Vol. 6 No. 2 (April to June, 2000) - INFLIBNET Centre

Vol. 6 No. 2 (April to June, 2000) - INFLIBNET Centre

Vol. 6 No. 2 (April to June, 2000) - INFLIBNET Centre


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1996•DELMS changed <strong>to</strong> ILMS.• <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> CENTREbecame an IUC of UGC.First installation•Bombay University.•Third CALIBER at Baroda.of ILMS at1997 Database of experts• <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> web site•Fourth CALI BER at Patiala•Work on windows based1998•1999•<strong>2000</strong>•library au<strong>to</strong>mation softwareSOULstarted.Online access <strong>to</strong> Unioncatalouge•Bubaneswar•Fifth CALI BER atDemo of SOUL beta versionSixth CALIBER at NagpurSeventh CALIBER atChennai•Release of SOULFirst installation<strong>No</strong>rthUniversity,MaharashtraJalgaonof SOUL atWORKSHOP ON BIBLIOGRAPHICSTANDARDS AND FORMATSWorkshop on "Bibliographic Standards andFormats: Tools and Techniques"was organisedat <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, for the participants ofthe participating libraries identified under theRetrocon. project. UGC has sanctioned gran<strong>to</strong>f Rs.10 Lakhs each <strong>to</strong> five major librariesconverting the entire library collection in<strong>to</strong>machine readable form. In order <strong>to</strong> provideguidelines for this huge task, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong>, organised this workshop from 15-25 thMay, <strong>2000</strong>. Sixteen participants from fivelibraries participated in the programme.forWorkshop was inaugurated by the Direc<strong>to</strong>r,<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> followed by lecture on<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> and its activities. Participants wereexposed <strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>pics viz. Overview of theproject, software <strong>to</strong> be used for retroconversion,guidelines for using standardsformats, data input sheet preparation, usingAACR2, and Library of Congress subjectheadings also with few case studies.Participants were exposed <strong>to</strong> Software forUniversity, Libraries (SOUL) developed by<strong>INFLIBNET</strong>. Mrs. Sunitha Murthy from Libraryof Congress delivered lectures on AACR2 andLC subejct headings and name authority file.Atthe end of the workshop participants workedfor project invloving• Preparation of data input sheets as per thestandards and formats• Verifying the data• Assigning subject headings using LCsubject headings• Data entry. in SOUL software• On-line editingThis project in small scale helped <strong>to</strong> buildconfidence among the participants <strong>to</strong> createquality records of their holdings and contribute<strong>to</strong> <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>'s union database for onlineaccess on the network. The workshop endedwith Valedic<strong>to</strong>ry function on 25 th May, <strong>2000</strong> andDirec<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, gave valedic<strong>to</strong>ryaddress and gave away the certificates <strong>to</strong> theparticipants of the workshop. The participantswho attended the workshop assured that theywill work <strong>to</strong> the full satisfaction <strong>to</strong> make theproject a success.Software for university libraries (SOUL) wassuccessfully installed at <strong>No</strong>rth GujaratUniversity, Patan, during May 29 - <strong>June</strong> 3,

