Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa

Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa

Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa


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Option IIAdjusting viscosity by thickenere.g. II/A II/B III/C III/DLAS Lutensit A-LBS 10 10 10 10Soap Edenor K12-18 2 2 2 2KOH pH = 8.6M 7 0 7 7 7ST 7 7 0 0 0EtOH 2 2 2 2.5MPG 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2NaCitrate 1 1 1 1NaClSokalan AT120 0.26 0.58Viscosity/mPas 177 70 160 355Concentrations in active matter16.05.2008, F. Rittig SEPWA Nordic 2009 22

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