Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons


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ene-ataene-ata r. parents.enelik n. matemit% motherhood.€njam Í. equipment (piece of...), tool (usuallyelectric).ensiklopedif a(r) n. encyclopedia.ençâIla n. if godwills itentejilc a¿{v. lor a short tilne EX: Men tliñe entejikgaraçdyrn. I only waited for a short time.entek adv. still. EX: Sen entek oka¡iañmy? Are youstill reading?entek ud'y. so far. EX: Pro,úekt eniek gowy. Theproject is goocl so far.entek adv. yet. EX: Mes bazara entek gitjek däl.llelki ertir giderin. I won't go to the bazaar yct,Mafôe I will go tomono'w.entek-entekler adv.,for a long timeentemek u. wander. rRef T'his is a negative worcl in<strong>Turkmen</strong>, like "loitering" is a negative word for"stantling arouncl" walk wìthout purposeeñek n. chin.eñek sünk n.jawbone.eñk z. strength (rare)eñk açmak v. lose one's strength, be rurable to pulloneself togefhereñmek I go towards.eñremek u. cry,weepeñrcmoh r,- complaineplemek v. fold, beud fbent, bent].erbet adi.6ad.erbet adv. poorly.erbet adj. evilerbeträh ødj.worse,erediji ri. solverrt.et'em bagy ¡r Garden of Eden.efemek v. mclt,erefjililc n. solubility.erik ¡2, apricot.erjel n. persistent.erjel ail-1. active.erk n. fl'eetlom, libety.erkana arlv. fi'eely.erkek n. male, man.erkin adj.lree.erhin cøl7'. flnent,erkinlik n. fr eedom, liberty.ermeni r¡. Armenian.erte n. Ref: see ertirerteki r. story(narrative), fairy tale, tale.erteki otarmak u. tell stories, tell tatl tales.ertir adv.tomorrow.ertirine qdv. cvery moruing during the motning(habitually) EX: Men ertirinc sagat sekizdeturyaryr. I usLrally get up at 8 o'clock iu themorrilng.efleertirlik nahar ¡¡, brealcfast.esas ru. basis, founclation.esâ sâ n ad7. especially, basically.esaslandyrnrâk v. establish, found.esassyz adj. baseless.esasy tdj. basic,basically, fundamentally.esbåp r. supplies, equipment.esbap D. ar:mot'.esg€r n. solclier.esgi n. rag, duster. EX: Ol lagtany esgi bilenarassalady. Hc cleaned the chalk board with arag.eskalator'(r) r. cscalator.esli arlj. consìder¿ùlc, signifrcant. IrX: Ol eslimukdarclaky puly ogur'lady. IIe stole asignificaut amortnl of money.esse n. time (multiplication). ljX: Meniîi aÍlyeymonyñl

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