-award-winning author of Jerusalem. He won the1995 Evening Standard Award for most promising playwright and was awardedthe E.M. Forster Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in2007. He also wrote and directed the film adaptation of Mojo (1998) starringIan Hart and Harold Pinter, and Birthday Girl (2002) starring Nicole Kidmanand Ben Chaplin, and he co-wrote and produced Fair Game (2010) starringSean Penn and Naomi Watts.DRAMAMayA Paperback Original5 x 7¾ | 300 ppTrade Paper US $17.95978-1-55936-418-8 USThe first collection of plays by the author of theTony Award–nominated Jerusalem.321

Theatre Communications GroupJerusalemJez ButterworthWinner of the New York Drama Critics’ Award for Best Foreign Play.“One of the most exciting new plays in ages.”—The New York TimesOne of London and New York’s most highly acclaimed plays of the season,Jez Butterworth’s “wild, blissfully funny drug-and-booze-fueled comedy andtragedy” (The New York Times) is a rousing exploration of national identity, livingon the margins and the necessity of rebellion.DRAMAAvailable Now5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55936-408-9 USJez Butterworth won the 1995 Evening Standard Award for most promisingplaywright and was awarded the E.M. Forster Award from the AmericanAcademy of Arts and Letters in 2007. He also wrote and directed the film adaptationsof Mojo (1998) and Birthday Girl (2002), and he co-wrote and producedFair Game (2010).Winner of Best Play, 2009 EveningStandard Awards; Best New Play, CriticsCircle Awards; and Best New Play,Whatsonstage.com Awards.FolliesNew EditionBook by James GoldmanMusic and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim“A landmark musical. . . . A work of art.”—The New York TimesOn the eve of a once-glorious theater’s destruction, all of life’s might-havebeenstake center stage as two jaded couples glamorize the old days in whatproves to be a shattering experience. This classic musical by visionariesStephen Sondheim and James Goldman returned to Broadway in fall 2011starring Bernadette Peters, Jan Maxwell, and Elaine Paige.DRAMAAvailable Now5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-55936-417-1 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-55936-196-5Stephen Sondheim is the lyricist for West Side Story and Gypsy and the composer/lyricist for Sunday in the Park with George, Company, A Little Night Music, Sweeney Todd,and many others.James Goldman was a playwright, novelist, lyricist, and screenwriter. His playsinclude The Lion in Winter; They Might Be Giants; Blood, Sweat and Stanley Poole; and themusical A Family Affair.A new edition of the landmark musical.322

Theatre Communications GroupTalking TheatreInterviews with Theatre PeopleRichard EyreA superlative account of how theater is made, in the words of the very peoplewho make it. Includes interviews with John Gielgud, Judi Dench, ArthurMiller, Tom Stoppard, Vanessa Redgrave, Harold Pinter, Stephen Sondheim,Kim Hunter, Tony Kushner, Liam Neeson, and many others.PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | Nick Hern Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 352 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-138-7 USMy Life in PiecesSimon CallowNow in paperback! Winner of the Sheridan Morley Prize for TheatreBiography. An alternative autobiography of the well-loved actor and man ofthe theater. In My Life in Pieces Simon Callow retraces his life through the multifariousperformers, writers, productions, and events that have left their indeliblemark on him.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY | April | Nick Hern Books | 6¼ x 9⅜ | 448 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-171-4 USDrama Games: For DevisingJessica SwaleForeword by Mike LeighFor all levels creating new theater pieces from scratch and getting the creativejuices flowing. Written with clear instructions on How to Play and notes onthe Aim of the Game, it covers every aspect of the devising process: creatingcharacters and scenarios, using stimuli, improvising dialogue, structuring thepiece, and creating an ensemble.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 4⅛ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95 | 978-1-84842-037-3 USHumana Festival 2011: The Complete PlaysEdited by Amy Wegener and Sarah LevineIncludes: Maple and Vine by Jordan Harrison; Elemeno Pea by Molly SmithMetzler; BOB by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb; Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them by A. ReyPamatmat; The Edge of Our Bodies by Adam Rapp; A Devil at Noon by Anne Washburn;The End by Dan Dietz, Jennifer Haley, Allison Moore, A. Rey Pamatmat, andMarco Ramirez; Chicago, Sudan by Marc Bamuthi Joseph; Mr. Smitten by LauraEason; and Hygiene by Gregory Hischak.DRAMA | May | Playscripts, Inc. | 5½ x 8½ | 400 ppTrade Paper SP US $19.95 | CAN $21.95 | 978-0-9819099-8-1 USC323

Theatre Communications GroupThe No Rules Hand<strong>book</strong> for Writers(Know the Rules So You Can Break Them)Lisa GoldmanThe hand<strong>book</strong> appeals to a notion that all writing is an act of rebellion againstthe rules that exist. Reading this <strong>book</strong> ensures writers will understand therules of classical structure which enables them to find, use, and break them intheir own way to help them find their unique voice.REFERENCE | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 150 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-111-8 USCThe Oberon Glossary of Theatrical Terms,Second EditionTheatre Jargon ExplainedColin WinslowThis new edition of the successful A–Z explains over 1,300 technical, backstage,acting, musical, dance, and show-business terms in common usage.Completely revised and updated, this concise and compact glossary explainsand clarifies all theatre jargon. Pocket sized for easy reference.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 112 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95 | 978-1-84943-091-3 USCRoyal Ballet Year<strong>book</strong> 2011/12The Royal BalletThe new edition for the 2011/12 season will bring all ballet lovers up to datewith the latest activities, performances, and company news from the prestigiousRoyal Ballet. Featuring lavish photographs of last season’s performances,a special preview of the new season, and lively and informative articles.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 96 pp110 color and B&W photographsTrade Paper SP US $31.00 | CAN $33.95 | 978-1-84943-073-9 USCChildren in TheatreFrom the Audition to Working in Professional Theatre:A Guide for Children and their ParentsJo HawesWritten by the leading children’s casting director in the United Kingdom, JoHawes, this <strong>book</strong> will help children and their parents navigate their way: toadvise, guide, inform, and de-mystify the wonderful world of live theater andthe life of a child actor.324PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 4¾ x 7⅜ | 180 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95 | 978-1-84943-127-9 USC

Theatre Communications GroupI, ShakespeareTim CrouchBrings together Tim Crouch’s take on four Shakespeare classics: Twelfth Night,Macbeth, The Tempest, and A Mid<strong>summer</strong> Night’s Dream. These solo pieces are writtenfor younger audiences but their originality and strength make them suitablefor any age.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-126-2 USCDecadeTwenty New Plays About 9/11 and Its LegacyHeadlongNo one forgets the moment they heard the news. September 11, 2001, sentshockwaves across the globe. It was a day that would change the world forever.Ten years on, twenty major writers and thinkers from both sides of theAtlantic respond to the defining event of our times in a new production fromHeadlong, creators of the multi-award-winning Enron.DRAMA | Available Now | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 256 ppTrade Paper SP US $22.95 | 978-1-84842-230-8 USLondon RoadAlecky BlytheMusic and lyrics by Adam CorkIn late 2006 the everyday life of the quiet rural town of Ipswich was shatteredby the discovery of the bodies of five women. This experimental and challengingwork is a highly acclaimed new musical at London’s National Theatre.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-176-9 USOne Man, Two GuvnorsRichard Bean“An instant hit. . . . This is the most hilarious comic evening in the theatersince Noises Off.”—The StageBased on Carlo Goldoni’s classic Italian comedy The Servant of Two Masters, in thisnew English version by prize-winning playwright Richard Bean, sex, food,and money are high on the agenda.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-029-6 USC325

Theatre Communications GroupCelluloid Ceiling21st Century Female Film DirectorsRachel MillwardCelluloid Ceiling offers a one stop guide to the leading female directors of thetwenty-first century. With particular attention paid to women making films intraditionally male-dominated areas, such as action movies, and films featuringviolence or pornography, the author hopes to show all budding filmmakersthat women can overcome the challenges within this industry.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Aurora Metro Press | 5 x 7¾ | 288 ppTrade Paper SP US $22.95 | 978-0-9566329-0-6 USWomen Make NoiseGirl Bands from the Motown to the ModernEdited by Julia DownesIn Women Make Noise musicians, promoters, journalists, and fans explore thebest girl bands of the last fifty years. Includes interviews with members of theoriginal ’60s girl groups and classic punk outfits like The Raincoats and TheSlits as well as household names of today.MUSIC | April | A Paperback Original | Aurora Metro Press | 5 x 7¾ | 320 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-0-9566329-1-3 USA Screen Acting WorkshopMel ChurcherForeword by Jeremy IronsMel Churcher has developed a series of five workshops which take actors stepby-stepthrough the process of creating, developing, and delivering assuredperformances on screen. Including a ninety-minute DVD showing all thework in action, this <strong>book</strong> builds on these workshops and lets you progressthrough them at your own pace.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 2245 ppTrade Paper & DVD SP US $30.95 | 978-1-84842-055-7 USWorld of Theatre 2011 EditionEdited by Ramendu Majumdar and Mofidul HoqueThis fully illustrated volume contains national articles, written by noted theaterjournalists or critics. Complied by the International Theatre Institute(ITI) and covering the preceding two theater seasons, these articles provide avast panorama of theater productions and a critical review of recent developmentsin the performing arts in over fifty countries.326PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 6⅞ x 9⅝ | 380 ppTrade Paper SP US $25.00 | 978-1-55936-407-2 US

Theatre Communications GroupTheatre Uncut: The AnthologyA Response to the Countrywide Spending CutsDennis Kelly, Lucy Kirkwood, and Mark RavenhillBrings together some of the United Kingdom’s leading dramatists to protestand respond to the largest cuts to public spending since WWII. These playsquestioned what the budget cuts really mean and who they were really hitting.Up and down the country a debate was started. And it was a debate that can’t—and shouldn’t—be forgotten.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5 x 8¼ | 114 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95 | 978-1-84943-063-0 USCSixty-Six BooksA Contemporary Response to the King James BibleThe Bush TheatreBrings together a team of the country’s most exciting emerging and establisheddirectors, designers, performers, and artists to create an experiencethat culminates in a major performance event at the Bush Theatre’s newhome, which is collected here, in this beautifully produced <strong>book</strong>. IncludesJanette Winterson, Billy Bragg, and Nick Labutte, to name a few.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 6 x 9⅛ | 352 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95 | 978-1-84943-227-6 USCFlare PathTerence Rattigan“A three-handkerchief weepie that somehow manages to be both profoundlymoving and wonderfully funny.”—TelegraphA moving story of love and loyalty, courage and fear, based on Terence Rattigan’sown experiences as a tail gunner in the Second World War.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-187-5 USCause CélèbreTerence RattiganBased on the true story of Alma Rattenbury, who, in 1935, went on trial withher eighteen-year-old lover for the murder of her husband. Terence Rattiganpits Alma against a formidable lady juror, whose own life offers a plangentcounterpoint to the central tale of love, betrayal, guilt, and obsession.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-85459-207-1 US327

Theatre Communications GroupTactical QuestioningEdited by Richard Norton-TaylorTactical Questioning brings together scenes from the public inquiry which examinedthe shocking events of Baha Mousa’s death and the treatment of thosedetained with him over those two days of detention, and the British Army’spolicies towards the treatment of detainees.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-031-9 USCPark Avenue CatFrank StrausserWhen does a twosome become a threesome? A very confused Los Angelestherapist finds out when one beautiful woman and two alpha males meet forcouples therapy in this frenetic new comedy by Los Angeles-based playwrightand screenwriter Frank Strausser.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-176-7 USCEmperor and GalileanHenrik IbsenAdapted by Ben PowerHenrik Ibsen’s little-known masterpiece sweeps across Greece and the MiddleEast from AD 351, covering twelve crucial years in the history of civilization,charting the true odyssey of an astonishing man as he struggles to find spiritualfulfillment and political pre-eminence.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 158 ppTrade Paper SP US $22.95 | 978-1-84842-192-9 USAn Attitude for ActingHow to Survive (and Thrive) as an ActorAndrew Tidmarsh and Tara Swart, PhDA “how to” <strong>book</strong> for actors who want to develop a “can do” attitude to theirprofession in the face of rejection and intense competition. This <strong>book</strong> will inspireyou to break out of the cycle of despondency and start to view yourself asa creative and autonomous individual who is valuable and employable.328PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 4¼ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper SP US $22.95 | 978-1-84842-112-7 US

Theatre Communications GroupBingoDaniel MacIvorA new play by an award-winning playwright and one of Canada’s most accomplishedplaywrights and performers follows five classmates in town for theirthirtieth high school reunion. The more alcohol that’s consumed, the closerthe friends come to confronting their darkest secrets.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 5⅜ x 8⅜ | 112 ppTrade Paper SP US $16.95 | 978-1-77091-000-3 USCollected Works: Judith Thompson, Vol. 1Judith ThompsonA new collection of plays from one of the world’s leading, award-winningplaywrights. This series of <strong>book</strong>s seeks to collect and document some of herharder-to-find plays. Volume one includes her adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’sHedda Gabler, I Am Yours, Pink, and Sled.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 5⅛ x 7⅝ | 304 ppTrade Paper SP US $24.95 | 978-1-77091-021-8 USDown from HeavenColleen WagnerA stunning new play by Governor General’s Literary Award–winner ColleenWagner. Down from Heaven examines the tenuous balance between civility andsavagery, morality and survival, class struggle, art, and love when a pandemicand food crisis challenges dearly held beliefs.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 5⅜ x 8⅜ | 112 ppTrade Paper SP US $16.95 | 978-1-77091-006-5 USIf We Were BirdsErin ShieldsErin Shields’ award-winning play is a shocking, uncompromising examinationof the horrors of war, giving voice to a woman long ago forced into silence,and placing a spotlight on millions of female victims who have beensilenced through violence, delivered through the lens of Greek tragedy.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 5⅜ x 8⅜ | 112 ppTrade Paper SP US $16.95 | 978-1-77091-012-6 US329

Theatre Communications GroupBeneath the Dusty TreesThe Gary Plays, an OctetMurray MednickAn octet of plays portraying economic and spiritual distress in the contemporaryurban wilderness of Los Angeles. The series was inspired by a friendof the playwright whose son died in a drug deal gone wrong under the “dustytrees” of the San Fernando Valley.DRAMA | Available Now | Padua Playwrights Press | 5¼ x 7½ | 500 ppTrade Paper SP US $16.95 | CAN $18.50 | 978-0-9630126-8-5 USCFever DreamsNew Work from Padua PlaywrightsSissy Boyd, Hank Bunker, and Heidi DarchukThe seminal Los Angeles-based group brings the Off-Off Broadway traditionto the twenty-first century in ten new plays. Plays by Sissy Boyd, HankBunker, Heidi Darchuk, Murray Mednick, John Steppling, Sharon Yablon,Rita Valencia, and Guy Zimmerman.DRAMA | Available Now | Padua Playwrights Press | 5¼ x 7½ | 600 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95 | CAN $20.99 | 978-0-9630126-9-2 USCJan Fabre: The Servant of BeautySeven Monologues for the TheatreJan FabreEdited with a foreword by Frank HentschkerThis volume of monologues is the second work by Flemish Dutch theater artistJan Fabre in English translation. Plays include: We need Heroes Now (2010),Little Body on the Wall (1996), The Emperor of Loss (1994), She was and She is, Even (1975),and others.DRAMA | Available Now | Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publ. | 6 x 9 | 193 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.00 | CAN $22.50 | 978-0-9846160-1-5 USCLuise MillerFriedrich SchillerAdapted by Mike Poulton“A love story laced with indignation. . . . The language in Mike Poulton’s fineversion is alternately highflown and splendidly raunchy.”—The TimesAdapted from Friedrich Schiller’s 1784 play Kabale und Liebe, a masterpiece ofpower and politics that explores the battle between honor and corruption, betweentruth and betrayal.330DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-147-9 US

Theatre Communications GroupJoy and TyrannyArnold WeskerA brand new play from renowned modern British playwright Arnold Wesker.“Joy” in the title is an umbrella word for aspiration, achievement, talent, love,intellect, beauty, laughter, happiness—aspects of the human condition that intimidatethe tyrannical mentality.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-108-8 USCThe KitchenArnold WeskerArnold Wesker’s perennially popular play. The central story tells of a frustratedlove affair between a high-spirited, young German chef, Peter, and amarried English waitress, Monique.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-027-2 USCFutureproofLynda RadleyWinner of the Edinburgh Fringe First Award 2011.A magical and deeply compassionate play about identity and the capacities ofthe human spirit. At a time when science and religion have conspired to makefreak shows shameful, Robert Riley, owner of Riley’s Odditorium, struggles tofind ways to keep his company afloat.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-213-1 USRattigan’s NijinskyNicholas WrightFrom a screenplay by Terence RattiganIn 1974, Terence Rattigan wrote a television script for the BBC about the relationshipbetween Diaghilev, the impresario behind the Ballets Russes, andNijinsky, the most renowned dancer of all time, which Rattigan described as“the greatest love story since Romeo and Juliet.” But the playwright withdrewthe play and it was never produced. Now in this bold re-imagining of events,Nicholas Wright investigates why.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-167-7 US331

Theatre Communications GroupShakespeare on TheatreCompiled by Nick de SomogyiShakespeare scholar Nick de Somogyi draws together all the set pieces such as“All the world’s a stage,” Hamlet’s encounters with the Players, and Bottom’samateur dramatics, along with less well-known but equally revealing passages.Interspersed throughout are insights into theater practices from Shakespeare’scontemporaries.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-079-3 USChekhov on TheatreCompiled by Jutta Hercher and Peter UrbanTranslated by Stephen MulrineWhat one of the world’s greatest dramatists had to say about the theater.Collected here in Stephen Mulrine’s vivid translations, these writings revealAnton Chekhov’s many and varied insights into the way theater works—andhow best to realize his own intentions as a theater writer.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 256 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-075-5 USSo You Want To Do A Solo Show?Gareth ArmstrongA unique guide to every aspect of putting on your own solo show: choosing thesubject, raising the finances, <strong>book</strong>ing the venue, and performing it! Being aveteran of the solo-show circuit as a writer, performer, and director, GarethArmstrong is the ideal guide.PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 224 ppTrade Paper SP US $26.95 | 978-1-84842-084-7 USSadler’s Wells Is DanceSadler’s Wells TheatreTells the recent history of this theater’s role as a powerhouse of contemporarydance. Featuring lavish photographs and including text by Sadler’s Wellsartistic director Alistair Spalding, it offers a unique behind-the-scenes insightinto the creation of some of the world’s most exciting and critically acclaimednew dance.332PERFORMING ARTS | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 9⅝ x 9⅝ | 180 ppTrade Paper SP US $50.00 | CAN $54.95 | 978-1-84943-062-3 USC

