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2446 J.F. Shackel<strong>for</strong>d, L.P. Davila / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 (2010) 2444–2447however, such plots were distinctly non-linear. On the other hand, replottingall <strong>distribution</strong>s <strong>as</strong> ring size (on a linear rather than logarithmicscale) against the cumulative percentage of the rings on a non-linearGaussian scale (Fig. 2) shows linear plots indicating the <strong>distribution</strong>sfollow a normal PDF, not lognormal.3. Discussion — a descriptor <strong>for</strong> ring statistics in vitreous silicaWhile the descriptor <strong>for</strong> interstitial site sizes in vitreous silica is thelognormal PDF analogous to the comminution of fine powders, Fig. 2indicates that the descriptor <strong>for</strong> ring statistics in this gl<strong>as</strong>s is thenormal or Gaussian PDF. The lognormal <strong>distribution</strong> arises when, <strong>as</strong> involume comminution, random subdivision involves a higher-poweredterm (such <strong>as</strong> volume). In that c<strong>as</strong>e, the logarithm of the variate (such<strong>as</strong> powder particle size or interstitial site size in gl<strong>as</strong>ses) is Gaussian inits logarithm rather than the variate itself. Apparently, the randomlinkage of tetrahedral edges in defining ring sizes (n) is simplyGaussian in the variate (n) itself.It is also interesting to consider the average number of rings invitreous silica at various pressures. While the average ring size in anideal Zachari<strong>as</strong>en schematic (fully linked set of triangular buildingblocks in 2-dimensional space) is rigorously =6 by the Euler relation,Rivier h<strong>as</strong> noted that the average ring size in 3-dimensional structurescan vary depending on structural details (non-planar rings, dislocations,etc.) [14]. In the two examples (soap froths and covalentgl<strong>as</strong>ses), Rivier found average ring sizes bnN between 5.1 and 6.28.Fig. 3 indicates that the average ring size bnN <strong>for</strong> vitreous silica overthe full pressure range considered is essentially constant at bnN=5.8.A more useful parameter from the normal PDF descriptor is thestandard deviation, σ. Fig. 4(a) shows that σ rises sharply above acompressed volume of V/V 0 =0.8 corresponding to a pressure of9 GPa. Davila et al. found that this value of V/V 0 or pressurecorresponds to the break between el<strong>as</strong>tic and pl<strong>as</strong>tic de<strong>for</strong>mation inthe <strong>as</strong>sociated EOS [11]. Finally, it is interesting to note that while theaverage ring size is unchanged during the el<strong>as</strong>tic–pl<strong>as</strong>tic transition,the broadening of the <strong>distribution</strong> upon pl<strong>as</strong>tic de<strong>for</strong>mation (withcorresponding bond breaking and topological rearrangement) indicatesa significant decre<strong>as</strong>e in 5- and 6-membered rings with acorresponding incre<strong>as</strong>e in the number of smaller and larger rings <strong>as</strong>shown in Fig. 1.4. Summary and conclusionsWhile the lognormal PDF h<strong>as</strong> been a useful descriptor <strong>for</strong> interstitialsite sizes in vitreous silica, the normal PDF appears to be the appropriatedescriptor <strong>for</strong> the ring statistics over a wide pressure range. The averagering size is slightly less than 6 (bnN=5.8) independent of pressure up to23 GPa. The standard deviation (σ) of the normal PDF is a sensitiveindicator of the el<strong>as</strong>tic–pl<strong>as</strong>tic transition that occurs upon compressingthe gl<strong>as</strong>s material beyond V/V 0 =0.8 corresponding to a pressure of9GPa.AcknowledgmentsOne of us (LPD) is grateful <strong>for</strong> a SEGRF Fellowship at the LawrenceLivermore National Laboratory that supported earlier portions of thiswork and more recently <strong>for</strong> a Ford Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowshipat the University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Merced <strong>for</strong> funding and travel support <strong>for</strong>this work. The other (JFS) is grateful to Professor Prabhat Gupta of OhioState University <strong>for</strong> useful discussions relative to this work.ReferencesFig. 4. 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