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Southern part of Bharat to Myanmar. It continued for 200 years.The documentation on Chalukyas of Badami is a historicaltestimony to it. Maharaja Jaisingh Prithvivallabh patronized thedynasty in which Samrat Pulkeshin first was the great emperor,who also performed `ashvamegh yagna`. Several historicaldocuments are a testimony of their bravery and courage. Thedynasty established a massive kingdom in south of Bharat.Chalukyas were the descendents of Chandravanshi kings ofAyodhya. The documentation of Samrat Veer Dhawal and SomSingh Parmar in Vikram Samvat 1287 says that Vashishtha Rishihad produced their ancestors from the `yagna vedi`. Dhaumrajand Dhandhuk are the ancestors of Chalukyas. The same fact hasbeen mentioned in Sirohi (Patnarayan) documentation of 1344Vikram Samvat in which there is mention of yagna at Arbud Giri.In the Chalukyas commendation of Badnagar in 1151, it is saidthat the Lord Brahma had produced Chalukyas from Gangajal tokill the demons.Chalukya dynasty had 21 kings and their rule began from 6thcentury Christ era to the beginning of 13th century Christ era,means a good 650 years. The rule of Pulkeshin second was spreadfrom Narmada to Kaveri though; some part of this kingdom waswon by Pallava kings afterwards. In 8th century Rashtrakutsdefeated Chalukyas and for almost 150 years, their kingdomcontinued to shrink. But in 10th century, they regained theirstrength and ruled till the beginning of 13th century. In themeantime, they formed Kalyani as their capital. One branch ofChalukyas, Eastern (Vengike) Chalukyas ruled from 7th centuryChrist era upto the end of 12th century of Christ era. They beganfrom Krishna and Godavari region of Southern part of Bharatand spread it till Burma (Myanmar), Bengal and Andamanand Nicobars. The 26th king Rajraj the great established goodrelationship with Chole kings and expanded his kingdom.Thereafter Chalukya and Chole dynasties merged with majorexpansion in the kingdom.The brave Chers and Chole dynastyThe Cher kings ruled in Kerala from 27 to 233 Christ era, meansaround 207 years. Udayan Kerala established the dynasty andEllam Kerala Eesamporai was the last ruler of this dynasty. Theyavan traveler Talemi too has described it in his memories.The Chole dynasty has been a very impressive and brave dynastyof the southern part of Bharat, which was ruling Tamilnadufrom the first century of Christ. The first king of Chole dynastywas Karikal and he fought a long battle with Singhalese (SriLanka). He constructed 150 kms long embankment on the banksof Kaveri River. The Kaveripattnam was their capital. Duringwar between Pallavas and Pandyas, the area kept changing butthey re-emerged strong in the 9th century and continued to ruletill the end of 13th century. In the Ashok’s documents too, CholeMandal has been stated as an independent state.Uninterrupted Hindu rule from1st to 20th centuryVijyalaya, Aditya, Parantak first, Rajraj first, Rajendra first,Rajaditya first, Rajadhiraj first, Veer Rajendra, Rajendra second,Rajendra third and fourth, Kulotung first, second and the thirdwere famous 14 great emperors of Chole dynasty. The kingdomof Rajraj first was spread from Mysore, Kurg, Tamilnadu and SriLanka. His capital was Thanjavur, where he built the famousShiv temple named as Rajrajeshwar. In 11th century, Choleemperor Rajendra first had a very strong navy and he conqueredAndaman and Nicobar Islands besides winning Bengal, Biharand Magadh. Though, for a brief period, he lost a few of histerritories. But In the beginning of 12th century Chalukya andChole dynasties merged and re-conquered Kalinga.In the beginning of 14th century, Chole king received a big joltin the battle fought with the commander of Allauddin Khilji butafter sometime, in the entire region, a Hindu kingdom VijayNagar was established.The other mighty rulers were from – Pallava, Pandya and Rashkootdynasty. As it has been said earlier Cher dynasty ruled Keralafor decades. Pallava dynasty ruled a big region of Tamilnadufrom 1st century to 9th century. The Pallava kings establishedMahabalipuram and constructed five magnificent temples. Theircapital Kanchi was converted into the city of temples.The Pandyas ruled from the Madura to Travancore region fromfirst century to 14th century. The capital was Madura. In 13thcentury Marco Polo returned back to India from China and inhis experiences, he has described the glory of Pandya dynasty.Thus, the region despite the first century of Christ, barring smallareas, had been under the Hindu rule for over 2000 years. Priorto it, it was under Hindu rule for over 50,000 years. §18 & YOGSANDESH & October 2013

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