<strong>2000</strong>. This university had created around21000 records of books using CDS/ISIS andthe same were imported <strong>to</strong> the software. Therecords are now being made available <strong>to</strong> theusers <strong>to</strong> have access through Online PublicAccess Catalogue (OPAC). Catalogue moduleis being used <strong>to</strong> complete the task ofconverting the retroconversion of their librarycatalogue.Another <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> team visited AmravatiUniversity during May 29 - <strong>June</strong> 5 andinstalled the software and provided training <strong>to</strong>the limited staff working in the library. Thislibrary has created around 7000 records inCDS/ISIS which were converted in<strong>to</strong> SOULand provided access <strong>to</strong> OPAC users. Thelibrarian and the other staff membersexpressed their happiness about the featurescovered in the software and are confident <strong>to</strong>carry out the operations using SOUL.The same team, then visited University ofMumbai for installation of the software from<strong>June</strong> 6-<strong>June</strong> 10. This university has alreadycreated around 40000 records of books usingCDS/ISIS. Staff from this university were giventraining in using all the modules. Serialsmodule in this university is expected <strong>to</strong> have athorough check <strong>to</strong> get feedback for improvingthe next version of the software.With this installation the software SOUL hasbeen installed at four universities. It isproposed <strong>to</strong>. install SOUL in another 11universities during July-August, <strong>2000</strong>.MEETING OF DOCUlVIENTDELIVERY CENTRESThe meeting of the librarians of six universitylibraries, which are identified as DocumentDelivery <strong>Centre</strong>s <strong>to</strong> provide Document DeliveryService under the <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> Programme,was held on 10 th <strong>April</strong>, <strong>2000</strong> at IN FLI BN ET<strong>Centre</strong>, Ahmedabad. Librarians or I/CLibrarians of six universities along with<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> officials attended the meeting. Sh.Pramod Kumar, Direc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>INFLIBNET</strong> welcomedthe members and gave brief overview of theproject. Following areas were discussed in themeeting <strong>to</strong> work out final strategy <strong>to</strong> implementtheproject.1. Grant provided2. Scope of the project covering the areas<strong>to</strong> be covered by each library.3. Financial Support4. Required infrastructural facilities5. Materials (items) <strong>to</strong> be covered undertheservice6. Document ordering and delivery options7. Turn around time or response time fortheservice10. Publicity11. Preparations for launching the service12. Memorandum of understanding13. Actual launching of the serviceIt was unanimously decided that, the servicebe simultaneously launched by all DDC's on10 July, <strong>2000</strong>. The formalities of infrastructuresetup, database creation etc will have <strong>to</strong> bedone two weeks before launching the service.-::':,'P. RETR()-C()NPROJECTThe Retrospective conversion of collection offive major libraries identified under <strong>INFLIBNET</strong><strong>Centre</strong>, has been approved by UGC andaccordingly the first installment of Rs. 2.5 lakhseach has been sanctioned <strong>to</strong> these libraries.The Direc<strong>to</strong>r, INFLiBNET <strong>Centre</strong>, convened

the meeting of all the five librarians <strong>to</strong> discussvarious issues involved in implementation ofthe project and deliberate on important issuesinvolved <strong>to</strong> achieve the set objectives and also<strong>to</strong> prepare an action plan. This meeting washeld on 11 th and 12 th <strong>April</strong>, <strong>2000</strong> at <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>.Discussions were held on scope of the project,the Recon process and options. It was decided<strong>to</strong> have training course <strong>to</strong> the core personsunder the title "Bibliographic Standards andFormats: Tools and Techniques" which will giveproper guidelines for executing the project.Memorandum of understanding will be signedby these libraries."",All the participating librarians realised theimportance of the project and showed keeninterest and great commitment in executingthe project. They were also appreciative of thefact that their libraries have been chosenunder this prestigious project. Participatinglibraries were assured of all the possible helpby <strong>INFLIBNET</strong>. Librarians were urged <strong>to</strong>extend their full cooperation and support insuccessful implementation of the project.Indian Pure SciencesInstitute of TechnologyScience, (Applied Science)BangaloreJawaharlal Political SciencesNehruLanguageUniversity,LiteratureNew DelhiUniversity of PsychologyMadras, Public AdministrationChennai Social problems &servicesEducationCommerce (Trade)Cus<strong>to</strong>ms, etiquette,folkloreGeneral geography &his<strong>to</strong>ryUniversity of GeneralitiesMumbai Social SciencesStatisticsEconomicsLawSince there will be overlapping in collection ofall these libraries, it was decided <strong>to</strong> allocatedifferent subjects <strong>to</strong> different universitiesbased on their strong areas, so that once datais created by each library, it can be used by theothers for searching and downloading therecord <strong>to</strong> add <strong>to</strong> their local holding details. Thiswill avoid duplication of entries and there willbe greater uniformity among the records. Upondiscussion with librarians of these libraries, itwas decided <strong>to</strong> allocate following subjects <strong>to</strong>each university.It is expected that, a sizable number of recordswill be created by each library in the areaassigned <strong>to</strong> them in the first quarter of theproject by the end of <strong>No</strong>vember, <strong>2000</strong>. Therecords will then be brought out in CD-ROMform for use by other libraries for search anddownload.Once the project is completed it is expectedthat, union database of these five libraries canbe created and can be used as <strong>to</strong>ol forretrospective conversion by other libraries.University Subject AreasBanaras Philosophy & relatedHinduDisciplineBanaras Philosophy & relatedUniversity,ReligionVaranasi The ArtsThe University of Pune was established underthe Poona University Act, 1948 passed by theBombay Legislature on 18 th February, 1948