Theatre Communications GroupDouble Feature Volume OneSam Holcroft and DC MooreTwo plays that provide an investigation into relationships, identities, and thevery nature of reality; a touching and funny examination of the ties that holdus together. Plays included are Edgar & Annabel by Sam Holcroft and The Swan byDC Moore.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-219-3 USDouble Feature Volume TwoTom Basden and Prasanna PuwanarajahTwo small plays but big on ideas. Between them they provide a vivid searchfor home and a blackly comic exploration of the mad savagery of war. Playsincluded are Nightwatchman by Prasanna Puwanarajah and There is a War by TomBasden.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-220-9 USCardenioWilliam Shakespeare and John FletcherEdited by Gregory DoranWilliam Shakespeare’s “lost play” re-imagined. Set in the heat and dust ofAndalusia in seventeenth-century Spain, Cardenio is the story of a friendshipbetrayed, with all the elements of a thriller: disguise, dishonor, and deceit.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-180-6 USMark O’Rowe Plays: OneMark O’RoweSince winning the George Devine Award for Howie the Rookie in 1999, Irishplaywright Mark O’Rowe has electrified audiences with his distinctive dramaticstyle and dark, dangerous storytelling. The collection includes From BothHips, The Aspidistra Code, Howie the Rookie, Made in China, and Crestfall.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | 978-1-84842-160-8 US333

Theatre Communications GroupRussian PlaysRichard CranePrize-winning adaptations of four seminal Russian plays collected togetherfor the first time. Includes Satan’s Ball, an adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov’sMaster and Margarita; Vanity, a response to Alexander Pushkin’s verse novel EugeneOnegin; Brothers Karamazov, a dramatization of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s epic finalnovel; and Gogol, a one-man play.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 120 ppTrade Paper SP US $32.95 | CAN $36.50 | 978-1-84943-092-0 USCBlok/EkoHoward BarkerA drama about death and its status in the world. Eko, seemingly on a whim,liquidates the entire medical profession, asserting that consolation—in theform of song—is a better way with sickness than drugs or surgery. She deliberatelyexposes her greatest poet Tot to a life of crime, poverty, and humiliationin order to extract from him his finest work.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-110-1 USCLoyaltySarah HelmIn the weeks leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the pressure on the UKgovernment to commit to joining the American cause was escalating. And inone household the pressure had completely erased the line between the politicaland the personal—the home Tony Blair’s Chief of Staff.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 4¾ x 7⅜ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-209-2 USCThe Acid TestAnya ReissAn unruly comedy asking if age equals maturity. Dana, Ruth, and Jess downshots to console the heartbroken, to comfort the anxious, and just to pass thetime. Jess’s dad, Jim, invades the party with just as much recklessness as thegirls. As the vodka bottles are emptied, it becomes high drama.334DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-045-6 USC

Theatre Communications GroupThe MillMatthew MacFadzean, Hannah Moscovitch,Tara Beagan, and Damien AtkinsA unique theatrical endeavor comprised of plays written by four of Canada’smost celebrated playwrights. The series reveals the shocking story of a mill’spast, exposing the secrets of the land’s inhabitants as the plays jump throughtime. Includes Now We Are Brody, The Huron Bride, The Woods, and Ash.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 5⅜ x 8⅜ | 304 ppTrade Paper SP US $24.95 | 978-1-77091-009-6 USGreen Thumb Theatre AnthologyEdited by Green Thumb TheatreA collection of six plays written for young audiences, from primary schoolthrough high school. Includes Blind Spot by Meghan Gardiner; Cranked byMichael P. Northey; Derwent is Different and Showdown by Jamie Norris; and TheInvisible Girl and Tree Boy by Michele Riml.JUVENILE FICTION | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 6 x 9 | 240 ppTrade Paper SP US $29.95 | 978-1-77091-024-9 US | Ages 10 and upsankofad’bi.young.anitafrikaExtraordinary stories of three generations of strong women and their resolutebelief in blood and truth form a powerful whole. Plays included are blood.claat,benu, and word! sound! powah!DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 5⅜ x 8⅜ | 240 ppTrade Paper SP US $24.95 | 978-1-77091-018-8 USNIGHTChristopher MorrisAs the community forges through physical and psychological darkness,Christopher Morris reveals that a past most have long forgotten can still haveits repercussions. Darkness abounds in this story of a man long thought lost,shedding light on an isolated northern Canadian community whose strugglesmany would choose to ignore.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Playwrights Canada Press | 5⅜ x 8⅜ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $16.95 | 978-1-77091-015-7 US335

Theatre Communications GroupBelongingsMorgan Lloyd MalcolmAn explosive new play that delves into one woman’s quest for identity and aplace she can call home. A young female soldier returns from Afghanistan toa home she no longer recognizes. She has proved herself in combat but herhardest battle is yet to come.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-225-2 USCTim Crouch: Plays OneTim CrouchThis new collection pulls together, for the first time, the finest work fromaward-winning English dramatist Tim Crouch. Includes The Author, joint winnerof the 2010 John Whiting Award and winner of a Total Theatre award forinnovation; England; An Oak Tree, winner of a Village Voice Obie; and My Arm.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Oberon Books | 5⅜ x 8½ | 334 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95 | 978-1-84943-109-5 USCBLACKBIRDSSimon StartinIn an age when we are connected by global networks, but don’t know ourneighbors, Blackbirds tells of a time when bombs fell daily in the street andBritain was at its bravest by the people who were there, in their own words.DRAMA | April | A Paperback Original | Aurora Metro Press | 5 x 7¾ | 80 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-906582-29-6 USThe Jungle BookNeil DuffieldAdapted from Rudyard KiplingOriginal songs and music by Conor MitchellA timeless story brought to life for the stage in this vibrant new version bythe award-winning children’s playwright Neil Duffield. Faithful to RudyardKipling’s original beloved story, this beautifully staged musical adaptation hasproven a hit with theaters both in the United Kingdom and abroad.336JUVENILE FICTION | April | A Paperback Original | Aurora Metro Press | 5 x 7⅝ | 88 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-906582-26-5 US | Ages 5 and up

Theatre Communications GroupThe Crossing Guard/In Full LightDaniel KarasikDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalPlaywrights Canada Press5⅜ x 8⅜ | 160 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95978-1-77091-003-4 USWesker’s Domestic PlaysArnold WeskerDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 320 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-160-6 USCWho is Sylvia?Terence RattiganDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-165-3 USSee Bob Run/Wild AbandonSecond EditionDaniel MacIvorDRAMAAprilPlaywrights Canada Press5⅛ x 7⅝ | 80 ppTrade Paper SP US $16.95978-0-88754-997-7 USWesker’s Historical PlaysArnold WeskerDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5¼ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-144-6 USCThe Faith MachineAlexi Kaye CampbellDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-217-9 USTonight at the TarragonEdited by Kamal Al-SolayleeDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalPlaywrights Canada Press6 x 9 | 496 ppTrade Paper SP US $29.95978-1-77091-025-6 USBlackberry TroutfaceLaurence WilsonJUVENILE FICTIONAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-243-6 USCAges 10 and upThe God of SohoChris HannanDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-168-4 USTidelineSecond EditionWajdi MouawadTranslated by Shelley TeppermanDRAMAAprilPlaywrights Canada Press5⅛ x 7⅝ | 176 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95978-0-88754-987-8 USWesker’s ComediesArnold WeskerDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5¼ x 8½ | 320 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-128-6 USCFirst EpisodeTerence RattiganDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-163-9 USLove in Idleness/Less Than KindTerence RattiganDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-164-6 USNo Naughty BitsSteve ThompsonDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-205-6 USLittle EaglesRona MunroDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-146-2 US337

Theatre Communications GroupPrecious Little/Hot MessElla HicksonDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-166-0 USA Butcher of DistinctionRob HayesDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-030-2 USCFamily BusinessJulian MitchellDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 98 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-095-1 USCKen Campbell:The Great CaperMichael CoveneyBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5½ x 8½ | 268 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95978-1-84842-076-2 USThe Dark PhilosophersCarl Grose and Told by an IdiotTheatre CompanyDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-146-0 USCThe Hen Night EpiphanyJimmy MurphyDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-178-1 USC2401 ObjectsAnalogue; Hannah Barker, LewisHetherington, and Liam JarvisDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-195-8 USCDon GiovanniMozartAdapted by Robin Norton-HaleDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books4¾ x 7⅜ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-240-5 USCrandomSecond Editiondebbie tucker greenDRAMAAvailable NowNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95978-1-84842-105-9 US27Abi MorganDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-177-4 USCElectraSophoclesAdapted by Nick PayneDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-061-6 USCEcstasySecond EditionMike LeighDRAMAAprilNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-137-0 USbodies unfinishedLewis HetheringtonDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books4¾ x 7⅜ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-129-3 USCLes Enfants TerriblesOliver LansleyDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 200 ppTrade Paper SP US $26.95 | CAN $29.50978-1-84943-163-7 USCMuch Ado About NothingWilliam ShakespeareEdited by Robert Hastie and Josie RourkeDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 52 ppTrade Paper SP US $14.95978-1-84842-200-1 US338

Theatre Communications GroupThe City MadamPhilip MassingerDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 142 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-190-5 USSeagullAnton ChekhovTranslated by Charlotte Pyke,John Kerr, and Joseph BlatchleyDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 88 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-210-0 USHundreds and ThousandsLou RamsdenDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 104 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-212-4 USAn Enemy of the PeopleHenrik IbsenTranslated by Stephen MulrineDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern BooksDrama Classics4 x 6¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $10.95978-1-84842-159-2 USWinterlongAndrew SheridanDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 100 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-130-1 USHidden Gems: Volume 2Edited by Deirdre OsborneDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 260 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-148-4 USCThe Widowing of Mrs HolroydD.H. LawrenceDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern BooksDrama Classics4 x 6¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $10.95978-1-84842-158-5 USA Woman Killed with KindnessThomas HeywoodEdited by Trevor GriffithsDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern BooksDrama Classics4 x 6¼ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $10.95978-1-84842-186-8 USThe League of YouthHenrik IbsenAdapted by Andy BarrettDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 102 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-188-2 USMOMENTDeirdre KinahanDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5⅜ x 7¾ | 144 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-152-3 USNo RomanceNancy HarrisDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-161-5 USPandasRona MunroDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-196-7 USHow To ProduceA West End ShowJulius GreenPERFORMING ARTSAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 176 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-025-8 USCIrish Blood, English HeartDarren MurphyDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-094-4 USCJust AdrianAdrian MitchellPERFORMING ARTSAprilOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 116 ppTrade Cloth SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-047-0 USC339

Theatre Communications GroupKalashnikov:In the Woods by the LakeFraser GraceDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-242-9 USCMany MoonsAlice BirchDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-077-7 USCLittle Baby JesusArinze KeneDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 54 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-199-8 USKeep Smiling ThroughLisa EvansDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 98 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-014-2 USCMerlin and theWoods of TimeGlyn MaxwellJUVENILE FICTIONAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-224-5 USCAges 5 and upPerveStacey GreggDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 80 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-177-6 USKeith Waterhouse:Collected PlaysKeith WaterhouseDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 260 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-121-7 USCMirror TeethNick GillDRAMAAvailable NowA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8⅝ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-192-7 USCFixerLydia AdetunjiDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-064-9 USLovesongAbi MorganDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-161-3 USCMojisola Adebayo:Collected PlaysMojisola AdebayoDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 128 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-075-3 USCFrankensteinPatrick SandfordAdapted from Mary ShelleyDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 56 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95978-1-84842-194-3 USLullabies of BroadmoorSteve HennesseyDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $26.95 | CAN $29.50978-1-84943-162-0 USC340Home DeathNell DunnDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 60 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95978-1-84842-195-0 USThe Winter’s TaleWilliam ShakespeareEdited by Nick de SomogyiDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalNick Hern BooksThe Shakespeare Folios5¾ x 8½ | 100 ppTrade Paper SP US $26.95978-1-85459-581-2 US

Theatre Communications GroupTerminusSecond EditionMark O’RoweDRAMAAprilNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 52 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95978-1-84842-174-5 USPersuasionTim LuscombeAdapted from Jane AustenDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-193-4 USCTakeawayRobert LeeDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-208-5 USCAnna KareninaSecond EditionHelen EdmundsonAdapted from Leo TolstoyDRAMAAprilNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-197-4 USPortraitsWilliam Douglas-HomeDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-210-8 USCToo FastDouglas MaxwellJUVENILE FICTIONAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 104 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-125-5 USCAges 13 and upBrontëSecond EditionPolly TealeDRAMAAvailable NowNick Hern Books5 x 7½ | 80 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-170-7 USThe Rape of EuropeGregory MottonDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-078-4 USCTotal FootballJonathan Haynes & David Woods(Ridiculusmus)DRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-015-9 USCRoseHywel JohnDRAMAAprilNick Hern Books5 x 7¾ | 88 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95978-1-84842-224-7 USSeven AngelsGlyn MaxwellMusic by Luke BedfordDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-079-1 USCWe’re GonnaMake You WholeYasmine Van WiltDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-131-6 USCMuscleTom WainwrightDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-093-7 USCStep 9 (of 12)Rob HayesDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-194-1 USCWhere the Flowers GrowMark NorfolkDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-046-3 USC341

Theatre Communications GroupWondrous FlittingMark ThomsonDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-211-5 USCThe Adventures ofWound Man and ShirleyChris GoodeDRAMAAprilOberon Books4¾ x 7⅜ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $23.00978-1-84943-180-4 USCThe SCREAMLaurent GraffFICTIONAprilA Paperback OriginalAurora Metro Press5 x 7¾ | 156 ppTrade Paper SP US $18.95978-1-906582-25-8 USYoung PretenderE.V. CroweDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-179-8 USCFanta OrangeSally WoodcockDRAMAAprilOberon Books4¾ x 7⅜ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-196-5 USCSilly BeggarJames SpenceHUMORAvailable NowA Paperback OriginalAurora Metro Press5¾ x 8½ | 200 ppTrade Paper SP US $22.95978-1-906582-03-6 USAmbivalencesPortrait of Arnold Weskerfrom A to WChiara Montenero andArnold WeskerPERFORMING ARTSAprilOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 200 ppTrade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $33.95978-1-84943-132-3 USCThe Free StateA South African Response toChekhov’s The Cherry OrchardJanet SuzmanDRAMAAprilOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-133-0 USCIphigeniaJohann Wolfgang von GoetheTranslated by Meredith OakesDRAMAAprilOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-164-4 USC1984Matthew DunsterAdapted from George OrwellDRAMAAprilOberon Books5 x 8¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-226-9 USCLungsDuncan MacmillanDRAMAAprilA Paperback OriginalOberon Books5⅜ x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $22.95978-1-84943-145-3 USC342

Totem BooksBobby’s OpenMr Jones and the Golf Shot that Defined a LegendSteven ReidThe year: 1926. Royal Lytham & St Annes Golf Club is hosting the world’soldest and most prestigious golf tournament—the British Open. A stellar fieldof players from both sides of the Atlantic has assembled hoping to claim victory,including Walter Hagen, Harry Vardon, and a rising young amateurfrom the United States, Bobby Jones.Already a winner of the US Open and US Amateur Championship, Jones,who would one day go on to found the Masters Tournament at AugustaNational, has yet to win a major event on British soil. To do so now wouldset him on a path of unrivalled achievement and into the history <strong>book</strong>s as thegreatest amateur golfer the world has ever known. As the competition boilsdown to the penultimate hole, Bobby must hold his nerve to pull off a miraclerecovery shot that will fire his reputation—and that of the golf course—aroundthe world.Bobby’s Open is the inspirational story of a golfing legend and one of thegame’s defining contests. Steven Reid blends social history with sporting biographyto portray the most famous sportsman of his time, examining why Joneswas so adored and the cruel price he ultimately paid for his genius.Steven Reid is a lifelong member of Royal Lytham & St Annes Golf Club,which he captained in 1996, and is currently chairman of its HeritageCommittee. Steven is also Chief Medical Officer of the Royal & Ancient GolfClub of St Andrews and a member of County Sligo Golf Club at Rosses Point,West of Ireland.SPORTS & RECREATIONMay6 x 9½ | 288 ppB&W photographs throughoutTrade Cloth US $26.00978-1-906850-28-9 USThe inspirational story of a golfing legend andone of the game’s defining contests.Marketing Plans10,000-copy print runAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• National print and online campaign• Giveaways through Goodreads andLibraryThing343

