DEMOCRAT - Yavapai County Democratic Party

DEMOCRAT - Yavapai County Democratic Party

DEMOCRAT - Yavapai County Democratic Party


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Page 4From the Chair . . .Continuedmaximum visitor’s visa) and then go to Mexico for a monthor two while their application was being processed for anothervisa. They soon determined that getting the properwork visa to practice psychiatry here would cost about$15,000 for each of them. They made a decision that theycould only afford one of those. The net result is that Stephenhas never been able to practice medicine in this country.If it takes four years and $15,000 for a psychiatrist to bequalified to work here, think how difficult it must be for aless skilled worker to get working papers under our currentimmigration system. My son-in-law has been a scienceteacher for the last eleven years, and has been qualified topursue US citizenship for some time. Even though he hasno desire to return to Great Britain, he doesn’t see any particularreason or benefit in becoming a US citizen. Until wepass comprehensive immigration reform that addresses theeconomic realities of our labor force needs, provides a pathto citizenship for the undocumented workers already here,is rational about keeping families together and includes aguest worker program that prevents exploitation of foreignlaborers, I’m hard pressed to come up with solid reasons toconvince my son-in-law to become a citizen. We are still anation of immigrants, but we certainly have some remainingissues to work out!Fundraising UpdateJoin the YCDP, DORR, DOVV, and DWPA at ourFUN and fund raiser, Friday, July 12, 6 to 9 PM inCottonwood. $10 per person, which includes onedrink ticket. Purchase tickets at the door. For furtherinformation, call 928-778-1536, and check theCalendar section of our website, www.yavdem.org to download the flier.• See the new movie, Viva la Verde,under the stars!• Great local food!• Local wines!• Wine auction!• Raffles!“Muddling Toward” a BetterAmericaBy Jo KelleherDemocratMany have borrowed environmentalist writer Warren Johnson’sphrase “muddling toward frugality” to describe slow, but steadyprogress toward one’s aims. I borrow it again to describe thispast month’s “muddling toward democracy”. And to paraphraseanother idiom, it seemed sometimes that our progress was “onestep forward, one step back.”The Affordable Care Act is now the law of the land, butfar right Republicans in state legislatures are still trying to overturnit, despite overwhelming acceptance of health care reformamong Americans.The SCOTUS has overturned the federal Defense ofMarriage Act, and its illegal discrimination against same sex marriedpartners with regard to federal benefits. But the Court hasalso ruled that State laws like California’s Prop 8 can stand. It’sonly a matter of time before all 50 states come to their senses onthe rights of people to marry.The Court has ruled that affirmative action in universityadmissions can stand, but in the ruling, sent back scoldinglanguage that will require higher education to prove that “all avenueshave been exhausted” before using affirmative action tostrengthen diversity on campuses.The ruling on the Voter Rights Act is the most discouraging“step back”. Disingenuously claiming to believe that thepolitical atmosphere has changed so drastically since the 60’s thatthere is “no more need” to force states to adhere to voter rights,five justices whisked away a right that has been fought hard forand cherished by Americans for decades.Courageous Senator Wendy Davis of Texas filibusteredfor over 12 hours in her pink sneakers to prevent Texas womenlosing their reproductive rights, but the Texas legislature and governorare determined to do so anyway.But of all these examples of “muddling” toward justice,the one that stands out is our seemingly endless national conversationon immigration. As I write this, the Senate has passed(finally!) an immigration reform package that has merit, despitethe last minute amendment that requires billions of dollars to bespent on ineffective fences. As the bill heads toward the House,Tea <strong>Party</strong> Republican congresspersons foment and foam about“amnesty”.Take heart, fellow Democrats, as we “muddle”, slowly butsurely, toward a fairer, more tolerant, more <strong>Democratic</strong> America!

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