and on 15 th <strong>April</strong> of that year Dr. M. R. Jayakarassumed office as the first Vice-Chancellor ofthe University. Finally on 10 th February, 1948,University of Pune was established by takingover the jurisdiction of 12 districts of theMaharashtra from the University of Bombay.a. Online access <strong>to</strong> library catalogue of books,periodicals and articles.b. Internet access.d. Special Service <strong>to</strong> visually handicappedstudents.The University library now named as "JayakarLibrary" after the first Vice-Chancellor late Dr.Mukund Ramrao Jayakar started functioning inJanuary, 1950 with a nucleus collection of lateDr. D. R. Bhandarkar. The building wasextended from time and now occupies over44,000 sq ft. area. Recently in 1994, aspacious reading hall (4,000. sq ft) wasconstructed providing reading facility for morethan 250 readers at a time. This hall is kep<strong>to</strong>pen for longer hours and on Sunday &Holidays throughout the year.During the last 50 years the collection hasgrown up <strong>to</strong> 4,24,000 (books and backvolumes of periodicals), un-published theses,dissertation, manuscripts, maps, pamphlets,newspaper clipping, microforms and otherreading materials. The library presentlysubscribes <strong>to</strong> 723 periodicals and receivesperiodicals on gift and exchange basis.Besides, there are collection of gramophonerecords and CD-ROMs. Keeping in view theinterdisciplinary nature of study in this premieruniversity, the library collection coverssubjects from all branches of Sciences, SocialScience and Humanities.Library has compiled following ret'erence <strong>to</strong>olsfor the use of scholars.a. Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations(1950-1984).b. Descriptive Catalogue ofIncunabulae (Dolamudrite)c. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscriptsavailable in the Jayakar Library <strong>Vol</strong>. 1 & 2.d. Guide <strong>to</strong> the resources available in theJayakar Library in the field of SocialSciences.e. Union Catalogue of back volumes ofperiodicals.f. Documentation in Social Science since1971.A Microfilming and audio-visual unit wasestablished in the Jayakar Library from thedonation received from Pu La. DeshpandeFoundation in 1987. The Library hasmicrofilmed rare books, Marathi periodicalsand manuscripts.In addition <strong>to</strong> the conventional library servicessuch as reference, circulation etc., libraryprovides the following special ones.The library runs a reading room at the RanadeInstitute for under graduate students fromaffiliated colleges from Pune city.

The work of au<strong>to</strong>mating library functions andservices was initiated in the year 1987. Thisactivity has been streamlined with the financialassistance from IN FLI BN E1, A multi userL1BSYS software was purchased in 1992. Thelibrary has created databases of books,periodical holdings, theses etc. With financialassistance the library has purchased DECAlpha <strong>2000</strong> along with 10 Pentiums and morethan 22 terminals are installed <strong>to</strong> facilitateusers and staff <strong>to</strong> speed up the activities. So1lso, new advances of technology like e-mail,fax, internet are actively used in the library.Steps for full fledged au<strong>to</strong>mation viaretrospective conversion of bibliographicrecords of books and periodicals, bar-codingof documents, creation of membershipdatabase have already been undertaken. Thelibrary has been actively participating ininformation and library network of UGC(<strong>INFLIBNET</strong>) and PUNENET by contributingdata <strong>to</strong> the databases. More than 1,00,000records representing library holdings areaccessible through OPAC. Library has created••.. its web site.With the help of IN FLI BN ET's financialassistance, the retrospective conversion canbe enhanced and holdings can be madeavailable for online access. The library plans<strong>to</strong> have CD Net in its premises.In the comingyears library is looking forward <strong>to</strong> digitise therare materials available with it, use barcodetechnology and develop web pages for thelibrary.1. J.R.D Tata Memorial Library.Indian Institute of Science, Bangalorehttp:// Indian Institute of Technology - Bombayhttp://www.library.iitb.ernet.in/I ib_search.html3. Indira Gandhi Institute of DevelopmentResearch, Goregaon. Mumbaihttp://www.igidr.ac.in/lib/opac.htm4. Indian Institute of Technology - Delhihttp://www. i itd. e rnet. i n/cgi-bin/Isbrows1.cgi5. Indian Institute of Management, Indorehttp://www.iimidr.ernet.in/book.htm I6. University of Hyderabadhttp:// Indian Institute of Management (11M), B CROY LIBRARY, Calcuttahttp://203 .197.126.1 03/BC Royl ib rary/defaulLasp8. Indian Institute of Technology (liT), CentralLibrary, Madrashttp://www.iitm.ac .i n/resea rch/depts/centlib.htm9. Institute of Rural Management, Anandhttp://irma.irm.ernet.in10. National <strong>Centre</strong> for ScienceInformation, NCSI LibraryCatalogue, Bangalorehttp:// Tata Institute of FundamentalResearch (TIFR) Library, Mumbaihttp://www.tifr.res.in/-I ib rary12. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics libraryhttp://www-library.saha.erneLin

