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pp. '222′-' - WordPress – www.wordpress.com

pp. '222′-' - WordPress – www.wordpress.com


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f;l;. v, L?4The o..Boofa, Fcloniel,iltefi if l,ee u ew, attacll'! onelp, aft ber0 llot r8tbtougltt trnue v bsu\ C or on.F rtz, 3 3 g, & S tan{, 3 r'& hb. A {f,pla.9. ssainll t$e optnion of gp.Fitz.fubis Iufticc ofpeace.llm fot tbs fsme reefon, ifa mau teceiug I ferlon, *nolning rlts Jrelonie, 8nD rbsn !0e tuitlinslpfuffer 0rm to efcaBs, tbis frfferance to efcape is noJFelonteof it felferlloufoeueu tbs trtsiuhg ofbinmap mahe lim 8n Acceffarie g.H'4.r. & Stan-.'fordc a3.SCIeirberis ft Felonie fo1 a mattlrillittglie tofuffeu one to elcape tlrfrt ts arrellet fo3 an ![ct,lDbicb tufls uot tl,e n Fclonic,buc bp tttRtteu cottfcrqugllt fcloutfoto trcl 0ls,if lolur ftriltc l(iclurrtl,fot llt,hl, tbc {totrllnblc rrrtltstl, ttlll ,. nttu, aftrr,birroe lcttctbl,lnt goc, rlt! t[tru ltrrlr,rltl DtttIof{r, blotu lttillllu t[c pccrc, Ccilstnt*. 1or.r t .l 1.4. r I .'ruucb lc[t,to fufrcr onr to tfilltc,t ltncig aurcfieu fot tbc kitling ofnnotUcr, h ltfindcn'da, eltr$ ttttsllrtrtttc, 0lf6l pttltl 1..'rrtttrrt', 0!tl)nt Uf,ctJ bls ittuUctllellt t0lrtt Dcll[rt3D , pnpittgtb feeg : btcaufe tnnc 0f t$tfc 0or rlllouut tqI'clotric.@cuaii",llttlclloUl,t0prtufrutbott Itrtl'lr,Irc lclonic-sabnt D0 pctrcntnins. (!Oofcf clorrlcnbf @nllPllnlf'ltcncc,Suflrintl, anD Doohlng, 1. I l, t..5ta'r.8n!if tl lnutenroltleg, z. I' l, 6,rer1 r, g.tultcrcof il)ew i8Iittlc(olnotu)ufirnttbls nnPntttorrgfi bs,rmsPsltolDd; 0anuihi0tsBigtltcuol putrl(qttc l;clonics. $lnDtlttctc tt s cmbctclltrrg of nnp liteuolu,DocD imme'DistlP toucb fourgow plrtic0lst rusns in(0r9[tIIFdonics. Thcz,Bufu)?1t c tP.7.Dec hnoltt$fi tbgt tuben it ts once I Rccord, eue rYirbeu man batb acctffe bnto it, anD tnsu ule tl,ebeln of ic, Sboulu rechon tllnt offence (aliuugeufeldrrp bp tbe Statutc 8.FL6. crr. tz. ) nnron6$ tfersC oFpi0tits Felorrics, tf tloc lufticc of peaue faur0!0e tnitlrit.@bemmop bec tnole uoubt of tbc Felorrics lrp puruepop.Ssntspourg, nbullug $etr offrcc ngnm0tbe $ts' -iutegra.H.l.tl1t.3 r . y. t'i. j.c;rp. r ;.Jo.li.3 .caP.4.z6,E.i,clt.s.& 6. & 7.1(.z.cl. 8. s[u likeuife ofrbdfs (iaolcr s tbnt ( bp Drrlc auu cuuell cu0onie) 65aoterE.rornpcll r[eir plifonrs t0 becollls A<strong>pp</strong>roottcrs,rrgaiir0 ttle nct, L4.8. j.cap. t o.becstlfe iu al c[e[s,forne parttculau perfon fs cbieflU pincbeul )i5ut_petfopfinucb f,s tbs!, Doe tt bp colour of tbeiu offices(hrbicbnrePublike) 3 can be contertsu t0raugctgenr anrougfi publiquc Fclons alfo'S'rorn tbefe C ornrn on-f, uD fnr rc lp1 eqqin g 0 f' l6pruate f erorfences, 3 $u{I fall m tbofe tbf,t 3 callsu Priuatc, fiics,onD tbe$in refpe ct tbat pauticulflu men fire inllttcDiately Dlut0on,(anu alnroll onelp ) blongeu by cllettt, fnuirr g tlattbs Inbe uoetb alfo tafte fonts itueugemerrt oftlecuirne,lefl impunitp in tbe offcn0ols fboulu embol'Dtr otbars rotonrntie 4e lihs.G,Uete (sg a<strong>pp</strong>sffetb in tbs Table befope ) uoedtbcr runru to tha bodv alone, o1 t0 t$e bo'dis rnu qoodes hgstber, o1 elfe to tfe goodesomlp.llgoirrr, fscin g illar tbe booie ig ei6eu touclteuin sbi polnt of tifu, o1 by otller biolent o3 flefblp a'bufc $ lriln gl t [l noc destlr, fl sm fi rs 00 gltreate ofHonricidc

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