61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer


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the creator. Guru is the descent of the Divine in human form to create the right conditions for theseekers to ascend to his Divine essence (Moksha or Enlightenment or Chaitanya).(Sadgurus or Perfect masters are in reality, the seers who have realized the Absolute or have reachedthe highest realm of spiritual attainment, are present forever in the whole universe whether in anembodied or in an un-embodied state. They operate in gross, subtle, or mental world. They have beenchosen to execute the Divine Mission and work together for the execution of the Divine Mission –Liberation of the seekers.)SummaryAccording to Hinduism human individual has three bodies: physical or gross body (Sthula Sharira),subtle body (Linga Sharira), and causal body (Karana Sharira).Life span of each of the bodies is different. Gross body depends on gross food therefore has very lesslife, compared to subtle body that depends upon thoughts and feelings, therefore can survive longer.Causal body survives longest since it needs only peace. The soul is different from these three bodies.Soul does not need anything since it is the experiencer, observer and therefore it is eternal.The term which we call death is fall of gross body. The soul survives along with subtle and causal bodywhere samskaras are stored. Man must take birth again and again with the help of gross body till all theSamskaras are consumed. You can consume Samskara (karma-phala) only in human life with the help ofconscious living and power of will. It is not possible in any other life and that is why human life isconsidered as extremely important from the liberation point of view. (There are three things which areindeed rare and are due to the grace of the God. They are 1) human birth, 2) longing for liberation and3) protecting care of a perfected sage – The Guru.)DR.RUPNATHJI( DR.RUPAK NATH )Yoga means Union with Divine! Union with Divine is the goal of humanlife!Yoga is spiritual science that ends all pains & miseries and unites ourSoul with Super-Soul!!!Siddha Yoga

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