Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
Surfactant blends for emulsifying and cleaning - Sepawa
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Screening of synergistic surfactant <strong>blends</strong>Wash tests at 30 °CΔΔ R vs. C13C15 x 7 EO50-5-10-15-20wfk10Dwfk10PFwfk20D• Blends of ethoxilates of C10-Guerbet alcohol <strong>and</strong> long chainalcohols are better than singlecomponents• At certain ratios per<strong>for</strong>mance isequal than system with st<strong>and</strong>ardsurfactants-250 25 50 75 100weight-% C10 alcohol ethoxilate16.05.2008, F. Rittig SEPWA Nordic 2009 9