Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
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Emulsion stabilities with <strong>blends</strong> based onC10 Guerbet alcohol (> 60%)30% sunflower oil, 1% emulsifier, 69% water, storage at 23°C10% of the dropletscoalesced afterblend of (C10-G + longchain alcohol) ethoxilatesmonthweeksdays<strong>blends</strong> of C 10Guerbet with longchain alcohols workwell, much betterthan C 10Guerbetalone.hoursminutesC16C18C12C15C10-G ethoxblend of (C10-G + C12C15alcohol) ethoxilates6 8 10 12 14 16HLB16.05.2008, F. Rittig SEPWA Nordic 2009 4