16. wurm-nadine.xls - Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)

16. wurm-nadine.xls - Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)

16. wurm-nadine.xls - Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)


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<strong>SNF</strong> - Bewilligte Beiträge 2003<br />

Subsides FNS accordés en 2003<br />

Verantwortlicher<br />

Beitragsempfänger/in<br />

Bénéficiaire responsable<br />

Titel<br />

Titre<br />

Wissenschaftliche Tagungen<br />

Réunions scientifiques<br />

Universität<br />

Université<br />

Weiterer Beitragsempfänger<br />

Autres bénéficiaires<br />

Mathematik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften<br />

Mathématiques, sciences naturelles et de l'ingénieur<br />

Projekttitel<br />

Titre de projet<br />

Dauer (M)<br />

Durée<br />

Beitragsnummer<br />

Numéro du subside<br />

Amrein Werner O. Prof. Université de Genève Bicentenaire de Charles François Sturm 6 20CO21-101015 4'500<br />

Arlettaz Dominique Prof. EPF Lausanne Congrès international de Topologie algébrique 6 20CO21-102574 6'000<br />

Bourlard Hervé Prof. Sonstige 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech'2003-<br />

Interspeech'2003), Geneva, September 1-4, 2003<br />

6 20CO21-100192 9'000<br />

Chipot Michel Marie Prof. Universität Zürich Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: a Special Tribute to the Work of H. Amann 4 20CO21-103261 3'000<br />

Crockett Rowena Dr. EMPA Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings 6 20CO21-102294 7'000<br />

Durrer Ruth Prof. Université de Genève CAPP2003 Goal and Motivation 6 20CO21-101014 8'000<br />

Giger Walter Dr. EAWAG Swiss Analytical Chemistry Conference 2003 Environmental Analytical Chemistry of Organic<br />

Contaminants in the Environment<br />

6 20CO21-102028 6'000<br />

Janusz Dominik Dr. Université de Genève The impact of global environmental problems on continental and costal marine waters 6 20CO21-101246 3'000<br />

Leumann Christian Prof. Universität Bern SIGNER DNA-Symposium 6 20CO21-102807 6'000<br />

Losa Gabriele A. Dr. Universität Tessin Fourth International Symposium "Fractals in Biology and Medicine" 6 20CO21-103191 3'000<br />

North Pierre Dr. EPF Lausanne IAU Symposium 225: Impact of gravitational lensing on cosmology 8 20CO21-104462 6'000<br />

Owens Robert Prof. EPF Lausanne XIIIth International Workshop on Numerical methods for non-Newtonian Flows 6 20CO21-102377 5'500<br />

Pollnau Markus Dr. EPF Lausanne EPS Europhoton Conference on "Solid-State and Fiber Coherent Light Sources" 6 20CO21-104414 4'000<br />

Quack Martin Prof. ETH Zürich 39th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics 6 20CO21-102348 10'000<br />

Rickenmann Dieter Dr. Eidg. Forschungsanstalt<br />

WSL<br />

3rd Internat. Conference on Debris- Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment. 6 20CO21-102927 5'000<br />

Scherer Klaus Prof. Université de Genève Voice quality: functions, analysis and synthesis 6 20CO21-102291 4'000<br />

Sigg Hans Dr. Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) International Conference on the Physics of "Intersubband transitions in quantum wells" 6 20CO21-101268 6'000<br />

Zaffalon Marco Dr. Universität Tessin Request of support for the organisation of the 3rd International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities<br />

and Their Applications (ISIPTA '03)<br />

R'EQUIP<br />

Betrag<br />

Montant<br />

6 20CO21-101209 4'000<br />

Abart Rainer Prof. Universität Basel Alewell Christine Fraktionierung von C, N, O und S Isotopen im Zuge von Redox Prozessen: Anwendungen auf<br />

Mineralisationen, Verwitterung, Bodenbildung und wässrige Geochemie<br />

12 206021-101252 150'000<br />

Aebi Philipp Prof. Université de Neuchâtel Combining scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy with angle-resoved photoemission 12 206021-101247 290'000<br />

Baumgartner Peter O. Prof. Université de Lausanne Guex Jean Niedrig-Vakuum Raster Elektronen-Mikroskopie von Nanostrukturen in Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften 12 206021-101272 220'000<br />

Beck Rainer Dr. EPF Lausanne Rizzo Thomas R. Eigenstate Resolved Reactivity In Gas-Surface Reactions 12 206021-101249 100'000<br />

Conder Kazimierz Dr. ETH Zürich Roessli Bertrand, Staub Urs Growth of oxide single crystals by the Travelling Solvent Floating Zone technique 24 206021-101265 100'000<br />

Deveaud-Plédran Benoît Prof. EPF Lausanne Ganière Jean-Daniel, Staehli<br />

Jean-Louis<br />

Laboratoire de caractérisation de nanostructures par luminescence continue 12 206021-101281 115'000<br />

Ensslin Klaus Prof. ETH Zürich Spin-Effekte in Quanten Dots 12 206021-101266 160'000<br />

Güdel Hans Ulrich Prof. Universität Bern Energetics and excited state dynamics of new light-emitting inorganic materials 12 206021-101227 64'324<br />

Kissling Eduard Prof. ETH Zürich Zweifel Peter Technical Update of Field Equipment for Seismic Tomography (MARS88UPDATE) 12 206021-101286 95'000<br />

Meier Wolfgang Prof. Universität Basel Struktur und Dynamik polymerer Nanostrukturen auf der Basis amphiphiler Blockcopolymere 12 206021-101251 120'000<br />

Mesot Joël Dr. ETH Zürich Güdel Hans Ulrich, Ott Hans<br />

Rudolf, Sigrist Manfred<br />

Hi-T: a high magnetic field facility for research in superconductivity and magnetism 12 206021-101267 200'000<br />

Meyer Ernst Prof. Universität Basel Diederich François, Von Arx<br />

Matthias<br />

Tieftemperatur-Rastersondenmikroskopie-Untersuchungen von molekularen Maschinenelementen 12 206021-101273 100'000<br />

Quack Martin Prof. ETH Zürich Very High Resolution Near Infrared Laser Spectroscopy for Fundamental Molecular Processes 12 206021-101285 180'000<br />

Sandoghdar Vahid Dr. ETH Zürich Time-Resolved Wide-Field Fluorescence Imaging for Biosciences 36 206021-101282 100'000<br />

Vauthey Eric Prof. Université de Genève Lang Bernhard Felix Ultrafast photon echo studies on photo-induced bimolecular electron transfer reactions 12 206021-101248 150'000<br />

Whitby James Dr. Universität Bern Benz Willy, Eugster Otto Noble gas analysis for micro samples 12 206021-101288 90'000<br />

Williams Alan Francis Prof. Université de Genève Jeannerat Damien, Piguet Claude NMR spectroscopy for supramolecular coordination chemistry 12 206021-101263 150'000<br />

Zinn Manfred Dr. EMPA Egli Thomas, Witholt Bernard Production of tailor-made biopolyester (polyhydroxyalkanoate) 12 206021-101277 120'000<br />

28 / 88

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