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December 2007

Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of the Toyota WayBy Jeffrey Liker, Michael HoseusAbout AuthorJeffrey K. Liker, the author of the bestselling The Toyota Way, is Professorof Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan andco-owner of consulting firm Optiprise.Michael Hoseus is Executive Director of the Center for Quality People andOrganizations. He worked for Toyota's Georgetown, Kentucky plant for morethan 12 years as a group leader, assembly plant manager, and manager ofhuman resources.The Center for Quality People and Organizations is a Toyota-supportednonprofit organization dedicated to sharing the Toyota Way with education,community, and business organizations through the experience of formerToyota leaders.Brief Table Of ContentPart One: The Context and the Challenge1. The Problem and the Countermeasures2. Inputs and Outputs: Philosophy, People, and Problem SolvingPart Two: The Process--The Competent People Value Stream3. Attract Competent and Trainable People4. Develop Competent and Able People5. Engage Competent and Willing People6. Enroll Competent and Committed PeoplePart Three: People and Culture Supporting Processes7. Teamwork8. Clean and Safe Work Environment9. Two-Way Communication10. Management Accountability to EmployeesPart Four: Organizational Supporting Processes—HumanResource Management11. Stable Employment and Manpower Management12. Fairness and Consistent Policies and Practices13. Recognition and Corrective Action14. Hoshin Kanri—Policy DeploymentPart Five: How to Guide the Implementation of theCompetent People Value Stream16. Implementation Strategies Guide7

Entrepreneur Power Plays: How the World's Most Dynamic Thinkers Reach the Top of Their GameBy BusinessweekISBN-13: 9780071486323ISBN-10: 0071486321Format: Paperback, 192ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$16.95DescriptionExplores the success secrets of Ratan Tata Chairman of India’s largest privateconglomerate, and Ren Zhengfei, Ceo of Chinese Telecommunication giantHuaweiBusinessWeek’s Power Play SeriesThe Last Word in Success from the First Name in BusinessBusinessWeek's Power Plays series analyzes insights from the biggest power players in business on essential topics in today's market. Each bookincludes real case studies, Monday morning strategies, power moves that tackle key business problems head-on, and the keen industry knowledge thathas made BusinessWeek the world's number-one authority.9780071486309Dec 20079780071486316Dec 20079780071475594Dec 20069780071475587Dec 20069780071475600Dec 20069

Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer theQuestions That Will Get You the JobBy Tony BesharaDescriptionAt some point, most people have beencaught off guard by tough interviewquestions. This book helps readerstake charge of the situation! In Acingthe Interview, the employment expertDr. Phil called "the best of the best"gives job seekers candid advice foranswering even the most unexpectedquestions.The book also arms readers withquestions to ask prospectiveemployers that could prevent theirmaking a big job mistake.Resumes for the Rest of UsBy Arnold BoldtDescriptionThis book tackles head-on thoseresume-writing challenges that maysee like insurmountable obstacles tojob seekers with non-traditionalbackgrounds. In Resumes for the Restof Us, veteran résumé writer Arnoldbold shares his professionalknowledge to help you prepare aresume that will effectively andpositively capture the attention of yourtargeted employers - even if you havean unconventional work history.ISBN-13: 9780814401613ISBN-10: 0814401619Format: Paperback, 272ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$16.95Taking readers through the entireprocess, from the initial interview toevaluating a job offer, and even intosalary negotiation, Acing the Interviewis a no-nonsense, take-no-prisonersguide to interview success.ISBN-13: 9781564149831ISBN-10: 1564149838Format: Paperback, 240ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Career PressPrice: US$15.9910

Schaum's Outline of Fluid MechanicsBy Merle Potter, David C. WiggertDescriptionThe guides that help students studyfaster, learn better- and get topgradesFluid mechanics is required for mostengineering courses. This Schaum'sOutline provides multiple-choiceproblems of the type used on theFundamentals of Engineering Examtaken by all qualifying engineers.Making Waves and Riding the Currents: Activismand the Practice of WisdomBy Charles HalpernDescriptionThis inspiring memoir is about workingfor a more just, compassionate, andsustainable world, while cultivating thewisdom that supports and deepensthis work. Everyone who is trying tomake waves - to bring about neededsocial and institutional change - willenjoy this real-world guide toeffectively navigating the currents toachieve success while alsomaintaining balance, compassion, andhope.ISBN-13: 9780071487818ISBN-10: 0071487816Format: Paperback, 448ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.95ISBN-13: 9781576754429ISBN-10: 1576754421Format: Paperback, 240ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Berrett-KoehlerPrice: US$24.95Charles Halpern, one of America'smost distinguished public interestadvocates and social innovators,shares his revealing experiences andleanings along a journey fromcorporate attorney to activist andsocial entrepreneur. People of all ageswill learn about integrating the innerand outer work of their lives throughthe practice of wisdom.11

ISBN-13: 9781564149640ISBN-10: 1564149641Format: Paperback, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Career PressPrice: US$14.99How to Hire a ChampionBy David SnyderDescriptionMeticulously outlining an arsenal ofcutting-edge tools and strategies tiedto predicting performance and a"passion for excellence," David Snyderhas developed what may be aparadigm shift in our understanding ofthe way high-performing individualscan be identified, selected, andprofessionally coached. Drawing onSnyder's interviews with a team ofperformance and hiring expertsnationwide, How to Hire a Championwill help all leaders to build:* A better model and process forselecting and retaining highperformingindividuals.* Stronger teams and a customercentered,results-driven culture.* A self-directed "culture of greatness"where top performers and topmanagers in all departments help andinspire each other.Finding Keepers: The Monster Guide to Hiring andHolding the World's Best EmployeesBy Steve Pogorzelski, Jesse Harriott,ISBN-13: 9780071499088ISBN-10: 0071499083Format: Hardcover, 240ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$24.95DescriptionKeepers. They are your bestemployees. They have the best ideas,execute business plans flawlessly,create a strong culture, and providethe highest value to your company.Keepers are by definition a rare breeddifficultto find and even harder to holdon to.Here, for the first time, Monster-theglobal leader in talent acquisitionrevealsits proven program forrecruiting and retaining highperforming, talented employees whodrive sustainable success.Drawing from original Monster dataand research, and sharing wisdomfrom dozens of experts in hiring andrecruitment, Finding Keepers showshow to harness the power of youremployer brand to hire and hold thebest people-from the first time acandidate hears your name until theday that person retires.12

How to Start a Business in MinnesotaBy Entrepreneur PressDescriptionHow to Start a Business in Minnesotais your roadmap to avoid planning,legal and financial pitfalls and directyou through the bureaucratic red tapethat often entangles fledglingentrepreneurs. This all-in-one resourcegoes a step beyond other businesshow-to books to give you a jump-starton planning for your business.Small Claims Court GuidebookBy Michael SpadacciniDescriptionAll the tools business owners need toevaluate plan, execute and win asuccessful small claims court case,whether as a plaintiff or defendant.ISBN-13: 9781599181561ISBN-10: 1599181568Format: Paperback, 302ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Nov 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Entrepreneur PressPrice: US$29.95ISBN-13: 9781599181547ISBN-10: 1599181541Format: Paperback, 302ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Entrepreneur PressPrice: US$32.9513

