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1CONTENTS<strong>Liguria</strong>AN HERITAGE TO DISCOVER 1TO KNOW IT IS TO LOVE IT 3PARKS AND MARINE RESERVES 5San Fruttuoso<strong>FAI</strong> AND SAN FRUTTUOSO ABBEY 7Riviera ItinerariesVISIT THE WONDERS OF THE EASTERN RIVIERA 10WHERE TO SLEEP, WHERE TO EAT 13FROM GENOA TO MONEGLIA 16GOING BY SEA 24<strong>FAI</strong> and its missionFOR ART AND THE LANDSCAPE 27<strong>FAI</strong> PROPERTIES IN LIGURIA 28OTHER <strong>FAI</strong> PROPERTIES IN ITALY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 30SALES CONDITIONS 33This publication is produced by <strong>FAI</strong> - the National Trustfor Italy, thanks to the contribution of the Region of <strong>Liguria</strong>and the Regional Agency In <strong>Liguria</strong>Our partners:<strong>Liguria</strong>AN HERITAGETO DISCOVER.The jagged, irregular “Riviera di Levante” [eastern riviera] stirs a gamut of powerfulemotions, with its unique and unforgettable views, the remarkable protected marine areasof Portofino and the Cinque Terre, which was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCOin 1997, as well as Portovenere and the islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto.<strong>FAI</strong> - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano the National Trust for Italy - will take you on a journey of discoveryalong the first part of the Levante riviera, the stretch of coast from Genoa to Moneglia, visiting suchwell-loved resorts as Camogli, Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure and Rapallo, and natural and artisticmonuments of incomparable beauty, such as the SanFruttuoso di Capodimonte Abbey, located in adeep inlet in the Monte di Portofinopromontory, aninvaluable pearl,rescued by <strong>FAI</strong>in 1983.In collaboration with:Portofino Regional Natural ParkPortofino Protected Marine AreaCinque Terre National ParkCinque Terre Protected Marine AreaGolfo Paradiso snc tourist maritime transportConsorzio Servizi Marittimi del Tigullio maritime servicesand the municipalities of:Genoa - Bogliasco - Recco - Camogli - PortofinoSanta Margherita Ligure - Rapallo - LavagnaTourism consultancy:Antonio PercarioWith the collaboration of:Francesca CeriniPhotographic credits:<strong>FAI</strong> Archives, Agenzia In <strong>Liguria</strong> Archives, Portofino Coast Consortium Archives,Andrea Casà, Conti& Mollica, Cristina Corti, Patrizia Ferreri, Foto Alcide, Mario Govino,Mimmo Jodice, Gianni Lovera, Fulvio Magurno, Giorgio Majno, Marco Mazzoleni,Massimo Rivara, Michele Russo, Massimo Siragusa, Luca Tamagnini Photoatlante,Luigino Visconti, Vincenzo Volpe.The publisher would be glad to hear from any copyright holders for unidentifiedpictorial sources, and apologises for any unwitting imprecisions and omissionsIllustrations:Michele TranquilliniGraphic
23<strong>Liguria</strong>TO KNOW IT IS TO LOVE IT.SEAART & CULTURETHE VILLAGES OF LIGURIAFOOD AND WINEACTIVE HOLIDAYSVILLAS, PARKS AND GARDENS“<strong>Liguria</strong> Terradamare” (Land to Love) is a slogan that leads to the discovery of a land that offers a lot morebesides seaside holidays! It is, in fact, both land and sea. Villages where time has stood still for centuries, woodsfilled with chestnuts, rich flavours and tastes from a cuisine that has created great recipes using the typicalproducts of its own territory. <strong>Liguria</strong> is a land that will fill you with powerful feelings and emotions, a land to love!“We love what we know. Wedefend what we love.”these are the words of GiuliaMaria Crespi, President of <strong>FAI</strong>and tireless organiser of theTrust since its foundation(1975). This is why <strong>FAI</strong> hasalways encouraged people firstand foremost to get to know theterritory, its monuments andlandscapes, so that from thisknowledge there might arise thepassion and desire to take stepsto defend and preserve it. Thisis why <strong>FAI</strong> appreciates theconstant work and commitmentof the <strong>Liguria</strong> Regional Agencyto promote the knowledge of thisextraordinary territory.SEAThe 13 blue flags flying on<strong>Liguria</strong>n beaches areinternational recognition for thequality of our waters and of oursustainable tourism. They bearwitness to the commitment ofthis region, which has alwaysbeen in the front line when itcomes to sustainabledevelopment, not least intourism, with a careful eyetowards the environment. Whichexplains why there are twoMarine Reserves, Monte diPortofino and Cinque Terre, andhow <strong>Liguria</strong> came to be at thecentre of the natural marinearea of international interestknown as the "Sanctuary formarine mammals", or cetaceansanctuary.ART & CULTUREDiscover a different side toGenoa, city of art, and to <strong>Liguria</strong>,which has been transformedinto a land of culture, eventsand traditions for every season.After the 1992 Columbuscelebrations, and 2004, whenGenoa was a European city ofculture, the latest very recentsuccess has all the feel of aninternational event: part of thecity's historic centre, with itsfamous "palazzi dei Rolli" hasnow been declared a UNESCOworld heritage site. What betterway to highlight the resurgenceof a cultural capital, which hasnow joined the exclusive club ofItalian cities of art?THE VILLAGESOF LIGURIATo get away from the summerheat, there are alternative routesto be taken inland, discoveringunspoilt and authentic villagessteeped in history. In theshadow of their medieval wallsyou can find gems of nature, art,food and wine that will amazethe discerning eye of thoseseeking something out of theordinary, for a spellbindingholiday.
4 5PARKS AND MARINE RESERVESAT THE END OF THE 1990’S TWO IMPORTANT AREASOF THE EASTERN RIVIERA WERE DECLARED PROTECTEDNATURAL PARKS AND PROTECTED MARINE AREAS,AND THUS ASSURED TO POSTERITY.FOOD AND WINEThere is a road that leads to theflavours of <strong>Liguria</strong>n cuisine, lightand simple, an authenticexpression of the sea andcountry life that sets value on theproduce typical of this land, andof the sea. It is the aroma ofextra-virgin olive oil, pride of<strong>Liguria</strong>, king of Mediterraneanflavours, that distinguishestraditional dishes such as thetypical Genoese focaccia: aproduct that has always had aplace on <strong>Liguria</strong>n tables.From the olive groves of thePonente [western riviera] to thevineyard terraces, built bycountry folk to make use of everysquare inch of fertile soil on landthat often drops sheer into thesea, <strong>Liguria</strong> produces a range ofwines.The real pride of <strong>Liguria</strong>n cuisineis the world-famous Genoesepesto, the tasty traditionalbasilbased accompaniment topasta and rice dishes, preparedin age-old marble mortars usingan olivewood pestle.ACTIVE HOLIDAYS<strong>Liguria</strong> is a wonderful region:with its mountains that dropsheer into the sea, and theflourishing Mediterranean scrubinland, it offers an endlesschoice of natural landscapesand hidden corners, allowingeveryone the chance to spenddays out in the open air,surrounded by nature, a stone'sthrow from the sea, be it for asimple half-day trip, a quiet strollin the woods, or an ascentamong the peaks of the Alpsand Apennines.VILLAS, PARKSAND GARDENSFrom the botanical gardens atVilla Hanbury in Ventimiglia, toVilla Marigola in Lerici, passingthrough Villa Faraggiana inAlbisola, Villa Durazzo in SantaMargherita, Villa Serra diComago inVal Polcevera, theparks at Nervi, east of Genoa,Villa Durazzo Pallavicini with itsscenic trail inGenoa Pegli andthe magnificent Cervara on thePortofino promontory: every stepof the way is laden with flowers,an infinite variety of plants, andthe beauty of the gardens inwhich to spend moments of purerelaxation at any time of the year.Inland, the still-lively ruralculture is reflected in thenetwork of unique itineraries tobe enjoyed on foot, by bicycle orcar, with a nature guidebook tohand. These trips lead us intoregional parks such as l’Aveto,l’Antola and Monte di Portofinoin the province of Genoa, BricTana, Piana Crixia and delBeigua in the province ofSavona, and Montemarcello,Porto Venere and Cinque Terrein theprovince of La Spezia.ltogether there are 16 protectedareas, including parks, and landand marine nature reserves,waiting to be discovered.Portofino RegionalNatural ParkThe Portofino Regional NaturalPark was established in 1935. Itincludes 1055 hectares of landwithin the municipal areas ofCamogli, Portofino and SantaMargherita Ligure, and isresponsible for three Sites ofSpecial Interest for theCommunity (Portofino Park, thestream Rio Tuia-Montallegroand the holly- and pine-woodPineta-lecceta delle Grazie).The particular geomorphologicfeatures and micro-climaticconditions of this area meanthat a wide range of plantlife cancoexist here: from themesophilic woodlands of thenorth-facing side to theMediterranean scrub of thesouth-facing side, which arehome not only to a vast range offlowers, but also to a remarkablevariety of birds andinvertebrates. An area ofimmense value in landscapeterms, further enhanced by thepresence of importantmonuments.For information:Tel. +39 0185 289479info@parcoportofino.itwww.parcoportofino.itPortofino ProtectedMarine AreaThe Portofino Protected MarineArea was established in 1999,and covers areas of coast andsea off Camogli, Portofino andSanta Margherita Ligure. Run bya consortium comprising theProvince of Genoa, themunicipalities of Camogli,Portofino and Santa MargheritaLigure, and the University ofGenoa, its purpose