part 2 - St. Johnsville Alumni Association
part 2 - St. Johnsville Alumni Association
part 2 - St. Johnsville Alumni Association
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10 THE PURPLE AND GOLD£ o9502a«..aoi 3H Ofo•aco• -•aj
THE PURPLE AND GOLD 11FOOTBALL - 1926byCapt. WILLIAM H. PERRY<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Johnsville</strong> High School, althonot ranked among the highest inathletic standards, can well beproud of the showing of her boysupon the grid. Through the seasonof 1926 it was a hard propositionto equip enough men to form twoteams for practice, and those whowere willing to stand the hammeringand banging ministered by thefirst team deserve as much creditas the regulars. Those fellows whoworked so hard in practice andviewed the game from the sidelines with good grace still havetheir chance to make a showingthis coming fall. We are dependingupon them.Most of the games of the pastseason Avere played upon wet fieldsunder adverse weather conditions,and altho those conditions hamperany team, still our boys provedthemselves equal to the situation.The only real blot upon the <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Johnsville</strong> record was )he LittleFalls game played at that city, thescore being 48-6. This defeat wasblotted out the following week,however, by a 7-6 win for us on thehoiine field.Our first game played on a wetfield at Mohawk on September 25,altho a tie game 6-6, proved a moralvictory for us, wiping out thesting of a previous defeat. The followingweek, while we romped toa 25-0 victory over Fort Plain atthat place, the stubborn Mohawkgridders upset the dope and heldthe strong Hi on high school, runnersup for the Michigan trophy,to a scoreless tie.Our next victory, two weeks laterwas a game to be long remembered.Altho outweighed twelvepounds to the man our boys garnereda 48-0 verdict over the Amsterdamhigh school at the Memorialpark. One week later we journeyedto Cooperstown where wemet our first defeat at the handsof the Hartwick Seminary team,the most courteous and sportsmanliketeam we have ever had thepleasure to oppose. Tne treatmentand hospitality afforded us thatday by students and officials ofthat school will not be soon forgotten.We look forward to nextyear's game with them with thekeenest anticipation.There is not much to be said exceptthat every man of the squadproved ready and willing to> do hisbest and such spirit, if not brawn,goes a long way in making a team.The line men, including HughShannon, Art Shannon, "Swampy"Walrath, "Tubby" Smith,"Del" Smith, "Fat" Gray, Herb(Security) Smith, Ken Snell andPaul Matis proved a formidablewall at all times; while the backfield including "Sug" Plank, BartMcGee, George Johnson and myselfmade up for lack of weight mspeed. Graduation this fall willt.ake "Sug" Plank, George Johnsonand Art Shannon from us andI sincerely hope that some time inthe future we may romp togetheronce more. Let the future bringwhat it may we will never get anothermanager and head linesmanlike Vic Tylor if you know what Imean.
SENIOR CLASS 'STANDING LEFT TO RIGHT—Kenneth Smith, Victor Taylor, President; William Kapp, HerbertSmith, George Johnson, Prof. <strong>St</strong>anton, William Lenz, Harold Plank, Fred Cairns, Ralph Groff,Kenneth Snell, Arthur Shannon, Arthur Robinson.SEATET)—Doris Dart, Valedictorian; Martha Snell, Margaret Gibson, Myrtle Ruipp, Dorothy Greene,Leone McCain, Florence Allen, Lena Kraft, Ruth Finch, Ruth Taylor, Bessie Getman.
THE PURPLE AND GOLD 13Paragraphs on the Seniorsby Lena Kraft - Ruth Taylor - Fred CairnsVICTOR TAYLOR:The opposing teams in oursports all call him "Grandpa."Whether old as the name sounds orreally young as he is the wholeschool as well as the Senior classwill miss our "joker". Victor intendsto be a physical director andeveryone knows that if he succeedsas well in that line as he has in theline of sports in high school he willbe a A-l drector.GEORGE JOHNSON:Yes "Pussyfoot Johnson" isleaving us to prove to all his classmatesthat he is not as tender ashis naine sounds, but is what we allcall a happy-go-lucky fellow. times likes to shirk in his schoolwork but we know he won't whenhe settles down to real business.It's all right George, you meanwell. An an athlete we will loseont of our best players in all sports.LENA KRAFT:Our cheer leader and star forwardand captain in the basketball is ready to prove to us thatshe will do as our teachers didn'tdo to her. Lena is to be a schoolteacher and we know she will sympathizearid let the children talkwhen they want to> without beingsent out of class.One of the achievements of theSenior class will be the presentingof a fine set of World Books, dedicatedto the memory of their class.The books will be presented atCommencement by President Taylor.They will be in the school librarvfor the use of future classes.This initiates the custom of graduatingclasses presenting gifts tothe school.BESSIE GETMAN:Our shy little maid is steppingout in the world this June. Bessieintends to be a nurse but say! Shewon't be so shy when she holds agood looking fellow's hand. Wewill all miss her on the basket ballto/im and in school.VICTOR FLANDERS:We don't hear Vic say much sowe can't write much about him butif he proves to be such a success inthe line of aviation as he has inschool we will feel proud cf him.LEONE McCAIN:Our Canadian student has provento all her ability in school work.Leone has been in the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Johnsville</strong>high school and graduatesthis year and expects to be a stenographerwhich we are all sure shewill succeed.BeETTAHAYES:A great deal of credit is due Be-Etta Hayes for her efforts to graduatewith the class of '27 in spiteof her Ion gillness. We wish herthe best of luck in school and in herbusiness life.ARTHUR SHANNON:This June Arthur leaves us tobecome a certified public accountant.He will be missed by all thestudents as well as the faculty. Artwill not only be missed in schoolwork but he will be missed in theline of sports. He was manager ofbasket ball for the years 23-24 andmanager of base ball for 25-26.