Startup Guide to Guerrilla MarketingBy Jay Conrad Conrad Levinson, Jeannie LevinsonDescriptionJay Conrad Levinson, the father ofguerrilla marketing, and JeannieLevinson have teamed up to producea beginner-oriented guide that showsyou how to get started with guerrillamarketing. Presented with a generoussupply of true-life stories from theLevinsons’ rich experience, it breatheslife into the hottest and most wellknownschool of marketing so that youare able to compete with assuranceand market profitably.Business Traveler Guide to ChicagoBy Jason R. RichDescription• Features restaurant, nightlife,shopping, tourism and hotelrecommendations from Chicago’s topconcierges• Offers business-specific information,contact information and resources notfound in most travel guidebooks• Includes a travel itinerary worksheet,a travel budget worksheet, and anexpense tracker worksheetISBN-13: 9781599181530ISBN-10: 1599181533Format: Paperback, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Entrepreneur PressPrice: US$21.95ISBN-13: 9781599181554ISBN-10: 159918155XFormat: Paperback, 252ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Entrepreneur PressPrice: US$17.9514

ISBN-13: 9781599181523ISBN-10: 1599181525Way to Wealth Workbook, Part III:Blueprints for SuccessBy Brian TracyFormat: Soft Cover with CD, 200ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Entrepreneur PressPrice: US$21.95DescriptionMethods, techniques and worksheetsfor the wealthy entrepreneurIn this step-by-step, paint-by-numbersbook, you acquire a complete set ofplans and blueprints you can use toassure better results in every area ofyour business. Based on the mosteffective strategies and tools used bythe fastest growing and most profitablebusinesses, the workbook saves youmany hours of trial and error andthousands of dollars of wasted money.This easy-to-use, quick reference guideoffers simple, practical checklists forsetting budgets, determining costs,writing effective advertising, hiring,firing, managing, motivating and sellingmore products or services.Winning with Options: The Smart Way to ManagePortfolio Risk and Maximize ProfitBy Michael C. ThomsettISBN-13: 9780814400333ISBN-10: 0814400337Format: Paperback, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$19.95DescriptionOptions are an integral part of anyfinancial portfolio, but they can beintimidating to the average investor.While often viewed as risky, the truthis that, if used properly, options can beone of the best tools for balancing aportfolio. In fact, they can helpinvestors protect themselves fromdownside risk and leverage capital tomake bigger plays than wouldotherwise be possible. In Winning withOptions, Michael C. Thomsett offersnon technical, easy-to-follow advice forreaders who need guidance onimportant techniques related toportfolio management, such asdiversification and risk management.15

Are You Dumb Enough to Be Rich?By G. William, II BarnettMoonlighting on the InternetBy Yanik SilverISBN-13: 9780814474037ISBN-10: 0814474039DescriptionThis essential book walks readersthrough the entire process, providingthem with a 120-day plan for startingdown the road to building real estatewealth. Too many real estate booksfocus on stories and unlikely examplesabout how other people became rich.Are You Dumb Enough to Be Rich?offers real strategies on finding thebest opportunities, avoiding thecommon pitfalls of real estateinvestment, and building personal andprofessional credibility. Straightforwardand easy-to-follow, the bookempowers readers to take their firsttentative steps toward real estateinvesting with confidence.ISBN-13: 9781599181578ISBN-10: 1599181576DescriptionThe five most reliable ways to rakein an extra $500 to $5000 a month ormoreInternet marketing guru Yanik Silverhas scoured the internet to bringtogether 5 world-class experts whomake thousands online each month.They reveal their secrets to unlimitedcash using today’s hottest onlinemoneymaking methods: sellinginformation, eBay, affiliate marketing,Yahoo! Stores and blogging. Theydivulge how they turn the internet intoa money machine, generating nonstopcash even while they sleep. It’s a stepby-stepblueprint that you can follow toset up a continual revenue stream injust a few hours a week.Format: Paperback, 304ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMFormat: Paperback, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Entrepreneur PressPrice: US$18.95Price: US$21.9516

Forex Shockwave AnalysisBy Jim L. BickfordOptimize Your Trading EdgeBy Bo YoderISBN-13: 9780071498142ISBN-10: 0071498141DescriptionIn Forex Shockwave Analysis, authorJames Bickford applies hismathematical and statistical expertiseto a highly unique behavioral pattern inthe foreign exchange marketshockwaves.These disruptions lastonly a few minutes, but thepredictability of their occurrence offersinformed traders a powerful analyticaladvantage for profit. Like clockwork,the release of information from suchbodies as the Federal Reserve,Bureau of Labor Statistics, andCensus Bureau, cause violentoutbreaks in otherwise well-behavedtime series. Accurately predictingwhich way these spikes will run is thekey to impressive earnings in the spotcurrency market.ISBN-13: 9780071498463ISBN-10: 007149846XDescriptionOptimize Your Trading Edge offers aroad map to creating investmentstrategies that give you a powerfuladvantage in the world's markets -similar to the advantage a casino hasover its players. Complete with easyto-followexamples and helpfulworksheets, this hands-on bookdemonstrates how the mathematics ofprobability combined with careful plandevelopment and execution can leadto a consistent trading edge that willleverage small market advantages intosignificant profits.Format: Hardcover, 368ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Format: Hardcover, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$75.00Price: US$34.9517

The Professional Risk Managers' Guide to theEnergy MarketBy Professional Risk Manager's International AssociationDescriptionExpert analysis on the energymarket from veteran analysts andglobal professionalsThe Professional Risk Managers' Guide toFinancial Theory and ApplicationBy Professional Risk Manager's International AssociationDescriptionA comprehensive analysis offinance theory from a global groupof scholars and financial expertsISBN-13: 9780071546515ISBN-10: 0071546510Format: Hardcover, 400ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$95.00The Professional Risk Managers'Guide to the Energy Market is acomprehensive reference for financialprofessionals affected by energyprices. Twenty experts from aroundthe world discuss every aspect ofenergy trading and the risksassociated with specific investmentvehicles and energy sectors.Beginning with a comprehensiveoverview of energy futures, energyderivatives, and power markets aroundthe world and their price drivers, thebook goes on to explore specificenergy risk management toolsincluding coverage of the use oftechnical analysis in energy markets,creation and transfer of price risk inEuropean energy markets, and theuse of energy options to hedge risk.The reference closes with chapters onthe importance of risk managementsoftware, deal capture, stress testing,and mark to market; energy hedging inAsian markets; trading electricityoptions; and weather risk managementstrategies.ISBN-13: 9780071546478ISBN-10: 0071546472Format: Hardcover, 400ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$95.00The Professional Risk Managers'Guide to Finance Theory andApplication is a complete reference formanaging risk in all areas of finance,from insurance and banking to assetmanagement and institutionalinvesting. Ten experts from around theworld discuss every aspect of financetheory and how it is intertwined withthe process of risk management.Beginning with an overview of risk andrisk aversion, the reference thendelivers a comprehensive introductionto portfolio mathematics that includesdiscussion of the efficient frontier,portfolio theory, and the concept ofportfolio diversification. The mostpowerful part of the book concernsmaterial on capital structure-animportant concept for risk managerssince capital is the last line of defenseagainst extreme-and valuationtechniques specifically for derivatives.18

