Shawyer dissertation May 2008 final version - The University of ...

Shawyer dissertation May 2008 final version - The University of ...

Shawyer dissertation May 2008 final version - The University of ...


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Karastamatis, John. “Don’t Start the Flash Mob Without Me.” National Post [Toronto] 6Sept. 2003: T5.Kenworthy, E. W. “Thousands Reach Capital to Protest Vietnam War.” New York Times21 Oct. 1967: 1, 8.Kershaw, Baz. <strong>The</strong> Radical in Performance: Between Brecht and Baudrillard. London:Routledge, 1999.Kifner, John. “Hippies Shower $1 Bills on Stock Exchange Floor.” New York Times 25Aug. 1967: 23.Kirby, Michael. Happenings: An Illustrated Anthology. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1965.- - - . “<strong>The</strong> New <strong>The</strong>atre.” TDR: Tulane Drama Review 10.2 (1965): 23-43.Kostelanetz, Richard. <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre <strong>of</strong> Mixed Means: An Introduction to Happenings,Kinetic Environments, and Other Mixed-means Performances. New York: Dial,1968.Krassner, Paul. How a Satirical Editor Became a Yippie Conspirator in Ten Easy Years.New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1971.- - - . Confessions <strong>of</strong> a Raving, Unconfined Nut: Misadventures in the Counter-culture.New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993.- - - . “Anita and the Blow-Up Doll: Death <strong>of</strong> a Yippie.” Tikkun 14.3 (1999): 44-48.- - - . “<strong>The</strong> Morning After Election Day.” Tikkun 16.1 (2001): 36-37.Kupfer, David. “<strong>The</strong> Progressive Interview: Paul Krassner.” Progressive 57.11 (1993):28-32.Kurlansky, Mark. 1968: <strong>The</strong> Year that Rocked the World. New York: Ballantine, 2004.Kusch, Frank. Battleground Chicago: <strong>The</strong> Police and the 1968 Democratic NationalConvention. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.Lampe, Keith. “From Dissent to Parody.” 1967. <strong>The</strong> New Left: A Documentary History.Ed. Massimo Teodori. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969. 373-375.Leary, Timothy. Start Your Own Religion. 1967. Turn On. Tune In. Drop Out. Oakland:Ronin: 1999.237

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