is to protectmarine resources andenvironments, and to promoteand enhance local economicactivities, provided that they arecompatible with the area'ssignificance in terms oflandscape and nature. Theprotected environment consistsof a largely steep coastline full ofravines, hanging walls andcaves that facilitate thedevelopment of numerous livingspecies. It is a world full ofsurprises, where you can viewdelicate micro-environmentsand sea-floors populated by amultitude of organisms,including red coral andgorgonia.For information:Tel. +39 0185 289649amp.portofino@libero.itwww.portofinoamp.itCinque TerreNational ParkThe Body was established in1999 to protect and safeguardthe Cinque Terre area, whichhas been profoundly alteredover the centuries, itsgeographical and morphologicalfeatures moulded by man's hardwork. The ancient inhabitants ofthese places, driven by theabsolute necessity to establishcultivable areas in a hostileenvironment, replaced thenatural vegetation of these steepslopes with tightly-woventerraced vineyards, held up by anetwork of some 6,500kilometres of dry stone walls.This mammoth task gave rise toa unique and unreplicablelandscape. Nowadays, humanactivity here has dwindled, dueto changes in the social andeconomic balance that have ledto the gradual abandonment oftraditional crops. The NationalPark seeks to safeguard andconserve this “territorialarchitecture”, with its historical,cultural, territorial andenvironmental values, bymaintaining the vine-growingtradition. This is the only humanactivity that can preserve thislandscape, which is part of theheritage of all humanity, and itwill also ensure the continuity oftypical local products, such asthe highly-fragrant passito wineSciacchetrà.Cinque Terre ProtectedMarine AreaThe Cinque Terre protectedMarine Area was declared in1997. It covers one of the mostvaried and valuable areas of theMediterranean sea. Along thespellbinding coastline of theCinque Terre we find asuccession of cliffs droppingsheer into the sea, bays, coves,caves and ravines among therocks. This stretch of water, fromthe area around Punta Mesco inMonterosso, to that around CapoMontenegro in Riomaggiore, ishome to a particularly rich andvaried range of marine animaland plant species: uncountablegorgonias populate the rockfaces, and along the coastPosidonia oceanica formsimpressive, densely-packedmeadows, a place of refuge andreproduction for innumerablelife-forms. The steep rock facesof Punta Mesco and CapoMontenegro are home toextremely rare species such asthe Gerardia savaglia, or blackcoral, and the magnificent fansof Paramuricea clavata, or redgorgonia. These two areas arethe most heavily protected, sincethey are considered the marineareas of greatest value andvariety.For information:Tel. +39 0187
67HISTORYSan Fruttuoso<strong>FAI</strong> AND SAN FRUTTUOSO ABBEY.INSIDE THE ABBEYTHE TOMBS OFTHE DORIA FAMILYTHE UPPER CLOISTERTHE DORIA TOWER<strong>FAI</strong> has a mission: to preserve wonderful places and open them to the public. And not only that: itis committed to keeping these places alive, maintaining and protecting them so that they will still bethere for future generations to enjoy. In 1983, <strong>FAI</strong> was called upon to protect a unique jewel of Italianhistory and art, located in a soul-stirring little bay nestled beneath Monte di Portofino: the monumentalcomplex of San Fruttuoso di Capodimonte.San Fruttuoso Abbey: visiting and servicesINFORMATION AND RESERVATIONSSan Fruttuoso Abbey, Camogli (Genoa)Tel. +39 0185 772703 - Fax +39 0185 775883fai.sanfruttuoso@fondoambiente.itOPENING HOURSJanuary, February, November and December: every day exceptMonday, open bank-holiday Mondays, 10.00 am - 3.45 pmMarch, April and October: every day, 10.00 am - 3.45 pmMay to September: every day 10.00 am - 5.45 pmLast entry half an hour before closing time.Opening hours are subject to change according to sea and weatherconditions, and thus to the times of service boats from Camogli.HISTORYLegend has it that the complexdates back to the eighth century,when Prosperus, bishop ofTarragon, who was fleeing fromSpain following the Arab invasion,chose the bay as a place to takerefuge and build a church in whichto house the relics of the martyr SanFruttuoso. The saint was soonvenerated throughout <strong>Liguria</strong>, andattributed with special powers ofprotection for sailors. The presenceof monks in San Fruttuoso is firstdocumented in the year 984, whenthey were busy rebuilding thecomplex following the destructionand pillage of the Saracens. Muchof the current abbey was built in the10th-11th century. As from the 13thcentury, the destiny of SanFruttuoso was intertwined with thatof the Doria family, whocommissioned the reconstruction ofthe building, having the abbeycomplex built to overlook the sea,with its gallery featuring two ordersof three-mullioned windows.In 1467, following the death of thelast regular abbot, the Benedictinecommunity left the monastery, andthus the abbey began an inexorabledecline. Works at various differenttimes altered the internal andexternal appearance of the church.Its gothic mullions disappearedunder a layer of plaster, and theinside of the monastery wasconverted into a dwelling.In 1915 floods caused the first spanof the church to collapse, and thedebris carried down by the swollenstream formed the beach that lies infront of the complex. In 1933, the<strong>Liguria</strong> Monuments Officepromoted restoration work to try torectify the damage caused by theflooding, and the original triplemullions were restored in theseaward facade. This was the firstsign of the revival of San Fruttuoso,which was completed when thecomplex was donated to <strong>FAI</strong> in1983. Our first restoration project,carried out between 1985 and1989, reinstated the original layoutof the cloister, abbey, the Doriatombs and the capitular hall. Twentyyears after the first restorations werebegun, <strong>FAI</strong> completed some newand important work on the abbeychurch and the Doria tombs, inaddition to updating the museumexhibits.HOW TO GET THEREBy boat: service from Recco, Camogli, Portofino, SantaMargherita Ligure, Rapallo, Chiavari, Lavagna, Sestri Levanteand Genoa.On foot: from Portofino Vetta (90 minutes) and Portofino Mare(90 minutes).ADMISSION FEESAdults: 5.00 Euro.Children (4-12 years): 2.50 Euro.Schools: 2.50 Euro.<strong>FAI</strong> and National Trust members: Free admission.From 22 March to 30 September the admission fee includesthe exhibition “Urla e biancheggia il mare nella pittura ligure tra‘800 e ‘900” [The sea cries and foams in <strong>Liguria</strong>n paintings ofthe 19th and 20th centuries] held in the rooms of the Abbeyand in the exhibition room of the Doria tower:Adults: 7.00 Euro.Children (4-12 years): 4.00 Euro.Schools: 3.00 Euro.<strong>FAI</strong> and National Trust members: 2.00 Euro.SERVICES FOR THE PUBLICGuided tours for groups (subject to reservation), guided toursand active tours for schoolchildren (subject to reservation),bookshop and selection of local products.Some areas of the Abbey can host private events, meetings,incentives, receptions, banquets, art exhibitions,cinema/publicity sets. All rentals contribute to supporting <strong>FAI</strong>'smission.Possibility of staying in a traditional <strong>Liguria</strong>n house.The village near the Abbey offers bars and restaurants.
8 9INSIDE THE ABBEYOn the two floors of the 13thcentury body of the abbey,recent restorations haverevealed earlier Romanesquestructures. Here a museum hasbeen laid out, bringing togetherdocumentation of the abbey'shistory, the period and the life ofthe monks. In particular, thedisplay tables on both floorscontain table and kitchenceramics used by the monks inthe 13th and 14th centuries.The ceramics come from arange of origins (<strong>Liguria</strong>,southern Italy and the Islamicworld), and were found in astore-cupboard discovered inthe abbey during the restorationwork.THE TOMBS OFTHE DORIA FAMILYThe lower level of the cloisterleads to the deep vaultedchamber granted to the Doria bythe monks as a place for burial.The typical two-tone tombs, withtheir alternating white marble andgrey stone, are arranged in a rowaround three sides of thechamber. They consist of single ordouble masonry arches, most ofwhich bear an epigraph,surmounted by small, pointedarches, supported on slendermarble columns, with asaddleback roof. This is the finalresting place of seven membersof the Doria family, whilst there aretwo other tombs and a Romansarcophagus whose occupantshave not been identified.THE UPPERCLOISTERThe upper cloister, built in the12th century, was almost entirelyrebuilt in the 1500s underadmiral Andrea Doria, who addeda cross-vault to the upper level,using capitals and columns froma range of sources. The capital inthe photograph, for example, isRoman (late 2nd century AD),whilst others are Romanesque.The fine 10th-centuryRomanesque loggia in thebackground was closed duringthe restoration work in 1933, buthas now been reopened, andoverlooks the sea.THE DORIA TOWERAlong the 16th-century road thatleads from the abbey to thefishing village is a steep flight ofsteps up to the Andrea Doriatower, built in 1562 by theadmiral's heirs, Giovanni Andreaand Pagano, to defend thevillage and its precious source offresh water from Barbarianpirate raids. On the two seawardfacades, the tower bears thecrest of the Doria family, theimperial eagle, whilst otherdecorations can be seen on thecornices and trusses.
