Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
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Summary<strong>Surfactant</strong> <strong>blends</strong> <strong>and</strong> coethoxilates with C10-Guerbet alcohols show• Synergistic effects in• emulsification (triglycerides)• laundry detergentsΔ remission3025201510monthweeksdayshoursminutesC16C18C12C15C10-G ethox6 8 10 12 14 16200180160HLBEMPA 101 WFK 10D WFK 20D Triolein Olive oil average• Different viscosity profiles vs. st<strong>and</strong>ards50visc./mPas140120100806040208.28.69.0• Improved solubilization of fragrances00% 10% 20% 30%WAS/%• Sustainable eco-tox profile16.05.2008, F. Rittig SEPWA Nordic 2009 26