Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons


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herniçelikhemiqelik adv. forcver,hcmme cdj. every, all (every).hemme ferde r. everylvhere.hemme z¿t ri. everything.hemmeler r?. everyoue, everybody.hcmmämiz ¡2. allof us.hemr* z. companion.heniz adt. still. yet I1X: Ol heriz çu taj'rtalaçayarmy? Does he still live here?heñ n. rnold" mildew.heñ n. tune, melody,hepde ø. rveek.hepdelik ødr'- weckly. EX; Mcrr hcpdelik kursokad¡faryn. I teaçh a weekly Çoulse.hepdelik adt. orw week EX: I'Iepdelik gezelenç. Aone-weeh trÌp.her adj. cach.her bir adj. each, every sìngle. EX: lvfekdepimizdeher bir olcuwçy iälisçe okafar. Iu our schoolevery sitgle sftrcleirt stuclies lìuglish.hcr dürli a¿û. a variety of, alt solts of EX: Menunive¡'sitetcfe hel dtirli sapaklar okactym. Atunivelsity I smclied a variety of diffcrontsubjects.her gezeh ørlv. every time.her gän adv. dally.her gün adv. wery day.her haçan ø¿lu. whenever,her hafsy adj. cach.her hili adi. e,tery type of. many differurt lcinds ofEX: $ol däkanda ber hili sü1i.ii bar. In that storethere are many different kinds of oandy.her kes pro.'àïyonc, anybody.her kim ,?. everyone, everybody.her niiçe adv. no matter how many, no matter howmuch as many times as EX: Mugallyrn olorwçaher näçe düçündilse hem okuwçy düçünmejrär.No matter how nany times the teacher explainsto the student, the student does not understand.her niçik corr_¡. hervever, nonetheless. EX: Bizyad:rdyk, föne, her niçik hem bolsa, bu içigutarsak gowy bolar'. 'We are tired; nonetheless,it ì be good'illifwe finish this worlç.her wagt a¿ñr. each time.hcrelcct n. action, movement. EX: Emin agzalarygymnastlaryñ her bir heleketini synlayarlar. Thejtrdges watch the g¡rrnnasts' cveryaction/movement.hercket ctmek u. move. EX: ÏIereket etsefiäçcmersiñ. If you move, you lvill not be cold.hereketli adj. active, enelgetic.hergiz adv. never, in no wayhernä adu. fortnnately.hernä ad'¡,. Re,f: used fo eKpress clesire I hope EX:hojalykllernä ol gelipdir. l hope she camc.hernä adv. atyway. in any ca"sehefkel n. statuç.hezil n. fun, enjoymont,hezil bolmak v. enjoy oneself. fun (to have...)hezzet ¡'r. honor, fespecthea¿et ir. hospitalityhäkim r?. mayor.h?ikimlik ru. rrayor's ofäce, admiristlation. EX:Mary ç2iheriñ hakimligi. Mary cityadministration ORMtuy city mayofs office.häli odv. rccenllyhäsiyet ¿. chalactçr (personality), trait, personalíty.IìX; Onyñ häsifeti örän oñat. His character isvery goocl. EX: Myhmansöferlik gowy lt?isi¡iet.t{ospitalityis a good tlait.häzir edv. now.häzir corg. while. EX: x ÌVhile I cook dinuer, pleaseclean the bedloom.häzir bolmak u. carefirl (to be...).håizirhi ødj. modern.hâzirki zaman Í. tcnse (present...), present tense.hiç reg. uo¡re. not nohiç haçan adv.never.hiç hili ¿1. üonc, not at all. IiX: gu kino hiç liiliSyzykty däI, This film is uot at all interestingOR This film is not interesting at all.hiç kes z. nobody, no one.hiç kim r. no one,nobody.hiç wagt adv. never.hiç ferdc adu. r¡owhere.hiç zat n. nofhing.hikirdemelc u. giggle.hikirdi r. sniclcer.hil r. quality. HX: $o1 halynyñ hili 'I'hat;fokary,carpet is high quality.hil n, type, kind. sort EX; Tärkmen dilinde iki hiliçckirnli sesler bar', inçe we fogyn. In theTrulcmen langrrage there are two types ofvowels, thin ancl thick.hile r. crurning, craftiness.*himika(r) n. chemical.himifa(r) rr. cbernisÍ'y.hindi adj. l*dian (i.e. frorn 'tndia), Indian (NativeAmerican).hiññitdik n swing. EX: Curban Ba¡iramda bizhiflñildikdc uçfarys. Duting Gurban Ba¡ilam wedde on swings.hoja ru. holy manhojalyk r- economy. EX: Bazar hojalygy. Marketeçonomy.hojatyk ¡r. household. EX: $u obada, 25 hojalyk bar.In this village there ars 25 householrls.hojalyk n. sector'(ecouomic...). EX: Nebit hojalygy.44 Tud

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