10 11RIVIERA ITINERARIESA SELECTION OF ITINERARIES FROMINCOMING LIGURIA*, TO EXPLORE THEWONDERS OF THE EASTERN RIVIERA, ALSOSUITABLE FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN.Incoming <strong>Liguria</strong> S.rl.Via Turati, 2/9 - 16128 GenovaTel. 010 2345666 (automated response)Fax 010 2465422info@incomingliguria.itwww.incomingliguria.it1223DAYDAYSDAYSDAYSFrom the Genoa Aquarium to SanFruttuoso AbbeyGenoa Aquarium, San FruttuosoAbbey, PortofinoGenoa and CamogliCinque Terre and CamogliPROGRAMME:Arrival in Genoa in the morning bytransport of choice, and collect documentsfrom the special counter at the GenoaAquarium. Your unguided visit will lastabout two and a half hours, during whichtime you will enjoy a fascinating tripthrough Europe's largest exhibition onbiodiversity and ecosystems: A uniqueexperience both above and below thewater level. After your visit, stop for a setmenutraditional lunch, drinks notincluded, in a restaurant handy both to theAquarium and to the embarkation point forboats to San Fruttuoso/Portofino. In theafternoon, arrival at San Fruttuoso bay,where you can visit the village and themonumental Abbey.COST PER PERSON:Adults: 67,00 EuroChildren (4-12 years): 35,00 EuroAdministrative fee: 25,00 Euro totalValidity: every weekend from June toSeptember 2008PRICE INCLUDES:» Admission to the Genoa Aquarium» lunch at a restaurant with full menu(starter, two first course tasters, fishcourse with vegetables and dessert)» Genoa/San Fruttuoso return boat trip» admission to San Fruttuoso AbbeyPROGRAMME:1st day: GenoaArrival in Genoa and accommodation in asuperior 3-star or 4-star hotel.Free day to visit the following facilities:Genoa Aquarium, Galata Sea Museum, oralternatively the Città dei Bambini e deiRagazzi [children's city]. Dinner (notincluded) and overnight stay.2nd day: San Fruttuoso Abbey andPortofinoAfter breakfast, leave for Rapallo and take10.00 boat for the trip to San Fruttuoso,unguided visit of the abbey, and at 12.30pm, 1.30 pm or 2.30 pm, boat to Portofinofor an unguided visit of the village. Afteryour visit, return to Rapallo by service boat.Lunch is not included, but on request wecan arrange a reservation at the restaurantin Portofino.COST PER PERSON:Adults: 88,00/99,00* EuroChildren (4-12 years): 28,00** EuroAdministrative fee: 25,00 Euro totalValidity: every day from March to October,for the rest of the year weekends only.* price varies according to season** price valid for children (4/12 years) in 3rd/4th bedPRICE INCLUDES:» accommodation and buffet breakfast in asuperior 3-star or 4-star hotel in Genoa (1night)» Genoa Aquarium, Galata Sea Museum,or alternatively the Città dei Bambini e deiRagazzi [children's city]» Rapallo/San Fruttuoso return boat trip» admission to San Fruttuoso AbbeyHalf-board accommodation: on requestRestaurant in Portofino: on requestPROGRAMME::1st day: Genoa and the AquariumArrival in Genoa and accommodation in asuperior 3-star or 4-star hotel.Visit to the Aquarium, a stroll lasting sometwo and a half hours around some of theworld's most fascinating seas and waters.At the end of the visit, you can choosebetween a programme to further explorethe relationship between man and the seaabove the surface of the water, with a visitto the Galata, the Mediterranean's largestMaritime Museum, or a programme bettersuitedto youngsters, where you can get intouch with nature and experience thesecrets of science and technology at theCittà dei Bambini e dei Ragazzi [Children'sCity] (2-14 years). Afterwards, dinner (notincluded) and overnight stay.2nd day: Camogli and San FruttuosoAfter breakfast, independent transfer toCamogli, a characteristic tourist resort onthe Golfo Paradiso coast, renowned for itsseafront terrace of multicoloured houses.Departure on the 9.00 am boat for SanFruttuoso. During the boat ride you willdiscover the natural beauty of the Portofinopromontory natural park and protectedmarine area before arriving in the delightfulbay with its famous abbey.Visit to the abbey and return to Camogli onthe 11.30 am boat. Fish-based lunch in atraditional restaurant, and free time to strollaround the village and soak up the specialmaritime atmosphere.COST PER PERSON:Adults: 127,00/138,00* EuroChildren (4-12 years): 68,50** EuroAdministrative fee: 25,00 Euro totalValidity: this itinerary can be followed allyear round, but the restaurant in Camogliis closed in November and January* price varies according to season** price valid for children (4/12 years) in 3rd/4th bedPRICE INCLUDES:» » accommodation and buffet breakfast ina superior 3-star or 4-star hotel in Genoa(1 night)» admission to Genoa Aquarium, GalataSea Museum, or alternatively the Città deiBambini e dei Ragazzi [children's city]» Camogli/San Fruttuoso return boat trip» admission to San Fruttuoso Abbey» lunch at restaurant in CamogliHalf-board accommodation: on requestTHE EXCITEMENT OF THEAQUARIUM,THE RAPTURE OF SANFRUTTUOSOExcitement, rapture… Experiences toenrich both the mind and the soul. <strong>FAI</strong>and the Genoa Aquarium reward theirvisitors with special discounts for adultsand children. If you plan to visit boththese destinations of incomparablecharm and beauty, simply hold onto yourticket to enjoy this special promotion.When you present your Aquarium ticket atthe Abbey ticket office (or vice versa) youwill be offered a discount on theadmission price.For information:San Fruttuoso Abbeytel. +39 0185 772703Genoa Aquariumtel. +39 010 2345678PROGRAMME:1st day: Genoa and the AquariumArrival in Genoa and accommodation in asuperior 3-star or 4-star hotel.Visit to the Aquarium (approximately twoand a half hours). At the end of the visit,you can choose between a programme tofurther explore the relationship betweenman and the sea above the surface of thewater, with a visit to the Galata, theMediterranean's largest Maritime Museum,or a programme better-suited toyoungsters, where you can get in touchwith nature and experience the secrets ofscience and technology at the Città deiBambini e dei Ragazzi [Children's City] (2-14 years).Dinner (not included) and overnight stay.2nd day: Cinque TerreEarly start, breakfast and independenttransfer to La Spezia for the whole-day trip tothe Cinque Terre. We recommend taking the10.00 am boat, which will stop in thefollowing locations: Riomaggiore, Manarola,Vernazza and Monterosso.We suggest a quick look aroundRiomaggiore before moving on toMonterosso where a lunch stop isprogrammed for around 1.00 pm. Afterlunch, free time to explore the village and itstypical little shops. 3.00 pm, boat to LaSpezia.On the way home, we suggest a quick stopin Vernazza, the most characteristic andfamous of the villages. Return to Genoa,dinner (not included) and overnight stay.Some useful information: the programmedescribed above can be followed by boatfrom 20 March to 31 October.During the rest of the year boat services donot run, but the same itinerary can befollowed using the train that connects thevillages. Thus, instead of the boat, the offerwill include a train ticket and Cinque Terrecard.3rd day: Camogli and San FruttuosoBreakfast at the hotel and independenttransfer to Camogli. We suggest a strollaround the village before enjoying a tastyfish-based lunch (12.30 pm). In theafternoon, visit to San Fruttuoso, the lastresort waiting to be discovered, which youcan reach by sea or on foot. We suggesttaking the 3.00 pm boat to the delightfulbay with its famous abbey.Visit to the abbey and return to Camogli onthe 4.00 pm boat.COST PER PERSON:Adults: 270,00/291,00* EuroChildren (4-12 years): 154,00** EuroAdministrative fee: 25,00 Euro totalValidity: this itinerary can be followed allyear round* price varies according to season** price valid for children (4/12 years) in 3rd/4th bedPRICE INCLUDES:» two nights' accommodation with buffetbreakfast in a superior 3-star or 4-starhotel in Genoa» 3 lunches with <strong>Liguria</strong>n specialities inrestaurants (drinks not included) inGenoa on day 1, Monterosso on day 2,and Camogli on day 3» admission to Genoa Aquarium, GalataSea Museum, or alternatively the Città deiBambini e dei Ragazzi [children's city]» La Spezia/Monterosso return boat trip» Camogli/San Fruttuoso return boat trip» admission to San Fruttuoso AbbeyHalf-board accommodation: on request* Sales conditions page 33