Totem BooksThe Universe Inside YouThe Extreme Science of the Human Body FromQuantum Theory to the Mysteries of the BrainBrian CleggSCIENCEJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 224 ppTrade Paper US $17.95978-1-84831-353-8 USThe mind-boggling scienceof the human body.In the sequel to his best-selling Inflight Science, Brian Clegg offers a spectaculartour through the human body.He explores mitochondria, in-cell powerhouses once separate creatures;how your eyes consume million-year-old photons of light; your many senses,which include the ability to detect warps in space and time; and why meetingan attractive person can turn you into a gibbering idiot.Brian Clegg is a science writer who lives in Wiltshire, England. His previous<strong>book</strong>s include Before the Big Bang (St Martin’s Griffin, 2011) and Inflight Science(Totem Books, 2011).Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesNational radio campaign • National print and online campaignGiveaways through Goodreads and LibraryThingPromotion through www.universeinsideyou.comSlaughter on a Snowy MornA Tale of Murder, Corruption and theDeath Penalty Case that Shocked AmericaColin EvansShortlisted for the Crime Writers’ Association Gold Dagger Award forNon-Fiction.“With a cast of characters brought to life in superb style by Evans, Slaughteron a Snowy Morn cannot fail to keep you gripped until the very last page.”—History Books ReviewTRUE CRIMEAprilA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 320 ppTrade Paper US $15.95978-1-84831-216-6 USThe dramatic tale of the illiterate New York farmhand condemned to deathin 1916 who became the first convicted murderer ever to be freed by forensicscience.Colin Evans is the author of The Case<strong>book</strong> of Forensic Detection: How Science Solved 100of the World’s Most Baffling Crimes and Father of Forensics (Icon Books, 2008).The story of Charles Frederick Stielowand the electric chair.344Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesNational print and online campaignGiveaways through Goodreads and LibraryThing

Totem BooksMessiThe Inside Story of the Boy Who Became a LegendSecond EditionLuca CaioliStill only twenty-four, Lionel Messi is on course to become the greatest soccerplayer of all time. The 2009 and 2010 FIFA Player of the Year, he is fast,elusive, and mesmerizing.Luca Caioli draws on numerous exclusive testimonies to tell Messi’s story,including his parents and extended family, his coaches, and people who haveplayed alongside him. In the final chapter Messi himself sizes up his life so far.Messi is a revealing portrait of soccer’s most exciting player, updated to includethe 2011 Champions League Final, when everyone, including the opposition,applauded Messi and his team.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesSPORTS & RECREATIONApril5½ x 8 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-906850-39-5 USPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-906850-11-1Revised and updated to include LionelMessi’s record breaking 2010–2011season and “that” match, the 2011Champions League Final.RonaldoThe Obsession for PerfectionLuca CaioliWhen Cristiano Ronaldo transferred to Real Madrid for a world recordshattering£80 million in 2009, it cemented his position as one of the bestplayers of his era.This is the story of the two-time Ballon d’Or Winner, the first PremierLeague Player to be name FIFA World Player of the Year, and winner of the2010–2011 Golden Shoe.Luca Caioli is a renowned Italian sports journalist who crafted his reputationat ITV in Britain and as chief editor of Euronews TV in France. He settled inSpain five years ago where he is a correspondent for SKY Italia.SPORTS & RECREATIONJuneA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 288 ppTrade Paper US $14.95978-1-906850-29-6 USMarketing PlansAdvance reader copiesA biography of the Portugal andReal Madrid footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.345

Totem BooksIntroducing—The Practical GuidesIn <strong>2012</strong>, Totem Books announces seven titles for the new Practical Guides series. These user-friendly, jargon-free <strong>book</strong>s areproduced in the same focused format as their graphic guide cousins, at the same great $9.95 price.Written by established experts in their fields, the Practical Guides are complete with tips, facts, case studies, and effective exercisesto help readers apply proven principles to everyday life and achieve their goals.Introducing Ethics for Everyday LifeA Practical GuideDave RobinsonA Practical Guide to ethics and every day decisions. Written by an expert, itincludes straightforward, easy-to-follow ways to use ethics in making real lifechoices in areas such as friendships, marriage, parenting, and work.PHILOSOPHY | April | A Paperback Original | Practical Guides | 4¾ x 6¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-341-5 USIntroducing Positive PsychologyA Practical GuideBridget Grenville-CleaveThis Practical Guide uses positive psychology to show you how to identify—andplay on—your character strengths, how to change your mindset, how to boostyour positive emotions, and how to become more resilient.PSYCHOLOGY | April | A Paperback Original | Practical Guides | 4¾ x 6¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-277-7 USIntroducing MindfulnessA Practical GuideTessa WattMindfulness is about teaching yourself to be more aware of your body andyour environment, more present in the here and now, more focused and ableto make choices about where you direct your attention, and more accepting ofyourself and other people.346SELF-HELP | April | A Paperback Original | Practical Guides | 4¾ x 6¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-255-5 US

Totem BooksIntroducing Philosophy for Everyday LifeA Practical GuideTrevor CurnowThis <strong>book</strong> will show how philosophy can help to improve your thinking abouteveryday life. And by improving the quality of your thinking, you can improvethe quality of your life. It will make you more aware of what you think andwhy—and how you can change what you think.PHILOSOPHY | July | A Paperback Original | Practical Guides | 4¾ x 6¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-356-9 USIntroducing Psychology of RelationshipsA Practical GuideJohn KarterThis Practical Guide will help you achieve healthier ways of relating by understandingsome of the underlying psychological drivers that permeate relationships,work on these unconscious motivating factors to eliminate kneejerkreactions to make your relationship more loving and fulfilling, and betterequip you for a new relationship.FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS | July | A Paperback OriginalPractical Guides | 4¾ x 6¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-359-0 USIntroducing HappinessA Practical GuideWill BuckinghamBy looking at the history of thought, this guide will help you do things whichsupport your well-being, free yourself from the various disturbances of life,overcome irrational expectations that cause us distress, and understand thecauses of suffering.PHILOSOPHY | July | A Paperback Original | Practical Guides | 4¾ x 6¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-362-0 USIntroducing Self-EsteemA Practical GuideDavid Bonham-CarterAmong many things, this practical guide shows you how raising your selfesteemcan stop you worrying whether you are doing the right thing or whetheryou are good enough, help you engage in relationships constructively withoutputting yourself down, and allow you to assert yourself without worryingabout others’ opinions.SELF-HELP | July | A Paperback Original | Practical Guides | 4¾ x 6¾ | 224 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-365-1 US347

Totem BooksIntroducing CamusA Graphic GuideDavid Mairowitz and Alain KorkosIntroducing Camus portrays a man who was an intellectual in the tradition of thegreat French humanists, a Resistance fighter during World War II, and also agreat sensualist for whom sun, sea, sex, football, and theater were the answerto life’s absurdity.LITERARY CRITICISM | May | Introducing | 4¾ x 6¾ | 176 pp | B&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-345-3 USIntroducing JoyceA Graphic GuideDavid Norris and Carl FlintJames Joyce is one of the most famous—and controversial—writers of the twentiethcentury. The myth of his difficulty has discouraged many readers fromworks such as Ulysses, but David Norris explores his life and work in this engagingand intellectually rigorous introduction.LITERARY CRITICISM | May | Introducing | 4¾ x 6¾ | 176 pp | B&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-351-4 USIntroducing PsychotheraphyA Graphic GuideNigel Benson and Borin Van LoonWhat is psychotherapy? How can we choose wisely from so much on offer?This <strong>book</strong> provides a valuable summary of the main therapies: the “talkingcures” of psychoanalysis, behavioral and cognitive techniques, somatic solutions,humanist gestalt and existential approaches, and individual and grouptherapies.PSYCHOLOGY | August | Introducing | 4¾ x 6¾ | 176 pp | B&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-344-6 USIntroducing Artificial IntelligenceA Graphic GuideHenry Brighton and Howard SelinaHalf a century of research has resulted in machines capable of beating thebest human chess players and humanoid robots that can interact. But canmachines really think? Is the mind just a complicated computer program?Introducing Artificial Intelligence focuses on the issues behind one of science’s mostdifficult problems.348COMPUTERS / TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING | April | Introducing | 4¾ x 6¾ | 176 ppB&W illustrations throughoutTrade Paper US $9.95 | 978-1-84831-214-2 US

Turtle Point PressMr. Proust’s LibraryAnka MuhlsteinAs fascinating for the general reader as it is valuable for students and <strong>book</strong>groups, Mr. Proust’s Library is at once a unique close reading of Marcel Proust’smasterpiece Remembrance of Things Past (In Search of Lost Time) and an elegant explorationof Proust’s many and varied loves—his literary sources. Few writers readas deeply and as extensively as Proust. He avidly consumed novels, poetry,plays, and letters. His favorites included Honoré de Balzac, Thomas Hardy,the Goncourts, John Ruskin, Jean Racine, Victor Hugo, T. S. Eliot, EdgarAllan Poe, and Fyodor Dostoevsky.Anka Muhlstein, a Goncourt-winning biographer, is our charming guidethrough Mr. Proust’s reading list.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print and radio campaignAuthor EventsChicago, IL • Boston, MA • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NYLITERARY CRITICISMMayA Paperback Original4½ x 7 | 96 ppTrade Paper US $9.00 | CAN $9.95978-1-933527-58-1 USCMarcel Proust read extensively andremembered everything. Anka Muhlsteinshows how Proust incorporates his widereading in writing his masterpiece.Blue Stranger With Mosaic BackgroundWayne KoestenbaumFast, obsessive, jumpy, tender, and joyful, the poems in Wayne Koestenbaum’sBlue Stranger With Mosaic Background take his signature themes—stardom, scapegoating,aestheticism, nudism, exaltation—and cut them into serial strips: tidbitsthat employ techniques of pointillism, mosaic, grid, aphorism, litany, andphilosophical investigation.The luminaries in this memory-theater range from Yvonne de Carlo toHannah Arendt. A trip to Venice and an invocation to an eschatological icecreamman are the two longest trysts in a <strong>book</strong> exquisitely composed of “bits”that betoken a new brutalism in a writer known for svelte cadences and artfuldodges.Marketing PlansCo-op available • Advance reader copiesNational print campaign • Social media campaignAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA • Chicago, IL • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: New York, NYPOETRYMayA Paperback Original5½ x 7½ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $10.50 | CAN $11.50978-1-933527-60-4 USCStar-haunted new poems mince memoryand culture into tidbits to propose a new“nude” poetics: scapegoated Adonises inaphoristic pillboxes.349

Selected Backlist from Turtle Point PressThe Dead of the HouseHannah GreenFICTION4¾ x 7 | 225 ppTrade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $16.00978-1-885983-07-7 USCNalda SaidStuart DavidFICTION5½ x 8½ | 152 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-1-885586-71-1 USCBroken IrishEdward J. DelaneyFICTION5½ x 8¼ | 416 ppTrade Paper US $18.50 | CAN $20.50978-1-933527-50-5 USCThe Wilshire SunJoshua BaldwinFICTION5 x 7¾ | 128 ppTrade Paper US $10.50 | CAN $11.50978-1-933527-46-8 USCKing CophetuaJulien GracqFICTION4¾ x 7¼ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.00978-1-885586-86-5 USCDear PrudenceNew and Selected PoemsDavid TrinidadPOETRY6 x 9 | 512 ppTrade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $22.00978-1-933527-47-5 USC350

Two Dollar RadioRadio IrisAnne-Marie Kinney“Radio Iris brings new shimmer and depth to the word ‘sensory’—Iris’s perceptionsare both keen and open, so mysterious and grounded, and the <strong>book</strong>builds a narrative of mystery and longing with visceral, ringing precision.”—Aimee BenderIris feels goose bumps rising on her forearms, but hesitates to touch the thermostat. Her syntheticleather pumps are filling with sweat, creating an embarrassing squeak when she walks, but those tinybumps on her arms are rising up in mute defiance. Her ninety-nine cent eyeliner is melting, a line ofchocolate brown stamped now in the creases of both eyelids, but her lips are cold and chapped. Herbody cannot agree with itself, and it is two minutes after two o’clock.Radio Iris follows Iris Finch, a twentysomething socially awkward daydreamerand receptionist at Larmax, Inc., a company whose true function she doesn’tunderstand (though she’s heard her boss refer to himself as “a businessman”).Gradually, her boss’ erratic behavior becomes even more erratic, her coworkersbegin disappearing, the phone stops ringing, making her role at Larmaxmoot, and a mysterious man appears to be living in the office suite next door.Radio Iris is an ambient, eerie dream of a novel, written with remarkableprecision and grace that could also serve as an appropriate allegory for ourmodern recession.Anne-Marie Kinney’s short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in IndianaReview, Black Clock, Keyhole, and Satellite Fiction.FICTIONMayA Paperback Original5½ x 7½ | 208 ppTrade Paper, Deckle EdgeUS $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-0-9832471-7-3 USCRadio Iris deals with watercooler culture in an artful and existential way,delivering an eerie allegory of our modern recession.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copiesAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Diego, CA •San Francisco, CA • Portland, ORAuthor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA351

Two Dollar RadioHow To Get Into the Twin PalmsKarolina WaclawiakIt was a strange choice to decide to pass as a Russian. But it was a question of proximity and level ofallure. Russians were everywhere in Los Angeles, especially in my neighborhood, and held a certainsense of mystery. I had long attempted to inhabit my Polish skin and was happy to finally crawl out ofit. I would never tell my mother. She only thought of them as crooks and beneath us. They felt the sameabout us, we were beneath them. It had always been a question of who was under whom.Anya is a young woman living in a Russian neighborhood in Los Angeles,struggling between retaining her parents’ Polish culture and the Americannessshe was submerged in growing up. She decides to blaze a new path, andattempt to assimilate within her adopted community, epitomized by the exclusiveclub the Twin Palms. It is Anya’s goal to gain entrance to this club.How To Get Into the Twin Palms is hilarious and deeply moving, providing a humoroustwist on the typical immigrant tale of belonging.FICTIONJulyA Paperback Original5½ x 7½ | 192 ppTrade Paper, Deckle EdgeUS $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-0-9832471-8-0 USCKarolina Waclawiak is an assistant editor at The Believer whose screenplay adaptationof Sam Lipsyte’s Venus Drive is currently in development.A witty and moving twist on the immigrant story.Get ready to lust after chest hair, kitchen haircuts, and pleather.Marketing PlansCo-op availableAdvance reader copies available at BEAAuthor EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA •Madison, CT • Brooklyn, NY • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY352

Umbrage EditionsA Girl and Her RoomRania MatarIntroduction by Susan Minot“[What’s] most striking about Matar’s photography is . . . its balance betweenthe realistic and poetic. She is the documentarian as lyricist, someonewho, recording the incongruous, discovers the transcendent.”—Mark Feeney, The Boston GlobeAward-winning photographer Rania Matar captures the interior lives of teenagegirls and young women in intimate portraits taken within the personalspaces of her subjects’ bedrooms. From Spartan cleanliness to chaotic disarray,stark and paint-chipped to clothing-cluttered and graffitied, each roomoffers an insider’s peek into the mind of the girl who lives there, her values,her desires, and her fears. Photographing girls from both the United Statesand Lebanon, Matar has succeeded in an unbiased documentary that questionswhat it means to grow from girl to woman and how our identities spillover into our material worlds.Rania Matar was born and raised in Lebanon, moving to the United Statesin 1983. Her projects—which examine Palestinian refugee camps, the recentspread of the veil and its meanings, the aftermath of war, and the Christiansof the Middle East—return voice to people forgotten or misunderstood. Shehas won numerous awards, and her images are in the permanent collectionsof museums worldwide. Matar’s first <strong>book</strong> Ordinary Lives was published in 2009.She teaches at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design.Susan Minot is an award-winning novelist and short-story writer whose<strong>book</strong>s include Monkeys, Folly, Lust & Other Stories, and Evening.PHOTOGRAPHYMay12 x 9 | 128 pp250 color photographsTrade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $43.95978-1-884167-76-8 USCIntimate, unbiased portraits of teenage girls in their bedrooms,investigating notions of identity and the move from child to adult.Marketing Plans• National print and online campaign• Social media campaign• Outreach to women and teen magazines andblogs, photography blogs• Regional New England tour• Promotion through: www.raniamatar.com andwww.umbrage<strong>book</strong>s.comAuthor EventsBoston, MA • New York, NYAuthor Hometown: Brookline, MA353

Umbrage EditionsRoom 103Jeroen Kramer“While Kramer may only see himself as perpetuating a cycle of exploitation,this <strong>book</strong> represents his obligation to reverse the trend, to make sure that thepeople with whom he is interacting and whose stories he is telling do not becomejust another number.”—Lauren Heinz, Foto8In Room 103, photojournalist Jeroen Kramer juxtaposes his insider’s view ofMiddle Eastern everyday life with the intense violence that permeates that life.Images rarely depicted in photographs from the Arab world—of male intimacynuanced with homoerotic undertones, domestic interiors, family gatherings,eerily ordinary street scenes—appear beside visceral images of the aftermathsof shootings and bombings. Kramer’s accompanying personal essays probethe meanings not only of his place in the Middle East, but also of the exploitativenature of photojournalism. No other <strong>book</strong> has so lyrically, succinctly,and honestly questioned the role of the photojournalist. Exposing the personaldemons born from his life and work, Kramer proves that it is his recognitionof these demons that brings his photography so close to the truth.PHOTOGRAPHYApril12 x 9 | 128 pp100 color photographsTrade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $43.95978-1-884167-78-2 USCJeroen Kramer is a Dutch-born photojournalist who has covered subjects inthe Middle East, Africa, Burma, and the Philippines. His work has been publishedworldwide, including in The New York Times and Vanity Fair, and his imageshave been featured in exhibitions throughout Europe and the United States.Haunting photographs that juxtapose violence and everyday life in theMiddle East by a photographer questioning the ethics of photojournalism.Marketing Plans• National print campaign• Social media campaign• Outreach to art and photography publications,photojournalism publications• Regional New England tour• Promotion through: www.jeroenkramer.comand www.umbrage<strong>book</strong>s.com354