Professional Risk Manager's Guide toFinancial InstrumentsBy Professional Risk Manager's International AssociationDescriptionAn invaluable resource for whenyou're ready to plunge into theheady world of hedge fundsThe Professional Risk Managers' Guide toFinancial MarketsBy Professional Risk Manager's International AssociationDescriptionA rigorous analysis of riskmanagement in global financialmarketsISBN-13: 9780071546492ISBN-10: 0071546499Format: Hardcover, 400ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$95.00The Professional Risk ManagersGuide to Financial Instrumentsprovides an invaluable primer intonavigating the complex and profitablearea of hedge funds, with detaileddescriptions of the major financialinstruments, the valuation methodsmost appropriate for each, marketrisks, price drivers and their variables,and the professionals who participatein each.With the insights of an internationalgroup of investment professionals andthinkers, this book covers the mostactive financial instruments, giving youthat invaluable edge in this high-risk,highly popular field.ISBN-13: 9780071546485ISBN-10: 0071546480Format: Hardcover, 400ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$95.00The Professional Risk Managers'Guide to Financial Markets provides arobust discussion of how financial riskmanagement takes place in thecontext of the world's major financialmarkets: the money market, bonds,futures, commodities, stock, andforeign exchange.The reference begins with rigorousintroduction to the world of financialmarkets, discussing the importance ofliquidity, comparing exchanges toalternative markets, the role oftechnology, effects of post-tradeprocessing, and new financial markets.Each chapter then goes on to deliverin-depth coverage of specific marketsfrom a leading expert in the field.This comprehensive approach to eachmajor market along with descriptionsof their role in the international arenaand risk strategies for each is a musthave,whether you're an institutionalinvestor, a trader, or a risk managerserious about protecting yourinvestments.19

The Secret Language of Financial ReportsBy Mark E. HaskinsTrend Trading for a Living:By Thomas K. CarrISBN-13: 9780071545532ISBN-10: 0071545530DescriptionThe Secret Language of FinancialReports helps you read a company'sannual report like a good book so youcan make informed investmentdecisions for yourself. From readingthe fine print to interpreting what isn'taccounted for, this authoritative guideprovides a road map for seeing pastthe noise and jargon in companyreports in order to infer “the real story”behind a company's financialperformance. Through numerousdiagrams, insightful analogies, andreal-world examples, it deconstructsand explains the critical aspects of anannual report by revealing fourteenunderlying “secrets.”ISBN-13: 9780071544191ISBN-10: 0071544194DescriptionWritten by the legendary trading couchand hedge fund manager known as“Dr. Stoxx,” Trend Trading for a Livingdistills more than ten years of tradingexperience into the only beginner'sguide trend traders will ever need.Using numerous illustrations, thismoney making resource features stepby-stepdiscussions of tradingsoftware, online brokers, internetservice providers, stock selection,options strategies, market trends,leveraging a portfolio, and more. Carrdiscusses ten trading systems, eachfully explained with illustrations andgraphs - and goes on to providespecific guidelines for locating stocksto trade within each system.Format: Paperback, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Format: Hardcover, 312ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$24.95Price: US$39.9520

Art of Investing and Portfolio ManagementBy Ronald Cordes, Brian O'Toole, Richard SteinyDescriptionThis new Second Edition offers anupdated look at how the sametechniques used to build today'smultibillion-dollar portfolios forinstitutional investment plans can beapplied to your portfolio in order toachieve your long-term financial goals.This revised edition also includes acutting-edge chapter dedicated tohelping Baby Boomers create aprosperous retirement portfolio that willprovide them with a source of incomethroughout their golden years.Executing Your Strategy: How to Break It Down andGet It DoneBy Mark Morgan, Raymond E. Levitt, William A. MalekDescriptionIn Executing Your Strategy, presentsix imperatives that enable you to dothe right strategic projects--and dothose projects right. And it is noaccident that the six imperativescombine to create the acronymINVEST:Ideation: Clarify and communicatePurpose, Identity and Long RangeIntentionNature: Develop alignment betweenStrategy, Structure and Culture basedon IdeationISBN-13: 9780071498302ISBN-10: 0071498303Format: Hardcover, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$34.95ISBN-13: 9781591399568ISBN-10: 1591399564Format: Hardcover, 304ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Harvard Business School PressPrice: US$29.95Vision: Create clear Goals and Metricsaligned to Strategy and guided byIdeationEngagement: Do the right projectsbased on the Strategy throughPortfolio managementSynthesis: Do Projects and Programsright, in alignment with PortfolioTransition: Move the Project andProgram outputs into Operationswhere benefit is realizedFull of intriguing company examplesand practical advice, this crucial newresource shows you how to makestrategy happen in your organization.21

When Professionals Have to Lead: A New Model forHigh PerformanceBy John J. Gabarro & Robert J. LeesISBN-13: 9781422117378ISBN-10: 1422117375Format: Hardcover, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Harvard Business School PressPrice: US$35.00DescriptionWhen Professionals Have to Leadpresents an overarching frameworkbetter suited to such complexity. Itidentifies the four critical activities foreffective PSF leadership: settingstrategic direction, securingcommitment to this direction,facilitating execution, and setting apersonal example. Through examplesfrom consulting practices, accountingfirms, investment banks, and otherprofessional service organizations,industry veterans DeLong, Gabarro,and Lees show how this model worksto* align your firm's culture and keyorganizational components.* satisfy your clients' needs withoutsacrificing essential managerialresponsibilities.* address matters of size, scale, andcomplexity while maintaining thequalities that make professionalservices firms unique.A valuable new resource, this bookredefines the role of leadership inprofessional services firms.ISBN-13: 9780814408896ISBN-10: 0814408893Format: Hardcover, 240ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$24.00Eccentric BillionaireBy Nancy KriplenDescriptionThe Eccentric Billionaire chronicleshow MacArthur amassed his fortune,rising from a poverty-saturatedchildhood as the son of a fire-andbrimstonepreacher to become aninsurance and real estate mogul. Assole owner of Bankers Life andCasualty, he also built a real estateempire that spanned the continent.Based on interviews with members ofthe MacArthur family as well aspreviously undiscovered letters andpapers, this book reveals MacArthur’stumultuous private life, including hisquickie divorce from his first wife andhis Mexican marriage to Catherine, hisbrother’s cute, clever teenagesecretary who would help him on hisclimb to riches. The author alsoexplores MacArthur’s relationshipswith his family and friends, includinghis brother, the playwright CharlesMacArthur, and sister-in-law, the greatactress Helen Hayes. Extensivelyresearched and beautifully written, TheEccentric Billionaire is a revealing lookat a man whose influence hasextended in ways he never dreamed.22