13Genoa Aquarium.Let your feelings lead you.WHERE TO SLEEP, WHERE TO EATINCOMING LIGURIA AND PORTOFINO COASTPROPOSE HOTELS AND RESTAURANTSWITH SPECIAL PRICESFOR <strong>FAI</strong> MEMBERSGENOVARECCOCAMOGLISANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOSESTRI LEVANTEMONEGLIAGENOVA RECCO CAMOGLIIncoming <strong>Liguria</strong> is the touroperator of Costa EdutainmentS.p.A., an Italian leader in therunning of sites and large publicand private structures forrecreational, cultural andeducational activities.Located in the old port in Genoa,just a stone's throw from theAquarium, Incoming <strong>Liguria</strong>specialises in the hospitality fieldand the organisation of touristpackages in <strong>Liguria</strong>, with aparticular focus on the city ofGenoa.Grand Hotel Savoia Genova ★★★★★Via Arsenale di Terra 516126 GenovaTel. 010 27721Fax 010 261883info@grandhotelsavoia.comwww.grandhotelsavoia.itNovotel Genova Ovest ★★★★Via Cantore 8/c16126 GenovaTel. 010 64841Fax 010 6484844H1709-RE@accor.comwww.accorhotels.comwww.novotel.comHotel Manuelina La Villa ★★★★Via Roma 27816036 ReccoTel. 0185 74128 - 720779Fax 0185 721095manuelina@manuelina.itwww.manuelina.itRistorante ManuelinaVia Roma 27816036 ReccoTel. 0185 74128 - 75364manuelina@manuelina.itwww.manuelina.itHotel Cenobio dei Dogi ★★★★Via Cuneo 3416032 CamogliTel. 0185 7241Fax 0185 772796reception@cenobio.itwww.cenobio.itHotel Portofino Kulm ★★★★Viale Gaggini 2316032 CamogliTel. 0185 7361 - Fax 0185 776622kulm@portofinokulm.itwww.portofinokulm.itCome to Genoa Aquarium and dip into the greatest water biodiversity exhibition. Strollamongst the world's most fascinating seas and waters, and discover the differencebetween visiting and living an unforgettable experience. Spectacular settings, tactiletanks, and three new thematic areas (Pianeta Acquario/Aquarium Planet, AcquarioGuidato/Guided Aquarium and Acquario Segreto/Secret Aquarium), where you can get toknow all the secrets, curious facts and details about a place that never ceases to amazeand stimulate, all the while teaching respect for nature.For information: tel. +39 010 2345678 – www.acquariodigenova.itEstablished in 1987, the PortofinoCoast consortium represents thegreat treasure that is Portofinoand the surrounding area,brimming with natural beauty,but also with history, tradition,culture, professionalism and thedrive to constantly present newideas with renewed enthusiasm.Portofino Coast Incoming is itsoperational organisation, and canprovide any information andarrange reservations for allservices and other requirementswithin the area.I tre merli Ristorante Porto AnticoCalata Mandraccio 7/1Edificio Millo Area Porto Antico16128 GenovaTel. 010 2464416Fax 010 2465466info@itremerli.itwww.itremerli.itS P E C I A LPROMOTIONALLUNCH IN CAMOGLIIf you bring your admissionticket from San FruttuosoAbbey to the restaurants GolfoParadiso and La Rotonda inCamogli, you can enjoy a“taster menu” comprising ahome-made local speciality, aseasonal fish dish, dessert,coffee, 1/4 l wine, 1/2 l water,bread and cover charge at thespecial price of 22.00 Euro.(Offer only valid at lunchtime)I tre merli Locanda HotelVia Scalo 516032 CamogliTel. 0185 776752 - Fax 0185 777523camogli@itremerli.itwww.albergohotelcamogli.itRistorante Golfo ParadisoVia Garibaldi 000 - 16032 CamogliTel. 0185 770108Ristorante Focacceria La RotondaVia Garibaldi 101 - 16032 CamogliTel. 0185 774502
14Joining <strong>FAI</strong> offers everyone a wealth of advantages, and in <strong>Liguria</strong> you'llfind there are even more: thanks to an agreement with some major localorganisations, <strong>FAI</strong> members are entitled to a 10% discount in the hotelsand restaurants indicated in these pages, upon showing a validmembership card.*FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN <strong>FAI</strong> ON OUR WEBSITEWWW.FONDOAMBIENTE.ITGENOVARECCOCAMOGLISANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOSESTRI LEVANTEMONEGLIAHospitality with style.SANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOSESTRI LEVANTEMONEGLIAHotel Metropole ★★★★Via Pagana 216038 Santa Margherita LigureTel. 0185 286134Fax 0185 283495hotel.metropole@metropole.itwww.metropole.itExcelsior Palace Hotel ★★★★★LVia S. Michele di Pagana 816035 RapalloTel. 0185 230666Fax 0185 230214excelsior@thi.itwww.excelsiorpalace.thi.itHotel Vis à vis ★★★★Via della Chiusa 28,16039 Sestri LevanteTel. 0185 480801 - 42661Fax 0185 480853visavis@hotelvisavis.comwww.hotelvisavis.comHotel Villa Edera ★★★Via Venino 1216030 MonegliaTel. 0185 49291Fax 0185 Hotel Miramare ★★★★Via Milite Ignoto 3016038 Santa Margherita LigureTel. 0185 287013Fax 0185 284651miramare@grandhotelmiramare.itwww.grandhotelmiramare.itHotel Astoria ★★★★Via Gramsci 416035 RapalloTel. 0185 273533Fax 0185 62793info@hotelastoriarapallo.itwww.hotelastoriarapallo.itGrand Hotel Villa Balbi ★★★★Viale Rimembranza 116039 Sestri LevanteTel. 0185 42941Fax 0185 482459villabalbi@tigullio.itwww.villabalbi.itAppartamenti GiadaVia Willi Burgo 316030 MonegliaTel. 0185 490042Fax 0185 490448info@appartamentigiada.itwww.appartamentigiada.itRistorante La StallaVia Pino Giovanni 2716038 Località Nozaregoa Santa Margherita LigureTel. 0185 289447Fax 0185 291438,mobile 347 2452309lavinia@lastalladeifrati.itHotel Tigullio Royal ★★★★Piazza IV Novembre 316035 RapalloTel. 0185 273805Fax 0185 230453info@hoteltigullioroyal.itwww.hoteltigullioroyal.itHotel Miramare ★★★Lungomare V. Veneto 2716035 RapalloTel. 0185 230261-50293Fax 0185 273570info@miramare-hotel.itwww.miramare-hotel.itPORTOFINO COAST CONSORTIUMThis thin stretch of land, squeezed between the mountains and the sea, studded with picturesque seafaring villagesscattered amongst the splendid bays and inlets, captivated illustrious travellers of bygone days, and continues toenchant the demanding modern-day tourist, with a rich and varied range of proposals that ably combine respectfor tradition with the pursuit of high standards of quality. the name of Portofino is famous throughout the world,and is synonymous with beauty, elegance and exclusivity.The beautiful scenery and mild climate combined withthe constant pursuit of quality make this one of the most sought-after destinations in international tourism.Established in 1987, the PORTOFINO COASTCONSORTIUM represents this great treasure,brimming with natural beauty, but also with history,tradition, culture, professionalism and the driveto constantly present new ideas with renewedenthusiasm.The Consortium was created by combining a numberof local tourism businesses working inPortofino, Santa Margherita Ligure and Rapallo, and itnow offers the best and most complete rangeof tourist services available anywhere in the district,proposing high-quality hotels, restaurants,transport and services.This highly professional organisation promotes allaspects of the local tourism industry, and canrespond to all visitors' needs quickly and effectively.The Portofino Coast Consortium has its ownoperative branch, PORTOFINO COASTINCOMING,a concerted group of professionals with a wealth ofexperience both nationally and internationally,and in-depth knowledge of the area, who can designcustomised solutions and take care of thedetails in each phase of organisation.* Discount applied to the standard rates of the hotels andthe à la carte menus of the restaurants shown.PORTOFINO COAST CONSORTIUMVia Montebello 17/4 - 16035 RAPALLO (GE) Tel. +39 0185/270222 - Fax +39 0185/ -
16 17FROM GENOA TO MONEGLIA<strong>FAI</strong> GUIDES YOUAROUND SOME OF THEMAJOR TOURIST RESORTSON THE EASTERN RIVIERABOGLIASCORECCOCAMOGLIPORTOFINOSANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOLAVAGNABogliascoReccoCittà di Recco Medaglia d’Oro al Valore CivileCAMOGLIPORTOFINOBOGLIASCORECCOSANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOLAVAGNAMunicipality of BogliascoCulture OfficeTel. +39 010 TOWNThe nearest town east of Genoa, bound by<strong>Liguria</strong>'s last two remaining level-crossings,winds lazily for about a kilometre, clutchedtightly between the mountains and the sea,into which it drops, here in gently-slopingbeaches, there in mighty cliffs and rockyinlets that can be reached along old muletracks,to witness unforgettable sunsets andviews.This seafaring village, an amphitheatre ofcolourful houses, a stream, the Romanbridge, form an uplifting frame for visitorsseeking quality bakeries and restaurants, orone of the numerous sports facilities up onthe hill to play football or tennis.PLACES TO VISITThe CastleThis historic lookout tower against Saracenraids can be reached along the seafrontpromenade that starts from the broadsquare in front of the 18th century church,with its typical black and white mosaic of seapebbles.La BicoccaAn enchanting art deco style villa perchedhigh above the sea.CAMOGLIPORTOFINOBOGLIASCORECCOSANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOMunicipality of ReccoCulture OfficeTel. +39 0185 TOWNLying on the banks of the stream that sharesits name, Recco stands as evidence of a veryancient history: a funerary urn testifies to itspagan origins; around 670 BC it was listedamongst the places crossed by the consularRoman road; around AD 1100 it becamepart of the Republic of Genoa, and between1943 and 1944 it was completely destroyedby 127 Allied bombings. In 1993, on the50th anniversary of the wartime devastation,the city received the Gold Medal for CivilMerit in memory of the victims.Nowadays, Recco has become a modernresidential town, proud of its cultural,religious and gastronomic traditions,conscious of the benefits that itsgeographical position, with access to the seaand to the Apennines, has always brought itin terms of tourism and trade.PLACES TO VISITSaint Roch's ChurchOriginally dedicated to Saint Terentian, it waschanged to Roch, the patron saint of pilgrimsat the time of the black plague in the 15thand 16th century. It now houses a permanentexhibition of nativity scenes, displaying 1,500different examples from all around the globe.FEASTS AND FESTIVALSRecco gastronomic eveningsRecco's cuisine has earned it the title ofGastronomic Capital of <strong>Liguria</strong>, which initself has become an attraction for tourists."Serate Gastronomiche Recchesi" [Reccogastronomic evenings] is a big event,supported by the Recco Gastronomicaconsortium, and involves the presentation ofsumptuous menus of typical <strong>Liguria</strong>n fare bythe seven best-known local restaurants: atriumph of taste, flavour and tradition, averitable hymn to the elevation of the localculinary culture.Fire festivalIn honour of the town's patron saint, OurLady of Suffrage, the festival (7-8September) is amongst the best-known inall of Italy, due to its grand scale: inSeptember each year, the sevenneighbourhoods of Recco throw down avirtual chall<strong>eng</strong>e to each other in the form ofa sparkling explosion of fireworks, with thehelp of Italy's greatest master fireworkmakers.
