Aharonov-Bohm interferences from local deformations in graphene
Aharonov-Bohm interferences from local deformations in graphene
Aharonov-Bohm interferences from local deformations in graphene
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Controll<strong>in</strong>g stra<strong>in</strong>“Controlled ripple textur<strong>in</strong>g ofsuspended <strong>graphene</strong> and ultrath<strong>in</strong> graphitemembranes” Bao et al. , Nat. Nanotech. 4562 (2009) “Impermeable atomic membranes <strong>from</strong> <strong>graphene</strong>sheets” Scott Bunch et al., Nanolett. 8, 2458 (2008)“Introduc<strong>in</strong>g Nonuniform Stra<strong>in</strong> to Graphene Us<strong>in</strong>g Dielectric Nanopillars”(cond-mat/1106.1507 Tomori et al.)“Graphene bubbles with controllable curvature” (APL 99, 093103 (2011), Manchester group )“Topological properties of artificial <strong>graphene</strong> assembled by atom manipulation”, where theyproduced atomically eng<strong>in</strong>eered stra<strong>in</strong>s. (Manoharan group, APS 2011)And the list goes on...
Electrons <strong>in</strong> <strong>graphene</strong>Nearest neighbour hopp<strong>in</strong>g: t ~2.7 eVTwo atoms per unit cell2x2 HamiltonianTight b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g band structure:
Introduc<strong>in</strong>g stra<strong>in</strong>Def<strong>in</strong>e displacement fieldStra<strong>in</strong> tensor measures relative changes <strong>in</strong> distance:Hopp<strong>in</strong>g changes to first order <strong>in</strong> stra<strong>in</strong>-Gu<strong>in</strong>ea, Horowitz, Le Doussal, Phys. Rev. B 77, 205421 (2008)-Vozmediano, Katsnelson, Gu<strong>in</strong>ea Phys. Rep. 496, 109–148 (2010)
Introduc<strong>in</strong>g stra<strong>in</strong> IIWhat can we build with ?In C 3there is an extra tensor!To first order <strong>in</strong> stra<strong>in</strong> we have
Direct evidence of gauge fields II“Observation of Landau level-like quantizations at 77 K along astra<strong>in</strong>ed-<strong>in</strong>duced <strong>graphene</strong> ridge” He et al. , cond-mat/1108.1016 (2011)See also: “Stra<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced pseudo-magnetic fieldsand charg<strong>in</strong>g effects on CVD-grown <strong>graphene</strong>”Yeh et al. Surf. Sci. 605, 1649 (2010)
<strong>Aharonov</strong>-<strong>Bohm</strong> <strong><strong>in</strong>terferences</strong>SolenoidAdd magnetic fluxthrough the solenoid:Probability of measur<strong>in</strong>g an electron <strong>in</strong> B depends onmagnetic flux through the region enclosed by the path
Quantum <strong>in</strong>terference <strong>in</strong> the LDOSWarm-up before <strong>graphene</strong>: the 2DEGSame AB physics <strong>in</strong> the LDOSImpurity scatter<strong>in</strong>g sets the pathSemiclassical approximationrequired“<strong>Aharonov</strong> <strong>Bohm</strong> oscillations<strong>in</strong> the <strong>local</strong> density of states”A. Cano and I. Paul, Phys. Rev.B 80 153401 (2009)
Quantum <strong>in</strong>terference <strong>in</strong> the LDOSMultiple scatter<strong>in</strong>g <strong>from</strong> the same impurityis resummed <strong>in</strong> the T-matrix.Multiple back and forth processes <strong>in</strong>the loop contribution are resummed<strong>in</strong> an analog function W.
Add a magnetic fieldA magnetic flux willmodify the loop terms:
Dirac fermions and <strong>in</strong>terference- Dirac fermions have a matrix Green's function1- The previous manipulations require to commute them: non trivial.But all commutators proportional to and vanish after the trace(note this is spoiled for gapped <strong>graphene</strong>!).2- Valley degree of freedom: very short range impurities may <strong>in</strong>duce<strong>in</strong>tervalley scatter<strong>in</strong>g. Pick longer ranged ones.
An experimental proposal- In the flat sample, the STM tip measures the usual stand<strong>in</strong>g wave patterns.
Induce controlled stra<strong>in</strong>(Pictorial representation, lattice not to scale)
Stra<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced <strong>in</strong>terferenceCircular perturbationMagnetic fieldLDOS- In the curved sample, and after substraction of N A=0, we see a new stand<strong>in</strong>gwave pattern (Nloop) modulated by the cos<strong>in</strong>e of the flux through the triangle.
Stra<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced <strong>in</strong>terferenceCircular perturbationMagnetic fieldLDOSThree-fold symmetricperturbationGu<strong>in</strong>ea et al. , Nat. Phys.. 6 30 (2010).
Conclusions and futureStra<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>duces effective pseudo-magnetic fields which arephysically very real!These produce <strong>Aharonov</strong>-<strong>Bohm</strong> <strong><strong>in</strong>terferences</strong> <strong>in</strong> the LDOSwhich can be observed with STMThe required stra<strong>in</strong> is low but the measurement may still bechalleng<strong>in</strong>g.The effect could be potentially used to measure stra<strong>in</strong> <strong>local</strong>ly by<strong>in</strong>terferometry.Thanks for your attention!
AB <strong>in</strong> topological <strong>in</strong>sulatorsarXiv:1103.1710v1
Hopp<strong>in</strong>g change and gauge fieldsDirac fermions: expand H <strong>in</strong> qGauge field: expand H <strong>in</strong> t n
Hopp<strong>in</strong>g change <strong>from</strong> stra<strong>in</strong>