Uniform Program – Purchase and Rental Resource Manual

Uniform Program – Purchase and Rental Resource Manual

Uniform Program – Purchase and Rental Resource Manual


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PURCHASE PROGRAMThe Cintas <strong>Purchase</strong> <strong>Program</strong> enables ABM to purchase ABM approved garments foremployees. The ABM Branch Manager places uniform orders that are then shipped tothe employee. ABM employees clean <strong>and</strong> maintain their own garments. To receiveNational ABM pricing, orders should be placed through either the ABM customordering website or by calling a Cintas Customer Advocate for order placement.COMMUNICATION AND RESOURCESThe Cintas online ordering link is available 24/7, on the ABM ConnectX portal. Inaddition, a Cintas Customer Advocate is available Monday through Friday, 7:00AM <strong>–</strong>5:00PM Central Time <strong>and</strong> may be reached by calling 1-800-543-4450. A CustomerAdvocate may assist with order inquiries, such as order status <strong>and</strong> tracking <strong>and</strong> productexchange <strong>and</strong> return.GETTING STARTED- The primary access to the uniform ordering website is through the ABM ConnectXportal on the Sales & Marketing home page. The PDF order worksheet <strong>and</strong> PDFbrochure <strong>and</strong> price list are included on the ordering website, for reference.- Website access to your Cintas store is also available by visiting www.mycintas.com<strong>and</strong> entering your “My Cintas ID”: ABM in the required field.- Determine employee size for each garment by using size charts provided (on theordering website or as detailed on the PDF order worksheet). The PDF brochureincludes the ABM approved uniform items for each division.- Once the order is submitted, an electronic confirmation will be sent to the emailaddress used when placing the order.- For questions concerning your order, please contact a Cintas Customer Advocate.The toll free number is 1-800-543-4450.TIMELINES- Orders are shipped from Mason, Ohio <strong>and</strong> are typically delivered within 7 <strong>–</strong> 10business days from order placement.- In the case that an ABM customer requires items outside of the approved program,approval must first be gained from the ABM Divisional Vice President. Please allowfor longer lead times for items ordered outside the program.- Please note: timelines may vary depending on garment availability <strong>and</strong> special sizerequests.PURCHASE AND RENTAL UNIFORM RESOURCE MANUAL 3

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