Language of Success: Business Writing ThatInforms, Persuades, and Gets ResultsBy Tom SantISBN-13: 9780814474730ISBN-10: 081447473XFormat: Paperback, 224ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$15.00DescriptionMaster the elusive art of clear,concise, and effective writing.Language is the medium of business.To be successful, we need tocommunicate effectively in writing.That’s true whether we are providinginstructions to our colleagues,communicating with our customers, oradvising our direct reports. We mustbe able to deliver clear, accuratemessages that inform, persuade andmotivate. Unfortunately, people lapseinto habits that interfere with theirability to communicate. The Languageof Success shows readers how toavoid these mistakes, and to writelucid, concise, and accurate e-mails,letters, performance appraisals, andpresentations.Looks: Why They Matter More than You EverImaginedBy Gordon L. PatzerISBN-13: 9780814480540ISBN-10: 0814480543Format: Hardcover, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$23.00DescriptionDr. Gordon L. Patzer has devoted thelast 30 years to investigating thisunsettling phenomenon for bothwomen and men, and how it touchesevery part of our lives. In Looks, hereveals not only its impact onromance, but also on family dynamics,performance in school, career,courtroom proceedings, politics andgovernment. Looks is the first book toexplore how the power of beautyaffects both sexes and how the rise ofreality TV shows, cosmetic surgery,and celebrity culture have contributedto our culture’s overall obsession withbeing beautiful.Unflinching and topical, Looksuncovers the sometimes ugly truthabout beauty and its profound effectson all our lives.23

Seven Secrets for Negotiating with GovernmentBy Jeswald W. SalacuseISBN-13: 9780814409084ISBN-10: 0814409083Format: Hardcover, 224ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$24.95DescriptionDistinguished author, professor andnegotiation expert Jeswald W.Salacuse explains the ways in whichnegotiating with government is verydifferent from private negotiation. InSeven Secrets for Negotiating withGovernment, he addresses the keyvariables involved -- from the influenceof bureaucracy to the perception ofpower on the government side of thenegotiating table. The only book of itskind, this invaluable guide offerssuccinct, realistic, and accessibleadvice to help readers recognize theoften-hidden interests drivinggovernment negotiators and how touse that knowledge to their advantage.Filled with real-life examples, this bookwill show businesspeople everywherehow to navigate this complex worldand win.The Appreciative Inquiry HandbookBy David L Cooperrider, Diana Whitney, Jacqueline M StavrosISBN-13: 9781576754931ISBN-10: 1576754936Format: Paperback, 430ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Berrett-KoehlerPrice: US$49.95Description"Appreciative Inquiry Handbookexplains in-depth what AI is and how itworks, and includes stories of AIinterventions and classic articles,sample project plans, interviewguidelines, participant worksheets, alist of resources, a glossary of terms,and more.24

Play to Your StrengthsBy Andrea Sigetich, Carol Leavitt,Chindia RisingBy Jagdish N ShethISBN-13: 9781564149800ISBN-10: 1564149803DescriptionThis is the first book providing handson,practical tools to identify andamplify strengths to improveengagement, high performance, andsatisfaction. This new system fordeveloping leadership capacity buildsself-esteem as it assists organizationsin creating employee-developmentstrategies that really work. Play toYour Strengths will captivate leadersand managers who crave stellarperformance and fascinate anyonewho brings passion, fervor, and adesire for excellence to his or herleadership, whether in a Fortune 100giant or a small start-up. The reality isthat we already possess strengths; wejust need to play to them!ISBN-13: 9780070657083ISBN-10: 0070657084DescriptionThis book moves beyond the currentconsensus that China and India(Chindia) will become the world’s nexteconomic superpowers and, instead,argues that this development is to beuniversally welcomed. The Authorsthesis is that the rise of Chindia is avitally important thing, not only forChina and India but also for the rest ofthe world—developed and developingnations alike. Just as America did inthe 20th century, it is incumbent uponChindia in the 21st century to serve asthe engine of the global economy—aneconomy which otherwise would falter.Format: Paperback, 240ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Career PressFormat: Hardcover, 277ppEdition:Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2007Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> IndiaPrice: US$14.99Price: US$19.9528

Enterprise Resource PlanningBy Alexis LeonDescriptionEnterprise Resource Planning [ERP] isan enterprise-wide software solutionthat integrates the information systemand automates most of the businessfunctions of the organization. The realtime information integration an sharingthroughout the company’s functionalareas increases the efficiency ofoperations and helps managers tomake better decisions, thus makingthe organization more competitive.ERP DemystifiedBy Alexis LeonDescriptionThis book provides in a nutshell:- Evolution, implementation andadvantages of ERP- Business systems and ERP- Different ERP modules- An overview of the ERP market andthe major players- Future trends in ERPISBN-13: 9780070656802ISBN-10: 0070656800Format: Paperback, 388ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Sep 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> IndiaPrice: US$13.50The book covers in a nutshell:- ERP basics, myths, risks, benefitsand related technologies- ERP marketplace and marketdynamics- ERP functional modules- ERP implementation- ERP operation and maintenance- Present and furture of ERP- Case studies, resources andglossaryISBN-13: 9780070656642ISBN-10: 0070656649Format: Paperback, 604ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Aug 2007Copyright Year: 2007Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> IndiaPrice: US$187.0029

Avoid Retirement and Stay Alive: The NewRetirement RevolutionBy David Bogan, Keith Davies,DescriptionA guide that shows how to makesure your retirement isn't aeuphemism for “fading away”Crisis Leadership NowBy Laurence BartonDescriptionHave the plan to tackle and surmountany threat-from workplace violence tonatural disasters to financial scandalISBN-13: 9780071545938ISBN-10: 007154593XFormat: Paperback, 282ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$16.95What if “Use it or lose it,” applies tomore than just muscles, but to life ingeneral? That might explain why, forso many retirees, retirement equateswith a loss of purpose, a withdrawalfrom society, and a rapid decline inhealth. In this contrarian guide to ahappy, productive, and relevantretirement, David Bogan and KeithDavies show that you will live a longer,happier, more vital life when youreinvent your career and continue toremain active into your seventh,eighth, and even ninth decade. Theyoutline an alternative retirementapproach that calls for a healthybalance between work and traditionalretirement activities.ISBN-13: 9780071498821ISBN-10: 0071498826Format: Hardcover, 352ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$39.95Written by the international authority oncorporate crisis management, CrisisLeadership Now is the definitive guide forall senior and mid-level managers. Fromthe death of 3,000 people at the UnionCarbide plant in Bhopal, India, to stormconditions that almost destroyed jetBlue,Laurence Barton explores hundreds ofcrises that have occurred over the pasttwo decades, and he shares importantlessons in communicating withemployees, shareholders, the media, andregulators.Barton details how successful companiesembed crisis management into their DNAand shares proven tools that will helpyou identify problems before theyblossom into nightmares. He includesdetailed templates on managing a widespectrum of threats that could harm yourpeople, financial condition, and brand.31