14 THE PURPLE AND GOLDRUTH FINCH:This June a studious blonde willleave our school never to enteragain as a student. Ruth Finch,that shining example of modestyand aloofness, plans to enter theCanajoharie Training Class nextSeptember where she will study tobe a school-marm. She puts up agood bluff, and if she only leavesthe boys alone and refrains fromover-indulgence in dancing sheought to make good.RUTH TAYLOR:This year the school is going tolose a good scholar who has takena great interest in school activities.She has served as manager of theVarsity Basketball team and hasplayed on the Girls' Varsity. Ruthhopes to be a teacher or a stenographer.If she continues in the futureas in the past she should succeedbarring marriage.WILLIAM LENZ:We've all known Bill since thefirst grade and remember him asbeing a good pupil. He has alwaysgot away with lots of joking andprobably always will. Bill hopes toenter college from which, aftergraduating he plans to take overthe management of his father'shardware firm. Lately he has beendividing his time between thehardware store and playing SantaGlaus. The Senior class wishes"Red" all kinds of success.ARTHUR ROBINSON:It's too bad our school can't retainpupils like Art Robinson. Hehas always been an industrious pupilwho takes a healthy interest inathletics, ivrt was a faithful memberof our basket ball squad lastseason who cheerfully played thegame or bench as required of him.Art plans on studying for the ministryand the rest of the class believethat he has the makings of afine minister of the Gospel.WILLIAM KOPP:This year we are going to loseone of our most diligent pupils whohas snown this by making his HighSchool course in three years. Inthe coming years he expects to takeup civil engineering and we arecertain he will be successful as hehas been during his course in highschool.DOROTHY GREENE:It sure will be a relief to some tosee Dot Greene leaving high schoolbecause of her continual laughingand joking, but we can say she alwayshas a smile for every one,which is more than some peoplehave. Next year she plans to enterCanajoharie Training class and ifshe sets her mind on her work andnot always thinking of good times,her year at Canajoharie will be asuccess.MYRTLE KITPP:This year we are going to loseone of our most faithful basketball players who was a good sportin victory as well as defeat. Shehas laughed and joked a great dealof her time away, but success waswith her. Next year she will takeup nursing and will forever bewearing white, signifying purityfor which Myrtle has long beennoted.DORIS DART:The valedictorian of the Seniorclass, also a very brilliant pupilwill leave <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Johnsville</strong> highschool with the probability of enteringSyracuse University in thecoming year. She has always doneher own work and it may be thereason for her success and capabilityin finishing high school inthree years.
THE PURPLE AND GOLD 15MARGARET GIBSON:Because of Margaret's eager desireto conquer her books she isleaving school in three years andis known as the baby of the Seniorclass. She has shown marked abilityin piano playing and is willingto accommodate the school whensuch services are needed. She desiresto enter Cortland Normal inthe fall and we hope her wish isfulfilled because we are sure shewill make a splendid teacher.FREDERICK CAIRNS:Although Frederick has saidhimself that he has been struggling(under difficulties) we will soonfind him going into the world toconquer greater things and wehope he will be more successfulwhen he begins to administer tothe wants of animals.MARTHA SNELL:Next year Marty will enter CortlandNormal and follow the footstepsof her mother in becoming ateacher. She has done well inschool regardless of the many outsideattractions with which she hadto compete.KEN SNELL:This year our school is about tolose a familiar figure, who by hisattendance has become almost a<strong>part</strong> of the school itself. KenSnell has expressed the desire toleave his alma mater and study tobe an architect. Euch trainingshoulddo Ken a good deal of goodbecause then he could build thatlong hoped for addition to themill and install a bloomer de<strong>part</strong>ment.KEN SMITH:This June a young, budding geniusis about to step out into theworld and begin his race for fame.Our school will lose a valuable assistantinstructor in the sciences.We hear that the General ElectricCompany already has its eye onKenney Smith. <strong>St</strong>einmetz II(alias Edison, Marconi).LEN SMITH:Leonard Smith our old friendfrom Indian Castle hopes to graduatethis June if Prof, doesn't kickhim out again before then. Lenreally deserves credit for the marvelousattendance record which hehas hung up. He probably has gotaway with more deviltry than anyone else iti the whole school. Lenhopes to become a certmed publicaccountant some day and if he canjuggle figures as well as he did geometryhe surely will succeed.HERB SMITH:Herbie is quite a scholar andleaves behind him an enviable recordof three years high schoolwo.rk. Herbie realizing the possibilitiesin his wit and tongue plansto become a lawyer or liar. Wefeel sure that he will succeed andadvise him to specialize in divorcesbecause that's where the moneylies.FLORENCE ALLEN:Another one of our quiet maidensis leaving us this June to be astenographer. Florence is wellliked by all the faculty and studentsand they will be very sorryto see her leave. Another year onthe basket ball team would havemade a star of Florence.HAROLD PLANK:Our star athlete is stepping outin the world this June to prove tous that he will make a success as aminister because he is doing finepreaching to. <strong>St</strong>acia.