Wave BooksSnowflake / different streetsEileen Myles“One of the savviest and most restless intellects in contemporary literature—honest, jokey, paranoid, sentimental, mean, lyrical, tough, you name it.”—Dennis Cooper“[Myles’ writing] comes across simultaneously as effortless and utterly gorgeous.. . . To be able to write with such gentleness and force all at the sametime is such a gift, and Myles is completely generous in how she uses this.”—Ron SillimanTwo <strong>book</strong>s meet as one in legendary poet, critic, and novelist Eileen Myles’newest collection. In a world overflowing with technology and its mutant off<strong>spring</strong>,moments of human ecstasy and connection are as indelible as they arefleeting. Indeed, with every page, the poems of Snowflake and different streets createpoet and poem anew.some cars seem to eruptfrom the tar itselfthey seem to pullthemselves upfrom below the surface of the landthough I don’t think land. I mean something flat, somethingblackalmost like a water that we’re onthough a dark water thatholds us.Eileen Myles has published more than a dozen <strong>book</strong>s of poetry, criticism, andfiction. She was recently awarded the 2010 Shelley Memorial Award for poetryand the Lambda Literary Award for lesbian fiction. She lives in New York.New poems that hurtle through time and space from anirrefutable force in American poetry.Also AvailablePOETRYAprilA Paperback Original5 x 7 | 232 ppTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $21.95978-1-933517-58-2 USCMarketing PlansSorry, TreeEileen MylesPOETRY5½ x 9 | 83 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.00978-1-933517-20-9 USC• 10-city tourAdvance reader copiesAuthor Hometown: New York, NY355

Wave BooksMadness, Rack, and HoneyCollected LecturesMary Ruefle“Ruefle is clearly one of the best American poets writing, and her body ofwork is remarkable for its spiritual force, intelligence, stylistic virtuosity, andadventurousness.”—Tony Hoagland“For more than thirty years, she has freshened American poetry by humblyglorifying both the inner life and the outward experience.”—William CarlosWilliams Award citationOver the course of fifteen years, Mary Ruefle delivered a lecture every sixmonths to a group of poetry graduate students. Collected here for the first time,these lectures include “Poetry and the Moon,” “Someone Reading A Book Is ASign Of Order In The World,” and “Lectures I Will Never Give.” Intellectuallyvirtuosic, instructive, and experiential, Madness, Rack, and Honey resists definition,demanding instead an utter—and utterly pleasurable—immersion.LITERARY CRITICISMAugustA Paperback Original5½ x 9 | 352 ppTrade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $27.50978-1-933517-57-5 USCMary Ruefle has published more than a dozen <strong>book</strong>s of poetry, prose, anderasures. She lives in Vermont.Cultural criticism meets poetry memoir—a contemporary master reflects on a life dedicated to poetry.Marketing PlansAdvance reader copiesAuthor EventsChicago, IL • Iowa City, IA • Cambridge, MA •Northampton, MA • Ann Arbor, MI •New York, NY • Austin, TX • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Bennington, VTAlsoAvailable356The Most of ItMary RuefleFICTION5 x 8½ | 96 ppTrade Paper US $11.95 | CAN $13.50978-1-933517-29-2 USCSelected PoemsSecond EditionMary RueflePOETRY6 x 9 | 176 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-933517-56-8 USC

Wave BooksA Beautiful Marsupial AfternoonNew (Soma)ticsCAConrad“He’s a poet for our time like Ginsberg was for his.”—Eileen Myles“Conrad’s work shows us that the body itself is the first source of alienationand estrangement from the self, and is thus the true subject of poetry. Only byengaging this body . . . can we achieve transport.”—BookforumWhat is the best Love you’ve ever had in this world? Be quiet while thinking about that Love. If someonecomes along and starts talking, quietly shoo them away, you’re busy, you’re a poet with a penny inyour mouth. . . . Now get your pen and paper and write about POVERTY, write line after line aboutstarvation and deprivation from the voice of one who has been Loved in this world.CAConrad’s (Soma)tic exercises desire to literally crack open existence as weknow it. A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon is an essential how-to <strong>book</strong> for anyone interestedin breaking through their perceived limitations to become a morepolitically and physically engaged writer. Incorporating unorthodox stepsin the writing process, these twenty-seven exercises and their correspondingpoems confirm Conrad’s unwavering belief in poetry as a necessary practicefor being.CAConrad, a 2011 PEW Fellow in the Arts, is the author of five <strong>book</strong>s of poetry,including The Book of Frank (Wave Books, 2010/Chax Press, 2009). Helives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.LITERARY COLLECTIONSAprilA Paperback Original8 x 10½ | 240 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-1-933517-59-9 USC“This mechanistic world . . . has required me to FIND MY BODY toFIND MY PLANET in order to find my poetry.”—CAConradAlso Available• 50-city tourMarketing PlansAdvance reader copiesAuthor Hometown: Philadelphia, PAThe Book of FrankSecond EditionCAConradPOETRY5¼ x 8 | 176 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-933517-49-0 USC357

Selected Backlist from Wave BooksNotes From IrrelevanceAnselm BerriganPOETRY5 x 7½ | 80 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-933517-54-4 USCDestroyer and PreserverMatthew RohrerPOETRY5½ x 9 | 88 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-933517-50-6 USCA Little White ShadowMary RueflePOETRY / ART4½ x 5¾ | 42 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-933517-03-2 USCBluetsMaggie NelsonLITERARY COLLECTIONS5 x 8 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-1-933517-40-7 USCBlack LifeDorothea LaskyPOETRY6⅜ x 10 | 77 ppTrade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50978-1-933517-43-8 USCThe Cloud CorporationTimothy DonnellyPOETRY5½ x 9 | 176 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.95978-1-933517-47-6 USC358

White Pine PressA Talisman in the DarknessSelected Stories of Olga OrozcoOlga OrozcoTranslated by Melanie Nicholson and Mary G. Berg“This is a gem of a collection of Olga Orozco stories, beautifully rendered intoEnglish. This wise selection of stories reveals Orozco’s lyrical, as well as mysterious,prose. The translators provide an excellent introduction to Orozco’shaunting and illuminating saga of childhood on the Argentine pampa.”—Marjorie Agosin, Wellesley CollegeThis collection introduces readers to the hallucinatory yet lucid world thatOlga Orozco’s young narrator, Lía, inhabits and animates with her prodigiousimagination and the reality of small-town life on the Argentine plainsin the 1920s.Olga Orozco (1920–1999) is considered to be one of the major Argentinewriters of the twentieth century.Translator Hometowns: New York, NY / Cambridge, MAFICTIONJuneA Paperback OriginalSecret Weavers Series6 x 9 | 200 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-935210-30-6 USCOlga Orozco’s stories portray, inimpressionistic and dreamy language,a childhood spent in a small town onthe Argentine pampas.WitnessThe Selected Poems of Mario BenedettiMario BenedettiTranslated by Louise B. PopkinIntroduction by Margaret Randall“It gives me great pleasure to see the work of Benedetti, one of the great poetsof our language, made available to US readers in Popkin’s wonderful translations.Her carefully crafted adaptations of Mario’s poems convey all the wisdom,nostalgia, and irony that inform his verses in language that retains theirmusicality. Anyone who has translated poetry will appreciate what an accomplishmentthat represents.”—Claribel AlegriaMario Benedetti (1920–2009) is regarded as one of Latin America’s mostimportant twentieth-century writers and one of Uruguay’s most revered writersof novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and essays.POETRYMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 384 ppTrade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $21.95978-1-935210-31-3 USCTranslator Hometown: Boston, MAThe definitive bilingual selection ofMario Benedetti’s poetry in English—a major Latin American voice.359

White Pine PressEven So: New and Selected PoemsGary YoungPOETRYAprilA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 260 ppTrade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95978-1-935210-33-7 USCGary Young’s prose poems are uniquelytheir own: unflinching, stringent in beauty,and austerely moving.“I was struck by the wisdom of this work, a quiet wisdom that inheres in imagesso fully imagined that one can never forget them. The language has beenso thoroughly purified that truth becomes, in the telling, austerely beautiful.”—JayParini“There’s no word for what Young does, only for what he accomplishes—thecapturing of small, daily miracles.”—Dorianne LauxGary Young is one of the country’s best known prose poets and his unique,sinuous, brief style has a flavor all its own. This collection includes work selectedfrom six previously published volumes and two unpublished sequencesof new work.Gary Young lives in Santa Cruz, California.Author EventsLos Angeles, CA • San Francisco, CA • Santa Barbara, CA • Santa Cruz, CA •Portland, OR • Seattle, WAAuthor Hometown: Santa Cruz, CAThis Side of Time: Poems by Ko UnKo UnTranslated by Clare You and Richard Silberg“Ko Un’s poems evoke the open creativity and fluidity of nature, and funnyturns and twists of mind. Mind is sometimes registered in Buddhist terms—Buddhist practice being part of Ko Un’s background. Ko Un writes spare,short-line lyrics direct to the point, but often intricate in both wit and meaning.Ko Un has now traveled worldwide and is not only a major spokesmanfor all Korean culture, but a voice for Planet Earth Watershed as well.”—Gary SnyderPOETRYMayA Paperback Original6 x 9 | 128 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50978-1-935210-32-0 USCKo Un is one of the most respected poets in Korea and has been nominatedseveral times for the Nobel Prize in Literature.“Ko Un writes spare, short-line lyricsdirect to the point, but often intricate inboth wit and meaning.”—Gary Snyder360Translator Hometown: Berkeley , CA

Whitelines®Whitelines® Black OceanBlack Ocean is the name for Whitelines’ new and most exclusive note<strong>book</strong>s.The name Black Ocean has many references. Not only does it refer to the mindwhich, as the wide ocean, has no boundaries, it also refers to the <strong>book</strong> BlueOcean Strategy because Whitelines is always looking to fulfill market needs noone has ever before seen. Black is the color used for Black Ocean’s smooth tactilerubber feeling cover.The paper inside is Whitelines’ patented writing-enhancing inlay with itscharacteristic white lines. The note<strong>book</strong>s lay flat, have a rubber band to closethem, and include a ribbon <strong>book</strong>mark to keep track of your last notes.Whitelines’ Black Ocean comes in two different <strong>book</strong>s. Black Ocean A5 Lined hasa 6mm lined inlay on both sides for your notetaking. Black Ocean A5 Lined 3D hasa 6mm lined right page and a unique isometric 3D pattern on the left side forsketches and idea mapping. In other words, a right side for the left brain anda left side for the right brain.Whitelines® is a Swedish company that was founded on the premise that weall should do whatever we can to support people’s ideas. One very efficient wayto do this is to get rid of the visual distractions from conventional dark ruledwriting paper and instead let your written thoughts stand out. With Whitelinesyou see what you write.Whitelines Black Ocean A5 Lined Note<strong>book</strong>DESIGN | Available Now | 5⅞ x 8¼ | 160 ppTrade Cloth US $24.50978-91-7455-168-6 USWhitelines Black Ocean A5 Lined 3D Note<strong>book</strong>DESIGN | Available Now | 5⅞ x 8¼ | 160 ppTrade Cloth US $24.50978-91-7455-124-2 US361

Whitelines®Promotional MaterialsNow Availablefrom Whitelines®Whitelines 20 x 28Inch PosterDESIGNAvailable NowOther US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-88-1 USCWhitelines A5 Shop PosterDESIGNAvailable Now6 x 8½Other US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-84-3 USCWhitelinesCircular SignDESIGNAvailable Now5 x 5Other US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-90-4 USCWhitelines 8–Page BrochureDESIGNAvailable Now8½ x 11 | 8 ppOther US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-76-8 USCWhitelines BookmarkDESIGNAvailable Now2 x 6Other US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-92-8 USCWhitelines Shelf TalkerDESIGNAvailable NowOther US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-72-0 USCWhitelines 8–PageBrochure—FrenchDESIGNAvailable Now8½ x 11 | 8 ppOther US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-80-5 USCWhitelines Bookmark PadDESIGNAvailable Now2 x 6 | 10 ppOther US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-91-1 USCWhitelines Shelf TalkerDemopadDESIGNAvailable Now15 ppOther US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-73-7 USCWhitelines A4Environmental PosterDESIGNAvailable Now8½ x 12Other US $0.00 | CAN $0.00978-91-86177-86-7 USC362

Windhorse PublicationsSailing the Worldly WindsA Buddhist Way Through the Ups and Downs of LifeVajraguptaThis <strong>book</strong> focuses on the Buddha’s teaching of the worldly winds, how we can learn to navigate themmore effectively, so that we can sail safely through life rather than being blown off course, howeverstormy the weather.How do we really get on in this world? Tossed around by gain, buffeted by loss,borne aloft by praise, cast down by blame, how can we not be ground under,lose all direction, confidence, and sense of purpose? The Buddha had clearguidance on how to rise above these “worldly winds,” and Vajragupta hereopens up for us the Buddha’s compassionate yet uncompromising teaching.Using reflections, exercises, and suggestions for daily practice, this <strong>book</strong>can help you find greater equanimity and perspective in the ups and downs—big and small—of everyday life.Sailing the Worldly Winds was written in conjunction with the Triratna BuddhistOrder 2011 International Urban Retreat.Vajragupta has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order since 1994,and is director of the Triratna Development Team. He lives in Worcester,England, where he teaches Buddhism and meditation.This <strong>book</strong> will guide you in the right direction when navigatingthe ups and downs of everyday life.PHILOSOPHYAprilFirst Trade Paper Edition5⅛ x 7¾ | 136 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-1-907314-10-0 USC363

Windhorse PublicationsBuddhist MeditationTranquillity, Imagination and InsightThird EditionKamalashilaBODY, MIND & SPIRITApril7⅜ x 9⅝ | 256 pp18 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $27.95 | CAN $30.95978-1-907314-09-4 USCPrevious edition ISBN: 978-1-899579-05-1First published in 1991, this <strong>book</strong> has become established as a comprehensiveguide to the theory and methods of Buddhist meditation, providing a completeintroduction for beginners as well as detailed advice for experiencedmeditators seeking to deepen their practice.With this third edition Kamalashila has included new sections on the importanceof the imagination, on Just Sitting, and on refection on the Buddha.There is also new material on sadhana—including less formal, more experimentalways to connect with the living reality of the awakened mind—onmindfulness, and on the balance required between active and receptive approachesin meditation.Writing in an informal, accessible style, Kamalashila draws particular inspirationfrom the great Theravadin commentator Buddhaghosa, from Zhiyi—thepreeminent master of the Chinese Tien-t’ai School—and above all from theBuddha. The result is a practical hand<strong>book</strong>, complete with trouble-shootingguides to the places your practice might take you. It is also an exploration ofthe ultimate aim of Buddhist meditation: heightened awareness, true happiness,and—ultimately—liberating insight into the nature of reality.Kamalashila has been teaching meditation since 1976. He has developed approachesto meditation practice that are accessible to people in the contemporaryworld while being firmly grounded in the Buddhist tradition.This contemporary guide to meditation is perfect for beginners andthose wanting to advance their meditation practice.364

Zephyr PressThe ColoniesTomasz RóżyckiTranslated by Mira Rosenthal“A vital new poet in the Polish language.”—Adam ZagajewskiTomasz Różycki’s sixth <strong>book</strong> seems like nothing if not an attempt to grapplewith Elizabeth Bishop’s question, “Should we have stayed at home and thoughtof here?” But for Różycki questions of travel and foreignness are never separatefrom those of history—personal history, political and national history, thehistory of things and places and trauma.“Coffee and Cigarettes”When I began to write, I didn’t knowthat poems would transform me, make my skintranslucent, I’d become a weary ghostwho, sleepless, roams the streets as if to ridea high till coming down, then go to bedwith rabid dawn. But light would find me stillout wandering and dropping in on friends,flat broke, a louse, a varmint, summoned byyour nakedness or even just your sighing.And honey, how was I to know what allthese dumb poems would make of me, that youwould summon me to life, and thanks to youI would become the visible, in bedbeside you, waiting till you fall asleep.Tomasz Różycki has published six <strong>book</strong>s of poetry, including The Forgotten Keys,winner of the Koscielski Prize. He has been nominated twice for the NikePrize, Poland’s most important literary award. He lives in his hometown,Opole, with his wife and two children.Mira Rosenthal has received NEA and Fulbright grants and held fellowshipsat the MacDowell Colony and the Vermont Studio Center. Her poetry has appearedin journals such as Ploughshares, The American Poetry Review, and Slate.An exploration of collective memory in fiercely exacting poems.POETRYMayA Paperback OriginalNew Polish Writing6 x 8 | 144 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-0-9832970-3-1 USCMarketing PlansAdvance reader copies• National Advertising: Agni • The Believer •Boston Review • Rain Taxi• Chap<strong>book</strong> of selections from <strong>book</strong> andpreorder forms available at readings inNew York City in October 2011Author EventsThe Forgotten KeysTomasz RóżyckiTranslated by Mira RosenthalPOETRYNew Polish Writing6 x 8 | 136 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-0-939010-94-3 USCAlsoAvailableBlack SquareTadeusz Dą browskiTranslated by Antonia Lloyd-JonesPOETRYNew Polish Writing6 x 8 | 112 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00978-0-9815521-6-3 USCSan Francisco, CA • Palo Alto, CA • Chicago, IL •Cambridge, MA • Las Cruces, NM • New York, NYTranslator Hometown: Gainsville, FL365

Zephyr PressAnatomical TheaterAndrei Sen-SenkovTranslated by Ainsley Moore and Peter GolubPOETRYMayA Paperback OriginalIn the Grip of Strange Thoughts6 x 8 | 160 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50978-0-9832970-2-4 USCFew of Andrei Sen-Senkov’s patients and colleagues know of his status as oneof Russia’s better-known contemporary poets, but he doesn’t lose much sleepover this. Indeed, in person Sen-Senkov exhibits none of the pathos of theInspired Lyricist. He is just as likely to complain about the weather, bemoanthe latest political or natural disaster, or exclaim breathlessly over a newlydiscovered jazz musician as he is to discuss poetry. And when you read hispoems, it all makes sense: for Sen-Senkov, anything can be poetry, everythingis poetry.Born in 1968 in Dushanbe (now capital of Tajikistan), Sen-Senkov movedto central Russia following the break-up of the Soviet Union. He moved toMoscow in the beginning of the 2000s and joined the city’s lively literaryscene, although he works primarily as a gynecologist. His involvement in literarylife has been as eclectic and wide-ranging as his choice of subjects: a tirelessadvocate of artistic innovation, Sen-Senkov participates in events devotedto visual poetry, sound poetry, video poetry, and other multidisciplinary endeavors,as well as traditional poetry readings.Sen-Senkov’s poetry comes across easily and well in translation. Some ofhis imaginative leaps are more obscure than others, but this only increases thepleasure gained from following them. As a poet he is anti-hermetic—he writesto be understood, and he is generous in sharing his observations. Translatorsand English-language readers alike can delight in the fact that the intuitivelogic of his imagination essentially transcends linguistic boundaries.The newest wave of Russian poetry, set to transcend linguistic borders.Marketing Plans• National advertising: Agni • Boston Review •Rain Taxi• E-blast through ALTA listserv and Poetics Digest• Will feature title at AWP, MLA, ALTA, andAATSEEL conferences• Targeted mailing to Russian language programsand AWP listAlsoAvailable366Say Thank YouMikhail AizenbergTranslated by J. KatesPOETRYIn the Grip of Strange Thoughts5¼ x 8 | 128 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-0-939010-88-2 USCThe Diving BellElena IgnatovaTranslated by Sibelan ForresterPOETRYIn the Grip of Strange Thoughts5¼ x 8¼ | 144 ppTrade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00978-0-939010-85-1 USC