18 19CamogliCAMOGLIPORTOFINOMunicipality of CamogliCulture OfficeTel. 0185 MARGHERITARAPALLOLAVAGNATHE TOWNSheltered to the east by the Portofinopromontory, surrounded by the green of theolive and maritime pine trees and by thedeep blue of the sea, the town of Camogli isone of <strong>Liguria</strong>'s main tourist resorts, quitecapable of holding its own alongside Italy'smajor coastal cities when it comes to history,culture and natural heritage. Touristactivities have gradually come to replacetraditional seafaring work, but theappearance of the historic town hasremained the same, clustered around theport, the parish church, the Dragone castleand the seafront promenade.Situated at the centre of the naturalamphitheatre formed by Monte di Portofino,at the end of the Golfo Paradiso, it issheltered from the cold north winds andfrom the humidity of the sirocco, and enjoysa mild climate, especially ideal for winterstays.HISTORYRecent archaeological digs in the area of the hillknown as “Castellaro” have uncoveredevidence of a human settlement here as farback as the 12th century BC. The name of thetown first appears as “Villa Camuli” in amedieval text dated to between 1018 and1045. Over the centuries, this typical maritimevillage followed the fortunes of the nearbyrepublic of Genoa. From the first half of theeighteenth century until the early years of the19th, the vessels of the people of Camoglitravelled the l<strong>eng</strong>th and breadth of theMediterranean sea and ventured out across theocean, earning the town the epithet “City of athousand white sailing ships”. The vast wealthgained from these voyages brought affluence tothe town, leading the authorities to undertakean architectural transformation of Camogli,giving it the appearance we still see today.Bearing witness to its seafaring tradition are theNautical Institute, the only home for retiredseamen in Italy, and the Maritime Museum.ENVIRONMENT AND NATURECamogli attracts considerable interest fromtourists, thanks to its natural beauty, andparticularly since both the PortofinoRegional Natural Park and the PortofinoProtected Marine Area extend into itsterritory, working for the conservation ofMediterranean biodiversity. There is anabundance of footpaths offering walkers avast choice of itineraries all over themountain area. The extraordinary beauty ofthe scenery to be found underwater is themain attraction for the thousands of diverswho come to these waters each year.ART AND CHURCHESCamogli has a number of religious buildings ofconsiderable importance: the Basilica of OurLady of the Assumption in Piazza Colombo,with its distinctive courtyard, laid using the“risseu” technique of white and grey stonescollected from the beach and skilfullyarranged to form images and geometricaldesigns; the Oratory of Saint Prosperus andSaint Catherine; the Olivetan BenedictineMonastery of Saint Prosperus; the Chapel ofSaint Ann; and the Sanctuary of Our Lady ofthe Woods, which houses a collection ofsailors' ex votos from the 16th and 17thcenturies. In the outlying hamlets, someparticularly old and beautiful places of worshipinclude the “Millenaria” church, theRomanesque church of St. Nicholas and theAbbey of St. Fruttuoso.FOODThose who appreciate good food will bespoilt for choice amongst the variousrestaurants with their authentic, traditionalcuisine. The main specialities are typical<strong>Liguria</strong>n dishes prepared with greatsimplicity using local produce: trofie,pansoti, fish dishes, stuffed dishes andvegetable pies. Snacklovers can enjoy atypical focaccia with its simple, naturalseasoning, or a tasty bite out in the warmsunshine.FEASTS AND TRADITIONSThe most famous traditional feast in Camogliis held on the second weekend of May, andis dedicated to the martyr Saint Fortunato,here considered to be the patron saint offishermen. On the Saturday evening, thedistinctive ark of the saint is carried inprocession, after which the twoneighbourhoods light bonfires and aspectacular firework display is given. On theSunday a fish-fry is held, a big gastronomicevent, with crowds gathered around a 4-metre wide frying pan with a sixmetre handlethat serves as a chimney for the fire below.In August the equally redolent Stella Marisfestival takes place, beginning with a paradeof decorated boats, and ending late in theevening with the gulf lit up by thousands ofcoloured candles floating out to sea.THE SURROUNDING AREACamogli is a starting point for trips andexcursions to the outlying hamlets of: Ruta,a magnificent natural amphitheatre;Portofino Vetta, from where you can enjoybreathtaking views of <strong>Liguria</strong> from Tinoisland to Capo Mele; and San Rocco, apanoramic locality perched high above thesea, from where you can walk down to PuntaChiappa, which can also be reached byboat, using the service that runs betweenCamogli and San Fruttuoso.
20 21PortofinoSanta MargheritaCAMOGLIPORTOFINOBOGLIASCORECCOSANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOLAVAGNAMunicipality of PortofinoCulture OfficeTel. +39 0185 26771www.comune.portofino.genova.itTHE TOWN“A little village stretching like an arch of themoon around a quiet basin...”Guy de Maupassant - Vie Errante 1889Defined by Plinius the Old as “PortusDelphini” due to the large number ofdolphins to be found in the waters aroundthe gulf, the little village has Roman origins.It was important in the Middle Ages as anatural port, a safe haven for sailing ships,and still today it speaks volumes of its pastas a place of fishing and agriculture.Around the famous “Piazzetta”, as if theywere on the edges of a beach, the sailors stillpull their boats ashore. This deep andpleasant bay, a natural theatre ofincomparable beauty, is framed by littlehouses, each a different colour, here paleand delicate, there bold, and then, beneaththe arcades with the pointed archways,boutiques, businesses, bars andrestaurants. A haven of peace, this is afavourite destination for artists from far andwide, a stage for national and internationalhappenings and events.PLACES TO VISITSaint George's ChurchRomanesque in origin, badly damagedduring the Second World War andreconstructed in 1950, it houses relics of itspatron saint, brought by sailors returningfrom the Crusades.Brown CastleSurrounded by a Mediterranean gardenbrimming with flowers, rose-gardens andpergolas, it offers spell-binding views overthe bay and on towards Punta Baffe.The Little TheatreA cultural salon and temple for meetingsbetween artists, writers and actors ofinternational renown.CAMOGLIPORTOFINOBOGLIASCORECCOSANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOLAVAGNAMunicipality of Santa Margherita LigureTourism and Culture DepartmentCulture OfficeTel. +39 0185 205472 - TOWNAt the foot of the green Monte di Portofino,Santa Margherita combines a love for naturewith artistic and cultural heritage, age-oldtraditions with high-living and a taste for finefoods and wines. An elegant and refinedinternational tourist resort, it has been afavourite destination of artists andintellectuals since the 19th century.Exclusive boutiques, elegant cafés, a greattradition in hospitality, with many hotels stillretaining their early twentieth century artnouveau decor, yet none of this disturbs thepeaceful, reserved atmosphere of thisvillage, with its old, narrow streets anddistinctive painted facades. SantaMargherita Ligure has been awarded ISO14001 environmental certification, officialrecognition of its skill in combining modernproduction and tourism activities with deeprespect and care for nature and the territory.PLACES TO VISITVilla DurazzoThis 16th century residence offers stunningviews, and is surrounded by a splendidItalian-style garden with rare centuries-oldtrees, a little citrus orchard and an Englishwood. The Villa was built in the early 1560s,probably to a design by the famous architectAlessi, and adorned with statues, marblesculptures and tapestries. In the 17thcentury, it was further embellished withpaintings by great Genoese masters of theperiod, such as Domenico Piola and AndreaDe Ferrari.Magic Flute ParkA fun park dreamt up by Emmanuele Luzzati,inspired by the famous opera by Mozart.San Girolamo della Cervara Abbey ComplexThe monastery was designed and built byBenedictine monks in 1361, but its finestmoments were in the 15th and 16th centuries,during the latter of which the Saracen defencetower was built. In 1912 it was declared anational monument.CastleBuilt in 1550 by the Doge of Genoa todefend the city from pirate raids, andrecently restored, nowadays it is used as alocation for cultural and artistic events.