How to Make Money with Your BlogBy Duane Forrester, Gavin PowellHow to Make Real Money in Second LifeBy Robert FreedmanISBN-13: 9780071508575ISBN-10: 0071508570Format: Paperback, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>DescriptionProven techniques for turning anyblog into a cash generatorAs blogging becomes more and morepopular and individual blogs havestarted to acquire more readers, youmight be looking for a way to turn yourwriting into a money-makingenterprise. In this comprehensivereference guide, Internet marketingwizard Duane Forrester clues you inon how to unlock any blog's enormousuntapped earning potential. Written fornovices and veteran bloggers alike, itintroduces you to advertisingnetworks, affiliate programs,syndication, tags, payment services,referrals, paid support, and otherproven methods of using blogs togenerate serious cash.ISBN-13: 9780071508254ISBN-10: 0071508252Format: Paperback, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>DescriptionA primer for tapping the vastbusiness opportunities on SecondLifeThe virtual community Second Life hasmushroomed from a small group webexperts and graphic designers to asprawling megalopolis of four-and-ahalfmillion “residents.” And while theenvironment may be virtual, the moneycan be very real. Real enough forToyota, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, StarwoodHotels, and other blue chip companiesto establish a presence here.How to Make Real Money in SecondLife shows how players, both big andsmall, have begun to tap the vastbusiness opportunities available inSecond Life. Its gold mine of practicaladvice explains how you can applyyour real-world business know-how tomaking a killing in this environment.Price: US$21.95Price: US$21.9532

The Expert's EdgeBy Ken LizotteDescriptionCreate the expertise that buildsyour business, creates newcontacts, and wins over customersTo get the highest exposure for abusiness, professionals need toestablish themselves as thoughtleaders-the leading experts in theirfield with exclusive knowledge thateveryone is vying for. In The Expert'sEdge, Ken Lizotte provides concreteaction steps to help you become thego-to individual in your area ofexpertise.The New Day Trader AdvantageBy Jon MarkmanDescriptionThe New Day Trader Advantage,authored by MSN Money columnistand seasoned money manager JonMarkman, gives you 10 surefiretechniques for profiting from this moremeasured, yet cunning method oftrading-techniques that fit yourindividual trading style and helpachieve your investing goals.Markman introduces each tradingmethod with real-life examples of howthe techniques have worked, thendives into the details of the actualtrade.ISBN-13: 9780071495677ISBN-10: 0071495673Format: Hardcover, 266ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$22.95Lizotte explains the Five Pillars ofThought leadership-developingoriginal research, public speaking,media exposure, building a webpresence, and publishing-which areessential to making and sustainingstatus as the expert in a field orbusiness. He reveals how thisapproach makes for breakawaybusiness results, enabling you to getquoted in the media, be asked to serveon panels, get books published, andrise to the top of Google searches.ISBN-13: 9780071508520ISBN-10: 007150852XFormat: Hardcover, 240ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$27.95Powerful Tools for the Day Trader:Sector Relative Strength: a new way toexploit what 60% of a stock'smovements owe to the popularity oftheir sectorStock Scouter: Markman's system fortrading over one-month, three-month,and six-month holding periodsMulti-Month Momentum: observationsof stocks' relationship with their 10-month simple moving average.34

ISBN-13: 9780071496308ISBN-10: 0071496300Format: Hardcover, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$24.95We Are the New RadicalsBy Julia MouldenDescriptionInspiring, practical advice formaking your work more meaningfulEach day, we hear new stories of therich and powerful doing good works:Gates and Buffett, Clinton andBranson, Oprah and Bono. But do youhave to be worth billions to do so? No.Can mere mortals transform how theyearn their daily bread? Absolutely.We Are The New Radicals presents anew group of role models-ordinarymen and women who have reinventedtheir work so that it provides moremeaning, and helps them make adifference in the world. The bookoffers practical advice for you to do thesame. Moulden describes the threepaths to becoming a New Radicalinnovation,entrepreneurship, andactivism-and helps you answerfundamental questions such as “Whatare my motivations?” “What skills can Ileverage?” “What might I do?” and“How do I get there from here?”Saving the Deal: How to Avoid Financing Fiascoesand Other Real Estate Deal KillersBy Tracey RumseyISBN-13: 9780814400302ISBN-10: 0814400302Format: Paperback, 208ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$17.95DescriptionIn a perfect world, real estate agentswould work only with prospectivehome buyers who have preapprovedfinancing, and sellers who are fullyaware of their property’s title status. Inreality, Realtors can do everythingright to get listings, present houses,and make deals . . . only to have themfall through at the last minute. Savingthe Deal gives readers proactive tipsand valuable advice that will help savethem the pain and heartache -- not tomention the cost -- that comes fromlosing a deal.Using real-life examples, the bookgoes beyond the basics to offer realestate professionals practical adviceon preventing deal-killing situationsinvolving judgments and liens,mortgage issues, divorce problems,home inspections, contract difficulties,loan approvals, and many others.Readers will find effective strategiesfor handling each one, with tips onhow to see them coming in the firstplace and heading them off at thepass. This is the one book anyone inreal estate needs to have on hand.35

Your First HomeBy Gary KellerDescriptionAn inspiring guide for aspiring homebuyersMastering Online MarketingBy Mitch Meyerson, Mary Eule ScarboroughDescriptionProven 12-step program for e-commerce successISBN-13: 9780071546218ISBN-10: 0071546219Finding your first home is like falling inlove for the first time. It can bring someof the highest highs. It can also be acomplicated, confusing journey, withrisks for the ill informed or unguided.Your First Home offers you a surefooted,reassuring guide as a first-timebuyer: deciding to buy; hiring an agent;analyzing needs versus wants; andfinancing and negotiating, up throughand after closing. It also addressesbad credit repair, due diligence, andinsurance; fixed-rate versus adjustablerate mortgages; and other potentialstumbling blocks on the road to happyhome ownership.ISBN-13: 9781599181516ISBN-10: 1599181517Learn to avoid the #1 problem thatplagues most online businesses—anunder-performing website. Forgoingget-rich-quick hype for best practicesand solid marketing principles, twoworld class online marketers offer anunbeatable 12-step system thatcreates a profitable and sustainableonline business. Featuring currenttechnology—including Web 2.0innovations, web automationstrategies to generate passive income,web conferencing, podcasts, bloggingand more—this comprehensivemanual puts website owners on theroad to profitability.Format: Hardcover, 200ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Format: Paperback, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Entrepreneur PressPrice: US$16.95Price: US$21.9537

