Revalidation of Medical Staff – Quarterly Update - The Royal ...

Revalidation of Medical Staff – Quarterly Update - The Royal ...

Revalidation of Medical Staff – Quarterly Update - The Royal ...


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3.2. At 01 July 2013, 331 doctors had a prescribed connection to RWT.o 24.2% (80) require a recommendation during Year 1o 34.1% (113) during Year 2,o 38.7 % (128) during Year 3,o 0.9 % (3) during Year 4, ando 2.1 % (7) during Year 5.3.3. Tables 1 & 2 below show the position <strong>of</strong> recommendations, submitted to theGMC by the Trust’s Responsible Officer. <strong>The</strong> GMC has approved allrecommendations, meaning at 01 July 2013, 4.5% (15) doctors with aprescribed connection to RWT have been revalidated.Table 1: Year 1, Quarter 1, April 2013 – June 2013Number <strong>of</strong> Revalidate Defer NonengagementTOTALdoctors with asubmissiondate during Y1,Q17 7 0 0 7Table 2: Year 1, Quarter 2, July 2013 – September 2013Number <strong>of</strong> Revalidate Defer NonengagementTOTALdoctors with asubmissiondate duringJuly <strong>of</strong> Y1, Q28 8 0 0 84. APPRAISAL COMPLIANCE4.1. <strong>Medical</strong> appraisal underpins the revalidation process. Doctors are requiredto have 5 annual appraisals within the <strong>Revalidation</strong> Cycle <strong>of</strong> five years.4.2. Table 3 shows the Trust’s medical appraisal compliance at 30 June 2013with national comparison.Table 3: Trust’s <strong>Medical</strong> Appraisal Compliance at 30 June 2013<strong>Staff</strong> Group TRUST %COMPLIANCENATIONAL AVERAGEConsultants 82.5% 75%Non-training grades 80.9% 50%TRUST TOTAL82.2%4.3. Non-engagement criteria are currently being drafted to specifically identifydoctors not engaging in the appraisal process and will define the point atwhich a notification <strong>of</strong> non-engagement will be sent to the GMC.

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