13. Indian Statistical Institute CentralLibrary, Calcutta.http://www.isical.ac.in/-I ib rar~14. Indian Statistical Institute CentralLibrary, Delhi.http://www.isid.ac .in/ -lib rar~1. Albert Prion. Electronic journal pricing-stillin the meeting point? Serials. <strong>Vol</strong>. 12, <strong>No</strong>.2,1999. Pp 133-1372. Baker Angee. Impact of consortia ondatabase licensing. Computers inLibraries. <strong>Vol</strong>. 20, <strong>No</strong>.6, <strong>2000</strong>. Pp 46-503. Charles Oppenheim. Does copyright haveany future on the Internet? Journal ofDocumentation. <strong>Vol</strong>. 56, <strong>No</strong>.3, May <strong>2000</strong>.Pp 279-298.4. Daune Webster. Emerging responses <strong>to</strong>the Science journal crises. IFLA Journal.<strong>Vol</strong>. 26, <strong>No</strong>.2, <strong>2000</strong>. Pp 97-1025. David Green. The evaluation of Websearching. Online Information Review.<strong>Vol</strong>. 24, <strong>No</strong>.2, <strong>2000</strong>. Pp 124-1376. Garpanter Beth. A field guide for collectiondevelopment. Computers in Libraries.<strong>Vol</strong>. 20, <strong>No</strong>.6, Pp 28-337. John P Ofarrel. Measuring performancewith library au<strong>to</strong>mated systems. LibraryHiTech. <strong>Vol</strong>. 18(1), <strong>2000</strong>. Pp 55-608. Laural A Clyde. A strategic planningapproach <strong>to</strong> web site management. TheElectronic Library. <strong>Vol</strong>. 18, <strong>No</strong>.2, <strong>2000</strong>. Pp97 -1089. Lorcan Dempsey. Subject gateways:experiences and issues based on theemergence of Resource DiscoveryNetworks. Online Information Review.<strong>Vol</strong>. 24, <strong>No</strong>.2, <strong>2000</strong>. Pp 8-23.10. Piet de Keyser. Conversion <strong>to</strong> and fromCDS/ISIS: an overview of the possibilites .Programme. <strong>Vol</strong>. 34, <strong>No</strong>.2, <strong>2000</strong> Pp- 159-17511. Rose Tiny Kgosienmang. RetrospectiveConversion: The experience at theUniversity of Bostawa Library. Catalogingand Classification Quarterly. <strong>Vol</strong>. 28, <strong>No</strong>.3, 1999. Pp 67-9412. Sreenivasul V. Role of digital librarian in themanagement of digital information system.The Electronic Library. <strong>Vol</strong>. 18, <strong>No</strong>.1,<strong>2000</strong>. Pp 12-20Mrs. Kalpana Dasgupta, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, CentralSecretariat Library, Delhi and President, IndianLibrary Association visited IN FLI BN ET <strong>Centre</strong>from 27 th -28 th <strong>June</strong>, <strong>2000</strong>. During her visit, shedelivered two lectures <strong>to</strong> the participants ofninteenth training course on "How <strong>to</strong> plan foryour library au<strong>to</strong>mation :Issues <strong>to</strong> beconsidered" and "Role of standards in libraryau<strong>to</strong>mation". She also interacted with<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> staff and got acquainted withvarious activities being carried out at<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>. She spent time <strong>to</strong> seE'SOUL software designed and developed by<strong>INFLIBNET</strong>.The Edi<strong>to</strong>rial Board requests the librarians,and others <strong>to</strong> contribute news items pertaining<strong>to</strong> important activities and events taking placein their universities. We also solicit yourcomments, suggestions in making thisnewsletter an effective media <strong>to</strong> communicate<strong>INFLIBNET</strong> activities

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