22 23RapalloLavagnaCAMOGLIPORTOFINOBOGLIASCORECCOSANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOMunicipality of RapalloPress OfficeTel. +39 0185 TOWNRapallo's municipal territory, which, togetherwith that of other nearby Portofino protectedarea. It offers a real concentration of <strong>Liguria</strong>nnature, and wildlife, and of local history andanthropology.The landscape is the fruit of an original formof co-evolution between that has given riseto a remarkable range of environments andto the convergence societies: those ofseafaring, olive-growing and chestnutgrowing.PLACES TO VISITValle Christi ComplexA Cistercian Gothic-style monument datingback to circa 1204, located in the outlyingvillage of San Massimo.Sanctuary of Our Lady of CaravaggioLocated on Monte Caravaggio, and built in1727, it can be reached along a footpath thatpasses through olive groves, chestnut andoak woods and meadow lands. From thelevel area in front of the church you can enjoyone of the most complete panoramic views ofthe Italian riviera, both eastern and western.Footpath to Montallegro and ridge pathfrom Monte Manico del Lume toMontallegroEnthralling itineraries leading to theSanctuary so dear to the hearts of the peopleof Rapallo. The first, following a cobbledmule-track, is the continuation of the firststretch that takes us from the centre ofRapallo to the little church of SaintBartholomew and the spot known as “IlPellegrino”.The second, a ridge path along thewatershed between Fontanabuona andRapallo's inland territories, slopes gently upand down and offers soul-stirring views of theGulf of Tigullio and the <strong>Liguria</strong>n Apennines.CAMOGLIPORTOFINOBOGLIASCORECCOSANTA MARGHERITARAPALLOMunicipality of LavagnaTourist OfficeTel. +39 0185 TOWNStanding between the eastern bank of theEntella river and one of <strong>Liguria</strong>'s rarestretches of straight coastline, Lavagna is ahappy exception to the enthralling, but farmore rugged, Tigullio coast.Its historic centre features all the typicalcharacteristics of a <strong>Liguria</strong> seafaring village,with its narrow, winding streets, arcades andpainted facades. It has strong links with theFieschis, a powerful family in the Republic ofGenoa, to whom the town's history is bound.The famous Torta dei Fieschi festival, anevent that draws thousands of people eachyear on the feast of the Assumption, isnamed after the same family.PLACES TO VISITThe “carruggi” [typical narrow streets] arehome to treasured buildings, including theBaroque church dedicated to Saint Steven,with its elegant porticato del Brignardellocolonnade, the Oratory of Our Lady of MountCarmel, the Torre del Borgo tower, a historicmilitary rampart converted into a residenceby the Ravenna family, and now how to asmall but interesting museum, the Carbonehouse, a <strong>FAI</strong> property and feather in thecity's cap.Villa Grimaldi - GentileA Baroque aristocratic residence, and nowprestigious location for high-quality culturalevents.Santa Giulia di CentauraAn inland hamlet, amidst the olive grovesand old pathways often originally leading totraditional slate extraction sites.The Entella river, a Province of GenoaWildlife Haven, and one of <strong>Liguria</strong>'s mostimportant wetland areas, is ideal for walkingor cycling trips, a particularly specialexperience during the migration seasons,when numerous species of birds can bespotted, from the very common to the veryrare.
24 25GOING TO SEATHE SEA IS ONE OF THE MANY ATTRACTIONS OF THISLAND RICH IN CULTURE AND BEAUTY:BY SEA YOU CAN REACH UNIQUE SPOTS,AND ENJOY ENCHANTING VIEWS OF THE COAST.Tourist maritime transportGOLFO PARADISOEvery day we put our experience at thedisposal of visitors seeking to discover theeastern Rivera’s most hidden corners by sea.Our boats guarantee safe and tranquil sailingto and from the different bays, beaches andtowns waiting to be discovered.We also offer night-time services and discountsfor groups and schoolchildren. We lookforward to showing you the bluest blue sea.HOW TO REACH USTrasporti Marittimi TuristiciGOLFO PARADISO sncVia Scalo, 2 – 16032 CAMOGLI (GE)Tel. +39 0185 772091 – Fax 0185 771263golfoparadiso@libero.itwww.golfoparadiso.itOur services• bus boats• tourist trips• night-time services• personalised serviceswith boat rental• discounts for groupsand schoolchildrenOur stops• Camogli• ReccoThere is no better way to discover the <strong>Liguria</strong>ncoast from Portofino to the Cinque Terre than onone of our boats. We will sail alongside tiny coves,and marvel at the steep cliffs and colourfulvillages of the eastern riviera. Our fleet offersspacious, comfortable craft, in line with all thelatest safety standards. Our experience andprofessionalism will be at your service, to makeyour holiday even better.Our services• bus-boats• mini-cruises• whale - and dolphinwatchingtrips• customised serviceswith boat rentalOur stops• Rapallo• Santa Margherita Ligure• Portofino• San Fruttuoso• Chiavari• Lavagna• Sestri LevanteHOW TO REACH USServizio Marittimo del TigullioVia Palestro 8/18 – 16038 Santa Margherita Ligure (GE)Tel. +39 0185 284670 – +39 336 253336 – +39 335
26 27<strong>FAI</strong> AND ITS MISSION.FOR ART AND THE LANDSCAPE.FOREVER, FOR EVERYONE.<strong>FAI</strong> - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano, - is a non-profit foundation established in 1975, and based onthe British National Trust. In over thirty years of activity it has rescued and restored to society someimportant examples of Italian artistic and natural heritage, running and keeping alive places thatwould otherwise have been destined to disappear, including villas, castles, historical parks, oldhomes, gardens and natural areas.39 properties currently belong to theFoundation, all of them having beendonated, bequeathed or loaned for use:many of them, following meticulousrestoration work, are now open for thepleasure of whoever wishes to view theseeducational models of conservation, whichbear important witness to our history.This is both the work and the aim of <strong>FAI</strong>:to promote and spread a culture ofrespect for the beauty, art, history andtraditions of our country, in the firm beliefthat knowing is the first step in learningto appreciate, and thus to defend, aheritage that belongs to all of us, and ispart of our roots and our identity.HOW TO SUPPORT <strong>FAI</strong>:<strong>FAI</strong> is a non-profit foundation, and carriesout its work thanks to the help of membersand friends who believe in its mission andactively support it.There are many ways to help <strong>FAI</strong>:» join the Foundation, gaining access toall the benefits available to members» take part in <strong>FAI</strong> activities, visiting theproperties that are regularly open,participating in the events organisedthroughout the year, and buying books,postcards and souvenirs from <strong>FAI</strong> shopsinside its properties»make a donation, even a small one, tosupport a restoration project or themanagement of the property closest toyour heart»make a donation to <strong>FAI</strong> or include it inyour will, thus making art and natureyour heirs»support <strong>FAI</strong> through your business bybecoming a Corporate Golden Donor»work as a volunteer for the FoundationTo find out more, see our and sign up forour newsletter
28<strong>FAI</strong> PROPERTIES IN LIGURIAIn <strong>Liguria</strong>, <strong>FAI</strong> has rescued,restored and opened to thepublic» San Fruttuoso Abbeyin Camogli (GE)» the Carbone housein Lavagna (GE)» The Historic Barber's Shopin GenoaIt is also responsible for thesafe keeping of the decorativearts collection of theantiquarian Luigi Anton Lauraat Villa San Luca in Ospedaletti(IM).Furthermore, environmentalproperties in <strong>Liguria</strong> in <strong>FAI</strong>'scare, and currently beingreclaimed are:» Woodland area on Monte diPortofino(Camogli, GE) - Donationfrom the Casana heirs» Coastal area on Monte diPortofino(Camogli, GE) - Donationfrom Carla Salvucci» Woodland areas on Monte diPortofino(Camogli, GE) - Donation fromBenito Brignola» Woodland area on Monte diPortofino(Pietre Strette,Camogli, GE) -Donation from Ida MartaOlivaSAN FRUTTUOSO ABBEYCamogli (GE)Between Camogli and Portofino,in a deep inlet in the ruggedcoast of the Portofino promontory,stands the Abbey of SanFruttuoso di Capodimonte, datingback to the 10th-13th centuries.Donated to <strong>FAI</strong> by Frank andOrietta Pogson Doria Pamphilj in1983, it was opened to the publicfive years later, in 1988. Once aBenedictine Monastery, then ahumble fishermen's abode, apirates' den, it later became theproperty of the Doria princes for anumber of centuries. The Doriatower dates from the 16thcentury, and was built to defendthe village and its precioussource of fresh water fromBarbarian pirate raids. Today theCapodimonte complex is a trulyunique site, where man'shandiwork combinesharmoniously with that of nature..THE CARBONE HOUSELavagna (GE)Inhabited until the late 20thcentury by the brothers Siria andEmanuele Carbone, theapartment on the piano nobile ofthe 17th-century house in viaRiboli, free of any ostentation,lovingly and faithfully maintainsthe domestic atmosphere andlifestyle of the late 19th and early20th century bourgeoisie. On thepiano nobile, objets d'art,ceramics and fin-de-sièclefurnishings make an intimate andanimated setting for an importantset of paintings from the 17thcentury<strong>Liguria</strong>n school. Theflooring, of the same period,reflects the ornamental traditionof the Italian riviera, with livelymosaics rich in geometric andfloral designs. The Carbonehouse lends itself to researchwork into a common past,consisting not so much ofindividual masterpieces, butrather of a history of day-to-daytastes, of a sense of home life ina period worth preserving incultural terms.THE HISTORIC BARBER'S SHOPGenovaLocated in Vicolo dei Caprettari, atypical alley of <strong>Liguria</strong>n towns, or“carruggio”, in the historic centreof Genoa, this little barber's shop isone of the oldest historic propertiesin the city. Measuring just tensquare metres, the shop wasopened by the barber Giacalone in1882. A few decades later, in1922, his son Italo had the interiordecor updated to an art déco style.The shop belonged to Giacalonefrom 1922 until 1992, when thebarber died, and it was acquiredby the Genoa branch of <strong>FAI</strong>.Having restored it and reopened itto the public, <strong>FAI</strong> has entrusted itsrunning to a well-known traditionalbarber from the city, who plies histrade there on a daily basis. Theshop still enjoys the custom ofmany illustrious Genoese names,and its period decor features aspectacular array of mirrors andstained glass. On a background oftraditional white tiles, the livelyeffect of the coloured glass on thewalls and ceiling, in addition to thelamps and the reflections in theoval mirrors, surrounds andastounds visitors.» Promontory and Tower,Punta Pagana(S. Michele di Pagana,Rapallo, GE)<strong>FAI</strong> - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano<strong>Liguria</strong> Regional Headquarters:16124 GenovaVia Garibaldi, 7Tel. 010 2091043Information and reservationsSan Fruttuoso Abbey,Camogli (GE)Tel. +39 0185 772703fax +39 0185 775883fai.sanfruttuoso@fondoambiente.itInformation and reservationsCasa Carbone, Lavagna (Genoa)Via Riboli 14Tel. 0185 393920fax +39 0185 395300InformationTel. +39 010 256791Barber service: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm20% discount for <strong>FAI</strong> members