Zephyr PressMotherless ChildMarianne Langner ZeitlinIn her third novel Motherless Child, Marianne Langner Zeitlin explores theworld of classical music, where powerful managers can make—and break—thecareers of aspiring artists. The <strong>book</strong> opens with Elizabeth Guaragna, underan assumed name, taking a job in the new agency of famed music impresarioAlfred Rossiter, a man she was raised to despise. She wants to glimpse the manwho had destroyed her father’s piano career and family life years earlier, whenhe took Elizabeth’s mother as his lover.As Elizabeth is given opportunities to exercise her artistic judgment in hernew job, she becomes involved in the business itself, despite her continuingmisgivings. Soon she meets George Wentworth, who is writing a biographyof Rossiter. Through him and the relationship they develop, she learnsthat the truth she is seeking is quite different from what she was raised to believe.When her fear of identifying her real background to Rossiter threatensher own love of George, she must finally confront Rossiter and her own past,learning that there are no villains in the tale.Marianne Langner Zeitlin has spent her adult life in the world of music—asthe wife of acclaimed violinist Zvi Zeitlin, as one of the first women to managean orchestra herself, and, in her young adulthood, as an employee at oneof the largest music management firms in the United States. She brings herwealth of knowledge about the field to this engaging and suspenseful story.A story of love, hate, and music set in the officesof a famous music manager.FICTIONMayA Paperback Original5½ x 8 | 300 ppTrade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $18.50978-0-9832970-5-5 USC*Marketing PlansAlso AvailableAdvance reader copies• National TV and radio campaign• Features in Rochester Democrat and Chronicle •Santa Barbara News Press• Mailings and e-blasts to <strong>book</strong> clubs• Distribution in Consortium galley boxAuthor EventsNext of KinMarianne Langner ZeitlinFICTION / HISTORY5¾ x 8¾ | 188 ppTrade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.00978-0-939010-15-8 USCTrade Cloth US $18.95 | CAN $23.00978-0-939010-16-5 USCSanta Barbara, CA • New York, NY •Rochester, NY • Toronto, ONAuthor Hometown: Rochester, NY367

Selected Backlist from Zephyr PressFlash CardsSelected Poems fromYu Jian’s Anthology of NotesYu JianTranslated by Wang Pingand Ron PadgettPOETRY / FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY6 x 8 | 144 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00978-0-9815521-5-6 USCThe Boy Who CatchesWaspsSelected Poetry of Duo DuoDuo DuoTranslated by Gregory LeePOETRY / HISTORY6 x 8½ | 240 pp6 B&W illustrationsTrade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50978-0-939010-70-7 USCDarkness SpokenThe Collected Poems ofIngeborg BachmannIngeborg BachmannTranslated by Peter FilkinsPOETRY5½ x 8 | 688 pp6 B&W photographsTrade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $30.00978-0-939010-84-4 USCDoor LanguagesZafer ŞenocakTranslated byElizabeth Oehlkers WrightPOETRY6 x 8 | 144 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.00978-0-939010-78-3 USCApproaching You in EnglishAdmiel KosmanTranslated by Lisa Katzand Schlomit NaorPOETRY6 x 8 | 144 ppTrade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.00978-0-9815521-4-9 USCAnxiety of WordsContemporary Poetryby Korean WomenChloe Sung-ja, Kim Hyesoon,and Yi Yon-juTranslated by Don Mee ChoiPOETRY / HISTORY6 x 9 | 175 ppTrade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50978-0-939010-87-5 USC368

1001 Inventionsc/o FTSC Ltd., Victoria Park9 Conyngham RoadManchester, M14 5DXUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Yassir Salemph 011 44 (0) 161 224 0613f 011 44 (0) 161 224 6711yassir@1001inventions.comwww.1001inventions.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9552426Alice James Books238 Main StreetFarmington, ME 04938Executive: Carey Salernoph 207/778-7071ajb@alicejames<strong>book</strong>s.orgwww.alicejames<strong>book</strong>s.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-914086, 978-1-8822953DTotal Publishing29 Foregate StreetWorcester, WR1 1DSUNITED KINGDOMExecutives: Tom Greenway and Simon Morseph 011 44 (0) 190 529764f 011 44 (0) 1905 731253studiohead@3dtotal.comwww.3dtotal.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9551530,978-0-9568171Alyson Books245 West 17th Street, Suite 1200New York, NY 10011Executive: John Knoebelph 212/242-8100f 212/727-7939www.alyson.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-55583, 978-0-932870,978-0-917597, 978-1-59350AK Press674-A 23rd StreetOakland, CA 94612-1163ph 510/208-1700f 510/208-1701publishing@akpress.orgwww.akpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-1-902593, 978-1-873176,978-1-904859, 978-0-972742,978-1-84935Anvil PressNeptune House70 Royal HillLondon, SE10 8RFUNITED KINGDOMManaging Director: Peter Jayph 011 44 (0) 208 469 3033anvil@anvilpresspoetry.comwww.anvilpresspoetry.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-85646, 978-0-900977Akashic Books232 Third Street, Suite B404Brooklyn, NY 11215Executive: Johnny Templeph 718/643-9193f 718/643-9195info@akashic<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.akashic<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-888451, 978-0-9719206,978-1-933354, 978-0-9789103,978-0-9787794, 978-1-936070,978-1-61775Archipelago Books232 Third Street, #A111Building A, Ground FloorBrooklyn, NY 11215Executive: Jill Schoolmanph 718/852-6134f 718/852-6135info@archipelago<strong>book</strong>s.orgwww. archipelago<strong>book</strong>s.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-9778576,978-0-9749680, 978-0-9763950,978-0-97286, 978-0-9793330,978-0-9819557, 978-0-9819873,978-0-9826246, 978-1-935744Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 369

Arsenal Pulp Press#101–211 East Georgia StreetVancouver, BC V6A 1Z6CANADAExecutive: Brian Lam and Robert Ballantyneph 888/600-7857f 604/687-4283info@arsenalpulp.comwww.arsenalpulp.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-88978, 978-1-55152Ballistic Publishing134 Gilbert StreetAdelaide, South Australia 5000AUSTRALIAExecutives: Andrew Plumer andGarth Hammetph 011 61 (0) 8 8463 1866f 011 61 (0) 8 8212 8255info@ballisticpublishing.comwww.ballisticpublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-921002,978-0-9750965, 978-1-921828ArtNetworkP.O. Box 1360Nevada City, CA 95959Executive: Constance Smithph 530/470-0862info@artmarketing.comhttp://artmarketing.comISBN prefix: 978-0-940899Behler Publications22635 El Toro Road, #135Lake Forest, CA 92630Executives: Fred Price and Lynn Priceph 800/830-2913f 949/716-8235lynn@behlerpublications.comfred@behlerpublications.comwww.behlerpublications.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-933016,978-0-9748962Aunt Lute BooksP.O. Box 410687San Francisco, CA 94141Executive: Joan Pinkvossph 415/826-1300f 415/826-8300<strong>book</strong>s@auntlute.comwww.auntlute.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-879960,978-0-933216Bellevue Literary PressDepartment of MedicineNew York University School of Medicine550 First Avenue, OBV A-612New York, NY 10016Executive: Erika Goldmanph 212/263-7802erika.goldman@nyumc.orgwww.blpress.orgISBN prefix: 978-1-934137Aztext PressP.O. Box 2142622 Mountain RoadTamworth, ON, K0K 3G0CANADAExecutives: Cam Mather and Michelle Matherph 613/539-2831cam@aztext.comwww.aztext.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9733233,978-0-9810132BiblioasisP.O. Box 92Emeryville, ON N0R 1C0CANADAExecutive: Daniel Wellsph 519/968-2206biblioasis@gmail.comwww.biblioasis.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9735881,978-0-9735971, 978-0-9738184,978-1-897231, 978-1-926845370 Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

Bilingual Readersc/ Aguas, 3—bajo dcha.28005 MadridSPAINExecutives: Deanna Lyles and Íñigo Gilph 011 34 91 354 6857info@bilingualreaders.comwww.bilingualreaders.comISBN prefix: 978-84-937273, 978-84-92968BIS PublishersHet Sieraad BuildingPostjesweg 11057 DT AmsterdamTHE NETHERLANDSExecutive: Rudolf van Wezelph 011 31 (0) 20 515 02 30f 011 31 (0) 20 515 02 39info@bispublishers.nlwww.bispublishers.nlISBN prefix: 978-90-6369Black Rose BooksCP 1258Succ. Place du ParcMontréal, QC H2X 4A7CANADAExecutive: Dimitrios Roussopoulos andDr. Elsa Maxwellph 514/844-4076mavros@blackrose<strong>book</strong>s.netwww.blackrose<strong>book</strong>s.netwww.blackrose<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-919618,978-0-919619, 978-0-920057,978-0-921689, 978-1-895431,978-1-55164, 978-1-551640BOA Editions, Ltd.250 N. Goodman Street, Suite 306Rochester, NY 14607Executive: Peter Connersph 585/546-3410f 585/546-3913info@boaeditions.orgwww.boaeditions.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-918526,978-1-880238, 978-0-9665639,978-1-929918, 978-1-934414Bitter Lemon Press37 Arundel GardensLondon, W11 2LWUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: François von Hurterph 011 44 (0) 207 727 7927f 011 44 (0) 207 460 2164<strong>book</strong>s@bitterlemonpress.comwww.bitterlemonpress.comISBN prefix: 978-1-904738Breakaway BooksP.O. Box 24Halcottsville, NY 12438Executive: Garth Battistaph 800/548-4348f 212/898-0408breakaway<strong>book</strong>s@gmail.comwww.breakaway<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-891369, 978-1-55821Black Balloon Publishing50 Ward AvenueEasthampton, MA 01027Executives: Elizabeth Koch and LeighNewmanph 413/977-8139lori@blackballoonpublishing.comwww.blackballoonpublishing.comISBN prefix: 978-1-936787Bywater BooksP.O. Box 3671Ann Arbor, MI 48106Executives: Kelly Smith and Marianne K. Martinph 734/662-8815mkmbywater@aol.comwww.bywater<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefix: 978-1-932859, 978-1-61294Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 371

CALYX BooksP.O. Box BCorvallis, OR 97339Executive: Margarita Donnellyph 541/753-9384f 541/753-0515info@calyxpress.orgwww.calyxpress.orgISBN prefix: 978-0-934971Cinco Puntos Press701 Texas AvenueEl Paso, TX 79901Executives: Bobby and Lee Byrdph 915/838-1625f 915/838-1635info@cincopuntos.comwww.cincopuntos.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-938317,978-1-933693, 978-1-935955Centipede Press2565 Teller CourtLakewood, CO 80214Executive: Jerad Waltersph 303/231-9720f 303/231-9720jerad@centipedepress.comISBN prefix: 978-1-933618, 978-1-61347City Lights Publishers261 Columbus AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94133Executive: Elaine Katzenbergerph 415/362-1901f 415/362-4921staff@citylights.comwww.citylights.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-87286, 978-0-912516,978-0-87704, 978-1-931404Child Heroes Publishing11411 N. Lincoln Blvd.Oklahoma City, OK 73114Executive: Sharon Liddleph 757/286-8181admin@childheroespublishing.comwww.childheroespublishing.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9746568Coach House Books80 bpNichol LaneToronto, ON M5S 3J4CANADAExecutive: Alana Wilcoxph 416/979 2217fax 416/977 1158mail@ch<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.ch<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefix: 978-1-55245, 978-0-88910,978-0-9783426, 978-1-77056Chin Music Press600 N. 36th Street, #422Seattle, WA 98103Executive: Bruce Rutledgeph 206/380-1947bruce@chinmusicpress.comwww.chinmusicpress.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9741995,978-0-9844576Coffee House Press79 13th Avenue NE, Suite 110Minneapolis, MN 55413Executive: Chris Fischbachph 612/338-0125f 612/338-4004fish@coffeehousepress.orgwww.coffeehousepress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-915124,978-0-918273, 978-1-56689372 Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

Common Courage Press121 Red Barn RoadP.O. Box 702Monroe, ME 04951Executive: Greg Batesph 207/525-0900f 207/525-3068gbates@commoncouragepress.comwww.commoncouragepress.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9628838,978-1-56751ContrastoVia degli Scialoia, 3Rome, 00196ITALYExecutive: Roberto Kochph 011 39 (0) 632 8281f 011 39 (0) 632 828 240rkoch@contrasto.itwww.contrasto<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-88-89032,978-88-86982, 978-88-6965Copper Canyon PressP.O. Box 271Port Townsend, WA 98368Executive: Michael Wiegersph 360/385-4925f 360/385-4985poetry@coppercanyonpress.orgwww.coppercanyonpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-914742, 978-1-55659,978-0-9663395, 978-0-9718981,978-0-9776395, 978-0-9672668,978-1-931337, 978-0-9833008,978-1-61932Dewi Lewis Publishing8 Broomfield RoadHeaton MoorStockport, SK4 4NDUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Dewi Lewisph 011 44 (0) 161 442 9450f 011 44 (0) 161 442 9450mail@dewilewispublishing.comwww.dewilewispublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-899235,978-1-904587, 978-0-948797,978-1-905928, 978-1-907893DialogueWestminster Tower3 Albert EmbankmentLondon, SE1 7SPUNITED KINGDOMExecutives: James Stephens andKaty Scholesph 011 44 (O) 207 091 1260james.stephens@bitebackpublishing.comkaty.scholes@bitebackpublishing.comwww.bitebackpublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-84954, 978-1-906447,978-1-907278The Disinformation Company220 East 23rd Street, Suite 405New York, NY 10010Executive: Gary Baddeleyph 212/691-1605f 212/691-1606<strong>book</strong>s@disinfo.comwww.disinfo.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9713942,978-0-9664100, 978-1-932857,978-0-9729529, 978-1-934708de.MO Design Limited123 Nine Partners LaneMillbrook, NY 12545Executive: Giorgio Baravalleph 845/677-2075<strong>book</strong>s@de-mo.orgwww.de-mo.orgISBN prefix: 978-0-9825908Dzanc Books1334 Woodbourne StreetWestland, MI 48186Executive: Dan Wickettph 734/756-5701dan@dzanc<strong>book</strong>s.orgwww.dzanc<strong>book</strong>s.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-9767177,978-0-9768993, 978-0-9793123,978-0-9815899, 978-0-615,978-1-934703, 978-0-9826318,978-0-9821512, 978-0-9826228,978-0-9827975, 978-0-9788811,978-0-9842133, 978-0-9828766,978-1-936873, 978-0-9837945Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 373

Eighth Mountain Press624 Southeast 29th AvenuePortland, OR 97214Executive: Ruth Gundleph 503/233-3936f 503/233-0774eighthmt@pacifier.comISBN prefix: 978-0-933377Exterminating Angel Press1892 Colestin RoadAshland, OR 97520Executive: Tod Daviesph 541/482-8779f 541/482-5106info@exterminatingangel.comwww.exterminatingangel.comISBN prefix: 978-1-935259Enchanted Lion Books20 Jay Street, Studio M-18Brooklyn, NY 11201Publisher: Claudia Bedrickph 646/785-9272enchantedlion@gmail.comwww.enchantedlion<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefix: 978-1-59270The Feminist Press at CUNY365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5406New York, NY 10016Executive: Gloria Jacobsph 212/817-7915f 212/817-1593info@feministpress.orgwww.feministpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-912670,978-0-935312, 978-1-55861Enigma Books360 East 116th StreetNew York, NY 10029Executive: Robert L. Millerph 212/933-1315editor@enigma<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.enigma<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefix: 978-1-929631, 978-0-982491,978-1-936274Fence BooksSL 3201400 Washington AvenueAlbany, NY 12222Executive: Rebecca Wolffph 518/591-8162fence.fence<strong>book</strong>s@gmail.comhttp://fenceportal.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-9663324,978-0-9713189, 978-0-9740909,978-0-9771064, 978-1-934200Etruscan Press84 W. South StreetWilkes-Barre, PA 18766Executive Editor: Dr. Philip BradyManaging Editor: Starr Troupph 570/408-4546610/932-1949f 570/408-3333<strong>book</strong>s@etruscanpress.orgwww.etruscanpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-9718228,978-0-9745995, 978-0-9797450,978-0-9819687, 978-0-9832944,978-0-9839346Feral House1240 West Sims Way, Box 124Port Townsend, WA 98368Executive: Adam Parfreyph 323/666-3311f 323/297-4331ap@feralhouse.comwww.feralhouse.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-922915,978-1-932595, 978-1-936239374 Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

