Chapter 5 Genetic Analysis of Apomixis - cimmyt

Chapter 5 Genetic Analysis of Apomixis - cimmyt

Chapter 5 Genetic Analysis of Apomixis - cimmyt


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iv33 Outlook33 References35 Appendix: Methods to Clear Angiospenn OvulesCHAPTER 4.ULTRASTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF ApOMICTIC DEVELOPMENT(TAMARA N. NAUMOVA AND JEAN-PI-ITUPPE VIELLE-eALZADA)44 Introduction45 Nucellar and Integumentary Embryony46 Diplospory47 Apospory47 Differentiation <strong>of</strong> Aposporous Initials48 Aposporous Megagametogenesis48 The Cellularized Aposporous Megagametophyte57 Parthenogenesis and Fertilization58 Apogamety59 Discussion61 Future Trends62 ReferencesCHAPTER 5. GENETIC ANALYSIS OF ApOMIXIS(ROBERT T. SHERWOOD)64 Introduction64 Methods65 Chromosome Number65 Progeny Testing65 Embryo-Sac Cytology66 Sectioning or Clearing Pistils to Classify Reproductive Type66 Markers67 Biological Tests for Parthenogenesis67 Combined Cytological, Progeny, Biological, and Marker Testing68 Controlled Pollination69 Reciprocal Crossing69 Creating Tetraploid Parents70 Identification <strong>of</strong> Genomes and Chromosomes with <strong>Apomixis</strong> Genes70 Testing Inheritance70 Starting Point70 Crossing Schemes71 Classification and Grouping71 Testing <strong>Genetic</strong> Models71 Inheritance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Apomixis</strong>71 Monopolar Apospory (Gramineae-Panicoideae)7:l Bipolar Apospory75 Mitotic Diplospory7

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