Escaping the Price-Driven SaleBy Tom Snyder, Kevin KearnsEnergy CureBy Kimberly KingsleyISBN-13: 9780071545839ISBN-10: 0071545832Format: Hardcover, 272ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Nov 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$29.95DescriptionFrom the creators of SPIN SellingA groundbreaking strategy to selling ata premium price-every time.Huthwaite, Inc, has been researchingthe field of sales excellence andchange management for 30 years.This research has shown that whilemost sellers are becoming relics of abusiness past fast disappearing, a fewsellers and sales organizations havedecoded how to become a valuedasset to the customer-a method theyuse for Escaping the Price-DrivenSale, which embraces four constantsfor successful selling.With this approach, current markettrends afford the skilled selleropportunities beyond any ever beforeavailable. Escaping the Price DrivenSale will be the bible of tomorrow's topsellers because it shows how tomaximize performance and profitemploying the sellers' expertise to givecustomers insight they could not gainelsewhere.ISBN-13: 9781564149633ISBN-10: 1564149633Format: Paperback, 224ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Career PressPrice: US$12.99DescriptionIn The Energy Cure, psychotherapistand energy coach Kimberly Kingsleyintroduces personal energymanagement--a way to live life to itsfullest while preserving and renewingyour most precious resource. Learningto harness and manage your personalenergy can elevate you from survivalmode to a place where you grow andthrive. As a guide to personal energymanagement, this book teaches youto:* Increase resilience against dailychallenges by cultivating an energybuffer.* Use the language of energy formaking everyday decisions.* Protect yourself from "drains" thatexist in every sphere of life.* Become free from self-defeatingthoughts and behaviors that depleteenergy.38

Flight Plan: The Real Secret of SuccessBy Brian TracyISBN-13: 9781576754979ISBN-10: 1576754979Format: Hardcover, 168ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Berrett KoehlerPrice: US$19.95DescriptionIn Flight Plan, Brian Tracy revealsthe real key ingredients that go intoaccomplishing any long-term,meaningful success.Using the metaphor of an airplane tripfrom coast to coast, Flight Plan showsthat the real secret to success is to firstfigure out your destination- where youwant to go and lock in on it. Second,you must take - identify precisely whatyou must do to achieve the goals youhave set for yourself and take action.And third, you must persist through theinevitable challenges and setbacks bymaking continual course correctionsuntil you reach your destination.Tracy observes that any airplane,headed for any destination, will be offcourse 99 percent of the time becauseof air turbulence. But, by locking in onits destination, taking off, and makingcontinual course corrections, the planewill arrive as scheduled. The same istrue of people's journey through life.Speak to Win: How to Present with Power inAny SituationBy Brian TracyISBN-13: 9780814401576ISBN-10: 0814401570Format: Hardcover, 208ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$19.95DescriptionIn Speak to Win, Tracy reveals timetestedtricks of the trade that readerscan use to present powerfully andspeak persuasively, whether in aninformal meeting or in front of a largeaudience. Readers will learn how to:* become confident, positive, andrelaxed in front of any audience* grab people’s attention from the start* use body language, props, and vocaltechniques to keep listeners engaged* transition smoothly from one point tothe next* use humor, stories, quotes, andquestions skillfully *deal with skepticism when presentingnew ideas* wrap up strongly and persuasivelyBrimming with unbeatable strategiesfor winning people over every time,Tracy lets readers in on his mostpowerful presentation secrets in thisindispensable, life-changing guide.39

Break the Bipolar CycleBy Xavier Amador, Elizabeth BrondoloDescriptionA symptom-specific guide to help youor your loved ones deal with bipolardisorderPeople suffering from bipolar disordermay have difficulty differentiating thevicious ups and downs of their bipolarcycle from the stress and strain ofeveryday life. Written by twospecialists and based on the latestresearch in neurobiology and stress,this is the only guide to identify,isolate, and address these symptomsindividually and prescribe appropriateactions for each situation.Broccoli for the BrainBy Michel NoirDescriptionAn innovative, fun, and scientificallyproven program to feed your brain andbuild concentration and memory skillsStudies show that games and puzzleskeep the your brain healthy, strong,and better able to ward offneurodegenerative diseases likeAlzheimer’s. Broccoli for the Brain is acolorfully illustrated collection of 90engaging, enjoyable, mind-bendingpuzzles proven to develop the skills ofconcentration, attention, and focus—all while having fun!ISBN-13: 9780071481533ISBN-10: 0071481532Format: Paperback, 304ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$16.95This life-changing book shows youhow to team with your friends, lovedones, and doctors to formulate aneffective plan to battle the disorder. Italso features exercises to help youmonitor your symptoms.ISBN-13: 9780071508209ISBN-10: 0071508201Format: Paperback, 224ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$16.9540

Click: Ten Secrets for Building ExtraordinaryRelationshipsBy George C. FraserISBN-13: 9780071489812ISBN-10: 0071489819Format: Hardcover, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$24.95DescriptionOne of America's foremostauthorities on networking revealshow you can connect with otherpeople to realize your business andlife goalsPersonal growth guru Stephen Coveycalls George Fraser a “masterfulteacher.” TV host and journalist TonyBrown calls him a “visionary with therare combination of leadership andmanagement skills.” And each year,tens of thousands of people attend hisseminars and conferences to learnhow to move beyond networking andstart truly connecting to take theirrelationships to the next level. Now, forthe first time in a book, Fraser sharesthe insider secrets that will help you totap into the richest resource on theplanet-other people-to achieve goalsand share your talents in business andin life.ISBN-13: 9780071492645ISBN-10: 007149264XFormat: Paperback, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$16.95Put Passion FirstBy Carol CassellDescriptionBased on more than 20 years ofresearch, advice to help you findthe sexual spark that leads tolasting loveForget Match.com and those otherinternet dating services. According torenowned researcher and sexeducator Dr. Carol Cassell, personalityprofiles and “shared interests” are notthe best way to find the perfect mate.It’s chemistry--that undeniable “spark”of mutual attraction may be the singlemost important factor in yourrelationship’s success. Thisprovocative new book shows you howto separate lust from love, shed yourinhibitions, and identify physicalcompatibility.41