Five Ties Publishing1019 8th Avenue #2Brooklyn, NY 11215Executive: Garrett Whiteph 718/832-1721garrett@fiveties.comwww.fiveties.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9777193, 978-0-9794727,978-0-9819690GLAS New Russian WritingMatveevskaya 10-5-345Moscow 119517RUSSIAN FEDERATIONExecutive: Natasha Perovaph 011 7 495 441 9157perova@glas.msk.superova09@gmail.comwww.glas.msk.suISBN prefix: 978-5-7172Frame PublishersLaan der Hesperiden 681076 DX AmsterdamTHE NETHERLANDSExecutives: Peter Huiberts and RobertThiemannph 011 31 (0) 20 423 37 17f 011 31 (0) 20 428 06 53info@frameweb.comwww.frameweb.comISBN prefix: 978-90-77174, 978-90-78080,978-3-89955Green Integer6022 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 202CLos Angeles, CA 90036Executive: Douglas Messerliph 323/857-1115f 323/857-0143douglasmesserli@gmail.comwww.greeninteger.comhttp://greeninteger.blogspot.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-892295, 978-1-55713,978-1-931243, 978-1-933382Fulcrum Publishing4690 Table Mountain Drive, Suite 100Golden, CO 80403Executives: Robert Baron and Sam Scintaph 303/277-1623f 303/279-7111info@fulcrum-<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.fulcrum-<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-55591, 978-1-933108,978-0-9725776, 978-1-936218Gryphon HouseP.O. Box 106848 Leon’s WayLewisville, NC 27023Executive: Clarissa Willisph 800/638-0928f 877/638-7576info@gh<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.gryphonhouse.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-87659, 978-1-58904Gentle Path Press7301 East Sundance Trail, B201Carefree, AZ 85377Executives: Dr. Stephanie Carnes andDr. Patrick Carnesph 480/488-0150f 480/595-4753ccasanova@newfreedomcorp.comccarlson@newfreedomcorp.comwww.gentlepath.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9774400,978-0-9826505, 978-1-929866,978-0-9832713The Gryphon Press6808 Margarets LaneEdina, MN 55439Executive: Emilie Buchwaldf 952/941-6593eb6@earthlink.netwww.thegryphonpress.comISBN prefix: 978-0-940719Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 375

Haus Publishing70 Cadogan PlaceLondon, SW1X 9AHUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Barbara Schwepckeph 011 44 (0) 207 838 9055f 011 44 (0) 207 235 1999info@hauspublishing.comwww.hauspublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-904341, 978-1-904950,978-1-905791, 978-1-906598,978-0-907822, 978-1-906697Haymarket Books4015 North Rockwell AvenueChicago, IL 60618ph 773/583-7884f 773/583-6144info@haymarket<strong>book</strong>s.orgwww.haymarket<strong>book</strong>s.orgISBN prefix: 978-1-931859, 978-1-60846Ig Publishing392 Clinton Avenue #1SBrooklyn, NY 11238Executives: Robert Lasner and ElizabethClementsonph 718/797-0676f 718/797-0676robert@igpub.comelizabeth@igpub.comwww.igpub.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9703125, 978-0-9752517,978-0-9771972, 978-0-9788431,978-0-9815040, 978-1-935439Image Continuum PressP.O. Box 51599Eugene, OR 97405Executives: David Bayles and Ted Orlandph 541/344-5955f 541/344-4493tno@cruzio.comwww.artandfear.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9614547Helter Skelter PublishingP.O. Box 50497London, W8 9FAUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Graeme Miltonph 011 44 (0) 794 120 6045<strong>sales</strong>@helterskelterpublishing.comwww.helterskelterpublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-900924,978-1-902799, 978-1-905139ImmediumP.O. Box 31846San Francisco, CA 94131-0846Executive: Oliver Chinph 415/452-8546f 360/937-6272pr@immedium.comwww.immedium.comISBN prefix: 978-1-59702Holy Cow! PressP.O. Box 3170Mt. Royal StationDuluth, MN 55803Executive: Jim Perlmanph 218/724-1653f 218/724-1653holycow@holycowpress.orgwww.holycowpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-930100, 978-0-9779458,978-0-9823545, 978-0-9833254Imperfect PublishingP.O. Box 608Point Reyes, CA 94956Executive: Leonard Korenph 415/336-6015www.imperfectpublishing.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9814846376 Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

Joshua Odell EditionsP.O. Box 2158Santa Barbara, CA 93120Executive: Joshua Odellph 805/966-4606f 805/966-4627joshua.odell2@verizon.netISBN prefix: 978-1-877741Long River Press360 Swift Avenue, Suite 48South San Francisco, CA 94080Executive: Chris Robynph 650/872-7718 ext. 312f 650/872-7808chris@longriverpress.comwww.longriverpress.comISBN prefix: 978-1-59265, 978-0-9821816Kehrer VerlagHeinsteinwerk, Wieblinger Weg 2169123 Heidelberg, GERMANYExecutive: Klaus Kehrerph 011 49 (0) 6221 649 20 18f 011 49 (0) 6221 649 20 20contact@kehrerverlag.comwww.kehrerverlag.comISBN prefixes: 978-3-933257,978-3-936636, 978-3-980444,978-3-939583, 978-3-86828LoudMouth Press152 Monitor StreetBrooklyn, NY 11222Executive: Gregory Ayresph 646/326-6093f 718/609-2706greg@loudmouthpress.orgwww.loudmouthpress.orgISBN prefix: 978-0-615Kube Publishing LtdMCC, Ratby LaneMarkfieldLeicestershire, LE67 9SYUNITED KINGDOMExecutives: Haris Ahmad and Farooq Muradph 011 44 (0) 1530 249 230f 011 44 (0) 1530 249 656info@kubepublishing.comwww.kubepublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-86037,978-0-9536768, 978-1-84774Lumen Books40 Camino CieloSanta Fe, NM 87506Executive: Dennis Dollensph 505/988-9236dennis.dollens@gmail.comwww.lumen<strong>book</strong>s.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-930829, 978-4-7571,978-0-936050, 978-84-921103Leapfrog PressP.O. Box 2110Teaticket, MA 02536Executive: Lisa Grazianoph 774/392-4384leapfrog@leapfrogpress.comwww.leapfrogpress.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9654578,978-0-9679520, 978-0-9728984,978-0-9815148, 978-1-9352480,978-1-9352481, 978-0-9796415The Magenta Foundation151 Winchester StreetToronto, Ontario M4X 1B5CANADAExecutive: MaryAnn Camilleriph 416/925-0310maryann@magentafoundation.orgwww.magentafoundation.orgISBN prefix: 978-0-9739739, 978-1-926856Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 377

Manic D PressP.O. Box 410804San Francisco, CA 94141Executive: Jennifer Josephph 415/648-8288f 415/648-8288info@manicdpress.comwww.manicdpress.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-933149,978-0-916397Milo Books14 Ash GroveWrea GreenPreston, Lancashire PR4 2NYUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Peter Walshph 011 44 (0) 177 267 2900pete@milo<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefix: 978-1-903854Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd.26 Parke RoadLondon, SW13 9NGUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Catheryn Kilgarrifff 011 44 (0) 208 789 8122catheryn@marionboyars.commarion.boyars@talk21.comISBN prefix: 978-0-7145Monkfish Book Publishing27 Lamoree RoadRhinebeck, NY 12572Executive: Paul Cohenph 845/876-4861Call for fax<strong>book</strong>cohen@aol.comwww.monkfishpublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9726357,978-0-9749359, 978-0-9766843,978-0-9798828, 978-0-9823246,978-0-9833589Mathew Price Ltd.3213 Squireswood DriveCarrollton, TX 75006Executive: Mathew Priceph 972/418-1292f 972/418-1292mathewp@mathewprice.comwww.mathewprice.comISBN prefix: 978-1-935021, 978-1-936396,978-0-9844366Monster Girl MediaP.O. Box 410011San Francisco, CA 94141-0011Executive: Erika Lopezph 415/320-PINKcontact@monstergirlmedia.comwww.monstergirlmedia.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9844014MCCM CreationsHollywood Centre, Room 13042233 Hollywood RoadSheung Wan, Hong KongPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAExecutives: Mary Chan and Euginie Kwokph 011 852 2110 0873f 011 852 2110 0858info@mccmcreations.comwww.mccmcreations.comISBN prefixes: 978-962-86132,978-962-86816, 978-988-18583,978-988-18584, 978-988-97610,978-988-98653, 978-988-99266,978-988-99842. 978-988-99843New Internationalist55 Rectory RoadOxford, OX4 1BWUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Daniel Raymond-Barkerph 011 44 (0) 186 581 1425f 011 44 (0) 186 579 3152danrb@newint.orgwww.newint.orgISBN prefixes: 978-1-904456,978-1-869847, 978-0-9540499,978-1-906523, 978-1-78026378 Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

New Rivers Pressc/o Minnesota State UniversityMoorhead1104 7th Avenue SMoorhead, MN 56563Executives: Alan Davis andSuzzanne Kelleyph 218/477-5870f 218/477-2236nrp@mnstate.eduwww.newriverspress.comISBN prefix: 978-0-89823Nicolo Whimsey Press16815 Milltown Landing RoadBrandywine, MD 20613Executive: Nick Newlinph 301/888-1281f 301/579-6051nick@30minuteshakespeare.comhttp://30minuteshakespeare.comISBN prefix: 978-1-935550New Society PublishersP.O. Box 1891680 Peterson RoadGabriola Island, BC, V0R 1X0CANADAExecutives: Rob Sanders, Judith Plant, andChristopher Plantph 250/247-9737f 250/247-7471info@newsociety.comwww.newsociety.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-86571, 978-1-89804,978-1-90217, 978-0-91657, 978-1-88169,978-0-97332, 978-0-96641, 978-0-97585,978-0-97380, 978-0-97675, 978-0-97733,978-0-97719, 978-0-9789257, 978-0-9788848,978-0-97390, 978-0-9666783, 978-0-97809,978-0-91042, 978-0-97841, 978-0-9809366,978-0-9798683, 978-0-9685754,978-0-97347, 978-1-92100, 978-0-96667,978-0-615, 978-1-897408, 978-0-974907Nobrow Press62 Great Eastern StreetLondon, EC2A 3QRUNITED KINGDOMExecutives: Sam Arthur and Alex Spiroph 011 44 (0) 207 033 4430info@nobrow.netwww.nobrow.netISBN prefixes: 978-0-9562135,978-1-907704Nortia Press2321 E. 4th Street, Suite C-219Santa Ana, CA 92705Executive: Nathan Gonzalezph 714/235-2241<strong>sales</strong>@nortiapress.comwww.NortiaPress.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9842252New Village PressP.O. Box 3049Oakland, CA 94609Executive: Lynne Elizabethph 510/420-1361f 510/420-1361lynne@newvillagepress.netwww.newvillagepress.netISBN prefix: 978-0-9766054, 978-0-9815593,978-1-61332Ocean PressP.O. Box 1015North Melbourne, Victoria 3051AUSTRALIAExecutive: Deborah Schnookalph 011 61 (0) 3 9372 2683info@ocean<strong>book</strong>s.com.auwww.ocean<strong>book</strong>s.com.auwww.oceansur.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-876175, 978-1-875284,978-1-920888, 978-1-921235,978-1-921438, 978-0-9804292,978-1-921700, 978-0-9870779Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 379

Old Street PublishingTrebinshun HouseBreckon, LD3 7PXUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Ben Yarde-Bullerph 011 44 (0) 187 473 1222f 011 44 (0) 207 900 6563info@oldstreetpublishing.co.ukwww.oldstreetpublishing.co.ukISBN prefix: 978-1-905847, 978-1-906964Profile Books3A Exmouth HousePine Street, Exmouth MarketLondon, EC1R OJHUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Andrew Franklinph 011 44 (0) 20 7841 6300f 011 44 (0) 20 7833 3969info@profile<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.profile<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-84668, 978-1-86197Paris PressP.O. Box 487Ashfield, MA 01330Executive: Jan Freemanph 413/628-0051f 413/628-0051info@parispress.orgwww.parispress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-9638183,978-1-930464Promopressc/ Ausiàs March, 12408013 BarcelonaSPAINExecutives: Mercè Canet and Silvia Serratph 011 34 93 245 1464f 011 34 93 554 0064<strong>sales</strong>@promopress.eswww.promopress.infoISBN prefixes: 978-84-92810,978-84-935438, 978-84-936408,978-84-936508Paul Dry Books1616 Walnut Street, Suite 808Philadelphia, PA 19103Executive: Paul Dryph 215/231-9939f 215/231-9942pdb@pauldry<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.pauldry<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9664913,978-0-9679675, 978-1-58988,978-0-9793787Pushkin Press12 Chester TerraceLondon, NW1 4NDUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Daniel Setonph 011 44 (0) 207 854 0966<strong>book</strong>s@pushkinpress.comwww.pushkinpress.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-885586,978-1-901285, 978-1-906548Process1240 West Sims Way, Box 124Port Townsend, WA 98368Executives: Jodi Wille and Adam Parfreyph 323/666-3377f 323/297-4331www.processmediainc.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9760822,978-0-9664272, 978-1-934170Redleaf Press10 Yorkton CourtSt. Paul, MN 55117Executive: Linda Heinph 800/423-8309f 800/641-0115<strong>sales</strong>@redleafpress.orgwww.redleafpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-1-929610, 978-1-884834,978-0-934140, 978-1-933653,978-1-60554380 Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

SAQISaqi Books26 Westbourne GroveLondon, W2 5RHUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Ashley Bilesph 011 44 (0) 207 221 9347f 011 44 (0) 207 229 7492ashley@saqi<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.saqi<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-86356, 978-1-87339South End PressMedgar Evers College, CUNYP.O. Box 24773Brooklyn, NY 11202ph 718/874-0089f 800/960-0778southend@southendpress.orgwww.southendpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-89608, 978-0-8467,978-1-878825Sarabande Books2234 Dundee Road, Suite 200Louisville, KY 40205Executive: Sarah Gorhamph 502/458-4028f 502/458-4065info@sarabande<strong>book</strong>s.orgwww.sarabande<strong>book</strong>s.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-9641151,978-1-889330, 978-1-932511,978-1-936747Stone Bridge PressP.O. Box 8208Berkeley, CA 94707Executive: Peter Goodmanph 510/524-8732f 888/411-8527sbp@stonebridge.comwww.stonebridge.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-880656,978-0-9628137, 978-4-89684,978-4-925080, 978-1-933330,978-0-89346, 978-0-893469,978-1-61172Serpent’s Tail3A Exmouth HousePine StreetLondon, EC1R 0JHUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Pete Ayrtonph 011 44 (0) 207 841 6300f 011 44 (0) 207 833 3969info@serpentstail.comwww.serpentstail.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-85242,978-0-9631095, 978-1-84668Talon<strong>book</strong>sP.O. Box 2076Vancouver, BC V6B 3S3CANADAExecutives: Kevin Williams, Vicki Williams,and Greg Gibsonp 604/444-4889f 604/444-4119info@talon<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.talon<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-921368, 978-0-7737,978-0-88922, 978-1-55331Small Beer Press150 Pleasant Street #306Easthampton, MA 01027Executives: Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Linkph/f 413/203-1636info@smallbeerpress.comwww.smallbeerpress.comISBN prefix: 978-1-931520, 978-1-61873,978-1-61873TTELEGRAMTelegram26 Westbourne GroveLondon, W2 5RHUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Ashley Bilesph 011 44 (0) 207 221 9347f 011 44 (0) 207 229 7492ashley@telegram<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.telegram<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefix: 978-1-84659Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 381

Theatre Communications Group520 Eighth Ave; 24th FloorNew York, NY 10018-4156Executive: Terry Nemethph 212/609-5900f 212/609-5901tcg@tcg.orgwww.tcg.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-930452, 978-1-55936,978-1-85459, 978-0-913745, 978-0-9515877,978-0-88754, 978-1-870259, 978-1-84002,978-0-9536757, 978-0-8018, 978-0-921368,978-0-933826, 978-0-952544,978-0-9542330, 978-0-9546912,978-0-9630126, 978-0-9666152,978-1-55554, 978-0-9773074,978-0-9551566, 978-0-9790570,978-0-9819099, 978-1-906582,978-1-84842, 978-0-9709046,978-0-9846160, 978-1-84943,978-0-9566329, 978-1-77091Totem Booksc/o Icon Books, Ltd.Omnibus Business Centre39-41 North RoadLondon, N7 9DPUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Simon Flynnph 011 44 (0) 207 697 9695f 011 44 (0) 207 697 9501info@icon<strong>book</strong>s.co.ukwww.totem<strong>book</strong>s.usISBN prefixes: 978-1-84831, 978-1-84046,978-1-874166, 978-1-906850Trellis Publishing51359 Highway 54New York Mills, MN 56567Executive: Mary DuBoisph 800/513-0115f 218/385-3708trellis2@aol.comwww.trellispublishing.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-930650,978-0-9663281Turtle Point Press233 Broadway, Room 946New York, NY 10279Executive: Jonathan Rabinowitzph 212/945-6622countomega@aol.comwww.turtlepointpress.comISBN prefixes: 978-0-9627987,978-1-885983, 978-1-885586,978-1-933527, 978-1-933521Two Dollar Radio141 East Town Street, Suite 200Columbus, OH 43215Executive: Eric Obenaufph 740/504-7456eric@twodollarradio.comwww.twodollarradio.comISBN prefix: 978-0-9763895,978-0-9820151, 978-0-9826848,978-0-9832471, 978-1-937512Umbrage Editions111 Front Street, Suite 208Brooklyn, NY 11201Executive: Nan Richardsonph 212/796-2707f 212/796-2708nan@umbrage<strong>book</strong>s.comwww.umbrage<strong>book</strong>s.comISBN prefix: 978-1-884167Wave Books1938 Fairview Avenue East, Suite 201Seattle, WA 98102Executives: Joshua Beckman andMatthew Zapruderph 206/676-5337info@wavepoetry.comwww.wavepoetry.com, www.versepress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-1-933517, 978-0-9703672,978-0-9723487, 978-0-9746353382 Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong>

