Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons


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nyrhnyrh n. fee.nyçan n. sigî, symbol, emhlem.nyçan almak v. aim. take aimO-onyzûm ¡2. ordernyz m n. f.ormation (i.e. ffir marching).ornaçdyrmakoazis(r) r- oasi$.oba r, vìllagc.obå aclj. wral.oba hojalyk n. agricuhrre.obadaç n. Ref: people from the same villageobof(r) rz. wallpaper.obraz a. character (i.e. in a book). EX: "$äkärbagçy" çu filmiñ esasy obrazy. "Shr¡kur bagshy"is this f,lm's ¡rain character.objeht(r) lr. objecf.oçerk r. essay (true story about a pelson)oçki(r) r. glasses.oduh-buduk ¡rl. this ancl that, many diftèrentthings, all soÍs ofthingsodun n. firewood. wootlofiser{r) n. officer.ofisiant(r) ¿. waiter.ofis(r) r. of,fìce.oglan n.boy.oglâÉ dogan n. brother (otder brother), olderbrother. Itel' male corrsin (if fathers are brothers)oglân jigi r. brother (younger brother).oglanlyk I,boyhood.ogry r. thief, bandit. robberogçamak 'v. kiss.og$uk n. Ref one or two year old camelOgul n. son.ogurlamak v. steal fstole, stolen].ogurlyk n. theft, robbery.ogurlyk adj. stolen.Oguz afy ¿. June.ojak r. hearth.ok ,?. aro\ry (fiom abow), bullet.ok n. arrow (tlre weapon or the symbol).okamah v. read lread, readl,okamah v. stndy.okàtmâk v. teach [tarrglrt, taught].okean(r) r?. oaean.oklamak v. toss,oklamak v. load (i.e a gun).Oktifaber(r) m. october.okuw n. study.olru\ryçy r. sh¡clent (at school).ok-faf r. bow andarrow.okyjy n. reader.ol pro. she,he, it. thatol tafda adv. therc. ReJ: lit: that placeolaryflpro. their.olaryñky pro. theirs.olimpiada(r) z. olympiad.on ru¡m.tetonda conj. then, EX: Eger siz biz bile ylala¡masaäyzonda siz öz pikiriñizi aj'daf$' If you don't agreewitJt us. then say your own opinion.onlarçâ ¿. dozens. Rel' li* tens EX: Onyä jafyndaonlarça kitap bar. In his room there are clozensofbooks.onsoñ conj. then (i.e. sequencc of events). FX: tlkimen rugsat almaly onsoñ bjlet satyn almaly.First I have to get petmission and theu I have tobrry a ticket.onsuz pro. withont her\him\it.olr!ñ. pro. his (ogian bolsa) her (gyz bolsa) its(ansyz bolsa)onyñky pro. his (oglan bolsa) hers (gyz bolsa) ítsffansyz bolsa)oña pro. Io him, to her, to it.oñalmak v. get better.oñflrmak r. deal.oittt adj. good.oittt ttdv. well.oñatlaçdyrmâk v.improveoñatlaçmak v. improve (i.e. after an illness).oñafly ødy'. cornfortable.oñafsyz adj. inconv enient uncomfortableoñmak v. succeed.oñmak v. live without, make do without. EX: Senoña¡f ! Live without iÉ! oR Maks clo without it!oäuçmak v. get along. EXt Eger dzura we sarnsykoäuçmasa, dana gitnåkür. If a wise rnan and afool don't get along, ths wise man is at fault.operatsiiâ(r) n. operation, il¡rgery.orak r. sicklc.oràzt tutmak v. fast (duringRamadan)Organ(r) n. orgar' (the instrurnent).original(r) adj. novel,original,orrraçdyrmak v. establish EX: fedinji asyrydaMuhammet Pygammer musulman dininjoraaçdyrdy. In the seventh cenhtr¡ Mohammedestablished the rnuslim religion,ofnasdyrmâk v. açply, put into effect. EX: Biz iñlisdìlini öwretnetmekligit1 tLze usurlamy ìiziçirnize omaçd1ar-iatys. In our work we applynew methods of teaching <strong>English</strong>.ó0 Turkrnen-En glish <strong>Dictionary</strong> 9n9t2009

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