Mark 5 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Mark 5 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Mark 5 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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5.15 êá ñ÷ïíôáé ðñò ôí Éçóïí êá èåùñïóéí ôí äáéìïíéæüìåíïí êáèÞìåíïíìáôéóìÝíïí êá óùöñïíïíôá, ôí ó÷çêüôá ôí ëåãéíá, êá öïâÞèçóáí. 5.16 êáäéçãÞóáíôï áôïò ï äüíôåò ðò ãÝíåôï ô äáéìïíéæïìÝí êá ðåñ ôí ÷ïßñùí. 5.17 êáñîáíôï ðáñáêáëåí áôí ðåëèåí ð ôí ñßùí áôí.5.15 And they come to the Jesus, and they see the one being demon-possessed,sitting, having been clothed, and being of sound mind, the one having had the “Legion”; andthey were made afraid. 5.16 And those seeing how it happened to the one being demonpossessed,and concerning the pigs, related (it all) to them. 5.17 And they began to beg himto depart from their regions.5.18 êá ìâáßíïíôïò áôï åò ô ðëïïí ðáñåêÜëåé áôí äáéìïíéóèåò íá ìåôáôï . 5.19 êá ïê öêåí áôüí, ëë ëÝãåé áô, õðáãå åò ôí ïêüí óïõ ðñò ôïòóïýò êá ðÜããåéëïí áôïò óá êýñéüò óïé ðåðïßçêåí êá ëÝçóÝí óå. 5.20 êá ðëèåíêá ñîáôï êçñýóóåéí í ô Äåêáðüëåé óá ðïßçóåí áô Éçóïò, êá ðÜíôåò èáýìáæïí.5.18 And as he is getting into the boat, the one who was demon-possessed wasbegging him that he might be with him. 5.19 And he did not permit him, but rather, he says tohim: “Go to your home, to your family; and report to them what things the Lord has done foryou, and (how) he had mercy on you.” 5.20 And he departed, and began to proclaim in theTen-City Area what things the Jesus did for him; and everyone was being amazed.Text with Footnotes: 632632<strong>In</strong> our study of the Gospel of <strong>Mark</strong>, we have seen its introduction of Jesus, the Son ofGod, and the Anointed King for God’s people–who has entered into human history, andwho has come from his home in Galilee to the Jordan River to be immersed by John,where he received divine acknowledgement for who he is. Then, immediately following 40days of testing, we have been told concerning his novel, exciting ministry in Galilee–wherehe proclaimed the Good News that the time has been fulfilled, and the Kingdom of Godhas drawn near–calling upon all people to turn their lives around, and to believe in theGood News. <strong>Mark</strong> has described how his ministry began at the Sea of Galilee, whereJesus called people to follow him, as he would make them “fishers of people.” We havealso seen how that “fishing expedition” began, with Jesus’ remarkable ministry of teaching,and healing, and casting out of all evil that thwarts human life. He was indeed “throwingout a large net,” seeking to reach all the people–including women and children, and theoutcasts of society, such as people infected with leprosy, and the hated tax-collectors.<strong>Mark</strong> has described how the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem rejected Jesus,deciding to put him to death–because this kind of ministry was breaking all their ancienttraditions of separation from such people, and because of the newness of what Jesus wasdoing. But while there was this growing, murderous opposition, <strong>Mark</strong> has also pictured thecrowds of people who kept on coming to Jesus, listening for his teaching, longing for hishealing touch. Out of their number there was beginning to grow an “inner circle” ofbelievers, who became the nucleus of the “Church”–or the “New Israel,” the “Family ofJesus,” with its twelve envoys representing Jesus–who would share in his ministry ofteaching the Good News, and casting out all evil. We have read <strong>Mark</strong>’s description of thekind of Message that Jesus gave–revealing the “Mystery of the Kingdom of God”–as being(continued...)400

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