White Pine PressP.O. Box 236Buffalo, NY 14201Executive: Dennis Maloneyph 716/627-4665f 716/627-4665dennismaloney@yahoo.comwww.whitepine.orgISBN prefixes: 978-1-877727, 978-0-934834,978-1-877800, 978-1-893996,978-0-913089, 978-1-935210Windhorse Publications169 Mill RoadCambridge, CB1 3ANUNITED KINGDOMExecutive: Peter Josephph 011 44 (0) 122 391 1977<strong>sales</strong>@windhorsepublications.cominfo@windhorsepublications.comwww.windhorsepublications.comISBN prefixes: 978-1-899579, 978-0-904766,978-1-907314, 978-93-80340Whitelines®Nybrogaten 39, 6 tr114 39 StockholmSWEDENExecutives: Robert Larsson,Johanna Ragnartz, and Olof Hanssonph 011 46 (0) 612 53 00f 011 46 (0) 612 53 04info@whitelines.sewww.whitelines.seISBN prefix: 978-91-86177, 978-91-86364,978-91-86411, 978-91-7455Zephyr Press50 Kenwood StreetBrookline, MA 02446Executives: Cris Mattison, Jim Kates, andLeora Zeitlinph 617/713-2813f 617/713-2813editor@zephyrpress.orgwww.zephyrpress.orgISBN prefixes: 978-0-939010, 978-0-9533824,978-0-9706250, 978-0-9761612,978-0-9545367, 978-0-9815521,978-0-9832970Consortium Distributed Publishers Spring / Summer <strong>2012</strong> 383

1 to 1: The Essence of Retail Brandingand Design, 47The 6.5 Practices of ModeratelySuccessful Poets, 29127, 33850 American Plays, 10375 Tools to be Creative! 50101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make, 172125 Brain Games for Babies, 168125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos,168200 Essential Preschool Activities, 2841919, 1791984, 3422401 Objects, 338aAbduction, 176Abecederia, 246About Love, 45The Acid Test, 334Ada, 247The Adventures of Wound Man andShirley, 342Advice for Lovers, 82Africa’s Future, 263After the Point of No Return, 105Alex Katz, 198All the Voices Cry, 44Ambivalences, 342Ambrose Bierce, 70The American Phoenix, 263American Police, A History: 1945–<strong>2012</strong>,134The American Road to Capitalism, 192American South, 97The Anarchist, 316Anatomical Theater, 366Anna Karenina, 341The Anti-Capitalist Resistance ComicBook, 27The Apprentice’s Sorcerer, 192Arab Spring, Libyan Winter, 5Arab Youth, 289Archive Utopia, 200Art Travel Guide, 31Arthur Machen, 70As Though She Were Sleeping, 22At the Mouth of the River of Bees, 298The Attack of the Copula Spiders, 46An Attitude for Acting, 328Autobiography of Childhood, 83bBamboo Women, 205Basement of Wolves, 27A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon, 357The Beautiful Wishes of Ugly Men, 129Bee Umbrella Sky, 215Behind the Crisis, 192Belongings, 336384 Index by TitleThe Bento Bestiary, 247Berlin Cantata, 175The Besieged, 115Between Destinations, 199Big Black & Beautiful, 49Billy Bishop Goes to War, 309Bingo, 329Birchfield Close, 245Black By Design, 295The Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975, 184Blackberry Troutface, 337BLACKBIRDS, 336Blok/Eko, 334Blood Beneath My Feet, 149Bloody Sunday, 120Blue is the New Black, 47Blue Stranger With Mosaic Background,349Boarded Windows, 92Bobby’s Open, 343bodies unfinished, 338Bolsheviki, 309The Book of Esther, 310Book of My Mother, 23Borderlands / La Frontera, 33Break the Glass, 110Bright Brave Phenomena, 94Brontë, 341Buddhist Meditation, 364The Budding Artist, 170The Budding Builder, 171The Budding Scientist, 170Building Brains, 285Bunion Derby, 307Burnt Offerings, 71But the Giraffe & Brundibar, 315cA Butcher of Distinction, 338The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck, 71The Caine Prize for African Writing <strong>2012</strong>,220Cardenio, 333El Caso por Socialismo, 191Cause Célèbre, 327Celluloid Ceiling, 326Chekhov on Theatre, 332The Children, 292Children in Theatre, 324Chinese Blue, 307Chinese Proverbs and Popular Sayings, 303Chinglish, 314Chitfu Yu: Faces, 208The City Madam, 339The City of Poetry, 294Class Warfare, 30The Cocaine Salesman, 177Cold Comfort, 306Collected Works: Judith Thompson,Vol. 1, 329The Colonies, 365Conjure Wife, 70In The Courts of the Conqueror, 161Covert Racism, 192Crisis, Politics and Critical Sociology, 192Criticism of Theology, 192The Crossed-Out Swastika, 109The Crossing Guard/In Full Light, 337Crossings, 30dDaily Wisdom, 202The Dark Philosophers, 338d’artiste Comic Design, 36d’artiste Fashion Design, 36Davie Street Translations, 308Dead Titans, Waken! and Invisible Sun, 69Deadfall Hotel, 69Deadly Sleep, 136Decade, 325The Democrats, 188The Dialectics of State Capitalism, 190Diary of a Combatant, 256Dice for Change, 50Dickens’s London, 182Digital Art Masters: Volume 7, 1Dirt, 261The Dirt Chronicles, 28Divide and Rule, 86Dogcrime, 246Don Giovanni, 338Double Feature Volume One, 333Double Feature Volume Two, 333Down from Heaven, 329Dragonfly, 71Drama, 87Drama Games: For Devising, 323Dreamweed, 130Driving Lantau, 214Durango, 160eEarly Childhood Activities for a GreenerEarth, 285Early Childhood Outdoors, 235Eco-Architecture, 266Ecstasy, 338Election Year 1968, 135Electra, 338Elephant Magazine #10, 155Emperor and Galilean, 328The End of the Story, 45An Enemy of the People, 339Les Enfants Terribles, 338European Bloc Imperialism, 192Even So: New and Selected Poems, 360Everything Begins and Ends at theKentucky Club, 75Everything We Miss, 244Evocación, 255EXPOSÉ 10, 35

The Eye is a Lonely Hunter, 200Eye Lake, 84fFacing Heartbreak, 163The Faith Machine, 337Family Business, 338Family Child Care Marketing Guide,Second Edition, 286Fanta Orange, 342Fears of Your Life, 210The Festival of Earthly Delights, 123The Fetish Room, 262First Art for Toddlers and Twos, 169First Episode, 337Fixer, 340Flare Path, 327The Flirt Formula, 148Flock Book, 131The Folding Star, 61Follies, 322The Forbidden Book, 122The Fountain of Age, 298Frame Magazine #85, 153Frame Magazine #86, 153Francesca Woodman, 99Frankenstein, 340The Freak Chronicles, 124The Free State, 342Friends, Followers and the Future, 78Full Frontal T.O., 87Further Adventures in Monochrome, 104Future Primitive Revisited, 151gFutureproof, 331A Galaxy of Immortal Women, 139Get Your Pitchfork On! 259Getting Steamed to OvercomeCorporatism, 95Ghosting, 193Gin & Bleach, 294A Girl and Her Room, 353Globalization, Violence and WorldGovernance, 192God of Love, 217The God of Soho, 337The Good Life, 209Goya’s Glass, 143The Graffiti Wall, 267Grandma Grandpa Cook, 212A Graphic Cosmogony, 241Green Thumb Theatre Anthology, 335A Guide to Falling Down in Public, 63hHalf In Shade, 90The Hallway Trilogy, 320Hats on the Streets of Tokyo, 212Healthy Children, Healthy Lives, 286Heart Warriors, 38The Hen Night Epiphany, 338Hidden Gems: Volume 2, 339High Steaks, 225The Historic Unfulfilled Promise, 79Hollywood Buckaroo, 126Home Burial, 107Home Death, 340Hopeless, 4How To Get Into the Twin Palms, 352How To Produce A West End Show, 339The Human Anatomy Sketch<strong>book</strong>, 268Humana Festival 2011: The CompletePlays, 323Hundreds and Thousands, 339iI Must Resist, 77I, Shakespeare, 325An Ideal Theatre, 313If We Were Birds, 329The Imaginary Indian, 29Impact, 28Imperiled Life, 8In Effect, 269In Order to Form a More Perfect Union, 128In Stalin’s Secret Service, 136In the Futurity Lounge, 94Indie Brands, 47The Indies Enterprise, 178The Innocent Party, 59Inside/Out, 81Instant Culture, 214The Interfaith Alternative, 227Interpretation, 161Introducing Artificial Intelligence, 348Introducing Camus, 348Introducing Ethics for Everyday Life, 346Introducing Happiness, 347Introducing Joyce, 348Introducing Mindfulness, 346Introducing Philosophy for Everyday Life,347Introducing Positive Psychology, 346Introducing Psychology of Relationships,347Introducing Psychotheraphy, 348Introducing Self-Esteem, 347Inukshuk, 39Iphigenia, 342Irish Blood, English Heart, 339Is Just a Movie, 185Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire,187Istanbul, 180It Could Have Been Yours, 261jJapanese Beyond Words, 303Jerusalem, 322The Jesus Lizard Book, 13Jonah Man, 194Joy and Tyranny, 331Julius Caesar, 237The Jungle Book, 336The Juniper Tree and Other Tales, 276Just Adrian, 339kKalashnikov: In the Woods by the Lake,340Keep Smiling Through, 340Keith Waterhouse: Collected Plays, 340Ken Campbell: The Great Caper, 338Kingston Noir, 15The Kitchen, 331Klaus, 243lThe Last Warner Woman, 89The League of Youth, 339Leap, 67The Least Important Man, 46Legends of the Caucasus, 288Leon Trotsky, 187Let Them Eat Carbon, 116Let Them Paddle, 158Letters to Kurt, 11Life Coaching for Muslims, 201Life in Blue, 200Litany for the City, 60Little Baby Jesus, 340Little Eagles, 337Logo Life, 49The Lola Papers, 64London Road, 325Long Island Noir, 15Louise: Amended, 55Love in Idleness / Less Than Kind, 337Lovesong, 340Loving You the Way I Do, 130Loyalty, 334Lucy Parsons, 189Luise Miller, 330Lullabies of Broadmoor, 340mLungs, 342Madness, Rack, and Honey, 356The Magic Lantern of Marcel Proust, 257Maintenance, 85Making Home, 223Making Peace With the Earth: BeyondLand Wars And Food Wars, 301Malarky, 43Maleficium, 305Malena, 253Mama Leone, 23The Man Who Walked through Walls, 276Many Languages, Building Connections,173Many Moons, 340Mark Magazine #36, 154Mark Magazine #37, 154Mark Magazine #38, 154Index by Title 385

The Mark of Abel, 199Mark O’Rowe Plays: One, 333Marx and the Politics of Abstraction, 192Masters of Nothing, 117The Meaning of Freedom, 80The Meat Fix, 120Memoirs of a Dervish, 262Merlin and the Woods of Time, 340The Mermaid and the Pink Dolphin, 215Messi, 345The Mexican Revolution, 188The Mill, 335A Mind of Winter, 14Mind Wars, 41Mini Graphics 2, 269Mirror Teeth, 340Mister Blue, 24Mobile Suit Gundam, 303Mobilizing the Green Imagination, 229Mojisola Adebayo: Collected Plays, 340Mojo and Other Plays, 321MOMENT, 339MoonWind at Large, 65Mother Finds a Body, 144Motherless Child, 367A Mouthful of Dust, 254Moving Graphics, 266Mr. Proust’s Library, 349Much Ado About Nothing, 338Murder Ballad, 17Muscle, 341My Fault, 133My Life in Pieces, 323My Only Wife, 124My People Are Rising, 186nMy Struggle, 21Naked Fashion, 219Neoliberalismís Fractured Showcase, 192The Nervous System, 12Never Photograph People Eating, 48Never Sleep with the Director, 48Never Touch a Painting When It’s Wet, 48The New Granville Island MarketCook<strong>book</strong>, 26A New Kind Of Beauty, 113The New Sustainability Advantage, 232New Theatre, 86Niagara Digressions, 131NIGHT, 335Night Fever 3, 156Nights of Awe, 51No Man’s Land, 246No Naughty Bits, 337No One’s Son, 203No Romance, 339The No Rules Hand<strong>book</strong> for Writers, 324No Sale, 53Nobrow 6: The Double, 240386 Index by TitleThe No-Nonsense Guide to Equality, 220oNot in Front of the Corgis, 119The Oberon Glossary of Theatrical Terms,Second Edition, 324Office Girl, 9On Changing the World, 190On the Fault Line, 264On the Planet without Visa, 93On the Spectrum of Possible Deaths, 101One Man, Two Guvnors, 325One World Almanac 2013, 222One World Calendar 2013, 221One World Family Calendar 2013, 222The Only Poetry That Matters, 29An Open Secret, 275Our Lady of Darkness, 70Outerborough Blues, 195pThe Palin Effect, 118Pandas, 339Park Avenue Cat, 328Pebble Island, 245People Diary 2013, 222People I’ve Never Met & ConversationsI’ve Never Had, 247The People’s Pension, 3Percussion Grenade: Poems & Plays, 147Persuasion, 341Perve, 340pH Neutral History, 108Photo Opportunities, 198Planes, Trains, and Auto-Rickshaws, 159Planner 2013, 222Portraits, 341Precious Little/Hot Mess, 338Pro Stress 2, 49Profitable Ideas, 192Psychic Blues, 150Pure Filth, 152qrQuiet Rumours, 7Quodlibet, 242Radio Iris, 351The Rape of Europe, 341Rattigan’s Nijinsky, 331Reading Letters, 47Real Classroom Makeovers, 174The Reasonable Ogre, 44Rebuilding Justice, 162Recipes for Sad Women, 276Recollections, 200The Redleaf Calendar-Keeper 2013, 286The Reindeer Camps, 61Religion and the New Atheism, 192Remembering Che, 255The Resilience Imperative, 230The Revolution Besieged, 191Ring of Bone, 81Rise, 292Ronaldo, 345Room 103, 354Rose, 341Royal Ballet Year<strong>book</strong> 2011/12, 324Rural Wit and Wisdom, 157sRussian Plays, 334Sabra Zoo, 311Sacred Acts, 226Sacrifice, 71Sadler’s Wells Is Dance, 332Sailing the Worldly Winds, 363San Francisco Chinatown, 82sankofa, 335Saudi Arabian Hydro-Carbons and WorldAffairs, 290The School of the Americas, 128The SCREAM, 342A Screen Acting Workshop, 326Seagull, 339See Bob Run/Wild Abandon, 337Selected Poems, 106Selections From the Book of Songs, 206Self-Criticism After the Defeat, 287Sense, 165Seriously, Just Go to Sleep, 10Seven Angels, 341Sex Plays, 318Sexuality in Islam, 289Shakespeare in Kabul, 181Shakespeare on Theatre, 332Share or Die, 228Shoulda Been Jimi Savannah, 93Silly Beggar, 342Sixty-Six Books, 327Slaughter on a Snowy Morn, 344Snowflake / different streets, 355So You Want To Do A Solo Show? 332Soft Horizons, 197Solar Home Heating Basics, 233Something Fierce, 302Source<strong>book</strong> of Traditional ChineseCulture, 208Specks, 308St. Petersburg Noir, 16Stage Kiss, 317Start Smart! 167State Capitalism, Contentious Politics andLarge-Scale Social Change, 192Stay Solid! 6The Steampunk Coloring and ActivityBook, 210Step 9 (of 12), 341The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll andMr Hyde, 69A Stranger in Olondria, 297Stranger on Lesbos, 145

Street Style Memory Game II, 50Subduction, 73Sudden Dog, 19Suleiman the Magnificent, 290Swiss Made, 264Syzygy, Beauty, 293tTactical Questioning, 328Takeaway, 341A Talisman in the Darkness, 359The Tastes of Ayurveda, 25Tattoo Magic, 268Teaching in the Digital Age, 283The Tempest, 237Tender Shoots, 276Terminus, 341Territories in Resistance, 7The Terrorism Lectures, 254Testo Junkie, 142That Mad Game, 76The Art of Gears of War 3, 35The Branches, the Axe, the Missing,129The Football Corporations, 138The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality, 220The Shyster’s Daughter, 137The Universe Inside You, 344Theatre Uncut: The Anthology, 327This Side of Time: Poems by Ko Un, 360Three Lives, 274Three Plays by Aristophanes: Peace, Birds,and Wealth, 257Tideline, 337Tim Crouch: Plays One, 336A Time to Die, 183Tombs of the Vanishing Indian, 310Tonight at the Tarragon, 337Too Fast, 341Total Football, 341Toward Sustainable Communities, 231True Faith, 60A True History of the Captivation,Transport to Strange Lands, &Deliverance of Hannah Guttentag, 125Truth and Revolution, 8Turkana Boy, 306Two Whole Cakes, 141uThe Tyrant, 52Uncle Charlie, 98The Unconquered Countries, 299Understories, 40Up and Down Peachtree, 97The Upgrade, 121Upgraded to Serious, 111The Urban Design of Concession, 213The Urban Design of Impermanence, 213vwThe Veil, 319Venice Noir, 16Viral, 146Ward Four, 207We’re Gonna Make You Whole, 341Weaving Transnational Solidarity, 192Web Design Source Book, 267Weird Fiction Review #2, 69Weird Sports, 197Wesker’s Comedies, 337Wesker’s Domestic Plays, 337Wesker’s Historical Plays, 337Western Europe, Eastern Europe andWorld Development 13th–18thCenturies, 192Western Practice, 18What I Didn’t See, 299What the Emperor Cannot Do, 165When My Brother Was an Aztec, 102Where the Flowers Grow, 341Who is Sylvia? 337Why Kosovo Still Matters, 180The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd, 339Wildlife in Danger Calendar 2013, 221Willing Dogs & Reluctant Masters, 257Windeye, 91Winter Gardening in the MaritimeNorthwest, 224Winterlong, 339The Winter’s Tale, 340Witness, 359A Woman Killed with Kindness, 339A Woman with Several Lives, 148Women and Socialism: Updated Edition,189Women Make Noise, 326Wondrous Flitting, 342The Words of Our Time, 117Working Parts, 68World in Your Kitchen Calendar 2013,221The Writing of Art, 275yzYou Are What You Eat Memory Game,50You Let Some Girl Beat You? 37You, or the Invention of Memory, 125Young Pretender, 342You’re Married to Her? 204Zarathustra Must Die, 138ZBrush Character Sculpting: Volume 1, 2Index by Title 387