Wake up NowBy Stephan BodianWhy Hasn't He Called?By Matt Titus, Tamsen FadalISBN-13: 9780071494281ISBN-10: 0071494286DescriptionThe secrets to living a life of peaceand happiness through spiritualawakeningIn Wake Up Now, bestsellingmeditation expert Stephan Bodianoffers you a step-by-step roadmap toevery stage of your spiritual journey.While other books end withawakening, this book breaks newground by guiding you through theprocess of integrating and actualizingthe awakening into everyday life.Customized exercises, personalizedQ&A sections, and other tools inviteyou to awaken right now-- without allthe jargon or elaborate practices--tothe peace, love, and joy of youressential nature.ISBN-13: 9780071546096ISBN-10: 007154609XDescriptionStop worrying if he’ll call--startmaking sure he does!As professional matchmakers anddating experts, Matt Titus and TamsenFadal know all about what attractsmen, what turns them off, and moreimportant, how to help women attractthe right kind of man--and ditch theduds.A “tamed” player, Matt knows just howwrong women are in their assumptionsabout men. Tamsen and Matt team upto offer you valuable dating tips fromboth the male and female perspective.You will learn how to judge a man’scharacter and will receive the bestadvice on sex, romance, andcommitment.Format: Hardcover, 224ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Format: Paperback, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$22.95Price: US$16.9542

Harvard Business Review onBringing Your Whole Self to WorkBy HBSPDescriptionYou’re making a living. But are youhaving a life? If not, you’re puttingyourself at risk for burnout. To stayproductive on the job, you need tobring your whole self to workbalancingprofessional and personalcommitments and safeguarding yourphysical and psychological health.This volume will give you the insights,tools and practices you need to do allthat. Concise and compelling, HarvardBusiness Review on Bringing wholeSelf to Work is every manager’s musthaveresource for staying productiveand healthy on the job.Harvard Business Review Classics:Managing OneselfBy Peter Ferdinand DruckerDescriptionIn Managing Oneself, Perter Druckerexplains how you can carve out yourown career path and know when tochange course. This influentialHarvard Business Review article givesyou the keys to unlocking thruexcellence, by helping you to discoveryour strengths, how you best work withothers, and which work environmentsare right for you.New SeriesHarvard Business Review ClassicsISBN-13: 9781422121092ISBN-10: 1422121097Format: Paperback, 204ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Harvard Business School PressPrice: US$19.95ISBN-13: 9781422123126ISBN-10: 142212312XFormat: Paperback, 64ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Harvard Business School PressPrice: US$8.95Since 1922, Harvard Business Reviewhas been a leading source ofbreakthrough ideas in managementpractice- many of which still speak toand influence us today. The HarvardBusiness Review Classics Series nowoffers readers the opportunity to makethese seminal pieces a part of yourpermanent management library. Eachhighly readable volume contains agroundbreaking idea that continues toshape best practices and inspirecountless managers around the worldandwill have a direct impact on youtoday and for years to come.43

101 English Verbs: The Art of ConjugationBy Rory RyderDescriptionVerb conjugation has never been socolorful--or enjoyable!101 French Verbs: The Art of ConjugationBy Rory RyderDescriptionVerb conjugation has never been socolorful--or enjoyable!ISBN-13: 9780071499040ISBN-10: 0071499040With nothing but drills and rotememorization, there's never beenanything fun about conjugating Italianverbs--until now! 101 English Verbs:The Art of Conjugation inspires you towillingly spend time studying verbconjugations in an educational seriesof books packed with full-color chartsand cutting-edge illustrations. Each ofthe 101 commonly used verbs ispresented as part of a story that takesyou through a day in the urban life of apair of hip, young characters drawn inthe edgy and popular style of graphiccomics as they learn their way aroundthe words of action.ISBN-13: 9780071499057ISBN-10: 0071499059With nothing but drills and rotememorization, there's never beenanything fun about conjugating Frenchverbs--until now! 101 French Verbs:The Art of Conjugation inspires you towillingly spend time studying verbconjugations, with full-color charts andcutting-edge illustrations. Each of the101 commonly used verbs ispresented as part of a story that takesyou through a day in the urban life of apair of hip, young characters drawn inthe edgy and popular style of graphiccomics.Format: Paperback, 128ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2009Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Format: Paperback, 128ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2009Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$9.95Price: US$9.9546

More Harm than GoodBy Alan Zelicoff, Michael BellomoDescriptionIn More Harm Than Good, MichaelBellomo and Dr. Alan Zelicoff offer acompelling look at medical care todayand explore how common conditionslike prostate cancer, heart disease,and diabetes are being over-treated,wasting billions of healthcare dollarsand producing less than ideal, if notdetrimental results. The authors armreaders with the facts and questionsthey need to better discuss optionswith their doctors, and examine theway doctors select treatments in thefirst place.Playing Outdoors: Spaces and Places, Risk andChallengeBy Helen ToveyDescriptionMurray (Center for Academic Practice,U. of Strathclyde, Scotland) provides aguide to writing a PhD thesis from startto finish, offering both inspiration andconcrete steps, from conceptualizationto final revisions and getting the thesispublished. The focus is on three mainstages of the process: strategies forgetting started; working towardsclosure; and working towardscompletion and publication. Writtenfrom a UK perspective, although theessential information is universal.ISBN-13: 9780814400272ISBN-10: 0814400272Format: Hardcover, 256ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$24.00Based on solid scientific and medicalresearch as well as interviews withsurgeons, internists, and generalpractitioners, More Harm Than Goodwill empower readers to make betterhealth decisions. Revealing andimpeccably researched, this is arevolutionary book that will changehow we look at being sick.ISBN-13: 9780335216437ISBN-10: 0335216439Format: Hardcover, 176ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Nov 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$101.0049

The Smart Woman's Guide to Plastic SurgeryBy Jean M. LoftusThe Feel-Good DietBy Cheryle R. Hart, Mary Kay GrossmanISBN-13: 9780071494199ISBN-10: 0071494197Format: Paperback, 320ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>DescriptionThe one book you should read beforeyou nip/tuck anything!“This book so clearly conveys theconcepts of plastic surgery with suchprecision, insight, ethics, andconscience that it is a must to read.” --Lawrence Robbins, M.D.If you are thinking about plasticsurgery, you could really use helpfuladvice from a friend in the business.That’s where Dr. Jean Loftus steps in,offering the most honest, up-to-date,no-nonsense information you couldever want, including what to ask, whatto expect, what to pay, and otherinside advice.ISBN-13: 9780071548496ISBN-10: 0071548491Format: Paperback, 272ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>DescriptionThe authors of The Insulin-ResistenceDiet prove that dieting doesn’t have tomean misery any more!According to the Mayo Clinic, twothirds of all dieters quit after threemonths. Why? Because most dietsdeplete the brain’s neurotransmitters,resulting in the low energy,moodiness, and cravings thatsabotage weight-loss success. Theauthors call it yo-yo brain, a hormoneimbalance that affects women mostseverely.The Feel-Good Diet is a unique eatingplan that actually restores the balanceof these brain hormones and makes itpossible for you to battle cravings andshed pounds—while renewing yourenergy and zest for life.Price: US$18.95Price: US$16.9550