30 31OTHER <strong>FAI</strong> PROPERTIES IN ITALYOPEN TO THE PUBLICOpening May 2008MANTA CASTLEManta (CN)Tel. +39 0175 87822Home to one of the mostremarkable collections ofinternational Gothic painting: a setof frescoes depicting “Heroes andHeroines” contrasts with themysterious portrayal of the“Fountain of Youth”. The castlecomplex is the fruit of a successionof extensions to the original 13thcentury stronghold; it wasembellished in the 16th centurywith the construction of the elegant"grotesque" hall and a fine gallerywith frescoes. The nearby parishchurch also features somesplendid 15th century frescoes.MASINO CASTLECaravino (TO)Tel. +39 0125 778100Over a thousand years ofPiedmontese and Italian history areencapsulated at the centre of thisvast and impressive 19th centurypark: the former residence of theValperga counts, descendants ofKing Arduino, the castle dominatesthe Canavese plains, and isembellished with frescoes andsumptuous furnishings.VILLA DELLA PORTA BOZZOLOCasalzuigno (VA)Tel. +39 0332 624136Built in the sixteenth century as acountry residence, in the 18thcentury the villa became aprestigious manor house, and wasenhanced with Rococo frescoesinside and an impressive terracedgarden with a splendid flight ofsteps outside.TORBA MONASTERYGonrate Olona (VA)Tel. +39 0331 820301Immersed in the green woods ofthe Varesotto, below Castelseprioarchaeological park, this was amilitary outpost towards the end ofthe Roman empire, then passedthrough the hands of the Gothsand Longobards before becoming aplace of work and prayer forBenedictine nuns. The towercontains rare examples of late 8thcentury frescoes.VILLA PANZA AND THE PANZACOLLECTIONVareseTel. +39 0332 283960Surrounded by magnificent Italiangardens, this 18th century villa isfamous throughout the world forthe collection of contemporary artthat Giuseppe Panza di Biumoamassed from the 1950's onwards:over a hundred works bycontemporary artists are displayedin the sumptuous halls and greatstables, in harmony with the finehistoric decor and preciouscollections of African and pre-Columbian art.VILLA DEL BALBIANELLOLenno (CO)Tel. +390344 56110This 18th century villa is one of themost romantic on Lake Como,perched on a spellbindingpromontory that drops sheer downto the lake, and surrounded by apanoramic garden. Inside you willfind precious English and French18th century furniture, a splendidcollection of Chinese, African andpre-Columbian art, and a museumexhibiting mementoes from theexploratory expeditions of the lastowner, count Monzino.GRUMELLO CASTLEMontagna in Valtellina (SO)Tel. +39 0342 380994A rare example of a twin castle,built around 1300, it was first aGhibelline post, before becomingthe residence of the bishop ofComo, and it overlooks theValtellina from a rocky outcropamidst the low vegetation.NECCHI CAMPIGLIO HOUSEMilanTel.+39 02 467615296Located in the heart of Milan, andsurrounded by a glorious garden,the Necchi Campiglio house wasbuilt to the design of the renownedarchitect Piero Portaluppi in 1935.Today its sumptuously decoratedinteriors faithfully reproduce theatmosphere of lively worldliness ofMilanese high society. Casa Necchiis also home to the precious de’Micheli collection.ALSO OPEN TO THEPUBLIC:OPENING SOON:BARESI MILLRoncobello (BG)Tel. +39 0346 84006Nominated in 2003 in the firstnational "places of your heart"census, and acquired by <strong>FAI</strong> withthe collaboration of the family ofMaurizio Gervasoni, the Baresi millis a repository for the historicalmemory of dozens of communities,which for centuries came here withthe basic foodstuffs that ensuredtheir very survival. It still houses apress for extracting walnut oil, aflour mill and evidence of anancient bread oven.AVIO CASTLESabbionara d’Avio (TN)Tel. +39 0464 684453One of the most captivating castlesin the Trentino region, this complexappears to echo the conformationof the hilly landscape with itsmighty walls, five towers, baron'spalace and the imposing keep.Inside we find the famous secularfrescoes of the “Guards' House”and the “Room of Love”, bothdating back to the 14th century.VETRIANO THEATREPescaglia (LU)Tel. +39 0583 358118Listed in the 1997 “Guinness Bookof Records” as the smallest historicpublic theatre in the world, theVetriano playhouse was built in1890. It is now used as a venue fora wide variety of performances.VILLA GREGORIANA PARKTivoli (RM)Tel. +39 06 39967701Villa Gregoriana was created in1835 by pope Gregory XVI as apublic park using the old bed ofthe river Aniene, following thedevastation of the floods in 1826.Throughout the 19th century it wasvisited by travellers, poets, artists,kings and emperors, who were allenchanted by the skilfully craftedbeauty of the park.BAY OF IERANTOMassa Lubrense (NA)Tel. +39 330 607282or +39 335 8410253On the southern coast of theSorrento peninsula, looking outtowards Capri's famous Faraglionistacks, lies the Bay of Ieranto, aplace of unspoilt beauty, and homeof the Sirens according to ancientlegend and poetry. A footpathallows us to fully enjoy its solemnbeauty: the sea, rocks, sands, greatrolling rocky hills covered withMediterranean scrub and olivetrees, farm cottages and the 16thcentury Montalto tower.KOLYMBETRA GARDENValley of Temples (AG)Tel. +39 335 1229042This authentic jewel of archaeologyand agriculture is located withinthe Valley of Temples park, where ithas been restored to its formersplendour after decades of neglect.Of particular interest are theancient hypogea or Aqueducts ofthe Phaeacians, dating back to the5th century BC., the only ones inthe Valley of the Temples that canbe visited. Crystal clear water stillsprings from them to this day, andis used to irrigate the ancient citrusand olive groves.VELATE TOWERVareseNINETEENTH CENTURYNEWS-STANDPiazza Canossa - MantovaVILLA DEI VESCOVILuvigliano (PD)CAMPATELLI HOUSE AND TOWERSan Gimignano (SI)
33BETWEEN SKY AND SEAThe Cinque Terre are not just a gift of nature.They are a masterpiece of genius,a product of hard work that succeededin squeezing out of nature the suitableconditions for a culture of survival.Age-old rural wisdom and an active presencewithin this territory have struck a balancein the complex relationshipbetween nature and culture.Sergio FregosoCINQUE TERRE NATIONAL PARKCinque Terre Protected Marine AreaSALES CONDITIONS Incoming <strong>Liguria</strong> pages 10-111 CONCEPT OF TOURIST PACKAGEIn accordance with Art. 84 n°1 of Legislative Decree n°206of 06-09-2005, implementing Directive 90/314/EEC:Packages concern the journeys, the holidays and excursionsor visits all included, resulting from the pre-determinedcombination of at least two of the elements referred to below,sold or offered for sale at a flat-rate consideration, and of aduration in excess of twenty four hours or including at leastone night:a) transport;b) accommodation;c) tourist services not related to the transport oraccommodation referred to in Article 86, paragraphs I) andO), that form a significant part of the package ”.The separate billing of elements of the same package shallnot absolve the organizer or retailer from the obligations inthis unit.2 LEGISLATIVE AND ORGANIZATIONAL SOURCESThe contract contained in the brochures published herein,concerning the offer of a tourist package, is regulated byoutstanding general conditions and Law n°1084 of 27/12/77ratifying and implementing the International Convention ontravel contracts signed in Brussels on 23/04/70, as well asthe above-cited Legislative Decree 206 of 06-09-05implementing Directive 90/314/EEC. The tourist packagesprovided for by the contract are organised by the operatorAcquaclub - Incoming <strong>Liguria</strong> - via Filippo Turati 2/9 -16128 Genoa- tel. 010-2345666 – Provincial Authorizationn°205/40078 of 09-06-2000. Insured with NavaleAssicurazioni spa, policy n° 4093265A, for a limit of liabilityof • 2,065,828.00.3 RESERVATIONS AND PAYMENTSThe acceptance of reservations is subordinate to theavailability of vacancies, and shall be perfected only at thetime and place from which the organizer sends writtenconfirmation, including by means of computer. It is notedthat the retailer travel agency is legally a broker with regardto the organizer in accordance with art. 1.3 CCV as well as aretailer pursuant to art. 4 of Legislative Decree 206/2005,acquiring rights and assuming obligations exclusively as theagent of his principal - client.Manner of payment:ento:Upon reservation and confirmation by Incoming <strong>Liguria</strong>,payment must be made of the total amount of the matter.Failure to pay in the manner specified constitutes an expresstermination clause of the contract, which will result in itstermination, without prejudice to any payment of thedamages suffered by Incoming <strong>Liguria</strong> and by retailer travelagencies as a consequence of the forced cancellation of thecontract.4 PRICEThe price of the tourist package is set forth in the contract.It can be modified up to 20 days prior to departure and onlydue to changes in: transportation costs, inclusive of the priceof fuel; dues and fees on any kind of tourist service such astaxes, landing taxes, disembarkation or embarkation fees atports or airports; and the exchange rates applied to theparticular package. With regard to such changes, referencewill be made to the rates of exchange and the cost of serviceseffective as of the date of publication of thebrochure, as reported therein.5 WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT PENALTYThe consumer can withdraw from the contract withoutpaying the price in the following cases:-increase in the price of the packages in an amount inexcess of 10%;-material change of another essential element of the contract(understood as being any change in price on items that canobjectivelybe considered to be fundamental for the purposesof the enjoyment of the tourist package considered overall)proposed by the Organizer after the conclusion of thecontract but prior to departure, which is not accepted by theconsumer. It is specified in this regard that the consumermust notify Incoming <strong>Liguria</strong> in writing of his decision toaccept or withdraw within two business days from receipt ofthe proposed change. In the case of withdrawal, theconsumer will be entitled to the refund of the amountsalreadypaid or, in alternative, to a substitute tourist package ofequivalent quality.6 WITHDRAWAL BY THE CONSUMERIn the case of withdrawal from the travel contract, Incoming<strong>Liguria</strong> will apply the following penalties, in addition to a fixedamountof 25.00 Euro for opening the file:-10% of the total amount of the services up until 45 daysprior to departure;-20% of the total amount of the services from the 44°through the 30° day prior to departure;-30% of the total amount of the services from the 29°through the 15° day prior to departure;-50% of the total amount of the services from the 14°through the 4° day prior to departure;-100% of the total amount of the services after such term.7 CANCELLATION OF THE TOURIST PACKAGEIn the event that, prior to departure, the organizer advisesthat it is unable to provide the services included in the touristpackage, the consumer can alternatively exercise thefollowing rights: he can accept a substitute tourist packageof equivalent quality, or, if unavailable, of a higher qualitywithout any price increase, or of a lower quality, with therefund of the difference in price; or the refund of the part ofthe price that has already been paid. Such refund must bemade within 7 business days from the time of receipt of thenotice of the decision requesting a refund. The consumermust give notice of his decision (to accept the change or towithdraw) within and no later than two business days fromthe proposal for an increase and/or change. In the lack ofexpress notice within the above term, the proposal made bythe Organizer will be considered to have been accepted.8 CLARIFICATIONS WITH REGARD TO WITHDRAWALThe effects of the consumer’s withdrawal or the cancellationof the tourist package are regulated in full by the abovearticles 6 and 7, which substantially reproduce theprovisions of articles 90-91-92 of Legislative Decree206/2005. They therefore represent a fair balance betweenthe contractual parties, also in accordance with theprovisions set forth in art. 1469 ter. of the Italian Civil Code(introduced by Law 52/96, implementing Council Directive93/13/EEC regarding vexatious clauses in consumercontracts), according to which “clauses that reproduceprovisions of law are not vexatious”.9 CHANGES AFTER DEPARTUREIn the event that after departure the organizer finds that it isunable to provide an essential portion of the contractualservices,regardless of the reason unless due to theconsumer, it must make alternative arrangements withoutprice increases to be borne by the consumer, and in theevent the services provided are for a lower value with respectto those that had been planned, it must compensate him forthe amount of such difference. In the event that noalternative arrangement is possible, or the solution plannedby the organizer is not accepted by the consumer for seriousand justified reasons, the organizer shall provide, without anincrease inprice, a means of transportation that is equivalent to theoriginal transportation back to the place of departure, or toanother place that might eventually be agreed upon,compatibly with the availability of the means and vacancies,and will pay the consumer the price difference for theservices performed through the time of an early return.10 SUBSTITUTIONSIA consumer who waives the package can be substituted byanother person as long as:-the organizer is informed in writing at least 4 business daysprior to the date set for departure, receiving at the same timea communication with the details of the transferee;-The transferee satisfies all of the conditions applicable to theservice (art. 89 Legislative Decree 206/2005), specificallythe requirements regarding passport, visas, healthcertificates, hotel accommodation, transportation services orin any event such as to render the use of the packageimpossible by a person other than the customer waiving thepackage;-the transferee shall reimburse the organizer all of theexpenses sustained in order to arrange the substitution inthe amount quantified upon notice of the transfer. Theconsumer waiving the package must in any event pay theregistration fee, if any. He will further remain jointly liable withthe transferee for the payment of the balance of the price, aswell as the amounts set forth in clause c) of this article.11 LIABILITYThe organizer shall be responsible for damages caused to theconsumer due to the non-performance or improperperformance of the contractual services, whether they areperformed personally by it or by third party service providers,unless it proves that the breach was due to the consumer(inclusive of autonomous initiatives taken by the latter during thecourse of performance of the tourist services) or to facts that donot fall within the provision of the services provided in thecontract, due to unforeseeable events, force majeure, orcircumstances that the organizer could not, in accordance withprofessional diligence, reasonably expect or remedy. The retailerused to book the tourist package is not in any event liable for theobligations arising from the organization of the trip, but isexclusively liable for the obligations arising from his position asa intermediary and in any event within the limits for such liabilityprovided by the above cited laws or conventions.12 LIMITS ON DAMAGESThe payment of damages due by the organizer cannot inany event be in excess of the compensation allowed byinternational conventions governing the services whosebreach resulted in the liability, both contractually as well asextra-contractually, specifically the Warsaw Convention of1929 on international carriage by air, with reference to thetext amended by the Hague Protocol in 1955; the BernConvention (CIV) on railway travel; the Paris Convention of1962 on the liability of hotel-keepers, with reference to thetext set forth in articles 1783 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code;the Brussels Convention of 1970 (CCV) on the organizer’sliability.In any event the limit of compensation for damages otherthan personal injury cannot exceed the amount of “5000germinal gold francs for any other damage” provided byart.13 no. 2 CCV. In the event the original texts of the aboveconventions are amended, or new international conventionsregarding the services included in the tourist packagebecome effective, the limits on compensation provided bythe sources of uniform law in effect at the time of theoccurrence of the damaging act will be applicable.13 CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTSEvery breach of performance of the contract must becontested by the consumer without delay so that theorganizer, its local representative or the accompanyingperson can cure it in a timely manner.The consumer can also make a complaint by sending aregistered letter with return receipt to the organizer orretailer, within and no later than 10 business days from thereturn date to the place of departure.14 INSURANCE FOR CANCELLATION EXPENSESUnless expressly included in the price, at the time of thereservation it is possible – and indeed advisable – to takeout, care of the organizer’s or retailer’s office, a specialinsurance policy to cover the expenses deriving fromcancellation of the package. The cost is calculated as 4.9%of the total of the trip.15 GUARANTEE FUNDA National Guarantee Fund is being created care of thePresidency of the Council of Ministers that the consumercan apply to, in accordance with art. 100 of LegislativeDecree 206/2005, in the case of insolvency or bankruptcyof the retailer or organizer.Validity of the programme: from 01-01-2008 through 31-12-2008GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR THE SALEOF INDIVIDUAL TOURIST SERVICESa) REGULATION PROVISIONSContracts concerning the offer of just transportation service,accommodation, or any other separate tourist service,which cannot be considered as a contract for theorganization of a trip or tourist package, shall be regulatedby the following provisions of the CCV: art. 1 no. 3 and no.6; articles 17 to 23; articles 24 to 31, with regard toprovisions other than those related to an organizationcontract as well as the other agreements specificallyreferring to the sale of the individual service provided for bythe contract.b) CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONSThe following clauses of the general conditions of contractfor the sale of tourist packages set forth above shall also beapplicable to said contracts: art. 3, art. 6, art. 7, art. 8, art.9, art. 10 1°clause, art. 11, art. 12, art. 14. The applicationof said clauses shall by no means result in the relativecontracts being considered as tourist packages. Theterminology of the cited clauses relative to the touristpackage contract (organizer, trip, etc.) must therefore beunderstood with reference to the corresponding figures ofthe sales contract for individual tourist services (retailer,accommodation, etc.).PRIVACYThe personal data collected above will be processed, withor without the assistance of electronic systems and can becommunicated to the service providers. The data controlleris INCOMING LIGURIA SRL. The client can have access atany time to the data that regards him, update it, correct it,supplement it and more generally, exercise the rightsprovided by article 7 of the Privacy Law (Legislative Decreeno. 196/2003).Mandatory notice in accordance with art. 17, clause 1 ofLaw no. 38 of 06/02/2006. The law punishes crimesrelating to child prostitution and pornography withimprisonment, even if committed abroad.
<strong>FAI</strong> - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italianoviale Coni Zugna 520144 MilanoTel. 02