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLESIt Could Have Been Yours, 261ARCHITECTUREEarly Childhood Outdoors, 235Eco-Architecture, 266Frame Magazine #85, 153Frame Magazine #86, 153Full Frontal T.O., 87Instant Culture, 214Mark Magazine #36, 154Mark Magazine #37, 154Mark Magazine #38, 154Night Fever 3, 156The Urban Design of Concession, 213The Urban Design of Impermanence, 213ARTAlex Katz, 198Bee Umbrella Sky, 215Chitfu Yu: Faces, 208d’artiste Comic Design, 36d’artiste Fashion Design, 36Digital Art Masters: Volume 7, 1Elephant Magazine #10, 155EXPOSÉ 10, 35Fears of Your Life, 210The Good Life, 209The Graffiti Wall, 267The Human Anatomy Sketch<strong>book</strong>, 268Never Touch a Painting When It’s Wet, 48People I’ve Never Met & ConversationsI’ve Never Had, 247Soft Horizons, 197The Steampunk Coloring and ActivityBook, 210Tattoo Magic, 268The Art of Gears of War 3, 35The Writing of Art, 275ZBrush Character Sculpting: Volume 1, 2BIOGRAPHY &AUTOBIOGRAPHYBamboo Women, 205The Besieged, 115Black By Design, 295Blood Beneath My Feet, 149Book of My Mother, 23Borderlands / La Frontera, 33Cold Comfort, 306Diary of a Combatant, 256Evocación, 255The Fetish Room, 262Half In Shade, 90Heart Warriors, 38In Stalin’s Secret Service, 136Ken Campbell: The Great Caper, 338Let Them Paddle, 158Louise: Amended, 55Lucy Parsons, 189Memoirs of a Dervish, 262My Life in Pieces, 323A My People Are Rising, 186My People Are Rising, 186Niagara Digressions, 131No One’s Son, 203Remembering Che, 255The Revolution Besieged, 191Something Fierce, 302The Shyster’s Daughter, 137Three Lives, 274BODY, MIND & SPIRITBuddhist Meditation, 364Psychic Blues, 150BUSINESS & ECONOMICS1 to 1: The Essence of Retail Brandingand Design, 47Africa’s Future, 263The American Phoenix, 263Family Child Care Marketing Guide,Second Edition, 286Let Them Eat Carbon, 116The New Sustainability Advantage, 232The Redleaf Calendar-Keeper 2013,286The Resilience Imperative, 230Saudi Arabian Hydro-Carbons and WorldAffairs, 290State Capitalism, Contentious Politics andLarge-Scale Social Change, 192Swiss Made, 264COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELSAbecederia, 246The Anti-Capitalist Resistance ComicBook, 27Birchfield Close, 245Dogcrime, 246Everything We Miss, 244A Graphic Cosmogony, 241Leon Trotsky, 187No Man’s Land, 246Nobrow 6: The Double, 240Pebble Island, 245Pro Stress 2, 49COMPUTERSIntroducing Artificial Intelligence, 348COOKINGGrandma Grandpa Cook, 212The New Granville Island MarketCook<strong>book</strong>, 26The Tastes of Ayurveda, 25DESIGN75 Tools to be Creative! 50The Bento Bestiary, 247Big Black & Beautiful, 49Blue is the New Black, 47In Effect, 269Indie Brands, 47Logo Life, 49Mini Graphics 2, 269Moving Graphics, 266Naked Fashion, 219Quodlibet, 242Reading Letters, 47Web Design Source Book, 267DRAMA27, 3381984, 3422401 Objects, 338The Acid Test, 334The Adventures of Wound Man andShirley, 342The Anarchist, 316Anna Karenina, 341Belongings, 336Billy Bishop Goes to War, 309Bingo, 329Blackberry Troutface, 337BLACKBIRDS, 336Blok/Eko, 334bodies unfinished, 338Bolsheviki, 309The Book of Esther, 310Brontë, 341But the Giraffe & Brundibar, 315A Butcher of Distinction, 338Cardenio, 333Cause Célèbre, 327Chinglish, 314The City Madam, 339Collected Works: Judith Thompson,Vol. 1, 329The Crossing Guard/In Full Light, 337The Dark Philosophers, 338Decade, 325Don Giovanni, 338Double Feature Volume One, 333Double Feature Volume Two, 333Down from Heaven, 329Drama, 87388 Index by Subject

Ecstasy, 338Electra, 338Emperor and Galilean, 328An Enemy of the People, 339Les Enfants Terribles, 338The Faith Machine, 337Family Business, 338Fanta Orange, 342First Episode, 337Fixer, 340Flare Path, 327Follies, 322Frankenstein, 340The Free State, 342Futureproof, 331The God of Soho, 337Green Thumb Theatre Anthology, 335The Hallway Trilogy, 320The Hen Night Epiphany, 338Hidden Gems: Volume 2, 339Home Death, 340Humana Festival 2011: The CompletePlays, 323Hundreds and Thousands, 339I, Shakespeare, 325If We Were Birds, 329Iphigenia, 342Irish Blood, English Heart, 339Jerusalem, 322Joy and Tyranny, 331Julius Caesar, 237The Jungle Book, 336Kalashnikov: In the Woods by the Lake,340Keep Smiling Through, 340Keith Waterhouse: Collected Plays, 340The Kitchen, 331The League of Youth, 339Little Baby Jesus, 340Little Eagles, 337London Road, 325Love in Idleness / Less Than Kind, 337Lovesong, 340Loyalty, 334Luise Miller, 330Lullabies of Broadmoor, 340Lungs, 342Many Moons, 340Mark O’Rowe Plays: One, 333Merlin and the Woods of Time, 340The Mill, 335Mirror Teeth, 340Mojisola Adebayo: Collected Plays, 340Mojo and Other Plays, 321MOMENT, 339Much Ado About Nothing, 338Muscle, 341NIGHT, 335No Naughty Bits, 337No Romance, 339One Man, Two Guvnors, 325Pandas, 339Park Avenue Cat, 328Persuasion, 341Perve, 340Portraits, 341Precious Little/Hot Mess, 338The Rape of Europe, 341Rattigan’s Nijinsky, 331Rose, 341Russian Plays, 334sankofa, 335Seagull, 339See Bob Run/Wild Abandon, 337Seven Angels, 341Sex Plays, 318Shakespeare in Kabul, 181Shakespeare on Theatre, 332Sixty-Six Books, 327Stage Kiss, 317Step 9 (of 12), 341Tactical Questioning, 328Takeaway, 341The Tempest, 237Terminus, 341Theatre Uncut: The Anthology, 327Three Plays by Aristophanes: Peace, Birds,and Wealth, 257Tideline, 337Tim Crouch: Plays One, 336Tombs of the Vanishing Indian, 310Tonight at the Tarragon, 337Too Fast, 341Total Football, 341The Veil, 319We’re Gonna Make You Whole, 341Wesker’s Comedies, 337Wesker’s Domestic Plays, 337Wesker’s Historical Plays, 337Where the Flowers Grow, 341Who is Sylvia? 337The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd, 339Winterlong, 339The Winter’s Tale, 340A Woman Killed with Kindness, 339Wondrous Flitting, 342Young Pretender, 342EDUCATION200 Essential Preschool Activities, 284Building Brains, 285Early Childhood Activities for a GreenerEarth, 285First Art for Toddlers and Twos, 169Healthy Children, Healthy Lives, 286Interpretation, 161Many Languages, Building Connections,173Real Classroom Makeovers, 174Teaching in the Digital Age, 283FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make, 172125 Brain Games for Babies, 168125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos,168The Budding Artist, 170The Budding Builder, 171The Budding Scientist, 170Introducing Psychology of Relationships,347Start Smart! 167FICTIONAbduction, 176Ambrose Bierce, 70Arthur Machen, 70As Though She Were Sleeping, 22At the Mouth of the River of Bees, 298Autobiography of Childhood, 83Basement of Wolves, 27Berlin Cantata, 175Boarded Windows, 92Burnt Offerings, 71The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck, 71The Caine Prize for African Writing <strong>2012</strong>,220Class Warfare, 30The Cocaine Salesman, 177Conjure Wife, 70Crossings, 30Dead Titans, Waken! and Invisible Sun,69Deadfall Hotel, 69Deadly Sleep, 136Dragonfly, 71Durango, 160The End of the Story, 45Eye Lake, 84The Festival of Earthly Delights, 123Ghosting, 193Goya’s Glass, 143Hollywood Buckaroo, 126How To Get Into the Twin Palms, 352The Indies Enterprise, 178Inukshuk, 39Is Just a Movie, 185Jonah Man, 194The Juniper Tree and Other Tales, 276The Last Warner Woman, 89Index by Subject 389

Leap, 67Maintenance, 85Malarky, 43Maleficium, 305Malena, 253Mama Leone, 23The Mermaid and the Pink Dolphin, 215A Mind of Winter, 14Mister Blue, 24Motherless Child, 367A Mouthful of Dust, 254My Only Wife, 124My Struggle, 21Office Girl, 9An Open Secret, 275Our Lady of Darkness, 70Radio Iris, 351Sabra Zoo, 311Sacrifice, 71The SCREAM, 342Sense, 165Seriously, Just Go to Sleep, 10The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll andMr Hyde, 69A Stranger in Olondria, 297Stranger on Lesbos, 145Subduction, 73A True History of the Captivation,Transport to Strange Lands, &Deliverance of Hannah Guttentag, 125Turkana Boy, 306The Tyrant, 52Ward Four, 207Weird Fiction Review #2, 69Windeye, 91Working Parts, 68You, or the Invention of Memory, 125Zarathustra Must Die, 138FICTION / MYSTERYThe Forbidden Book, 122Kingston Noir, 15Long Island Noir, 15Mother Finds a Body, 144The Nervous System, 12Nights of Awe, 51No Sale, 53Outerborough Blues, 195St. Petersburg Noir, 16Venice Noir, 16FICTION / SHORT STORIESAbout Love, 45All the Voices Cry, 44At the Mouth of the River of Bees, 298The Beautiful Wishes of Ugly Men, 129The Dirt Chronicles, 28Everything Begins and Ends at theKentucky Club, 75The Fountain of Age, 298The Freak Chronicles, 124The Innocent Party, 59Loving You the Way I Do, 130The Man Who Walked through Walls, 276Mobile Suit Gundam, 303The Reasonable Ogre, 44Rise, 292A Talisman in the Darkness, 359Tender Shoots, 276The Unconquered Countries, 299Understories, 40What I Didn’t See, 299What the Emperor Cannot Do, 165FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDYJapanese Beyond Words, 303GAMESDice for Change, 50Street Style Memory Game II, 50You Are What You Eat Memory Game, 50GARDENINGWinter Gardening in the MaritimeNorthwest, 224HISTORY1919, 179American Police, A History: 1945–<strong>2012</strong>, 134The American Road to Capitalism, 192Bloody Sunday, 120In The Courts of the Conqueror, 161Dirt, 261Election Year 1968, 135A Galaxy of Immortal Women, 139The Historic Unfulfilled Promise, 79I Must Resist, 77The Imaginary Indian, 29The Mexican Revolution, 188My Fault, 133Source<strong>book</strong> of Traditional ChineseCulture, 208Suleiman the Magnificent, 290That Mad Game, 76A Time to Die, 183Western Europe, Eastern Europe andWorld Development 13th–18thCenturies, 192HOUSE & HOMEGet Your Pitchfork On! 259Making Home, 223HUMORKlaus, 243Rural Wit and Wisdom, 157Silly Beggar, 342LANGUAGE ARTS &DISCIPLINESThe 6.5 Practices of ModeratelySuccessful Poets, 291The Words of Our Time, 117LAWGlobalization, Violence and WorldGovernance, 192Rebuilding Justice, 162LITERARY COLLECTIONSA Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon, 357Legends of the Caucasus, 288Letters to Kurt, 11Recipes for Sad Women, 276Selections From the Book of Songs, 206Syzygy, Beauty, 293You’re Married to Her? 204LITERARY CRITICISMThe Attack of the Copula Spiders, 46Introducing Camus, 348Introducing Joyce, 348Madness, Rack, and Honey, 356The Magic Lantern of Marcel Proust, 257Mr. Proust’s Library, 349The Only Poetry That Matters, 29MUSICThe Jesus Lizard Book, 13Women Make Noise, 326NATUREImperiled Life, 8PERFORMING ARTSAmbivalences, 342An Attitude for Acting, 328Celluloid Ceiling, 326Chekhov on Theatre, 332Children in Theatre, 324Drama Games: For Devising, 323How To Produce A West End Show, 339An Ideal Theatre, 313Just Adrian, 339Never Sleep with the Director, 48The Oberon Glossary of Theatrical Terms,Second Edition, 324390 Index by Subject

Pure Filth, 152Royal Ballet Year<strong>book</strong> 2011/12, 324Sadler’s Wells Is Dance, 332A Screen Acting Workshop, 326So You Want To Do A Solo Show? 332PETSWilling Dogs & Reluctant Masters, 257PHILOSOPHYIntroducing Ethics for Everyday Life, 346Introducing Happiness, 347Introducing Philosophy for Everyday Life,347On Changing the World, 190Religion and the New Atheism, 192Sailing the Worldly Winds, 363PHOTOGRAPHYAmerican South, 97Archive Utopia, 200Between Destinations, 199Driving Lantau, 214The Eye is a Lonely Hunter, 200Francesca Woodman, 99A Girl and Her Room, 353Hats on the Streets of Tokyo, 212Life in Blue, 200The Mark of Abel, 199Never Photograph People Eating, 48A New Kind Of Beauty, 113Photo Opportunities, 198Recollections, 200Room 103, 354Uncle Charlie, 98Up and Down Peachtree, 97Weird Sports, 197POETRY50 American Plays, 103Ada, 247Advice for Lovers, 82After the Point of No Return, 105Anatomical Theater, 366Blue Stranger With Mosaic Background,349Break the Glass, 110Bright Brave Phenomena, 94Bunion Derby, 307The Children, 292Chinese Blue, 307The City of Poetry, 294The Colonies, 365The Crossed-Out Swastika, 109Davie Street Translations, 308Divide and Rule, 86Dreamweed, 130Even So: New and Selected Poems, 360The Flirt Formula, 148Flock Book, 131The Folding Star, 61Further Adventures in Monochrome, 104Gin & Bleach, 294Home Burial, 107Impact, 28In Order to Form a More Perfect Union,128In the Futurity Lounge, 94Inside/Out, 81The Least Important Man, 46Litany for the City, 60Murder Ballad, 17New Theatre, 86On the Planet without Visa, 93On the Spectrum of Possible Deaths, 101Percussion Grenade: Poems & Plays, 147pH Neutral History, 108The Reindeer Camps, 61Ring of Bone, 81The School of the Americas, 128Selected Poems, 106Shoulda Been Jimi Savannah, 93Snowflake / different streets, 355Specks, 308Sudden Dog, 19The Branches, the Axe, the Missing, 129The Football Corporations, 138This Side of Time: Poems by Ko Un, 360True Faith, 60Upgraded to Serious, 111Western Practice, 18When My Brother Was an Aztec, 102Witness, 359A Woman with Several Lives, 148POLITICAL SCIENCEThe Apprentice’s Sorcerer, 192Arab Spring, Libyan Winter, 5Behind the Crisis, 192The Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975, 184El Caso por Socialismo, 191The Democrats, 188The Dialectics of State Capitalism, 190European Bloc Imperialism, 192Future Primitive Revisited, 151Getting Steamed to OvercomeCorporatism, 95Hopeless, 4Masters of Nothing, 117Neoliberalism’s Fractured Showcase, 192On the Fault Line, 264The Palin Effect, 118The People’s Pension, 3Profitable Ideas, 192Quiet Rumours, 7Self-Criticism After the Defeat, 287Territories in Resistance, 7The Terrorism Lectures, 254Toward Sustainable Communities, 231Truth and Revolution, 8Why Kosovo Still Matters, 180PSYCHOLOGYIntroducing Positive Psychology, 346Introducing Psychotheraphy, 348REFERENCEChinese Proverbs and Popular Sayings,303The No Rules Hand<strong>book</strong> for Writers, 324Not in Front of the Corgis, 119One World Almanac 2013, 222One World Calendar 2013, 221One World Family Calendar 2013, 222People Diary 2013, 222Planner 2013, 222Wildlife in Danger Calendar 2013, 221World in Your Kitchen Calendar 2013,221RELIGIONCriticism of Theology, 192Daily Wisdom, 202God of Love, 217The Interfaith Alternative, 227Sacred Acts, 226SCIENCEMind Wars, 41The Universe Inside You, 344SELF-HELPFacing Heartbreak, 163Introducing Mindfulness, 346Introducing Self-Esteem, 347Life Coaching for Muslims, 201Two Whole Cakes, 141SOCIAL SCIENCEArab Youth, 289Covert Racism, 192Crisis, Politics and Critical Sociology, 192Friends, Followers and the Future, 78High Steaks, 225Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire,187Index by Subject 391

Making Peace With the Earth: BeyondLand Wars And Food Wars, 301Marx and the Politics of Abstraction, 192The Meaning of Freedom, 80The Meat Fix, 120Mobilizing the Green Imagination, 229The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality, 220Sexuality in Islam, 289Share or Die, 228Stay Solid! 6Testo Junkie, 142The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality, 220Viral, 146Weaving Transnational Solidarity, 192Women and Socialism: Updated Edition,189SPORTS & RECREATIONBobby’s Open, 343A Guide to Falling Down in Public, 63The Lola Papers, 64Messi, 345MoonWind at Large, 65Ronaldo, 345You Let Some Girl Beat You? 37TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERINGSolar Home Heating Basics, 233TRAVELArt Travel Guide, 31Dickens’s London, 182Istanbul, 180Planes, Trains, and Auto-Rickshaws, 159San Francisco Chinatown, 82The Upgrade, 121TRUE CRIMESlaughter on a Snowy Morn, 344392 Index by Subject

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