The ABCs of BreastfeedingBy Stacey H. RubinHealing with EnergyBy Star FuentesISBN-13: 9780814480571ISBN-10: 0814480578Format: Paperback, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: AMACOMPrice: US$14.95DescriptionFor the new mom and her baby,breastfeeding provides countlessphysical and emotional benefits.Breast milk provides propernourishment, helps strengthen ababy’s immune system, and deepensthe mother-child bond.However, breastfeeding doesn’talways happen as naturally as onemight expect. As a NeonatalPractitioner and Board CertifiedLactation Consultant (and mother oftwo), Stacey H. Rubin knows thedifficulties new moms can experience.Now, in The ABCs of Breastfeeding,she offers a practical and readerfriendlyguide that will help every newmother feel comfortable and confidentabout feeding her baby.Illustrated with real-life stories from theauthor’s own private practice ofwomen who have overcome commonand not-so-common breastfeedingdifficulties, The ABCs of Breastfeedingwill help expectant and new mothersturn their nursing experiences into ajoyful one -- for themselves and theirnew babies.ISBN-13: 9781564149695ISBN-10: 1564149692Format: Paperback, 224ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Jan 2008Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: Career PressPrice: US$14.99DescriptionIn this highly instructional volume,master healer and teacher StarrFuentes clearly explains the entirehealing process, from the appropriatesituation for healing someone to thesteps of closing a session. Beginnerscan easily access information aboutthe dynamics involved, whileadvanced healers can expand theirknowledge by exploring the wealth ofhealing techniques covered.Included in Healing With Energy aremore than 40 illustrated healingtechniques and exercises, 140affirmations for specific afflictions, andan insightful glossary of more than 300terms. This valuable wisdom covers awide variety of physical, emotional,mental, and spiritual healingmodalities that can be used byanyone, for self-healing or to begin orexpand a practice.51

Beginning Bodybuilding: Real Muscle-Real FastBy John R. LittleStat OneBy Craig MessmerISBN-13: 9780071495769ISBN-10: 0071495762DescriptionThis 24/7 personal trainer shows youhow to quickly build the body of yourdreamsAs a beginning bodybuilder, you arehungry to know the secrets of how tobuild up, trim down, and look great--fast. With Beginning Bodybuilding,John Little gives you the answers.Known around the world for hisrevolutionary weight-trainingtechniques, Little distills his years ofexperience and innovation to give youan easy-to-follow manual filled withessential knowledge and surefireroutines for building muscle quickly.ISBN-13: 9780071496339ISBN-10: 0071496335DescriptionThe holy grail of baseball stats: abrand-new system that provides onedefinitive ranking for the greatestplayers of the gameStat One is every stat geek’s dreamcome true. Finally, there’s a formulathat adds up every aspect of a player’soffensive resume into one big numberthat gets straight to the core of overallperformance. Looking at a wide rangeof players for each position andconcluding with a redefined listing ofthe top 100 players of all time, thisnew ranking system is sure to be atopic of conversation and controversyworthy of barroom banter and talkradio debate.Format: Paperback, 220ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Format: Paperback, 464ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.95Price: US$17.9552

Your Perfect FitBy Paige Adams-Geller, Ashley BordenDescriptionFashion meets fitness--in the first “onesize doesn’t fit all” makeover guideThe perfect combination of bodyshaping and personal styling, YourPerfect Fit unites a famous fashiondesigner with a hot Hollywood trainer.Their mission: teach you to become“the total package.” Working out ordressing up, you will get insider adviceto tone those thighs, lose thosepounds, as well as fashion tips toflatter your body.5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry,2008-2009 EditionBy John Moore, Richard H. LangleyDescriptionAP Chemistry test-takers now numbernearly 90,000 per year. This revisedguidebook includes expandedcoverage of strategies to help studentstaking this challenging exam.ISBN-13: 9780071502719ISBN-10: 0071502718Format: Paperback, 288ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$16.95ISBN-13: 9780071488556ISBN-10: 0071488553Format: Paperback, 432ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.9553

5 Steps to a 5 AP European History,2008-2009 EditionBy Jeffrey BrautigamDescriptionEuropean History is one of the fastestgrowing Advanced Placement tests,with more than 90,000 students takingthe exam each year. This brand-newguide covers the very latest in theEuropean History syllabus.5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics andMicroeconomics, 2008-2009 EditionBy Eric DodgeDescriptionThis revised guide to APMicroeconomics/Macroeconomicsuses the successful 5 Steps plan tohelp you score high on this difficultexam. The review material iscompletely updated.ISBN-13: 9780071498081ISBN-10: 0071498087Format: Paperback, 408ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.95ISBN-13: 9780071497954ISBN-10: 0071497951Format: Paperback, 256ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.9554

5 Steps to a 5 AP Physics B and C, Second Edition2008-2009By Greg Jacobs, Joshua SchulmanDescriptionThis book in the popular 5 Stepsseries of AP prep guides is nowupdated, re-designed, re-jacketed inan eye-catching new cover, and timedto release at the start of the AP sellingseason. Targeted to one of the largestenrollment Advanced Placement tests,it's ideal for the rapidly growing APmarket.5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, 2008-2009 EditionBy Laura Lincoln MaitlandDescriptionMore than 100,000 students take theAP Psychology exam each year,making it one of the most popular ofthe Advanced Placement tests. Thisnew edition has been expanded withupdated review material that conformsto the latest syllabus and exam.ISBN-13: 9780071497978ISBN-10: 0071497978Format: Paperback, 408ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.95ISBN-13: 9780071497992ISBN-10: 0071497994Format: Paperback, 379ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.9555

5 Steps to a 5 AP Spanish Language, 2008-2009By Dennis LaVoieDescriptionCompletely updated to match recentmajor changes in the format of theactual exam, this guide to AP SpanishLanguage can help you to ace thedifficult essay questions.Dennis LaVoie is a veteran highschoolSpanish teacher and aparticipant in the College Board'sSpanish ProgramDevelopment/Assessment Committee.5 Steps to a 5 AP Statistics, 2008-2009 EditionBy Duane C. HindersDescriptionStatistics is one of the most popular ofthe Advanced Placement tests. Withthis fully updated guide, you can beatthe odds on this challenging collegecredit exam.Duane C. Hinders teaches statistics atFoothill College in Los Altos <strong>Hill</strong>s, CA.He has taught AP Statistics and hasbeen a grader for the AP Statisticsexam.ISBN-13: 9780071488570ISBN-10: 007148857XFormat: Paperback, 336ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.95ISBN-13: 9780071488563ISBN-10: 0071488561Format: Paperback, 408ppEdition: 1Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.9556

5 Steps to a 5 AP U. S. Government and Politics,2008-2009 EditionBy Pamela K. LambDescriptionThis new edition of the AP U.S.Government and Politics guide fullyprepares you for all sections of thischallenging exam, coaching youthrough the process with sampleessays and tips on how to writediscursive answers.ISBN-13: 9780071497985ISBN-10: 0071497986Format: Paperback, 240ppEdition: 2Pub Date: Dec 2007Copyright Year: 2008Imprint: <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Price: US$18.9557

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